This week, PBS presented Odysseus Returns, a documentary following the three-decade quest of “amateur historian” Makis Metaxas as he attempts to convince the world that Odysseus was real, that Homer’s island of Ithaca was in fact the neighboring island of Kefalonia in northwest Greece, and that he had seen both the tomb of Odysseus and the Greek hero’s bones. It’s a tall order for a ninety-minute film, and I was disappointed that the somewhat meandering documentary presents only one side of the argument, leaving the audience with the impression that not only is Metaxas right but that the Greek government and archaeologists are conspiring to prevent Odysseus’ tomb from being identified. So much does the film endorse Metaxas’s perspective that PBS affixed a disclaimer to the beginning of the documentary noting that the film’s claims are not the views of the Greek government. Typically, such as disclaimer says something like “not necessarily,” implying some wiggle room, but this one is simply “not.”
IMMINENT: INSIDE THE PENTAGON’S HUNT FOR UFOs Luis Elizondo | William Morrow | August 2024 | 304 pages | $29.99 Memoir, as a literary genre, sits somewhere between autobiography and creative writing, often sacrificing strict accuracy for deeper emotional truths. At its best, memoir can reveal the inner life behind the façade of an individual. A great memoir cuts deep, revealing the innermost secrets, and the dark parts of the soul, that make a person who they are. A bad memoir is an exercise in self-aggrandizement, begging the reader to agree with the author’s awesomeness. Luis “Lue” Elizondo’s Imminent is not a good memoir. Others will pick apart its factual foundations (nothing in the book would qualify as scientific evidence) and hold up his firehose of UFO lore to specific scrutiny, but I want to talk about his book as a piece of literature and how it fails both as art and as a piece of persuasive UFO propaganda.
AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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February 2025