Constantine Samuel Rafinesque
Constantine Samuel Rafinesque (1783-1840) was an American scientist born in the Ottoman Empire and educated in France. He was widely read on a number of subjects, but is best remembered for the closing chapter of his life, where, in an increasingly heated argument over the Mound Builder myth, he is suspected of forging the Walam Olum Lenape origin story in the hope of demonstrating that Native Americans came to America across the Bering Strait. In his 1836 book The American Nations he presented an incongruous conglomeration of fringe history linking his view of early America to what he saw as an epic involving the Flood of Noah, the Watchers (Egregori) from the Book of Enoch, the Giants, and of course Atlantis. The text below comes from chapter III of American Nations, entitled "American Cataclysms."
Where the first man or men appeared and dwelt, is unknown or very dubious. Asia is commonly deemed the first dwelling of mankind, and Central Asia or Thibet the cradle of our race: although China, India, Arabia, Syria, Ceylon, &c., claim the same honor. But few authors have placed this cradle in America, and even then not for the Adamites. Yet America had some inhabitants before the flood, if we are to believe the concurrent traditions of many American nations; who keep the memory of it, and point to their refuges.
Of these American Anti-diluvians we know little or nothing: their traces are few and uncertain. It would be otherwise if we could identify them with the anti-diluvian Atlantes, or find their diluvial remains. The skeletons found in Guadaloupe, and on R. Santas of Brazil, by Captain Elliott (described by Meigs in the transactions of American philosophical society 1827) in tuffa with shells, may have been buried there; like the mummies of many American caves. Some of the American mounds have appeared anti-diluvian; but the fact is not well proved. The subterranean antiquities are also of an equivocal character. The town of log houses lately found in Georgia, buried under golden clysmian soil, cannot be so remote; the soil instead of diluvial, may be a deep alluvial. All the facts on these remote times, shall be hereafter collected, presented and examined carefully.
Thus, has been presented by geological results, a rapid sketch of the American periods, to the birth of mankind. These 6 periods or yums, are well ascertained as to succession; but their duration is unknown: and each of them includes several subordinate periods; which it is not needful to investigate in these outlines. The works on geology may be consulted if required. These 6 yums or great periods do not answer exactly to the 6 yums or manifestations of the mosaic cosmogony, since geogony begins only with the 3d, ending with the 5th.
Such oriental accounts are always deserving our attention, and susceptible of the deepest philosophical commentary, as they mainly agree with all the detected facts. But there are at least 3 accounts of the creation or cosmogony in the Sepher or Hebrew Bible. 1. That of Job. 2. Of Moses in chapter 2d of Genesis from verse 4 to 25; in both, no yums, days nor periods are mentioned. 3. The usual mosaic account of chapter 1st. ending only at ch. 2, v. 3. Even in this usual account more than 7 periods can be found, including heaven, earth and men.
These are the real Mosaic periods, with his own names, very different from the subsequent Jewish names, in various dialects.
1. PERIOD OF TIME OR YUM. BRA-SHITH Real beginning or Real Supreme Being producing ALEIM the Angels, SHMIM Heavens, and ARTZ Earth.
2. YUM. THEU-UBEU Chaos, and THEUM Abyss, with RUH Spirit of God.
3. YUM. AUR Essence of celestial light or Ether. First divine manifestation of Mshe or Moses.
4. YUM. RKIO Expanse or sky, diversion of aerial and celestial fluids. 2d.
5. YUM. Sea and dry land, upheaving of land over the waters, or subsiding of the ocean. Vegetation. 3d.
6. YUM. Sun and Moon appearance by a change in the misty atmosphere? with XUXBIM stars? 4th.
7. YUM. Fishes and Fowls, &c. 5th.
8. YUM. Beasts and cattle, with ADM mankind or human emanation, our Adam, ZXR male, and NKBE female. 6th.
9. YUM. Shbioi seventh manifestation, Aleim became IEUE Jehovah, the living-self-with-self, the supreme or powerful self.
10. YUM. AD emanation, our mist.
11. YUM. ADM into GN or Gan. our Eden.
12. YUM. OTZ Growth, of lives with good and evil.
13. YUM. NER 4 flowing emanations or streams.
14. YUM. ASHE Intellectual man-mate, called afterwards EUA living existence, our Eve.—Self-with-life.
All these periods should require long comments, and discussions, rather physical than historical. It is by no means certain that the sun and moon are implied in the 6th yum. The text says a couple of MARTH Centralities EMAUR-GDL and EMAURKTN Self-great-ether greatest and lesser. Some have seen here the solar and lunar dynasties of Asia. The XUX-BIM might be the XRUBIM of later times. The real sun and moon may belong to the yum of AUR. The stars, according to Job, were in existence before the foundation of the earth, and our astronomy teaches this implicitly.
In this cosmogony, the heavenly creation takes 4 periods. The grass grows by light before the sun had appeared through the misty atmosphere, and the fishes come after the land and herbs, at the same period with fowls. Our actual geology does not confirm this last fact; but a proper explanation of the biblic words would confirm the truth.
Many still consider AISH intellectual man as the human race, previous to Adam, lather of the Adamites; but the concurrent proofs are very slender: nor is their posterity known; unless Nahash or the snakes, Elohim or the sons of God, the Rephains or giants, and the Nephilim or apostates, be considered as such. Indications of races of men different from the Adamites may be collected both in the Bible, and in all the ancient annals of China, India, Iran, &c.; but no positive connected account has ever been made out as yet.
The Nahash, Hareth or Satan of the Bible, is identic with the Nagas (snakes) of the Hindus, the Zabul and Dives, (devils) of Iran, evidently men, and foes of the Adamites: they are also the U-long or antidiluvian dragons of China. In America the satanic notions will be seen in the respective account of religions. They often assume in this hemisphere the appearance of volcanic ideas, or of a vampire malignant being. But the nations of the Linapi group connect the ideas of devils, snakes and foes, all called Ako or Nakho very similar with Nahash and Nagas. They assert that they were created by the Evil Spirit, were always foes of real men; that they caused the flood, and went afterwards to America before the Strait of Behring was formed.--See Linapi Traditions.
The ALEIM, Elohim or Egregori or angels of the Hebrew were instead sons of God, and Moses ascribes to them the creation of the earth; while Job ascribes it to Eloah, the real God. Herder has said that we shall never understand well the mosaic history, until we ascertain who were these Elohim and Cherubim dwelling on earth. My dissertation on anti-diluvian history may perhaps help to clear the matter; meantime it may be stated that they appear to be the HO-LO of anti-diluvian Chinese history, or LO-LO of their post-diluvian annals. Perhaps also the celestial emperors beginning the history of China: the Alorus first dinasty of Assyria before the flood: the Ang-ELOS and P’EL of the Pelagians. Also the H’ELLO (old men) of the Egyptians, the PELEI (old men or ancestors) of the ancient Illyrians, the LAHI or ancient Thibetans.
They may be the ELEI or ancient Persians, the Peris or Pelis of Iran, ancient beneficent beings. The Arabs and all the Semetic nation have preserved that name for God, in EL, Allah, Baal, or made of it their universal article El, Al, meaning HE or the Being: whence also the Pelagic and Italic articles IL, L, LI, &c., the Spanish EL. By the frequent usual change of L into R, we have ER root found in many languages for men: forming the Heros of Greece, sons of God; the HER or lords of the Germanic tribes, the Seres of Thibet or ancient Chinese, Ergaz men of the African Atlantes. Erk man in Turkish or Turan Atlantes, akin to Egregori!
In America these similar indications are widely spread, and among the most ancient nations. EL means man in Tolteca and Mexican, OL is old and Yollo a spirit or angel. EL is son and tribe in Hayti, Elohi is land and spirit in Tzuluki. Yol means man in the Atakapa language of the Cado or Nachez group. Pele means the same in Lulé of South America; but Peli is soul in Chilian, which approximate to Peleg and Lelex, ancient Pelagian tribes. The connections with TEL, TAL, TOL, pervade the whole of ancient America, and lead to assimilate with the TOL-tecas and TALAS, American Atlantes, the Tulans or Asiatic Atlantes, the Auto-Toles or African Atlantes. These lead to the giants of both hemispheres or ancient men of renown. But the subject must be postponed, and will be found resumed in the history of Austral and Central America, where these atlantes and giants are found.
Returning from this digression; we may resume the geological periods of America previous to mankind, in the six successive epochas, already mentioned.
1. Period. Primitive, aquatic and before life.
2. Period of aquatic organic life.
3. Period of aquatic cataclysms.
4. Period of the dry land or islands.
5. Period of terrestrial life.
6. Period of terrestrial volcanoes.
After which begins the human period, till the flood. The question whether man or men appeared together, or before or after, in both hemispheres; must be left undecided. Some writers have even placed Eden the GN of Moses in America and the Hesperidian Islands of old; but as the Imalaya mountains, valleys and plains, are higher than the Andes, older in geological series, and more suitable for human life, not being volcanic: it is extremely probable that they were the cradle of mankind, rather than America.
Yet men reached America before the flood, and were here at this eventful period. But we are ignorant of the precise way they came, and how they reached this land which was then only a group of large islands, unless North America was united to Asia by Behring Strait, as very probable. The clearest traditions point to the east, Africa and Europe then united at the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Island Atlantis as a stepping place. The Mexican traditions point to Asia, by two different opposite quarters, the east and the north west. The Uskis or Innuit nations are late comers by the north west. The Linapi nations, although earlier, came the same way, and over the ice of Behring Strait, after its diruption. The Hongwis came the same way, although they boast of being Autochtones, as did the Greeks, which we know in both instances to be false.
The Nachez nations say they came from the east. The Olmecas or earliest people of Anahuac point that way also; although both speak of an American flood. The Haytians and Cubans were also of eastern origin, like all the Aruac nations; but remembered the flood and parceling of the islands. The Carib nations appear postdiluvians and the last come in South America; yet the Tamanacs one of the group speak of an American flood. The Guarani call themselves eastern men, and came from Africa after the flood. It is in South America, the Andes of Chili, Peru, &c., that a positive memory was found of several floods and cataclysms, in or near the Andes, which gave refuge to several tribes. Yet it is there also that the most obvious philological affinities are found with North Africa and the shores of the Mediteranean; while many invasions of foreign later nations are recorded, &c.
All these antidiluvian notions, and accounts of the American flood, will be carefully collected and given. This will form the first period of human history in America, extending to 2262 years at least, according to the computation of the 70; the most plausible of all. The Tol-tecas reckon nearly the same time between their period of creation and their main flood: or with trifling differences, less than the various terms of Josephus and others; but various other calculations are found in Anahuac.
Such a period of 23 centuries was certainly sufficient to people America, and fill it. The Cainites or Cabils have been deemed parents of the Atlantes and Africans. They were skilful, powerful and wicked, inventing agriculture and arts, building cities &c.: while the Sethites invented astronomy, letters and dwelt in tents. If the American Atlantes were antidiluvian, they must have sprung from the Atlantes Cainites, KIN of Moses.
In 1170 years after Adam, the Egregori angels of Mt. Ima, came to Mt. Hermon, in 20 tribes, under their king Sepii-Azar, and uniting with the Cainites, gave birth to the Rephaim, Nephilim and Eliud, tribes of Giants, tyrants and Canibals: who made war on the angels and men. They are said in the Bible to have gone to Sheol (the lower world or South America) with their king Belial: where they were drowned by the flood. See Universal History.
The Giants dwelt in Talo-tolo, the world Tolo of the Hindus, where we find the Tol-tecas (Tol-people:) therefore American called also Atala and once sunk in the. waves; like the Atlantis of the Greeks whose Atlantes were also Giants or powerful men. The Egregori have been deemed the Titans of the Greeks, and Atlas was a Titan. Although Gigantic Nations existed in America, the Talegas, Toltecae, Caribs, Chilians, &c. being often such: the term Giant must always be understood to refer to powerful perverse men. The names of Rephaim and Nephilim appear unknown in America, being mere Hebrew epithets for giants and apostates.
During this primitive period, geological and physical changes probably proceeded in America. The plains gradually appeared, but full of marshes, . lakes and wide streams, muddy volcanoes, snakes, crocodiles and obnoxious animals. Which must have assailed mankind and greatly impeded their settlements. Although the lives of men were perhaps longer than now; yet it is probable that the long lives of the Patriarchs of this period, allude to as many Dynasties or gradual nations sprung from each other. In this I agree entirely with the learned Hebrew scholar D’Olivet.
Huge beasts and carnivorous animals, dwelt then oh earth; in America several species of mastodons, elephants, oxen, megatherium, megalonyx, hyenas, bears, &c., which prowled in plains and caves, The temperature of the earth was higher; little clothing was needed. Men were at war with beasts, and among themselves. Violence predominated in many regions, and Noah one of the M’nus of the Hindus, a patriarch of the Adamites, a prophet according to the Arabs, went over the earth to preach against this corruption. Not being attended to, he foresaw that a great calamity would befall for these iniquities, and he prepared himself a THBE or refuge in Central Asia: where he collected his relations and friends. Some say they were 72, our translations of Moses reduces them to 8; but his 3 sons of Noah, are evidently as many tribes. The THBE of Noah contained therefore 4 tribes, including his own, and many individuals, besides a multitude of animals.
I do not give now the history of this flood. Before it can be given accurately, we must collect all the scattered traditions about it, compare them, and omitting all fabulous and obviously impossible details, form a narrative of the whole facts. The notions and traditions of the Americans are very various, as they do not always point to this flood. We find them asserting that men were saved in mountains, or caves, on rafts or boats. Few, if any, allude to an ark, but all to a refuge as THBE. Those of Mexico and Peru, are contradictory, alluding to several floods, and particularly the subsequent of Peleg.
The most explicit traditions on that score are those of the Linapi nations; although the tribes vary the tale, the holy song of the real Linapi tribe, alludes clearly to a great flood in Asia: when their nations at least was partly saved in Tula (the turtle land) in Central Asia, by the help of a goddess, and Noah or Nana-bush. The men were then called Linowi and Linapi: two other races of men were saved, the Owini (beings) and the Tulapewi, turtlings or atlantes. Besides these foes the Maskanako (strong snakes), Nakowa (dark snakes), and the Amangamek, monsters of the sea; who caused this dire flood. These notions are strikingly similar to the Asiatic and Hindu fables about the turtle saving mankind at the flood. Nana-bush is evidently Noah, his name means Noah-Noah-hare, or the Great Noah and Hare.
The Chinese accounts of the first flood, do not allude to any ark, but mountains were the refuge of mankind. The Hindu account is very near the mosaic; but has no boat, and many persons were saved. The accounts of the Assyrians, Arabs, Tartars, Egyptians, Lybians, Greeks, Celts, Polynesians, &c. are all different. The mosaic account was borrowed from some ancient source now forgotten. It is said that Noah himself wrote an account of the flood, and preserved ancient records. Divesting the mosaic account from the supernatural and the impossible, we obtain the real tradition of a great aquatic cataclysm. Either a sinking of some lands or an irruption of the ocean, attended with volcanic floods of waters from the Caspian sea (as Humboldt says,) heavy rains, and a change of climate: which overflew the earth or most of it; except some Thebas, refuges in mountains, swimming over the waters, as it were: there some men and tribes, many animals, trees and plants were preserved: to spread afterwards again over the earth.
After this flood, America was left pretty much as it is now, except that the shores were higher yet, many flat plains inundated and full of marshes. The Antilles yet united vin larger islands and perhaps with Cumana. The Strait of Choco nearly filled up: and diluvial soil, gravel, sand, boulders and organic remains scattered over the land, the hills, plains and caves. Many fierce beasts had disappeared, vegetation had been destroyed wherever the flood went; but the buried seeds, and those of mountain plants gradually grew or spread again. The terrestrial animals and birds saved in the mountains, spread themselves again over the earth. Mankind in despair at the disaster, kept for a long while on mountains, and did not occupy again the desolated hills and plains, until many years after.
The Chinese account of this flood, state positively that it was attended with a change in the length of the year, formerly of only 360 days, a change in the seasons, an increase of cold, rain and winds: compelling men to dress in skins and mats. Also that the wild beasts and snakes driven to the mountains, became very troublesome, men being compelled to defend themselves against their attacks.
The Rev. Gleig in his late history of the Bible, where like Hales and Russel, he has at last adopted the computation of the Septuagint and Josephus, reckons 5411 years from Adam to our era, the oriental Christians reckon 5508 years, the Toltecas, reckoned 5099 years. Gleig puts Noah's flood 2259 years after Adam. The Chinese and Hindu chronology are partly fabulous; but may be reconciled to these periods; as well as to the second cataclysm of the earth; that of Peleg according to the Biblists. The only knowledge the Bible gives about it, is that the earth was split, broken or divided, in the time of the patriarch or dynasty of Peleg; who lived or lasted from 531 to 870 after Noah’s flood. But David has sung this cataclysm in the 18th psalm. The Chinese account brings this second flood to the year 2296 before Christ, or 858 years after the former. The Hindu account concealed in many fables agrees also with this period. But it appears to have lasted longer, and many years. It is evidently in date the mistaken Hebrew flood, blending both into one, and annihilating the place between them. The Chinese account distinctly speaks of both, the first was under Yunti, the second under Yao, and 42 emperors are mentioned between the two floods.
In America, it is often difficult to distinguish which is meant by the various imperfect traditions: yet in Mexico and Peru, there are at least two cataclysms mentioned by the annals or traditions. Also among some northern tribes. The Linapi annals or songs allude to the second, which broke by volcanoes the Lusasaki (burnt land) and separated America or Akomenaki (snake island) from Asia to Behring strait.
Thus the real antidiluvian periods lasted nearly 3000 years from Adam’s epocha, or 3212 by oriental computation. The interval between Adam and Noah ought to be called the Adamic period, that between Noah and Peleg’s floods the Noahic period. It was at this last convulsion that the earth took its actual form. The Straits of Gibraltar, Calais, Messina, Hellespont, Bosphorus, Babelmandel, Behring, Malaca, Sunda, &c., were then formed. The Atlantis Island in the Atlantic Ocean and the Island Lanca in the Indian Ocean were sunk. The Azores, Madeira, Canaries, &c. are fragments of the Atlantis: Ceylon, Madagascar, &c. the fragments of Lanca.
In America, the Boreal islands may have been broken, like the British islands of Europe. Some suppose that they might once join together with Iceland. The Antilles were split in the actual form—Behring Strait divided America from Asia. The Polynesia lands were broken or sunk. The lowlands of Chili, Peru, and the Atlantic shores were inundated and then partly left dry by huge volcanic tides. This cataclysm was not a mere aquatic flood; but a violent volcanic flood, having at least three great focusses, 1. in the North Atlantic Ocean, 2. In the Indian Ocean, 3. In Polynesia or the Pacific Ocean. In China all the lowlands were overflowed and partly overwhelmed. The great Islands of Java and Sumatra were formed; which formerly were united with Asia and several islands in the vicinity, under the remembered name of Sunda land.
If mankind had not reached America before Noah, it must surely have reached it before this second cataclysm. The Atlantes were in the neighbourhood and bold navigators, as well as the primitive Pelagians, Lybians, Cantabrians; bearing then various peculiar names, mostly traced in America. Twenty American nations have" distinct remembrance of this splitting of American lands and islands; local or partial floods, less general and disastrous than the former.
This cataclysm was not so deadly to animals and vegetables as the former; but it must have destroyed them in several sunken islands: and have added second clysmian strata to the soil of the plains: with many volcanic productions, chiefly clay and sand, limy and marshy muds. The memorials, annals and traditions of the American nations are very scanty on this period; difficult to be distinguished from the Adamic: while the monuments to be referred to it, are not easily traced, nor distinct in form. The Linapi tribes had not yet reached America, and dwelt in Asia; but by their account the Snake tribes Akowi went to America in that period, led by Nakopowa (the Snake priest); it is even hinted that they caused this cataclysm or at least the separation of Asia and America, at Lusasaki (burnt land), in order to escape their foes, the Elowi-chik (hunters) of the Linnapewi, the original manly people.
Of these American Anti-diluvians we know little or nothing: their traces are few and uncertain. It would be otherwise if we could identify them with the anti-diluvian Atlantes, or find their diluvial remains. The skeletons found in Guadaloupe, and on R. Santas of Brazil, by Captain Elliott (described by Meigs in the transactions of American philosophical society 1827) in tuffa with shells, may have been buried there; like the mummies of many American caves. Some of the American mounds have appeared anti-diluvian; but the fact is not well proved. The subterranean antiquities are also of an equivocal character. The town of log houses lately found in Georgia, buried under golden clysmian soil, cannot be so remote; the soil instead of diluvial, may be a deep alluvial. All the facts on these remote times, shall be hereafter collected, presented and examined carefully.
Thus, has been presented by geological results, a rapid sketch of the American periods, to the birth of mankind. These 6 periods or yums, are well ascertained as to succession; but their duration is unknown: and each of them includes several subordinate periods; which it is not needful to investigate in these outlines. The works on geology may be consulted if required. These 6 yums or great periods do not answer exactly to the 6 yums or manifestations of the mosaic cosmogony, since geogony begins only with the 3d, ending with the 5th.
Such oriental accounts are always deserving our attention, and susceptible of the deepest philosophical commentary, as they mainly agree with all the detected facts. But there are at least 3 accounts of the creation or cosmogony in the Sepher or Hebrew Bible. 1. That of Job. 2. Of Moses in chapter 2d of Genesis from verse 4 to 25; in both, no yums, days nor periods are mentioned. 3. The usual mosaic account of chapter 1st. ending only at ch. 2, v. 3. Even in this usual account more than 7 periods can be found, including heaven, earth and men.
These are the real Mosaic periods, with his own names, very different from the subsequent Jewish names, in various dialects.
1. PERIOD OF TIME OR YUM. BRA-SHITH Real beginning or Real Supreme Being producing ALEIM the Angels, SHMIM Heavens, and ARTZ Earth.
2. YUM. THEU-UBEU Chaos, and THEUM Abyss, with RUH Spirit of God.
3. YUM. AUR Essence of celestial light or Ether. First divine manifestation of Mshe or Moses.
4. YUM. RKIO Expanse or sky, diversion of aerial and celestial fluids. 2d.
5. YUM. Sea and dry land, upheaving of land over the waters, or subsiding of the ocean. Vegetation. 3d.
6. YUM. Sun and Moon appearance by a change in the misty atmosphere? with XUXBIM stars? 4th.
7. YUM. Fishes and Fowls, &c. 5th.
8. YUM. Beasts and cattle, with ADM mankind or human emanation, our Adam, ZXR male, and NKBE female. 6th.
9. YUM. Shbioi seventh manifestation, Aleim became IEUE Jehovah, the living-self-with-self, the supreme or powerful self.
10. YUM. AD emanation, our mist.
11. YUM. ADM into GN or Gan. our Eden.
12. YUM. OTZ Growth, of lives with good and evil.
13. YUM. NER 4 flowing emanations or streams.
14. YUM. ASHE Intellectual man-mate, called afterwards EUA living existence, our Eve.—Self-with-life.
All these periods should require long comments, and discussions, rather physical than historical. It is by no means certain that the sun and moon are implied in the 6th yum. The text says a couple of MARTH Centralities EMAUR-GDL and EMAURKTN Self-great-ether greatest and lesser. Some have seen here the solar and lunar dynasties of Asia. The XUX-BIM might be the XRUBIM of later times. The real sun and moon may belong to the yum of AUR. The stars, according to Job, were in existence before the foundation of the earth, and our astronomy teaches this implicitly.
In this cosmogony, the heavenly creation takes 4 periods. The grass grows by light before the sun had appeared through the misty atmosphere, and the fishes come after the land and herbs, at the same period with fowls. Our actual geology does not confirm this last fact; but a proper explanation of the biblic words would confirm the truth.
Many still consider AISH intellectual man as the human race, previous to Adam, lather of the Adamites; but the concurrent proofs are very slender: nor is their posterity known; unless Nahash or the snakes, Elohim or the sons of God, the Rephains or giants, and the Nephilim or apostates, be considered as such. Indications of races of men different from the Adamites may be collected both in the Bible, and in all the ancient annals of China, India, Iran, &c.; but no positive connected account has ever been made out as yet.
The Nahash, Hareth or Satan of the Bible, is identic with the Nagas (snakes) of the Hindus, the Zabul and Dives, (devils) of Iran, evidently men, and foes of the Adamites: they are also the U-long or antidiluvian dragons of China. In America the satanic notions will be seen in the respective account of religions. They often assume in this hemisphere the appearance of volcanic ideas, or of a vampire malignant being. But the nations of the Linapi group connect the ideas of devils, snakes and foes, all called Ako or Nakho very similar with Nahash and Nagas. They assert that they were created by the Evil Spirit, were always foes of real men; that they caused the flood, and went afterwards to America before the Strait of Behring was formed.--See Linapi Traditions.
The ALEIM, Elohim or Egregori or angels of the Hebrew were instead sons of God, and Moses ascribes to them the creation of the earth; while Job ascribes it to Eloah, the real God. Herder has said that we shall never understand well the mosaic history, until we ascertain who were these Elohim and Cherubim dwelling on earth. My dissertation on anti-diluvian history may perhaps help to clear the matter; meantime it may be stated that they appear to be the HO-LO of anti-diluvian Chinese history, or LO-LO of their post-diluvian annals. Perhaps also the celestial emperors beginning the history of China: the Alorus first dinasty of Assyria before the flood: the Ang-ELOS and P’EL of the Pelagians. Also the H’ELLO (old men) of the Egyptians, the PELEI (old men or ancestors) of the ancient Illyrians, the LAHI or ancient Thibetans.
They may be the ELEI or ancient Persians, the Peris or Pelis of Iran, ancient beneficent beings. The Arabs and all the Semetic nation have preserved that name for God, in EL, Allah, Baal, or made of it their universal article El, Al, meaning HE or the Being: whence also the Pelagic and Italic articles IL, L, LI, &c., the Spanish EL. By the frequent usual change of L into R, we have ER root found in many languages for men: forming the Heros of Greece, sons of God; the HER or lords of the Germanic tribes, the Seres of Thibet or ancient Chinese, Ergaz men of the African Atlantes. Erk man in Turkish or Turan Atlantes, akin to Egregori!
In America these similar indications are widely spread, and among the most ancient nations. EL means man in Tolteca and Mexican, OL is old and Yollo a spirit or angel. EL is son and tribe in Hayti, Elohi is land and spirit in Tzuluki. Yol means man in the Atakapa language of the Cado or Nachez group. Pele means the same in Lulé of South America; but Peli is soul in Chilian, which approximate to Peleg and Lelex, ancient Pelagian tribes. The connections with TEL, TAL, TOL, pervade the whole of ancient America, and lead to assimilate with the TOL-tecas and TALAS, American Atlantes, the Tulans or Asiatic Atlantes, the Auto-Toles or African Atlantes. These lead to the giants of both hemispheres or ancient men of renown. But the subject must be postponed, and will be found resumed in the history of Austral and Central America, where these atlantes and giants are found.
Returning from this digression; we may resume the geological periods of America previous to mankind, in the six successive epochas, already mentioned.
1. Period. Primitive, aquatic and before life.
2. Period of aquatic organic life.
3. Period of aquatic cataclysms.
4. Period of the dry land or islands.
5. Period of terrestrial life.
6. Period of terrestrial volcanoes.
After which begins the human period, till the flood. The question whether man or men appeared together, or before or after, in both hemispheres; must be left undecided. Some writers have even placed Eden the GN of Moses in America and the Hesperidian Islands of old; but as the Imalaya mountains, valleys and plains, are higher than the Andes, older in geological series, and more suitable for human life, not being volcanic: it is extremely probable that they were the cradle of mankind, rather than America.
Yet men reached America before the flood, and were here at this eventful period. But we are ignorant of the precise way they came, and how they reached this land which was then only a group of large islands, unless North America was united to Asia by Behring Strait, as very probable. The clearest traditions point to the east, Africa and Europe then united at the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Island Atlantis as a stepping place. The Mexican traditions point to Asia, by two different opposite quarters, the east and the north west. The Uskis or Innuit nations are late comers by the north west. The Linapi nations, although earlier, came the same way, and over the ice of Behring Strait, after its diruption. The Hongwis came the same way, although they boast of being Autochtones, as did the Greeks, which we know in both instances to be false.
The Nachez nations say they came from the east. The Olmecas or earliest people of Anahuac point that way also; although both speak of an American flood. The Haytians and Cubans were also of eastern origin, like all the Aruac nations; but remembered the flood and parceling of the islands. The Carib nations appear postdiluvians and the last come in South America; yet the Tamanacs one of the group speak of an American flood. The Guarani call themselves eastern men, and came from Africa after the flood. It is in South America, the Andes of Chili, Peru, &c., that a positive memory was found of several floods and cataclysms, in or near the Andes, which gave refuge to several tribes. Yet it is there also that the most obvious philological affinities are found with North Africa and the shores of the Mediteranean; while many invasions of foreign later nations are recorded, &c.
All these antidiluvian notions, and accounts of the American flood, will be carefully collected and given. This will form the first period of human history in America, extending to 2262 years at least, according to the computation of the 70; the most plausible of all. The Tol-tecas reckon nearly the same time between their period of creation and their main flood: or with trifling differences, less than the various terms of Josephus and others; but various other calculations are found in Anahuac.
Such a period of 23 centuries was certainly sufficient to people America, and fill it. The Cainites or Cabils have been deemed parents of the Atlantes and Africans. They were skilful, powerful and wicked, inventing agriculture and arts, building cities &c.: while the Sethites invented astronomy, letters and dwelt in tents. If the American Atlantes were antidiluvian, they must have sprung from the Atlantes Cainites, KIN of Moses.
In 1170 years after Adam, the Egregori angels of Mt. Ima, came to Mt. Hermon, in 20 tribes, under their king Sepii-Azar, and uniting with the Cainites, gave birth to the Rephaim, Nephilim and Eliud, tribes of Giants, tyrants and Canibals: who made war on the angels and men. They are said in the Bible to have gone to Sheol (the lower world or South America) with their king Belial: where they were drowned by the flood. See Universal History.
The Giants dwelt in Talo-tolo, the world Tolo of the Hindus, where we find the Tol-tecas (Tol-people:) therefore American called also Atala and once sunk in the. waves; like the Atlantis of the Greeks whose Atlantes were also Giants or powerful men. The Egregori have been deemed the Titans of the Greeks, and Atlas was a Titan. Although Gigantic Nations existed in America, the Talegas, Toltecae, Caribs, Chilians, &c. being often such: the term Giant must always be understood to refer to powerful perverse men. The names of Rephaim and Nephilim appear unknown in America, being mere Hebrew epithets for giants and apostates.
During this primitive period, geological and physical changes probably proceeded in America. The plains gradually appeared, but full of marshes, . lakes and wide streams, muddy volcanoes, snakes, crocodiles and obnoxious animals. Which must have assailed mankind and greatly impeded their settlements. Although the lives of men were perhaps longer than now; yet it is probable that the long lives of the Patriarchs of this period, allude to as many Dynasties or gradual nations sprung from each other. In this I agree entirely with the learned Hebrew scholar D’Olivet.
Huge beasts and carnivorous animals, dwelt then oh earth; in America several species of mastodons, elephants, oxen, megatherium, megalonyx, hyenas, bears, &c., which prowled in plains and caves, The temperature of the earth was higher; little clothing was needed. Men were at war with beasts, and among themselves. Violence predominated in many regions, and Noah one of the M’nus of the Hindus, a patriarch of the Adamites, a prophet according to the Arabs, went over the earth to preach against this corruption. Not being attended to, he foresaw that a great calamity would befall for these iniquities, and he prepared himself a THBE or refuge in Central Asia: where he collected his relations and friends. Some say they were 72, our translations of Moses reduces them to 8; but his 3 sons of Noah, are evidently as many tribes. The THBE of Noah contained therefore 4 tribes, including his own, and many individuals, besides a multitude of animals.
I do not give now the history of this flood. Before it can be given accurately, we must collect all the scattered traditions about it, compare them, and omitting all fabulous and obviously impossible details, form a narrative of the whole facts. The notions and traditions of the Americans are very various, as they do not always point to this flood. We find them asserting that men were saved in mountains, or caves, on rafts or boats. Few, if any, allude to an ark, but all to a refuge as THBE. Those of Mexico and Peru, are contradictory, alluding to several floods, and particularly the subsequent of Peleg.
The most explicit traditions on that score are those of the Linapi nations; although the tribes vary the tale, the holy song of the real Linapi tribe, alludes clearly to a great flood in Asia: when their nations at least was partly saved in Tula (the turtle land) in Central Asia, by the help of a goddess, and Noah or Nana-bush. The men were then called Linowi and Linapi: two other races of men were saved, the Owini (beings) and the Tulapewi, turtlings or atlantes. Besides these foes the Maskanako (strong snakes), Nakowa (dark snakes), and the Amangamek, monsters of the sea; who caused this dire flood. These notions are strikingly similar to the Asiatic and Hindu fables about the turtle saving mankind at the flood. Nana-bush is evidently Noah, his name means Noah-Noah-hare, or the Great Noah and Hare.
The Chinese accounts of the first flood, do not allude to any ark, but mountains were the refuge of mankind. The Hindu account is very near the mosaic; but has no boat, and many persons were saved. The accounts of the Assyrians, Arabs, Tartars, Egyptians, Lybians, Greeks, Celts, Polynesians, &c. are all different. The mosaic account was borrowed from some ancient source now forgotten. It is said that Noah himself wrote an account of the flood, and preserved ancient records. Divesting the mosaic account from the supernatural and the impossible, we obtain the real tradition of a great aquatic cataclysm. Either a sinking of some lands or an irruption of the ocean, attended with volcanic floods of waters from the Caspian sea (as Humboldt says,) heavy rains, and a change of climate: which overflew the earth or most of it; except some Thebas, refuges in mountains, swimming over the waters, as it were: there some men and tribes, many animals, trees and plants were preserved: to spread afterwards again over the earth.
After this flood, America was left pretty much as it is now, except that the shores were higher yet, many flat plains inundated and full of marshes. The Antilles yet united vin larger islands and perhaps with Cumana. The Strait of Choco nearly filled up: and diluvial soil, gravel, sand, boulders and organic remains scattered over the land, the hills, plains and caves. Many fierce beasts had disappeared, vegetation had been destroyed wherever the flood went; but the buried seeds, and those of mountain plants gradually grew or spread again. The terrestrial animals and birds saved in the mountains, spread themselves again over the earth. Mankind in despair at the disaster, kept for a long while on mountains, and did not occupy again the desolated hills and plains, until many years after.
The Chinese account of this flood, state positively that it was attended with a change in the length of the year, formerly of only 360 days, a change in the seasons, an increase of cold, rain and winds: compelling men to dress in skins and mats. Also that the wild beasts and snakes driven to the mountains, became very troublesome, men being compelled to defend themselves against their attacks.
The Rev. Gleig in his late history of the Bible, where like Hales and Russel, he has at last adopted the computation of the Septuagint and Josephus, reckons 5411 years from Adam to our era, the oriental Christians reckon 5508 years, the Toltecas, reckoned 5099 years. Gleig puts Noah's flood 2259 years after Adam. The Chinese and Hindu chronology are partly fabulous; but may be reconciled to these periods; as well as to the second cataclysm of the earth; that of Peleg according to the Biblists. The only knowledge the Bible gives about it, is that the earth was split, broken or divided, in the time of the patriarch or dynasty of Peleg; who lived or lasted from 531 to 870 after Noah’s flood. But David has sung this cataclysm in the 18th psalm. The Chinese account brings this second flood to the year 2296 before Christ, or 858 years after the former. The Hindu account concealed in many fables agrees also with this period. But it appears to have lasted longer, and many years. It is evidently in date the mistaken Hebrew flood, blending both into one, and annihilating the place between them. The Chinese account distinctly speaks of both, the first was under Yunti, the second under Yao, and 42 emperors are mentioned between the two floods.
In America, it is often difficult to distinguish which is meant by the various imperfect traditions: yet in Mexico and Peru, there are at least two cataclysms mentioned by the annals or traditions. Also among some northern tribes. The Linapi annals or songs allude to the second, which broke by volcanoes the Lusasaki (burnt land) and separated America or Akomenaki (snake island) from Asia to Behring strait.
Thus the real antidiluvian periods lasted nearly 3000 years from Adam’s epocha, or 3212 by oriental computation. The interval between Adam and Noah ought to be called the Adamic period, that between Noah and Peleg’s floods the Noahic period. It was at this last convulsion that the earth took its actual form. The Straits of Gibraltar, Calais, Messina, Hellespont, Bosphorus, Babelmandel, Behring, Malaca, Sunda, &c., were then formed. The Atlantis Island in the Atlantic Ocean and the Island Lanca in the Indian Ocean were sunk. The Azores, Madeira, Canaries, &c. are fragments of the Atlantis: Ceylon, Madagascar, &c. the fragments of Lanca.
In America, the Boreal islands may have been broken, like the British islands of Europe. Some suppose that they might once join together with Iceland. The Antilles were split in the actual form—Behring Strait divided America from Asia. The Polynesia lands were broken or sunk. The lowlands of Chili, Peru, and the Atlantic shores were inundated and then partly left dry by huge volcanic tides. This cataclysm was not a mere aquatic flood; but a violent volcanic flood, having at least three great focusses, 1. in the North Atlantic Ocean, 2. In the Indian Ocean, 3. In Polynesia or the Pacific Ocean. In China all the lowlands were overflowed and partly overwhelmed. The great Islands of Java and Sumatra were formed; which formerly were united with Asia and several islands in the vicinity, under the remembered name of Sunda land.
If mankind had not reached America before Noah, it must surely have reached it before this second cataclysm. The Atlantes were in the neighbourhood and bold navigators, as well as the primitive Pelagians, Lybians, Cantabrians; bearing then various peculiar names, mostly traced in America. Twenty American nations have" distinct remembrance of this splitting of American lands and islands; local or partial floods, less general and disastrous than the former.
This cataclysm was not so deadly to animals and vegetables as the former; but it must have destroyed them in several sunken islands: and have added second clysmian strata to the soil of the plains: with many volcanic productions, chiefly clay and sand, limy and marshy muds. The memorials, annals and traditions of the American nations are very scanty on this period; difficult to be distinguished from the Adamic: while the monuments to be referred to it, are not easily traced, nor distinct in form. The Linapi tribes had not yet reached America, and dwelt in Asia; but by their account the Snake tribes Akowi went to America in that period, led by Nakopowa (the Snake priest); it is even hinted that they caused this cataclysm or at least the separation of Asia and America, at Lusasaki (burnt land), in order to escape their foes, the Elowi-chik (hunters) of the Linnapewi, the original manly people.
Source: C. S. Rafinesque, American Nations; or, Outlines of Their General History, Ancient and Modern, vol. 1 (Philadelphia: 1836), 81-98.