The Travel Channel launched Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox in the hope of capitalizing on Fox's movie-star celebrity. Despite poor ratings for the show's four-episode debut season, it managed to generate a number of extreme and dubious claims about giants, magic powers, lost civilizations, and even Greek mythology. It also served as a platform for History Channel regulars like Jim Vieira and Graham Hancock.
Season 1
1. Viking Women Warriors
Megan Fox investigates the role of women in Viking society and goes off on a tangent about dowsing, ley lines, and whether magic is real. She insists that her investigation is groundbreaking despite covering material known to historians for centuries.
Megan Fox investigates the role of women in Viking society and goes off on a tangent about dowsing, ley lines, and whether magic is real. She insists that her investigation is groundbreaking despite covering material known to historians for centuries.
2. Stonehenge: The Healing Stones
Megan Fox investigates a medieval claim that Stonehenge's stones could be used for a healing bath, tests whether the stones make sounds that can vibrate human brains into healing, and visits Graham Hancock to see if a lost civilization like Atlantis built Stonehenge.
Megan Fox investigates a medieval claim that Stonehenge's stones could be used for a healing bath, tests whether the stones make sounds that can vibrate human brains into healing, and visits Graham Hancock to see if a lost civilization like Atlantis built Stonehenge.
3. America's Lost Civilization
Megan Fox investigates the defunct Clovis First hypothesis and praises herself for daring to dispute it. After examining disputed evidence for a human-like species in California 130,000 years ago, she speculates with Jim Vieria about whether Nephilim-giant Denisovans hybridized Native Americans.
Megan Fox investigates the defunct Clovis First hypothesis and praises herself for daring to dispute it. After examining disputed evidence for a human-like species in California 130,000 years ago, she speculates with Jim Vieria about whether Nephilim-giant Denisovans hybridized Native Americans.
4. The Trojan War: Myth or Truth?
Megan Fox investigates the legend of the Trojan War and attempts to find evidence that it the war actually occurred, using Hittite and Luwian evidence to draw conclusions about a speculative "World War Zero" across the ancient Aegean.
Megan Fox investigates the legend of the Trojan War and attempts to find evidence that it the war actually occurred, using Hittite and Luwian evidence to draw conclusions about a speculative "World War Zero" across the ancient Aegean.