PART ONE: THE ORPHIC ARGONAUTICA The Argonautica of Orpheus PART TWO: SELECTED ROMAN AND MEDIEVAL WRITERS ON THE VOYAGE OF THE ARGONAUTS The Fabulae of Hyginus, 3, 12-25 3. Phrixus 12. Pelias 13. Juno 14. Argonauts Assembled 15. Women of Lemnos 16. Cyzicus 17. Amycus 18. Lycus 19. Phineus 20. Stymphalides 21. Sons of Phrixus 22. Aeëtes 23. Absyrtus 24. Jason and the Daughters of Pelias 25. Medea The Trojan History of Dares Phrygius, Sections 1-3 The Narrationes of Lacantius, Book 7: 1-4 1. The Teeth of a Dragon into Men 2. Aeson from Old Age to Youth 3. The Nurses of Liber into Youth 4. A Ram Is Seen in the Appearance of Lamb The First Vatican Mythographer, 23-25, 188 23. On Phrixus and Helle 24. On Pelias and Jason 25. On Jason 188. On Medea, Jason, Aeson, and the Nurses of Father Liber The Second Vatican Mythographer, 135-138 134. On King Athamas 135. On Pelias 136. On Jason 137. On Medea 138. On the Nurses of Liber Appendix A: Translation of Part of the Argonautics of Orpheus by William Preston Appendix B:The Age of the Argonautica of Orpheus by E. H. Bunbury Appendix C: On Valerius Flaccus and the Orphic Argonautica by Walter Coventry Summers Appendix D: On Ireland and the Orphic Argonautica by John D’Alton Index |