From 2001 to 2010, I produced original content for my first website, Lost Civilizations Uncovered, a web-based magazine praised by Archaeology magazine: "The website offers many of the young writer's well-reported and smartly written articles, some of which have been previously published, on theories that just won't die, such as Atlantis, Mu, and the Maya; the Chinese beating Columbus to the New World; and alien architects building the pyramids of Egypt. The next time you hear someone favorably cite Hancock or von Däniken, send them to Colavito." This section collects the best of my early pieces on ancient history from Lost Civilizations Uncovered and selected other outlets. Additional early articles on ancient astronauts can be found in my special collection on Ancient Aliens.
The Big Bang Theory: Belief in Prehistoric Nuclear War Fuels Modern Fears First published in The Canadian, March 2008 "Believers maintain that in the distant past either extraterrestrials or a lost civilization like Atlantis detonated nuclear weapons, producing terrible devastation. This disaster was recorded, they say, in the Bible, Hindu scriptures, and world mythologies." |
The China Syndrome First published in Lost Civilizations Uncovered, 2003 "Royal Navy officer named Gavin Menzies announced to the world that the Chinese and not Columbus had actually discovered America, notwithstanding the fact that the American Indians had "discovered" the continents tens of thousands of years earlier. But we know what he meant." |
Atlantis, Mu, and the Maya First published in Lost Civilizations Uncovered, 2002 "The early history of Mesoamerican studies is characterized by a grave dispute over the origins of Mesoamerican civilization. In many ways, this dispute is an argument over two lost continents, Atlantis and Mu, and where their survivors may have settled." |
Easter Island Exposed First published in Lost Civilizations Uncovered, 2001 Easter Island's Moai "stand on platform temples, called Ahu, which the islanders built up and enlarged over the course of centuries. Tourists are astounded by the fine craftsmanship and breath-taking beauty of Easter Island. Many believe a great mystery lies hidden there." |
Who Built the Sphinx? First published in Lost Civilizations Uncovered, 2001 "When Pharaoh Thutmosis IV fell asleep before the head of the Great Sphinx at Giza, he recorded that the statue had spoken to him in a dream. He said the Sphinx had told him to clear away the centuries of sand that choked its body and hid all but its head from view." |
Who Built the Great Pyramid? First published in Lost Civilizations Uncovered, 2001 "For millennia, the Great Pyramid has stood in mute testimony to the architectural genius of its builders. Within its walls no hieroglyph proclaims the name of the architect and no cartouche celebrates the life of the pharaoh for whom it was built." |
Photo credits: Except where otherwise indicated, images are from public domain sources.