The 2020 Discovery Channel series Rob Riggle: Global Investigator saw the popular actor-comedian attempt to solve historical and supernatural mysteries by combining factual documentary-style reporting and a comedic blowhard persona. Both sides of the equation failed, and viewers tuned out in droves from a series that never decided if it wanted to be a humorous but serious documentary or a satirical, semi-fictitious comedy. This page collects my reviews of the series from its over-hyped premiere to its inglorious time slot changes, declining ratings, and exile out of prime time.
Season 1
1. The Atlantis Case
Riggle explores the island of Santorini in order to prove that the Minoan settlement of the island was actually the Atlantis of Plato.
Riggle explores the island of Santorini in order to prove that the Minoan settlement of the island was actually the Atlantis of Plato.
2. The Holiest of Grails
Riggle tramps about the area surrounding Roslyn Chapel in Scotland, believing that the Knights Templar hid the Holy Grail in a tunnel nearby.
Riggle tramps about the area surrounding Roslyn Chapel in Scotland, believing that the Knights Templar hid the Holy Grail in a tunnel nearby.
3. Pirate Booty
Riggle is in the Florida Keys hunting for the imaginary treasure of a fictitious pirate he believes to be real.
Riggle is in the Florida Keys hunting for the imaginary treasure of a fictitious pirate he believes to be real.
4. The Mystery of the O.K. Corral
Riggle wanders around Arizona looking for an imaginary treasure that even Unsolved Mysteries considered unlikely to exist.
Riggle wanders around Arizona looking for an imaginary treasure that even Unsolved Mysteries considered unlikely to exist.
5. The Mysterious Disappearance of the Lost Legion
Riggle explores northern England and Scotland in the hope of finding a Roman legion whose absence from late Roman records he considers suspicious.
Riggle explores northern England and Scotland in the hope of finding a Roman legion whose absence from late Roman records he considers suspicious.
6. Really Close Encounters
Riggle travels to Nevada to hunt UFOs at Area 51 and ancient astronaut evidence among Native petroglyphs in the Mojave Desert.
Riggle travels to Nevada to hunt UFOs at Area 51 and ancient astronaut evidence among Native petroglyphs in the Mojave Desert.