Richard Shaver
The so-called "Shaver Mystery" captivated readers of Amazing Stories between 1945 and 1949, when the science fiction magazine's editor, Raymond Palmer, published a series of novels by Richard Shaver about a lost race of sadistic inhabitants of the hollow earth whose high technology and ancient commerce with space aliens secretly controlled human destiny. Shaver had claimed the stories to be based in fact, and Palmer stoked the fires to goose sales. In 1947, a special edition of Amazing Stories devoted to the Shaver Mystery contained the following article by Shaver (or, more likely, Palmer writing as Shaver) which laid out his supposed proof for the reality of his claims. On newsstands just weeks before Kenneth Arnold saw the first flying saucers, this article, with its paranoid conspiracies, feints toward ancient mysteries, and self-righteous accusations set the stage for the ufology that followed. The article below did not have its copyright renewed as required by law and therefore has fallen into the public domain.
RICHARD S. SHAVER This article gives Mr. Shaver’s complete thoughts on what he has presented in Amazing Stories and which has become world-famous as The Shaver Mystery. FOREWORD (OR SMOKE SCREEN): TO those who cannot accept my work as anything but misguided imagination, or who think the whole “Shaver Mystery” is a rather stupid hoax, the following words are to be considered exactly that: more stupid contributions from a man who is purposely hoaxing stupid readers into believing silly things that could not possibly be true. To “Police Psychiatrist,” I fearfully apologize for suggesting they might be wrong, and that a George Murmans might exist outside a man’s head as well as inside. I apologize to position power and solemnly swear that nothing said here is to be considered as anything but a rather stupid hoax which some readers enjoy being fooled into accepting. To “Public Official” I also apologize for suggesting he knows more than he might publicly admit of such things, and solemnly swear that this is all untrue and he does not have to worry about it at all.
To you gentlemen who are intrigued by this “Hoax,” I can only say you will find very interesting data here, and that such people as professors of colleges, psychiatrists and policemen, mayors and insurance investigators have to be allowed their foibles, and we can disregard the necessity for considering them sane quite as much as they can disregard (and do) the need for considering us the same. |
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FIRST, clarifying is in order. Letters in large numbers have accused me of implying this and meaning that—which I didn’t. The confusion arises of course from the fictional treatment my message has had to be given.
Some readers have drawn quite a variety of erroneous ideas. Some of them are right. The truth is wild enough to suit anybody. But I wish to get the picture clearer for them.
One of the commonest errors is in the use the word “dero” has been receiving. Readers infer in their letters that all cavern people are “deros,” that “dero” and “cavern dwellers” are synonymous. That is wrong ! We wouldn’t be alive if a large part of the people down there weren’t fighting like hell for us and for themselves against the true “dero.”
A dero is a cavern wight whose ancestors had the habit of bringing in the sunlight over the penetrays. Their evil nature is due to a constant “hearing” (telepathic) of sun vibrants because those same penetrays they use to bring in the sunlight and warmth were designed to handle thought-waves, to detect and augment waves of those frequencies heard by the brain. Their brains got dis (infections) on the lipoid films of the brain cells, where thought is generated. This went on for centuries, for an age, and the hereditary result was a dero, the ancient “Devil” of mythology, and his people—humans whose minds handle only disintegrant pattern thought. ALL CAVERN PEOPLE ARE NOT DEROS, thank God.
The good ones do a lot of work for us, in subtle unseen ways, avoid tamper accidents by helping out a driver, get some doctor info on how to stop a plague, and are the source of some of our modern inventions by handing over suggestions to an inventor, unbeknownst, because they saw a similar device in the wreckage of the caves.
Even all the bad ones are not deros. A dero is an automaton of evil, and not an ordinary crook. He isn’t that smart.
I would like, too, to state clearly and simply and generally the main themes I am trying to get across in my fictional work. Rap has given me the green on such an article, and here it is. I am trying to say that our civilization is a sham! That our education is a very shoddy substitute for what it could be if the truth of our past were known.
I am trying to say that if we knew who and what some of our present-day bosses really were, we would be vastly worried at their apparent careless and oppressive attitude toward ourselves, the people—which attitude is shown in their deliberate deprivation of all science of the advantages that would arise from a general knowledge of and study of the rays and mech with which their rule is enforced.
They hold that they won’t turn over the info, that it is like an atom bomb in importance, and they are keeping it in their own hands.
I reply that I wish they would, because so many deros use it, too—and that they don’t need to keep the whole of that science a secret. So much of it is purely benevolent and medicinal. Truth is, they are not educated, do not realize what they are doing in keeping the whole a secret still today.
I am saying there are millions of people besides Shaver who know there are vast caverns under earth, full of strange, miraculously potent machinery—and that they do not speak because it is so obvious that they would be misunderstood to the point of persecution.
I am saying that if our scientists were ALLOWED to have but one of these machines (which exist in great profusion and in fine repair) for study, that our whole technical development would be accelerated beyond imagination. I am saying that some of our modern developments are due to information about the Elder race methods that filter through the age-old “iron curtain” between the deluded surface races of man and the undeluded but oppressed races under our feet.
Man’s age-old persecutors, the “Gods,” the degenerate debauchers, the secretive age-old monopolizers responsible for these delusions we have and call history; the persecutors we have and claim do not exist; the condition of war and misery our races are in, once exposed would not, perhaps be so terribly harmful to him, would find a remedy.
I am saying that the people responsible for filtering through to us some of the technical secrets which find their way into our modern technologists’ brains are due to friends among these hidden people, and that these friends in the underworld are the only members of that strange society that a sane modern man can consider as also sane.
The rest would be beneath our attention except that they can destroy us with the ancient mech (and do, regularly, kill many), debauch us with the ancient wonderful stim mech, and craze us with the detrimental rays of that forgotten science.
I AM trying to show that it is possible and probable that there have been members of that society in the past who lived for centuries beyond the normal life span — as legend tells us. That they did so because of the nature of the ben-rays and canned nutrients still to be found in the sealed storerooms.
That there probably were rulers who lived for centuries, and that some of the most repressive and reactionary of the present-day rulers of the cavern groups MAY have been alive for two or more centuries.
That the medieval minds, cruel and vindictive and vandalistic, are so because they are still in a medieval state of development socially, and they were raised that way.
That these secretive, reactionary, sadistic minds among them are today holding back the whole race of man from ALL true development. That they are striving with might and main to place all human life under a rule of a malignance unimaginable, that is so horrible in its aims, in its degenerate cruelties, so destructive in its details of government that the race of man will perish if they succeed!
And you insist they do not exist—want an “artifact.” (Can you get hold of an atom bomb to swap for the “artifact-mech”? It’s a deal!)
I am trying to say that the enlightened ones among them who struggle against this goal need our help if we can give it—and that we can’t if we insist they do not exist!
There are many things I have heard that I do not know are facts. To mention these along with the things I know are facts causes an almost unavoidable confusion.
I have heard that surface light and power and coal are possessions of the ray-people. I don’t know it, I heard it. I have heard that some of them have harems of thousands of young women. I don’t know it. I DO KNOW they have harems, and an oriental contempt for all western morality—but because of the nature of social life developed around the use of stim-rays, I can understand this different morality.
I KNOW many terrible things that I cannot find a way to tell except as fiction. These are things so lurid and impossible they are hard to make credible even in a lurid stf. tale. They could not be considered as facts by an ordinary man, because he has not seen and could not accept. These are looked for by those who know something of the great secret, and look for recognizable information in the “forbidden” field.
I KNOW they have weapon rays that kill at fifty miles and more. That they hit what they shoot at with these. A man cannot even think of such weapons without fear; still we must—and they have been with us right along.
I KNOW they have telaug beams that hear thought from a man’s mind up to fifty miles and more. That is an extremely sensitive receiver, for the sending of one brain is not exactly powerful in voltage.
I KNOW they visit space, and receive visiting ships from space, some of which do not get away again. I don’t know why they return to earth, for no one here is getting a square deal! The ships that return must belong to those who think they benefit from the repressive, throttling monopoly of all the good things of earth.
I am saying that earth’s peoples are supporting a destructive, extravagantly luxurious and decadent “secret class” who rob us of our birth right—the science that could be learned from the mechanisms of the Elder race; which same mechanisms are the instruments that have held this class in power for many, many centuries.
I am saying that, due to many conditions which we cannot understand over a long period of time, many of these people are idiotic, and unfit to be allowed to continue as our “secret” overlords.
I say that if people generally knew this condition, they would lose the awe and fear that keeps from the race of man many great secrets which would prove a new and greater path of life for all of us.
I am saying to these men who cry: “we want an artifact, an inscription, an ancient mss, we want proof!”—you have proof all about you! But your minds are so slanted by wrong teachings that you misinterpret these artifacts and remnants on the surface which tell the truth about the God cavern’s existence.
Egyptian hieroglyphs, Mayan temple drawings, innumerable such sources are chock-full of references to the caverns, but since the science which interprets these relics has no word for any of these “myths” except as myths, that is how they are interpreted—as childish tales only.
Only by going into the caves and returning with the actual pieces of mechanism could these gentlemen be convinced. If any of the thing is true, any logician can know that is an impossible request. It is like sending an Ambassador to Russia in a top hat and frock coat, striped pants and brief case, and asking him to bring back proof that the Russians are contemplating a world revolution. He would be turned aside everywhere he went, and would come back with what we already know (if he came back at all—which is improbable)—”the Russians have an iron curtain on information.”
I don’t blame the Russians overmuch. But I do blame the cavern people because so much of the cavern mech is medical in nature. It would revolutionize all medicine if M.D.s had penetrays; electric needle rays for surgery without incision; beneficial rays that can keep a dying man alive long, long after he would ordinarily die; beneficial rays that make a man think several times as well. Their science was based on a knowledge of man’s nature far beyond our own—and nearly every one of their mechanisms is of some immediate physical use to health!
So we are deprived of them because they keep some idiot in wealth and power, who does not even know enough to have technicians hired to study and develop a knowledge of the nature and uses of these machines. Who has no real grasp of the importance of the caves!
YOU ask for proofs of the giganticism of the far past—and you can find Devil’s Tower (Wyoming) in any Atlas. It is a national monument! If it isn’t a gigantic petrified stump larger than any redwood ever hoped to be, I will eat my hat! The stump alone is taller than the Empire State building! What size were men when trees grew that size?
THEY were the men who are spoken of as the Aesir, under Ygdrasil’s branches, planning a battle against the Frost Giants! And they had telaug beams (Odin’s Eye), and they had “magical” underground dwarfs, and icy underworld realms of magic—and we have only the Devil’s Tower to prove it today. But it was a long time ago; when the sun itself was more beneficial and less aging. BUT, BROTHER, HOW CAN YOU ASK FOR PROOF WHEN YOU HAVE A DEVIL’S TOWER?
Through our dope rings (now don’t tell me there are no dope rings) daily many men and women are sent to the underworld. What becomes of them? They don’t come back? No! They become slaves or worse. In some cases they are employees; but at the mercy of a capricious despotic class who kill for pleasure. One might as well be a slave.
These people leave no traces! Did you ever try to trace a man to a dope den? You can’t. It has “protection,” and it is not a dope den. Don’t tell me you don’t understand. How could I prove a certain place was a dope den, and that people disappear there regularly? You know even the F.B.I. has a hard job with these things, never get them all. I don’t think they even touch a raygraft; because it is an old “taboo,” and they know better than to try. I think they leave it strictly alone.
We don’t know how the secrecy is maintained. I do know that it is, and that the things I say go on, do happen.
But I could no more prove many such things than I could prove that Standard Oil cheated on their income tax. Nor could anyone.
But there is a vast number of eye-witness testimony; there is a vast amount of writing from the past that is misunderstood; there is a mass of incontrovertible proof—IF YOU INTERPRET IT CORRECTLY! But you don’t I You say the old standard explanations over and over—and they are part of the curtain that has been erected for an age between common people and the Forbidden Fruit.
For the Forbidden Fruit is the greatest pleasure on earth; and from our present day standards or morals, it is an immoral pleasure. Hence it remains hidden—although the truth is it would be the greatest stimulation our form of society could receive. Men would develop—for it would furnish a vast incentive to science and invention and medicine (especially) that is now lacking!
As I see it, what the two classes, the two “worlds,” need most is a mutual port of trade, a city or a market or a place where the things of value from one world may be openly traded for those of the other. For our washing machines we would get telaugs and stim mech and small levitators and similar apparatus which would be infinitely valuable to us—and from what I have seen, they could use the washing machines, yes!
Secrecy has acted as such a throttling thing on heir life that they cook on stoves Ben Franklin would have called obsolete; sit on wooden benches; slave in child labor factories; are two hundred years behind us socially. Many of their pieces of furniture (brought in in past, much of cavern needs furnishing) would bring a fortune as Victorian and pre-Victorian antiques. (Not speaking of Elder race antiques.) For, since the days of telegraph and newspapers and radio, the secrecy has required an almost total lack of commerce or intercourse between the worlds. (Before the days of newspapers, there was commerce.)
And it is a world, the Elder World, and it does contain wonders in the still working ancient mechanisms, but it also contains the most brutally reactionary minds on earth; as well as the most modern and liberal minds in certain groups.
They can’t have radios, because radio can be traced. (Many freighters had to give up radio when crossing enemy waters, as the radios rebroadcast a wave that can be detected.)
They can’t have clean modern markets full of good food from America’s canning factories—the commerce necessary to fill them would cancel their “secrecy.” Thus this reactionary policy from the past is just as disliked and as unpopular among them as it would be among us if we even knew it existed. Thus such enterprising young men as myself have backing more valuable among them than among the surface people. Truth is, I have more friends among the cavern people than on the surface, and far more valuable ones.
They want the ancient barrier to the full development of their life removed, too, just as much as “we who know” on the surface want it removed. They want the sweat-shops made humane down there, they want better living conditions, better sun camps where they can take their days on the surface without worrying about watching eyes. They want less restrictions on their life, and the “secrecy” custom is the most irritating and harmful of all their restrictions.
Such things as Hecate, the blood-sucker, will exist among them in the future if the science monopoly continues. Such things have plagued their lives in the past when the great ben-mech rays were more potent than today. The rays and the superior nutrients found in the storerooms of the Elders kept them alive much too long—and they were evil. But we do not think we have any immortal Hecates today.
BUT, TODAY, we do have a parasitic (class of) creature battening upon us, who has developed a technique of parasitism as highly evolved as a vampire bat’s, and as ingrown in his nature! This is the “reactionary” behind the “secret” monopoly of the antique Elder weapons and pleasure mechs—and he is the enemy we seek to expose. He is the enemy I would die to harm in any way; to wrest but one of the mighty Elder secrets from his unworthy and unusing hand. I would die cheerfully for the race of man. It was what I expected when the Shaver Mystery series began; but I found there were more of the cavern peoples in my way of thinking than I had expected. Publicity was its own protection.
For he deprives them quite as much as he does us, and it rankles them much more because they are fully conscious of his cost while we are ignorant even of his existence. We do not see the young girls go into his harems; we do not see their wrecked bodies later. We do not know of his awful abuses of the rights of man or see the tortures and battles in his game arenas; do not see the human pieces in his ”Bickro” games. (Human chess to the death.)
But they do know all these horrible things and they want the course of decadence changed and reversed as much as myself. So it is that we try to give you what you naively call “proofs,” it is like a blind man trying to ask a man with eyes to prove that he sees.
ONE either “knows” of the underworld or one does not. It is very much like a seeing race with eyes living beside and among a race without eyes who refuse their existence. BUT WE ARE PRESENT AND WE DO SEE! (We meaning those on the surface “who know.”)
But for a man who doesn’t care to go out and question pimps and prostitutes, criminals and dope peddlers, yeggs and assassins; who doesn’t care to pore over newspaper and police files for strange and unexplainable occurrences, or Missing Persons lists for data on the losses to the underworld; for a man who would like something more than eye-witness accounts from the lips of such “unreliable” humans; who doesn’t care to question the personnel and inmates of an insane asylum on “what the voices say” (which I will admit could develop into an embarrassing expedition), there is a simple method of proving to himself that the Underworld (in the Classic sense of the word UNDERWORLD) does exist in all its miraculously preserved wonder-mech, building on building and boring on boring, city bowl on city bowl and city tier on city tier—deep in the earth—peopled with a citizenry of diverse and numerous skills in using the ancient mech to cause miracle and devilment.
This method is in the application of the Shaver alphabet to the English language and indulging the deductive faculties in tracing the words of the Elder tongue which still can be found, many of times in a good state of preservation, in our own English language.
Those college products who have been endowed with a complete knowledge of the past history of every word by etymological wizards of the colleges, by those professors who assume that the past students of the evolution of languages have all been correct in their assumptions, and have carefully grafted all this hoary paraphenalia of error upon their students; those gentlemen are the men who have the greatest difficulty in finding any sense in this alphabet.
They cannot successfully make the mental adjustment necessary to a study of the alphabet, because they cannot, even for the sake of experiment, admit for one moment that it “could be possible.” So they glance at it and throw it aside because it was not on the curriculum at college and hence can be of no possible importance on this green earth.
Nevertheless by its use the basic meaning sounds of an ancient ancestral tongue can be traced by any student flexible-minded enough to make that initial allowance for a base from which to proceed.
These basic sounds, such as RA TE DE AN BE CE FE GEN ENG I KIN LO LEE LI MA MU MO NIN NE O SIS TEAT ST UND VI VE VIE VIT WIN WER TER DER XE Y ZE and RO can be found in so many words meaning the same thing, in so many languages meaning the same thing, that we get a picture of basic sound meanings that we can trace back and back to a once universal tongue. Gradually to a student this once universal tongue emerges as Mantong—and every word he says is translated by his mind into its Mantong meaning, which is a greater meaning.
It cannot be done by utilizing any system of word derivation now taught; for they are false, and it did not happen that way! If it did happen as they say it did, it happened long after the word had come into use over the whole earth, and their assumptions of its adoption into use and its spread are consequently error because they mistake in a given language an already existent word for a later derivation from some other word in some other language.
It wasn’t that way. They only had a common universal source in one ancient tongue. If they did derive from two or more Elder sources, they still intermingled during the great lapse of time to form a mixture inextricable today because of their original similarity in concept-symbol or basic-sound-meanings.
This point of departure on the study of ancient tongues forms an insurmountable barrier between the classical student and myself. He cannot admit to begin with that there could be possible a basis for such an assumption that there was an original universal tongue.
He is confused by the multitude of his learnings. He KNOWS the Egyptian came first, or the Coptic or some other irrelevant tongue, and he knows that all similarities must be traced to original source of which he has already been informed. He presupposes himself into a state of admiration for his deduction which is only, after all, a complex assumption of firsts, derivatives, etc.
But, above all their squabbling over each word, Mantong emerges as the great Rosetta stone of the past. Touch any tongue with it and the veils fall away; the Mantong stands clear and clean above it all.
NO OTHER tongue contains their knowledge of energy, or gives a key to their wisdom—a wisdom greater than our own—and any student proceeding from an assumption that this wisdom never existed cannot proceed even experimentally in the study of the tongue.
For it is based on the play of two forces, and all phenomena of life are described as an interplay between these two forces De and Te, evil and good, Dis and Int.
Ssstt describes the touching of fire to water, of water to a hot stone—to us as to any primitive. BUT to a student of Mantong sssst is the survival of the ancient symbol for sun-fire, for dis striking against the ancient symbol for TE, for growth. The water contains the TE or growth force, and when it comes in contact with S, the fire, the noise sssstt always comes with it— and they used the symbols of these two primal forces with the sound which they make.
De was their sound symbol for the processes of disintegrant energy. De vi was their word for an evil man’s energy. De vile their word for one filled with de; de cay, Dee See a (animal) Y.
Decay is a sentence in Mantong. It means: see dee in the animal, WHY? It taught. When the child learned the word decay, he learned to look for the cause of the decay, too. Hence the letter Y (why) is tacked on so many of their words. But no classical product of our colleges would ever admit that such a system of word building ever existed for he cannot admit that anyone in the past knew that much!
Add a little more detrimental disintegrant en-energy—we get DE AD. Dead meant: if you keep adding de you will die. You can’t even monkey with the stuff (as we are learning with atom bombs—and are going to learn really by losing all our “precious” civilization in one flaming battle).
Dead also meant: someone had killed a DE unit of the social pattern. Their words had these coincident punning meanings packed in! De a De! A command to go out and make likewise any Hitlers or would-be Hitlers was inherent in their word for a dead person.
The word teat we cannot even say without lewd and comic thoughts. They meant something more; they meant: TE force is here at teat. (The child absorbs integrative energy here.)
Get a college word wizard to admit that any first race on earth ever knew any such thing about energy as that there were two basic forces, integrative and disintegrative! It isn’t even taught yet (or is it?) that there is an integrative force, that disintegration demands an equivalent integration, or there wouldn’t be anything to disintegrate in all space. OUR COLLEGES DO NOT TEACH AN INTEGRATIVE FORCE (to my knowledge), or even suggest that it could be a pole about which all life proceeds upon its beginnings until it meets DE and ceases to BE!
How then get them to admit that the ancients knew there was an integrative force and used it. as a basic symbol for GOOD, for a way of life in the word TIC, even though the word tic itself de scribes our present world system of finance and commerce. They called it TIC—we call it Credit. But they meant a lot more by TIC than we do by the word credit. They meant a social order based upon credits—we call it money and we get it for work. Credit—(See RED, I T). Our own word is one of theirs: “I will stand T for your RED (ink).” We still get in the “RED.” We think it is modern slang for the red ink used on losses columns, but in truth they used the word before there was ink. Before Carters ever made a bottle of red ink for bookkeepers to itemize their bills with men Used the words “in the red” to describe their debts.
We all have these unconscious assumptions in our minds about words, and most of them are wrong.
I can go on and on with this, but I don’t want to tire you. BUT if you are interested in a proof of the Shaver mystery, it can be had by any deductive mind for a few hours work with the alphabet (I hope it will be printed herewith), and the Mantong of the Elder race will emerge in all its wonderfully simple meanings before him, and he will have a complex and wonderful plaything for his mind in its idle moments all his life. For every word bears some flavor of their thought, if you can search it out. And it isn’t so hard as our complexly misinformed professors would have us believe. Because they are wrong about the past, and there is better history in King Arthur and Merlin, in Froissart’s Roland and Oliver, in fairy tales and myths than there is in any standard text on Classical history on “Rome and Her Fall,” on the “Rise of Athens.” Those histories are correct as far as they go; but they missed the true beginnings. We did not begin with the pyramids, the way the history books do! We had a vaster beginning than any Pharaoh’s foolish piling of block on block to provide a place to put his mummy. And a much more intelligent beginning. To me, the Pyramids are not a great mystery; they are a sample of the imbecility of men in certain early periods AFTER THE FALL. That the cumbrous piling of those square childrens blocks of stone into a pyramid had a meaning, a vast significance, or any other fol-de-rol that is taught about them is not my way of thinking. They are sheer imbecility made concrete, and we still pretend to ourselves that the Egyptians who built them had “wisdom.” The wisdom they are talking about existed long before the pyramids, the latter priests who understood that wisdom had nothing whatever to do with causing the pyramids to be built.
Wrap all the mists of wool about a pyramid that you want. I still see a fool making a million lives painful that he may have a hole to be placed in when he dies. PWA on a grand scale in ancient Egypt; a fool king who wasted the lives of his people upon idiocy.
THE Elder race had wisdom. Some of it can be found in the basic sound-meanings of our tongue by use of the Shaver alphabet. I do not claim to have “originated” the alphabet. (To me it was a discovery. Others may have done so.) Maybe I heard it with “voices.” Whatever is the truth, it will discover to you a vast race, prove their existence on earth, and give you an inkling of their mighty thought-ways.
I could go on talking about the Elder language for a large book-full, but there is no space for that. Eventually it will (the book) be done, if not by me, by some one like yourself who has read me and understood there was more to the Shaver alphabet than meets a college know-it-all’s eye.
About proofs of the Shaver mystery, it is so self-evident to one who talks to ray people over rays from their caverns every day, it is somewhat like asking an ordinary householder to prove the Electric Light Co. exists.
It is not evident to you who have not ”heard voices,” “seen ghosts,” experienced what are called “illusions due to mental derangement,” but which we who know call “projections,” or “telesolidographs.”
It is like two men living near the same river. One has never seen a fish in that river all his life. The other has caught fish in the river every day. They get into an argument, the one who believes there are no fish in the river says: “Show me the proof, the bones and tails, the heads of these fish you have caught.”
Well I will show you what is left of some of the fish I have caught in the river of sound that flows from the cavern world to those who are allowed to hear. Snatches of conversation heard over ray: “GOES UP—IS COMING!”
The words mean nothing to you; to me they tell that the ancient plan of coming to the surface and ruling openly is again being taken out of the closet and being brushed off for a new trial. Perhaps “they” will come out and rule with antiqueray openly, and all of us will see it in our lifetime. It is a thing that has been planned many times, fell through because of fear, difficulties of moving apparatus, disorganization due to their medieval governmental set-up, etc.
The words mean our surface Mayor — — — — — was down in the caverns on a visit, and that he was seemingly the “toughest” of the group of big-shots with him, of the underworld characters whom he visited. One does not know if he really was down there, we only hear the words.
It means that there are plenty of the people down there hoping and praying that some effort like my own does break through the dense cloud of “modern” ignorance in America and gets some action out of our powerful nation before less worthy rulers than our own Republicans and Democrats take over—both up on the surface and down in the caverns. But they themselves find no way of telling the men of the U. S. that will be understood, believed and acted upon. When they do talk to a man, he is frightened, thinks he is having delusions, goes to a psychiatrist and has himself psycho-analyzed. There is no greater ignorance, no greater barrier to progress than the blindness engendered by the sense of all-knowing self-sufficient egoistic fol-de-rol our educational system has given our average American school product.
I love those people down there, fighting unseen and unheard and unhonored, fighting and warding off from us a fate that words cannot describe. The dero of the caverns could depopulate the earth within months if they were free to do so, with the antique mech-rays. These people are ignored by our “omniscient” statesmen, though many of them know much of the caverns and their secrecy, and we could help them much if only the curtain of “it isn’t true,” “they don’t exist,” ‘Voices are imagination” were gone.
That is what I am trying to do; remove that curtain once and for all. Believe me, it is vitally necessary, or I would not have the courage to face the possible consequences!
Meaningless phrase, isn’t it? But not if you see the torturer, his needles slippery with blood, reaching for less elusive tools.
It would be possible to buy some of the mech in certain parts of the cavern world. These locations where the caverns are peopled by humans with some idea of developing a future for man could be found--if the whole governmental and “scientific” set-up of the nation, of the world, were not too “smart” to be taken in by such a “hoax.” Hex doctors, other practitioners of the black art such as Demonist cults, do buy apparatus from the underworld. Not the men who DON’T “hear voices” (even when they do). Statistics show that everyone hears voices sometimes—not the scientists who call everyone who does not agree with them “crack-pots”; not the gentlemen who have learned all there is to know about life, the interior of the earth, science and Einstein. You yourself, if you are honest with yourself, must admit that you have “heard voices” at one time or another in your life. Think carefully. AH! You had put it aside as imagination! But was it? No, it wasn’t! It happened!
MANY things could be obtained of infinite value from these people in the caverns, if all of our civilization was aware and trying to salvage even a bit of the mighty wisdom the Elder race left behind them in their miracles of machine art. BUT it can’t be done as long as “officialdumb” frowns upon all such efforts as “superstition,” “black art,” or “crackpots.” It is a vital and unseen side of our life WHICH MUST BE OPENED TO THE PUBLIC GAZE!
The fact is that any honest investigation of super-normal manifestation always and invariably turns up mighty important data; which data is shelved by fearful, ignorant and bigoted people who are quite sure that the school books are right, and that they cannot go contrary to opinion or they will lose their “position.”
You see in today’s paper: “THREE AIRPLANES DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY WITH FOURTEEN MEN IN THEIR CREWS.” You see, every day, a constant succession of such Fortean occurrences, such impossible accidents and wrecks and catastrophes. On our “foolproof” railways the signals go awry and one part of a famous ”cross-continent flyer” runs into another part—of the same train! Over and over you read of the “impossible” happening!
It would be comforting to feel that I was the victim of a self-deluding mental quirk, for I would realize there was no threat hanging over the heads of the American people; there was no need to overcome the blindness of these people, that no deros kill regularly and steadily by such methods as caused Heirens to kill for George Murmans. That if I did not try to do what I do, these killings such as Suzanne Degnan would not be in part upon my head. For I know that much could be done to stop such killings if only people knew what the real cause was. Locking Heirens up did not stop George Murmans. George Murmans can kill you! It would be smarter to punish the psychiatrists who deny George Murmans exist, for they probably know quite well that the voices have real people behind them, and are not men enough to admit that all is not understood about such phenomena. A psychiatrist is a worse criminal, if he does know, a greater coward than Heirens seems to be, blaming it on a phantom.
Every experienced psychiatrist has heard hundreds of people confess they “hear voices,” and that some of the “voices” prompt them to criminal acts. Yet how many have the courage to affirm the voices’ real existence. THEY ARE AFRAID OF YOU, the public! Yes, they fear the common man’s conviction that “all such phenomena are delusions” and, that fear is justified! BUT, SOMEONE, SOMETIME, HAS TO CONQUER THAT BLIND DENIAL OF FACT AND COME OUT IN THE OPEN WITH THE TRUTH ABOUT VOICES, ABOUT SUCH CRIMES AS HEIRENS’, AND ABOUT SUCH THINGS AS AVOIDABLE TRAIN WRECKS.
It must be faced. All right, we face it, and thousands of readers flock to our support with letters affirming our decision to attempt the heretofore impossible!
Here’s hoping we succeed. For there art in the caverns such things as weather machines, set in a pattern to govern the whole continent, that can control the precipitation, the winds, the whole character of the weather. I have seen them operated, have touched the machines; but how do I tell it? I have as much trepidation about the attempt as Heirens. He (can you blame him?) flunked the test of courage. I face it. (Remember this is a “hoax” please.)
THESE machines, of infinite variety, are culled over by engineers from rival (underworld) countries such as England (for all we know) and what is not sold to them Is wrecked by the destructive nomads of the caves “so someone else won’t use them.”
Gypsies “know” about the underworld. Spiritualists insist on the reality of their “spirits.” I know the gypsies are making better sense about the voices than the Spiritualists. They tell fortunes by allowing the secret rays to read their customers’ mind—and make money. So do the spiritualists, but they say it is spirits. The gypsies say it is a “gift.” It is! From “gypsies” under the earth. BUT NOT DEAD!
DID YOU EVER ASK THE WEATHER MAN WHAT BECAME OF THE RAIN THAT STARTED RAINING AND SUDDENLY QUIT, AGAINST ALL PROBABILITY? DID YOU EVER ASK A PRISON GUARD HOW COME CERTAIN GUARDS SHOT AND KILLED OTHER GUARDS? DID YOU EVER ASK THE MISSING PERSONS BUREAU WHERE ALL THE MISSING PEOPLE WENT? PERSONALLY (not by listening to the radio—but personally looked at the files comprehensively)? Did you ever talk to insurance investigators who ascertain the cause of fires, the nature of the mechanical failures in train wrecks, all the many things that go unaccountably wrong?
NO, YOU DID NOT! You assume there was nothing mysterious or frighteningly weird about any of it. YOU ASSUME THAT IT IS ALL PERFECTLY UNDERSTOOD BECAUSE OF THE NATURE OF YOUR EDUCATION.
Fact is, a black witch doctor in Africa does know more about such things than you do. They don’t close their eyes to all the unseeable things in life. But a “modern professor” does so close his eyes, and succeeds in closing most of his students’ eyes.
All of which wouldn’t matter, if most of our heritage in the caverns wasn’t being destroyed and wasted and broken by idiotic handling by creatures with no wits or education whatever. It matters because our civilization could receive from just one piece of that “mech” a bigger boost than from many generations of genius. BECAUSE THAT MECH IS THE PRODUCT OF AGES OF INTENSELY CIVILIZED DEVELOPMENT BY A BIGGER, GREATER RACE, A RACE WHO HAD CONTACT WITH SPACE!
How to tell the American government there is something to learn about the rocks of mother Earth that can’t be learned in a College of Geology, in an “Institute of Mining Techniques”? How to tell a modern over-educated bigot that our school text-books left out the biggest page—the history of the Elder race? HOW?
It can’t be done! That answer tells me to give up, to write stories about anything else, to quit making dangerous statements about a people who might take umbrage and bump me with some of that wonder-weapon-mech.
Then a voice says: “Tell ‘em, but right! Be a man!” (Now remember, bigot—this is a hoax, I confess.)
And I do. There are no voices is not true! Everyone can hear them and does at one time or another. Some of us hear them every day because we have interesting minds, and there is fascination in exchanging mental contact with our minds.
The trouble is I know better than to accept the general blindness about the invisible. They have not seen the bodies behind these invisible phenomena. I have! They have only deductive abilities which have no data to operate on that they can consider infallible. And they are lied to by fearful gentlemen who fear to state the truth, for reasons you must understand. If you don’t understand why these gentlemen who know do not speak—just picture yourself doing it! (Uh huh!)
I should not worry, if I were them. For do not astrologists state regularly that the motion of the stars affects human events? Do not the spiritualists baldly state that the dead come back regularly? It must be all right to print anything in this United States. Maybe it is a Constitutional right? I hope so! For I have plenty to say that is apt to be misunderstood both above the surface and beneath. Of the two I fear the underworld the least! Above all the things that terrify me, I fear the bigoted psychiatrist, the worldly materialist, the know-it-all scientist.
The underworld is quite willing to let superstition be a veil for them. No income tax, do what they please with everyone, and a police force who call the mention of them superstition. Perfect! BUT there are plenty of them are smarting under terrible oppressions, sweat shop conditions, murderous arena battles for those out of favor, a lack of any justice of any kind from overhead. Those are our friends, they want a sane and normal life and justice. Truth is, even the profiteers who boost for the secrecy wish for the good old American army to man their ray guns when the wild dero attack from some “uncivilized” frontier of the vast cavern world. They find the weapons they had considered invincible are outranged by weapons of the dero (wild and ig norant and murderous, yet who inherited from their ancestors the knowledge of how to handle them well in battle). These battle weapons are handed down among them just as the muskets of the camel-riding Arabs are handed down from father to son.
But if they live through such an attack, they call it “over,” and go back to ducking the income tax.
THERE are good and bad rulers in the caves, good and bad factory owners down there. Some would like the restrictions that hamper their trade with the surface removed; some want the system that assures them cheap labor kept.
I often feel I shouldn’t exert myself to expose the Elder world in the face of the egregious incredulity of the average man—I just shouldn’t bother. Let the monopoly roll on over all possible future development for the human race. It will anyway.
I know the work is vitally necessary, but it seems so impossible in the face of “offidaldumb’s” attitude in the face of revelations like George Murmans. I know that all criminal investigators are not so blind as not to know there are influences that are real behind such tales. Of course they know; there is so very much of it going on. They don’t know how to face the neighbor’s assumption they have gone “nuts,” and they don’t dare open their mouths! BUT THEY KNOW, and they know plenty.
This work is necessary to prevent such crimes as those dictated by “voices.” If Heirens had known what such phenomena indicated, that he had acquired an underworld dero who would get him in trouble, he could have avoided it, would have had some chance of mentally fighting off the criminal suggestions of the degenerate mind that at last managed to gain control of his actions. Heirens was under this influence for years before he murdered. The truth about Heirens is that he showed remarkable resistance to these controlling telaug suggestions. I wish there were some way to show what it really was that caused his downfall. I am trying, here.
TO RESUME with the “fish-bones” and “proofs” in the form of words and snatches of conversations heard over just such rays as drive people to murder, except that they are in the hands of sane members of the cavern’s society:
The sentence means that in South America, Africa and other jungled country’s there are cavern wild dero who use force rays up through the rocks to the surface people to burst maidens’ breasts and cause their death. I wonder how one of our “explainers” of Fortean and Shaver phenomena would explain this occurrence.
Means when they go out to gather firewood or get groceries, to milk the unsuspecting farmer’s cows, or similar clandestine excursions, they get plenty hell if they let anyone see them!
The voice suggests that long excursions are sometimes made by cavern people masquerading as gypsies. Not a difficult masquerade, it is?
The firewood practice suggests a method of proof—for yourself, though don’t expect any “normal” person to believe you. Watch the broken dead branches in the woods near a cavern suspected entrance. Note missing branches—see if you can find who collected them? Listen with hidden sound devices from a distance. When you try a few things like this you will run into discouraging or encouraging phenomena immediately. You will learn, in a hurry.
“Last light is gone. Car ahead I ‘Fraid to go after wood now, someone might see us.”
“Sticks are cheapest fuel. Boss’s fuel costs money. It is hard to get money.”
“Found an ice-skating robot! Beats all what you run into.”
“If he had the money to be ruined....”
“You know, we’ve got to double-seal all these entrances.”
“Last census was 58,900 inhabitants known and under control by...” (Tampered out the rest. Most of these informative sentences are through tamper and are incomplete.)
“Lady Estelle put together. You’d swear she was human.” (Words about another robot, which I saw in projection, which was very human in appearance. From my daily notes on “voices.”)
“Centenarian devils filled with pep and pride.”
“The fire is of books of magic, and on the fire cooks human flesh.”
“We get little meat, some of it is human flesh; sometimes sold in a market; no one inquires whose flesh.”
“Stockholm, Sweden, best place to go for good white ray, and good treatment from them for persecuted surface men.” (I wish I could go.)
“I don’t have to wear anything? Or have anything to wear!” (Cavern girl’s voice.)
“Granny got Ladies’ Home Journal years ago. Now they don’t get it here anywhere. Verboten, subscriptions. (No address.)
“A sin and dance place.”
“The Satanic government was very strict about virtue.” (Figure that out.)
“The boss is very large. Grab hold and lift anything, he can. But a sourpuss by the look of him.” (Effects of long ben-ray on boss.)
“I couldn’t even outen’ my cigarette. Now dripping, now shaking. Sorrow, pain, splendor, foolishly intermingled.” (Account of stim experience on forcing table, idiotic intermingling of all sensual sensations from crazy operator.)
“Some tried to sell some caves to some nation’s governments. They were too “modern” to believe us. Scared to talk to us, or meet us anywhere.” (Meant: long ago, other countries tried to get some cash out of selling the “secret.”)
“Only one little table left. Had to sell the rest. They take everything.” (Not fully understood whether she means they are removing all the antique furniture and apparatus or whether she means she had to sell her own possessions to get food.)
“Place your thumb toward dagger and twist. It’s an idol and he uses it for a suitcase.”
“Three fourths of the looting was carried on under our supervision.” (Not fully understood.)
“The temp, is always 53%.”
“New captives are always cold. Fire is a luxury. You get used to it, or you die.”
“Feed the fire with Elder books.” (Coal is in six inch lumps. Burned on open grate.)
“Many songs are attempts to get messages to you that you cannot help seeing—like: ‘Midnight beaming, moonlight meaning.’ but it doesn’t ever work. Men are denser than dense. Tamper always blocks a person trying to get something across.”
“They sold me! Brrrr. No fatigue, wonderful place to live. I believed them, went along in. It is! Wonderful! But the toilet doesn’t work, and I’m starving and freezing.”
“The reason people hear things more often in darkness, because when turn a telaug penetray on a house with a light burning, the light is carried down here to this end of ray—then they see it and stop us with tamper. Lying in the dark, you hear more, no one notices.”
“A six-handed fiddle. I’d like to of seen the critter that played that thing. Must of looked like a grasshopper.”
“The micro-show mech is great. It makes images of tiny races of people, only they are metal or glass or minerals—all different and they seem alive. A toy, I suppose, but they must have been popular, there are a lot of them.” (A device I have seen operated—it takes the [for instance] chess-men idea, builds a living race of people in moving, three dimensional pictures; like seeing a new world.)
“She had faceted mirrors or jewels sewn on her ankles above her insteps with surgical thread—to make her feet twinkle when she walked. She had places to go worth going to.” (Picture of beauty of the Elder race.)
“We saw a metal glider full of men frozen in ice! Not modern men, some ancient race—had gliders. What you call “latter gods,” I suppose.” (Means with penetray in the deep ice of a glacier, or ice cave, she saw deep in the ice a glider of metal with crew all frozen since God knows when.)
“The buyer is not well in the head. He forgets to get things—and we starve. So many are cut in the head; can’t function properly.” (Cut is an x-ray needle that is used for less-open arguments. A man with many enemies soon becomes absent-minded to the point of becoming unable to carry on his work.)
“We have had a warning, they come, not men! They are terrible.” (Means, I think, they have been warned of impending invasion of creatures that are not men. Whether from space or from some unexplored part of the endless cavern labyrinths, I don’t know. I thought they meant space invasion.)
“A new ray phenomena to me, the image in the mind is consumed by flames right in the mind. Appears to be a heat ray super-imposed upon the neural penetrative of the telaug beam.”
“Evil ruled so long—stock him no good. Now have no children.”
“A have-a-look shop.”
“The neat and scarlet women.”
WELL, there you are. A sample of voices heard and written down in the night. It is not a proof, except you have a mind to see that it could not be imagined, that it had to happen that way. The official dumb attitude we know already: “The man is deluded.” But they’re the same type of men who close our burlesque shows and go to honky-tonks or smokers in their clubs and holler “take-it-off” and get it taken off for them. Who squalk about juvenile deliquency and contribute to it themselves if they get a chance, and they get it. The same men who never give a sucker a break, and everyone is a sucker, potentially. The men who ban good books from publication on moral grounds and themselves do not understand morality or give a damn. But they have to look virtuous to sucker public, etc.
You can listen to the same old lies and believe there is nothing going on in the world that you are not fully informed of in the daily newspaper. Or you can think for yourself and find an amazing new world where things are happening—and a lot of it shouldn’t happen. There is an in to be had, an in to “Forbidden Fruit,” and many of these men who deny these things get plenty of that Forbidden Fruit. But it all costs us too much to ignore. We are losing lives of mighty development and god-like pleasure because we listen to fools who do not understand that themselves are greatest of all suckers for a lie.
Well, I’ll quit now. These words are not a proof, and no set of words can be a proof to a mind that refuses them.
This Christmas millions of toys were dug out of storehouses in the caverns, each of them worth a fortune to a surface manufacturer. “Ren-schur” (sure to run) toys, the finest of the elder race—and played with by ignorant grown people and wantonly destroyed. Such toys as no one but Aladdin or a modern cavern dweller knows exist. Each of them was based on some application of physics, on some wrinkle of a knowledge of energy denied to us. Each of them a great invention on the surface and worthless down there because they are ignorant and we do not know they exist. Some of these things could be gotten off those people if we knew and tried. We do not! I try, but I am only one of a few people, the ones who understand that Shaver has something more than a fertile imagination and a yen to get into print, no matter how.
There are more kinds of blindness than the loss of eyes. Men lost their mental eyes when they decided to deny all the truth behind such phenomena as witchcraft.
Note for Shaver Opponents:
The incredulous attitude, historically speaking, has always been in the majority, and it HAS ALWAYS BEEN WRONG. This is not only true of such impossible gadgets as the telephone and radio, it has been true of every new discovery of every kind. It has always been true of visitors to the underworld and their tales upon returning. Strangely enough, it HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN TRUE OF WITCHCRAFT. The credulous, in various times and places, far outnumbered the incredulous, where witchcraft was concerned. They KNEW, they said; THEY FELT AND SAW AND HEARD THE TRUTH.
To be incredulous of witchcraft, witches and related forms of superstition is comparatively a modern attitude.
To be incredulous of Shaver’s statements, which do explain these once generally believed in and accepted phenomena, explains them logically and sanely—supported by endless references in antique writings; supported by countless letters from present-day people who have experienced these phenomena in the present day; supported by other eye-witness accounts of the antique mechanisms; supported by countless occurrences in our daily papers explained in no other way (explainable in no other way) than by acceptance of Shaver’s “theories.”
Note for all psychiatrists:
I, Shaver, solemnly swear I have never heard a voice. They do not exist except in deranged minds.
Note for all who even partially agree with Shaver:
I solemnly swear I hear voices every night.
Note for all opponents of Shaver:
Above you can find two confessions. Take your choice.
Note to all psychiatrists and other repressors of truth:
I do solemnly swear and affirm I have never had a dream I consider irregular or out of the way—in any way. Just the ordinary type of dream.
Note to proponents of Shaver:
Oh My! How’s yours?
Some readers have drawn quite a variety of erroneous ideas. Some of them are right. The truth is wild enough to suit anybody. But I wish to get the picture clearer for them.
One of the commonest errors is in the use the word “dero” has been receiving. Readers infer in their letters that all cavern people are “deros,” that “dero” and “cavern dwellers” are synonymous. That is wrong ! We wouldn’t be alive if a large part of the people down there weren’t fighting like hell for us and for themselves against the true “dero.”
A dero is a cavern wight whose ancestors had the habit of bringing in the sunlight over the penetrays. Their evil nature is due to a constant “hearing” (telepathic) of sun vibrants because those same penetrays they use to bring in the sunlight and warmth were designed to handle thought-waves, to detect and augment waves of those frequencies heard by the brain. Their brains got dis (infections) on the lipoid films of the brain cells, where thought is generated. This went on for centuries, for an age, and the hereditary result was a dero, the ancient “Devil” of mythology, and his people—humans whose minds handle only disintegrant pattern thought. ALL CAVERN PEOPLE ARE NOT DEROS, thank God.
The good ones do a lot of work for us, in subtle unseen ways, avoid tamper accidents by helping out a driver, get some doctor info on how to stop a plague, and are the source of some of our modern inventions by handing over suggestions to an inventor, unbeknownst, because they saw a similar device in the wreckage of the caves.
Even all the bad ones are not deros. A dero is an automaton of evil, and not an ordinary crook. He isn’t that smart.
I would like, too, to state clearly and simply and generally the main themes I am trying to get across in my fictional work. Rap has given me the green on such an article, and here it is. I am trying to say that our civilization is a sham! That our education is a very shoddy substitute for what it could be if the truth of our past were known.
I am trying to say that if we knew who and what some of our present-day bosses really were, we would be vastly worried at their apparent careless and oppressive attitude toward ourselves, the people—which attitude is shown in their deliberate deprivation of all science of the advantages that would arise from a general knowledge of and study of the rays and mech with which their rule is enforced.
They hold that they won’t turn over the info, that it is like an atom bomb in importance, and they are keeping it in their own hands.
I reply that I wish they would, because so many deros use it, too—and that they don’t need to keep the whole of that science a secret. So much of it is purely benevolent and medicinal. Truth is, they are not educated, do not realize what they are doing in keeping the whole a secret still today.
I am saying there are millions of people besides Shaver who know there are vast caverns under earth, full of strange, miraculously potent machinery—and that they do not speak because it is so obvious that they would be misunderstood to the point of persecution.
I am saying that if our scientists were ALLOWED to have but one of these machines (which exist in great profusion and in fine repair) for study, that our whole technical development would be accelerated beyond imagination. I am saying that some of our modern developments are due to information about the Elder race methods that filter through the age-old “iron curtain” between the deluded surface races of man and the undeluded but oppressed races under our feet.
Man’s age-old persecutors, the “Gods,” the degenerate debauchers, the secretive age-old monopolizers responsible for these delusions we have and call history; the persecutors we have and claim do not exist; the condition of war and misery our races are in, once exposed would not, perhaps be so terribly harmful to him, would find a remedy.
I am saying that the people responsible for filtering through to us some of the technical secrets which find their way into our modern technologists’ brains are due to friends among these hidden people, and that these friends in the underworld are the only members of that strange society that a sane modern man can consider as also sane.
The rest would be beneath our attention except that they can destroy us with the ancient mech (and do, regularly, kill many), debauch us with the ancient wonderful stim mech, and craze us with the detrimental rays of that forgotten science.
I AM trying to show that it is possible and probable that there have been members of that society in the past who lived for centuries beyond the normal life span — as legend tells us. That they did so because of the nature of the ben-rays and canned nutrients still to be found in the sealed storerooms.
That there probably were rulers who lived for centuries, and that some of the most repressive and reactionary of the present-day rulers of the cavern groups MAY have been alive for two or more centuries.
That the medieval minds, cruel and vindictive and vandalistic, are so because they are still in a medieval state of development socially, and they were raised that way.
That these secretive, reactionary, sadistic minds among them are today holding back the whole race of man from ALL true development. That they are striving with might and main to place all human life under a rule of a malignance unimaginable, that is so horrible in its aims, in its degenerate cruelties, so destructive in its details of government that the race of man will perish if they succeed!
And you insist they do not exist—want an “artifact.” (Can you get hold of an atom bomb to swap for the “artifact-mech”? It’s a deal!)
I am trying to say that the enlightened ones among them who struggle against this goal need our help if we can give it—and that we can’t if we insist they do not exist!
There are many things I have heard that I do not know are facts. To mention these along with the things I know are facts causes an almost unavoidable confusion.
I have heard that surface light and power and coal are possessions of the ray-people. I don’t know it, I heard it. I have heard that some of them have harems of thousands of young women. I don’t know it. I DO KNOW they have harems, and an oriental contempt for all western morality—but because of the nature of social life developed around the use of stim-rays, I can understand this different morality.
I KNOW many terrible things that I cannot find a way to tell except as fiction. These are things so lurid and impossible they are hard to make credible even in a lurid stf. tale. They could not be considered as facts by an ordinary man, because he has not seen and could not accept. These are looked for by those who know something of the great secret, and look for recognizable information in the “forbidden” field.
I KNOW they have weapon rays that kill at fifty miles and more. That they hit what they shoot at with these. A man cannot even think of such weapons without fear; still we must—and they have been with us right along.
I KNOW they have telaug beams that hear thought from a man’s mind up to fifty miles and more. That is an extremely sensitive receiver, for the sending of one brain is not exactly powerful in voltage.
I KNOW they visit space, and receive visiting ships from space, some of which do not get away again. I don’t know why they return to earth, for no one here is getting a square deal! The ships that return must belong to those who think they benefit from the repressive, throttling monopoly of all the good things of earth.
I am saying that earth’s peoples are supporting a destructive, extravagantly luxurious and decadent “secret class” who rob us of our birth right—the science that could be learned from the mechanisms of the Elder race; which same mechanisms are the instruments that have held this class in power for many, many centuries.
I am saying that, due to many conditions which we cannot understand over a long period of time, many of these people are idiotic, and unfit to be allowed to continue as our “secret” overlords.
I say that if people generally knew this condition, they would lose the awe and fear that keeps from the race of man many great secrets which would prove a new and greater path of life for all of us.
I am saying to these men who cry: “we want an artifact, an inscription, an ancient mss, we want proof!”—you have proof all about you! But your minds are so slanted by wrong teachings that you misinterpret these artifacts and remnants on the surface which tell the truth about the God cavern’s existence.
Egyptian hieroglyphs, Mayan temple drawings, innumerable such sources are chock-full of references to the caverns, but since the science which interprets these relics has no word for any of these “myths” except as myths, that is how they are interpreted—as childish tales only.
Only by going into the caves and returning with the actual pieces of mechanism could these gentlemen be convinced. If any of the thing is true, any logician can know that is an impossible request. It is like sending an Ambassador to Russia in a top hat and frock coat, striped pants and brief case, and asking him to bring back proof that the Russians are contemplating a world revolution. He would be turned aside everywhere he went, and would come back with what we already know (if he came back at all—which is improbable)—”the Russians have an iron curtain on information.”
I don’t blame the Russians overmuch. But I do blame the cavern people because so much of the cavern mech is medical in nature. It would revolutionize all medicine if M.D.s had penetrays; electric needle rays for surgery without incision; beneficial rays that can keep a dying man alive long, long after he would ordinarily die; beneficial rays that make a man think several times as well. Their science was based on a knowledge of man’s nature far beyond our own—and nearly every one of their mechanisms is of some immediate physical use to health!
So we are deprived of them because they keep some idiot in wealth and power, who does not even know enough to have technicians hired to study and develop a knowledge of the nature and uses of these machines. Who has no real grasp of the importance of the caves!
YOU ask for proofs of the giganticism of the far past—and you can find Devil’s Tower (Wyoming) in any Atlas. It is a national monument! If it isn’t a gigantic petrified stump larger than any redwood ever hoped to be, I will eat my hat! The stump alone is taller than the Empire State building! What size were men when trees grew that size?
THEY were the men who are spoken of as the Aesir, under Ygdrasil’s branches, planning a battle against the Frost Giants! And they had telaug beams (Odin’s Eye), and they had “magical” underground dwarfs, and icy underworld realms of magic—and we have only the Devil’s Tower to prove it today. But it was a long time ago; when the sun itself was more beneficial and less aging. BUT, BROTHER, HOW CAN YOU ASK FOR PROOF WHEN YOU HAVE A DEVIL’S TOWER?
Through our dope rings (now don’t tell me there are no dope rings) daily many men and women are sent to the underworld. What becomes of them? They don’t come back? No! They become slaves or worse. In some cases they are employees; but at the mercy of a capricious despotic class who kill for pleasure. One might as well be a slave.
These people leave no traces! Did you ever try to trace a man to a dope den? You can’t. It has “protection,” and it is not a dope den. Don’t tell me you don’t understand. How could I prove a certain place was a dope den, and that people disappear there regularly? You know even the F.B.I. has a hard job with these things, never get them all. I don’t think they even touch a raygraft; because it is an old “taboo,” and they know better than to try. I think they leave it strictly alone.
We don’t know how the secrecy is maintained. I do know that it is, and that the things I say go on, do happen.
But I could no more prove many such things than I could prove that Standard Oil cheated on their income tax. Nor could anyone.
But there is a vast number of eye-witness testimony; there is a vast amount of writing from the past that is misunderstood; there is a mass of incontrovertible proof—IF YOU INTERPRET IT CORRECTLY! But you don’t I You say the old standard explanations over and over—and they are part of the curtain that has been erected for an age between common people and the Forbidden Fruit.
For the Forbidden Fruit is the greatest pleasure on earth; and from our present day standards or morals, it is an immoral pleasure. Hence it remains hidden—although the truth is it would be the greatest stimulation our form of society could receive. Men would develop—for it would furnish a vast incentive to science and invention and medicine (especially) that is now lacking!
As I see it, what the two classes, the two “worlds,” need most is a mutual port of trade, a city or a market or a place where the things of value from one world may be openly traded for those of the other. For our washing machines we would get telaugs and stim mech and small levitators and similar apparatus which would be infinitely valuable to us—and from what I have seen, they could use the washing machines, yes!
Secrecy has acted as such a throttling thing on heir life that they cook on stoves Ben Franklin would have called obsolete; sit on wooden benches; slave in child labor factories; are two hundred years behind us socially. Many of their pieces of furniture (brought in in past, much of cavern needs furnishing) would bring a fortune as Victorian and pre-Victorian antiques. (Not speaking of Elder race antiques.) For, since the days of telegraph and newspapers and radio, the secrecy has required an almost total lack of commerce or intercourse between the worlds. (Before the days of newspapers, there was commerce.)
And it is a world, the Elder World, and it does contain wonders in the still working ancient mechanisms, but it also contains the most brutally reactionary minds on earth; as well as the most modern and liberal minds in certain groups.
They can’t have radios, because radio can be traced. (Many freighters had to give up radio when crossing enemy waters, as the radios rebroadcast a wave that can be detected.)
They can’t have clean modern markets full of good food from America’s canning factories—the commerce necessary to fill them would cancel their “secrecy.” Thus this reactionary policy from the past is just as disliked and as unpopular among them as it would be among us if we even knew it existed. Thus such enterprising young men as myself have backing more valuable among them than among the surface people. Truth is, I have more friends among the cavern people than on the surface, and far more valuable ones.
They want the ancient barrier to the full development of their life removed, too, just as much as “we who know” on the surface want it removed. They want the sweat-shops made humane down there, they want better living conditions, better sun camps where they can take their days on the surface without worrying about watching eyes. They want less restrictions on their life, and the “secrecy” custom is the most irritating and harmful of all their restrictions.
Such things as Hecate, the blood-sucker, will exist among them in the future if the science monopoly continues. Such things have plagued their lives in the past when the great ben-mech rays were more potent than today. The rays and the superior nutrients found in the storerooms of the Elders kept them alive much too long—and they were evil. But we do not think we have any immortal Hecates today.
BUT, TODAY, we do have a parasitic (class of) creature battening upon us, who has developed a technique of parasitism as highly evolved as a vampire bat’s, and as ingrown in his nature! This is the “reactionary” behind the “secret” monopoly of the antique Elder weapons and pleasure mechs—and he is the enemy we seek to expose. He is the enemy I would die to harm in any way; to wrest but one of the mighty Elder secrets from his unworthy and unusing hand. I would die cheerfully for the race of man. It was what I expected when the Shaver Mystery series began; but I found there were more of the cavern peoples in my way of thinking than I had expected. Publicity was its own protection.
For he deprives them quite as much as he does us, and it rankles them much more because they are fully conscious of his cost while we are ignorant even of his existence. We do not see the young girls go into his harems; we do not see their wrecked bodies later. We do not know of his awful abuses of the rights of man or see the tortures and battles in his game arenas; do not see the human pieces in his ”Bickro” games. (Human chess to the death.)
But they do know all these horrible things and they want the course of decadence changed and reversed as much as myself. So it is that we try to give you what you naively call “proofs,” it is like a blind man trying to ask a man with eyes to prove that he sees.
ONE either “knows” of the underworld or one does not. It is very much like a seeing race with eyes living beside and among a race without eyes who refuse their existence. BUT WE ARE PRESENT AND WE DO SEE! (We meaning those on the surface “who know.”)
But for a man who doesn’t care to go out and question pimps and prostitutes, criminals and dope peddlers, yeggs and assassins; who doesn’t care to pore over newspaper and police files for strange and unexplainable occurrences, or Missing Persons lists for data on the losses to the underworld; for a man who would like something more than eye-witness accounts from the lips of such “unreliable” humans; who doesn’t care to question the personnel and inmates of an insane asylum on “what the voices say” (which I will admit could develop into an embarrassing expedition), there is a simple method of proving to himself that the Underworld (in the Classic sense of the word UNDERWORLD) does exist in all its miraculously preserved wonder-mech, building on building and boring on boring, city bowl on city bowl and city tier on city tier—deep in the earth—peopled with a citizenry of diverse and numerous skills in using the ancient mech to cause miracle and devilment.
This method is in the application of the Shaver alphabet to the English language and indulging the deductive faculties in tracing the words of the Elder tongue which still can be found, many of times in a good state of preservation, in our own English language.
Those college products who have been endowed with a complete knowledge of the past history of every word by etymological wizards of the colleges, by those professors who assume that the past students of the evolution of languages have all been correct in their assumptions, and have carefully grafted all this hoary paraphenalia of error upon their students; those gentlemen are the men who have the greatest difficulty in finding any sense in this alphabet.
They cannot successfully make the mental adjustment necessary to a study of the alphabet, because they cannot, even for the sake of experiment, admit for one moment that it “could be possible.” So they glance at it and throw it aside because it was not on the curriculum at college and hence can be of no possible importance on this green earth.
Nevertheless by its use the basic meaning sounds of an ancient ancestral tongue can be traced by any student flexible-minded enough to make that initial allowance for a base from which to proceed.
These basic sounds, such as RA TE DE AN BE CE FE GEN ENG I KIN LO LEE LI MA MU MO NIN NE O SIS TEAT ST UND VI VE VIE VIT WIN WER TER DER XE Y ZE and RO can be found in so many words meaning the same thing, in so many languages meaning the same thing, that we get a picture of basic sound meanings that we can trace back and back to a once universal tongue. Gradually to a student this once universal tongue emerges as Mantong—and every word he says is translated by his mind into its Mantong meaning, which is a greater meaning.
It cannot be done by utilizing any system of word derivation now taught; for they are false, and it did not happen that way! If it did happen as they say it did, it happened long after the word had come into use over the whole earth, and their assumptions of its adoption into use and its spread are consequently error because they mistake in a given language an already existent word for a later derivation from some other word in some other language.
It wasn’t that way. They only had a common universal source in one ancient tongue. If they did derive from two or more Elder sources, they still intermingled during the great lapse of time to form a mixture inextricable today because of their original similarity in concept-symbol or basic-sound-meanings.
This point of departure on the study of ancient tongues forms an insurmountable barrier between the classical student and myself. He cannot admit to begin with that there could be possible a basis for such an assumption that there was an original universal tongue.
He is confused by the multitude of his learnings. He KNOWS the Egyptian came first, or the Coptic or some other irrelevant tongue, and he knows that all similarities must be traced to original source of which he has already been informed. He presupposes himself into a state of admiration for his deduction which is only, after all, a complex assumption of firsts, derivatives, etc.
But, above all their squabbling over each word, Mantong emerges as the great Rosetta stone of the past. Touch any tongue with it and the veils fall away; the Mantong stands clear and clean above it all.
NO OTHER tongue contains their knowledge of energy, or gives a key to their wisdom—a wisdom greater than our own—and any student proceeding from an assumption that this wisdom never existed cannot proceed even experimentally in the study of the tongue.
For it is based on the play of two forces, and all phenomena of life are described as an interplay between these two forces De and Te, evil and good, Dis and Int.
Ssstt describes the touching of fire to water, of water to a hot stone—to us as to any primitive. BUT to a student of Mantong sssst is the survival of the ancient symbol for sun-fire, for dis striking against the ancient symbol for TE, for growth. The water contains the TE or growth force, and when it comes in contact with S, the fire, the noise sssstt always comes with it— and they used the symbols of these two primal forces with the sound which they make.
De was their sound symbol for the processes of disintegrant energy. De vi was their word for an evil man’s energy. De vile their word for one filled with de; de cay, Dee See a (animal) Y.
Decay is a sentence in Mantong. It means: see dee in the animal, WHY? It taught. When the child learned the word decay, he learned to look for the cause of the decay, too. Hence the letter Y (why) is tacked on so many of their words. But no classical product of our colleges would ever admit that such a system of word building ever existed for he cannot admit that anyone in the past knew that much!
Add a little more detrimental disintegrant en-energy—we get DE AD. Dead meant: if you keep adding de you will die. You can’t even monkey with the stuff (as we are learning with atom bombs—and are going to learn really by losing all our “precious” civilization in one flaming battle).
Dead also meant: someone had killed a DE unit of the social pattern. Their words had these coincident punning meanings packed in! De a De! A command to go out and make likewise any Hitlers or would-be Hitlers was inherent in their word for a dead person.
The word teat we cannot even say without lewd and comic thoughts. They meant something more; they meant: TE force is here at teat. (The child absorbs integrative energy here.)
Get a college word wizard to admit that any first race on earth ever knew any such thing about energy as that there were two basic forces, integrative and disintegrative! It isn’t even taught yet (or is it?) that there is an integrative force, that disintegration demands an equivalent integration, or there wouldn’t be anything to disintegrate in all space. OUR COLLEGES DO NOT TEACH AN INTEGRATIVE FORCE (to my knowledge), or even suggest that it could be a pole about which all life proceeds upon its beginnings until it meets DE and ceases to BE!
How then get them to admit that the ancients knew there was an integrative force and used it. as a basic symbol for GOOD, for a way of life in the word TIC, even though the word tic itself de scribes our present world system of finance and commerce. They called it TIC—we call it Credit. But they meant a lot more by TIC than we do by the word credit. They meant a social order based upon credits—we call it money and we get it for work. Credit—(See RED, I T). Our own word is one of theirs: “I will stand T for your RED (ink).” We still get in the “RED.” We think it is modern slang for the red ink used on losses columns, but in truth they used the word before there was ink. Before Carters ever made a bottle of red ink for bookkeepers to itemize their bills with men Used the words “in the red” to describe their debts.
We all have these unconscious assumptions in our minds about words, and most of them are wrong.
I can go on and on with this, but I don’t want to tire you. BUT if you are interested in a proof of the Shaver mystery, it can be had by any deductive mind for a few hours work with the alphabet (I hope it will be printed herewith), and the Mantong of the Elder race will emerge in all its wonderfully simple meanings before him, and he will have a complex and wonderful plaything for his mind in its idle moments all his life. For every word bears some flavor of their thought, if you can search it out. And it isn’t so hard as our complexly misinformed professors would have us believe. Because they are wrong about the past, and there is better history in King Arthur and Merlin, in Froissart’s Roland and Oliver, in fairy tales and myths than there is in any standard text on Classical history on “Rome and Her Fall,” on the “Rise of Athens.” Those histories are correct as far as they go; but they missed the true beginnings. We did not begin with the pyramids, the way the history books do! We had a vaster beginning than any Pharaoh’s foolish piling of block on block to provide a place to put his mummy. And a much more intelligent beginning. To me, the Pyramids are not a great mystery; they are a sample of the imbecility of men in certain early periods AFTER THE FALL. That the cumbrous piling of those square childrens blocks of stone into a pyramid had a meaning, a vast significance, or any other fol-de-rol that is taught about them is not my way of thinking. They are sheer imbecility made concrete, and we still pretend to ourselves that the Egyptians who built them had “wisdom.” The wisdom they are talking about existed long before the pyramids, the latter priests who understood that wisdom had nothing whatever to do with causing the pyramids to be built.
Wrap all the mists of wool about a pyramid that you want. I still see a fool making a million lives painful that he may have a hole to be placed in when he dies. PWA on a grand scale in ancient Egypt; a fool king who wasted the lives of his people upon idiocy.
THE Elder race had wisdom. Some of it can be found in the basic sound-meanings of our tongue by use of the Shaver alphabet. I do not claim to have “originated” the alphabet. (To me it was a discovery. Others may have done so.) Maybe I heard it with “voices.” Whatever is the truth, it will discover to you a vast race, prove their existence on earth, and give you an inkling of their mighty thought-ways.
I could go on talking about the Elder language for a large book-full, but there is no space for that. Eventually it will (the book) be done, if not by me, by some one like yourself who has read me and understood there was more to the Shaver alphabet than meets a college know-it-all’s eye.
About proofs of the Shaver mystery, it is so self-evident to one who talks to ray people over rays from their caverns every day, it is somewhat like asking an ordinary householder to prove the Electric Light Co. exists.
It is not evident to you who have not ”heard voices,” “seen ghosts,” experienced what are called “illusions due to mental derangement,” but which we who know call “projections,” or “telesolidographs.”
It is like two men living near the same river. One has never seen a fish in that river all his life. The other has caught fish in the river every day. They get into an argument, the one who believes there are no fish in the river says: “Show me the proof, the bones and tails, the heads of these fish you have caught.”
Well I will show you what is left of some of the fish I have caught in the river of sound that flows from the cavern world to those who are allowed to hear. Snatches of conversation heard over ray: “GOES UP—IS COMING!”
The words mean nothing to you; to me they tell that the ancient plan of coming to the surface and ruling openly is again being taken out of the closet and being brushed off for a new trial. Perhaps “they” will come out and rule with antiqueray openly, and all of us will see it in our lifetime. It is a thing that has been planned many times, fell through because of fear, difficulties of moving apparatus, disorganization due to their medieval governmental set-up, etc.
The words mean our surface Mayor — — — — — was down in the caverns on a visit, and that he was seemingly the “toughest” of the group of big-shots with him, of the underworld characters whom he visited. One does not know if he really was down there, we only hear the words.
It means that there are plenty of the people down there hoping and praying that some effort like my own does break through the dense cloud of “modern” ignorance in America and gets some action out of our powerful nation before less worthy rulers than our own Republicans and Democrats take over—both up on the surface and down in the caverns. But they themselves find no way of telling the men of the U. S. that will be understood, believed and acted upon. When they do talk to a man, he is frightened, thinks he is having delusions, goes to a psychiatrist and has himself psycho-analyzed. There is no greater ignorance, no greater barrier to progress than the blindness engendered by the sense of all-knowing self-sufficient egoistic fol-de-rol our educational system has given our average American school product.
I love those people down there, fighting unseen and unheard and unhonored, fighting and warding off from us a fate that words cannot describe. The dero of the caverns could depopulate the earth within months if they were free to do so, with the antique mech-rays. These people are ignored by our “omniscient” statesmen, though many of them know much of the caverns and their secrecy, and we could help them much if only the curtain of “it isn’t true,” “they don’t exist,” ‘Voices are imagination” were gone.
That is what I am trying to do; remove that curtain once and for all. Believe me, it is vitally necessary, or I would not have the courage to face the possible consequences!
Meaningless phrase, isn’t it? But not if you see the torturer, his needles slippery with blood, reaching for less elusive tools.
It would be possible to buy some of the mech in certain parts of the cavern world. These locations where the caverns are peopled by humans with some idea of developing a future for man could be found--if the whole governmental and “scientific” set-up of the nation, of the world, were not too “smart” to be taken in by such a “hoax.” Hex doctors, other practitioners of the black art such as Demonist cults, do buy apparatus from the underworld. Not the men who DON’T “hear voices” (even when they do). Statistics show that everyone hears voices sometimes—not the scientists who call everyone who does not agree with them “crack-pots”; not the gentlemen who have learned all there is to know about life, the interior of the earth, science and Einstein. You yourself, if you are honest with yourself, must admit that you have “heard voices” at one time or another in your life. Think carefully. AH! You had put it aside as imagination! But was it? No, it wasn’t! It happened!
MANY things could be obtained of infinite value from these people in the caverns, if all of our civilization was aware and trying to salvage even a bit of the mighty wisdom the Elder race left behind them in their miracles of machine art. BUT it can’t be done as long as “officialdumb” frowns upon all such efforts as “superstition,” “black art,” or “crackpots.” It is a vital and unseen side of our life WHICH MUST BE OPENED TO THE PUBLIC GAZE!
The fact is that any honest investigation of super-normal manifestation always and invariably turns up mighty important data; which data is shelved by fearful, ignorant and bigoted people who are quite sure that the school books are right, and that they cannot go contrary to opinion or they will lose their “position.”
You see in today’s paper: “THREE AIRPLANES DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY WITH FOURTEEN MEN IN THEIR CREWS.” You see, every day, a constant succession of such Fortean occurrences, such impossible accidents and wrecks and catastrophes. On our “foolproof” railways the signals go awry and one part of a famous ”cross-continent flyer” runs into another part—of the same train! Over and over you read of the “impossible” happening!
It would be comforting to feel that I was the victim of a self-deluding mental quirk, for I would realize there was no threat hanging over the heads of the American people; there was no need to overcome the blindness of these people, that no deros kill regularly and steadily by such methods as caused Heirens to kill for George Murmans. That if I did not try to do what I do, these killings such as Suzanne Degnan would not be in part upon my head. For I know that much could be done to stop such killings if only people knew what the real cause was. Locking Heirens up did not stop George Murmans. George Murmans can kill you! It would be smarter to punish the psychiatrists who deny George Murmans exist, for they probably know quite well that the voices have real people behind them, and are not men enough to admit that all is not understood about such phenomena. A psychiatrist is a worse criminal, if he does know, a greater coward than Heirens seems to be, blaming it on a phantom.
Every experienced psychiatrist has heard hundreds of people confess they “hear voices,” and that some of the “voices” prompt them to criminal acts. Yet how many have the courage to affirm the voices’ real existence. THEY ARE AFRAID OF YOU, the public! Yes, they fear the common man’s conviction that “all such phenomena are delusions” and, that fear is justified! BUT, SOMEONE, SOMETIME, HAS TO CONQUER THAT BLIND DENIAL OF FACT AND COME OUT IN THE OPEN WITH THE TRUTH ABOUT VOICES, ABOUT SUCH CRIMES AS HEIRENS’, AND ABOUT SUCH THINGS AS AVOIDABLE TRAIN WRECKS.
It must be faced. All right, we face it, and thousands of readers flock to our support with letters affirming our decision to attempt the heretofore impossible!
Here’s hoping we succeed. For there art in the caverns such things as weather machines, set in a pattern to govern the whole continent, that can control the precipitation, the winds, the whole character of the weather. I have seen them operated, have touched the machines; but how do I tell it? I have as much trepidation about the attempt as Heirens. He (can you blame him?) flunked the test of courage. I face it. (Remember this is a “hoax” please.)
THESE machines, of infinite variety, are culled over by engineers from rival (underworld) countries such as England (for all we know) and what is not sold to them Is wrecked by the destructive nomads of the caves “so someone else won’t use them.”
Gypsies “know” about the underworld. Spiritualists insist on the reality of their “spirits.” I know the gypsies are making better sense about the voices than the Spiritualists. They tell fortunes by allowing the secret rays to read their customers’ mind—and make money. So do the spiritualists, but they say it is spirits. The gypsies say it is a “gift.” It is! From “gypsies” under the earth. BUT NOT DEAD!
DID YOU EVER ASK THE WEATHER MAN WHAT BECAME OF THE RAIN THAT STARTED RAINING AND SUDDENLY QUIT, AGAINST ALL PROBABILITY? DID YOU EVER ASK A PRISON GUARD HOW COME CERTAIN GUARDS SHOT AND KILLED OTHER GUARDS? DID YOU EVER ASK THE MISSING PERSONS BUREAU WHERE ALL THE MISSING PEOPLE WENT? PERSONALLY (not by listening to the radio—but personally looked at the files comprehensively)? Did you ever talk to insurance investigators who ascertain the cause of fires, the nature of the mechanical failures in train wrecks, all the many things that go unaccountably wrong?
NO, YOU DID NOT! You assume there was nothing mysterious or frighteningly weird about any of it. YOU ASSUME THAT IT IS ALL PERFECTLY UNDERSTOOD BECAUSE OF THE NATURE OF YOUR EDUCATION.
Fact is, a black witch doctor in Africa does know more about such things than you do. They don’t close their eyes to all the unseeable things in life. But a “modern professor” does so close his eyes, and succeeds in closing most of his students’ eyes.
All of which wouldn’t matter, if most of our heritage in the caverns wasn’t being destroyed and wasted and broken by idiotic handling by creatures with no wits or education whatever. It matters because our civilization could receive from just one piece of that “mech” a bigger boost than from many generations of genius. BECAUSE THAT MECH IS THE PRODUCT OF AGES OF INTENSELY CIVILIZED DEVELOPMENT BY A BIGGER, GREATER RACE, A RACE WHO HAD CONTACT WITH SPACE!
How to tell the American government there is something to learn about the rocks of mother Earth that can’t be learned in a College of Geology, in an “Institute of Mining Techniques”? How to tell a modern over-educated bigot that our school text-books left out the biggest page—the history of the Elder race? HOW?
It can’t be done! That answer tells me to give up, to write stories about anything else, to quit making dangerous statements about a people who might take umbrage and bump me with some of that wonder-weapon-mech.
Then a voice says: “Tell ‘em, but right! Be a man!” (Now remember, bigot—this is a hoax, I confess.)
And I do. There are no voices is not true! Everyone can hear them and does at one time or another. Some of us hear them every day because we have interesting minds, and there is fascination in exchanging mental contact with our minds.
The trouble is I know better than to accept the general blindness about the invisible. They have not seen the bodies behind these invisible phenomena. I have! They have only deductive abilities which have no data to operate on that they can consider infallible. And they are lied to by fearful gentlemen who fear to state the truth, for reasons you must understand. If you don’t understand why these gentlemen who know do not speak—just picture yourself doing it! (Uh huh!)
I should not worry, if I were them. For do not astrologists state regularly that the motion of the stars affects human events? Do not the spiritualists baldly state that the dead come back regularly? It must be all right to print anything in this United States. Maybe it is a Constitutional right? I hope so! For I have plenty to say that is apt to be misunderstood both above the surface and beneath. Of the two I fear the underworld the least! Above all the things that terrify me, I fear the bigoted psychiatrist, the worldly materialist, the know-it-all scientist.
The underworld is quite willing to let superstition be a veil for them. No income tax, do what they please with everyone, and a police force who call the mention of them superstition. Perfect! BUT there are plenty of them are smarting under terrible oppressions, sweat shop conditions, murderous arena battles for those out of favor, a lack of any justice of any kind from overhead. Those are our friends, they want a sane and normal life and justice. Truth is, even the profiteers who boost for the secrecy wish for the good old American army to man their ray guns when the wild dero attack from some “uncivilized” frontier of the vast cavern world. They find the weapons they had considered invincible are outranged by weapons of the dero (wild and ig norant and murderous, yet who inherited from their ancestors the knowledge of how to handle them well in battle). These battle weapons are handed down among them just as the muskets of the camel-riding Arabs are handed down from father to son.
But if they live through such an attack, they call it “over,” and go back to ducking the income tax.
THERE are good and bad rulers in the caves, good and bad factory owners down there. Some would like the restrictions that hamper their trade with the surface removed; some want the system that assures them cheap labor kept.
I often feel I shouldn’t exert myself to expose the Elder world in the face of the egregious incredulity of the average man—I just shouldn’t bother. Let the monopoly roll on over all possible future development for the human race. It will anyway.
I know the work is vitally necessary, but it seems so impossible in the face of “offidaldumb’s” attitude in the face of revelations like George Murmans. I know that all criminal investigators are not so blind as not to know there are influences that are real behind such tales. Of course they know; there is so very much of it going on. They don’t know how to face the neighbor’s assumption they have gone “nuts,” and they don’t dare open their mouths! BUT THEY KNOW, and they know plenty.
This work is necessary to prevent such crimes as those dictated by “voices.” If Heirens had known what such phenomena indicated, that he had acquired an underworld dero who would get him in trouble, he could have avoided it, would have had some chance of mentally fighting off the criminal suggestions of the degenerate mind that at last managed to gain control of his actions. Heirens was under this influence for years before he murdered. The truth about Heirens is that he showed remarkable resistance to these controlling telaug suggestions. I wish there were some way to show what it really was that caused his downfall. I am trying, here.
TO RESUME with the “fish-bones” and “proofs” in the form of words and snatches of conversations heard over just such rays as drive people to murder, except that they are in the hands of sane members of the cavern’s society:
The sentence means that in South America, Africa and other jungled country’s there are cavern wild dero who use force rays up through the rocks to the surface people to burst maidens’ breasts and cause their death. I wonder how one of our “explainers” of Fortean and Shaver phenomena would explain this occurrence.
Means when they go out to gather firewood or get groceries, to milk the unsuspecting farmer’s cows, or similar clandestine excursions, they get plenty hell if they let anyone see them!
The voice suggests that long excursions are sometimes made by cavern people masquerading as gypsies. Not a difficult masquerade, it is?
The firewood practice suggests a method of proof—for yourself, though don’t expect any “normal” person to believe you. Watch the broken dead branches in the woods near a cavern suspected entrance. Note missing branches—see if you can find who collected them? Listen with hidden sound devices from a distance. When you try a few things like this you will run into discouraging or encouraging phenomena immediately. You will learn, in a hurry.
“Last light is gone. Car ahead I ‘Fraid to go after wood now, someone might see us.”
“Sticks are cheapest fuel. Boss’s fuel costs money. It is hard to get money.”
“Found an ice-skating robot! Beats all what you run into.”
“If he had the money to be ruined....”
“You know, we’ve got to double-seal all these entrances.”
“Last census was 58,900 inhabitants known and under control by...” (Tampered out the rest. Most of these informative sentences are through tamper and are incomplete.)
“Lady Estelle put together. You’d swear she was human.” (Words about another robot, which I saw in projection, which was very human in appearance. From my daily notes on “voices.”)
“Centenarian devils filled with pep and pride.”
“The fire is of books of magic, and on the fire cooks human flesh.”
“We get little meat, some of it is human flesh; sometimes sold in a market; no one inquires whose flesh.”
“Stockholm, Sweden, best place to go for good white ray, and good treatment from them for persecuted surface men.” (I wish I could go.)
“I don’t have to wear anything? Or have anything to wear!” (Cavern girl’s voice.)
“Granny got Ladies’ Home Journal years ago. Now they don’t get it here anywhere. Verboten, subscriptions. (No address.)
“A sin and dance place.”
“The Satanic government was very strict about virtue.” (Figure that out.)
“The boss is very large. Grab hold and lift anything, he can. But a sourpuss by the look of him.” (Effects of long ben-ray on boss.)
“I couldn’t even outen’ my cigarette. Now dripping, now shaking. Sorrow, pain, splendor, foolishly intermingled.” (Account of stim experience on forcing table, idiotic intermingling of all sensual sensations from crazy operator.)
“Some tried to sell some caves to some nation’s governments. They were too “modern” to believe us. Scared to talk to us, or meet us anywhere.” (Meant: long ago, other countries tried to get some cash out of selling the “secret.”)
“Only one little table left. Had to sell the rest. They take everything.” (Not fully understood whether she means they are removing all the antique furniture and apparatus or whether she means she had to sell her own possessions to get food.)
“Place your thumb toward dagger and twist. It’s an idol and he uses it for a suitcase.”
“Three fourths of the looting was carried on under our supervision.” (Not fully understood.)
“The temp, is always 53%.”
“New captives are always cold. Fire is a luxury. You get used to it, or you die.”
“Feed the fire with Elder books.” (Coal is in six inch lumps. Burned on open grate.)
“Many songs are attempts to get messages to you that you cannot help seeing—like: ‘Midnight beaming, moonlight meaning.’ but it doesn’t ever work. Men are denser than dense. Tamper always blocks a person trying to get something across.”
“They sold me! Brrrr. No fatigue, wonderful place to live. I believed them, went along in. It is! Wonderful! But the toilet doesn’t work, and I’m starving and freezing.”
“The reason people hear things more often in darkness, because when turn a telaug penetray on a house with a light burning, the light is carried down here to this end of ray—then they see it and stop us with tamper. Lying in the dark, you hear more, no one notices.”
“A six-handed fiddle. I’d like to of seen the critter that played that thing. Must of looked like a grasshopper.”
“The micro-show mech is great. It makes images of tiny races of people, only they are metal or glass or minerals—all different and they seem alive. A toy, I suppose, but they must have been popular, there are a lot of them.” (A device I have seen operated—it takes the [for instance] chess-men idea, builds a living race of people in moving, three dimensional pictures; like seeing a new world.)
“She had faceted mirrors or jewels sewn on her ankles above her insteps with surgical thread—to make her feet twinkle when she walked. She had places to go worth going to.” (Picture of beauty of the Elder race.)
“We saw a metal glider full of men frozen in ice! Not modern men, some ancient race—had gliders. What you call “latter gods,” I suppose.” (Means with penetray in the deep ice of a glacier, or ice cave, she saw deep in the ice a glider of metal with crew all frozen since God knows when.)
“The buyer is not well in the head. He forgets to get things—and we starve. So many are cut in the head; can’t function properly.” (Cut is an x-ray needle that is used for less-open arguments. A man with many enemies soon becomes absent-minded to the point of becoming unable to carry on his work.)
“We have had a warning, they come, not men! They are terrible.” (Means, I think, they have been warned of impending invasion of creatures that are not men. Whether from space or from some unexplored part of the endless cavern labyrinths, I don’t know. I thought they meant space invasion.)
“A new ray phenomena to me, the image in the mind is consumed by flames right in the mind. Appears to be a heat ray super-imposed upon the neural penetrative of the telaug beam.”
“Evil ruled so long—stock him no good. Now have no children.”
“A have-a-look shop.”
“The neat and scarlet women.”
WELL, there you are. A sample of voices heard and written down in the night. It is not a proof, except you have a mind to see that it could not be imagined, that it had to happen that way. The official dumb attitude we know already: “The man is deluded.” But they’re the same type of men who close our burlesque shows and go to honky-tonks or smokers in their clubs and holler “take-it-off” and get it taken off for them. Who squalk about juvenile deliquency and contribute to it themselves if they get a chance, and they get it. The same men who never give a sucker a break, and everyone is a sucker, potentially. The men who ban good books from publication on moral grounds and themselves do not understand morality or give a damn. But they have to look virtuous to sucker public, etc.
You can listen to the same old lies and believe there is nothing going on in the world that you are not fully informed of in the daily newspaper. Or you can think for yourself and find an amazing new world where things are happening—and a lot of it shouldn’t happen. There is an in to be had, an in to “Forbidden Fruit,” and many of these men who deny these things get plenty of that Forbidden Fruit. But it all costs us too much to ignore. We are losing lives of mighty development and god-like pleasure because we listen to fools who do not understand that themselves are greatest of all suckers for a lie.
Well, I’ll quit now. These words are not a proof, and no set of words can be a proof to a mind that refuses them.
This Christmas millions of toys were dug out of storehouses in the caverns, each of them worth a fortune to a surface manufacturer. “Ren-schur” (sure to run) toys, the finest of the elder race—and played with by ignorant grown people and wantonly destroyed. Such toys as no one but Aladdin or a modern cavern dweller knows exist. Each of them was based on some application of physics, on some wrinkle of a knowledge of energy denied to us. Each of them a great invention on the surface and worthless down there because they are ignorant and we do not know they exist. Some of these things could be gotten off those people if we knew and tried. We do not! I try, but I am only one of a few people, the ones who understand that Shaver has something more than a fertile imagination and a yen to get into print, no matter how.
There are more kinds of blindness than the loss of eyes. Men lost their mental eyes when they decided to deny all the truth behind such phenomena as witchcraft.
Note for Shaver Opponents:
The incredulous attitude, historically speaking, has always been in the majority, and it HAS ALWAYS BEEN WRONG. This is not only true of such impossible gadgets as the telephone and radio, it has been true of every new discovery of every kind. It has always been true of visitors to the underworld and their tales upon returning. Strangely enough, it HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN TRUE OF WITCHCRAFT. The credulous, in various times and places, far outnumbered the incredulous, where witchcraft was concerned. They KNEW, they said; THEY FELT AND SAW AND HEARD THE TRUTH.
To be incredulous of witchcraft, witches and related forms of superstition is comparatively a modern attitude.
To be incredulous of Shaver’s statements, which do explain these once generally believed in and accepted phenomena, explains them logically and sanely—supported by endless references in antique writings; supported by countless letters from present-day people who have experienced these phenomena in the present day; supported by other eye-witness accounts of the antique mechanisms; supported by countless occurrences in our daily papers explained in no other way (explainable in no other way) than by acceptance of Shaver’s “theories.”
Note for all psychiatrists:
I, Shaver, solemnly swear I have never heard a voice. They do not exist except in deranged minds.
Note for all who even partially agree with Shaver:
I solemnly swear I hear voices every night.
Note for all opponents of Shaver:
Above you can find two confessions. Take your choice.
Note to all psychiatrists and other repressors of truth:
I do solemnly swear and affirm I have never had a dream I consider irregular or out of the way—in any way. Just the ordinary type of dream.
Note to proponents of Shaver:
Oh My! How’s yours?