I am happy to present downloadable eBooks of classic volumes in the pseudohistory genre. Books are available in the .mobi format. These texts cover some of the key arguments that we find recycled time and again in much later works of pseudoscience, often down to the present. I have prepared special parody covers for these books linking them visually to the modern works that reproduce their arguments and claims, often quite closely. For example, Graham Hancock used more than a little of the argument from Atlantis: The Antediluvian World in his Fingerprints of the Gods, so I have given the former a cover modeled on the famous cover of the latter work in order to comment on and criticize the recycling of Victorian ideas. Note to the litigious: Parody is a protected form of expression (17 U.S.C. § 107; Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc.), and as I am charging nothing for these eBooks, there is no violation of intellectual property. It is sad that I have to spell out that the parody exists to make a critical point, but that is the society we live in.