Since its debut in 2009, the History Channel series Ancient Aliens has become a cultural phenomenon. As a result of the series' massive popularity, its most famous figure, ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos, was given his own H2 spinoff series to search the world for signs of ancient and modern alien activity. This page will index my episode reviews of In Search of Aliens for easy reference.
1. The Hunt for Atlantis
Giorgio Tsoukalos goes on a quest across Europe to track down claims that Atlantis was actually located in Portugal or on the island of Santorini. Although he finds no evidence of either, he concludes that the island really existed and was a flying alien space fortress. |
2. Nazi Time Travelers
Did the Nazis learn about time travel from space aliens? Giorgio Tsoukalos fails to find any answers, but he talks to several people who think they did, and he visits a site in Pennsylvania where the Nazi time travelers may have touched down, if they ever existed. |
3. The Mystery of Loch Ness
Is the Loch Ness Monster a time traveling dinosaur? A guard monster who hitched a ride on a UFO? Or an underwater spaceship? Giorgio Tsoukalos tries to investigate these possibilities and then becomes confused about what the Loch Ness monster has to do with aliens. |
4. The Roswell Rock
In 2004 a Roswell, New Mexico man found a small piece of sandstone carved with the design from a 1996 British crop circle. Was this left behind by the crashed 1947 flying saucer? Giorgio Tsoukalos investigates, but doesn't find any answers. 7. The Mystery of Puma Punku
Giorgio Tsoukalos travels to Puma Punku in Bolivia to ask whether its stones are too big and too well carved to be the work of human beings. He finds no answer to the question, but endorses Nazi archaeology and creationist geology along the way. 10. The Alien Code
In the first season finale, Giorgio Tsoukalos presents clips and outtakes from the first nine episodes. He tells views that aliens and white people share the same DNA, and aliens speak an Indo-European language. |
5. The Search for Bigfoot
Giorgio Tsoukalos travels to the state of Washington to learn whether Bigfoot rides a flying saucer, mutilates cattle, or could possibly be a shape-shifter who hides as a human during the day. Despite a trip into the woods, he fails to find the mystery ape. 8. The Founding of America
Were America's Founding Fathers in contact with extraterrestrials? Giorgio Tsoukalos doesn't know, but he explores Freemason conspiracies and Native American influences on U.S. government before concluding that the Capitol is a Buddhist UFO stupa. |
6. The Mystery of the Cyclops
Giorgio Tsoukalos pretends to travel to Malta in search of giant Cyclopes but really spends the hour talking about anything but giants. Were ancient sites on the island built with high technology? A man who says he talks to Atlanteans claims to know. 9. The Mystery of Nazca
In Peru, Giorgio Tsoukalos speculates about whether the Nazca lines were signals to aliens who had used the people as slaves to mine for gold. He thinks he has found actual alien skulls, but then does nothing to try to prove it, since that would take work. |