Sometime in the mid-1950s, the FBI obtained a copy of a pamphlet by a religious crank named John Miller. The pamphlet was manually typed with a hand-drawn cover (apparently by George Adamski) featuring UFOs. Miller advocated the theory that the Bible contained records of ancient astronaut visitations, especially in the wheels of Ezekiel, which he analyzed at great and exhaustive length in terms exactly like the similar discussions in many other ancient astronaut books. Miller's pamphlet is particularly interesting for the suggestion that humans should continue to be Christians because God, Jesus, and the angels were extraterrestrials.
I could not locate a copyright renewal for the pamphlet, which accordingly appears to have fallen into the public domain. The original transcript may be viewed here (pp. 125-129). The FBI text redacts Miller's name in the text of the pamphlet but left it visible on the hand-drawn cover, so I have restored it to the text below. Uncertain or illegible words have been marked with a question mark or an indication of illegible text. |
“Whirling Wheels”
(A Correlation of Flying Saucers and
Visitors from Other Planets in The Bible)
By Reverend John Miller, STM
“Flying Saucers” have made the headlines off and on for many times now. Much has been written about them. Research has shown that “flying chariots” and strange powers, both of locomotion and destruction are described in the holy books of various heathen faiths many thousands of years older than our own. “Flying Chariots” have been seen and reported and not believed for many ages. That is nothing new. But what is new is that recently they have been photographed.
Having established the factuality of the “flying saucer”, it is now about time that we find a theological confirmation of the whole matter. This is a necessity! If “flying saucers” inhabit outer-space, and if they have some kind of celestial character, they should have some place in the total economy of God. They should have more place in our thinking and planning, and one would expect to see them mentioned in our holy books, too. We are therefore not surprised, upon investigation, to find “flying” clouds, rolls, chariots, wheels, and people, mentioned in the Bible. To realize this is to make a great many mysterious things in the Bible seem both matter-of-fact and encouraging.
The ancients, it is true, had no adequate words to describe the things they saw in their day which came from outer space. If a thing flew, it was called a “flying” cloud, bird, chariot or angel. We, today, should have progressed far enough scientifically to call objects from outer-space by names which are more appropriate. But the unhappy term “flying saucer” is a term more reminiscent of a tea-party than of the man-world [?] of science. It seems our own nomenclature, or is it our imagination, is very inadequate also. However, the possibility and probability of realizing unheard sources of power and speeds, and the conquering of space is to us but a matter of time.
To understand our own holy book we must replace outworn mythological terminology of yester-year with the most adequate scientific terminology of today. The heaven of yesterday we call “space” today! It can be nothing else. The angels of yesterday we call “space men” today! An angel was an inhabitant of space. They came from other worlds. If there are any inhabitants of outer space, we would today call them “space men.” The “flying” clouds, horses, or chariots of scripture we call “flying saucers” or “space ships”. With a clarification of but these three terms, many things now fall into place quite naturally.
Angels or “space-men” have been seen. They’ve walked on earth. We read way back in the Old Testament, “Two angels, (or space-men) came to Sodom in the evening. when lot saw them, he rose to meet them., and bowed himself with his face to the ground.” He spoke to them and offered them hospitality. They did him a favor too. They saved his life! For the two space-men subsequently led an attack on Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed it with “brimstone and fire out of heaven (space)” (Gen. 19).
Daniel (Dan. 9:21) calls the angel Gabriel, a man. He describes this space-man as coming to him in “swift flight at the time of the evening sacrifice”, and he also describes the interview which followed. Numerous incidents are mentioned in scripture of space-men landing on earth and contacting earth-men, usually bringing them an important message. About three hundred such incidents can be listed! They brought help as well as destruction, these men from outer-space or heaven.
I believe we should take these observations more matter-of-factly. We are not dealing with mythology here. A literal understanding of these incidents in modern thought-patterns brings astonishing clarity to all. Our religion should become more materialistic in order to conform with scripture, and not vice versa as our clerics and others have been telling us for so long. We have practically and mistakenly spiritualized religion out of existence, and thus caused the great divorce between science and religion. True science is true religion.
These angels or space men pilot some sort of vehicle. One of these space-men, described as a “mighty one” (Rev. 10), “came down out of heaven (space) wrapped in a cloud”. Let us call symbolical language and oriental imagery by their right name. To be “wrapped in a cloud” means to be surrounded by an object. In other words, this space-man was piloting a space-ship. How else could the observers of that day have described this phenomenon? That “flying” clouds don’t refer to real clouds we can see from the quotation, “Who are those that fly like a cloud?” (Isa. 60). The following literal description of a supposed flying cloud ought to decide the matter. “A stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming bronze. And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures (spacemen)” (Ezk. 1).
The space-man mentioned above had a “rainbow over his head”, namely vari-colored lights shone from a canopy over his head which shall be described later. Light “like the sun” came from this space-ship, and its legs, no doubt landing gear, were like “pillars of fire.” The whole earth was lit up by the power of the light given off by this space-ship (Rev. 18:1).
Besides describing these “space-ships” as “flying” clouds, they are also described as a “flying roll” (Zech. 5:1), in other words “saucer” or “cigar” shaped. An approximate size estimated by an observer of that century who had no knowledge of perspective or distance, is included in that description. They are also described as a “flying serpent” (Isa. 14:29 – 30:6), referring no doubt to the long trail of fire left by the space-ship’s exhaust.
Moreover, the clearest, most prominent, most detailed, and most appropriate name given these flying-ships or space-ships. and one which I would well adopt as the most scientific is, “WHIRLING WHEELS”, as the reporter Ezekiel calls them (Ezk. 1). This reporter now gives the most detailed description of the so-called “flying saucer” in existence today – many details of which have been verified by modern observers and some even caught by camera.
“Now as I looked at the living creatures (space-men), I saw a wheel on the earth (the space-ship had evidently landed), one for each of the four of them (four space-ships in all). The appearance of the wheels was like the gleaming of a chrysolite (transparent or translucent o[illegible] green). Their construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel [illegible], they had spokes and rims (recent observations and pictures have verified this description of an outer rim and inner wheel, etc.). And when the living creatures (space-men) rose from the earth, the wheels rose, for the spirit of the living creatures was within the wheels.”
The last sentence is extremely interesting. The reporter claims that when the space-men rose the wheels rose with them. That is exactly what a person of an unmechanical age would say. Men can move, but not an object. So they described the men as carrying the ships with them. We, of course would say the opposite, namely that the wheels or space-ships carried the space-men.
The “whirling wheels” are described as “full of eyes”, in other words, full of round openings, port holes or power outlets, “all around and within”. This description again tallies with observations and photographs made recently.
The space-ships are described as “darting to and fro, like the flashes of lightning” (Ezk. 1). “When they went they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went. In whatever direction the front wheel (or ship) faced, the others followed without turning as they went”. Besides describing their unbelievable maneuverability “without turning”, this also seems to claim that that they flew in formation, following a leader (see also Ezk. 10:9).
The fuel or power for these space-ships is found in the middle of the space-ship. It is described as “fire between the whirling wheels” (Ezk. 16:6). “In the midst there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro, and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning” (Ezk. 1).
And now there follows a detail which is the very acme of veracity. “Over the head of the living creatures (space-men) there was the likeness of a firmament (the protective canopy over a pilot’s head) shining like crystal (transparent glass), spread out above their heads” (Ezk. 1). This “glass globe” has also been observed on the “flying saucers” of today and photographed. It also seems that flying orders are given by remote control via radio or wireless. A voice is said to come “from above the firmament (canopy) over their heads”. It is also claimed by this biblical reporter that part of these space-ships is collapsible and other parts retractable. The later is perhaps the central turret which will be described later.
In flight these “whirling wheels” give off music (Rev. 4:8). This phenomenon has been reported in the holy books of other faiths much older than our own. “It’s like the sound of many water, like the thunder of the Almighty, a sound of tumult like the sounds of a host” (Ezk. 1:24 – 3:13). The word “host” is important to keep in mind because it refers no doubt to the greatest number of these space-ships flying together. The insignia which seems to be on the outer surface of the space-whips [sic] are recognizable as a cherub (a humorous or should [illegible] say “human” touch), the face of a man, a lion, and an eagle (Ezk. 1). These space-ships are given orders to patrol the earth, “Go and patrol the earth” (Zech. 6).
On the basis of what we have learned, certain events of scripture are understandable and acceptable. Enoch, it is reported, went to another world without dying (Heb. 11:3), as perhaps Moses did also. Jacob thought he had a vision when he saw “a ladder set up upon the earth and beheld angels or spacemen, ascending and descending on it” (Gen. 28). The ladder was obviously let down from a space-ship for some purpose or another. Space-men had a particular interest in Jacob it seems, for on a later occasion he wrestled with one of them, the space-man only playing with Jacob until it was time for the space-man to go, whereupon he partially paralyzed Jacob (Gen. 32). It is interesting to note that space-men usually appear around sunset, during the night, or at sunrise. Through some whirlwind-like action Elijah disappeared into space via a “flying chariot” (II Kings 2:11). Moses and Elijah came to meet Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration via “a bright cloud”. We know what these “clouds” were. The “cloud” disappeared with them again. The poor man in Luke 16, was carried by space-men into another world. Do space-men carry away into heaven or space the “souls” of the dead? A woman in Rev. 12, was given unusual locomotive powers to escape her enemy. These instances can be multiplied hundreds of times!!
Even God’s activities become clearer! God’s presence in scripture is described “like birds hovering” (Isa. 31:5). The hovering is a hovering of some flying object. “Clouds” are called His chariot, with them comes the wind, fire and flame (Ps. 104). One reads of “a swift cloud” (Isa. 19:1), in other words a space-ship. Note the following description: “Then the earth reeled and rocked; the foundations also of the mountains trembled and quaked, because he was angry. Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him. He bowed the heavens and came down. Thick darkness was under his feet. He rode on a cherub and flew. He came swiftly on the wings of the wind” (Ps. 18). We have discussed these signs above. They describe a space-ship, although the observer here, in not seeing the pilot, describes the space-ship as though it were a person. Perhaps in this case this space-ship might be God’s own private space-ship or the so-called “mother ship”. Why should we deny God the right to make a machine and use it too, if He wants to?
God’s presence with Israel in the desert was via a “pillar of cloud” in the day and by night a “pillar of fire”; the fire of course would not be visible in the sky by day (Exo. 13). Out of this cloud God harassed the Egyptians. In Isa. 66, it is reported “for behold the Lord will come in fire and His chariots like the storm-wind with flames of fire”. And again, “His chariots are like the whirlwind” (Jer. 4:15). Psalms 68:17, claims that God lived on Mount Sinai for a while with 20,000 chariots. Big “clouds” settled on Mount Sinai with “fire” and “smoke” for forty days. Moses was given the tablets of the law on this mountain, through the intervention of space-men, as Paul tells us. Sinai seems to have been God’s headquarters for a certain maneuver at this time. Space-men with their ships always seem to be present when God’s people are in danger. Even a difficult passage like “And the ‘glory’ of the Lord went up from the midst of the city and stood upon the mountain” (Eek. 11:23), now becomes clear. It means that the ships took off from the middle of the city, the take-off place, and then landed on a mountain.
Neither should we forget that God is called the Lord of “Sabbaoth” in the Bible, which means the Lord of “hosts” or “armies” – real armies, space-armies. This name “the Lord of hosts”, is the most used name for God in the Bible. He is the God of war. This title is used hundreds of times together with the complementary phrase “hosts of heaven”, or hosts of space. Jacob once saw the whole assembled army. We read, “The angels (space-men) of God met him and when Jacob saw them he said: ‘This is God’s army’.” (Gen. 32). These hosts were at one time an object of worship by earth-men. It seems that God often came down out of heaven or space to earth to fulfill His plans and to carry out certain campaigns.
When the space-ships were stationary and the central turret was raised, they looked like thrones and were so-called in scripture. “His throne was fiery flames, its wheels were burning fire, a stream of fire issued and came forth before him” (Dan. 7:9). No ordinary thrones these, but space-ships! In Rev. 4, we have a unique description of the “mother” ship and twenty-four others on a landing-field which looked like a “sea of green-glass crystal”, and from them all came flashes of lightning, voices and peals of thunder”. [sic]
The life of Jesus, now too, becomes clearer when these things are remembered His powers of levitation, His ability to pass through doors, walk on water, and heal the sick are the essential attributes of men from outer space. They will also be ours someday when we will be “free like birds” (Ezk. 13:20). At Jesus’ birth the celestial army came quite close to earth. A space-man appeared to the shepherds and the “glory” of the Lord with the usual signs of His presence, shone around them. There was a multitude of the heavenly army with this space-man. And after their cosmic announcement , the music of their space-ships was heard as they again disappeared into space.
Jesus’ ascension is described as “a cloud (or space-ship) received Him out of their sight” (Acts 1:9). His coming again is to be in the same manner. “Then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven (space) coming on the cloud (space-ships) of heaven (space) with power and great glory (Matt. 24:30 – Rev. 14). He will come with His whole army and will then take over the destiny of the world. Jesus comes then, conquering and to conquer; King of kings, and Lord of lords. This time He summons the twelve legions of space-men, which He refused to summon at the time of His betrayal. He will appear on a white “horse” or space-ship, “shooting flames of fire”, leading a whole fleet of space-ships, from whose mouths issue [“]sharp swords”, no doubt blasts of destructive energy. He signals all the “birds that fly in mid-heaven” (all the sky-ships in space) to the cosmic conflict, with the words, “Come gather.”, and the world will be destroyed by God’s black fleet described below.
The rumbling space-ships leap on top of the mountains to await the signal for the attack (Joel 2:5). That day will be a day of darkness and gloom and of hydrogen and cobalt clouds. “Like blackness there is spread upon the mountains a great and powerful people, their like has never been from of old nor will be again. Fire devours before them, and behind them a flame burns. The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, but after them a desolate wilderness”.
Earth-men who have pleased God in the meantime will “ascend up into space in a space-ship in the sight of their foes” (Rev. 11). Paul puts it this way, “We will be caught up together with them in the clouds (space-ships) to meet the Lord in the air” (I Thess. 4:17). In this manner a remnant of earth-men will literally be rescued or saved. . . . . For what?
For the “Father’s house in which are many rooms”, or as some translations put it, “stopping-places”, “resting-stations”, or “filling stations[”] if you wish, or the way to outer space and beyond. All the planets and universes in outer space are there for a good and glorious purpose. They are not just dead dust. They are the planets on which these space men live, and we too will someday live.
This clear understanding of things as they are and as they will be, is for our comfort. We should always remember that God’s people are always protected by a circle of space-ships. “We are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses”, we read in Heb. 12. The whole heavenly host once came out to protect but one man, Elijah (II Kings 6:17}. “Behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire”. And Elijah was saved or rescued right from under the noses of a whole city full of enemies.
God’s word to us knowing all this is: “Fear not, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them!” … May our prayer be, --
Having established the factuality of the “flying saucer”, it is now about time that we find a theological confirmation of the whole matter. This is a necessity! If “flying saucers” inhabit outer-space, and if they have some kind of celestial character, they should have some place in the total economy of God. They should have more place in our thinking and planning, and one would expect to see them mentioned in our holy books, too. We are therefore not surprised, upon investigation, to find “flying” clouds, rolls, chariots, wheels, and people, mentioned in the Bible. To realize this is to make a great many mysterious things in the Bible seem both matter-of-fact and encouraging.
The ancients, it is true, had no adequate words to describe the things they saw in their day which came from outer space. If a thing flew, it was called a “flying” cloud, bird, chariot or angel. We, today, should have progressed far enough scientifically to call objects from outer-space by names which are more appropriate. But the unhappy term “flying saucer” is a term more reminiscent of a tea-party than of the man-world [?] of science. It seems our own nomenclature, or is it our imagination, is very inadequate also. However, the possibility and probability of realizing unheard sources of power and speeds, and the conquering of space is to us but a matter of time.
To understand our own holy book we must replace outworn mythological terminology of yester-year with the most adequate scientific terminology of today. The heaven of yesterday we call “space” today! It can be nothing else. The angels of yesterday we call “space men” today! An angel was an inhabitant of space. They came from other worlds. If there are any inhabitants of outer space, we would today call them “space men.” The “flying” clouds, horses, or chariots of scripture we call “flying saucers” or “space ships”. With a clarification of but these three terms, many things now fall into place quite naturally.
Angels or “space-men” have been seen. They’ve walked on earth. We read way back in the Old Testament, “Two angels, (or space-men) came to Sodom in the evening. when lot saw them, he rose to meet them., and bowed himself with his face to the ground.” He spoke to them and offered them hospitality. They did him a favor too. They saved his life! For the two space-men subsequently led an attack on Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed it with “brimstone and fire out of heaven (space)” (Gen. 19).
Daniel (Dan. 9:21) calls the angel Gabriel, a man. He describes this space-man as coming to him in “swift flight at the time of the evening sacrifice”, and he also describes the interview which followed. Numerous incidents are mentioned in scripture of space-men landing on earth and contacting earth-men, usually bringing them an important message. About three hundred such incidents can be listed! They brought help as well as destruction, these men from outer-space or heaven.
I believe we should take these observations more matter-of-factly. We are not dealing with mythology here. A literal understanding of these incidents in modern thought-patterns brings astonishing clarity to all. Our religion should become more materialistic in order to conform with scripture, and not vice versa as our clerics and others have been telling us for so long. We have practically and mistakenly spiritualized religion out of existence, and thus caused the great divorce between science and religion. True science is true religion.
These angels or space men pilot some sort of vehicle. One of these space-men, described as a “mighty one” (Rev. 10), “came down out of heaven (space) wrapped in a cloud”. Let us call symbolical language and oriental imagery by their right name. To be “wrapped in a cloud” means to be surrounded by an object. In other words, this space-man was piloting a space-ship. How else could the observers of that day have described this phenomenon? That “flying” clouds don’t refer to real clouds we can see from the quotation, “Who are those that fly like a cloud?” (Isa. 60). The following literal description of a supposed flying cloud ought to decide the matter. “A stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming bronze. And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures (spacemen)” (Ezk. 1).
The space-man mentioned above had a “rainbow over his head”, namely vari-colored lights shone from a canopy over his head which shall be described later. Light “like the sun” came from this space-ship, and its legs, no doubt landing gear, were like “pillars of fire.” The whole earth was lit up by the power of the light given off by this space-ship (Rev. 18:1).
Besides describing these “space-ships” as “flying” clouds, they are also described as a “flying roll” (Zech. 5:1), in other words “saucer” or “cigar” shaped. An approximate size estimated by an observer of that century who had no knowledge of perspective or distance, is included in that description. They are also described as a “flying serpent” (Isa. 14:29 – 30:6), referring no doubt to the long trail of fire left by the space-ship’s exhaust.
Moreover, the clearest, most prominent, most detailed, and most appropriate name given these flying-ships or space-ships. and one which I would well adopt as the most scientific is, “WHIRLING WHEELS”, as the reporter Ezekiel calls them (Ezk. 1). This reporter now gives the most detailed description of the so-called “flying saucer” in existence today – many details of which have been verified by modern observers and some even caught by camera.
“Now as I looked at the living creatures (space-men), I saw a wheel on the earth (the space-ship had evidently landed), one for each of the four of them (four space-ships in all). The appearance of the wheels was like the gleaming of a chrysolite (transparent or translucent o[illegible] green). Their construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel [illegible], they had spokes and rims (recent observations and pictures have verified this description of an outer rim and inner wheel, etc.). And when the living creatures (space-men) rose from the earth, the wheels rose, for the spirit of the living creatures was within the wheels.”
The last sentence is extremely interesting. The reporter claims that when the space-men rose the wheels rose with them. That is exactly what a person of an unmechanical age would say. Men can move, but not an object. So they described the men as carrying the ships with them. We, of course would say the opposite, namely that the wheels or space-ships carried the space-men.
The “whirling wheels” are described as “full of eyes”, in other words, full of round openings, port holes or power outlets, “all around and within”. This description again tallies with observations and photographs made recently.
The space-ships are described as “darting to and fro, like the flashes of lightning” (Ezk. 1). “When they went they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went. In whatever direction the front wheel (or ship) faced, the others followed without turning as they went”. Besides describing their unbelievable maneuverability “without turning”, this also seems to claim that that they flew in formation, following a leader (see also Ezk. 10:9).
The fuel or power for these space-ships is found in the middle of the space-ship. It is described as “fire between the whirling wheels” (Ezk. 16:6). “In the midst there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro, and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning” (Ezk. 1).
And now there follows a detail which is the very acme of veracity. “Over the head of the living creatures (space-men) there was the likeness of a firmament (the protective canopy over a pilot’s head) shining like crystal (transparent glass), spread out above their heads” (Ezk. 1). This “glass globe” has also been observed on the “flying saucers” of today and photographed. It also seems that flying orders are given by remote control via radio or wireless. A voice is said to come “from above the firmament (canopy) over their heads”. It is also claimed by this biblical reporter that part of these space-ships is collapsible and other parts retractable. The later is perhaps the central turret which will be described later.
In flight these “whirling wheels” give off music (Rev. 4:8). This phenomenon has been reported in the holy books of other faiths much older than our own. “It’s like the sound of many water, like the thunder of the Almighty, a sound of tumult like the sounds of a host” (Ezk. 1:24 – 3:13). The word “host” is important to keep in mind because it refers no doubt to the greatest number of these space-ships flying together. The insignia which seems to be on the outer surface of the space-whips [sic] are recognizable as a cherub (a humorous or should [illegible] say “human” touch), the face of a man, a lion, and an eagle (Ezk. 1). These space-ships are given orders to patrol the earth, “Go and patrol the earth” (Zech. 6).
On the basis of what we have learned, certain events of scripture are understandable and acceptable. Enoch, it is reported, went to another world without dying (Heb. 11:3), as perhaps Moses did also. Jacob thought he had a vision when he saw “a ladder set up upon the earth and beheld angels or spacemen, ascending and descending on it” (Gen. 28). The ladder was obviously let down from a space-ship for some purpose or another. Space-men had a particular interest in Jacob it seems, for on a later occasion he wrestled with one of them, the space-man only playing with Jacob until it was time for the space-man to go, whereupon he partially paralyzed Jacob (Gen. 32). It is interesting to note that space-men usually appear around sunset, during the night, or at sunrise. Through some whirlwind-like action Elijah disappeared into space via a “flying chariot” (II Kings 2:11). Moses and Elijah came to meet Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration via “a bright cloud”. We know what these “clouds” were. The “cloud” disappeared with them again. The poor man in Luke 16, was carried by space-men into another world. Do space-men carry away into heaven or space the “souls” of the dead? A woman in Rev. 12, was given unusual locomotive powers to escape her enemy. These instances can be multiplied hundreds of times!!
Even God’s activities become clearer! God’s presence in scripture is described “like birds hovering” (Isa. 31:5). The hovering is a hovering of some flying object. “Clouds” are called His chariot, with them comes the wind, fire and flame (Ps. 104). One reads of “a swift cloud” (Isa. 19:1), in other words a space-ship. Note the following description: “Then the earth reeled and rocked; the foundations also of the mountains trembled and quaked, because he was angry. Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him. He bowed the heavens and came down. Thick darkness was under his feet. He rode on a cherub and flew. He came swiftly on the wings of the wind” (Ps. 18). We have discussed these signs above. They describe a space-ship, although the observer here, in not seeing the pilot, describes the space-ship as though it were a person. Perhaps in this case this space-ship might be God’s own private space-ship or the so-called “mother ship”. Why should we deny God the right to make a machine and use it too, if He wants to?
God’s presence with Israel in the desert was via a “pillar of cloud” in the day and by night a “pillar of fire”; the fire of course would not be visible in the sky by day (Exo. 13). Out of this cloud God harassed the Egyptians. In Isa. 66, it is reported “for behold the Lord will come in fire and His chariots like the storm-wind with flames of fire”. And again, “His chariots are like the whirlwind” (Jer. 4:15). Psalms 68:17, claims that God lived on Mount Sinai for a while with 20,000 chariots. Big “clouds” settled on Mount Sinai with “fire” and “smoke” for forty days. Moses was given the tablets of the law on this mountain, through the intervention of space-men, as Paul tells us. Sinai seems to have been God’s headquarters for a certain maneuver at this time. Space-men with their ships always seem to be present when God’s people are in danger. Even a difficult passage like “And the ‘glory’ of the Lord went up from the midst of the city and stood upon the mountain” (Eek. 11:23), now becomes clear. It means that the ships took off from the middle of the city, the take-off place, and then landed on a mountain.
Neither should we forget that God is called the Lord of “Sabbaoth” in the Bible, which means the Lord of “hosts” or “armies” – real armies, space-armies. This name “the Lord of hosts”, is the most used name for God in the Bible. He is the God of war. This title is used hundreds of times together with the complementary phrase “hosts of heaven”, or hosts of space. Jacob once saw the whole assembled army. We read, “The angels (space-men) of God met him and when Jacob saw them he said: ‘This is God’s army’.” (Gen. 32). These hosts were at one time an object of worship by earth-men. It seems that God often came down out of heaven or space to earth to fulfill His plans and to carry out certain campaigns.
When the space-ships were stationary and the central turret was raised, they looked like thrones and were so-called in scripture. “His throne was fiery flames, its wheels were burning fire, a stream of fire issued and came forth before him” (Dan. 7:9). No ordinary thrones these, but space-ships! In Rev. 4, we have a unique description of the “mother” ship and twenty-four others on a landing-field which looked like a “sea of green-glass crystal”, and from them all came flashes of lightning, voices and peals of thunder”. [sic]
The life of Jesus, now too, becomes clearer when these things are remembered His powers of levitation, His ability to pass through doors, walk on water, and heal the sick are the essential attributes of men from outer space. They will also be ours someday when we will be “free like birds” (Ezk. 13:20). At Jesus’ birth the celestial army came quite close to earth. A space-man appeared to the shepherds and the “glory” of the Lord with the usual signs of His presence, shone around them. There was a multitude of the heavenly army with this space-man. And after their cosmic announcement , the music of their space-ships was heard as they again disappeared into space.
Jesus’ ascension is described as “a cloud (or space-ship) received Him out of their sight” (Acts 1:9). His coming again is to be in the same manner. “Then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven (space) coming on the cloud (space-ships) of heaven (space) with power and great glory (Matt. 24:30 – Rev. 14). He will come with His whole army and will then take over the destiny of the world. Jesus comes then, conquering and to conquer; King of kings, and Lord of lords. This time He summons the twelve legions of space-men, which He refused to summon at the time of His betrayal. He will appear on a white “horse” or space-ship, “shooting flames of fire”, leading a whole fleet of space-ships, from whose mouths issue [“]sharp swords”, no doubt blasts of destructive energy. He signals all the “birds that fly in mid-heaven” (all the sky-ships in space) to the cosmic conflict, with the words, “Come gather.”, and the world will be destroyed by God’s black fleet described below.
The rumbling space-ships leap on top of the mountains to await the signal for the attack (Joel 2:5). That day will be a day of darkness and gloom and of hydrogen and cobalt clouds. “Like blackness there is spread upon the mountains a great and powerful people, their like has never been from of old nor will be again. Fire devours before them, and behind them a flame burns. The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, but after them a desolate wilderness”.
Earth-men who have pleased God in the meantime will “ascend up into space in a space-ship in the sight of their foes” (Rev. 11). Paul puts it this way, “We will be caught up together with them in the clouds (space-ships) to meet the Lord in the air” (I Thess. 4:17). In this manner a remnant of earth-men will literally be rescued or saved. . . . . For what?
For the “Father’s house in which are many rooms”, or as some translations put it, “stopping-places”, “resting-stations”, or “filling stations[”] if you wish, or the way to outer space and beyond. All the planets and universes in outer space are there for a good and glorious purpose. They are not just dead dust. They are the planets on which these space men live, and we too will someday live.
This clear understanding of things as they are and as they will be, is for our comfort. We should always remember that God’s people are always protected by a circle of space-ships. “We are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses”, we read in Heb. 12. The whole heavenly host once came out to protect but one man, Elijah (II Kings 6:17}. “Behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire”. And Elijah was saved or rescued right from under the noses of a whole city full of enemies.
God’s word to us knowing all this is: “Fear not, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them!” … May our prayer be, --
“O, Lord, open our eyes that we may see!”
(II Kings 6:17)
(II Kings 6:17)