Jimmy: The Secret Life of James Dean
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Al-Suyuti on the Pyramids
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Book of Liang: Fusang
Agobard on Magonia
Book of Thousands
Voyage of Saint Brendan
Power of Art and of Nature
Travels of Sir John Mandeville
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Voyage of the Zeno Brothers
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Islamic Discovery of America
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Fragments on Atlantis
Panchaea: The Other Atlantis
Eumalos on Atlantis (Hoax)
Gómara on Atlantis
Sardinia and Atlantis
Santorini and Atlantis
The Mound Builders and Atlantis
Donnelly's Atlantis
Atlantis in Morocco
Atlantis and the Sea Peoples
W. Scott-Elliot
The Story of Atlantis
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The Lost Atlantis
Atlantis in Africa
How I Found Atlantis (Hoax)
Termier on Atlantis
The Critias and Minoan Crete
Rebuttal to Termier
Further Responses to Termier
Flinders Petrie on Atlantis
Amazing New Light (Hoax)
Lost Cities
Miscellaneous Lost Cities
The Seven Cities
The Lost City of Paititi
Manuscript 512
The Idolatrous City of Iximaya (Hoax)
The 1885 Moberly Lost City Hoax
The Elephants of Paredon (Hoax)
Oronteus Finaeus Antarctica Map
Caucasians in Panama
Jefferson's Excavation
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Against Diffusionism
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Gunung Padang
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The 1909 Grand Canyon Hoax
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Toledot Yeshu
Peter of les Vaux-de-Cernay on Cathars
Testimony of Jean de Châlons
Rosslyn Chapel and the 'Prentice's Pillar
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Templar Infiltration of Labor
Louis Martin & the Holy Bloodline
The Life of St. Issa (Hoax)
On the Person of Jesus Christ
Giants in the Earth
Fossil Origins of Myths
Fossil Teeth and Bones of Elephants
Fossil Elephants
Fossil Bones of Teutobochus
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Giants' Bones Dug Out of the Earth
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Man During the Stone Age
Fossil Bones and Giants
Mastodon, Mammoth, and Man
American Elephant Myths
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History of Paleontology
Fragments on Giants
Manichaean Book of Giants
Geoffrey on British Giants
Alfonso X's Hermetic History of Giants
Boccaccio and the Fossil 'Giant'
Book of Howth
Purchas His Pilgrimage
Edmond Temple's 1827 Giant Investigation
The Giants of Sardinia
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Tertiary Giants
Smithsonian Giant Reports
Early American Giants
The Giant of Coahuila
Jewish Encyclopedia on Giants
Index of Giants
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Lanier's A Book of Giants
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Historical Chronology of the Mexicans
Maspero on the Predynastic Sphinx
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Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel
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The Secret Doctrine
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Volume 2: Anthropogenesis
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Traces of European Influence
Prince Henry Sinclair
Pyramid Prophecies
Templars of Ancient Mexico
Chronology and the "Riddle of the Sphinx"
The Faith of Ancient Egypt
Remarkable Discoveries Within the Sphinx (Hoax)
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"Flying Saucers"? They're a Myth
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The Stanzas of Dzyan (Hoax)
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Plane of Ether
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Jimmy: The Secret Life of James Dean
Jimmy Excerpt
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James Dean's Scrapbook
James Dean's Love Letters
The Amazing James Dean Hoax!
James Dean, The Human Ashtray
James Dean and Marlon Brando
The Curse of James Dean's Porsche
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The Mound Builder Myth
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Giorgio Tsoukalos
David Childress
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The Case of the False Quotes
Alternative Authors' Quote Fraud
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Archaeological Cover Up?
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Ultra-Terrestrials and UFOs
Rebels, Queers, and Aliens
Scholomance: The Devil's School
Prehistory of Chupacabra
The Templars, the Holy Grail, & Henry Sinclair
Magicians of the Gods Review
The Curse of the Pharaohs
The Antediluvian Pyramid Myth
Whitewashing American Prehistory
James Dean's Cursed Porsche
The Library
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Atrahasis Epic
Epic of Gilgamesh
Kutha Creation Legend
Babylonian Creation Myth
Descent of Ishtar
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Egyptian Texts
The Shipwrecked Sailor
Dream Stela of Thutmose IV
The Papyrus of Ani
Classical Accounts of the Pyramids
Inventory Stela
Eratosthenes' King List
The Story of Setna
Leon of Pella
Diodorus on Egyptian History
On Isis and Osiris
Famine Stela
Old Egyptian Chronicle
The Book of Sothis
Al-Maqrizi's King List
Teshub and the Dragon
The Three Hermeses
Kore Kosmou
Corpus Hermeticum
The Asclepius
The Emerald Tablet
Hermetic Fragments
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Prologue to Ibn Umayl's Silvery Water
Book of the 24 Philosophers
Aurora of the Philosophers
Hesiod's Theogony
Periplus of Hanno
Ctesias' Indica
Sima Qian
Syncellus's Enoch Fragments
The Book of Enoch
Slavonic Enoch
Sepher Yetzirah
Tacitus' Germania
De Dea Syria
Aelian's Various Histories
Julius Africanus' Chronography
Eusebius' Chronicle
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Annianus on the Watchers
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John Malalas on Ancient Egypt
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Akhbar al-zaman
Ibrahim ibn Wasif Shah
Murtada ibn al-‘Afif
Al-Maqrizi on the Pyramids
Al-Suyuti on the Pyramids
The Hunt for Noah's Ark
Isidore of Seville
Book of Liang: Fusang
Agobard on Magonia
Book of Thousands
Voyage of Saint Brendan
Power of Art and of Nature
Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Yazidi Revelation and Black Book
Al-Biruni on the Great Flood
Voyage of the Zeno Brothers
The Kensington Runestone (Hoax)
Islamic Discovery of America
The Aztec Creation Myth
Lost Civilizations
Plato's Atlantis Dialogues
Fragments on Atlantis
Panchaea: The Other Atlantis
Eumalos on Atlantis (Hoax)
Gómara on Atlantis
Sardinia and Atlantis
Santorini and Atlantis
The Mound Builders and Atlantis
Donnelly's Atlantis
Atlantis in Morocco
Atlantis and the Sea Peoples
W. Scott-Elliot
The Story of Atlantis
The Lost Lemuria
The Lost Atlantis
Atlantis in Africa
How I Found Atlantis (Hoax)
Termier on Atlantis
The Critias and Minoan Crete
Rebuttal to Termier
Further Responses to Termier
Flinders Petrie on Atlantis
Amazing New Light (Hoax)
Lost Cities
Miscellaneous Lost Cities
The Seven Cities
The Lost City of Paititi
Manuscript 512
The Idolatrous City of Iximaya (Hoax)
The 1885 Moberly Lost City Hoax
The Elephants of Paredon (Hoax)
Oronteus Finaeus Antarctica Map
Caucasians in Panama
Jefferson's Excavation
Fictitious Discoveries in America
Against Diffusionism
Tunnels Under Peru
The Parahyba Inscription (Hoax)
Mound Builders
Gunung Padang
Tales of Enchanted Islands
The 1907 Ancient World Map Hoax
The 1909 Grand Canyon Hoax
The Interglacial Period
Solving Oak Island
Religious Conspiracies
Pantera, Father of Jesus?
Toledot Yeshu
Peter of les Vaux-de-Cernay on Cathars
Testimony of Jean de Châlons
Rosslyn Chapel and the 'Prentice's Pillar
The Many Wives of Jesus
Templar Infiltration of Labor
Louis Martin & the Holy Bloodline
The Life of St. Issa (Hoax)
On the Person of Jesus Christ
Giants in the Earth
Fossil Origins of Myths
Fossil Teeth and Bones of Elephants
Fossil Elephants
Fossil Bones of Teutobochus
Fossil Mammoths and Giants
Giants' Bones Dug Out of the Earth
Fossils and the Supernatural
Fossils, Myth, and Pseudo-History
Man During the Stone Age
Fossil Bones and Giants
Mastodon, Mammoth, and Man
American Elephant Myths
The Mammoth and the Flood
Fossils and Myth
Fossil Origin of the Cyclops
History of Paleontology
Fragments on Giants
Manichaean Book of Giants
Geoffrey on British Giants
Alfonso X's Hermetic History of Giants
Boccaccio and the Fossil 'Giant'
Book of Howth
Purchas His Pilgrimage
Edmond Temple's 1827 Giant Investigation
The Giants of Sardinia
Giants and the Sons of God
The Magnetism of Evil
Tertiary Giants
Smithsonian Giant Reports
Early American Giants
The Giant of Coahuila
Jewish Encyclopedia on Giants
Index of Giants
Newspaper Accounts of Giants
Lanier's A Book of Giants
Science and History
Halley on Noah's Comet
The Newport Tower
Iron: The Stone from Heaven
Ararat and the Ark
Pyramid Facts and Fancies
Argonauts before Homer
The Deluge
Crown Prince Rudolf on the Pyramids
Old Mythology in New Apparel
Blavatsky on Dinosaurs
Teddy Roosevelt on Bigfoot
Devil Worship in France
Maspero's Review of Akhbar al-zaman
The Holy Grail as Lucifer's Crown Jewel
The Mutinous Sea
The Rock Wall of Rockwall
Fabulous Zoology
The Origins of Talos
Mexican Mythology
Chinese Pyramids
Maqrizi's Names of the Pharaohs
Extreme History
Roman Empire Hoax
American Antiquities
American Cataclysms
England, the Remnant of Judah
Historical Chronology of the Mexicans
Maspero on the Predynastic Sphinx
Vestiges of the Mayas
Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel
Origins of the Egyptian People
The Secret Doctrine
Volume 1: Cosmogenesis
Volume 2: Anthropogenesis
Phoenicians in America
The Electric Ark
Traces of European Influence
Prince Henry Sinclair
Pyramid Prophecies
Templars of Ancient Mexico
Chronology and the "Riddle of the Sphinx"
The Faith of Ancient Egypt
Remarkable Discoveries Within the Sphinx (Hoax)
Spirit of the Hour in Archaeology
Book of the Damned
Great Pyramid As Noah's Ark
The Shaver Mystery
Lovecraft and the Deros
Richard Shaver's Proofs
Alien Encounters
US Government Ancient Astronaut Files
Fortean Society and Columbus
Inquiry into Shaver and Palmer
The Skyfort Document
Whirling Wheels
Denver Ancient Astronaut Lecture
Soviet Search for Lemuria
Visitors from Outer Space
Unidentified Flying Objects (Abstract)
"Flying Saucers"? They're a Myth
UFO Hypothesis Survival Questions
Air Force Academy UFO Textbook
The Condon Report on Ancient Astronauts
Atlantis Discovery Telegrams
Ancient Astronaut Society Telegram
Noah's Ark Cables
The Von Daniken Letter
CIA Psychic Probe of Ancient Mars
Scott Wolter Lawsuit
UFOs in Ancient China
CIA Report on Noah's Ark
CIA Noah's Ark Memos
Congressional Ancient Aliens Testimony
Ancient Astronaut and Nibiru Email
Congressional Ancient Mars Hearing
House UFO Hearing
Ancient Extraterrestrials
Premodern UFO Sightings
The Moon Hoax
Inhabitants of Other Planets
The Fall of the Sky
Blavatsky on Ancient Astronauts
The Stanzas of Dzyan (Hoax)
Aerolites and Religion
What Is Theosophy?
Plane of Ether
The Adepts from Venus
A Message from Mars
Saucer Mystery Solved?
Orville Wright on UFOs
Interdimensional Flying Saucers
Poltergeist UFOs
Flying Saucers Are Real
Report on UFOs
The Supernatural
The Devils of Loudun
Sublime and Beautiful
Voltaire on Vampires
Demonology and Witchcraft
Bulgarian Vampires
Religion and Evolution
Transylvanian Superstitions
Defining a Zombie
Dread of the Supernatural
Werewolves and Vampires and Ghouls
Science and Fairy Stories
The Cursed Car
Classic Fiction
Lucian's True History
Some Words with a Mummy
The Coming Race
King Solomon's Mines
An Inhabitant of Carcosa
The Xipéhuz
Lot No. 249
The Novel of the Black Seal
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Pharaoh's Curse
Edison's Conquest of Mars
The Lost Continent
Count Magnus
The Mysterious Stranger
The Wendigo
Sredni Vashtar
The Lost World
The Red One
H. P. Lovecraft
The Call of Cthulhu
History of the Necronomicon
At the Mountains of Madness
Lovecraft's Library in 1932
The Skeptical Poltergeist
The Corpse on the Grating
The Second Satellite
Queen of the Black Coast
A Martian Odyssey
Classic Genre Movies
Miscellaneous Documents
The Balloon-Hoax
A Problem in Greek Ethics
The Migration of Symbols
The Gospel of Intensity
De Profundis
The Life and Death of Crown Prince Rudolf
The Bathtub Hoax
Crown Prince Rudolf's Letters
Position of Viking Women
Employment of Homosexuals
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