I was trying to research Giorgio A. Tsoukalos’s Legendary Times magazine, the publication he uses as his sole credential for appearing as the primary talking head on Ancient Aliens. Unfortunately, Tsoukalos’s Legendary Times website stops indexing the magazine with the 2008 calendar year, and his Legendary Times Books online bookstore lists no issues published after volume 10 in 2009. I was unable to find any listings for issues published since then, or mentions of the publication either in the media or online except as Tsoukalos’s journalistic affiliation. WorldCat.com lists no libraries that hold the publication. As the privately-published newsletter of a private club, I suppose they wouldn't carry it; but is "publisher of a club newsletter" a serious, History Channel credential now? In poking around the Legendary Times site, I found an article, “Paleo-SETI: Interdisciplinary and Popularized,” that contained some rather stunning statements that are a master class in obfuscation and circular reasoning. The current version attributes authorship only to the AAS-RA as a body, but the use of the first-person singular narrative voice (unusual for an organization) and the lack of any other author for articles hosted on the AAS-RA website strongly indicate Tsoukalos was the author. The article is endless, and I have space and the stomach to touch on only some of the scientific illiteracy in the piece. The article begins by suggesting that Ancient Astronaut Theorists uphold the highest levels of scientific rigor, leavened only by a surfeit of imagination: …one can and should approach this controversial topic of ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) in an objective and logically arguing manner, while it is not even then sure if careworn skeptics are willing to follow logic. There are facts, but also indices, probabilistic calculations, hypotheses and, of course, speculations that play a role in the pros and cons argumentation’s of the Paleo-SETI discussion. (Grammar as in original) What are we to make of this? As a “careworn skeptic,” I am intrigued by the idea of an Ancient Astronaut Theorist (AAT) using logical arguments. I have pointed out that these theorists use false evidence, gross misinterpretations, and slipshod scholarship to create arguments that, even with that fake evidence, make radical leaps in logic. Take for example Tsoukalos’ own argument about gold crowns and sunbathing aliens. Or David Hatcher Childress’s argument, broadcast on Ancient Aliens, that aliens used Egyptian obelisks to channel electricity to an orbiting satellite to beam down to Easter Island to move the moai. Objectively, the obelisks date from 1500 BCE and the moai from perhaps as late as 1250-1500 CE, when the obelisks were mostly destroyed. Objectively, there is no evidence of an alien satellite. So, logically, Childress’s argument makes no sense. Of course, this is not the type of “logic” AATs are thinking about. Their logic runs on a different method, one which follows this track: It is possible that aliens came to earth in the deep past. Assuming this possibility, how could we re-interpret existing artifacts?
This, however, assumes the conclusion, rendering all ancient astronaut speculations inherently circular arguments. The “evidence” seems to prove the “conclusion” only because the conclusion was assumed in the premises. The author, presumably Tsoukalos, believes in this circular logic, likening the Ancient Astronaut Theory to an incomplete puzzle: Our brain works redundantly and simply puts the missing pieces together and then you can see what the whole picture shows, its message, so to speak. It is also clear that this will not work if you are concentrating on just one corner of the puzzle or haven't dealt with the matter thoroughly enough. Transposed to Paleo-SETI, this means that someone who has not been dealing with the indications for very long or has just focused on a sub-topic, will have difficulties recognizing the "picture", i.e. realizing the idea. The idea meaning to understand the "message", to realize that ET contact was a factor, too, in the past. As we can see, AATs begin by assuming alien intervention and then work to fit the evidence to theory. These are not my words. They belong to the author of the article, who states succinctly: “Logically, crosslinks must by force exist when we follow the motto ‘(some) gods were (could have been) astronauts’.” This is quite correct: assume a premise, and logically the conclusion will serve to prove your assumption. Real science, real logic work the other way, deriving theories from evidence and then proving the theory by using it to make predictions about evidence yet to be found and checking to see if the predictions are correct. Current theories of cultural evolution, while not perfect, meet that test; the ancient astronaut theory (hypothesis, technically) has provided not a single testable prediction. It has generated no new knowledge of ancient history, provided no new sites to explore, turned up nothing of any value. The one site Erich von Daniken proclaimed as his own discovery, a cave filled with an alien library, turned out to be a fraud. But AATs have done one thing very well. They have done a great job colonizing television and contributing to the widespread forces of anti-intellectualism and rage at “elitists” who stand for facts, logic, and truth—the values AATs claim to support in theory and fail to honor in practice. Finally, lest it seem that I merely attack without giving due consideration, note that Tsoukalos (or someone writing on his behalf) offers a statement on Atlantis with which (heaven forefend!) I agree 100%: ...there could not have been any Atlantis (i.e. a very advanced civilization comparable to ours) either, or else we would find traces of its infrastructure worldwide. Of course, that didn’t stop Tsoukalos from opining about Atlantis on Ancient Aliens. Maybe that’s why he didn't sign his name to the article, lest an errant logical opinion get in the way of good television.
10/28/2013 03:16:02 am
Could it be that ancient aliens traveled billions of miles in highly sophisticated spacecraft only to be stone masons here on earth? I didn't think so either.
7/8/2014 01:17:15 pm
If I went to a playgroup full of 4 year olds I would build them a really cool sandcastle, I wouldn't let them play with my iPad.
2/2/2015 06:43:44 pm
Stone lasts!! and some of this stonework around the world was most certainly achieved by people who were way beyond a humble stone mason:)
5/22/2015 03:01:59 pm
As soon as modern day stone masons, or even modern day construction engineers for that matter, can tell us how ancient civilizations were able to erect these architectural marvels, I'll start believing what mainstream science calls intelligent design.
1/31/2016 09:25:18 pm
Good one.
Janet Toohey
7/15/2016 08:15:37 pm
Apparently you have never seen the night sky when it looks like LA traffic at its finest. You have never thought beyond your nose that inner dimensional and time travel is happening, and has for thousands +++ years. You have never seen some of these beings, and perhaps the buildings that were created were done so we could see them now. I have dealt with narrow minded people for 50 years. Get you head out of the sand. And look to the skies. This world is so full of pompous narrow minded people it makes me sad. I guess that's why this world was created. To teach us to accept each other's differences. 12/28/2016 01:27:15 pm
jesus Christ said for the road is narrow, and only a few will find it. thru understanding and comprehension. in other words ,IDIOTS,will have a hard time understanding the concept of a much higher intelligence.the anunnaki are mention in ancient text ,the creators of men. the bible mention them in numbers 13;33 ,you idiots would have a very hard time figuring out the math. this things are not for you .you idiots have close-minds.
Jesse Contreras
5/27/2017 02:44:54 pm
...or come from light years away, only to wreck in ROSWELL???
Camille Johnson
8/4/2017 07:21:32 pm
I, too, could find no link to the magazine. I do agree with Georgio that AA is as good an explanaition as traditional religions (or better, in my view). But why so illogical and non-transparent?
Robert Bruce
7/22/2018 06:52:41 pm
Ha ha ha ha! I must agree with you. I'm sure that every super advanced interstellar civilization dreams about coming to a third rate star system, where people are still wearing loin clothes, so that they could immerse themselves in their budding, yet primitive, "civilization" so that they could build stone pyramids, among other things. As P.T. Barnum said "There's one born every minute." Tsoukalos is just another snake oil salesman who only needs to fool one in a thousand people to make a nice middle class living for himself. It certainly gives him enough money to maintain that ridiculous hair of his. Can anyone take him seriously with that hair? Really?
11/23/2018 04:16:14 pm
Humans visiting Mars might very well use local materials to help construct living spaces. Who's to say that ancient aliens might not have been stone masons on their own planets??? There are many good things about stone structures, durability, stability, and security being only the most obvious. Your assumptions are exactly what you need to leave behind in order to recognize and visualize the unknown possibilities presented by our remote past as well as the far future of humanity.
indred cold
12/21/2018 07:52:51 pm
humans are the most arrogant species on earth. the earth is flat because that's all we know. we are the only form of intelligent life in the universe because no other beings have proclaimed themselves to us..Hey , i personally think suck a louse and childless are nothing but purveyors of disinformation.. P.S.- here's something really interesting to think about.The book of revelations says the whole world will be at war until they see the armies of the christ ,a huge army coming out of the sky that causes all the armies of the earth to stop fighting each other and unite against this heavenly army. the army of heaven wins and begins to rule our earth and our arrogant asses..
Jack Conrad
5/3/2019 05:00:16 pm
Who says they've traveled from afar? Quantum physics is studying the existence of 11 dimensions "stacked" within/next to our own accountable dimension.
9/16/2022 09:46:44 pm
I know for sure the world isn't flat. The cats would have knocked everything off by now. Go print that in your magazine.
Mark kelly
2/14/2014 04:38:12 pm
About ( ANCIENT ALIENS. , THE SO CALLED EXPERTS ). They n the H . C . Are FULL OF S#*t. Whats that old Soutern saying. { NEVER LET THE TRUTH GET IN THE WAY OF A GOOD STORY }. They are miss leading an entire generation that are to young to know better. ITS JUST ANOTHER SHELL IN THE GUN THATS POINTED AT THE HEAD OF INTELLIGENCE. { I use to realy like the H . C .
Big Mike
9/15/2014 07:25:28 am
Oh my goodness! Did a 3 year old write this? Misspellings and horrible grammar. If you want to put your opinion out there, you might be taken more serious if you didn't write like a child. I'm guessing public school education and no college???
8/1/2016 10:21:35 pm
I think I got the jist of what you are trying to say. Sadly, after reading your point of view, I realized that with your inability to spell, or use punctuation to the degree of any 7th grader that you have in fact ate that bullet pointed at the head of intelligence. I mourn your lose.
Kieran O'Driscoll
8/23/2016 08:06:21 am
"Intelligent design" is the idiotic idea promulgated by the religious morons trying to get their creationist mumbo jumbo and other superstitious nonsense taught in schools. It has nothing to do with science. 8/12/2017 02:36:56 am
Big Mike, Ihave to agree with you. > have a hard time with a lot of thetr claims like when they say things like "distant past" instead of an era in time.
Susan Morehead
8/6/2018 06:04:18 pm
in Book of Genesis 6.4 states there are GIANTS
steve matthews
3/5/2019 08:06:22 pm
how do any of us know, really......like the line in the film, if it was just us it would be an awful waste of space, and who is to say an alien race didnt help us in the past as for using stone they probably had to use the available resources on earth to teach us, its not like they could bring it with them......I say let poeple believe what they want, u never know next tuesday on your way home from work you might glance upwards without a care in the world (apart from sweating buckets because your wife told you she's trying something new for dinner and the last time she said that you had to increase your life insurance) and see something straight out of independence day. Point i'm trying to make guys is dont take it too seriously no one knows who is right.....and what's wrong with georges' hair......come to think of it with some of the stuff my wife cooks on a tuesday, she might be an ancient alien.......hmm bedtime could get naaaaaasty.......................
Brian Burdick
7/12/2015 03:17:50 pm
Mr. Tsoukalos is quite a "talker" .... and further more, he's laughing all the way to the bank !! Granted, he seems to be a likable soul, just not buying into his AAT speal. Remember, "theory" is neutral, it's an idea. Tangible evidance would produce a stronger scientific platform.
5/23/2018 03:56:26 pm
I like that there are alternative ideas as to how we came to exist on this planet as opposed to that which mainstream religions preach. There’s no tangible evidence of either theories but I’m not so egotistical as to think that we are the only living beings in the universe. We exist ... why shouldn’t others?
Bend Over
3/3/2019 04:16:40 pm
well when they show actual proof and not b.s. like a spaceship landing on the white house lawn then people will believe it!
1/5/2016 07:32:18 pm
You all know everything.Really you Idea logs know nothing. You have small minds and when you die it will go black for you.pity for you.
5/21/2016 11:41:00 am
I agree w/Brian Burdick. But I think he forgets that Mr. Tsoukalos is part of a program that is for entertainment, not the absolute truth. How can you take seriously someone with his hair style except, Albert Einstein? Lighten up, Mr. Burdick, Dare to laugh a bit Mr. Tsoukalos provides plenty to laugh about.
Jerry Schreiber
5/21/2016 04:10:48 pm
Mr Tdoukalis is as real as his haircut and his mysterious lapel pins
Adorable Ancient
12/22/2017 02:02:53 am
You have to give him that. He does have hair. Wild, wavy, wacky, whimsical, wind blown, wizardly, and unforgettable hair! Gobs of it...Hmmmmm... so you have to wonder, the letter "W" was taken from the ancient Egyptians, who used the letter as a hieroglyph that represented a snake. You have to ask yourself, is this a mere coincidence?
Garth Livingstone
1/3/2017 08:31:32 am
It is remarkable that these 'Ancient Astronaut' theorists under-estimate the intelligence, skills and creativity of homo sapiens.Our advanced ancestors had the same drive for creativity and scientific understanding as we do today, creating the early infrastructures of all civilizations.Over thousands of years, accumulated knowledge and labour could easily explain the Pyramids, Stonehenge or other ancient monuments.It is fair to assume that every generation creates people of high intelligence, curiosity and work ethic.Yes, it is possible the Earth may have been visited from the infinite cosmos since ancient times, but evidence of prehistoric engineering and astronomical observation is not evidence of Alien intervention.
5/1/2017 08:23:02 pm
♤♤♤♤ There is still the issue of moving the "building blocks" of said infrastructure from here to there.? Yes?
5/1/2017 08:50:24 pm
♤♤♤♤ For help putting the "building block" movement problem into perspective, Google "Levitated Mass", a single boulder weighing in at 350 tons + / - and see what it took to move it from point A to point B with our best equipment. Ancient structures are built on foundations of 1,200 ton blocks of stone. Then smoke a bowl & veg out a bit.
6/18/2017 02:13:47 pm
not true,, Society in early recorded history tells us man changed very little over generations. 7/14/2017 06:04:35 pm
I have been saying the same thing. Our ancient ancestors were as intelligent as we are. You don't have to be an MIT grad to be smart & innovative 12/21/2018 05:05:59 pm
Livingstone presumes that brilliant engineers and philosophers existed eons ago. Hard proof are the pyramids
Will smith
5/30/2017 03:26:31 am
All jibes aside the hairstyle says it all.
Pat Johns
6/17/2017 04:06:36 pm
Jason. The more popular Tsoukalos becomes the more jealous you become. You seem to be basing your career on your dislike for one man. Find someone else to bash, you have worn this one out. Give it a rest.
Bobby one time
12/16/2018 03:52:48 am
Suckalove cowinceadense, I think not ! ? There four I am not.
8/13/2017 01:41:11 pm
I topped reading when the author, that had just basted both Childress and Georgio for having n o evidenceand making giant leaps in logice. Chidlress theorizes that the obilisks (sp) were used to beam energy from a satellite in orbit around Earth. OK, yes, that is quite an assumption. But, the author explains it away by stating there is no satellite in orbit so he has no proof. That's ridiculous. First of ll, there is a saellite in orbit that no country will take claim of, I believe it is called the Black Knight? So, 1, there is a satellite in orbit that Childress could lay claim too, and 2. the satellite utilized would clearly be gone by now, for various and various reasons. So, while very far fetched indeed, Childress has more support for this outlandish idea than do you the author.
10/20/2017 12:45:24 pm
I wonder if anyone at one of these conferences or meet and greet have ever asked him to see a copy of his magazine or could they get an autographed copy of his magazine I don't understand why this is not come out in the public more that there is or isn't a magazine if there is where is it if there isn't he should stop using it to promote himself on national TV(and get a hair cut), I'm sorry but I can't stop talking about his hair usually people that go on TV try to look decent that hairdo I I don't understand what it symbolizes freedom I know it symbolizes wackiness if he's trying to portray himself as a scientist or someone with knowledge haircut like that doesn't really fit, maybe if it's if he is an alien or he just likes having his hair done by turning upside down in the chair letting it hang down until it drip dries and gets stiff but it makes no sense to have a hairdo like that in this day and age.
11/16/2017 02:10:09 pm
There is a Legendary Times magazine. You just have to find it. 11/17/2017 10:23:27 pm
Legendary Times hasn't been published since '08 or '09. If you look on the web site, you'd know this. The only copies you'll find now (if you're lucky), would have to be old editions. If you don't like the program or have a problem with Georgio's hair, why the hell do you watch it? Do you enjoy upsetting yourself or do you just need something to bitch about. Honestly, you must be able to find something else to do, even if it's wrong.
1/13/2018 03:11:25 pm
You seem to have a huge problem with this guys wonderfully thick full head of hair, I'm guessing you have a head like a cue ball. Anyway, that's a really childish reason to take a dislike to someone. I quite enjoy watching him, whether he's talking nonsense or not who really knows
3/9/2018 09:45:25 pm
Hey Pawlee, maybe an alien will land in your yard and teach you punctuation. If you want to be taken seriously, why do you type out an endless, rambling huge block of text with one sentence running into the next, no punctuation? Do you realize what an idiot this makes you come across as? And while I'm here, here's a question to the skeptics: How in the hell did stone-age people figure out that we had eight planets in our solar system, and then also figure out their relative distance from the sun? There are ancient structures that are built to reflect this. This knowledge would be IMPOSSIBLE to achieve during this time -- without access to 20th century astronomy equipment OR...information from ancient aliens!
11/19/2017 06:56:43 pm
You require all the AATs to come up with absolute prof of extra
1/19/2018 04:50:27 pm
I know one thing that's real, the dictionary. Try using it.
Rosalee Stone
3/11/2018 04:58:15 pm
Are you aware that “Alien races” also believe in a Highest God ? And by the way they don’t all look like the Greys who are a bio engineered race who were controlled by races such as the Nordics. It’s obvious not one of these so called experts has ever looked into the face of an Alien. 6/1/2018 06:12:07 pm
Ah, the comments of the illiterate. Moses saw G-D. He was physically transformed by the experience. [The Book of Exodus. Read it.] Secondly, Jews (of which I am one) do not anxiously await the coming of our savior. When the Messiah comes, the world ends. Period. Billions of people will die. The world of Xians may want us dead but, for the most part, the feeling doesn't run both ways. Live long and Prosper! <g> Worship as you please
Dr. SC
3/3/2018 03:07:29 pm
One major thing worth noting in all of this...and let me say I am a fan of the series on a few levels...but that is that evolution is mathematically impossible although the narrative continues to be pushed. I'm all open to the possibility of life on other planets that could support life, but not on the basis that it "evolved", but that someone (or "something" if that is more general for you) must have brought that life. Ultimately, no matter how uncomfortable it may make people, you can take logic of life to the very end and find there to be a Creator.
Forrest BrownS
2/1/2019 04:16:16 pm
So where did the creator come from? If all that exists is so complex that it couldn't have "just happened" then how likely is it that the creator "just happened"? 6/28/2019 02:22:00 pm
As a 74 year old with 42 years of aviation experience, trained as an air rigger initially, then advanced to that of Aviation Technician,working on fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft while serving in the Royal Canadian Navy, then as a civilian qualified as a company engineer on 7 different aircraft, with over 7,000 hours of test flights,both at night and during daylight hours, over sea and land, I, and the several flight crews I've worked with have observed a multitude of craft whizzing about the sky at all hours of the day and night. Even with the disclosure in the mainstream that what you see the military flying now is generally 25 years behind what is actually viable and confusing to the general public, doubt and skepticism reign supreme when the subject of extraterrestrials comes up. I have never seen an actual crewman of any of the craft I've seen, so perhaps they are totally robotic, given the fantastically physics defying "G" forces they undergo during turns at a verifiable 9,000 miles per hour. No crewmen, but someone had to build these things,us, or "them"?
Candido Mota
3/27/2018 09:15:01 am
Remove the program from the History Channel and transfer it to Fox Comedy where it belongs!
Steve Archer
5/18/2018 01:48:48 pm
As an alien myself living here on Earth never having read Legendary Times magazine I've got to say there's just there is too much information left out I I can't remember why I came here in the first place if I leave or if I'll return or what the hell I was supposed to be doing here anyway but you all have a great day
sunburn jones
5/31/2018 04:40:38 pm
Steve. HEARD THAT. ✌️✌️
6/28/2018 07:17:17 pm
I agree that there is a lack of the scientific methodology used in all there arguments, though if they ever applied the rigors of real scientific discovery and testing that can be duplicated (as they did with the plane-looking artifact that did indeed fly) some of their theories may help explain what science hasn't.
11/23/2018 06:38:05 pm
I'm just seeking facts, or presumed facts pertaining to the topic of ET's. AAT's have truly gotten my attention, however now I'm not sure I've been giving my attention to something worthy. I still seek truths concerning ancient religions, etc. that may be hidden from the general public, as I believe there are many...
Todd Morgan
1/6/2019 03:59:57 pm
I enjoy watching speculative program, however I'm not a big believer in aliens per say and Georgio if that's his real name has some way out there theories, and I have yet seen nor read his magazine, now David Childress has or had a magazine in which I had a subscription too once upon a time, I would think that there would be more transparency with these people, it is a theory which isn't proven , as for ancient history there is no one left to tell there stories and what if the translated text are wrong? What there right and were are the bodies? If there are or Were aliens I'd think there technology would be advancing and yet we see old pictures of crafts flying most of which look like flying pans or models, and were is the alien DNA from all this alleged evidence? Some history has evidence, violent out burst show ignorance for anything intelligent or speculative, most things created started with some for of theory or speculation.......
Bend Over
3/3/2019 04:23:05 pm
well when the wack jobs show us real proof not snow jobs then we will believe but anything that ever happens is always alien please theres a sucker born every day.
Jan r Hershberger
7/19/2019 02:45:43 pm
Greetings Esteemed Jason Colavito: I've read your critics though I''m kinda late considering 2011? Let me just say there CERTAINLY is a DEFINITELY CORRECT answer to all of this. Only One that actually fits upon everything and everyone like a hand in a glove. I can provide this conjoined with endeavored scientific verifiable proof if one might still yet be at all interested? Yea even Further surmised as well as certainly via applying ones common sense and logical reasoning inclusive. Yes there is only one way all this could ever fit together like any hand within the correct sized glove for sure. If interested please contact me?. I'm sure surprise and too awe shall certainly encompass all ones thoughts henceforth leastwise!
5/17/2013 07:49:38 pm
It is one of the most ironically funny shows on a tv that is requiring more and more irony sprinkled on to digest. Refuting them is just a fools errand: they learned from the sophistry used to say yea, but, so to the logical rebutals of the various proof's of god's existence - they just deny all logic in the assumption and say yea,but, so. It is quite amusing, and, hell, they go to cool locations
Manuel Laboy
2/3/2014 05:08:27 pm
I agree
5/11/2015 12:07:03 pm
"...the various proof's of god's existence..."
5/22/2015 03:11:27 pm
I've heard theirs a few in the Bible. Check it out, it's an old book, you should try reading it. So old in fact, it even predates the modern history and science textbooks you studied in school. I have faith you'll enjoy it. God Bless Angellos!!!
J Lee
7/19/2015 10:18:34 am
Thank you.
12/3/2017 10:53:58 pm
It all depends on how you define "God". To me, God is just a handy term mankind uses to refer to the so-called meaning of the universe--that big picture that we sense we're a part of, but are too small to ever understand. I believe it is real, not metaphysical, mythological or supernatural. It's what thinkers, philosophers, scientists, and theologians have been instinctively searching for since the dawn of time. And, whatever it is, it would almost certainly make perfect sense--if we could only get there. But we won't--because we are like ants in a Chicago alley trying to imagine Mt. Everest. I like to call this big old unknown God. And, yes, there is evidence of it's existence all around us, in the mysteries of history and the miracles of nature. If someone feels better calling God "him" or "father" and attaching a warm and fuzzy face? Well, that's human nature.
J Lee
7/19/2015 10:16:26 am
Name ONE piece of physical, verifiable evidence that proves existence of ANY God or creator. Please don't say that because we live and breath is that proof.
T. Bird
7/19/2015 11:44:19 am
As I'm sure you're aware, theirs as much physical proof of God available to me, as their is proof against it available to you. Let's not forget, the "Big Bang" is still just a theory and nothing more. So therefore, until science can even tell us how man made structures (like the pyramids) were actually built, I'll leave the larger universal "mysteries" to my faith.
9/5/2015 09:17:31 am
Thought this might be a good place to insert a question/comment. I wonder why they never quote Zecharia Sitchin (dec 2010) who started his research in the '40's and didn't publish his findings until the '70's. His series the Earth Chronicles have a bibliography larger than the books! What they are in general hinting at now he unearthed and related his finding to pre-biblical, through biblical writings.
linda hazelwood
11/9/2015 07:53:05 am
In revelations it mentions the belt of orion coming unclasped. We now know that the stars spin in opposed directions, and will eventually pull them apart. Explain how someone knew that thousands of years ago. Intelligent Design makes more sense if you are open-minded enough to go with a broad definition: That "God" is simply the warm and fuzzy term that we humans, in our effort to make sense of the universe, have chosen to assign to that all-encompassing explanation that lies somewhere far beyond the horizon, beyond the scope of our ability to see or fathom it. Make no mistake about it, there IS one and only one such explanation. Things happened in a certain way a long time ago. It's a mystery to us, but that doesn't make it supernatural; it just makes it "yet to be explained". Was it ID by a supreme being? By a pantheon of gods? By ancient astronauts? By a series of quirks of physics? We can guess, but we probably can never know (because we are too small and our vision too limited). But whatever that explanation is......why not call it "God"...and continue seeking to understand it? Interesting speculators like Tsoukalos prompt us to ponder and make pondering fun.
9/30/2016 03:10:45 pm
Just so you know, if you watch any of the series, you will see that many of them believe in God, but attribute much of our existence to gene/DNA manipulation. I can say this for sure, this Universe is beyond comprehension in size, and within it are countless stars, all within more Galaxies than we can count (again countless, though billions have been seen.) it would be ignorant, foolish, and arrogant to believe we are the only intelligence in it, and...and I might add that many of those galaxies and even solar systems in our galaxy are much older than our solar system. Think on that before you dismiss it. We may well have been touched up and groomed or not, and there is no problem with people trying to find the truth of our origins. Science looks for one truth, it's own and within a closed skeptical mind. Open minds see much more, open yours.
6/2/2017 01:37:03 pm
As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.
Bob Burton
6/22/2017 02:39:44 pm
We should all keep in mind that it's just entertainment and since I'm a fan of both history and geography I do find the program entertaining. Of course a great deal of what is presented takes a lot to believe but every once in a while there is a nugget to ponder and makes one go hmm.
12/3/2017 09:42:49 pm
Prob the most intelligent comment on this page. The show does make some rather large leaps but it does give you something to think about every now and again. Thinking something is not proof Giorgio lol
Rain Wolf
6/21/2013 01:06:16 pm
His magazine and site exist, maybe you didn't look for it because you didn't exactly wish to find it. http://legendarytimes.com/ There are many theories out there, I am not saying I agree with all of what Mr. Tsoukalos proposes but I do believe in science and theories are part and parcel of the scientific method. Maybe some of you have heard of it although from the jibes, it seems to have been left by the wayside. But that is just an observation, also part of science.
6/21/2013 01:10:24 pm
The website exists, but when you try to access info for issues, it just gives errors for anything after 2009 or 2010.
Rain Wolf
6/21/2013 04:38:36 pm
Maybe it's your browser or RAM? I run Win 7 and 4GB RAM and can get in. Sorry you cannot get in. I hope you all have a nice weekend. Take care.
Rain Wolf
6/21/2013 04:38:49 pm
Maybe it's your browser or RAM? I run Win 7 and 4GB RAM and can get in. Sorry you cannot get in. I hope you all have a nice weekend. Take care.
Rain Wolf
6/21/2013 04:39:13 pm
Maybe it's your browser or RAM? I run Win 7 and 4GB RAM and can get in. Sorry you cannot get in. I hope you all have a nice weekend.
Rain Wolf
6/21/2013 04:39:54 pm
Maybe it's your browser or RAM? I run Win 7 and 4GB RAM and can get in. Sorry you cannot get in. I hope you all have a nice weekend.
3/7/2014 12:21:39 pm
While Giorgio may not be an established archeologist that spews out the same ole tired mantras and ideas that are set in stone, it is wrong to say that his sole qualification is his now defunct magazine. He has been the director of the Ancient Astronaut Research Center for 16 years. He also holds a Bachelor's degree and is fluent in six languages. His ideas may be radical but he has an open mind and is capable of 'outside the box' thinking. Something that academicians all across the U.S. cannot seem to do.
6/14/2014 05:00:35 pm
After all, at the end of the day, the Big Bang Theory, while credible, is also just that: a THEORY, as is much of "proven" science...
candy tutt
1/14/2015 06:26:14 am
…but it IS a good TV show!!
10/20/2017 12:33:23 pm
All I have to say is what's with the hair I know people don't go out in public looking like that just got to be a TV thing but it's not working it looks like he found an alien and when he shook his hand it shocked the hell out of him. I'm partially disabled and I watch a lot of TV and I'm starting to lose faith in some of these networks after reading some of the stories about the shows in the people that they have on the world is screwed up enough without people from networks trying to put stuff on TV that makes people even more screwed up give the world that chance right now it's fighting a losing battle and if you guys keep it up who knows what will happen. It's not that I don't believe that there other life in the universe way too big a space for just to be us in it I think the problem is pretty basic distance too far to go that's why maybe they came here in the past maybe they'll come back in the future who knows but it's not the right for some people to make up stuff and try to get the world to believe what their opinion is when they're not sure what their opinion is. Sorry if I pissed anybody off but things like this kind of text people the wrong way if you know what I mean sorry have a good day
12/3/2017 09:49:23 pm
Science is proving something to make it fact so before Gobekli Tepe was found, they hadn't found anything that old before so i understand why they thought that. The fact that they changed the "history books" shows that proving ancient history is fluid imo
Bruce David Wilner
6/16/2015 12:58:48 am
Jason, I'm not sure why you waste your time. Even if some of the theories have merit, the "scientists" they consult don't know from beans. We have people gesticulating and talking of "electric fields" and "vortices" when, I guarantee you, they don't know what either of these terms even means. And the bit about "natural frequencies" of this and that is truly funny. Again, I don't think they know what the word 'frequency' means.
ms fahima
9/28/2015 01:24:11 am
I ran across this aricle by accident. I do have a great idea , grab a dictionary and look up the word "hypothesis". After you look that word up,go back and reread titles of the people you are bashing, and try to make sense to yourself, what kind of non sense your article makes. You are bashing people who call themselves" theorists"...hello???
J Lee
7/19/2015 10:24:42 am
Hey, T bird. were not talking WORDS. Were talking actual physical scientific proof. NAME ONE.
7/11/2013 12:25:09 pm
I had a subscription my wife got for me as a gift,.I only got one publication that they said was two issues combined. Ayear later I called an inquired about the rest of the magazines I was suppose to get. A girl replied that they were working on it. I got burned never again I guess.
J Lee
7/19/2015 10:32:51 am
..or Jesus.
Rain Wolf
7/12/2013 02:29:17 pm
From what I understood, about Mr. Tsoukalos and his magazine was that was how he ended up on the show and is now the producer of "Ancient Aliens." So I don't know how involved he is with the magazine now, but didn't the show start about the time as the break in publication dates?
Rain Wolf
7/12/2013 02:29:37 pm
From what I understood, about Mr. Tsoukalos and his magazine was that was how he ended up on the show and is now the producer of "Ancient Aliens." So I don't know how involved he is with the magazine now, but didn't the show start about the time as the break in publication dates?
7/12/2013 06:16:43 pm
Alot of the information is questionable. However, the ruins of Puma Punko in Bolivia defy all logical explanations. There is no way that the building they represent was made by stone or copper tools. I have seen them myself. The cuts are perfect, complicated, and represent right angles as sharp as only a modern machine could make, yet there are no machine marks, traces of grinding tools. The measurements are exact. They also show signs of wear from extreme age. I don't know who made them, or why, but they have been there for thousands of years. Who ever made them had access to technology they we may not even be able to match today.
Rain Wolf
10/29/2013 05:09:27 pm
I agree completely with the amazing technology that was used to create Puma Punku; so precise that if we could produce something of its sophistication.
1/3/2014 04:40:40 am
I have been educating myself on the question of ancient aliens for a long time-reading, watching, asking, contemplating...trying to ask the right questions. Puma Punku is indeed the one thing that is beyond explanation. If there were high tech societies thousands of years ago we have yet to uncover the tech at these sites. There is nothing.
1/3/2014 04:47:44 am
Sorry, continuing here: if you ask the question about creation of puma Punku, then it's not a big leap to consider the thousands of ancient, medevial and current pictures, stories, legends and interviews that depict ancient and current signs of alien visitation. The evidence is there to support tying many possibilities together. The AA question is too broad covering so many different facets of tangible and intangible topics/evidence not to consider that by trying to pull possibilities together
1/3/2014 04:58:34 am
Continuing again....it could all make sense. Sorry this was so long!
6/14/2014 05:06:47 pm
Let's face it, in truth it would seem the more we LEARN the less we actually KNOW. Always challenge, ask questions, and never take "no" for an answer.
5/15/2015 08:05:33 pm
Waiting for another show to come on, while putting some finishing touches on my graphic organizers about the Pharos Lighthouse in Alexandria, Egypt and recreated in D.C. as the Masonic Temple, and the G. Washington Masonic Memorial (the whole country in fact is set up in relative proportion to ancient Egypt) I ended up watching the Ancient Alien episode on Leonardo Da Vinci. Sort of pissed by the portrayal (more like betrayal), I went in search of the Hollywood-hair guy who's in love with the sound of his own voiced thoughts. Wiki lists this blog as skeptical, so I came here first. Right away there's reference to Gobekli Tepe, one of my favorites. The name is translated incorrectly, however. The hilltop should be the omphalos or outie navel of the god PTAH [Egypt], not the potbelly. One is universally symbolic, eg. Delphi, the other is derogatory. Also, at Site B there is evidence that the craftsmen advanced to the point of designing rectangular rooms. Meaning, they discovered the Divine Proportion, 1:1.618! Their sculpting [PTAH] of Sky Burial slabs (PTAH-ptero 'wing', begins), including Pumas, eventually led to temple building using the Golden Ratio. The Site B slabs were smaller and of lesser quality, so the top guys became journeymen, and the rest is the history of architecture.
Margo Tannenbaum
7/17/2015 03:11:45 pm
Well said .... God good thinking! Thank you.
Margo Tannenbaum
7/17/2015 03:05:15 pm
Indeed, and what are we to do about those issues of positively confounding origins that they present little to no avenues of study? If we leave them alone to the future unknown minds who WILL think about them, what have we done to even support our current methods? I'm not content to sit back and let others, whether aliens or Aztecs, think about these superior questions. Had Einstein done so, I'd be on the first UFO
12/3/2017 09:57:50 pm
1st off we have no idea how old those sites are, for example they could be 100,000 years old and all that tech would be long gone. 2nd if it is that old or older then 10,000 years how do you know they didn't have copper tools or even steel tools that just eroded away
Ancient Aliens and the AAT are very interesting to me for one reason. In my opinion the evidence they site leads to a much different conclusion. I find it much more likely, based on discoveries such as pumu punku and the chinese and bulgarian pyramids, that global human civilization extends much further into the past than previously known. A civilization and technology comparable to ancient rome or the minoans.... destroyed by a global event and then forgotten. If our world were to experience a catastrophe now, what would be visible or discoverable in ten or twenty thousand years? Not much. We build with perishable materials and store and archive data with those same mediums. We build no massive stone structures with our knowledge carved in them, so my guess is that the earth would consume most if not all of our global civilizations presence. My problem with AAT and it's proponents is the willingness to believe in everything from "Nessie" and Bigfoot to aliens. In no circumstance can it ALL be reasonably believed and defended.
8/21/2013 05:40:49 pm
I've thought that since I first heard about AAT. I think the evidence points to our own amnesia as a species more than aliens and that our history is far more complex than we are willing to admit.
3/10/2014 01:30:58 pm
Yes, I call it "cultural amnesia" and we are not even close to a reawakening at this time. What I like about AA and especially writers like David Childress is that they make me think differently and thinking differently is perhaps a key to emerging from our self-imposed cultural amnesia.
2/27/2015 09:51:39 am
Could you please provide a link to that interview? Thanks.
Harold (Truthseeker)
3/7/2014 12:59:02 pm
Wildfire, Wes and RainWolf, you guys are absolutely on the money. Please read my posts above responding to this website. AA is a show about being open minded and about entertainment. If the skeptics don't appreciate that then they can watch PBS or the Smithsonian channel. But not the Science channel cuz Through the wormhole and other shows don't follow the established paradigms either. They actually explore and hypothesize. Something that skeptics cannot stand. The close mindedness of these guys is astounding. It was the skeptics that burned Bruno at the stake and imprisoned Galileo. Both big believers in aliens. I don't espouse myself to everything they talk about but it is stimulating and there are nice nuggets of truth to be found in every myth. Time for these skeptics to stop attacking Giorgio and others and spend their energy actually employing the scientific method in an effort to discover something valid.
6/14/2014 05:15:32 pm
I believe the word you're looking for is "ego"....
Margo Tannenbaum
7/17/2015 03:28:51 pm
You hit the nail on the head! Thank you. Care to join me on that UFO to Saturn? My dream is to get Giorgio to join us! Just imagine, we might speculate answers to tons of ancient questions. AND, another thing .... as the farmer said when he couldn't get his donkey to listen, and he slapped him in the rear with a 2X4, "You need to get their attention first!" That may be Giorgio's intention. He certainly was my first baby step, and I'm deeply grateful to him! THANK YOU, GIORGIO.
1/31/2016 09:27:12 pm
Well said,even when you said it.whenever that was
6/14/2014 05:12:56 pm
Let me begin by saying that I do not necessarily agree with AAT. However the show DOES clearly demonstrate just how little we know and opens our eyes to many different cultures and all of the exciting discoveries waiting for us to learn, and for that alone I applaud them. There is never anything wrong with seeing things through a new perspective! That IS the very essence of knowledge .
8/16/2015 05:11:52 pm
Yeah, they do stretch a little too wide on Ideas. They Need To Focus On The Stones And Building methods.
Mrs Jones
8/21/2015 07:28:14 am
watching AA mini-marathon. One episode suggests the first Japanese emperor came to Earth on a "dragon." A couple of episodes later, the emperor was conceived when an angel impregnated a human woman. It seems to me that they change their suppositions based on that show's topic. For example, shows that talk about the pyramids don't always have matching information. Why isn't the supposed evidence reinforced regardless of the main topic? Other programs (besides AA) that talk about the pyramids never tell us that some of the drawings appear to represent beings from outer space.
8/20/2013 06:47:42 am
It seems like they try to excite the viewers ,it just gets real old. But your opions are very valid
6/14/2014 05:17:52 pm
What is wrong with "exciting" people to learn? They are accomplishing more than many of our "educators" seem to be! Learning is and always should excite us.
Doug z Johnson
9/3/2013 01:52:54 pm
Sure, aliens could have been here and yeah maybe they rode outer space jet skis wearing helmets made out of rocks,
Doug z johnson
9/3/2013 01:56:57 pm
That when folded in half look like weird aliens.
Doug z johnson
9/3/2013 02:01:03 pm
The head of the Knights Templar was a slightly less ancient alien. And Masonic aprons are the outfits of the Gods.
9/17/2013 12:03:47 pm
I do agree that starting with a theory and looking for evidence to 'prove' that theory is not science. There is some of that in AAT, but it slips into mainstream science as well. How many years have they been looking for the 'missing link' to prove that humans evolved from apes?
9/30/2013 04:16:28 pm
I agree with Melinda. The whole point is to make you think outside the box. The show never claims to have scientific proof.
9/30/2013 05:13:08 pm
Thanks Lily, and yes, I concur. Thinking outside the box is something that as a species, we seem remarkedly poor at. I'd almost say we've trained to live our lives with blinders on.
jeff young
10/28/2013 05:59:49 am
Hats off to Melinda!!
10/29/2013 09:03:11 am
Hey, thanks Jeff. It's really nice to have someone (or anyone!) listen to my ideas. 10/29/2013 09:11:41 am
Any idea that is sufficiently good and sufficiently strong should actually benefit from having people point out mistakes and problems.
Lawton Wells
10/15/2013 06:15:52 am
First I can think of several structures built (The Pumapunku is a terraced earthen mound that is faced with megalithic blocks. It is 167.36 meters wide along its north-south axis and 116.7 meters long along its east-west axis. On the northeast and southeast corners of the Pumapunku it has 20-meter wide projections that extend 27.6 meters north and south from the rectangular mound. The eastern edge of the Pumapunku is occupied by what is called the "Plataforma Lítica". The Plataforma Lítica consists of a stone terrace that is 6.75 by 38.72 meters in dimension. This terrace is paved with multiple enormous stone blocks. It contains the largest stone slab found in both the Pumapunku and Tiwanaku Site. This stone slab is 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide and averages 1.07 meters thick. Based upon the specific gravity of the red sandstone from which it was carved, this stone slab has been estimated to weigh 131 metric tons.) This being only one example of impossible feats indigenous peoples built. Feats of which we do not have the technology to build today. In one specific case , measuring up to 26 feet long and weighing more than 100 tons each - See more at: http://www.ancient-code.com/12-facts-about-puma-punku/#sthash.J8hqesIx.dpuf. was lifted 120 feet into position? maybe not aliens.
10/15/2013 06:19:00 am
So was it impossible when the Romans, the British, and the Americans moved Egyptian obelisks to Rome, London, and New York City? All of that was done before gasoline-powered engines, and yet you do not consider this "impossible" work.
3/7/2014 10:19:15 am
Are u kidding Jason? Surely you cannot compare the transportation of singular obelisks to say the trilithons? Built before the Romans and they are the largest blocks in the world. We CANNOT transport them TODAY. What is your explanation for the transportation of the "stone of the pregnant woman for instance? Please explain how ANY of the trilithons were moved from the quarry site to the platform and then hoisted up? I'm not saying aliens did this. I AM saying that we just plain don't know and I will take the word of MANY stonemasons working within the major construction industry when they say it cannot be done. I'm sure I won't get a valid or competent response to this comment. Figures. 3/7/2014 10:32:52 am
This topic has been discussed ad nauseam. Here is one such discussion: http://gilgamesh42.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/moving-the-stones-of-baalbek-the-wonders-of-roman-engineering/
3/8/2014 08:00:30 am
12/11/2013 05:30:25 am
Giorgio is brilliant, as is Mr. Van Daniken and the others he has on the show. People are so afraid to even look into the possibility of ancient astronaut theory being viable. So keep burying your face in Facebook, put on your comfy snuggy, and continue your path towards being a "sheeple". Most importantly. DO NOT think for yourself! The New World Order loves those types!
12/11/2013 05:45:04 am
I don't suppose it occurs to you that one can "think for yourself" and conclude that the ancient astronaut theory is wrong.
12/11/2013 06:59:02 am
Actually it does occur to me Jason, and you make a valid point. My point was that many people are afraid to even look into anything like ancient astronaut theory, conspiracy theories, and the like. It is far scarier to me that people won't look into things for theirselves, than whether or not theories, etc. are true. Thanks, Ken
10/15/2013 05:37:43 pm
Hey Jason,
7/8/2014 01:25:49 pm
Misinformation does not apply when there are many possibilities to consider; only when there are known facts does it apply.
10/28/2013 10:04:13 am
I personally have traveled to many parts of the world and seen many things I can't explain.What I liked about the show was the fact I got to see locations I could have never seen otherwise.I personally saw in Peru carvings that looked just like our space exlorers and dat back so far that man at that period couldnt even comprehend reading or writing. And I challenge any constuction co on earth to make a slab equal to the one at puma punku.There was a time not long ago when if you had told someone about tv's you would have been called crazy. There are many things we dont know,to discount any of these is foolish. Put out an announcement that you are taking bids from construction co's to build a dupplicate of the great pyramid and see how many answers you will get. We cant do it! And 90% of the comments on this site does not center around science,but this guys hair! What the hell has that got to do with science?Scientists themselves have a reputation for this.Look at Einstien, nobody knocks his genious because of his hair! Even in the movies scientist are portayed thaof the alien dept in the Will Smith movie.In fact,if the US gov. had madsions based on Einsiens hair there are thousands of inventions that we either would not have or we would not have advanced our tech so quickly.Imrom
10/28/2013 10:30:09 am
I'm on a small pad,so forgive the spelling,tiny letters,big fingers.I wasn't finished with my post and it just went on anyway.So,I'm not saying I believe anything on the show,but I don't disbelieve either. This site seems to have a personal vendetta against this man.They say there is no new evidence, but this show has brought much known evidence to a public that knew nothing of places like the ones in Peru and other places.I've watched the show, and instead of saying "This is true!" They said,"Is it possible this could be true?" That seems to me that they are asking us to think,to decide for ourselves what might be.I have learned things from this show that IF later confirmed with publications like Scientific Journals and Seti publications,where I'm
10/28/2013 10:37:14 am
You can join the club of people who think I have a personal vendetta. So far, that includes my "vendettas" against Giorgio Tsoukalos, Jason Martell, Scott Wolter, David Childress, John Anthony West, and many, many more. It goes with the territory when you answer the question "Is it possible this could be true?" with a "No" and then point out the reasons why.
10/28/2013 11:06:25 am
No thanks,I have no desire to waste my time.But I do question your qualifications to say no after researching your background.I won't be back on this site.And by the way,every time I'M started saying something unagreeable to you,I'LL was cut off and had to put in another comment.I had no problem on his website.How come you comment section adds letters and words?I'm an author,wouldn't misspell this crap.No,no thanks,I only join sites that intellegent people run,not ones dedicated to hindering research. 10/28/2013 11:09:09 am
I don't run the software that powers the blog comments. You're free to send your complaints to Weebly tech support at Weebly.com. They run the backend.
10/28/2013 10:52:36 am
I was saying I was a Seti supporter and member.As far as the website,I've had much more problems with this one than with the one you are putting down, and yes there is new material on that site.With billions of stars, if you think we are the only life there is,you need to go back to school,because if that was the case,the US Gov. would not be giving Nasa and Seti billions of dollars to find out.Open your mind, worry about your own hair,as it needs some help also,and throw that ego out the window that says we are alone.If we were,we would be Gods ourselves,being the most intellegent beings known by us at this time.If you hate this guy so much,man-up and go face to facewith your accusations.I've never seen either ofyou untill today,but I don't think you'd stand a chance.And if you asked 100 men whether they would want your hair or his,once again,you wouldn't stand a chance.I know men who wou die for a head of hair like that.They may style it differently,but they damn sure wouldn't pick yours.If you're
10/28/2013 10:58:11 am
I did "man up" and Tsoukalos refused to speak to me ever again after I challenged him to his face: http://www.jasoncolavito.com/1/post/2011/08/my-alien-afternoon-with-giorgio-tsoukalos.html
10/28/2013 11:31:26 am
How do you see talking about someones hair as facts that matter.I'm actually terrified you will delete my comment.It's really goinna make a difference,like this crappy website does.You've lost before you started,and if he does ever agree to meet you,Id love to be there.Do something with your hair,it might help you think,no,I don't think there is any help.By the way,did you know he's an advisor to Nasa and Seti,what have you done but hide behind your computer and put other people down.Let people think for themselves.Your negativity about life is a pitiful way to have to live.I'LL can't stand to be this close to it.I'm 10/28/2013 11:36:52 am
Apparently you know nothing about me. I'm a well-regarded critic of supernatural fiction, I worked on NY state's 9/11 exhibition, I have been a speechwriter for international officials, and I've ghostwritten books in addition to those I've written under my own name. You read a blog post and threw a fit about hair.
1/6/2014 02:40:04 pm
Jason, thank you..... While I enjoy Ancient Aliens as a mild form of comic relief when nothing else trips my trigger on TV, your well-reasoned dissection of their "logic" is infinitely more enjoyable in the long run. A quick bio on Georgie on Wikipedia indicates his academic qualification for his outrageous assumptions that everything we hold sacred is due to extra terrestrial interference is a bachelor's degree in sports writing. He has, single handedly, made a sport of ludicrous diatribe that is unparalleled indeed.
J Lee
7/19/2015 11:21:39 am
Calm down little lady. It's a discussion.
J Lee
7/19/2015 11:19:15 am
Any statisticians in the house? What are
Stacey Scicluna
10/29/2017 03:27:10 pm
We are the children of one God.
Rain Wolf
10/29/2013 05:25:42 pm
One thing strikes me as odd here. I see attacks of a personal nature that questions his credibility rather than research into the man and if he can be discredited, you cannot involve personal biases to be deciding factors. You need facts. As I see it, Mr. Tsoukalos in an editor of a magazine as well as producer of the show "Ancient Aliens." What degree does he require to do these things? He is also well versed in the texts of many religions and/or spiritual practices. Yes, they are "fringe topics" but if we all close our minds to something new than we may as well not even be here on this planet. It wasn't long ago the most learned men of a certain time that the earth is flat and the blue skies were great bowls of blue crystals. We only truly advance on this planet, is if people to put aside differences and be brave enough to shine our "Light" into the recesses of darkness that seems to close too many minds to other reality and possibilities.
10/30/2013 08:39:49 am
Well put, Rain. I thought about this a while ago myself. What qualifications -would- be the most applicable to AAT? It seems to cover such a wide range of disciplines, from physicists, to nuns, to Indiana Jones-style explorers! Or would archaeology or anthropology be more suitable? The thing is, there is no course to teach anyone about AAT, because none of it is accepted or confirmed. Therefore, I don't really see how one person is more qualified to speak on it than another.
Rain Wolf
11/17/2013 04:24:09 pm
Hello Melinda,
Rain Wolf
11/17/2013 04:24:28 pm
Hello Melinda,
11/2/2013 03:25:25 am
i was brought here by looking into Legendary mag. I have read most of what has been said and i;m not sure why anybody would bother trying to negate Ancient Aliens because i have seen almost every episode and i have never heard anybody say anything other than....this is what i believe or think about it this way....They are all theroies from a lot of open minded men and women who look at things different from traditional science. I actually tend to lean more towards the possibilty of Ancient Alien interaction with early man. I am not really sure why that seem to sound so crazy to some people
11/2/2013 03:36:20 am
As you indicate in your comments, Chad, you yourself lean toward this idea, and why is that? It's because you heard it somewhere, even if it was in the form of a question. By pointing out why those questions emerge from false premises (and almost all of their assumptions are wrong) it helps to avoid the audience answering those questions with false conclusions that lead to adopting wrong ideas. The question isn't whether the idea is "crazy" but whether the idea is true. And it isn't true.
11/2/2013 03:47:16 am
to understand you, are you saying that you dont believe in the possibility of Aliens or that you dont believe that they had any affect on early man. I enjoy watching shows of this nature and also programs on ancient cultures and havent ever seen a show or read an article that says....we know exactly why they built this without a doubt or we know exactly what they meant and the truth behind everything that was written down by them.I would be interested in some articles that go into detail why all of this is impossible can you suggest some stuff? 11/2/2013 03:49:41 am
Most scientists believe that aliens may exist somewhere in the universe, but there is no evidence any of them ever came here. You're welcome to check out my extensive coverage of Ancient Aliens in the "Articles" tab above under "Ancient Alien Fraud."
Rain Wolf
11/17/2013 04:29:07 pm
How do you know with such certainty that it isn't right? I don't believe the whole truth is known, so how can we hold onto absolutes like this with such religious zeal?
Harold the Truthseeker
3/7/2014 01:34:40 pm
Wow Mr. Colavito, 3/7/2014 10:41:40 pm
Do you realize that I wrote this blog post in 2011? I hardly think a blog post written three years ago constitutes a deep-seated drive to attack Giorgio Tsoukalos.
11/2/2013 03:26:29 am
sorry for the run ons and spelling booboos
11/2/2013 03:52:06 am
I havent seen a show or read an article that says that there is no possibility that any of this is true. I'm not sure how anybody could know what was meant by all of ancient peoples writtings and why exactly they built things they way they did. i would be interested in reading some stuff that refutes things on the show, maybe like an article on ...actually the these structures dont line up with the stars
11/2/2013 03:53:03 am
I do that extensively in my episode reviews, blog posts, and other articles. Feel free to check them out.
11/2/2013 03:53:21 am
cool i will
11/2/2013 05:01:14 am
Have started watching Debunking Ancient Aliens....wow seems Ancient Aliens has been quite misleading on almost every fact so far, i guess i have given the show a little to much respect. I am glad i didnt try and go toe to toe with ya on this stuff... hahahaha
11/2/2013 05:10:49 am
i subscribed to your news letter you might have a new convert
11/9/2013 08:12:17 am
Just one thing I don't get about the AAT issue w/regard to ancient Egypt: Okay, I'm a space traveler who's encountered this planet w/pre-technological civilizations. I decide they could really use my help & provide them w/lasers to help w/stonecutting, anti-gravity devices to help move huge stones, & teleportation devices to facilittate travel between our worlds, & yet somehow it never occurs to me to give them the wheel? Just sayin',
11/26/2013 02:50:47 pm
Been reading your stuff for years. Thank you.
J Lee
7/19/2015 11:39:58 am
This sense your talking about, exactly what would that be?
7/27/2015 08:21:43 pm
A good example is the post below claiming that the Sumerians "knew about our solar system and described it in great detail."
11/29/2013 02:00:42 pm
Fact: the ancient Sumerians and many others knew about our solar system and described it in great detail. While millennium later "scholars" claimed the earth was flat. New ideas should never be dismissed without doing YOUR OWN RESEARCH!
2/2/2015 07:04:52 pm
well said Andre! but there are always the sort of people that are easily swayed either way.
J Lee
7/19/2015 11:40:50 am
Great comment
12/6/2013 10:40:28 am
I like the show. It makes me think. It doesn't tell me what to think. It poses questions and possibilities. I teach critical thinking in college. The show is a prime example of how to make somebody think critically. The object is not to convince the viewer of the absolute right answer. It is to make the viewer rethink the simplistic "facts" of history and archaeology. Asking questions and questioning long-held interpretations is what has led to most of the scientific breakthroughs that create our modern world.
12/27/2013 04:12:40 am
Couldn't agree with you more, Tom.
12/27/2013 04:10:06 am
So, I stumbled across this blog after watching several episodes of Ancient Aliens and starting to wonder about Legendary Times Magazine. I have to say I find the conversation here as entertaining as the show. Yes, it borders on the ridiculous. Yes, it breaks the rules of scientific method. Yes, there are probably some people out there who will take AAT ideas as fact. So what. I wonder why you, Jason, feel the need to be final arbitrator of what is fact. You start out making perfect sense but you lost me when you claimed to know what is fact. There is only one truth out there and that is that we don't really know anything for sure. We only think we know, but history is strewn with the proverbial "known facts" which are ultimately debunked and replaced with new ones. You are probably correct but arrogant to claim you know what is true. The show is fun to watch, you get to "visit" interesting places, and when it's over some of us like to speculate "what if". If nothing else the show feeds speculation on the complexity of ancient history and the possibility of long forgotten civilizations that may rival our own. Ancient Aliens sure beats the rest of the crap on TV these days that serves as entertainment. I say anything that sparks speculation, feeds the imagination and encourages a few people to challenge conventional thinking is a public service. You are free to take on the mission of debunking AAT but don't claim you know what is and isn't true. I, for one, will continue this silly indulgence and enjoy watching the show, no matter what you think.
12/27/2013 07:41:24 pm
You are so right Gabbi, I just wish people would take the time to do a little research on their own before beating down any new theory! If it makes you think (for yourself) its a plus!!
1/5/2014 02:05:20 am
Old George is entertaining but an important point comes up and that is if just one of his points is true all of history and religions are wrong. If you all want a different slant on the whole thing buy my book THE GREAT PYRAMID HISTORY WITHOUT A PAST. Go to (Lulu.com) and pull up the title and buy the book for download.Something that they never get into is Col. Corso who claims they gave the Roswell debris to different companies. Who did they give it to and if Corso was telling the truth these people made billions of dollars and have been keeping this information from the public and from the government who think they know.
1/6/2014 11:52:16 pm
Right Bruce! Gorgio is just the face man, He regurgitates the work of Sitchin and Von Danikin. Just take a look at one example of fact. The Old Testament of the bible is a shortened version of Sumerian records written about 5000 years earlier. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH PEOPLE!
J Lee
7/19/2015 11:46:44 am
Please, explain to me how history and religion are wrong if any of AAT is true.
3/3/2014 07:44:11 am
I for one do not need footnotes to see the truth. I believe its because of my Alien DNA
Harold (Truthseeker)
3/8/2014 09:50:41 am
3/21/2014 10:47:00 am
The replies to this blog ended up being more entertaining than the Ancient Aliens marathon playing right now. Thanks!
5/12/2014 08:17:34 pm
Obviously Giorgio got the History Channel 2 job because of his hair. #shocking
2/27/2015 10:33:22 am
Bopeep your comment couldn't be more accurately descriptive of yourself.
2/27/2015 05:50:39 pm
So the best comeback you could come up with is, "I know you are, but what am I"? Nice.
J Lee
7/19/2015 11:57:43 am
There is no such thing as evolution, if there was we would have the missing link. Same as having no alien proof. Using YOUR logic NOT mine.
5/31/2014 10:59:05 am
I question Georgys' credibility to be added into this show. Though he is very entertaining, I can't help but feel that he is actually harming the merit of the other ancient astronaut theorists, especially when I can't find any books or magazines or even an article written by Georgy. I did love one episode in which he stated that humans are far from the superior species that it claims itself to be. It is true our species have a long way to go. We are a bunch of apes with fancy toys and tools. If truly superior, humanity would not have infidelities, wars, famines, rapes, child molestations, second class citizens, etc. Technologically we are better than other species, but socially we are equal to them.
6/14/2014 03:03:18 pm
I would liken your writing to fantasy.
7/8/2014 12:33:55 pm
I have read some, but not all, of the comments above and thought it important to chip in and add that most sceptics of the AAT probably (and I am generalising a bit here, sorry about that) believe in God, an omnipotent being that can't be heard, touched or seen. Enough said?
4/28/2015 05:41:23 pm
I'm an atheist and I find the Ancient Alien theory to be bullshit. So there goes your logic idiot.
J Lee
7/19/2015 12:28:41 pm
It may be B.S. Surely, the answer is that ALL matter in the universe once the size of a pinhead spontaeneous combusted into what we now know.
J Lee
7/19/2015 12:22:37 pm
Stacey Scicluna
10/29/2017 03:48:23 pm
Too bad for you, the Big Bang is just another theory .
7/28/2014 12:26:40 pm
I don't support the Ancient Astronaut Theory, and I think it's a load of trash. But what do you think about Tsoukalos and co.? Do you think he is sincere in his beliefs, or do you think he's a huckster out to make a quick buck? Personally I think he's just a naive person who doesn't know any better. Occam's razor and such. I presume that since you met him at one point you would have a better understanding of him than me though.
7/28/2014 01:05:00 pm
He's been convinced of the truth of ancient astronauts since he was a teenager, and his belief in the idea certainly started out sincere even if today he seems willing to stretch it to whatever makes good TV.
7/28/2014 01:56:45 pm
Thanks for the quick reply man, I appreciate your thoughts.
7/31/2014 10:43:23 am
I kind of liked the 'Ancient Aliens' and other UFO stuff as a I had been a kid (and now grown up) who was fascinated by space and the idea of aliens. I read about astronomy and sci-fi, and was absolutely in heaven when I threw my mind into the universes of Doctor Who and Star Wars.
9/1/2014 10:20:19 am
I would suggest that whichever reality you believe in, I think that to close your mind to other possibilities, is asinine. There is more than enough factual evidence out there to support the notion that civilization has been around in one form or another, for at least fifty thousand years. We've had to contend with drastic climate changes, wars, diseases, and a vast number of other devastating planetary problems, that have culminated in slowing our evolution. Who can say where we would be as a civilization, if we were able to combine our knowledge and power, and work together, as a species.
10/18/2014 05:33:11 am
I like AA, these guys are giving us an alternative to religious teachings. So many of our political leaders claim all the science you need is in the bible. Yet the AA theory is so much more believable than magic gods. We don't know, yet in my opinion AA is more credible than Christian or Muslim belief.
Isis Eye
1/30/2015 04:55:07 pm
http://legendarytimes.com The site does have current links (1/30/2015) to other sites and articles; however there are NO PUBLICATIONS of the magazine after 2010 which is what was stated in this blog article. Anyone can self publish then call themselves a "publisher".
10/4/2015 08:28:58 pm
Back issues are available for purchase all the way back to Vol 1 #1 here: http://www.legendarytimesbooks.com/legendary-times-magazine-back-issues/index3.html
ms fahima
10/5/2015 06:51:32 pm
Thank YOU! exactly what i was looking for when i ran across this bs instead. Lol ;)
J Marizo
2/6/2015 08:31:23 am
I have seen many items on this show that have made me think in a different way more open mind That's what its all about
2/7/2015 01:25:31 pm
I have read just about every comment on the blog. Most of you are just moron. Some of you are closed minded moron that obviously believe the earth is still flat. I really wish you would just keep your idiotic comments to yourself. As for the magazine and web site, it's up and running as it always has been so at least get THAT right before you actually start a blog. Moron
2/7/2015 01:43:22 pm
"I really wish you would just keep your idiotic comments to yourself."
2/7/2015 02:47:10 pm
Galoktoo! I am Rann, Outreach Coordinator of the Alliance of Friendly Planets (AFP). We ordinarily do not communicate with technologically developing cultures who are not ready to join our alliance. However, there is so much miscommunication being disseminated both on this planet's television & internet, that we are concerned it might badly skew your development.
Stacey Scicluna
10/29/2017 03:55:40 pm
You just visited. And thank you for your interest.
2/18/2015 11:41:15 pm
Is it bad that the most recent comment on this page before mine seems to make the most sense of any of them? Just kidding, but I had to put my 2 cents worth in. Seriously though, I have read all of the above comments and have to say (as others have said already) that none of us knows exactly what happened more than a few thousand years ago. As has already been pointed out, the discovery of Gobekli Tepi suddenly doubled human history and totally refuted everything we "knew" about the start of human civilization. It's not the only one, either. Massive man-made underwater complexes have been discovered, in places that were only flooded at the end of the last Ice Age, which puts them in roughly the same time period. Does that mean aliens did it? Of course not. Yet NASA tells us on their official website that they are discovering new planets left and right, that they believe the ratio of stars to planets in our universe to be roughly 1:1, that the universe is "probably teeming with life" and that our solar system, at 4.6 billion years old, is one of the youngest in a universe believed to be 10-14 billion years old. Add this to the fact that our own technology has advanced tremendously in just a couple hundred years, and you begin to see how an extraterrestrial species could be easily a million or a billion years ahead of us. Who knows what they might be capable of? They could easily have visited us thousands of years ago. There are too many anomalies, too many ancient texts referring to "gods" and their fantastic weapons and vehicles, for any true scientist to shoot down the idea out of hand. And before anyone tries to say those old stories are all made up, I can say only this: When those stories were written down, writing was fairly new, and only a tiny fraction of the population could read. Furthermore, everything had to be written by hand, either in stone or clay, or on paper that also had to be made by hand. It wasn't like today, where nearly everyone can read and pencils and paper are readily and cheaply available. With that in mind, is it really likely that people would waste so much time and energy writing down made-up stories that almost no one would read? Yes, I'm using one of Giorgio's favorite arguments, but in this instance, at least, good ol' Captain Crazyhair makes a valid point. Does that mean he's always, or even usually, right? Of course not. Ancient Aliens definitely stretches the truth on a lot of points, as does Giorgio. But that doesn't mean there isn't some truth there, either. We simply don't know. But I've seen too many sculptures and carvings (totally independent of AA and Giorgio) that depict what certainly appear to be astronauts, spaceships, etc. from thousands of years ago. Then there are the many paintings of religious scenes depicting what certainly appear to be flying saucers in the sky. Not to mention the Romans and their "flying shields", the references to what sound exactly like modern weapons and aircraft in the Vedic texts, the vitrified stone forts of Scotland, and so on and so forth. SOMETHING weird was clearly going on, which does not fit with the current dogma. Let's not forget that Columbus was a madman for believing the world was round, Galileo was a heretic for believing the Earth wasn't the center of the universe, and the Wright Brothers were chasing a pipe dream by trying to build a heavier-than-air aircraft. I'll wrap this up by saying that I happen to wear the term "skeptic" as a badge of honor, but a true skeptic doesn't just shoot down ideas because he dislikes them. Rather, the true skeptic shoots down ideas that have nothing to back them up, and that is not the case here. Remember, there is a difference between skepticism and willful ignorance. Oh, and I welcome any replies, both supportive and critical, so long as they are intelligent and professional. I don't stoop to personal insults, and ignore them when I receive them, preferring instead to focus on facts and theories, and why they may or may not be correct.
2/19/2015 09:37:32 am
Cee, thank you for your thoughtful comment. The fact that people went to a lot of effort to record certain information, in itself, doesn't convince me that the information is necessarily accurate, or that we're interpreting it as intended, regardless of what interpretation seems reasonable in our context now, thousands of years later; although I don't automatically dismiss such hypotheses either. Ancient Egyptians & other cultures went to just as much, & more, effort to describe, & provide for, their beliefs about what happened to the soul after death, & the pantheon of gods who controlled existence. There are some who regard the Old & New Testaments as such mythology (& please note it's *not* my intention to start a debate here about religion vs atheism!). I also have to admit I'm not motivated to do extensive in-depth research in this area, & am not an expert in any area of established scientific inquiry, so my opinions are based on casual interest & exposure. Based on what I've seen reported as actual observed fact, it seems there are some elements of ancient sites that haven't been explained satisfactorily, e.g., why are some sites, like the Nazca lines, apparently designed to be viewed only from an airborne position (could they have had hot-air balloons?); why are stones in some constructions carved with a degree of precision we can duplicate today only with modern technology? I do find such questions fascinating, even if I'm not prepared to accept out of hand the answers provided by logical leaps made by ancient aliens theorists. I don't claim to have alternate theories to explain all this, but that also doesn't mean the ancient aliens theory is the only one possible. I'd love to hear some different proposed explanations.
2/24/2015 08:53:37 pm
Yes, the fact that people in ancient times were capable of feats that modern engineers can barely (and sometimes can't) do, tells me that they had something going on beyond what archaeologists tell us should be possible. I don't think most people truly understand the massive, massive undertaking necessary to build huge structures such as Puma Punkhu and the pyramids, even using modern technology, let alone dragging massive stones by hand. The reason we don't build that way now is because it's so hard. It's much easier to use wood, metal, or concrete poured on the site. I find it difficult to understand why ancient people would have used such huge pieces of stone. From a logistical standpoint, it makes much more sense to break it into smaller, man-portable pieces and stack them on top of one another. That's how most stone buildings were constructed from medieval times right on up to today. So why did people thousands of years ago transport 100 ton rocks around? The only logical explanation I can come up with is that is wasn't that difficult for them, because they had technology/techniques we lack today. Your observation about ancient texts is right on. I believe people were reporting on fact, or at least what they believed was fact, but that doesn't necessarily mean they got it right. Just assuming that people were seeing extraterrestrial beings with advanced technology, they wouldn't have described it the way we would today, but would have used terminology that made sense to them. A rocket could be a "fiery chariot", an energy weapon might be related to lightning, which would be the only thing primitive people would have to compare it to, etc. And of course the religious dogma of the time would heavily skew perceptions of any unusual event, natural or otherwise. Most of the alternate theories I've heard don't make much sense to me, particularly those offered by the "mainstream", who would have us believe that everything is a coincidence, and that people used simple ropes and pulleys to move stones that the biggest heavy-lift cranes today couldn't budge. One theory that I do like, and that was touched on earlier in this thread, is the possibility of human civilization having risen and fallen many times over the millennia, due to wars, plagues, natural disasters, etc., and that one of these earlier civilizations were responsible. Incidentally, I've read two fantastic novels, Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz, and Abduction by Robin Cook, that explore this idea in depth. Both are works of fiction, of course, but very thought-provoking just the same. As for myself, I haven't heard any other ideas that sounded credible, and would be interested to hear thoughts of others. While I'm not yet prepared to say for sure which, if either, of the theories I've heard are true, I have to admit that deep down, the child in me thinks it would be really, really cool if it turns out that our planet was visited by aliens in the distant past.
5/1/2015 12:15:28 pm
None of this is presented as facts, it is fun and entertaining. What will your next project be, fact checking science fiction novels? And as far as not putting out a magazine lately, he has clearly taken that time to work on his hair. And in my opinion it was worth it. Good day sir.
5/1/2015 02:26:18 pm
5/8/2015 08:29:01 pm
Big Mike ...left a comment earlier. .criticizing. someones post.. Big Mike ur a Di**% ..hows this writing for you.. is my grammer good enough was that one M...or 2 ..not sure insecure A$$h@L... you have nothing better to say then to assume someone went to public school.. or has no college... gives me a F..ing brake... or is that break..hmmm what a DiC..you are Mike ..woohoo you went to college .. No offense to college people those who went to better themselfs and humanity. .but Mike obviously went to clarify that fact to people every chance he gets.. wow.. and yes i only have public High school.. and make more money in my career then 70% of college grads i know..not actual data but my personal own observation in fact i think its more but i dont want to sound egotistical same goes for just plain common sense and basic knowledge. . im the guy usually helping out or correcting 70% of college grads in my field... and lastly most college grads work for dropouts...again i dont have actual data .. but if your a college grad like Big Mike you can figure it out... again no offense to Grads that use there knowledge to better themselves, there families and mankind... but as for MiKe i guess he skipped the class How to remain Humble 101... or is that humble lower case is that a noun or pronoun hmm lets ask mike.... a persons knowledge comes in different forms i had an encounter with a individual with similar comment such as Mikes in person and my comment was well you understood did you not... and he was an english speaking only college grad.. so i responded ok smart man i speak, read, and write.. 4 different languages so does that make me more knowledgeable then You...hmmm ..lets ask George from A.A.. ..LoL..sorry had to let all that out.. as for the blog topic... yes i enjoy AA.. but that George guy always had me thinking what makes him a expert.. i enjoy his show..but have a hard time just excepting anything he says.. i never took the time to think.. .how qualified is this guy, since i watch for entertainment only, but thanks you have given me a new outlook about this A.A.. George guy.... thanks for reading my post ..sorry for any errors in grammar or punctuation. .i only have a public high school education, my parents were not as fortunate.. i wouldn't want to offend people like Big Mike...
5/11/2015 06:23:45 am
Does AAT have it all wrong?? No more than the idea that the pyramids were built in 20 years...Dont think so. The fact is, there is more we do not know than we do know about what existed thousands of years ago. Aliens been here on earth,,,Possible...just because there is no artifact that says "gort was here" has been found does offer proof that they were not here. To me, there is more unexplained areas of the world than we care to admit, We just don't know and as time goes on, maybe some day the truth will be revealed. Until then, we all are entitled to our opinions and should not be subjected to "debunk" just because we don't agree. Many learned men of science and theology have been proven wrong on many occasions, so until someone shows me tunable proof one way or another...my mind is open to any theory...
Willi Rose
5/25/2015 04:07:15 am
Whether Ancient Aliens has it right or wrong doesn't matter as much as drawing humanity to think about the possibilities of who and what we really are. Star Trek first got me thinking and I couldn't get enough. I explored everything I could get my hands on. I wanted to know. In the process, I had "dreams" that taught me things I couldn't bring back to the three-dimensional brain. It simply didn't make sense (and that includes tools and dimensions). When I tried to bring it back, my mind went whacky, for lack of a better word. At least a year before Stargate came out, I was shown a wall of what looked like a vertical wall of water. It was a gateway to another dimension and I was being shown how to use it. So, when I watch Ancient Aliens, it brings back those things that were shown to me in earlier days and makes me want to know more. It doesn't matter that all the dots don't connect in AA but some do and make me wonder what else we don't know.
6/11/2015 06:00:04 am
All George does is 'suggest' ideas/theories. He never states that his opinions are fact. He points out places that we have no explanations : like the underground complex in (can't remember the country) that is an engineering marvel that could support 30,000 people). Engineers have said that we would have a very hard time, today, engineering this huge underground 'cave'. AND why would anyone do it?. He is just showing it to us and letting us think for ourselves after that. Why criticize this guy for that? Also, the stone work at many of these sites, like Puma Punka and other places, supposedly made by people with stone and at the most copper tools. How could these people right out of the stone age do this kinda work, with pure granite, that fit together so well that you need no mortar and they will outlast the human race. Engineers, PHD's have said that we might be able to construct the pyramids at Gyza, but it would cost hundreds of billions of dollars, 30-40 years and the need of 10's of thousands of people. Keep in mind the Egyptians' had no geometry and only had copper tools with not even having the wheel at that point. Also, the shafts that are built into those pyramids are an engineering nightmare. Open your minds and give a little credit to these PHD's,engineers and all the educated people that say, "no way people could have built these marvels right out of the stone age, with no math, no proper tools AND no wheel", with no help from someone smarter and with the actual technology needed in a matter of 25 years, let a lone 100 years. I could go on and on, but simply watch the shows on the History channel and listen for yourselves.
7/27/2015 08:45:08 pm
Things Scott insists are true:
4/18/2016 06:09:02 pm
You look at those cuts into the stones and tell me that they are done by hand and with hardened copper tools? If you watch the show, you see an interview weth a rock cutter that states that he could only do that with diamond, and then he still isn't sure it would come out so perfect (@PP). Your insults prove your credibility.
12/2/2016 08:59:17 pm
Oh dear, ignorance is bliss..............
6/12/2015 03:43:36 pm
WOW!! Haters beware!! You'll get a run for your money here! Why is it so hard for everyone to see that all we want is the TRUTH!! Whatever it may be!! Hard evidence to support one theory or the other or hey!! Why not BOTH SIDES!! Lets have SOMEONE WITH THE REAL PROVEN SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT and OH YEAH THE RIGHT CREDENTIALS to validate or disprove these theories!!
5/23/2016 02:58:42 pm
@Kirmit, the problem is that "credentialed" (let's say PHD's) won't even comment on the preciseness of stone work at say Puma Punka. I keep repeating myself, but you do have one credentialed individual, a professional rock cutter; that states in the show that he doubts that he could be so precise with even diamond as the medium for cutting. So, as one commentor replied to me, "they used copper tools, but they were "hardened" copper tools. That doesn't fly with me, or the professional rock cutter that they interviewed. The rock cutter has no hidden agenda and he was not asked if "aliens" did it, but was asked if he could replicate the work on the stones? He was asked if he could be so precise even with diamond? He was also asked if it could be done with copper. He said"no way" that it would be impossible. Plus you have the issue of moving the stones into place. Some way up to 100 tons. They didn't have the wheel and as far as dating the work, it was done possibly around 12,000 years ago, but no one knows because you cannot date granite rock. We were still living in caves, or just graduating from cave dwellers. Yet, they were capable at mathematical and geometric work that we would have a hard time reproducing today (the Pyramids). One fact about he Pyramids that really stands out, is the shafts that are built into them. To get the grade of the shafts or the angles to match-up while building a pyramid is an extremely difficult task. One that would require some very intelligent engineers using math that the Egyption's did not have. The rock walls at sites like Puma Punka are so well precised that they will outlast all of humanity. You can't even slide a piece of paper through any of the portions of the rocks that are laid on top and side-by-side to each other. Phd's in archeology cannot explain it, so they ignore it. They just say that it took a long time and allot of labor. To reconstruct the pyramids in Egypt, (which they did without even understanding the concept of a wheel), it would take us 100's of billions of dollars and thousands and thousands of laborer's and it would all have to be coordinated with multiple engineers that would have to measure every rock they put in place. Re-creating those shafts at an upward inclination is a mathematical nightmare. Yet, we, according to expert Phd's, did it in 25 years and with rock that came from quarries 100's of miles up the NIle. These Egyptologists give a time frame that meant that one stone would have to be placed every second 24 hours a day seven days a week for 25 years straight. The "math" doesn't add up. With the technology they had, not even considering their lack of math or geometry, it would have taken WAY longer than 25 years. Also, we never found any bodies in the sarcophicis's (sp). They also, are located in the exact middle of the Earth and line up perfectly with the Orion belt (at that time, because we have orbited further away since then, they don't right now match up perfectly to those stars. But they are close and they did match-up at a certain time and it's very easy for us to determine that. That is why we know when they were built, for the most part, because we dated the alignment with the Orion belt and our orbiting galaxy. Also, why were the rock walls at Puma Punka even built? How did 100 ton stones appear to have been blown apart when not even an earth quake at the magnitude of 12 or higher would scatter those rocks the way they are scattered. They appear to have been blown apart by some very powerful source. The H blocks look like a puzzle and when you piece them together, they seem to create the walls of a great hall, or larger gathering place. At lest George (and yes his hair-do shrinks his credibility a bit) posits theory and just makes suggestions. He doesn't claim to know anything for certain. So why so hard on the guy? There are so many archaeological artifacts that we do not understand that go unanswered or even theorized that it is ridiculous. Why is there no commentary on the giants that we discovered? We have their bones stored away in museums that are never put on display, including skulls that are twice or more the size of our sculls and bones that demonstrate a 9-10 foot tall being.. And a bit off topic, how about the foot prints that we found side-by-side with dinasour (sp) footprints that are both dated to the same time. Man did not exist 170M years ago. I know the last statement will make people laugh or call me stupid and crazy, but we have the plaster casts of the footprints and it seems that some human being was walking around at that time. I could really go on and on. All of these mysteries add up to a big, WTF? Another interest of mine is the bitrification that we found in India. Formed only by heat produced via a nuclear explosion. The bitrified sand is estimated to be more than 30,000 years old. We, at least some of us, want answers, or even theories, but all we have is Georg
12/2/2016 07:31:30 pm
I just posted about those dinosaur tracks and human footprints walking together in the same time period, and I see you posted the same thing!
Decklin O'Clare
6/13/2015 10:01:12 am
Sorry but once I see the terms CE (common era) and BCE (before the common era) I read no more. That level of ridiculous political correctness, to my mind, negates anything you might have to say
6/13/2015 11:18:09 am
Decklin: That statement isn't obtuse at all, is it? What a waste of time for you to write it or register to post it. Do you feel that opinion is demonstrative of your intelligence? Why don't you try it again; say anything intelligent. Just so you know BCE(I could care less if it is used) is simply utilized because we don't know the actual date that Christ was born. We have a good idea, but Roman scholars didn't actually start writing about him until about 100 years After his Death. And that's +\-
patsy griffin
6/19/2015 09:42:41 am
there is adam's tomb - at ADAM'S PEAK - Sri Lanka --- it is said that
7/7/2015 09:46:32 am
Hey anyone reading yes this site is bad it is designed to pull you away from God when was the last time youreD the bible yes we as scientist and humans want to know more but have you not heard or read the bible spiritualist gods fake gods all the stuff in Egypt they worshiped god I mean fallen angels from the bible I mean the devil you are being taken in by the devil out down this and go get your bible the planet ninu is coming to bring fallen angels and the star of jeruselum came on June 29 2015 it is a sign we are in waiting for the second coming of Christ he is coming you should repent now you Ned to get back to the bible read every night we have signs all around look up tribulation and revelation now.org and Planet X niberu it is bringing with it fallen angels do no follow believe in our lord or he will not welcome you when the tribulation comes you will be sent to the furry and fire of hell why should God forgive people sinning every day read the bible did you know anything you want to know Google bible verses about cussing or adultery etc the Internet will bring you the verses praise God believe and ask Jesus to save you ask him to come in your life and go forward and preach his word to others do not accept the pope he is a demon the catholic faith is not of God be a remnant a person who is of faith from the beginning a believer of the bible not of a certain faith God bless you all that read this star of Jerusalem has not come for 2000 years NOW THAT IS A SIGN JESUS IS COMING !!!! Amen
J Lee
7/19/2015 12:38:04 pm
12/2/2016 07:32:38 pm
3/7/2018 05:06:47 am
Take it easy lady!!!
7/30/2015 09:03:25 am
Just to break up the subject a little, the ancient multi-level underground city in the Derinkuyu district in Nevşehir Province, Turkey was used in one of the AAT shows. If you include the pointy houses "carved by the locals", back fill all eroded areas with dirt and rock including the huge underground rooms, you will find an incredibility old ant mound. These ants were 25 to 50 pounders "Ant Men "if you will. After all,centipedes grew to 3' wide 12 feet long and other insects were crazy big way back then too. Folks many millennia later took full advantage of what was left. The only reason there are no fossils of these ants is that they were prolific diggers and everything they dug through ended up on top so the AAs took them to mine gold and other minerals on other better endowed planets and moons. Keep looking up, the truth is out there.
8/7/2015 03:42:01 am
I don't believe a word he says, but Ancient Aliens is one of my favorite shows. The guy is just funny as heck, and I do see a lot of ancient sites that I never heard of before. I do believe it's possible that ET's have been to Earth though, so maybe that's why I can enjoy it while still taking it with a grain of salt. People just need to lighten up a bit and enjoy life and all it's variety. Peace. :-)
ms fahima
10/5/2015 07:08:52 pm
I think before you research anything on internet and then and decide to post any blog. The blog itself should contain information based on your first hand experience of visiting the actually locations in person. I also think you should use your own pictures of site locations rather than theorize on photographs you, yourself did not take. I have my own photos of almost all these sites in question. I cared enough to GO there , and see for myself ,what i believe or dont believe. However, i do not care to elaborate on my experiences , or bother with bashing others opinion. You should go stand on top of the ruins, and stand on the grounds these ppl stood on, then decide what you want believe. Its your right to have freedom to do that, and voice your opinion. However it is everybodys free right to do so and HAVE an opinion. Unless you have a phd or some sort of credibility, you are basically basing your theory off of a theory itself. If you have never been to these places, then you really don't have a first hand experience to say anything. Thats my point
Scott A. Smith
10/7/2015 10:26:29 am
ms: So, it's OK for a PHD to base his/her opinion on pictures and not me? Also, we use diamond to cut those same rocks today and it takes allot of time and effort. Further, the cuts into the rocks that are visibly left today are far to straight and accurate for it to have been done by hand. Of course, by viewing pictures and listening to 'other first hand accounts dilutes the actuality of any 'experience'. Just like watching the evening news: we are not getting the full story,, but some other persons' analysis. But I think it's fair to say, that the facts that are pointed out, regarding the engineering are far too difficult to accept that they point towards the Egyptions, et al, having the abilities to complete this kind of precision work when they didn't even have the wheel. The inscriptions you point out suggest that humans were involved in the construction of the pyramids. Surely, humans were involved, but where are the blueprints? They have replicated the cutting of the rocks used with the tools had at that time and it took two workers 4-5 days to cut threw one rock and the workmanship in no way supports the fact that these humans used those tools back then. And again, the walls at places like Puma Punka, that will outlive us, are far too remarkable for them to have been built by someone with "enhanced" copper tools. I don't have to be at those sites to determine this. Also, engineers have said bluntly, after viewing the workmanship themselves, that even with diamond, we would be hard pressed to cut such perfect angles and tightness of the structures. So, I can't use video photography and the remarks of PHD's and masons that have visited the sites to form a conclusion. With your suggestion, the only way any of us could learn, is to actually inspect for ourselves? That is like saying that I could not understand the US Constitution with out going and reading the original. I humbly disagree with you.
I find that people can not often perceive the flaws of their own deeply held beliefs. Science like any other belief system often suffers from the under same delusions as these so-called theorists. Academia often operates likes an autocratic pyramid scheme In which professional favor is doled to those who like-minded to those at the top. In fact, these characters are but parasites to their various student bodies. They reap the benefits of status not unlike priests of the church, or leaders of cults and fraternities. New Ideas challenge this hierarchy Protection of their status, therefore, must trump notions of independent thought.
2/1/2016 04:23:42 pm
John F: I agree with you completely. People often ask who "they" are. Let me posit one answer to that as 'they' are many people. But NASA is the best example of this. The current planetary exploration team at NASA that heads up the Mars missions, especially the Geologists, will NOT consider anything new geologically speaking, than what has and does occur on Earth. What's amazing about their inability to think outside the box, is that we are constantly now, everyday it seems, announcing some phenomenon in the Universe that seems to defy the laws of physics or does not conform to our current understanding of astrophysics. Why then, can it not be possible for geological activities on to Mars, somehow be different than what occurs on Earth? I understand that all we know is what we have learned on Earth, but for NASA scientists to only and consistently employ our Earth learned theories to what occurs on other planets? They refuse to give a possible alternative conclusion. Neil de grasse Tyson, is someone that thinks out side of the box and so does Michio Kaku . That's why they are so popular; they posit another opinion, and then will debunk why that's probably NOT the case, but at least, they will explore other alternative ideas. They stick to the empirical science, but will at least 'explore' other ideas and possibilities.
michael dollar
4/15/2016 01:42:36 am
Jon K
5/14/2016 01:50:44 am
You all just need to take a big breath. It's all theory, just like the Bible. It's an interpretation of one man or woman's belief, in the stories they have been told or read. No scientific facts have been presented. They are just bringing forth questions, with as yet no answers. I find it entertaining, and opening my thoughts to other possibilities of life. If you are not open minded, you are a closed mind, and I feel very sorry for you.
Holy Cow
9/8/2016 12:16:54 am
I'm coming to this post years late, but after reading through this comments section, I feel compelled to say something, although I know it won't change anyone's mind.
Holy Cow
9/8/2016 12:24:41 am
(I got cut off.) ... because it doesn't give the answer you want. Science gives you the answers you need -- such as how to build an aircraft that will fly safely from place to place or how to purify water so it doesn't make you sick. "Ancient Aliens" is a slickly produced entertainment product. Enjoy it, but understand that it isn't science. It's just a big "What if?"
12/2/2016 07:25:57 pm
I understand what you are saying, but I don't agree at all.
Scott A. Smith
9/11/2016 12:54:34 pm
Holy Cow... I wrote a very long response to you and then accidentally closed the tab and lost it. But, rather than re-create my response to you, where I do disagree with some of what you wrote, I at least want to tell you that your writing is simply sublime. It adds allot to your credibility as an interested observer. I just feel that someone as intelligent as you, should consider what we see now and work your way backwards. . We have a Lt. Colonel that has openly stated that UFO;'s have hovered over our nuclear missile bases and simply turned "off" the systems. We had to do a complete reboot of our nuclear missile silo/bases to get them working again. The Russian's have also reported this. So, if being's are capable of traveling (I don't necessarily believe it is via inertia) such vast distances to get here (they could be using worm holes or know how to fold space), then clearly these are beings from very old civilizations and they have clearly been around for a much much longer period of time than we have. They meddle in our affairs now, so why not then too? Physics uses the God Particle to solve for "x", so why can't we (believers) use the same line of reasoning and solve for "x' by utilizing the idea that aliens had to intervene for us to be able to build the pyramids and cut rock (granite and harder) so precisely? This is based on so much evidence that, I do not understand why it's not taken more seriously by intelligent people like yourself? The problem is we have this evidence (maps of the earth created at a time when we had not fully evolved, computers found at the bottom of the Aegian sea, pyramids with 45 degree shafts that are a geometrical nightmare, cave paintings of strange beings, etc.), yet we cannot link any of it together. So that is the problem, Evidence that comes in bit's and peaces. Evidence that mainstream Archeoligists and PHD's cannot explain so they ignore it. Again, I would love to re-write what I wrote, but considering that the aliens' won't pay my bills, I have to end it here. A well written comment by you, Holy Cow, made me stop and write back to you a very long rebuttal to some of your opinions and I am sorry I can't give a full reply. But indeed you write very well and make some very valid points. I just do not agree with it all.
12/2/2016 07:18:33 pm
Scott, I totally agree -
GT is about 1/2 bubble off plum. Additionally I believe Von D plagiarized Charroux, published before him only in Fr. Not translated til after Vin D's regurgitation of everything Robert Charroux had already written but not published in USA untill after CoG was popular. As for Geo. T. just an egocentric that grabbed a brass ring while sticking his finger in a electric plug! His theories state that Jesus Christ was a hybrid star child and just an off spring of an alien mating with a human of that time ?!? Interesting & FUBAR'D !
11/25/2016 10:24:55 am
Guys it's just a TV show. About as accurate as Fox News or CNN. Maybe it should air right Wolf or Bill?
12/2/2016 07:07:43 pm
Most of you are SO WRONG -
12/2/2016 07:10:19 pm
And how childish to pick at someone's choice of a hairdo -
5/1/2017 07:26:08 am
When it comes to science, and especially when it comes to explaining something unexpected: before seriously considering any novel explanations for an unexpected phenomenon, you must rule out all mundane explanations. What this means is, before we're even willing to entertain the possibility of aliens, UFOs or other explanation that would entail a new discovery of any sort, we've got to rule out all the things that we know exist. At the same time, when attempting to discredit aliens or UFO's the same standard should also be applied in reverse. To merely make statements without merit places you in the same boat as those you try and discredit.
5/27/2017 05:29:54 pm
The theories proposed on "Ancient Aliens" are far-fetched, it's true. After all, it is entertainment, not a science documentary. However, I watch it because (1) I am a history buff, and the show covers a lot of interesting world history and geography; (2) I am fascinated by unexplained mysteries of history; and (3) I am open to the possibility that there could have been an earlier human civilization on Earth prior to ours. Scientists make the mistake of trying to make every explanation fit neatly into the box of what they know, presume to know, or generally accept as to how the universe likely works. I am more open-minded in that I would bet money that many of those scientific theories are actually way off base. As for Georgio...well, he certainly seems likeable and interesting. I would give anything to travel with him and his crew to some of those mysterious places where speculation abounds and scientific inquiry has reached a dead end and refuses to look any further.
6/16/2017 11:49:19 pm
It would go a long way if governments would stop lying to their people about certain suspicious sites, activities and other things I might be more prone to accept things. Yet we have cover ups by the USA, UK, Russia, China and many others lie and hide things such as area 51 here and many other sites worldwide kind of make you wonder. Add to that the numerous citings and contacts around the world by people who don't know each other and many don't know about other sightings. I believe in God but the bible has been manipulated so I'm not so sure, im also not arrogant to believe we are the only life form in the galaxies beyond
Stacey Scicluna
10/29/2017 04:53:06 pm
May I propose; the appearance and subsequent continuation of the tv show AA is nothing more than "divine intervention." If you prefer, may it be considered an astonishing show of the ability if the human mind to be open.
Laura Greenwood
11/27/2017 10:36:50 am
I can tell you my experience. Once upon a time, when George started this magazine I paid $70+ for it. Months went by & I didn't get a copy. I contacted him several times via:email with no response. 6+ months later I tried contacting him by his FB page. No response. Finally I got ugly and called him out. I received a xerox copy of his only publication... so I called him out again and really fussed him out publically and I did receive my $70+ back from him out of his personal checking account. It is my belief he may of had good intentions of starting a publication, but doing so is very expensive and he faltered... as a publication commercial artist I offered my services, but he did decline by making no comment :). I got my money 9+ months later and I wish him the best.
1/7/2018 04:37:33 am
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
kleg johanssen
3/25/2018 02:28:09 am
Tell the world, tell this to everybody wherever they are. Watch the skies. Everywhere. Keep looking.
8/20/2018 02:15:45 pm
Just think that our world is older and more secretive than we know.
9/1/2018 10:31:03 am
I am still amazed by the ignorance and closed mindedness of the many comments. judging a person by the way they look and their use of grammar. Intelligent people must always have an open mind for everything and always question about the who, how and why. How many times in the annuls of history have things been changed when given more information. Why is it impossible that extraterrestrials to have come to the earth in ancient times and shown man how to build these wondrous cities,monuments and buildings. I think most people lack imagination and think that their opinion is the only opinion that matters. i believe that ancient aliens had interacted with our ancestors and gave them knowledge on how to create the marvels of the ancient times that we are still finding to this day. Things in this world are not so cut and dry as many as you people think. Just because my grammar is atrocious does not make me a moron. It is the close minded person that is the moron
11/25/2018 04:19:15 pm
You said it all.
11/27/2018 03:30:06 am
We all think we know the answers & what defines valid criticism and the fair grounds to assert critiques. This reminds me of arguments over gay people and gay marriages which not so long ago lurked in the shadows because it defied publicly acceptable "normal" thinking - as defined by the critics.
The priestess
2/27/2019 04:55:12 pm
So this is for any one who happens upon this blog..whether you like AAT or dont, is not the point of the blog. I am not sure what the point is other than to make Giorgio (and yes that is his real name) seem inauthentic or snake oil-ish and to "prove" there are no facts to back up the theory. Regardless, I thought I would provide the link to legendary times magazine, http://legendarytimes.com. Yes it is there and yes you can subscribe if you want. Happy days and stay real!
8/30/2019 03:39:25 pm
Late to comment but, I’ve received 26 copies of the actual magazine since I signed up.
Bobbi Lynne
9/13/2019 02:29:28 pm
was looking for the something else and found this.
Lonnie Fox
1/23/2020 11:56:49 pm
I have recieved the magazine quarterly since 2008. Purhaps you lack investigative skills neccessary. I my self just used google to find it.
Lonnie Fox
1/24/2020 12:12:07 am
Also you speak in your article as if Giorgio somehow denighs knowing Eric Van Danica. Everytime Eric appears with Giorgio appears he is described as his mentor.
2/7/2020 06:06:51 pm
I want to point out two things. The first is that the idea that ancient peoples, without hydraulics or metal rope did NOT move 1200 pound stones. Not an inch ,and certainly not for miles. The easiest place to start is, how? How did they move them? If you can't make a competent theory about how it was done,then your opinion means nothing. So, lets start. Can the stone even be picked up to place on some sort of conveyance? Using the one that is seen in one of the shows that is in Turkey you can see what the dimensions are. I don't even have to give you the numbers to know that even if you packed men closer than shoulder to shoulder they could not pick this stone up using levers. And, obviously there is NO natural rope that could be used to lift it. Let's just say it here. 1200 tons is 2.4 million pounds. Most of you have no idea what that means. Think about it for a minute. Even if a man can lift 10 times his weight by using a lever,and there are 300 men on one side of this stone ,that is only sixty thousand pounds lift. On a 2.4 million pound object. Good luck. And keep in mind they did not have effective ways to harness horses or cattle at this time. All man power. So, imagine that you get it up. Now you have to move it. How are you going to do that? On log rollers? Without a road? A very hard, very strong ,very smooth road? Where are the roads that were made for this? They would be hundreds of times better than the ones the Romans built. I have watched them move 100 ton transformers by truck past my house, and the trailer had hundreds of wheels and two big trucks. They could barely make 2 miles an hour. Try that with 120 times that weight. Now, think about how long it took to build this fantastic road, and how long it took to move the stone miles and miles , while it rests on an impossible trailer. The length of time would be hundreds of years. And the last thing is, the road should still be underneath the stone , wouldn't it? Nobody picked up the stone for a minute and took the road out. And that stone isn't getting up on it's own. So, if there were roads, they should still be under where the stone stopped. But they aren't ,because they would have said so. So, in case you haven't realized it, ancient man could not have moved a 1200 pound stone. NO CHANCE.I'm in construction. You're not.
Nuno Guerra
3/10/2020 02:19:22 pm
You people!
Ludo B.
12/19/2020 01:56:42 pm
Let' start with that:
Lenny Rothbart
12/19/2020 04:09:14 pm
In the US Constitution, “Freedom of speech” applies to government & laws. It means you can’t be arrested or prosecuted for speech. It *doesn’t” mean you can post or say anything you want on a platform owned & operated by a business. You have a legal right to stand on a street corner & make a speech about anything, or to print & distribute at your own expense flyers, pamphlets or books on any topic. You do *not* have the right to utilize a platform or publication owned by someone else for to publicize your statements. It’s *their* right to determine how their platform is used.
9/10/2022 12:43:29 am
Ancient Aliens provides possible theories about archeology and statueware. This gives us the possibility to critically think, a process that is lost to many. Most history shows state facts as if it happened exactly like they say, so it's nice to have a program that tours the world and gives us possibilities. All the writers who slam the show are just showing ignorance to critically thinking. Do you know how many archeological theories thought to be fact that have been proven wrong over a few years. Open your mind, maybe the future will prove truth.
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