Alex Jones and L. A. Marzulli Freak Out Over Hidden Messages in the Super Bowl Halftime Show2/8/2017 Since the advent of the Trump Administration, it’s like the craziness at the center of Washington has sucked all of the air out of the room and made it harder to find weird things that aren’t connected to politics. Fringe historians declared their political allegiances months ago, with characters like L. A. Marzulli, David Wilcock, and J. Hutton Pulitzer endorsing Donald Trump and others like Giorgio Tsoukalos and Scott Wolter risking their aggrieved audiences by opposing the House of Orange. Consequently, it was no surprise that again this year conservative extremists blasted the Super Bowl halftime show for promoting occultism, which seems to be conservative code for liberalism. “Why have the half-time shows become blatant, in-your-face occult rituals?” L. A. Marzulli asked before the show ever began. He asked his followers to pray for God to stop Gaga, and he confessed that no one invited him to a Super Bowl party this year because he becomes too enraged at the secret messages in the halftime show. “Remember,” he wrote, “rebuke first and ask questions later.” Right, since that’s how God did it at Sodom, with all that smiting and then asking whether there were any innocent people accidentally incinerated. Sorry, Lot, you’re dead because we ask questions later. L. A. Marzulli is not as godly as he pretends. Meanwhile, InfoWars host Alex Jones, who recently announced that he would die if necessary in service to Trump, claimed that the show was a satanic event. Trump, incidentally, seemed to confirm that he continues to listen to Jones as president when he repeated a recent claim first made by Jones that the media were suppressing news of terror attacks in an effort to protect Islam and Obama. Anyway, Jones had already joined Marzulli in assuming that Gaga’s performance would be satanic before the show even started. On Facebook, he posted a video warning his followers away from Gaga. “They say she’s going to stand on top of the stadium, ruling over everyone with drones everywhere, surveilling everyone in a big swarm,” he said, “to just condition them to say ‘I am the Goddess of Satan’ ruling over them with the rise of the robots in a ritual of lesser magic.” Jones added that he believed Gaga was involved in the fictitious Pizzagate conspiracy—endorsed by ancient astronaut theorist David Wilcock—which claimed that Democratic politicians and liberal celebrities operate a child slavery and prostitution ring out of the non-existent basement of a Washington-area pizza parlor. “She wears meat suits and does all these rituals—Madonna does it too—and the organizers of the Super Bowl are deciding to defile America and break our will by having us bow down to this,” Jones said. Last year, the same group of conservative extremists alleged that Beyoncé enacted an Illuminati ritual during her halftime show. It’s not hard to see that these conservatives are attempting to diabolize viewpoints they disagree with. Last year, they disliked Beyoncé’s advocacy for the Back Lives Matter movement, and this year they are uncomfortable with Lady Gaga’s support for LGBTQ rights. The real political action that took place on that stage wasn’t a satanic ritual but a singer openly singing an LGBTQ pride anthem (“Born This Way”) in front of a crowd that included Trump supporters and the vigorously anti-gay vice president, Mike Pence. But our fringe idiots don’t want to deal with these issues directly, so they cloak them in the guise of the occult to create a bit of an intellectual distance between the claims they make and their effects, using symbolism and fantasy to mask political positions that even they recognize are increasingly difficult to express openly in mainstream society. Don’t believe me? L. A. Marzulli, always the least subtle and substantive of the pseudo-Christian noisemakers, makes plain the Manichean dichotomy he sees between the godly, predestined glory of the Republican Party and the Satanic evil of the Democratic Party: “I’ll go out on a limb here and state that during the closing days of the 2016 election Hillary Clinton surrounded herself with Beyoncé, Katy Perry and others who I believe have given themselves over to the god of this world. Coincidence? I think not.” Recall that Marzulli’s colleague Steve Quayle told Alex Jones that Hillary Clinton was a literal demon from hell, and that all of these men believe God chose the self-indulgent libertine Donald Trump to vanquish evil. Apparently one must have personal experience of all seven deadly sins in order to achieve true divine grace. Mixing religion and politics is a recipe for hypocrisy. Yesterday Marzulli released a video in which he blasted Gaga’s performance and explicitly identified her support for the LGBTQ community as a travesty against God. “You’re not born this way,” he said. “Something happens to you.” He said she attempted to “dictate to the rest of us” what to believe. He also alleged that audiences cannot recall any Gaga songs and therefore she is a bad musician, too. “Can you hum it?” he asked. He suggested that a more memorable musical suite would be Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos, though to be honest, I don’t think I could hum them. He suggested that Classical music is complex and substantive while pop music is vacant and empty. He is, of course, comparing apples and oranges; his own shitty YouTube show is a pale imitation of a classic television interview and opinion program like Firing Line, so by his own logic he is “dumbing down” our culture.
And that is something we can all agree on!
At Risk
2/8/2017 11:12:45 am
Well, things ARE supposed to get more dire in the future, right? If not from a Biblical point of view, at least from a scientific point of view, via global warming?
2/8/2017 11:30:01 am
It's difficult to laugh at these guys anymore because they've gone from spouting off about nonsense to advocating using that nonsense to infringe on the rights of people they don't like.
Shane Sullivan
2/8/2017 12:01:05 pm
I'm feeling conflicted. I really don't like Lady Gaga, but now I kind of want to start following her on social media just to piss off Marzulli and Jones. =P
Only Me
2/8/2017 12:09:38 pm
I've seen the same activity on YouTube. There is one independent news channel that released a video talking about the "hidden message" in Gagas' show. I can't tell you how many comments I've read that declared Trump was God's chosen agent. The whole thing has become extremely unsettling.
2/8/2017 12:26:19 pm
I watched Lady Gaga's halftime show on Youtube. I didn't see any Illuminati or Satanic imagery, nor did I feel she was "dictating" anything to me through her performance. What I saw was a seriously over the top act. I must admit I envied her flying through the air, that looked like fun.
2/8/2017 12:37:12 pm
"That cognitive dissonance when you're an InfoWars reader and you're trying to figure out if GaGa's Satanic Super Bowl ritual helped the President's team win..." - The Daily Grail
2/8/2017 12:40:50 pm
Trump was already in, so if anything her ritual helped the Patriots win.
terry the censor
2/8/2017 03:51:44 pm
> Trump was already in
2/8/2017 01:01:38 pm
The God of this World?
2/8/2017 11:13:05 pm
Why not the Queen of Air and Darkness? That's a great title.
2/8/2017 01:21:06 pm
Opening of the show with "God Bless America" and "This Land is Your Land" and menacingly hovering drones to display of the American flag primed me as a vulnerable audience member to her sparkling "travesty against God". And I can say I recognized every song, just like my twenty-something grandkids. I guess the evil influence on generations of my family must have begun when my parents let me watch the annual tv showing of Peter Pan. Mary Martin flying onstage must have damaged my soul.
2/8/2017 02:20:11 pm
Jason, was Lot killed at Sodom? Do we have that factwise from thecompletelymadeupbible? Maybe he was just tuckered out from the elusive double daughter threeway.
2/8/2017 02:31:48 pm
He wasn't killed at all. I was making a point that Abraham intervened with God to spare the righteous before God smote the city. In other words, God agreed to ask questions first and then rebuke Sodom. None of this is "real" but it shows that Marzulli doesn't follow the teachings and examples of his own holy book.
2/8/2017 02:38:33 pm
Jason, I think this guy just has some bad critical thinking skills.
2/9/2017 08:44:38 am
Dammit! Once again I misread you. I will try to do better. Sorry.
5/20/2018 08:24:00 am
American Negro kind of like just about your whole race mis reads the greatest President this nation has ever had..... Pathetic hu?
2/8/2017 03:15:41 pm
The right wing ideologues were already foaming about GaGa days before the half time show, triggered by Fox and Jones and those afraid she was going to bash Trump, their patron saint of deception. They didn't want it, nor did they intend to.
Only Me
2/8/2017 03:50:16 pm
"but it's 2017, so get over yourselves, conservatives!"
Titus pullo
2/8/2017 07:05:32 pm
Let's just hope the neocons don't get Elliot Abrams as number two guy at state. If Trump can bro nag us back to a sane foreign policy we had under Harding or Coolidge or Ike that's a win.
2/8/2017 03:40:56 pm
Hyperactive is a good way to describe Lady Gaga's performance. This is entertainment aimed at people who grew up with smartphones and instant programming. Going quickly are the days where a concert meant the band standing on stage playing their instruments and singing their songs. Now we need the most outrageous outfits, dramatic entrances, and 387 scantily glad guys and girls dancing around, gyrating, and grabbing their crotches. Fireworks, explosions, smoke machines, flashing lights and lasers are quickly becoming the norm. Perhaps the people going on about Satanic rituals and imagery are simply showing their seniority.
2/8/2017 03:51:05 pm
It's not just the young. When I went to Paul McCartney's concert when he played North America a couple of years ago, he had lasers, indoor fireworks, moving stage parts, and pyrotechnics, too.
2/8/2017 04:11:53 pm
Did he descend to the stage on wires while doing flips and dancers ran around in circles underneath him awaiting his touchdown on the stage?
Shane Sullivan
2/8/2017 06:57:31 pm
Jimi Hendrix was lighting guitars on fire in front of an audience when Marzulli was a teenager (and before Alex Jones was even born), and I'd be shocked if they didn't consider that a satanic ritual as well.
2/8/2017 11:28:34 pm
I'm guessing you've never seen a KISS concert from the 70s... so much flash and firework and make up. smoke machines, strobes, light shows... these are seriously nothing new. There has literally NEVER been a time when musicians JUST got on stage and played their music. The first performance (and most performances therafter) of the 1812 overture fired off actual cannons.
2/9/2017 11:17:08 am
"There has literally NEVER been a time when musicians JUST got on stage and played their music."
terry the censor
2/9/2017 11:30:38 am
2/9/2017 11:45:39 am
2/9/2017 01:21:59 pm
Don't do that Dave R, your input here is valued.
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/9/2017 07:43:40 am
Pink Floyd certainly never did anything like that, nope. Didn't build a wall around themselves onstage or fly a giant pig balloon around. Jethro Tull never had a giant pantomime zebra or a humongous telephone. Neil Young didn't have giant stage prop versions of all his equipment for Rust Never Sleeps. Alice Cooper definitely wasn't Alice Cooper's stage persona.
2/9/2017 11:24:38 am
Okay, you win, Grunt.....there has NEVER been a single concert EVER in the ENTIRE history of the known world where one SINGLE BAND EVER simply stood on stage a simply played their songs. Never saw the Beetles ever do that. I remember watching Ed Sullivan as the Fab Four wore platform shoes and ran around stage as flares shot off right and left. The girls in hot shorts were an added bonus to that performance.
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/10/2017 07:40:04 am
Calm down. You said something dumb in public (VERY different from you being dumb, if I thought that I wouldn't be writing this), people made fun of you for it. Literally all of us do it occasionally, myself included. It's not particularly fun, but it is hardly grounds to run for the exits and I at least need the occasional reminder of fallibility. None of it was with malice.
2/8/2017 08:43:21 pm
I wish I had watched Lady Gaga,s performance but I was too busy listening to "Stairway to Heaven" backwards.
2/11/2017 11:35:45 pm
Hahaaaaa! Good one. Awesome song.
2/9/2017 01:53:50 pm
Not every conservative is guilty of the insane triggering about the concert, as I was clearly referring to the two in the post about the triggering, and also to the news pundits from Fox who were also triggered. No need to brand them all. I'm a centrist and on the Faux News would be branded a liberal. Alex Jones is clearly triggered for attention, something he has in common with Lady GaGa. (And I was speaking of Jones, not of the blogger, as I didn't know your name was Alex and could not have, obviously),
2/9/2017 07:42:15 pm
We all know that Hetty loves the Gaga, but the idea that she "inspired the Patriots to win" is nonsense. Winning seems to be what the Patriots do (although it may include cheating) but I don't think it took the prancing Italo-germano strumpet to convince them that maybe they might want to win that one game.
2/11/2017 10:57:27 pm
My husband and I, along with many conservative friends, all enjoyed Lady Gaga immensely at halftime! Nobody objected to any of it. In fact, the consensus was that she handled herself with class Her theme of equality was respectable and backed by a great performance.
terry the censor
2/11/2017 11:54:31 pm
> Most mainstream conservatives are moderate: fiscally conservative, but socially liberal.
2/12/2017 02:01:05 pm
Mind you own business Canadian idiot.
2/12/2017 02:00:21 pm
Jason is homosexual.
terry the censor
2/12/2017 02:45:31 pm
2/12/2017 11:04:02 pm
If you think Gaga wasn't being political read why Guthrie composed "This Land is My Land", written because he was sick of hearing God Bless America. If you ever hear all the stanzas sung you'd understand why it isn't such a patriotic song. You'd only hear that if you attend a Bruce Springsteen, Pete Seeger, or Arlo Guthrie concert, among a few others. Especially this original verse:
Erica Ward
2/13/2017 05:31:43 am
Mr Jones is quite logical. His syllogism is valid. "1) (Because God is speaking through me,) things I don't like are anti-God, thus Satanic. 2) I don't like Lady Gaga and gays. Therefore 3) Lady Gaga and gays are Satanic." And since there is no way to prove that God is not speaking through him, you can't prove him wrong. This is why arguing with them is futile; If you accept their basic premise then they are correct. And there is no way to disprove the premise. Similarly, if a fetus is a human at the moment of conception, then abortion is murder. This sort of reasoning makes any compromise impossible.
5/20/2018 08:29:25 am
S Milligan
2/13/2017 07:42:36 am
A question from the UK, where very little is known about Alex Jones
terry the censor
2/13/2017 10:41:23 am
In the opinion of UK documentarian Jon Ronson, Alex Jones doesn't really believe the nonsense he spouts, and is more a showman pandering to deluded people (see "Them: Adventures with Extremists," 2001).
2/13/2017 05:19:12 pm
He believes it, passionately. I've verbally sparred with his followers on newsgroups and web forums since he first started spouting is 911 Truther nonsense early last decade. He's a True Believer, and that passion tends to sway many of his listeners.
S Milligan
2/14/2017 07:34:39 am
Er no thanks. I've just had my lunch
5/20/2018 08:33:49 am
If u study 9/11 you can’t help but realize at minimum the official story is bull. I studied it hard for six years with a bias to disprove n I couldn’t at every turn. YouTube loose change 2d edition for the what n Corbett report 9/11 trillions follow the money for the why. Get back to me after.... it will change you.
2/24/2020 06:47:11 am
Hello everyone I am here to share my testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Justin Scott of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $3000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Justin Scott and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy,For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join now CONTACT MR JUSTIN SCOTT call (+2348110856113 or WhatsApp him +2348110856113 or email: [email protected]
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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