America Unearthed makes people angry, especially the type of people who go on America Unearthed. It seems that they make enemies wherever they go. In the past, we’ve heard from Scott Dawson about his deep anger at the show for promising a sober documentary about Roanoke and then spending the filming day attacking Dawson for his refusal to agree with pseudoscience. We’ve seen bookbinder Joe Rose express his upset that America Unearthed misrepresented his views to make it look like he supported factually inaccurate claims about Mithraism. Other guests have made similar claims that they had been taken out of context or misrepresented or had important parts of their statements omitted. Today we can add another name to this list of the program’s discontents. Jay Longley appeared in S02E12 “Lincoln’s Secret Assassins,” about the Knights of the Golden Circle, where he seemed to suggest that a man named Henry Ford in his hometown of Brownwood was actually the outlaw Jesse James. It almost goes without saying that Longley claims to be another victim of the show’s slippery relationship with the truth. Here he is in his own words, posted last Sunday on his website. I have broken it into paragraphs for easier reading, but the original spelling and punctuation remain: I was with the crew in Downtown Brownwood for 11 hours in September 2013. Much of it was while being recorded as I gave as much information about the subjects as I could. They promised that they would return to Brownwood to do a much more detailed account but when the show aired in February, I was truly disappointed in the results. How many times do we have to travel down this path? The ritual is always the same. Someone goes on the show and gives a lengthy interview. The producers chop it up and reassemble selected pieces to support a different narrative, and then they utterly ignore the anger and bad blood created through their misrepresentations. It happens often enough that it can’t be an accident or ignorance; the producers must be purposely manipulating interviews to support a predetermined narrative. Worse, Committee Films’s irresponsible behavior is poisoning the pool for future documentarians and researchers. But on the other hand, America Unearthed seems unable to shake Richard Thornton, the fringe writer who appeared in the very first episode to discuss his belief that the Maya colonized Georgia. Thornton continues to publish an unending series of articles attempting to keep alive the pseudo-conspiracy Scott Wolter hinted at in that first episode, namely, that the U.S. Forest Service was conspiring to suppress Wolter’s work for fear of… well, it was never really stated. Thornton, however, has become a bit of an embarrassment as his version of the conspiracy has mushroomed into a trans-national conspiracy involving prejudiced Latinos who hate Thornton for his self-described racial identity of “mestizo,” evil Federal authorities bending over backward to appease Native Americans, and gay panic. In a lengthy piece published on his LinkedIn profile on Friday, Thornton outlined the racial conspiracy he feels Scott Wolter stumbled into alongside him. He began by describing how Ignacio Bernal, the Mexican anthropologist, refused to assist him, implying that Bernal was prejudiced against both mixed race people and the poor: When he realized that I was a young mestizo student from a family of modest means, who was just beginning to speak Spanish, he glanced at his watch, threw up his hands, uttered “idiotas,” and walked away. I never saw or heard from him again. Thornton said he had to turn to a fellow “mestizo,” Dr. Roman Piña-Chan, to learn about the mysteries of Mexico, though he also claims to be “self-taught.” Thornton oddly enough also revealed some of the origin for his hatred of the federal government. He writes that in 2009 he lost his home to a Fannie Mae eviction and contemplated suicide before throwing himself into forest exploration as an escape from his troubles, moving from site to site every two weeks for two years. The turning point came when he started writing for and sparked a controversy with what he (wrongly) believed to be evidence of a Maya city in Georgia. This in turn prompted Scott Wolter to come calling. This is where the conspiracy truly began. It really has to be read in his own words, especially the part where Thornton asserts that Federal authorities tried to frame him as gay and a sexual predator: On the day before filming began here at my cabin, Scott Wolter, the host of the History Channel’s America Unearthed, made one more attempt to get permission to at least personally visit the Track Rock Site. He was rejected and told that with or without a film crew, he would be arrested if he stepped on the property. The arrogant USFS bureaucrat signed the denial with an oversized signature that stretched across the form. It was on a clipboard beside my computer as I was being filmed with Scott. They filmed here for over eight hours, but only about seven minutes made it to through the final cutting. Thornton provides no evidence than any of his allegations actually occurred. There is a Florida sex offender who shares Thornton’s name, so there is a small chance that there was some confusion about his identity, though it seems unlikely. Thornton, of course, also believes that academics are out to get him because several archaeologists made public statements against his views in response to his Examiner articles.
His statements remind me of nothing so much as Sirius Mystery author Robert Temple’s angry allegations that the CIA and the “hypnosis community” were conspiring to ruin his life, deny him jobs, and suppress his books because of “revelations” about space frogs from Sirius. Both men felt that dark forces were monitoring them and secretly turning their friends against them. We could draw some conclusions from this, but Thornton seems like the type who’d sue me for doing so; therefore, I’ll leave readers to make their own evaluations about whether we can trust Thornton’s account of what he sees as the government’s gay frame job. Thornton credits America Unearthed with helping him put one over on the evil Federal government, and he says it changed his life (it’s the first thing on his LinkedIn profile), so much so that tourists now visit his cabin to thank him for sticking it to evil “college professors” who are suppressing the truth.
6/1/2014 08:37:03 am
Reminds me of Graham Hancock in a way. Perhaps it's time for Thornton to lay off those hard drugs. Of course I'm just guessing, but it's OK for *me* to do so.
Ganji Joe
6/1/2014 08:59:15 am
Let's remind ourselves, how did Coleridge-Taylor compose Kubla Khan....
Microsoft Mike
6/1/2014 09:19:19 am
Horizon: Season 33, Episode 12
6/1/2014 01:31:00 pm
The Milk of Paradise YO!!!
Ganji Joe
6/1/2014 08:01:50 pm
Ganja is the holy anointing oil - the miracle healer and life restorer
Philip the Apostle
6/1/2014 08:08:43 pm 6/1/2014 09:15:58 am
Thank you, Jason, for accurately posting my blog entry from my Knights of the Golden Circle website and giving my true account of what happened during my experience with Scott Wolter and the camera and sound crew during the filming of the Brownwood segment of America Unearthed: Lincoln's Secret Assassins. I and my fellow researchers are discussing this hatchet job at my Yahoo group which I listed above this comment. Our group is a private group but anyone who is interested in hearing the whole story can apply to join and I will approve their membership application.
6/1/2014 01:39:49 pm
6/2/2014 09:18:02 am
EP, I had a verbal (telephone conversations) and written (email) agreements with the producer in which he promised that my statements would not be misrepresented. I did not ask to be on the show and was reluctant to go on it. The Producer contacted me from my Knights of the Golden Circle website by email and then we talked on the phone for over an hour. During the phone conversation, he was persistent and I finally agreed to do the interview because of his repeated promises to me that I would not be misquoted, misrepresented, or asked to say anything that I did not believe was true.
Steve StC
6/1/2014 04:07:18 pm
Jay Longley,
6/1/2014 04:33:18 pm
"In the diatribe above, I count only 1 incident of them not portraying your statements accurately - the Henry Ford vs. J. Frank Dalton thing. Am I missing something. Did you make other statements that were not portrayed accurately? If not, whey did you write "statements" in the plural?"
6/1/2014 04:44:24 pm
Networks, AMC & Tribune included, are known for savaging
6/1/2014 04:49:10 pm
Actually asking him why a tunneling system like that at Vicksburg
Only Me
6/1/2014 06:32:53 pm
Let's address some talking points, shall we?
Matt Mc
6/2/2014 12:45:13 am
Steve I have not idea got the idea that things in writing make it to the editor. They don't we simply get producers notes and have to request contracts and clearances. Now maybe Committee Films is different who is to say but industry standards are that the editors only receive notes and instructions the the producers deem fit for them, contracts of any kind are not of those received.
An Over-Educated Grunt
6/2/2014 02:31:00 am
On the plus side, at least it's a relevant, directly linked reply to a comment.
John R.
6/2/2014 03:04:41 am
Steve, why are you so angry? Are you receiving compensation for doing this from Scott Wolter? I haven't yet heard about anyone speaking well of Committee Films other than you now- I have only heard many negatives. You don't think that says anything about the way they operate the show?
Matt Mc
6/2/2014 03:15:06 am
Steve supports Wolter, because Wolter is going to find Steves long lost families treasure and reestablish his royal heritage and rule by proving his family had an earlier land claim to North America. Of course this could be a problem since other Sinclair's claim that Steve is not of the "true" bloodline. But have no worries because Wolter will solve it all and make sure Steve gets everything.
Steve StC
6/2/2014 05:55:57 am
EP, I don't have time to try to decipher your points.
Steve StC
6/2/2014 06:02:15 am
The bigger point is this -
6/2/2014 06:30:18 am
"EP, I don't have time to try to decipher your points."
John R.
6/2/2014 06:37:50 am
You're lucky we wont be betting Steve. You would lose.
6/2/2014 06:49:21 am
I'm reminded of the 90/10 rule I always heard for call centers. Ten percent of customers are responsible for 90% of the calls, and the other 90% of customers are responsible for only 10% of the calls.
John R.
6/2/2014 07:11:08 am
Hey Walt, I'm curious how you know 90% of those interviewed are satisfied with Committee Films?
6/2/2014 07:23:00 am
I didn't say 90% of those interviewed were satisfied with Committee Films. I said it's likely we never hear from 90% of those who are satisfied, however many that may be. But, it's likely we do hear from 90% of those who are dissatisfied.
Only Me
6/2/2014 07:39:16 am
I, too, have valid points that remain unanswered. Of course, I don't expect Scott's apologist to have the honesty or integrity to answer them.
Matt Mc
6/2/2014 07:47:45 am
Seems like speculation to me. Kind of playing a odds game.
An Over-Educated Grunt
6/2/2014 07:50:56 am
Walt's comment is a fairly general rule of management, that you spend 90% of your time on 10% of your people, because they're where the problems are. Here's the thing, though... 6/2/2014 07:56:21 am
I have dutifully linked to accounts by people who had a lovely time on America Unearthed, including recently Lois D. Brown, who filmed an appearance for the upcoming season. Because that doesn't get Steve's dander up he forgets about such things and assumes I don't give notice to people who liked the show.
6/2/2014 08:06:42 am
Careful Jason. The episode hasn't aired yet and Ms. Brown may change her opinion. Then again, maybe not.
6/2/2014 08:16:07 am
Matt, if you have the patience to do that, you deserve an award.
Matt Mc
6/2/2014 08:27:02 am
Capt. Gregg
6/10/2014 04:49:55 am
All Mr. Longley has ever had to offer, either on his Yahoo group's board or on America Unearthed, are unsubstantiated rumors, idle speculation and long since disproved sources, such as J. Frank Dalton. He consistently rejects well-documented data that contradicts any of the tall tales he embraces. As low as the expectations I have of America Unearthed are, that Scott Wolter would even consider putting him on camera is still mind-boggling. 2/19/2018 03:35:15 pm
Steve STC and Capt. Gregg, you may be interested to know that the Legendary Conspiracy Theorist, Jay Longley is quite well known for claims such as this. Everything from his proud statements regarding his arrest and imprisonment in his home town of Brownwood, Tx. during the 70's, where he claims government corruption is "Rampant", ( ); to his current claim that his great aunt's father in law, William C. Anderson, was the real Bloody Bill and " faked his death " in 1864.
6/1/2014 01:37:37 pm
"There is a Florida sex offender who shares Thornton’s name, so there is a small chance that there was some confusion about his identity, though it seems unlikely."
6/1/2014 01:49:23 pm
Thanks for another entertaining and informative blog, Jason. It does appear a negative pattern is forming in terms of how guests are treated on the show and in how their comments are edited in whatever way best fits the slant of AU.
6/1/2014 03:28:01 pm
I almost hate to admit this, but I've had my own disillusionment with Committee Films and Scott Wolter. Well before I began commenting on this blog over a year ago, I tried to get Committee Films interested in doing a stonehole-related follow-up of sorts, and their response back then included a comment suggesting that Wolter had told them a particular stonehole I had referred to was modern, not other words, throwing my informed take on stoneholes in question. Well, after all my previous research and photography about stoneholes, this was an undeniable insult.
Only Me
6/1/2014 07:35:35 pm
After reading your comment, I found the end result peculiar. You pointed out that Scott had researched stone holes in Europe, with a possible connection to the ones in America. He seems to place great importance in the alleged sacred geometry of the stone holes around Runestone Hill. I find it odd that he would be so dismissive of one specific stone hole, without considering them all.
I know, I thought it was strange, too. Maybe my expectations were set too high for him. The truth of the matter is that the stonehole in question is obviously triangulated, not round, and a slab was cracked off the larger rock using the stonehole. (Google "plug and feathers" to see how.) This rock and this particular stonehole are quite significant to the locale, and there are other stoneholes and oddities in the area, too. This is within the Whetstone River area, near where the oceanic waterways converge.
Only Me
6/2/2014 11:16:36 am
Sorry about not replying sooner, but I had to get my new computer up and running.
6/2/2014 03:36:51 pm
Anyway, Only Me, not that it really matters, unless you wanted me to email you close-ups of this particular stonehole. Again, the stone is unusual in that it has a flattened-top and a slab cracked out of it. I think this larger rock was a sort of marker to the area, which would then draw one in closer to other stoneholes and etc.
6/4/2014 05:19:16 am
The Hooked X is everywhere
6/2/2014 12:31:43 am
I think it's important to categorize the unhappy guests into two distinct groups: those who feel the show didn't accurately reflect their consensus-supported opinion, and those who believe the show misrepresented some of their wacky ideas. It matters to me that the first group is unhappy, but the latter group would likely be just as unhappy if they had filmed for Nightline, Frontline, or 60 minutes.
titus pullo
6/2/2014 01:48:48 am
This is what occurs when entertainment becomes a substitute for serious critical reasoning and rationality. Just this weekend I caught two shows that showed just how bad things have gotten. First Survivorman does Bigfoot and then the Russian Yeti blaming that famous ski/hiking deaths from 1959 to the mythical beast. Both so bad it wasn't funny..I actually expected more from Survirorman...but heck I guess he ran out of places to be dropped into.
Matt Mc
6/2/2014 01:52:26 am
I did not see the Russian Yeti program yet but I believe that the program is like the Mermaid one that Discovery did and it is a mockumentary program that expands off of a true event from the 50's
6/2/2014 04:34:50 am
I saw the program and it did not appear to me that they presented fake "evidence." There was one video of a supposed Yeti near a river that looked like a guy in boots, and a photo of something looking out from the forest that they claimed was "proof" that a Yeti was stalking the skiers, but that was basically it as far as iffy stuff. They showed a lot of really gruesome photos of the dead skiers. And the Yeti screams at the end were certainly more convincing that the calls the "creatures" make on Mountain Monsters. But outside of the sort of proof that the military was there before the skiers were declared missing, the show didn't answer any questions about what happened to those people.
Matt Mc
6/2/2014 04:38:14 am
Like I said I did not see the program yet but it was made by the same production team as the Mermaid special and I know from my work with people at discovery that they wanted to make more mockumentaries like the Mermaid one since the Mermaid one had amazing ratings.
6/2/2014 06:07:31 am "Devil's Pass" is on Netflix.
Dave Lewis
6/2/2014 10:35:51 am
There was a guy on Coast to Coast AM who was pushing his book on the Dyatlov Pass incident. He wouldn't reveal what he thinks happened. George Noory spent quite a bit of time asking him if this or that happened. It was like listening to a game of 20 questions.
6/2/2014 12:46:15 pm
Wait, Dyatlov Pass is a Yeti thing now?!?!
Matt Mc
6/2/2014 12:50:30 pm
Discovery Channel made it so last night. Getting ready to sit down and watch it right now. If anything it will be better than Renny Harlin's horrible movie DEVIL'S PASS.
6/2/2014 03:30:10 pm
Here is a rational explanation of the incident.
6/8/2014 02:33:46 am
titus pullo - I completely lost any and all respect for Survivorman based on simply reading the name of the episode. I do realize that almost every show on television has a shelf life and that a show like Survivorman can only cover a limited number of environments and perhaps a larger number of scenarios.
Lynn Brant
6/2/2014 02:08:35 am
The insecure and self-absorbed fame seeker turns to the dark side to satisfy his thirst. It's a story at least as old as the Faust legend.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/2/2014 06:55:56 pm
Bill White
6/3/2014 03:24:52 am
You guys sound really close after 25+ years. What does this have to do with producers misrepresenting interviewees and lying to the audience. You obviously do not care at all about these interviewees or their frustrations. Real caring Rev. Do you bring anything to this important discussion, anything to add or change that would be helpful. Other than LOL, LOL, like a 5 year old.
6/3/2014 04:06:12 am
Will that be his PhD?
Can't resist the snark!
6/3/2014 08:46:18 am
Matt Mc
6/3/2014 05:02:37 am
Hey the Rev is all about honesty and integrity, unfortunately Committee Films and by proxy the public persona of Wolter are not.
Ganji Joe
6/4/2014 05:18:27 am
I bet that Olive oil didn't have any ganja in it.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/3/2014 09:36:15 am
Scott Wolter is the host of a commercially produced series of TV shows (H2, "America Unearthed") that are put forward for public viewing in order to attract an audience that will look at the paid adverts …
6/3/2014 02:06:50 pm
Exactly, Phil. Fuck the people whose appearances are duplicitously altered to make them look like fools supporting ideas they disagree with. Morality and ethics? Irrelevant when one wants "to attract an audience that will look at the paid adverts ..." Totally fine.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/3/2014 03:51:17 pm
LOL … Your words, not mine …
Matt Mc
6/4/2014 12:18:06 am
ahh so it is the guests of AU fault that Committee film promises one thing and does another. I also notice you seem to think that any commercial entity is not subject to acting with any truthfulness, I find that interesting.
6/4/2014 05:23:53 am
Phil, are you a fan of Martin Luther?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/4/2014 06:33:07 am
Gary --
6/4/2014 11:40:49 am
I asked because you seem to have a similar attitude about truth telling, except where he thought it was okay to lie to protect the church from a bad reputation, you seem to have the same attitude towards a TV show.
6/3/2014 05:34:42 pm
I didnt know a mistake was a synonym for intentionally misleading/lying.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/4/2014 02:01:37 am
H2 "America Unearthed" is a commercially produced and distributed series of TV shows intended to draw and hold the attention of an audience ...
Matt Mc
6/4/2014 02:42:02 am
so that exonerates them from having to tell the truth?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/4/2014 03:45:00 am
No … that is YOUR "take," not mine …
Matt Mc
6/4/2014 04:34:59 am
Rev as I have stated in the past. I have worked in the TV Industry going on 25+ years. Producing and executing TV shows can be done without misleading and lying to your guests and audiences. This is the case in news, documentaries, sports, cartoons, and other forms of entertainment programs.
6/4/2014 04:50:28 am
6/4/2014 05:21:18 am
I could soon write some new parables of Jesus today
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/4/2014 06:36:06 am
Mandalore …
Matt Mc
6/4/2014 06:45:29 am
You just support if when your friends do it.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/4/2014 07:16:29 am
Matt Mc --
Matt Mc
6/4/2014 07:32:27 am
And production companies questionable playing with the truth at the expense of the guest and Wolters questionable relationship with known racists and appearing on and in works that promote racist theories people like Jason and other will be critical of those decisions.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/4/2014 08:47:00 am
Hello … ??? I have consistently AGREED that discussing, critiquing, hashing over the content and conclusions of the H2 "America Unearthed" TV shows is a good and proper thing … Where is the problem … ???
6/4/2014 09:08:42 am
So now you have shifted from the need to please advertisers justifying Committee Films lies and mistreatment of guests to the supposed good ends ("provoking interest in and discussion of the history and pre-history of North America ...") justifying the shitty means (lies and mistreatment of guests).
Rev. Phil Gotsch
6/4/2014 09:18:24 am
Ummmm … 6/5/2014 11:17:12 am
Here is what one of my enemies in the historical community had to say about Steve StC's episode on America Unearthed. This was posted by HonestAbe186 in May. The following post was made on . It's funny that this anonymous poster said basically the same thing about Steve's appearance on the show that Steve said about mine. Out of all of the emails, phone calls, and personal conversations I've had with people who viewed the Lincoln's Secret Assassins episode, all except one of my Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group members had good reviews of my part on the show. That member said only that she was disappointed that AU didn't give more time to the Brownwood segment. In my follow-up conversations with her, it was made clear that her disappointment was a result of her being much better educated about the KGC's organization in Brownwood, Texas than the average viewer. Many of these people have asked me whether or not the gpr operator and I found any tunnels and if AU was going to do another episode about Brownwood and reveal what we found. I get numerous emails like this every time the episode is rerun. It's very annoying that I have to explain to each one that no, the gpr operator was not left with me as Scott Wolter said and, no, AU apparently has no intention to follow-up on the Brownwood connection. Of course, I've been ridiculed by a small group of paid enemies of mine, which I nicknamed the Smokescreen Gang, but they're paid to be critical of all of our BBAM group's research and educational efforts and they've been our most vocal critics since I began our investigation and group in 2006.
6/10/2014 08:49:06 am
The anonymous Capt. Gregg is full of it. He's one more of the traditionalist myth makers who has a financial interest in perpetuating a fictitious history. Since our Yahoo group, Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery, is a Private group and our extensive files and messages are only allowed to be read by our members and since he and his cohorts are not allowed in our group, he should have no idea of the extent of our research or the contents of our private files. If he has somehow wormed his way into our private group using an alias, he is in violation of our clearly-stated group rules. He should also have no knowledge of what Scott and I discussed on or off-camera so he should not know what I said that day unless he's part of the hatchet job that was done on me. I'm revealing much of it on our group board now so if anyone is really interested in learning as much as I know about what went on before, during, and after the filming of the Brownwood segment of the AU episode, you are free to join our group. Just be sure to abide by the rules on our homepage please.
Capt. Gregg
6/10/2014 10:13:13 am
Interestingly paranoid attempt at a rebuttal, but ineffective.
6/10/2014 10:43:52 am
Unlike you "Capt. Gregg", I've gone public with our group's research findings many times on many forums over the past 8 years. I use my real name instead of hiding behind an alias. The manager of the Brown County Museum of History (Old Brown County Jail building) took Scott Wolter and I below the old buiding and showed us where one tunnel entrance is. His name is Nick so anyone is free to call them and ask him to verify this fact. Anyone, except paid critics like you, is welcome to join our Yahoo group and view our extensive archives of documentation and facts about any topic we've researched. We do not have to beg members to contribute money to fund our group or websites either as you and other traditionalist mouthpieces do on a regular basis. We also have two other free, popular websites that are public that anyone can read. &
Rollie Taylor
6/10/2014 11:31:34 am
Facts, Jay, not words. Give us facts. Facts that prove Jesse Woodson James survived assassination by Bob Ford and emerged as John Frank Dalton in Lawton, OK, in 1948. Facts that prove "Brushy Bill" Roberts was Billy the Kid as he claimed, not Oliver Pleasant Roberts born in 1878 (Billy the Kid was killed in 1881 when Ollie was 3.) Facts that prove John Wilkes Booth was not killed in the barn, later to emerge in Brownwood as John Ravenswood, then John St. Helen, before committing suicide as David George in Oklahoma. Facts that prove William T. "Bloody Bill" Anderson escaped the 1864 ambush and fled to Texas with his tail between his legs and changed only his middle initial to become William Columbus Anderson. Facts. Where are the facts? Have you let your mouth overload your ...... by relying completely on stories told by Henry Clay Fuller and J. Frank Dalton instead of researching the subjects thoroughly?
6/10/2014 11:57:17 am
Ha! Rollie Taylor, the clown of the Smokescreen Gang, I should have known it was you. You've been banned from our group under so many aliases for your insane antics and dirty tricks that it's no surprise that you're ashamed to reveal your name. I'm not going to lower myself to even respond to your silly rant again. You are nothing but a stalker and a liar and you've discredited yourself so many times in the past few years that you wouldn't recognize solid documentation and proof if it hit you in the ass. I've given the links to this documentation and solid proof to everyone reading this blog so if they want, they can easily find it.
Rollie Taylor
6/10/2014 12:08:03 pm
Facts, Jay, not words. But since you have no facts, no proof, only conjecture, you can only bluster and bloviate endlessly. Regarding your face time on AU, perhaps 10 of the 180 BBAM members bothered to comment, although you said only 1 woman had something negative to say. The other 170 members must have considered it unworthy of a comment.
Chuck Rabas
6/10/2014 02:26:07 pm
I guess it's time I chimed in. I see that, as usual, Jay refuses to address the issue and provides nothing but paranoid rants. He writes that he has "...gone public with our group's research findings many times on many forums over the past 8 years." It's true that he has occasionally made ludicrous claims on various sites, usually citing laughingly inaccurate sources. The only such sites on which those claims were not effectively challenged are his own. He has also often expressed the belief that anyone who openly disagrees with his easily disproven claims can only be motivated by financial gain, and are employed by powerful publishers and/or wealthy "traditional" historians in order to keep "true history" from the masses.
6/11/2014 06:03:01 am
Chuck, you stated "He has also often expressed the belief that anyone who openly disagrees with his easily disproven claims can only be motivated by financial gain, and are employed by powerful publishers and/or wealthy "traditional" historians in order to keep "true history" from the masses." 6/11/2014 10:16:57 am
Rollie, you commented to a poster who appeared on a recent segment of AU, filmed in Brownwood TX: "But since you have no facts, no proof, only conjecture, you can only bluster and bloviate endlessly."
6/11/2014 10:17:03 am
Rollie, you commented to a poster who appeared on a recent segment of AU, filmed in Brownwood TX: "But since you have no facts, no proof, only conjecture, you can only bluster and bloviate endlessly."
6/11/2014 10:18:01 am
Rollie, you commented to a poster who appeared on a recent segment of AU, filmed in Brownwood TX: "But since you have no facts, no proof, only conjecture, you can only bluster and bloviate endlessly."
Fran Bolton
6/11/2014 10:58:52 am
Sorry about the 3 duplicate posts. I got a message there was an error posting my reply, to try again. I did, got the same message, so I tried again. I see no way to delete two of the 3.
6/11/2014 01:10:06 pm
Hey, Hey, the gang's all here! The Smokescreen Gang that is. But wait, they're not all here yet. Clay Riley, Glynda Campbell, Sally Goodson, and Carol Holmes haven't arrived yet. This is what they've done ever since I started investigating "Bloody Bill" Anderson and the Knights of the Golden Circle 8 years ago. They holler for me to go public and as soon as I do, they all stalk whatever websites I'm on and start posting the same old crap. It didn't work for the past 8 years but they think that somehow it will work now. In that time, our groups and websites have attracted many thousands of viewers and members while every attempt of theirs to create a website to compete with ours has miserably failed and they are left with less than a dozen of the same posters and stalkers. Rather than address the topics of Jason's post which was that I was lied to and that my words, beliefs and research findings were misrepresented, this gang just ignores that and starts the same old failed smokescreen game all over again. Chuck Rabas has even admitted attempting to sabotage my appearance on "Lincoln's Secret Assassins" and claims to have a mutual friend of Scott Wolters that he used to influence the show's outcome. The question people need to ask is why this small gang has worked so long and hard over the past 8 years to stop my investigation, silence me, ridicule me and other group members, and try to have my websites shut down? If there's nothing to our research findings, then why do these people feel so threatened that they've dedicated thousands of hours trying to shut me up? When you see someone's research findings or opinions that you disagree with posted on the Web, do you dedicate thousands of hours over 8 years trying to silence them and stalking them everywhere they post something? Of course not. What would entice you to do such a thing? The only answer I can come up with is money and lots of it.
6/11/2014 01:55:33 pm
So you believe that someone is obsessed enough with you to spend a lot of money to discredit you but that no one would do the same on their own without being paid to do it?
Rollie Taylor
6/11/2014 05:38:06 pm
Gary, Jay Longley has for the past 8 years perpetuated a 1924 falsehood printed in a Brownwood newspaper that my great-great uncle, William Columbus Anderson of Brown County was the notorious guerrilla, William T. "Bloody Bill" Anderson. I personally find his lies quite offensive. O R 52, the official report of the Civil War, describes the engagement where William T. Anderson was killed in October 1864 in Missouri. Census records prove that there were 2 men named William Anderson of the same approximate age in Missouri in the early 1860s, William C Anderson and William T. Anderson. Longley's claim that payments are made to anyone who doesn't agree with his asinine version of historical events is typical of his paranoia. No one is paid to expose his baseless claims. Researchers who respect history, and search records to confirm the accuracy of the reported death of William T "Bloody Bill" Anderson 150 years ago have no use for a historical charlatan who claims William Columbus Anderson was William T. "Bloody Bill" Anderson; John Frank Dalton was Jesse Woodson James; Oliver Pleasant Roberts, known as "Brushy Bill" Roberts was Billy the Kid; and John Ravenswood/James St. John/David George was John Wilkes Booth. His misrepresentation of facts will not go unchallenged on any open board. He is safe in his BBAM hidey hole where dissent is not permissible and his lies cannot be rebutted.
Chuck Rabas
6/11/2014 07:10:29 pm
When a researcher, no matter what the field, makes what he feels is a significant discovery, he submits his findings for a peer review, where it is scrutinized by others in that field. The nearest Mr. Longley has come to doing so has been on a few public forums, and the responses have been universally negative. The sources he favors have long since been debunked. The 1924 newspaper article on which he bases his belief that Wm. C. Anderson was Wm. T. "Bloody Bill" Anderson has so many obvious holes that it should have been printed on Swiss cheese. The whoppers told by J. Frank Dalton, who he believes to have been Jesse James, were even more ludicrous than any story in an old Beadle dime novel. (A few of those tales were that he killed John Wilkes Booth in 1907 by giving him poisoned lemonade; that Emperor Maximilian was not executed, but escaped to the U.S., and that Wm. C. Quantrill was not killed in 1865, but survived his wounds and became a schoolteacher in Texas.)
Joe Fro
6/11/2014 01:42:17 pm
Keep it up Jay! You are the man!!!
6/11/2014 02:55:12 pm
Well, Gary, if you can come to a more reasonable conclusion, I'd be glad to hear it. Less than a dozen of the same people, over 8 years, many thousands of hateful and derogatory messages on dozens of websites that include metal detecting and treasure hunting sites which represent a hobby that none of them are even involved in just because I am involved in it and I'm posting on those forums, and at least a dozen failed websites that they've either infiltrated and taken over or created to attack me and our research? It may not be clear to you, Gary, but it's abundantly clear to me that our research is a threat to some powerful interests and that those interests are paying this gang to do their dirty work for them which, by the way, have included posting and emailing death threats to others who challenge their historical myths. Gary, would you spend 8 years stalking me or anyone else and spend that kind of time doing those kinds of things if you weren't being paid handsomely to do it? Unless, you are one of their buddies (Gary James), I don't believe you would.
6/12/2014 12:38:04 am
Jay, my reasonable conclusion is that unless you have clear evidence that someone is spending a great deal of money to discredit you, your claims are irrational. Whoever would be paying people is not getting paid themselves, yet you deny in the same breath that such a thing as an unpaid critic could exist. There is an obvious contradiction in your reasoning that someone would be so against you as to pay a lot of money but no one would simply do it themselves without a paid middleman.
6/10/2016 08:53:55 am
Are you guys aware that Jay Longley has publicly stated on an adult Facebook group that he has operated a "legal" gay porn site for many years and has 6000 members? When members of the group were asked what they dreamed of, he posted a picture of Justin Bieber holding his crotch. He also made a post about male masturbation with a picture of a naked male. This all seems strange from a guy who calls himself a "historian".
6/10/2016 03:33:01 pm
"Bill Smith" is a fake name that obviously has a bigot hiding behind it. I've never kept the fact that I'm a gay man a secret. Like most bigots, he's also a liar. Neither the photo of Justin Bieber nor the article from Gay Star News about the health benefits of regular masturbation contained any obscenity or violations of Facebook policies in them. The male in the article was not naked by only shirtless. My sexual orientation has nothing to do with my history work and only a repressed homo would post such a crazy attack on me for it.
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