It was exactly as I predicted when I broke the news of the show’s return last week: The 25% spike in the network’s average Monday ratings for the reruns of the show currently airing on Travel are indicative of the expectations for higher ratings for new episodes. The only saving grace is that almost no one watches the Travel Channel, whose viewership rarely surpasses 500,000 viewers. In its H2 run, America Unearthed drew around 1.2 million viewers. If even half show up for a new season, Travel will see a huge ratings spike—by their standards. This also explains why Travel’s PR reps have refused to respond to my requests for comment: They don’t care about the show’s history of pseudoscience, cultural insensitivity, and false conclusions, nor is it a problem that its “built-in fanbase” contains a significant contingent of white nationalists. (The show was one of the few documentary series to have had extensive and sustained discussion on the Stormfront website.) All that matters is getting consistent ratings from a specific audience, as we’ve seen from parent company Discovery Communication’s rebranding of Destination America from a network for young liberals (when it was Planet Green) to a good ol’ boy network focused on bacon to its current incarnation as a paranormal channel appealing to undereducated rural viewers. Travel is becoming a conspiracy theory channel cutting slightly younger than History’s geriatric audience. (Travel also announced two new series exploring paranormal and historical mysteries.) Last month Oxford University Press published American Cosmic, an ethnographic look into the “UFO phenomenon” by Diana Walsh Pasulka, a professor of religious studies at UNC Wilmington. We met Pasulka last year when she participated in a UFO symposium with Jeffrey Kripal, the professor who believes Renaissance art documents flying saucers. When she was promoting the book last year, she upset me a bit by endorsing a postmodern view that truth is unknowable and that UFOs have a quasi-mystical function, which she called “cool.” Well, now the book is out, and Glenn C. Altschuler reviewed it recently in Psychology Today. He liked the book’s ethnographic look at people who devote their lives to ufology, and praises the rather obvious insight that ufology is now a religion where aliens serve essentially as angels, but he found that Pasulka was somewhat too awestruck by the celebrity ufologists who have scientific backgrounds, which may have led her to be too uncritical of her sources, whose identities she has protected by not revealing their real names: That said, Pasulka seems awe-struck by and uncritical of the scientist-ufologists on whom she relies. And she seems to equate scientific expertise with expertise about artifacts and sightings. The research of Tyler, a former NASA engineer [note: Pasulka actually describes him as a wealthy jet-setter who worked on the U.S. space program, presumably as a private contractor], and James, a professor of biology at a first-rate university, she writes, “has produced revolutionary, and very real products.” Pasulka regards them as “heroes,” who have “the guts and ability” to take on skeptics, and are “fighting the good fight for the right reasons”: because they believe, and “they would say,” because they know. Naturally, Pasulka treats Jacques Vallée as a hero rather than what he really is, a sloppy scholar who accidentally hit upon a cultural perspective on UFOs and proceeded to embroider it with pseudo-scientific fantasy to preserve a “mystery” that his own ideas, applied logically, would eliminate. In fact, she heads the book’s conclusion with a quotation from Vallée in which he says to her, “Credo quia absurdum, eh, Diana?” (“I believe because it is absurd, eh, Diana?”) But I am most interested in an almost offhand observation that Pasulka makes, about the way even “scientists” who are involved in ufology treat alleged UFO wreckage and alien implants much the way Catholics venerate the relics of the saints. Their “investigation” goes beyond science into the realm of New Age mysticism. Here is Pasulka’s discussion from American Cosmic. The section begins with a discussion of the “sacred” element of religion, which she defines as a mysterious element that exists as the object of belief but cannot be understood or tested in the usual way. She compares this to an “artifact” that her sources claim is utterly incomprehensible and exists outside of all known explanations for its existence. Although she does not discuss it in detail and hides both its identity and that of whoever has it in his possession, it sounds a lot like one of the pieces of industrial waste that ufologists who match the description Pasulka describes, such as Hal Puthoff and his colleagues, have alleged contain chemical compositions unknown on the Earth. She says that the “artifact” was found in the desert southwest near Roswell, that ufologists suspect it is a “part” from a flying saucer, and that it returned anomalous tests for its chemical compositions and structure—all claims we have seen before. For our purposes, the exact artifact isn’t important, though I’d lay odds that it’s one of these so-called “metamaterials.” Pasulka said that she was amazed that scientists like “Tyler” and “James” were so comfortable with the ambiguity of not knowing what the object is or how or who made it. That’s when she realized that their investigation wasn’t about finding a scientific reality as much as it was about exploring the sacred. Tyler told me an anecdote that demonstrates the artifact’s sacred significance to him and to many of the scientist-believers. Tyler had put the part in a backpack and had then stopped in to see a friend. He and his friend visited and dined, and then Tyler left to continue his travels. The next day he received a message from his friend. How can reality compete when the believers hold “implants” and “wreckage” as sacred evidence of transcendent truth, detritus reimagined as divine, like the mammoth bones made into the relics of demigods, or the Antique bric-a-brac passed off as Christ’s tableware and personal effects?
2/13/2019 09:22:45 am
_nor is it a problem that its “built-in fanbase” contains a significant contingent of white nationalists_
An Anonymous Nerd
2/13/2019 11:01:21 pm
[Everybody else get to be nationalist just fine.]
Elizabeth Stuart
2/16/2019 02:06:33 am
So, your point is? Any form of identity extremism, that makes 'others' suspicious or scapegoats, especially if it accumulates in violence, deserves to be on the Southern Poverty Center list. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Antilogarithmic Cool "Disco" Dan
2/14/2019 04:31:14 pm
No one takes black nationalists seriously; they don't even have a coherent doctrine. Farrakhan wants a black state which he will get just as soon as Jerry Lewis cures muscular dystrophy. And muh reparations!
Joe Scales
2/13/2019 10:05:29 am
So I take it you have to shelve the "former television personality" thing. My condolences.
Shane Sullivan
2/13/2019 05:32:04 pm
Not that he was ever really gone. I saw him a few months ago on Mysteries of the Abandoned or something, saying Costa Rica was in South America.
Joe Scales
2/13/2019 07:22:40 pm
That's almost as good as his assertion on the Templar Pirates Debacle that St. Anthony was the patron saint of thieves. Almost.
Our Guardians of the Universe
2/13/2019 10:33:11 am
"In different periods of history the human mind works in different ways. Our ancestors believed in angels. Today we hear little about angels, instead we are pre-occupied with extra-terrestrials. Now why has there been that change? Answer - angels fitted into the old world-view and met people's needs. People wanted to know that God was not indifferent or remote - but through his servants, his ministers, guarded and guided them. Today we have a scientific world-view and rather different problems. We need to feel that we are not alone in the universe. So our stories about extra-terrestrials are expressions about our religious needs. We've come to see all such ideas as expressions of the religious imagination shaped by the pre-occupations of the time."
Appreciative Cool "Disco" Dan
2/13/2019 01:45:59 pm
An interesting exploration of "bitter clingers", their roles in ufology and society in general through the lens of Jason's Kampf against them.
2/13/2019 02:34:42 pm
Scott Wolter Interview
2/13/2019 03:01:20 pm
Er,,, sorry, I put that up before listening to it,, it's a big nothing burger,,,nothing new, nothing about the new show, same old blah.
Doc Rock
2/13/2019 03:34:10 pm
2/13/2019 04:05:21 pm
I'm not sure about that. He started out lifting already existing material from the likes of William F Mann, Alan Butler etc. now he seems to be encouraging his dimwitted associates like Donald Ruh, Diana Muir and Patrick to write his new material.
Doc Rock
2/13/2019 04:20:54 pm
Oh without a doubt he is gonna drag Muir and company into this. We saw this coming with the sudden surge if activity in his blog over the latt several months. I just see it as SSDD because it is just recycling the same old Templar spiel
Accumulated Wisdom
2/13/2019 11:03:12 pm
Jim and Doc Roc,
2/13/2019 11:38:00 pm
Accumulated Wisdom (Anthony) :
Doc Rock
2/14/2019 07:42:25 am
Accumulated Wisdom,
2/14/2019 11:38:13 am
Accumulated Wisdom
2/14/2019 01:40:04 pm
Thank you, both. I am not talking about authenticating the KRS. That is someone else's cup of tea. I am seeking someone with impeccable qualifications to validate NEW discoveries on a historic structure.
2/14/2019 02:08:04 pm
There are a few comments directed towards the KRS. If you want to read a concise destruction of Wolter, although not mentioned by name, get a hold of a copy of Michael Barnes Runes Handbook. On about page 140 he pretty much destroys any authenticity for the KRS. Barnes is an actual knowledgeable individual. This beside the fact that the KRS was cleaned with unknown solvent and scrubbed and dating about impossible. Do not believe Wolter could date his dick if he held it in both hands.
2/14/2019 02:58:58 pm
Doc Rock
2/16/2019 12:09:30 pm
Accumulated Wisdom,
Accumulated Wisdom
2/16/2019 12:50:31 pm
I had posted a link to NEW evidence of Runes/Pentadic numbers on the Newport Tower. This post has been deleted.
Joe Scales
2/16/2019 01:24:12 pm
Anthony, you maniacal imbecile, Professor Henrik Williams was one of the only runologists to give the Kensington Rune Stone a fair shake. He was always open to authenticity, so long as the basis for any such finding was rational. How was he paid back by Wolter when the professor gave him the benefit of the doubt? Defamation. Pure defamation. That's why no true scholar will go near Wolter. He's poison.
2/16/2019 03:09:21 pm
Accumulated Wisdom
2/16/2019 04:05:23 pm
After you open the following link, click on "View Full Size". Concentrate on the top right of the photo. Zoom in.
Accumulated Wisdom
2/16/2019 09:58:54 pm
Still waiting, Y'all.
Accumulated Wisdom
2/17/2019 03:44:27 am
Still waiting...
2/17/2019 10:08:16 am
Joe Scales
2/17/2019 11:04:19 am
Three unanswered posts in a row = batshit crazy
Accumulated Wisdom
2/17/2019 05:46:53 pm
Are y'all saying, I have graduated into one of you?
Doc Rock
2/13/2019 03:07:12 pm
I'm gonna take a wild guess that the Sinclair diary and a couple of the recent guests on Wolters blog will feature prominently in the first episode.
C.C. Rider
2/13/2019 04:35:36 pm
There is a total exposure and debunk of Muir and Ruh coming soon. Just before the first show airs. This time he has stepped in a pile so large there will be no exit. Repent now or face the consequences of your blatant asshatery.
Seymore Butts
2/13/2019 05:15:46 pm
Scott Wolter, truly the once and future king of bullshite.
2/19/2019 11:00:09 am
I'll agree with you there. He did a show about hidden chambers in the US. One place he went was in Pennsylvania. Two men contacted him about a hidden chamber that had water that was located on some property where the owner allows hunting.So Wolter went there, but the land owner wouldn't let him see it, nor speak to him, which told me a lot about his character or reputation. So he sent these guys in to map it out and had a model made of it. Tried to tie it to ritual bathing and the Templars. Just wanted to shake him. This chamber had nothing to do with Templars or ritual bathing.It is what is known as a spring house. These were built with a basin in which spring water would flow and they could put jars and crocks of food to keep the food cold. Get any of the Foxfire books by Elliot Wiggington and his students of Rabun Gap school. They have spring houses in them and they were used for exactly what I just said.Also on his show about the Lost Colony of Roanoke I didn't like the way he spoke to the gentleman at the museum. Almost got nasty about the fact the man disagreed with his theory on the colony.
2/19/2019 11:35:19 am
Do we really know that the Templars had a fleet of ships and escaped with things of value? Do we really know that "Ross chapel" (I guess you mean Rosslyn?) was erected by Henry Sinclair? Your analysis is fascinating!
Joe Scales
2/19/2019 03:12:03 pm
"They could have buried things on Oak Island..."
2/19/2019 07:23:14 pm
"the thing to do is let Scandinavian scholars actually look at the runes"
Accumulated Wisdom
2/20/2019 01:38:00 am
Professor Henrick Williams did look at some Runes. He dropped the ball. I have seen PROOF!
2/20/2019 03:29:20 am
Anthony, I find this fascinating! Would you mind reposting the link? Thanks!
Accumulated Wisdom
2/20/2019 03:40:50 am
Joe Scales
2/20/2019 11:57:58 am
Anthony, you are a lunatic. You realize this, don't you? I mean... you're also really, really, really DUMMMMMMMMMB. Really, really, really DUMMMMMMMMB. You have nothing to prove. Nothing to say. Nothing to add to any relevant discussion of any intellectual nature. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Simple folks can have wonderful, meaningful lives. But then there's the maniacal part. Your lunacy. Let's just hope you can keep that contained.
Accumulated Wisdom
2/21/2019 04:53:33 pm
Well...Joey...With ONE link, this Dummy has proven, YOU to be a methane-breather, talking out of where your head is lodged.
Joe Scales
2/21/2019 05:50:30 pm
Accumulated Wisdom
2/23/2019 08:00:49 pm
Little Joey P.
2/23/2019 08:11:39 pm
Anthony, I don't see any carvings or inscriptions at all in that image. Can you be more specific about where you see them?
2/24/2019 03:41:52 pm
Ya Anthony what in the wide world of sports are you even talking about ? There is nothing there !
Accumulated Wisdom
2/24/2019 04:36:15 pm
3/4ths up the right hand column/pillar
2/24/2019 05:04:20 pm
I see scratches on the upper stone, what could be a cross and what could be the number 22, but no pentadic numerals.
Accumulated Wisdom
2/24/2019 09:18:08 pm
That's not a cross, Dude. That's a PENTADIC NUMBER! It's been there a LONG TIME!
2/24/2019 09:45:41 pm
I see it now !!!!
Accumulated Wisdom
2/25/2019 01:33:50 am
2/25/2019 03:02:50 am
Anthony, you're analyzing an image by taking a picture of one phone with another one and then viewing the image in the second phone? That strikes me as an unusual approach.
Accumulated Wisdom
2/25/2019 11:04:18 am
2/25/2019 04:30:45 pm
So you're not worried about introducing artifacts by using a handheld camera to photograph a zoomed part of a photograph off a monitor? Surely you're not making a JPEG of a JPEG?
Accumulated Wisdom
2/25/2019 05:32:48 pm
Taking a picture of a picture. Just to document location on Tower. Now, targeted laser scans can commence.
2/25/2019 05:56:33 pm
Sorry Anthony, you're not convincing me. Especially as it seems there are some gaps in your knowledge of digital photography.
2/25/2019 06:04:50 pm
Accumulated Wisdom
2/25/2019 07:36:20 pm
2/25/2019 08:07:08 pm
The basic question is still "Why does photographing Smartphone 1 with Smartphone 2 make the 'carving' visible?"
Accumulated Wisdom
2/25/2019 11:01:50 pm
These inscriptions are clearly visible. Phone to phone is irrelevant, and does not enhance in any way, shape, or form. The only difficulty was wife's cracked screen, and subpar camera.
2/25/2019 11:35:02 pm
Anthony, I fear you just don't understand. I don't think the process you used "enhances" but that it clearly introduces errors, "artifacts". As you describe it you
2/25/2019 11:47:00 pm
Wait,,,, what ?,,,Patrick has already named it "The Inscription Stone",, (shouldn't you get to name it Anthony ?) lol.
Accumulated Wisdom
2/26/2019 02:42:06 am
Accumulated Wisdom
2/26/2019 04:06:26 am
2/26/2019 10:05:40 am
2/26/2019 11:05:08 am
P.S. ,,,
2/26/2019 02:00:24 pm
Accumulated Wisdom
2/26/2019 03:16:39 pm
2/26/2019 03:45:19 pm
Nice rebuttal, about what I expected.
2/26/2019 07:19:32 pm
Anthony: not making yourself look good here with the insults. You are no Don Rickles.
4/29/2019 11:06:15 pm
It must be thoroughly exhausting to maintain this level of ostentatiousness. Do you all Google and write rough drafts before posting?
Titus pullo
2/13/2019 08:46:17 pm
He is back baby! This should be very entertaining
2/13/2019 09:33:06 pm
Yipeee,,,,, the rock whisperer returns !
2/13/2019 09:36:30 pm
Finally some good news
2/21/2019 04:19:22 pm
Whopper Wolter is at it again !,,,,Hilarious, but an hour long.
2/23/2019 01:17:14 am
Listening to this Mr. Wolter sounds bipolar. He's the batshit crazy guy you try to avoid at the Greyhound station. It's like he doesn't know that there have been books detailing Masonic rites since the 19th century.
2/24/2019 03:36:53 pm
Wait, here is another recent nonsensical podcast with Whopper Wolter:
2/21/2019 09:35:48 pm
Our Scott just can't help but embarrass himself. speaking to the 1.5 billion tons of Great Lakes Copper he claims was taken to Europe from 8 thousand years ago to the present.
Joe Scales
2/25/2019 12:57:58 pm
More on the copper heist from Wolter:
2/25/2019 04:10:30 pm
I am certain that Freddy rebutted Wolters nonsense in a post that Wolter will not allow on his blog for fear of looking like a pinhead.
Joe Scales
2/26/2019 10:47:48 am
More on... or maybe I should say, Moron Wolter on the copper heist...
2/26/2019 11:25:46 am
Doug Jones
2/26/2019 03:31:47 pm
"there is zero evidence they did not do it."
2/26/2019 04:32:23 pm
I'm sitting here completely surrounded by NO BEER!
2/26/2019 05:07:18 pm
Ya, wildly exaggerated estimates by Drier and Du Temple in 1961 and Sodders in 1990.
2/26/2019 07:13:41 pm
Also Jasons blog entry.
Doc Rock
2/26/2019 07:25:25 pm
Strangely enough, back in the 80s even some of the Burrows Cave crowd tried to tie some of that mess into prehistoric copper mining in the upper Midwest.
Joe Scales
2/27/2019 10:48:40 am
"Attempting a conversation with Wolter…"
2/27/2019 04:03:21 pm
These days you can post anything you want even if it's unrelated to the topic, e,g, Patrick and Anthony. You just can't violate the Wolter Golden Rule and point out how wrong he is and why. I like Menstrual Hut Guy. To Wolter the idea that Templars used menstrual huts isn't crazy.
2/27/2019 06:00:23 pm
Also this sounds oddly familiar:
2/28/2019 12:46:44 pm
After the Eagle Feather post Poodleshooter posted comes this:
2/28/2019 03:47:59 pm
Already removed by Wolter.
2/28/2019 03:57:56 pm
Poodleshooter, Nah,,,you are missing all the fun, go to the bottom and click on "load more comments".
3/1/2019 12:43:19 am
@Jim: Yes, you're right. Thank you! It's funny because Miller could be referring to the post he was replying to or recursively to the post asking "why?" itself. But gosh, Wolter is stupid.
2/28/2019 11:38:12 am
Should the United Nations be alerted to Wolters new show ?
I don't like scott wolter
2/28/2019 11:39:30 pm
Keep in mind he corrupted the KRS with chemicals and took an unauthorized boring sample from it. I suspect he believes it in some way belongs to him, viewing himself as a real world Aragorn, taking ownership of anything Templar, Templar adjacent or Templar designated by Wolter.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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