I finally have a name to blame for all the screw-ups, mistakes, and outright lies that get passed off as fact in the narration on Ancient Aliens. Annelise Baer holds a master’s degree in “Archaeology for Screen Media” from Bristol University and a bachelor’s in classical civilizations and archaeology from Loyola Marymount University. She joined Ancient Aliens earlier this year as a researcher at the tail end of season six and was promoted to associate producer for the upcoming seventh season, where she is now responsible for fact-checking the show and compiling its background research for the narration. She says in her Staff Me Up profile that she is dedicated to “bringing quality programming to the airwaves,” which I guess makes it a good thing that Ancient Aliens airs on cable and thus doesn’t use airwaves. Baer said in a tweet yesterday that she expected “burning hatred” for a blog post she made describing her work on the series. It would be unfair of me to blame Baer for material that hasn’t aired yet, so I can’t specifically criticize her research skills. But let’s take a look at how Baer describes her work producing Ancient Aliens: “My job is a combination of several things: research (which is my real talent) and production (making a show actually happen) along with a healthy dose of accounting, PR and general Excel wizardry.” She goes on to describe her use of Google Docs and Excel spreadsheets to keep track of various vendors and to make sure everyone gets paid for the use of their photographs, video, music, etc. That’s funny because no one paid me when Ancient Aliens used my material in their pilot episode in 2009 (or when it was recycled again in 2013), but that was before Baer’s time. Baer identified her forte as research, though I am somewhat less comforted by the fact that she describes research as “div[ing] into the internet and explor[ing] those deep dark corners.” This includes examining cached copies of old Geocities websites, where I’m sure there must be just tons of high quality academic information. I hope that in writing her blog piece she simply overlooked the use of books, museum resources, academic journals, etc., but given what shows up on the screen—and how easy it is to trace that material back to simple Google searches—I’m not confident about it. But I really want to get to the meat of the issue: Baer admits that no one working on Ancient Aliens takes the show at all seriously, and they intentionally manipulate information to create false narratives: Even though the final product may not look like it, we actually do quite a lot of research for each episode so that names, dates and historical information is correct. Of course, the fun really starts when we have to jump off the deep end and make all of the nice historically accurate people, places and things fit the ‘Ancient Aliens’ mold. Imagine the most ridiculous combination of historical terms/figures and actions and there’s a very high probability we’ve had that as a story point on the show. We know our job is really and truly ridiculous but it always surprises me just how excited people get when they find out I work on this series. It makes me feel a bit better about the absurdity we put on TV. Just a bit. I can’t imagine purposely jettisoning my integrity. I know it sounds mean to say it, but how else can I describe someone who knows the facts, intentionally works to distort the facts, feels bad about putting lies on TV (or how else could she feel “a bit better”?), and nevertheless continues to do so—and to write about it online?
Baer seems to justify her participation in the show as offering a mitigating effect. She envisions herself as “actively work[ing] on getting some history back on the History Channel.” Of course, Ancient Aliens airs on H2. I can understand taking work that one doesn’t particularly like because of financial necessity (everyone has done so at some point; I once edited a semi-fringe book on Roman treasure for a European author), but to actively work to undermine the discipline you claim to love? I can’t quite fathom that. On the plus side, as we prepare for the next season of Ancient Aliens madness, we now have firsthand testimony that the production team knows that the show is absurd, that they intentionally manipulate facts to fit a predetermined narrative, and that they research their claims primarily through Google.
7/13/2014 01:41:26 am
>>> master’s degree in “Archaeology for Screen Media” from Bristol University and a bachelor’s in classical civilizations and archaeology from Loyola Marymount University.
7/13/2014 07:29:49 am
That's the damnation, isn't it? A talking puppet on Ancient Aliens (or somewhere else) lets one idiotic thought fall out of his skull, and Academia has to spend a decade explaining to everyone that it is not, nor has ever been, accurate.
John alves
1/14/2016 12:06:12 am
I wold love to work for the show I a ufo investigator I love bouth of your shows
7/13/2014 05:50:24 am
I too have the coveted MA in Archaeology for Screen Media... because my real talent is research :)
7/13/2014 07:25:25 am
I just have a boring old Masters of Science in Computer Science. Lots of 0s, and sometimes a 1.
7/13/2014 07:41:01 am
Those sound like some pretty poor test scores, man... :P
7/13/2014 07:49:29 am
I know, right?
Mark E.
7/13/2014 10:06:45 am
I would have guessed you were a 1010 student.
7/13/2014 11:30:46 am
Trying to be an 01000001 student!
Mark E.
7/13/2014 01:47:23 pm
You can become a "Binary Code Expert" for the History Channel and decipher the Rendlesham binary! http://youtu.be/ooJvaOQINxc
7/13/2014 01:52:55 pm
buncha nerds up in here...
7/13/2014 02:57:30 pm
@Mark E.
Shane Sullivan
7/13/2014 07:06:47 am
"I can understand taking work that one doesn’t particularly like because of financial necessity (everyone has done so at some point; I once edited a semi-fringe book on Roman treasure for a European author)"
Matt Mc
7/13/2014 07:17:27 am
At the beginning and middle of my career in TV I did work that I found trivial or did not agree with what so ever. It kind of is the nature of the beast. When I got to a point where my resume was good enough I stopped doing work like that because I could start picking and choosing the jobs I take however I will admit that if it ever got to a point finically that I needed to take work like that again I would.
7/13/2014 07:27:28 am
Reminds me of the Peyton Manning "Papa John's" commercials where he's back as a ref. "Hey, man's gotta work, alright?"
Matt Mc
7/13/2014 07:31:08 am
Basically and after a while you really are not concerned with content at all, it is just another show or spot. Now I was either an editor or cameraman so content really was secondary to me it just pushed buttons, producers might look at it differently.
7/20/2014 07:54:20 am
I was, for ten years the quality manager for a company that primarily made and shipped crappy products, knowing that many of our products would get rejected, over and again, aiming just high enough to keep the customer, and sometimes missing that mark.
Dave Lewis
7/13/2014 07:38:02 am
What Annelise did is known in professional wrestling as breaking kayfabe. I wonder if she will get chewed out by her boss?
7/13/2014 07:39:42 am
“div[ing] into the internet and explor[ing] those deep dark corners”
7/13/2014 07:50:47 am
Don't you have to be a dude to be a "Brony"?
7/13/2014 07:53:35 am
check your privilege
7/13/2014 08:01:11 am
<pats down>........still got it! ;)
7/13/2014 08:03:15 am
Don't act like you weren't already typing with one hand :P
7/13/2014 08:06:24 am
She's cute, but I have "Willfully engages in idiocy to the detriment of mankind" as one of my "Turn Offs".
7/13/2014 08:13:05 am
A bit of a butterface and something weird is going on with her upper lip...
7/13/2014 08:15:42 am
Shouldn't you be more worried about the wrath of the Bronies?
7/13/2014 08:28:05 am
...because even the Bronies are too ashamed to be associated with America Unearthed... 7/13/2014 07:40:51 am
It sounds to me like this is proof of my theory that these Mainstream shows covering "Fringe" theories are just deliberately taking them to their most obscure extreme to prevent people form taking them seriously.
7/13/2014 07:44:57 am
So even Scott Wolter is part of the Conspiracy to suppress the Truth?!
7/13/2014 08:00:04 am
ITS SO OBVIOUS!! Don't you see?! "Scott Wolter" is the sixth Replicant! The Tyrell Corporation - a well known Templar front! - captured him, reprogrammed his memories and sent him back to destroy his own work! HE DREAMS OF ELECTRIC SHEEP!
7/13/2014 08:04:53 am
Scott Wolter is the Fourth Horcrux. 7/14/2014 07:52:55 pm
Possible Pre-Clumbian contact is not an absurd thing. of course at one time even believing that the Vikings arrived was probably unacceptable.
Mark L
7/15/2014 08:48:26 pm
"Probably"? Well, was it or wasn't it? It might be a good idea to do research in the area you're so bothered about.
7/13/2014 12:28:04 pm
"It sounds to me like this is proof of my theory that these Mainstream shows covering "Fringe" theories are just deliberately taking them to their most obscure extreme to prevent people form taking them seriously."
7/14/2014 03:38:21 am
Really, the one thing that annoys me about Jason is I don't think as many people actually Believe Ancient Aliens as he thinks. Most of the people who watch it seem to watch it just to mock it. Even on IMDB the people commenting on it are saying nothing positive. 7/14/2014 03:58:10 am
You can't judge by what internet comment writers say. Polls find that as many as 1/3 of Americans believe some elements of the ancient astronaut theory. Even if it were only 1%, that would still be more than 3 million people! When you talk with actual people in the real world, you find a surprising number who voice interest in the idea or belief in parts of it, particularly pyramidiocy. 7/14/2014 09:22:32 am
Well duh, even I believe some elements. What I mostly take offense to is the suggestion that Ancient man needed Aliens to build massive Monuments.
7/14/2014 05:40:42 pm
"Well duh, even I believe some elements. What I mostly take offense to is the suggestion that Ancient man needed Aliens to build massive Monuments."
terry the censor
7/14/2014 05:46:56 pm
> I don't think as many people actually believe Ancient Aliens as he thinks. 7/14/2014 07:51:30 pm
I agree with the views of people like Chris White. And to some Extent William Scheoblelen and Chuck Missler.
7/14/2014 09:24:01 pm
Well, Chris White is an independent 'reformed believer' (in the AAT) who makes a concerted effort to offer "a point by point critique of the “ancient astronaut theory” which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others." That doesn't bode well for someone who says they believe "some elements" of that theory, unless you are banking on White's caveat of having a "current worldview [that] could easily accommodate the existence of extra-terrestrials – even ones that visited in the ancient past." If that's the case, it's the same bet-hedging as "well sure, THOSE aliens aren't real, but there could be others who *are* real (and did the same things, and left the same evidence)!!" It's an appeal to ignorance: "We don't know 100% of all possible realities and permutations, therefore I can believe its true!" 7/15/2014 11:18:16 am
I believe the gods of Pagan mythology were inspired by Fallen Angels and/or Demons. That's why my views overlaps with White (who's more skeptical then I) and Missler and Shcnobelen who are less Skeptical then I am.
Uncle Ron
7/13/2014 07:41:09 am
AA should put some version of the "we have to jump off the deep end and make all of the nice historically accurate people, places and things fit the ‘Ancient Aliens’ mold" quote at the beginning of every episode so everyone could be in on the joke.
Shane Sullivan
7/13/2014 08:00:19 am
When I hear the narrator say, "literally oodles of people believe that aliens blahblahblah ... what if it were true?" I take it to mean that the show is not a documentary, but a dramatization of a world where ancient astronaut theorists *aren't* just a bunch of money-grabbing opportunists and New Age crystal-wavers.
7/13/2014 08:04:00 am
A "Twilight Zone" version would be more fun... a world where the "Ancient Alien Hypothesis" (or "Theory", whichever "scientifical" word they remember to use) is the prevailing "wisdom", and we have to watch some poor wretched soul as he tries to use valid scientific evidence to prove its not real....
7/13/2014 08:08:52 am
A real scientician always knows the right word to use! That's that Bristol MA hard at work!
7/13/2014 10:54:51 am
I totally agree. When they say "what if it were true" it means to me that they know it's not true, aren't even pretending it's true or they wouldn't say that, and nobody should take it seriously. Just a dramatization for kicks. That one sentence has always been a disclaimer of sorts to me.
7/13/2014 11:10:59 am
7/13/2014 11:18:41 am
I disagree. If they were leaving the question open, they'd ask "what if it's true".
7/13/2014 12:08:09 pm
-shrug- I guess we're getting into verbal semantics, then. The question "what if... it were true?" refers to the implied claim, namely that "...we have been visited in the past by extra-terrestrial beings...". This is a contrary inflection which suggests that the statement is one of supposition rather than a statement of fact. You infer this to mean that they (whomever "they" may entail) "know it's not true, aren't even pretending it's true".
7/13/2014 02:16:44 pm
Double negatives are okay in the context of deduction. Especially if you eliminate them. As long as they are not ungrammatical - see what I did there? :)
7/13/2014 02:41:11 pm
Double negatives still bug me. ;)
7/13/2014 02:59:44 pm
Yeah, I'm just messing with you... But your description of the argument (on behalf of the AA people, I take it) is either invalid itself, or uses something like modus tollens for the purposes of a reductio. Modus tollens itself does not involve discharging suppositions. And any argument that has more than two premises and a conclusion couldn't be modus tollens.
7/13/2014 03:05:34 pm
7/13/2014 03:21:56 pm
Actually, it doesn't matter how many alternatives there are. Disproving one side of a logical dichotomy (i.e., "either p or ~p") suffices to establish the other, regardless of how many alternatives (to p) there are...
Matt Mc
7/14/2014 12:44:06 am
I agree with Walt on the use of semantics, it is a common practice and yes there is an assumption that *some* people will take it for meaning that something is true.
7/14/2014 02:31:10 am
It's been a long time since I studied English so I can't even explain why "what if it were true" means what it does to me. Don't even remember the tense of that phrase.
7/13/2014 08:02:52 am
It is clear what must be done! Avoid watching Ancient Aliens!
7/13/2014 08:53:18 am
Serious commentary time:
7/13/2014 08:53:51 am
I meant Ancient Aliens, not America Unearthed, I'm an idiot
7/13/2014 09:05:17 am
I see it as nothing more than the same "bet hedging" that most people perform when engaged in obviously questionable (at least academically) behaviors. You see it with virtually every show out there... "Finding Bigfoot", "Uncovering Aliens", etc., they all maintain "personal blogs" where they attempt to re-establish their credibility with whichever camp they identify with (or composes their paycheck).
7/13/2014 09:09:37 am
Could you give some examples of other people making claims analogous to Baer's?
7/13/2014 10:09:32 am
You mean examples of other TV production crews admitting that they falsify (or at least "cherry pick") information? No - admittedly I don't know the names of those in charge of producing these shows. What's more, I imagine most of them - if they have any social media presence at all - are wise enough to toe the line or keep their posts / tweets "private".
7/13/2014 12:15:30 pm
What I find funny about Childress is that he got hopping mad at Jason for calling him an AAT before he "came out" as an AAT.
7/13/2014 01:55:45 pm
I'd make fun of Childress more, but of all the AA regulars he strikes me as most likely to actually be seriously mentally ill...
7/13/2014 10:20:10 am
Her post, as noted in Jason's image above, was part of #dayofarchaeology, a social media campaign that fell last Friday. It's a couple of years old (I think this is either the second or third one). It is mostly younger people who take part naturally, but who are supposed to share a commentary on what a day in archaeology is actually like.
7/13/2014 02:19:03 pm
Honestly, at this point I just want to see a topless Tsoukalos homoerotically wrestle a man in a bigfoot fursuit. If A&E makes it happen, all will be forgiven.
7/13/2014 03:03:01 pm
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
7/13/2014 08:57:28 pm
That sounds even more nightmarish than one of those "creepypasta" horror memes.
terry the censor
7/14/2014 05:54:52 pm
> Photoshop Tsoukalos's face
Only Me
7/13/2014 10:41:19 am
Actually, H2 has already debunked its Ancient Aliens cash cow with its new series Ancient Impossible. Two episodes into the series, and the show has destroyed one of AA's founding beliefs that ancient people were incapable of doing anything on their own without extraterrestrial intervention.
7/13/2014 10:58:10 am
"H2, where we gotcha comin' AND goin'!"
7/13/2014 12:21:50 pm
Ah yes, BUT, so far "Ancient Impossible" has been about mostly European peoples, Greeks, Romans, etc. AA is usually about people with nicer tans, that is brown and/or black skin color. They DO some on Norse myths, but they usually give the most "Alines did it" to darker colored people/civilizations. But I may have missed some of the "Alines did it" for Europe as I quit watching AA over two years ago and just read this blog to see what the latest load of garbage is/was on that "show". I can only take so much crap and then I just walk away/change the channel.
7/13/2014 01:07:44 pm
They've done a fair bit with both Greek and Norse mythology... less so with Roman. Admittedly, though, they tend towards "inspiration" with the Indo-European cultures versus "gave it to them" / "let them use their technology" for cultures south of the equator.
7/13/2014 02:01:05 pm
It's because coloreds are inferior you guys! :) 7/16/2014 10:19:36 am
To clarify some things I said Earlier. I don't believe Kufu had anything to do with The Great Pyramid. But I do believe it was built be Ancient Humans, and probably not Caucasian ones.
Too many trolls
8/7/2014 12:09:16 am
Jason, if you call the production company you'll find she no longer works there thanks to your trolling. I hope you feel bad over this but seeing how full of yourself you are you'll probably consider it an accolade. Your online behavior has now amounted to careless cyber bullying. Honestly ask yourself if you've ever in your life worked on a project you didn't wholeheartedly agree with and find it in yourself to find at least one ounce of shame for what you have caused. Your selective quoting has cost someone her job. You have no class. Trolling and vitriol has no place in any academic community. It's a TV show who's first goal is entertainment and you act as though the entire scientific community
9/7/2014 12:15:32 pm
I just wish I had known as a young man that there would be such a market for crackpots. I coulda been a contender!
hi Giorgio my name is William Demeter and I live in Pennsylvania Easter Philadelphia I don't really have any comments your show ancient alien I think it's great also in search of aliens is a great show I watch them all the time my question is I've been trying to get ahold of somebody from either show thing is I found a footprint in stone it's approximately 5 inches in length any better than a rock are fossils of snails the snails have been extinct for over 250 million years and 250 million years ago there were no humans so how did this footprint becoming embedded in stone that long ago I would love to have used examine it even have a footprint expert look at it like the guy that examines Bigfoot footprints please get back to me thank you
12/18/2014 12:01:09 pm
Angry Troll get a life.. the show is popular and loved by many people who choose not to believe in the lies of Government and religion. The can't change our minds and neither will you.
12/21/2014 05:41:49 pm
Great show! I love it...
12/21/2014 06:11:07 pm
Jason, with all your inteligence you aught to be able to figure out a few things own your own.
terry the censor
12/22/2014 03:57:30 am
So Paul, you make not one specific criticism of what Jason wrote, but do spew a series of unsupported claims about his psychology and character.
12/22/2014 06:31:43 pm
This isn't about the truth in his post, but rather the way he stepped on someone to make his point.
12/23/2014 12:23:40 am
You see....the down side to rationalizing angry troll behavior is you have to live up to being an angry troll.
12/23/2014 12:34:01 am
Does this mean we're engaged?
terry the censor
1/1/2015 04:53:02 pm
So, Paul, you have written several comments but cannot rebut a single point made by Jason?
Friends of AA
12/23/2014 08:44:49 am
winton d worswick
7/12/2015 02:38:39 pm
what i have to say can't be said in a few words. i love your show. i watched a history Chanel documentary on the death triangles a month or so ago. it explained a hole lot. it starts out with an archaeologist tying to explain why the family dog killed his son in south america and in the end his hole teem got vaporized by the grid they were trying to neutralist with neutrons. that was there mistake. i now how to neutralize all of them' and make a profit pay for the project. that documentary claims these things will slow the earth in the next 20 and we will look like mars. can you get me a copy of the documentary?? dan
Joe Bob
7/25/2015 11:33:05 am
Fact checking for Ancient Aliens, lmao, that is like saying your job is enforcing the rules and upholding the integrity of competition in pro wrestling.
8/2/2015 11:41:12 pm
Drop me a message if you want logical explainations about Aliens. And i guarantee you it is not the aliens that you will worry of there is more bigger event and discovery. To those who don't care I don't care either.
Mike Kelly
1/22/2019 01:20:52 pm
I wish we could get one of these people that works on the program to publicly say it is crap. I've got a good friend that actually has bought into the conspiracy theory of AA and now some other crap. Evidence to the contrary does not impress him. I've sent him the Ancient Aliens Debunked video but he keeps insisting it is a grand conspiracy to cover up the truth. I've even explained to him that UFO's are something we can all agree people see. The problem with AA is all the other crap they pile on. How can anyone get to the truth with so much fraud?
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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