In last Friday’s Ancient Aliens review I let pass a brief discussion of time travel in the Hebrew Bible because (a) I wasn’t familiar with the story and (b) assumed that the producers of the show would have done the minimal amount of research to quote the Bible correctly. The story concerned the prophet Jeremiah and what was essentially an early version of the Rip van Winkle story. I didn’t think this was really worth commenting on, but after discussing it with Mike Heiser on Twitter, I learned from Heiser that the story isn’t in the Bible at all. Naturally, I decided I had to investigate yet another case of Ancient Aliens fraud. Here is the case of biblical time travel as given in Ancient Aliens S04E09 “The Time Travelers”:
Pretty much nothing in this statement is true. It also wasn’t true when von Daniken first made the claim in 1977’s According to the Evidence: My Proof of Man’s Extraterrestrial Origins, though back then he apparently knew more about the story than he does now. Let’s begin at the beginning. First, this story is not found in the Bible, Hebrew or otherwise. The story is contained in 4 Baruch, also known as Paraleipomena Jeremiou (Things Left out of the Book of Jeremiah), a pseudoepigraphal work—meaning it was not written by the person named as the author. It was written probably in the second century CE, and the story contained in it is not found in other pseudoepigraphal texts of Baruch (such as 2 Baruch, on which it is dependent), indicating this story was created at a very late date. Let me stress: this book is not part of the Bible. The story is meant as a fantasy, allowing the author to fill in the back story of what transpired during the period in which Abimelech is gone, and it continues on to describe how the figs were brought to Babylon and used to end the Babylonian captivity. The entirety of the text is designed to console the Romanized Jews about the loss of the Temple and to prophesy its swift reconstruction following Hadrian’s expulsion of the Jews in 132. Note: Today von Daniken claims that source is the Bible, but in 1977 he claimed the source was “The Remains of the Words of Baruch, or as it is also called the Addendum to the Prophet Jeremiah,” which he called “ancient Jewish scriptures.” This appears to be a variant translation for an alternate title of 4 Baruch, The Rest of the Words of Baruch, the title used by J. Rendell Harris in editing the text in 1889 but not otherwise common. Von Daniken’s description would be accurate if the text were (a) Jewish (it’s a Jewish-Christian hybrid), (b) scripture (it’s not canon), or (c) ancient (it’s nowhere near as old as, say, Genesis). The story is also told in a different but related apocryphal text, the Coptic Jeremiah Apocryphon (possibly third or fourth century CE), in which Abimelech sleeps for 70 years beneath a mountain (!) and picks both grapes and figs. This, therefore, was not von Daniken’s source as these details do not appear in his description. Second, there is no wind or noise. Abimelech states clearly that he fell asleep in hot weather and then woke up. The text states clearly that he was “preserved” by the spell of an angel, just like King Arthur, Odin, and Cronus in a widespread European myth of the sleeping king. (There were other sleeping hero myths in the Near East as well.) Perhaps significantly, Abimelech’s name means (in one translation) “my father is king” and was the title of Philistine princes. Third, there were no soldiers; and fourth, it was not 62 years but 66. Here is the relevant text, condensed a bit because it is very long. The whole thing, including both the longer and shorter versions of the text, can be found here.
This is little more than a Rip van Winkle fairy tale pressed into the service of Jewish politics circa the second century CE. If you don’t believe this book is a fantasy, perhaps the rest of the text can make the case: A magic eagle takes the figs to Babylon, where they have gained the supernatural power to raise the dead. Later, Jeremiah dies and is resurrected. During his “death” he becomes convinced of the truth of “messiah Jesus, the light of all the ages” and delivers a prophecy of the coming of Christianity. Then the Jews stone him to death.
So, unless we are prepared to believe in magic eagles and death-defying figs (a spaceship delivering alien technology, I suppose), I don’t see any reason to reinterpret Abimelech’s sleep as Einsteinian time dilation. If we do that, then why not Sleeping Beauty or Snow White? Snow White was even in a glass coffin, which is clearly a cryogenic chamber. Did the medieval European peasantry have cryogenic chambers? Folklore says YES! So why do ancient astronaut theorists ignore fairy tales but embrace pseudo-historical fables? And, more importantly, why does it take this much research to explain just one 30-second lie on Ancient Aliens?
5/2/2012 08:21:54 am
I like this. I love the Ancient Aliens show but watch it just for pure fun. I like the accents and weird hairdos. I believe in UFOs and all, but 99% of their theories I believe are things only they believe.
kathy stokes-phillips
10/5/2018 01:43:46 pm
that story is NOT in the bible, do ur homework
5/16/2019 11:54:06 pm
Yeah! why did he write all that information trying to convince us that the story is in the bible when it is not? I mean... just reread the information above and see how hard he tries to convince everyone that its in the bible.
6/10/2020 08:37:21 pm
colavito is a pseudo-debunker..., just like heiser, hawass and others..., who are all envious of AA PROPONENTS who ttries to think out of the box base on observabble phenomena,, physical evidences, ancient records, documents etc.
while ancient aliens gets some things wrong, they do open the mind and eyes to the mysteries of the world and history we have never learned. It is not a debunked show--you make your own decisions. ufos and cultures from other world? are hard core real. Read some accurate books and it will astound you how little we know. they are here in droves and at different times. Many different shapes and abilities of craft..
12/29/2021 02:31:48 pm
5/2/2012 02:18:35 pm
THANK YOU for this explantion! Ive been trying to find this story in the bible since I saw the episode and now I know why I couldnt find it.
michelle deLeon
5/22/2012 08:31:15 pm
Me too! Looked all through Jerimiah--no Abimilech, no figs! Can"t believe it wasn" researched!
8/14/2013 09:21:49 am
Hey I also looked and felt stupid that I never heard the Scripture before. It's unpleasent how these slips are not researched better on the show they need to print a retraction. Is just a life put forward as a matter of fact.
2/25/2020 01:01:28 pm
That’s because its in 4 Baruch chapter 5!! Or maybe its also in Epistle of Jeremiah? Erich clearly isn’t a Christian.
Will S
8/17/2022 11:24:53 am
Is it a bad thing he’s not a Christian?
5/2/2012 07:36:56 pm
Ancient Aliens is my favorite show - But I have been pouring over Jeremiah and knew something was wrong. Glad you took the time to solve the mystery. In Kabbalah, the number 66 has mytical meanings. So the story has deeper meanings that on its face. It would take a Kabbalah expert to decode it.
2/14/2013 03:07:30 pm
you may want to view the series ANCIENT ALIENS DEBUNKED...there is NOTHING in "ancient aliens" that is true - they are bold faced LIARS.
8/4/2022 12:14:47 pm
Paul...there is some geographical content that is absolutely true. It is take what you want and leave the rest.
5/4/2012 09:46:57 am
"Magical Eagle"...c'mon, if that's not a spacecraft I don't know how much more they can spell it out for someone! It sure sounds like he entered into some portal or some sort of time travel device. I mean, seriously, who sleeps for 66 years w/o being found or touched from that spot? They called it sleeping because they had no idea of technology at that time so they just assumed it was sleeping, kindof like how they assumed beings that came from the sky as "angels" so pictures depicted these beings with wings because they didn't know how else to portray a being hovering from the sky. I say it was left out of the Bible because if this was kept in, whoever editing it would know someone would figure this out.
5/4/2012 10:03:20 am
You're making a pretty big assumption that the story told in 4 Baruch really happened. The authors of 2 Baruch and 3 Baruch, who covered similar events, didn't think it happened and didn't include it. Additionally, 4 Baruch couldn't have been "left out of the Bible" because the Hebrew Bible had already been compiled at least two centuries before 4 Baruch was written.
4/26/2013 11:17:03 pm
ou, on the other hnd are make antherpretty big assumption that the bible (or what is chosen to be kept in it) is composed of oly true stories, when everyone who comments those stories does xactly the same -- suggest that some, but not all, of the facts in The Bibe are fake?
7/20/2015 07:15:17 pm
Umm newsflash for you. Jason is accurate in the term pseudo historical, and frankly I'm tired of stupid atheist Bible haters ranting with no ground to stand on. Even many (smart) atheist have read enough history to understand how incredibly accurate the historical, factual parts of the Bible are, it is the mystical elements that many don't accept, but virtually the entire archaeology world knows how accurate the historical parts of it are.
Dwayne B
8/15/2018 05:15:14 am
I agree
5/22/2012 05:08:21 pm
8/18/2018 08:51:04 am
I agree with Aaron and Dwayne B but I also listen to Robert O. Dean he has opened my eyes to many possibilities of aliens and space travel and the true incidents of Roswell
2/14/2013 03:10:15 pm
sure...take another toke and listen to some more Jefferson Airplane...all your theories and "facts" have been thoroughly debunked...get back to planet earth spaceman.
1/2/2014 12:49:35 pm
Interesting, you make much sense to me
6/10/2020 08:28:22 pm
I dont.
1/2/2016 11:52:32 am
Mike, I agree with you 100%. I have extensive knowledge of the Bible because of my upbringing. For the last couple of years I have been reading it with a new perspective. I think people feel that their beliefs are challenged with this new incite and way of understanding what was written. I don't believe that ancient contact with ETs disproves the existence of God. I believe it proves that Gods reach in this universe is greater than we could ever imagine. It is very egotistical to think He would have only created us. But I don't want to get off track.... If everyone posting on this site will view Exodus 19:6 it states: "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you ON EAGLES WINGS and brought you to myself." And if you read Jeremiah 10:2 "This is what the Lord says: Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them." I believe that it is time to stop being afraid and it is time to open our eyes. I also can see how most people are not ready...if we haven't learned to accept other cultures, religions and different point of views of other humans here on earth, we are not ready to accept that these exist out in the Universe.
11/24/2016 11:07:55 pm
Wake up u are a brainwashed sleeping sheep! Believe ehat they say snd you will not only li've a miserable life but after life as well! Have fun with your Terribly evil alien creators!
Mark Barnett
5/7/2012 11:57:54 am
The show is an entertaining mix of fact, half truths and pure fiction. It is fun to pick it apart! They word everything in a very noncommittal fashion. Is this on purpose??? I think so! LOL I view this show as science fiction shrouded in science fact.. Thanks for calling attention to the errors! I won't miss an episode!!!
5/8/2012 03:57:08 am
The Jeremiah story is in the Apocrypha--so what? Some of these books should be included in the Bible: Song of Solomon, Book of Enoch, etc. Christ even quoted from an Apocrypha story by claiming "he had more power over demons than Solomon"--a reference to an Apocrypha text. As usual, Ancient Aliens is right on target, and it does a great job of explaining what occurred in Bible history.
5/11/2012 12:04:54 am
The moment I saw this episode, I immediately began researching this out! I have been surrounded with the Word my whole life and knew this was not true. It's funny how these guys and gals on this show sound so convinced of there own lies. Especially there lies. What is really even more disturbing is how there are some people who will be deceived by alot of the false "facts" these nut jobs themselves trully beleive. I seriously believe these guys were picked on in sunday school.:} even one of them has permanent damage from it. His hair is permanently affixed in the "Freshly Flushed" position. Seriously though. Do not always believe what you here on these shows folks. Be smart and research it for yourself. Dont take the media's word for it. That is what propogandist want you to do. Read the Bible for yourself and study it. Its amazing what you will trully find out when you read the Word and how it will effect your daily walk.
7/4/2013 12:58:03 am
Warren Spikes
5/18/2015 05:53:13 pm
The problem with the "Word" is that fallible human beings decided what be in there and what would be excluded. That Is a fact.
David A Morse
2/20/2015 03:58:02 pm
The fact is that many conservative Christians in America do take all the Bible as literally true. The fact that this book was written late and excluded does not mean its less valid or more valid. The Bible is all myth or metaphorical. The story does have much in common with modern missing time UFO accounts.
David A Morse
2/20/2015 04:31:59 pm
The Travis Walton case is so fascinating not only due to the logistics of the case, the amount of witnesses, and the missing time but when you meet Travis and talk with him it is clear that something happened to him. Time of writing does matter. We were taught that memory fades over time and stories change when passed around a room of people.(a game played as children to prove a point) Thousands of years had past when 4 Baruch was written. You may not believe the stories yourself as people 3000 years from now may not believe ours. It doesn't make your existence less true. Think of these stories as embellished journals. Your right , however, that it doesn't prove or disprove time travel nor aliens.
mj belko
7/17/2015 12:44:41 pm
The problem is that the show said it was in the Bible, which it isn't. It was a dishonest and misleading thing for them to say.
Patricia Mcminn
8/7/2018 02:41:54 pm
I agree with PHILINNCY. 6/8/2012.
1/18/2020 07:44:09 pm
Song of Solomon IS in the bible
5/8/2012 04:46:46 am
Yep, I saw this too and knew it didn't "sniff" right. So glad to see others have done a little digging.
5/11/2012 04:16:31 am
so what is the book of Enoch, i recall it was called a book that was also left out of the bible and Von Daniken derives a lot of information from that as well. ?
5/11/2012 01:51:52 pm
I'm not sure I understand the question. The Book of Enoch is another of the apocryphal texts that were not included in the Biblical canon. There are many such books, of varying antiquity.
The books in the Bible were voted on by the heads of the church at the council of Nicea,what would be allowed or omitted. Even the divinity of Jesus was voted on. Many of the original leaders of the church believed Jesus to only be a great prophet.They even voted that the perpetual virginity of Mary would be taught,as if Joseph had no sex with his wife ever.The siblings that were mentioned, even James (Jesus younger brother) must have sprouted from the soil.
5/12/2012 06:07:21 am
I've been looking for this passage. So thank you for doing the research.
6/22/2012 03:02:47 am
Thanks for the info. I've been curious about this since it aired. Gotta admit I'm a little disappointed, not in the time traveling kid, but in the Von Daniken.
6/24/2012 10:29:04 am
Ummm. He said. Hebrew bible. That is not the Christian bible. Bathe actually use those books as canon depending on who u talk to and secondly. The Catholics use it to In there old bibles. THERE IS A DIFERENCE BETWEEN HEBREW BIBLE AND OUR NEW KING JAMES BIBLE. EVEN THE KING JAMES IS INCOMPLETE BECAUSE IT HAD THE APOCRYPHA THAT THE CATHOLICS USE
Larry Marak
1/11/2017 03:17:42 pm
Baruch made it into the Septuagint, so it was Hebrew canon in the 270's B.C. It didn't make the cut later.
6/24/2012 10:35:00 am
The book of 4 Baruch does not appear in the Hebrew Bible or the Bibles used by the Eastern or Western Chrisitan Churches. It is considered canonical only in the Ethiopian Orthodox Amharic Bible. Von Daniken made the specific claim about the Hebrew Bible, and it is not one of the canonical Jewish books, or a part of the apocrypha published with it. Even if it were, this does not change the fact that the text is a fantasy composed centuries after the Biblical texts it seeks to explicate.
I feel 90% or so of "alien" sightings etc are demonic; this will probably be part of the great deception (we see it happening now) during the tribulation. The other 10% could be governmental. Think of the stealth bomber, at one point it would have been considered "other-worldly".
1/26/2016 11:47:30 am
I agree with you I've been saying for years I think the UFO phenomenon Is satanic. And there are aliens but the are not from a different planet but the Nephilim.And at the time of the rapture They are going to need an excuse For so many people just disappearing.they'll say we've been invaded. And people will believe it because most people already believe in aliens!
9/11/2019 10:58:05 pm
Read the book of Enoch then the 15 tablets of the Lost Book of Enki
Dan M.
5/21/2018 08:12:18 pm
This is my point exactly. I am an ordained Reverend and when I saw this I was intrigued and began to look in the scriptures for this written text yet could not find it as hard as I looked. I now know it's because it was never in the scripture but what's something someone else had written years after. Thank you for helping me clear that up.
Victor Hyman
2/14/2013 07:02:11 pm
I just finished watching the show. I never heard of the story in my life. So I started doing research on google to find it. Thanks a lot for the explanation. But for some reason I think some of it may be true. Maybe such an event did take place but was changed over the years and finally someone finally decided to record it. Meaning the event possibly did take place, but the names, place, and numbers have changed at time of recording.
2/23/2013 03:51:59 am
I am a "newbie" to studying the Bible and getting back in touch with my GOD. I have been glued to the Ancient Aliens series and now I am having serious issues with my faith on what is really true! I find the evidence and examination of the evidence on this series quite fascinating. Of course, there still must be some supreme being like GOD that started the creation. Even if you believe in the Big Bang theory, someone (like GOD) must have created the substances that formed our earth and civilization.
10/8/2013 12:50:25 am
Loraine. Don"t allow this show to challenge your faith. The Bible is the true inspired Word of God. You don't need to just believe because some tells you to. Read the Bible, study it and get the answers for yourself, I think the you will discover the true wonder of our God.
1/2/2015 01:39:41 pm
log on everysunday at 8am, 10am or 1pm faithfully and with an open heart. You will find your answer.
No. As a matter of fact I kind of believe the Bible hints that there are other worlds. God told Abraham that that his people(Gods people) would number as the stars in heaven or the grains of sand on the beach. On this planet there haven't been that many people born to number that. Either we will be on this Planet for a long to come or there are other planets.
gary robinson
12/13/2015 04:10:03 pm
I agree. After years of believing in UFOs and all the proof nowadays I have come to the conclusion that until proven otherwise there is a supreme being I call God and I will rely on Biblical prophesy to see this all unfold. Jesus is the way. Amen
3/12/2013 07:46:21 am
Thanks for clearing that up. Ancient Aliens is not necessarily true. I believe in the bible, god, and Jesus. You can believe in the word and still believe in UFO's or Ancient Aliens because honestly there is some stuff in this world that just cannot be explained. A mound in Ohio, Why? Pyramids in the desert, Why? A circle of stones in England, Why?
gary robinson
1/14/2016 04:58:46 pm
Who's to say satan I'd not the one behind all of the ancient drawings, megalithic sites etc. just to confuse us in the modern era. It is all mind boggling but to not believe in God when there obviously is all this satanic power in the world isn't logical in the least.
3/27/2013 08:40:07 pm
Thank you for the article. I watched this part of the series last night where a "time travel" supposedly occurred and was claimed to be in the Book of Jeremiah. For this story to a be part of the Bible, I could not understand why I haven't read or heard anything about it. I decided to see what information I can get about it online and so I found your site. Wow, the lies these ancient astronaut theorist weave! Thank you for pointing out the errors. There may be a lot out there who are still wondering where in the Book of Jeremiah this time travel story can be found. Apart from reading the entire Book of Jeremiah, I hope they'll also take time to search online and hope they'll find this article as well.
Paul M
4/4/2013 03:47:30 am
who said anything about ancient aliens. why do we need aliens to travel thru time. this is the ignorance that holds the human race back. not being able to realize that maybe there are things that we do not yet understand. the opinion that, we as a society already know everything, is quite arrogant, to say the least.
Paul M
4/4/2013 04:29:43 am
Jason, you have paraphrased and greatly oversimplified the original text in order to make your point or argument. First, you lead folks to believe that the words "magic figs" where in the original text, they are not. And you do this without acknowledging that you are paraphrasing. This is simply a fabrication, and your translation or opinion. You should make that clear to the reader. You are what is known as an "unbeliever". It is no mystery why your opinions are what they are. There is a little thing called objectivity. i.e. giving equal weight to both sides of an argument. Why don't you just say that you don't believe in God, and that the entire Bible is a work of fiction, or at least a gross exaggeration of historical events, for the purpose of the "entertainment" of the Jewish people and others.
4/4/2013 04:50:38 am
I actually quoted the original text in great detail and linked to a full translation. I did not call the figs magical, but rather the eagle that carried them.
9/26/2015 08:39:57 am
Jason, the Bible is filled with fantastic tales that in the human-mind realm, just can't be comprehended! We are human and He is G-D! Here's a short list: Creation-Spoken, 90 y/o Sarah-gives birth, Noah-whale, 3 Hebrew boys tossed in fire 7x hotter-live!+the Fourth man, Daniel-Lions den lives, King Nebuchandnezzar becomes a beast and turns back to a man, Jonah swallowed by great fish-lives, Jericho, Exodus, deadly serpent on pole brings life, water gushing from a Rock that rolls everywhere, Jericho, Sun stands still, Cloud by Day-Fire by Night, Manna, a man walking on water (Peter), dead man walks, ... It takes Faith to believe them all. All these stories plus more make a 66 y sleep and preserved figs EASY to believe. Not believing the story is the hard part. Our Bible has been edited numerous times and by less that reputable people. If you are unsure about a passage, pray for the Understanding. G-D is personal! The Holy Spirit is the Teacher. Is ANYTHING too great for our G-D? NO! This is simple. You often use a bowling ball to kill the fly. So the passage isn't in the Bible we have today. It is in sacred texts and very possible if you believe in miracles! The list of impossibilities could have gone on and on and on... What about the space ship in ezekiel? Or birds carrying a woman in a basket? Or dead bones becoming alive? Enoch, Paul and John going to heaven? Enoch and Elijah, translated? Jesus walking through walls? 5,000 being fed with a few fishes and loaves? Somebody stop me...!
4/9/2013 04:21:12 pm
What's the deal with the figs in the basket he picks up after awakening? Wouldn't they have withered away after 66 years?? Or can they really preserve for that long? Not sure what that would say about the story being real or fake..just a peculiar aspect in my opinion.
I read through all the comments, there seems to be considerable amount of facts on both the sides. first of all whether its canonical or non-canonical, the event of Abimelech sleeping for 66 years is recorded becoz of something out of ordinary happened. moreover the figs gathered wouldn't be fresh for 66 years. That really adds up to the mystery. moreover if it is considered canonical, why the vivid sexual descriptions are there in bible, some are even explicit like porn, and why it is there in Bible?.
4/16/2013 02:34:17 am
fuck u jason!!! u dont have anything that proves you are what we should believe!!!
4/17/2013 04:30:40 pm
Abimelech’s name means (in one translation) “my father is king” and was the title of Philistine princes.
4/26/2013 02:39:49 pm
Thank you for the awesome article. I admit that I have pretty much watched every episode and I'll tell you why. Certainly not because anything that big hair or meth head Childress every say. I doubt they even believe half the stuff they say because it is so out there. I love seeing all the ancient wonders that I didn't know existed. Its the only show that takes you around the world and shows you so many cool ass ancient sites. I just tune the two dum dums out and enjoy the archaeological sites. I hate the fact that they outright lie to the public for no reason other than ratings, its sad.
5/16/2013 09:50:09 pm
Thanks! I'm a theology student and just finished a segment on Jeremiah and knew I hadn't read that story anywhere. I love the Ancient Aliens show. I think it's the best hour of comedy on television. Much funnier than most sitcoms and no annoying laugh track.
9/11/2019 11:01:18 pm
You might want to start reading a LOT more
andre ferro
9/11/2013 05:58:25 am
Angels, Aliens, the fact is no one being created us or the whole universe even the bible points out there are hundreds of millions of angels, or maybe most folks dont know what a myriad upon myriad of myriads are.. Would seem odd for an all powerful god to need millions of servants dont you think, and ones that are war generals and such.. Lets get with facts the bible is nothing but a history book of uneducated people.. Just as Moses was a Prince and raise in the palace which had libraries so he knew the myths of creation and the flood stories nothing inspired by god just some good reading by a smart prince turned rogue
The Books of Moses weren't written by Moses. They were stories that all Israeli people already new. They were written down by scribes appointed by Moses to put that history down on paper(or parchment). They all new the stories the same as Moses. The creation history the Egyptians believed were not the same as every other country so reading in their libraries would have taught something much different. The great libraries of Alexandria about all countries history and belief system didn't exist until Alexander the great. ( much much later.
12/12/2013 10:49:06 am
For people who dont belive in G-d or supernatural power at all, The story of Moses is just fantasy. I dont understand why the story of Abimelech is perceived as fantasy but not the other stories like the talking donkey? The distruction of Jericho, etc. The problem with religion is people are selective of books to fit their dogma with the existing book. The challange is why is that we have many books and what do we learn from them? When my forefathers read the story of Abimelech in the Ethiopian Bible, there was no Hollywood or popularity contest. we live now in dark days where we mixact with fantacy and time of desception that we think the ancvient writers are the same like the people of today. As many critically injured persons in the brain sustain life miraculously because of love for their family or any other thing, the Love for Jerusalem miraculously preserved Abimelech so that he didnt see the distruction. For many Ethiopians either Jews or Orthodox christians, the feeling we have to Jersusalem is the same even these days, we bettter die than watching Jerusalem in ruins. Our love for jJerusalem is limitless. If you dont know Ethiopians, you will never unbderstand what I mean. I willingly give my life for Jerusalem than seeing her distruction just like Abimelech.
12/30/2013 06:15:24 pm
I like Ancient Aliens for showing the various ancient sites aroundthe world. Many of their theories I dismiss but I can't dismiss the underlying premise of the show is that the ancients all claim interaction with beings from the stars. I can't dismiss the issues raised abou how they built these structures when people were just learning how to read and write.
12/30/2013 10:31:16 pm
Try as you like, rather few myths actually say anything about gods etc. actually coming directly from the stars. The Greek gods, for example, were born on earth and lived on a mountain. The Babylonian gods existed before the sky and actually created the heavens.
Savoul Pelister
12/30/2013 07:35:53 pm
Though the ancient alien stories could not be believed completely, the theorists still have some valid points. every ancient writings (including Bible, Hindu texts), stone carvings, cave paintings talk about one story - People coming from above and helped in the progress of humanity. Though you could debunk many, Bible itself has some vivid descriptions of flying vehicles and even the true nature of GOD. There are lot of questions to be asked on the Biblical account of creation, exodus and GOD's interaction with people, certainly no one could answer. No one could explain those or debunk them and no one knows or have clear evidence of what happened on this earth thousands of years ago.
1/13/2014 08:18:54 am
While it's true most of your redux on this episode of Ancient Aliens is correct, I feel compelled to disagree with the age of this "Pseudipigraphical" version of Jeremiah. While this and many other Apocryphal texts have been "Christianized," it still doesn't mean that the original Jeremiah didn't have this Rip Van Winkle episode in it. I'm sure you know that it was the Council of Nicea (Emperor Constantine) that excluded a lot of ancient texts from our current bible as it is today. And during that time ( circa 327 A.D.), many older texts were updated and somewhat Christianized. Just like the original Book of Enoch may very well be the oldest Judaic text (Pre-Flood), but since Constantine ruled it out, which is completely a ridiculous thing to do, it became extra biblical. There's evidence even in the New Testament that Jesus himself was well aware of Enoch's books and other Pseudipigraphical texts were indeed considered ancient and indeed Holy/Inspired! Even in His time! So just because these texts didn't make Constantine's cut, (which was really just a power grab of both halves of the Roman Empire), does't mean they're not based on ancient texts or biblical events! And you should be able to be fair and acknowledge this!
1/13/2014 09:44:37 am
The text of 4 Baruch is known in several languages, and therefore likely represents the original composition. Internal evidence suggests it was written 66 years after the fall of the second Temple in 70 CE, i.e. 136 CE. At any rate, it (or any hypothetical original source) cannot have been written before 461 BCE, the year in which the events it described transpired. But even this wouldn't prove that the events really happened.
2/14/2014 06:12:11 am
I guess I am watching a rerun since it is Feb 14, 2014. I never watch these kind of shows but stayed on the channel long enough to hear this excerpt and knew immediately that this was not true. Anyone who has read the Bible would know that this was BS. So I googled some of the lie and found this page. Thanks for the in depth research and explanation. I really don't like shows like these because they like to misquote the Bible without consequence and mislead anyone, even Christians, who has not read the scriptures. This is our freedom that was fought for, to be free to read the Word of God for ourselves.
2/14/2014 12:12:24 pm
Thank you Jason for the article...It was interesting. I also read the bible and couldn't recall the story. I looked for it and couldn't find it. I watch "Ancient Aliens" every now and then. I take that some of it is "Hollywood" at its best. But there are some things that we don't have answers to. Years back I read about the "Annunaki" and found it very interesting. It made some sense due to the fact that its history was written in tablets that were found. If not I would've had second thoughts...Keep up the good work. We still need to find out more on this interesting subject...
3/21/2014 07:29:10 am
To all posters...
4/28/2014 03:02:43 pm
I believe the commentator also said Moses was taken up and shown the earth from space - I checked Exodus,Leviticus,Numbers and Deuteronomy - could not find that either - they are asking for more than the regular judgements in future with their lying about the Bible..
5/4/2014 12:41:25 am
this is the story of Abram in Genesis 12
Vickie Johnson
5/13/2014 11:46:01 am
I'm so glad you confirmed this lie. Going to church all my life and spending much time reading the Bible, I thought it was odd that I had never heard about a time travel story in the Bible. This angers me, because people shouldn't make up, change, or lie about scriptures in the Bible! I was a big fan of Ancient aliens, but if they lie about this, what else are they lying about. I no longer trust them. I hate to say it, but I now feel I should disregard anything they have ever said and chalk it all up to fiction, just like Star Trek.
They didn't lie , they just took it from an omitted book of what we know as the bible. You should read the history of how the early church chose what would and would not be in the canon. Even that was changed with the King James Version, but don't take my word for it, read it yourself.
12/29/2017 11:53:30 pm
2/23/2015 03:10:20 pm
Lots of interesting points in these comments...very entertaining
Cherokee Foxx
5/18/2015 03:31:29 pm
Very well researched and written. Thank you for your scholarship.
5/18/2015 04:49:56 pm
I do believe in God and after reading Ezekiel's encounter with what seemed extraterrestrial I told God it didn't matter Who or What He was that I was on His side and that He was my one and only God. And there is so much evidence concerning ET's that it's hard not to believe unless Satan started preparing his great deception thousands of years ago.
D marse
6/21/2015 04:58:38 pm
Great thread. This show entertains me.
12/11/2015 02:42:46 pm
You bible defenders make me sick. I've been raised as a christian and I'm glad I said goodbye to the church and christianity. I still believe in God, but the bible and churches may burn. They are inventions of mankind, constructed for.power and control.
12/11/2015 09:19:22 pm
First let me say that Christians didn't torture and kill Jesus, the Romans did at the request of the Roman appointed High Priest and his Roman appointed followers. Second,you say you gave up on Christianity, but you believe Jesus existed?I agree with most of your other points though. I believe that religion is the downfall of Christianity but I'm a Christian. You are right about Jesus' associates because he came to save the sinners,not the "saved". The churches today do however miss the whole point Jesus was making with love. "Love your enemies as yourself" and you will find it easy to love everyone else,in that we agree. I do believe in life on other planets, as i have said before and who's to say that some of those spacecraft aren't from God and some from fallen angels? There was a war in heaven. The Bible doesn't say how it was fought nor what was used to fight, it just said that God prevailed. Use your imagination to fill in the gaps because your guess is as good as anybody elses in the absence of Gods own explanation. I love this thread and hope to hear other theories. If I have offended anyone....Good! Grow thicker skin!;)
1/14/2016 04:51:44 am
The translation given on this site says - "he fell asleep and slept for 66 years".
3/5/2016 03:14:18 am
hey dont liken stories from the Bible to that of snow white/sleeping beauty!.....youre as ludicrous as you are vacuous!!!!......apparently you are dead envious of Von Daniken's books!....thats why your books never sell....their title themselves sound funny!! are drooling envious AA Theory program is selling like pancakes!!!.....Envy is a sin, you should know that!!!.....go take a hike so it would make good sense !!!!
4/10/2016 02:53:14 pm
They do use fairy tails my friend...............they use the Bible. Thank you for making it a point that stories from the bible are the same as fairy tails. By comparing them to fairy tails you admit they are fairy tails. You criticize these people for their belief in aliens, possibly fresh and blood beings, while believing in an invisible super being that snapped his fingers and wiggled his nose to create everything, POOF A RABBIT OUT OF THE HAT. Let's recap, a belief in a more advanced species use genetics and DNA, to alter the natural evolution of man, WHAT WE DO EVERY DAY IN LABS AROUND THE WORLD TO ANIMALS, or the belief in an invisible magical being...............?
6/1/2016 03:43:18 pm
"this book is a fantasy" LOL, fantasy is a word that can be used throughout the Bible.
Larry Marak
1/11/2017 03:22:47 pm
Hey Ray, you're quoting a parable told by Jotham to dissuade the people from accepting his step-brother as king. His point is that anyone truly worthy of being a king would turn down the job as the power and responsibilities would diminish his personal worth.
jo cabs
7/26/2016 01:03:32 pm
It is not time travel but purely hibernation just like a bear in winter, period. God does not turn back the hands of time.
Wayne McPherson
9/23/2016 12:12:03 am
With magic, it usually goes if you do the ritual correctly, if you say the spell correctly, or if you mix the potion correctly, then the spell works. Time after time in the Bible we have, have faith in God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit and miracles or marvels will occur. I brought that up because it's a great start.
gg heb
2/10/2018 12:42:53 pm
the Bible is the only true word that will ever exist it was written by Holy men of God through the Holy SPIRIT Adding your own words or taking away from the word of God is a sin
2/28/2018 08:34:44 am
Hello everyone, was interesting to read your article. Usually i'm reading <a href=""> New York Times </a>, but now i will read you too! (
3/9/2018 01:10:31 pm
Knot Havent
4/29/2018 03:44:55 am
Cmon r u gonna trip up on that small issue, then youare destined to fall big time in your REAL stories like Ezekiel.what was he caught up in A Wind, you idiots.
Steven a
7/29/2018 05:38:37 pm
Thank you. Ancient aliens is almost preaching lies. Gsthering the fools to their side. Sad.
10/30/2018 04:33:42 am
Incredible posting this is from you. I am really and truly thrilled to read this marvelous post. You've really impressed me today. I hope you'll continue to do so!
Victor Hyman
10/30/2018 09:09:27 am
Kicki Jonsson
12/10/2021 06:23:46 am
In the late 70's. I worked in a factory.
12/17/2021 09:43:25 pm
Aliens are not real!!!! Also this story isn't in the bible, it's a lie. Second if u believe in aliens or people from other worlds or UFOs from other worlds your lost badly, fallen angels that's another thing altogether it's in the bible. Also that's were giants come from an Dino's an so much more, aliens aren't real... God created everything, an nothing is above him. Watch a guy named Trey Smith with a YouTube called God in a nutshell all bible based amazing stuff u like the ancient alien trash you'll find out the truth an love this guy's stuff it's the real deal...
9/19/2023 05:02:23 pm
I'm wondering quite what the relevance is, of whether or not this story is / is not in the bible on the viability of the story. It appears settled that it is a story whether or not based in reality. If we ignore for a moment the truth behind its inclusion in the ancient aliens program we might get a better perspective on the possibilities and the mysteries of time travel. For example the story of the second world war (1940s) pilot (Sir Robert Victor Goddard) who on returning to his base flew over another base, in Scotland, and on looking down saw more modern planes 'parked up'. On landing his plane he drove to the location of the new base to find only a disused overgrown airfield. This pilot went on to become an RAF air marshal. Clearly the report is one of time travel / slip ! However I have to say that I wasn't there, neither was I around when the bible was being compiled and I guess no one alive today was either! So we can only go on testimony many of which are stories, from the writings either included in the bible or not. Maybe there is some circumstantial evidence, but I don't think that attempts to debunk these stories, based on a TV episode getting it wrong is helpful. Well since there will never be a re-write of the bible Sir Goddard's story is never going to be included either, that doesn't mean to say that the incident didn't happen! So in a nutshell no-one has proven or even persuasive that time travel or aliens are real or not within the 'fencing' that has been going on above!
11/19/2024 12:35:26 pm
I am a member of Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints. I love this show to me it is very thought provoking. I did not recognise this piece from Jeremiah so like others here I looked into it. No it's not in the Bible. It is somewhat bits of it in other texts. As a latter day Saint I am aware that there were many other books & texts that were not included in the final version of the bible some of which are still hidden away from the general public.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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