As you know, there is a cottage industry of people who think that a hand gesture featuring the middle and ring fingers pressed together between outspread index and pinky fingers is a secret symbol. Before Scott Wolter made it into a symbol of Mary Magdalene, it had previously been claimed as a secret symbol of Freemasonry (M for Mason), Satanism (multiple V’s and I’s for 666), and the Marranos, or crypto-Jews of Spain (M for Marrano). The supposed symbol is popular with anti-Semitic extremists who see it as a sign of “Judaizing” within Christianity. You can find references to it on New World Order conspiracy sites and anti-Semitic webpages. Of course the symbol found an audience among the anti-Semitic; just look at the list of supposed perpetrators of the gesture: Masons, Satanists, and Jews, the same groups widely demonized in anti-Semitic literature and held to be in league with one another to control the world. Consider this piece, written before the premiere of America Unearthed, by a conspiracy theorist who sees the symbol as an occult recognition of the Jews’ role in bringing about the New World Order: [Televangelist Paula White] has force-aligned her 3rd & 4th fingers on BOTH hands to STAY parallel to each other. This forms the “M” sign & is not easy to do. You have to consciously force your fingers to do it, & then to have your brain telling your fingers on BOTH hands to do it at the SAME time & then to KEEP them that way for any length of time is even harder. Maybe that’s why she appears to be straining & grunting! […] One thing’s for certain, Paula White is a Judaizer Supreme, heavily promotes the anti-Pauline-Epistles “Judaized-version” of Christianity. As the apostle Paul said, ANY OTHER GOSPEL, let those who preach it be accursed! (Galatians 1:8-9). [emphasis in original] As I pointed out back in 2013, not only is this a natural hand gesture among people (like me) of certain European heritage (I can’t hold my hand any other way without effort), but it has also appeared in images of unsavory characters, including Adolf Hitler, who had himself painted with just such a posture in his 1937 official portrait. Last night Scott Wolter finally discovered that, oops, he’s accidentally caught up with the Nazis again, and he has come up with another layer of conspiracy to get himself out of his latest brush with Nazism and anti-Semitism.
“Hitler would use anything and everything at his disposal if he thought he (sic) it would benefit him,” Wolter wrote. “I’m sure he became aware of the symbol and tried to use it to his advantage somehow.” Somehow. Wolter happily excludes Hitler from his Holy Bloodline family, asserting (without evidence) that Hitler had simply perverted the truth. Now how does that supposed knowledge of the Holy Bloodline square with the documented fact that the Nazis, under Himmler, secretly sought the Holy Grail—in the form of a pagan object, not a Holy Bloodline—and that Hitler himself had the alleged Holy Lance used to pierce Jesus’ side taken from Vienna for his use? This doesn’t jive with the idea that Hitler was aware of the Holy Bloodline conspiracy in 1937—the same year Otto Rahn wrote his Nazi-funded book on the Grail and a year before the seizure of the lance. Wolter concluded his comments by calling the website “great one for looking at examples of historical figures being portrayed using the symbol” even though it’s an anti-government conspiracy website that claims white Germanic Europeans are the “true” Jews.
Joe Scales
1/29/2015 07:26:36 am
Once Wolter's television show is canceled and he finds himself without network promotion of any kind, you'll see his true colors. In order to sell his books he'll be left appealing to the lowest common denominator of his fan base. He'll be to "forensic geology" what David Irving is to history.
1/29/2015 07:29:17 am
Scott really goes into a histrionic fit over that poster on his blog who shoots down his arguments point for point. Defensive much?
1/29/2015 07:31:18 am
RE: The poster who signs off as "Respectfully."
Joe Scales
1/29/2015 07:42:54 am
Oh, I thought you meant another one. That one was good too though.
Joe Scales
1/29/2015 07:37:22 am
Yes. Wolter was easily baited and led down that path. Too bad he wouldn't post the final payoff. Too embarrassing for even him, I suspect.
1/29/2015 09:10:02 am
It's also no harder a gesture to produce or maintain than the Vulcan salute from Star Trek, which is a gesture that DOES have a specific meaning--and in fact is (half of) a Jewish blessing. According to Leonard Nimoy, he was taken to an Orthodox synagogue as a child and was impressed by the gesture, and so incorporated it into Star Trek and snuck Judaism right into mainstream, mostly-Christian pop culture! The full Judaic gesture is to use both hands, apparently producing the Hebrew letter "shin" which stands for "the Almighty," roughly. (Source: "I Am Not Spock," by Leonard Nimoy.)
1/29/2015 09:48:40 am
This is an excellent opportunity to point out, as I shall never tire of doing, that Scott Wolter knowingly participated in a conference organized by and alongside of Holocaust deniers.
James P. Krehbiel
1/31/2015 02:22:28 pm
Carl Roth
5/5/2019 06:05:20 pm
Do you really think someone of his stature would be duped into going to a conferance of scumbag holocaust survivors. I dont he is that stupid.
Shane Sullivan
1/29/2015 10:26:25 am
"Now how does that supposed knowledge of the Holy Bloodline square with the documented fact that the Nazis, under Himmler, secretly sought the Holy Grail—in the form of a pagan object, not a Holy Bloodline—and that Hitler himself had the alleged Holy Lance used to pierce Jesus’ side taken from Vienna for his use?"
1/29/2015 12:07:01 pm
Hitler used the Holy Lance as a dildo. Everyone knows that :)
Shane Sullivan
1/29/2015 03:51:23 pm
Whatever it takes to fill up the grail.
1/29/2015 10:34:45 am
What I got a good laugh of was how rational Gunn comes out looking next to Wolter. Also it's funny how much "secret" information he has that never seems to see the light of day.
1/29/2015 12:07:56 pm
I suspect it's not really Gunn, tbh. I bet it's someone impersonating Gunn to bait Wolter into responding.
1/29/2015 11:12:26 pm
I am not surprised that Gunn is being rational. In fact, Gunn used to post quite rational comments on this blog - I even complimented him on it. Then, one day, he shocked me with a rant about Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton being involved in covering up the Kennedy Assassination. Several weeks later, he had a complete meltdown. I suspected at the time that he might be going through some episodic period of mental stress that would blow over sooner or later.
1/30/2015 06:32:08 am
In the immortal words of my man Lincoln Osiris, you never go full retard. Because once you do, there often is no going back.
1/29/2015 11:50:03 am
All this hand gesture silliness is... So silly. My hands have always fallen in that position when relaxed, I have to make an effort to spread them out equally. The hands of my boyfriend do not make that shape when relaxed though. I have Italian ancestry while his is more North European. Does anyone know what sort of genetic component there might be to the shape one's relaxed hand takes?
1/29/2015 12:09:26 pm
There can be more than one "normal shape" imo.
1/29/2015 02:48:36 pm
I wonder what kind of off-road vehicle Woltner will be driving this week to spread some Masonic lies about the Templars?
1/29/2015 03:33:55 pm
Clint Knapp
1/29/2015 03:49:24 pm
By 12:38pm, after being called out on promoting an anti-Semitic site, Scott immediately backpedals and claims he was only sharing the site for the pictures.
Only Me
1/29/2015 08:56:30 pm
Scott Wolter: "Please don't try to spin this into something it's not OK?"
Shane Sullivan
1/30/2015 06:10:20 am
Like Louis Farrakhan, he's just misunderstood--it's everybody else's fault he sounds like a bigot.
1/29/2015 04:11:47 pm
I love conspiracies, they're like numerology with random information, you get the answers you knew were there all along.
1/30/2015 05:35:25 pm
I know, let's base a show on a hoax because it could be real somehow in another dimension where hand signs mean different kinds of bloodlines. Yeah. Next week on scary island treasure alien bigfoot hunters, we will be exploring the mysterious book of knowledge of the rabbit.
1/31/2015 02:17:00 am
Well, every myth has it's basis in fact, they say so on Star Trek.
1/31/2015 01:38:49 pm
Why don't you all get a job where you have to get dirty and bust your ass all day welding or something and then you'll be so tired you won't be able to sit around in your underwear eating Frootloops and trying to show each other how smart you all are you elitist dumbasses.
Only Me
1/31/2015 03:34:12 pm
Don't be mad at people that know more than you do. It isn't their fault.
1/31/2015 01:48:19 pm
What a bunch of hateful, bitter people you all are.
Only Me
1/31/2015 03:40:03 pm
Says the person who took time to insult others for expressing their opinions.
2/1/2015 05:10:16 am
Thank you, JM. Your disapproval is sure to make us all see the errors of our ways and resolve to dedicate the rest of our lives to the cause of peace and friendship.
8/8/2015 04:52:54 am
As strange as are the credulous conspiracy theorists, who strain the evidence, are also the skeptics who use their excesses to deny the legitimacy of the subject at all. Who knows what the m-hand gesture means. But it would take an idiot to deny that in some, not all, cases it’s a deliberate gesture.
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