Yesterday I discussed L. A. Marzulli’s claim that the Antichrist will emerge from the bloodline (or “seed”) of the Nephilim, whom he identified as the offspring of human women and fallen angels. This got me a little curious about some of the other claims made for the supposed bloodline of the Antichrist, and I was surprised to discover that there is a whole subculture of Nephilim believers who specifically believe that Satan engineered the survival of the Nephilim in order to have breeding stock for a future Antichrist. I’ve already mentioned how disturbing this is at the practical level since it seems to encourage “Christians” to take steps to eradicate evil bloodlines before the Antichrist can emerge. But then I came across Bigfoot believers who got roped into the Nephilim-Antichrist conspiracy. The warrant for this is the idea that Bigfoot is, well, big. Because the imaginary backwoods monster is envisioned as a tall, hairy humanoid, some in the so-called “Bigfoot community” speculate that he is one of the Nephilim, or a remnant of some other group of Biblical giants. The claim has been around for a long time, since at least 2000 if not earlier, but it really took off in the last few years, since it was featured in a 2012 episode of Ancient Aliens (S04E07), where the Nephilim were, in turn, identified with space aliens. Anyway, evangelical Christian Nephilim theorists aren’t big on the space aliens, but they’re happy to keep the Nephilim. That brings us to Gary Wayne, who appeared on Sasquatch Chronicles earlier this year to discuss the connection between Bigfoot, the Nephilim, and a vast conspiracy to destroy the earth and bring about the End Times and the Antichrist. Wayne is the author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Mankind, a book he published last year through Trusted Books, a division of the Christian print-on-demand “partnership publisher” Deep Water Books. Wayne’s thesis is that Satan is conspiring with the Knights Templar and the Freemasons in order to raise the Antichrist to power, as he states in his book description: When God cast the angel Lucifer and his followers out of heaven, Lucifer set into motion a scheme to ensure the Nephilim survived. Why? Because from the bloodlines of these Nephilim the Antichrist will come. To keep his plan alive, Satan has enlisted the loyalty of secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Templars, and the Rosicrucians to conspire in teaching a theology and a history of the world that is contrary to the biblical one. He traces this influence back to what he sees as a corrupt Enochian tradition, citing many of the same sources that you will find in my page on the Watchers, though confusing the Arabic legend of the Three Hermeses with the epithet “Thrice-Great Hermes” as though they referred to the same thing. The trouble is that Wayne chooses to see the entire myth complex of Enoch, Hermes, and the Watchers through the lens of Freemasonry, one of the last and most limited versions of the esoteric story. In so doing, he collapses all of the many different streams that fed into the complex of interrelated stories of patriarchs, sages, fallen angels, and hidden wisdom into a single Freemasonic narrative, making the youngest version of the Enochian legend into the first and oldest. In so doing, he identifies Hermes as “Hermarynes,” a Freemasonic pseudo-biblical birth name for Hermes found in the Buchanan Manuscript, one of the Old Charges dating to the mid-1600s. The name was perhaps invented to bridge the gap between Hebraic Biblical names and the obviously non-Hebraic name Hermes. It’s possibly similar to the parallel corruption “Hermemes” found in the Alnwick Manuscript of 1701. At any rate, it does not seem to exist before the 1600s. Although the name does not appear outside Freemasonry, Wayne treats it as a true revelation.
Wayne has a good reason for doing this, and not just to promote his scare-mongering about Freemasonry. By accepting the Masonic claim that Hermes found the Pillars of Wisdom left by Enoch, he can discount the Late Antique Christian and medieval Arabic identification of Hermes with Enoch, thus helping to account for how pre-Flood Enochian knowledge survived in a post-Flood world. But he goes to claim that if Hermes found evil knowledge, then the Enoch of Freemasonry can’t be the patriarch Enoch of the Bible, for that Enoch was good. Instead, the Freemasons honor an evil Enoch, an idol-worshiper. He identifies this Enoch as Enoch, son of Cain (Genesis 4:17), or a descendant thereof, whom he suspects of usurping the place of the righteous son of Seth as a satanic parody of the true and righteous Enoch. “Understand then, that masonry, the Seven Liberal Sciences, the additional illicit heavenly knowledge from the fallen angels, and mysticism, in which all this has been cleverly encoded, are all part of the same spurious religion of Enoch, Cain, fallen angels, and Nephilim.” He also believes that the Nephilim’s secrets are buried under the Great Pyramid. Anyway, it doesn’t take much to see in Wayne’s claims a fairly standard narrative common to Biblical fundamentalists: The Bible is literally true and secular history or any other competing narrative is a corrupt and fallen version of Biblical truth. Jacob Bryant perhaps offered the best version of the claim 240 years ago in his New System, but it remains alive today nevertheless, married now to the great freak out about the supposedly imminent end of days, days that will finally end the tyranny of secularism and personal freedom in favor of the shackles of propriety forged by theocracy.
10/22/2015 02:48:13 pm
Paul Le Cour
10/22/2015 02:51:26 pm,0190353665,language,F.html
10/22/2015 03:39:55 pm
Let me see if I understand this mish-mash. All the Bigfoots are actually Knights Templar, descendants of Nephilim and human women. They, in ancient times, stopped whatever they were doing and carved hooked X runes as land claims. When the end times come, one of their number will become the anti-Christ and that will usher in the "End Times". Hopefully, none of this will happen until after the World Series.
The troll Krampus
10/23/2015 11:24:22 am
You mean until the Browns win the Superbowl. It'll surly never happen.
Only Me
10/22/2015 03:40:12 pm
How are these Nephilim conspiracy mongers able to function in the real world? They seem to interpret everything through a distorted lens.
Bob Jase
10/22/2015 03:44:33 pm
"L. A. Marzulli’s claim that the Antichrist will emerge from the bloodline (or “seed”) of the Nephilim, whom he identified as the offspring of human women and fallen angels. "
Duke of URL VFM#391
10/23/2015 11:47:24 am
I shouldn't laugh, but...
10/22/2015 05:20:23 pm
I see Jason and I had the same impression for a supposed "justification" for E-vil bloodline extermination, reference yesterday's post. I am certain others tasted that tasteless point.
10/22/2015 05:48:44 pm
My views on the Nephilim have evolved
The troll Krampus
10/23/2015 11:40:42 am
Not sure why you visit this blog. Do you enjoy it or something? Reason I ask is because I just visited yours and, well, you're part of the problem. You believe in fairy tales (the Bible) and other outlandish ideas ( no doubt spurred on by your enjoyment of Star Wars and comic books). You are the kind of person that someone like Jason would be putting under Blazing Eyes of Critique, if you were more successful and in the limelight that is. Lucky you. Enjoy your fantasy world.
8/19/2017 04:06:33 am
more successful than you hence why you're reading HIS blogs & not the other way around. also, the Bible holds more truth than anything you're pea sized tumor aka brain has taken in since the day you were born. must suck to be a god hating athiest as yourself.
11/10/2017 05:57:08 am
Hey y'all,
10/22/2015 08:53:07 pm
Hmmmm.... It's a stretch to lump all Biblical fundamentalists into Wayne's camp. The vast majority of Biblical fundamentalists just read the Bible and believe it works for word with a few culturally relevant spins. Wayne predates on their (let's say larger American) ignorance of history (and just about everything) to inject what I can only call 'crazy woo' to mislead some. This is not to say I dispute the assertion of fundamentalist rejection of science or reason in anything remotely 'Biblical' but their rejection of that does not mean an acceptance of Wayne's ideology. Faith, however misplaced, does not automatically mean gullible acceptance of any ideology pretending to promote some aspect of it.
10/24/2015 08:41:39 am
True, not all fundamentalists drink the fringey nephilim koolaid, I present to you this book I found on the shelves of a christian bookstore:
10/25/2015 11:05:28 am
Hmmm....that is a 'young adult' Christan themed fantasy series. Hardly a sign of broadly accepted beliefs among fundamentalists. Those sorts of things are a bit closer to the Twilight series or Harry Potter. I doubt that readers of those (or the booksellers) generally believe in vampires, werewolves and the Ministry of Magic. But they can be fun. On the other hand, much like the popularity of Dan Brown and the pseudoHistory Channel novels, the next thing you know everyone thinks 'something' must be true in it. A good amount of the errant of non-biblical modern evangelical belief in the end times stems from those awful Left Behind novel.
10/22/2015 09:39:00 pm
Interesting. So Wayne heads up the Templar-Freemason equals evil take over the world camp. SW heads the Templar-Freemason equals good take over the world camp which is hiding from the bad guys in the Vatican.
10/23/2015 04:10:59 am
Freemasonry succeeded in taking over the world, but not in the way the conspiracy theorists realise or appreciate. The church and the Christian religion died with the toppling of kingdoms replaced by governments and democracies. Freemasonry helped bring all that about. And that includes the introduction of science, scepticism and freethinking. Freemasonry marked the transition between the religious society ruled by kings and priests and the current free society.
10/23/2015 06:57:54 am
The symbolical similarities between Hiram Abiff and Jesus Christ are not accidental, hence the excommunications of Freemasons by the Vatican (alas, the Freemasons had their own funeral ceremonies).
10/23/2015 09:58:26 am
I'm sure you are sincere in your beliefs but I think many men's minds are "enslaved" by conspiracy theories about almost everything in our society. I see nothing good produced from such thinking/belief.
10/23/2015 10:06:01 am
I do not believe, I know
10/23/2015 10:08:20 am
Check out how many top people during the 18th century were freemasons. There was a conspiracy - a historical conspiracy - that resulted in the downfall of kingdoms and the Church to a world of democracies and freedom.
10/23/2015 10:10:59 am
Check out the mystical origins of the Royal Society. When a book about it was published in 1967 the academic establishment did everything it could to ridicule it.
10/23/2015 10:21:07 am
Secularism is still despised within pockets of the church. For example, Arnaud de Lassus, "Unholy Craft: Freemasonry and The Roots of Christophobia" (2012).
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 10:40:53 am
I was going to stay quiet, but when someone says something ridiculous and it goes unchallenged, it becomes the new normal, so here goes.
10/23/2015 10:43:17 am
Approximately 50 countries in Europe - that's 50 chapters in a book about the replacement of kingdoms for democracies (or democracies that are called kingdoms).
10/23/2015 10:46:51 am
The European Enlightenment has its roots in Freemasonry,
10/23/2015 10:47:36 am
...uh...Hermes...I think you're bug nuts, my friend. Freemasonry was not some bastion of science and rigorous logic, it was a relic of the guild system that survived by taking on the trappings of a secret society. It was enormously successful as a secret society but its own power was broken on the rock of Reason And Logic, too.
10/23/2015 10:50:15 am
Speculative Freemasonry did not evolve out of the Guilds.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 10:52:12 am
Here, let me insert a 666/KIF/Scarecrow/Hermes translation algorithm for anyone to use.
10/23/2015 10:53:14 am
Most of the 2.2 billion Catholics are mainly silent. The only real Catholics are Eastern Europeans who multiply like flies because they adhere to the Papal prohibition on birth-control.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 10:54:18 am
10/23/2015 10:56:15 am
And you are a smug ignorant, the direct opposite of being educated.
10/24/2015 02:51:38 pm
Hermes, learn to read. 2.2 billion CHRISTIANS. Not all Christians are Catholic, and suggesting as much has been known to be physically dangerous to one's health. Not to mention the fact that apparently you don't think anything outside the borders of Europe actually exists, which makes you deluded as well as dangerously stupid. The vast majority of Catholics are in the AMERICAS at this point, sir.
10/23/2015 10:44:33 am
An Over-Educated Grunt is ignorant of the facts. An Over-Educated Grunt should keep quiet.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 10:45:57 am
That's nice, sweetheart. You're still claiming that Europe is the world.
10/23/2015 10:48:48 am
Skull-and-Bones in America.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 10:50:25 am
Uh huh. And only YOU know the secret truths, but you're not crazy, you're enlightened, and everyone else is a sheep.
10/23/2015 10:54:53 am
And the Grand Orient of France and the Chamber of Deputies, I suppose that's another fantasy
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 11:00:11 am
Pretty much. It doesn't matter if the two organizations have 100% overlap. That's like saying that Willard's Hotel in DC, or the Delmonico Steakhouse in New York, were secret conspiracies to control America. The fact that deal-making occurs out of the public eye is a well-known fact of politics, has been as long as government has included deliberative bodies, and the venue of it doesn't matter in the slightest.
10/23/2015 11:01:40 am
You're avoiding the issue.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 11:07:13 am
Which one? That backroom deals happen? That's all you're saying. "They're all Masons!" They could all be clowns for all I care; if they meet down at the Clown College and discuss their work there, it's still happening outside parliamentary recording, it's still going to result in backroom deals, it's still the same as has been happening since at least the Roman Senate.
10/23/2015 11:09:14 am
I'm not referring to the Freemasonry of today.
Illuminus Rex
12/28/2019 03:28:15 pm
The Funniest thing about Clowns, is the very High Levels of Masonic Shriners are Clowns and Royal Order of Jesters , for you when you say "they could all be Clowns for all i care", you would be Correct. Oh the Irony Lolz!
10/23/2015 10:58:44 am
I'm not claiming to know secrets. I'm only explaining history, that's all. And that the role played by Freemasonry in the evolution of consciousness and development in Western Society has gone unrecognised. And this information can be demonstrated from the facts.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 11:05:53 am
No, nothing to do with conspiracy theories. Just how one secret society overthrew all the monarchies of the world, even the ones that weren't overthrown, even the ones who had never encountered them, and how they instituted a worldwide reign of rationality. Yep, no conspiracy theories here.
10/23/2015 11:07:55 am
That's right, no conspiracy. Only you don't know that.
An Over-Educated Grunt
10/23/2015 11:10:51 am
Since you insist on pretending you know more than the rest of us, I'll phrase this in terms that are probably most familiar to you:
10/23/2015 11:12:58 am
And the Grand Orient exerts influence over the Chamber of Deputies in France to this very day.
Illuminus Rex
12/28/2019 03:31:20 pm
Those that are Ignorant of the Order of the Solar Temple, the OTS also the OTO and Now even OVO. These Groups seem to have a Strong Sway on the Hearts and Minds of their Members.
Joe Scales
10/23/2015 11:23:36 am
I suspect that Freemasons, like any other private men's club, simply get together to drink without being nagged by their wives. At least, that's what mine does...
10/23/2015 11:27:02 am
That's today's Freemasonry. The world has transformed itself into a sceptical, secular and freethinking society. Mission accomplished.
10/24/2015 02:56:28 pm
"A sceptical, secular and freethinking society" that is still largely bound by religious mores. Of course. We TOTALLY live in a world where no one's legal rights are trampled on by someone in the name of their religion! Where no one EVER fights over religion! Where no one is EVER illegally held by a government just for having the wrong religion! MISSION IS SO ACCOMPLISHED!
Duke of URL
10/23/2015 11:54:55 am
Actually, the vast majority of Masonic jurisdictions forbid alcohol consumption in the Lodge, including the fellowship dinner after a meeting.
Joe Scales
10/23/2015 01:18:59 pm
"Actually, the vast majority of Masonic jurisdictions forbid alcohol consumption in the Lodge, including the fellowship dinner after a meeting."
10/23/2015 11:25:15 am
From the official documents of French Masonry contained principally in the official "Bulletin" and "Compte-rendu" of the Grand Orient it has been proved that all the anti-clerical measures passed in the French Parliament were decreed beforehand in the Masonic lodges and executed under the direction of the Grand Orient, whose avowed aim is to control everything and everybody in France. "I said in the Assembly of 1898", states the deputy Massé, the official orator of the Assembly of 1903, "that it is the supreme duty of Freemasonry to interfere each day more and more in political and profane struggles".
10/23/2015 11:33:38 am
The troll Krampus
10/23/2015 12:16:20 pm
So, do you, Hermes, eat dog turds? It doesn't matter if there is a grand conspiracy or whatever to control and influence societies. Do you know why? Because we don't have free will to do anything about it. We're all slaves to the Matrix. We don't exist without the Matrix. Everything we "know" and "experience" is a super-duper advanced computer simulation. Duuh.
10/23/2015 12:34:53 pm
The troll Krampus
10/23/2015 05:39:22 pm
10/23/2015 06:03:36 pm
The troll Krampus
The troll Krampus
10/23/2015 06:42:22 pm
I refer to all of my previous comments/replies relating to you and your...."facts" ( or whatever you want to call your ranting), Hermes. But please keep feeding me the Truth about the French Freemasons and their non-conspiracy doings at raising the consciousness of humanity. I mean, the Truth must be told so we can all raise our consciousness to the fourth, fifth and six densities which would enable us to exist with our Super-duper spiritually advanced Alien masters, right? Or don't the French Masons communicate with aliens? Oh, fuck, that's right your rantings was about happenings in reality and not some wako conspiracy shit.
10/24/2015 03:01:02 pm
Hermes - you have absolutely confirmed that you ARE, in fact, a conspiracy theorist! I don't trust your documents not to be fake, or even nonexistent. I wouldn't trust you to tell me the sun was going to come up tomorrow without six expert witnesses with whom you had NO contact confirming it first. You are so full of shit that it makes me want to puke all over your ugly soul. And you apparently have trouble telling that 1905 and 1787 aren't even REMOTELY close in time.
jane smith
10/27/2015 08:12:44 pm
Hermes is absolutely right. Freemasonry has won. Very few understand this because you have to think like a Traditional Catholic. We just celebrated the feast of Christ the King, meaning King over societies and governments. Who still believes this?
11/15/2015 09:12:34 am
Read Genesis Chapter 6. Think about it REAL hard. Then Google "Giant Skeletons Found ALL OVER THE WORLD" (and hidden by the powers that should not be). Then ask for God's wisdom and add 2 plus 2. The Google "strange hybrid monsters and other creatures seen WORLDWIDE". Then read Jesus' admonition that the last days would be "just like the days of Noah". If you can't see the truth at this point (and that includes the strange lights in the skies or "UFOs" which are FALLEN ANGELS/nephilim), then you are just plain willfully ignorant.
11/10/2017 06:18:14 am
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