It should surprise no one that yesterday’s siege of the United States Capitol by a pro-Trump right-wing mob included close connections to right-wing conspiracy theories, and not just the putative election fraud claim Pres. Donald Trump used to incite the violence at a rally yesterday afternoon. Many of the thugs who invaded the Capitol sported QAnon clothing, and at least one brandished a flag printed with a “Trump—JFK Jr.” slogan, a reference to a QAnon conspiracy theory imagining that the late son of John F. Kennedy is both secretly alive and about to become Trump’s second vice president. On Fox News Channel, Tucker Carlson spun a conspiracy theory that Antifa agitators had infiltrated the mob, while actual journalists identified several of its members as known white nationalist and right-wing extremists. One of the most visually striking of the angry thugs was the shirtless “Viking” or “shaman” dressed in war paint with a horned headdress and tattoos associated with neo-paganism and white nationalism. The so-called “Q-Shaman” has been a regular fixture at pro-Trump rallies across the country, a longtime “Q-influencer,” and yesterday the man news organizations identified as Jake Angeli, 33, seized the dais in the Senate chamber in the name of Donald Trump. He is also a believer in wild conspiracies that are ripped straight out of Ancient Aliens and other similar cable TV programs. Angeli appears to be the same man who operates a YouTube channel (which YouTube terminated late Thursday) that had posted a series of conspiratorial videos since the November election. The man in the videos has the same look and build and the same set of distinctive tattoos. He also identifies himself by the same name. In the videos, Angeli presents the standard QAnon belief system, including pedophile rings, a “cabal” of evil liberals and globalists, and a quasi-religious infatuation with Donald Trump—many of which were ideas that emerged from the 1980s satanic panic and were packaged as a right-wing mystery religion by Ancient Aliens star David Wilcock and other conspiracy mongers in the months before QAnon adopted them wholesale. In one video posted two weeks ago, Angeli goes still further, claiming that superhero comic books are “soft disclosure” of secret supernatural government programs and that he had been part of a clandestine military “super-soldier” program to use Eastern occult traditions to create analogs of Captain America. He alleges that he participated in a space war whereby he used his psychic occult powers to manipulate “the timelines” and take out the ships of the mind-parasites trying to destroy this world. (Many of these ideas parallel the “work” of David Wilcock and Corey Goode, the latter also claiming to be a secret space warrior fighting the “cabal.”) Angeli spoke, too, of the “frequencies of energy” in the Egyptian pyramids, “ley lines,” “star alignments,” “monoatomic gold,” and psychoactive drugs to “expand” consciousness in order to reincarnate. These ideas are straight out of the Ancient Aliens playbook (all have been featured in episodes) and can be found in the work of fringe authors like Graham Hancock (whom his video quotes by name) and David Wilcock, and Angeli describes his self-mythologizing as an effort to find a religious meaning in life. Like Wilcock, Angeli thinks that movies contain secret messages about the true nature of reality. “These were all like breadcrumbs, you guys,” Angeli said. Naturally, his video namechecks not just Lucifer and QAnon, but also H. P. Lovecraft and the gods from outside.
It is evident from the 90-minute video that Angeli has serious issues, and he appears to genuinely believe that he is a psychic warrior fighting the Old Ones in trans-dimensional space for the glory of Donald Trump.
Anthony G.
1/7/2021 11:30:51 am
I'm pretty sure my grandfather rolled over in his grave yesterday. The man never spoke a word about war to me. I only learned of his experience on Iwo Jima after his death. I also learned that when local riots occurred, the police would call in my grandfather. He was apparently a man not to be trifled with.
Nick Danger
1/8/2021 09:39:52 am
1/8/2021 05:50:32 pm
"My grandfather... blah blah blah..." is what I like to call Borrowed Valor. Not stolen per se, but not yours either. Callers to right wing talk shows use it often, as if it gives their opinion more weight.
1/10/2021 01:46:35 pm
I love how these hillbilly Q cultist are trying to spin this.
1/10/2021 06:20:16 pm
I prefer the inner city n-word spin. Seriously dude, "Hillbilly"? I don't know or care what Q is. Just like your President and your next President. And everyone on the planet.
The most powerful person in Congress is now a blue dog hillbilly
1/10/2021 07:16:46 pm
For the last few years the use of troops to quell civil unrest has been spun as nothing more than further incitement of rioting and supression of the Constitutionally protected right to firebomb Mom and Pop appliance stores and launch frozen water bottles at anyone in a uniform. It is just so darn cute how you think that it is hillbilly spin to point out the fact that attitudes have changed about the use of the National Guard and police in a matter of days. 1/9/2021 04:34:31 pm
if you call yourself a credible researcher why do you spend your time on this crazy guy at all? It's a waste of time. However, it could be very well that he is demonic possessed. No one knows for sure. We can only pray for him. Did you read my Atlantis conclusions by the way?
1/11/2021 02:05:36 am
Since possession is not a real thing, id say we know for sure. Also is your conclusion on atlantis that it is a mythical tale? Otherwise you would be mistaken there aswell. Good day
Rump State
1/7/2021 11:30:59 am
The next time the rioters might consider torching a bunch of cars and looting a Best Buy and liquor store. The event can then be spun as "Fiery but mostly peaceful" on Fox News.
1/7/2021 11:57:00 am
Thanks again Jason; you're voice of reason and wealth of knowledge is much appreciated. As for J Angeli, sounds like another clueless member of the Coup Clux Clan...
1/7/2021 12:06:16 pm
Post the link! This shit is fascinating! Please don't fret about "promoting" him. It's already mainstream enough that there was an insurgency at the capitol of the USA. Your posting the link is not going to give him more publicity than that.
1/7/2021 06:46:06 pm
Yesterday was a disgrace. I think every person who stormed the Capital should be arrested and charged with treason. I think Trump needs to be charged with sedition.
The Rooster
1/7/2021 07:04:25 pm
Doc rock
1/7/2021 08:07:14 pm
Noam Chomsky's comments back in 2017 about the slippery slope of politically motivated violence has proven to be prophetic. Sadly a lot of people on both sides of the aisle have been competing to outdumbass the other side. At this point it's hard to tell who is winning much of the time.
1/7/2021 08:38:58 pm
The Washington Post now reports that "In memos, Pentagon prohibited D.C. Guard from receiving ammunition or riot gear, interacting with protesters, sharing equipment with police or using surveillance assets without high-level approval." This is why Trump installed his latest batch of unqualified lackeys there. Everyone knew this was coming, and he wanted maximum chaos and destruction.
Nick Danger
1/8/2021 09:42:19 am
Andy White
1/7/2021 09:04:30 pm
Cue the "but there's no connection between pseudo-archaeology and white supremacist Trump supporters" in 3 . . . 2 . . .
Strange people. Clearly condemned by Trump.
Nick Danger
1/8/2021 09:46:08 am
"Where was (sic) the police?"
@Nick Danger:
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
1/8/2021 11:20:36 am
Before the attack, Trump spoke to the crowd urging them to "peacefully" march on Congress to demand that they overturn the results of the Electoral College vote, which Congress has no right to do. The electors already voted on December 14, at which time Trump's legal challenges to the state election results (which determine each state's choice of electors) had all been rejected. The Congressional count on January 6 is a formality, and there is not the slightest question that the electors voted for Biden. Therefore, even if the crowd had peacefully marched to the capitol and somehow convinced Congress to change its mind, that would have been a coup (technically a self-coup, or autogolpe). Even when giving Trump the greatest possible benefit of the doubt, he was still trying to defy the Constitution to keep himself in power. He does not get a pass for what he unleashed while trying to do so.
Nope. The march to Congress was long announced as part of the whole demonstration. Even other demonstrations were officially announced by Trump supporting groups before the Capitol. The police was fully aware about the gathering there. And no urging nowhere.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
1/8/2021 05:06:30 pm
He claimed repeatedly that the election was stolen and went on at length about how thousands of ballots were, he claimed, cast illegally, thus swinging the election to Biden. E.g., "According to eyewitness testimony, postal service workers in Wisconsin were also instructed to illegally backdate approximately 100,000 ballots. The margin of difference in Wisconsin was less than 20,000 votes. Each one of these things alone wins us the state."
Errr, yes? These votes should not be counted. Yes. Of course not, if they are based on voter fraud. This is a legitimate demand, if he thinks so. The US is a free country, and a democracy, isn't it? So he can put forward this demand. Of course he can.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
1/8/2021 07:36:35 pm
Challenges to the purportedly fraudulent votes had already been tried and failed in the courts, because they were not supported by evidence. The claims of massive fraud were lies. In Georgia, for example, the Republican secretary of state was forced to repeatedly debunk the claims that Georgia's vote had been stolen.
1/8/2021 12:11:24 pm
*sighs* There you go again.
Reply this:
1/8/2021 05:32:50 pm
"Let's have trial by combat" Rudy Giulani
Thank you for the attempt to add substance to the discussion.
1/8/2021 07:30:39 pm
"Trial by combat" is an unfortunate phrase, as anything might be if you strip away the context immediately proceeding where G specifies he's talking about the legal process.
Giuliani: Could you please stop to take snippets out of context?
Jolene Jones
1/15/2021 07:00:02 am
Defunded, perhaps? I guess the “defund the police” demon-crats are singing a different tune now. 🤣
Reggie D
1/16/2021 01:37:43 pm
Nothing like spending an hour cowering under your desk to instill a new sense of respect for law and order and crowd control.
1/16/2021 06:13:19 pm
Perhaps they were inspecting the underside of their desks ? Like when Stumpy was inspecting his bunker and he brought along the wife and son.
1/8/2021 07:35:22 pm
Posting here because it''s easy:
1/10/2021 04:23:19 pm
This link, set in a cloud of political wrangling, struck me funny. I didn't even need to open it to know it was about Scotty. Yeah, Scotty, who I got to know several years ago. While researching a biographical book about a twice married but gay artist from the Art Deco period for Taschen Publishing I was introduced by a fellow researcher to two surviving friends for background information. One was a priest and the other was Bowers. The priest turned out to be a former lover and Scotty was their mutual friend. Scotty had a large client list of closeted Catholic priests), procuring both models and trade for the artist.
1/10/2021 06:04:04 pm
Taschen rules! 1/10/2021 06:15:21 pm
Everyone who makes that claim about James Dean being a prostitute runs into the problem of chronology. For Scotty Bowers to make that claim, it would presumably have to have been in Los Angeles, which limits the time frame to between August 1949 and July 1951. From August 1949 to May 1950, he was in Santa Monica, at college, living with his father and did not go into L.A. much. Summer 1950, he was a camp counselor and not in L.A. Fall 1950 he was living in a frat house, where being a gay prostitute seems rather unlikely. In January 1951, he said he was a virgin, which is an odd thing to lie about when trying to appear to be a tough guy and not gay. In late July he moved in with his first (known) male lover. That leaves the spring of 1951, when he was indeed seen trying to cruise a man in a car, though he had no cash that whole season, suggesting his hook-ups did not involve monetary exchange.
1/10/2021 08:14:57 pm
I didn't make that claim, and in fact didn't notice Dean's name in the article. Probably because Dean's name doesn't appear in the article. Cool your jets, Leroy. 1/10/2021 10:47:18 pm
Of course, Kent, he could have been lying about everything, which is why what passes for the historical record is composed from paper trails, testimony from witnesses, etc. I don't have the space to go into it all here, but, yes, where he was most days is attested, from basketball team games and practices, theater rehearsals, various accounts from friends and classmates, etc. You can always argue that there is time not accounted for. The next year, going to Hollywood from UCLA (a shorter trip) was a big deal for him and his friends, according to their own accounts, so traveling from Santa Monica into L.A. would have been something mentioned, though you could of course argue it was all done in secret, with absences unnoticed by anyone around him.
1/11/2021 01:13:06 am
Let's all calm down shall we? I've gone to Europe and back without friends and family knowing, no paper trail. Hitchhiked hundreds of miles in a weekend, no paper trail. And you're quibbling about 16 miles. That's walking distance but we're talking about California in the fitties so a short drive. 1/11/2021 08:09:24 am
Then what are you arguing about, Kent? The original post in this thread said Scotty Bowers had told the posted about Dean's prostitution. If you aren't discussing it, then what are you talking about?
1/11/2021 06:16:13 pm
"The original post in this thread said Scotty Bowers had told the posted about Dean's prostitution."
I decide to make a stop here in answering further comments. It is not any more about ancient times and pseudoarchaeology, and enough is said to help everybody who is interested to develop his own ideas in all directions.
1/9/2021 04:27:14 pm
"I decide to make a stop here in answering further comments."
Anthony G.
1/9/2021 07:24:40 pm
I saw on the news this idiot was arrested today. Social media was given credit for identifying him. GOOD JOB!!! Mr. Colavito and all members of social media.
1/10/2021 06:59:55 pm
At the risk of being further drawn into the political quagmire this blog is increasingly being drawn into (NOT my original intent of following it) I feel I should add a little side note. I don't believe his real name is Angeli. Many Italians and Germans may recognize it as one of the spellings (originally Agnelli) for a notorious family of brigands and mercenaries originally from the Tyrol region. The name comes from the Italian for "Little Angel" (as in the carol "Little Lamb from Bethlehem"). They hired out to the various German and Italian states, and were in particular reviled for stirring up trouble and then offering their services to one side or the other (or both). I know this first hand because in school in the early fifties in Buffalo, NY my nickname became 'Angel' (Long story: My Sicilian/Italian name is Cologero/Colangelo; my older brother had 'Rusty' hung on him by the non-Italian students and teachers who couldn't quite handle our last name). This sometimes got me in trouble when older Italians heard me referred to as Angel and assumed it was my last name. There was a notorious mobster then by that name known as a union strikebreaker in Buffalo (by way of NY) and I got some nervous stares until they learned my actual name.
1/10/2021 07:33:38 pm
He has gone by that name for at least two years, but when he was arrested this weekend, law enforcement identified his birth name as Jacob Anthony Chansley.
1/10/2021 08:43:34 pm
Thanks for the tedious bio. No one cares. Your brother was an ass and the teachers couldn't actually call him that, hence "Rusty".
Da Romanius
1/11/2021 09:12:29 am
Dang, Jason. What's going on with your comment section?
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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