As much as I don’t want to waste more time on this, the state of the comments section on my blog has degenerated to the point that changes have to be made. For the first ten years I ran this blog, I kept comments open to anyone, for close to real-time conversations. However, the toxic, combative nature of the comments on nearly every blog post have driven away dozens of people who used to make substantive, thoughtful comments. I have tried culling toxic comments, but the flood of them comes faster than I can handle them, given that this is not my actual day job and I can’t spend hours each day reading aggressive, inane, or abusive posts. I have tried IP blocking, but many posters simply generate a new IP address and continue on, while Weebly, which provides my blogging software, has restricted my access to IP addresses in their latest redesign. I have wracked my brain to come up with an effective solution. My preference has always been to avoid censorship and allow for free expression. But that clearly isn’t working. Toxic posts come from only a handful of users, and the number of people who comment on the blog are such a vanishingly small percentage of the thousands who read my posts each day that I no longer feel it is worthwhile to leave comments open and unfiltered only for that privilege to be abused.
Starting with tomorrow’s Ancient Aliens review, the comments on posts going forward will require approval before they are posted. Because I am not available to do this around the clock, that means that comments will generally be posted once or twice per day. I understand that this will cut down on comments and likely curtail some conversations, but it is the only solution I can find that will strike a balance between turning off comments entirely and me wasting my whole day trying to hold back the tide of toxicity.
3/13/2020 08:52:51 am
Great decision. That way you can make certain that comments are supportive and praise you.
3/14/2020 07:31:45 am
I'd rather take the trouble of registering than wait for the comments to be published.
Andrew Kiener
3/13/2020 09:09:25 am
Sorry you've been forced into this but it's the right decision. I'm astonished you've put up with it as long as you have.
3/13/2020 09:10:25 am
Yeah, unfortunately, I don't see a better solution. Holding comments in moderation for prolonged periods isn't a good solution, but sometimes there are no good solutions, and this is probably the least-bad one available.
Jay Piercefield
3/13/2020 02:41:41 pm
People have commented here in the past that they were afraid to post comments for fear of having the trolls jump down their throats for the slightest excuse. Hopefully there will be a major decline in volume albeit partially offset by an increase in quality.
3/14/2020 02:22:43 am
Those people are, not to put too fine a point on it, whining sissies.
Says what
3/14/2020 02:18:08 pm
Says the guy who has been whining and point fingers at others when everyone knows that he is the cause of all this.
Big baby
3/14/2020 05:18:03 pm
If you scroll down you will see the following statement by Kent:
3/13/2020 09:11:40 am
“...the tide of toxicity.” You get what you give. You have made fun of so many people... remember the handicapped guy you claimed said he “discovered a lost civilization in his backyard “? What he really did was find rock piles in the woods that he thought were Indian. You and a couple others have gleefully tried to not just disprove some claims but to humiliate and destroy individuals who might not have a complete grasp on reality. You and your fellow conspirators have tried to ban books, demand that tv networks show what you decide is “science,” and claim that the alleged fringe is doing it for money. And then you beg for money and try to manipulate people to buy your biased books. And the fringe really means people who have opinions and ideas different than yours. You would have been one of the inquisitors. Instead of just countering ideas and beliefs you think are false, you always try to destroy the messenger. It’s that simple. It’s karma.
David Childress
3/13/2020 10:20:22 am
The fringe are those idiotic notions and arguments that are unsupported by facts, logic, or a comprehensive TESTABLE hypothesis.
3/13/2020 11:16:20 am
And you fail to grasp karma. You get what you give
Let it be known that David Childress published—not just once but twice—a false picture captioned "Jagged, crystalline spires poking miles above the surface of the Moon."
David Childress
3/13/2020 11:45:27 am
I grasp crap. The notion of karma is crap.
William Fitzgerald
3/13/2020 12:21:47 pm
Interesting point. Jason does have an supercilious attitude at times; whether intended or otherwise.
3/13/2020 12:23:19 pm
More cerebral scatology
3/13/2020 12:33:52 pm
I’ve not remembered any evidence cited by Jason in any article that would lead me to believe that he holds a post modern view in support of social justice, or even theories about social justice. Cite some evidence from this blog or Jason’s books by all means.
Don't you know anything at all
3/13/2020 12:36:28 pm
That generalisations are scatology - and your favourite words are all generalisations.
Karma, it is sometimes really not easy not to make fun of really funny ideas. Jason did not find the right balance all the time, but at least I am convinced that he tries, and as far as I can see, he mostly hit the point very exactly.
I hate blacks
3/14/2020 07:39:05 pm
Kent is a dick.
Gershon Legman
3/14/2020 08:36:37 pm
I don't use that sort of language but I'm tired of Kent's anti-semitism. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Ignore it
3/14/2020 10:27:03 pm
Most likely it is Kent just trying to get a reaction in the short time that he has left.
Good luck with that
3/13/2020 10:02:16 am
You probably should have done something a long time ago about the abusive man-baby who’s been insulting people here under obvious sock-puppets for as long as I can remember. The same bully is the first person to cry to you about moderation when he gets his own precious snowflake feelings hurt. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
3/13/2020 01:40:30 pm
Hmm, haven't seen that name before. Probably an abusive man-baby sock puppet. The giveaway you is not naming him. Or are you just askeered o' him?
Mr. Clean
3/13/2020 02:10:00 pm
If you are getting dizzy Kent it is from swirling around and around in the toilet bowl before disappearing from view. Say bye bye Kent.
Go Find another blog to ruin
3/13/2020 02:32:01 pm
Funny how the original post didn’t even mention his name and yet Kent was so riled up by it that he posted a sniveling reply. Maybe he can go back to for content to include in his next comment.
3/13/2020 02:46:40 pm
You two have a blessed day! Jesus loves you. Eez no my yob, mang.
3/13/2020 03:19:31 pm
It has suddenly turned into a particularly wonderful and blessed day for every visitor here who is sane and has an IQ above room temperature. We must pray for the good Lord's love and compassion for those "special" few who won't be having many good days here in the future because of the new system.
David Childress
3/13/2020 10:11:56 am
But how will the world survive without my brilliant ruminations?
Terry Melanson
3/13/2020 10:36:00 am
There's an option in wordpress to have potential commentators sign up beforehand. It would then be easy to ban someone who continually gets out of hand cause all you're doing is managing a list and they can't post unless they're on it.
Hey Terry
3/13/2020 11:15:30 am
I didn't know that you were a churchgoing believer
Facts, logic, comprehensive TESTABLE hypothesis
3/13/2020 11:16:49 am
Buttressing religious fundamentalism
Yeah Baby
3/13/2020 11:18:58 am
The likes of AMHC will be glorifying mundane braindead stuff like Lent on this Blog, because the Blogger is a Christian.
3/13/2020 12:14:56 pm
You have no understanding of ontology or essentialism and yet you “Name names” like the Occultist crap artist you aren’t intelligent enough to become. You can’t even use your own name but your putrid whoredom spills out with “Yeah Baby?” What kind of childish excuse for name calling is that? Do you need a cheap prostitute to cater to your debased needs? Obviously you have to pay for attention because beyond the pity party you just threw for yourself no woman will demean herself to do more than scrape you off the soles of her shoes
Yeah Baby
3/13/2020 12:30:44 pm
AMHC ducked answering the question as to why God does not perform miracles in 2020 like in 1st century Judea and comes up with crap words like ontology and essentialism without wanting to understand why there's a chalice in the ceremony of the mass and that the host existed within Christianity long before the poorly contrived story of Jesus Christ during the second century. Very shabbily done - that lifting of characters Quirinius, Herod, Pilate, Simon of Cyrene and Joseph ben Caiaphas. All very badly contrived and built on Old Testament models.
3/13/2020 05:06:15 pm
AMHC is a dogmatic believer in the Catechism
3/13/2020 11:41:50 pm
I’m not Catholic for starters. How dare you trash a global branch of monotheism with your excuses about your own postmodern vomit! I’ve not dodged ANYTHING BUT YOUR RACISM NON STOP. It really is too far beneath me, my intelligence and my patience to bother with the filth of fascist WHOREDOM that is your brand of racism. You are UNCLEAN MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY SND INTELLECTUALLY.
Rock Knocker
3/13/2020 11:17:25 am
Remember that this is a private website, funded by Jason. Approve of it or not, he can do whatever he wants with his blog - it’s not your call it’s his. Based on the plethora of hateful antagonistic comments typically found in the comments for almost every blog entry, I fully support Jason‘s decision. You go dude.
Kill Jesus
3/13/2020 11:20:37 am
There's absolutely no place for religion within scepticism. Kill Jesus.
David Childress
3/13/2020 11:43:02 am
How do you kill a fantasy that never actually existed?
Kill Jesus
3/13/2020 12:21:59 pm
That's it - the fringe believe in non-existent things - there lies the direct parallel between the fringe and religion. 3/13/2020 02:51:25 pm
Have you killed your "Bob" today?
Adam Weishaupt, Freemasonry, Hell Fire Club, etc
3/13/2020 11:33:21 am
Did Adam Weishaupt really believe in the Owl of Minerva, the Freemasons believe in Hiram Abiff - or was that just a V-Sign at the Bible. Benjamin Franklin, The Hell Fire Club, Sir Francis Dashwood - they all worshipped what was biologically natural opposed to fantastic fiction that only existed on paper and was the product of not-so fertile imaginations from the heads of sexual prudes.
Bring Back The Inquisition
3/13/2020 11:35:59 am
Let's start killing freethought
3/13/2020 11:37:09 am
I’ve been following this blog since I first was assaulted by America Unearthed and Wolter’s denigration of evidence-based reality —winter ‘13-‘14, I believe. My horizons have been immensely expanded by this blog and the comments ( thanks much for’ ‘tartuffery’, Tara! ).
The above message deciphered
3/13/2020 11:39:34 am
I am a churchgoing skeptic
3/13/2020 11:48:45 am
Erich Von Daniken was DEFINITEVELY debunked and exposed as an intentional hoaxer on the BBC 1977 documentary "The Case of the Ancient Astronauts" (the NOVA version of that documentary is snipped and edited). If people have never watched it, they should do it today without any further delay. A very poor and damaged video-to-DVD is doing the rounds online.
3/13/2020 11:55:06 am
Jason, I hardly concur with Mr. Andrew Kiener's comments. It is sad that you are forced to do this but I have sadly watched this blog be taken over by a handful of nasty individuals who are more interested in attacking others, denigrating you, and making scatological remarks.
3/13/2020 12:07:47 pm
Did you mean “hardly” or “heartily”?
Slobber, slobber
3/13/2020 12:20:07 pm
Those who slobber on the feet of statues of saints and love anti-Semitism are worse than the fringe. Far worse. And such people wander to this blog because this (Christian) blog has undercurrents of anti-Semitism.
3/13/2020 12:36:11 pm
Thank you, Jason. I look forward to far fewer comments from maladjusted trolls, and hopefully, some of them will disappear forever.
3/13/2020 12:39:28 pm
Even the maladjusted aren't as bad as those who slobber on the statues of saints and are anti-Semitic and introduce censorship to duck being apprehended.
It is worth a try and surely better than any possible damage of reputation a chaotic commentary section may provide.
3/13/2020 01:29:17 pm
Jason's Blog, Jason's rules.
3/13/2020 01:53:40 pm
Yes, Jason’s blog, Jason’s rules. Until he libels the wrong person. Then he will abide by the court rules and the law. And it will happen because he can’t help it. He’s blind to his motives.
Brevet 2nd Lieutenant Obvious
3/13/2020 03:32:42 pm
Under the old rules if Jason had deleted a single such comment by Bezalel he would have been required to go thru and delete a dozen comments by your that were as bad or worse in order to be fair. At least under the new rules the viewing public will benefit from the fact that many of your comments will never see the light of day. Kudos to Jason for making the extra effort to eliminate the constant buzzing of human blow flies on what is otherwise an excellent site.
3/13/2020 03:52:58 pm
Ah, another new name! "As bad or worse" is a matter of opinion and neither your opinion nor mine count here. Why don't you go ahead and repost that "dozen" posts so the entire class can enjoy them?
Jim 2.0
3/13/2020 03:59:39 pm
Some opinions matter more than others which is why you are about to go bye bye. People have already posted numerous examples of your more infamous quotes here in the past. You then threw tantrums and insulted people for doing it. That's one reason why a new system is being put in place. You just shot your own big toe off, Einstein. Congrats.
3/13/2020 01:41:39 pm
No one does evil more willingly and cheerfully than a skeptic who views science as the holder of truth.
Reg Cormack
3/13/2020 01:56:40 pm
Just what do these trolls get out of their cheap vindictive bile? Day after day out come the same old insults. I can only imagine they sit very unhappily in their mom and dad's basement fulminating against the world and how everything is so unfair. Comments nearly always degenerate into off-subject rants. I'll welcome the changes, Mr Colavito. Not before time.
3/13/2020 02:29:22 pm
I'm not sure if the concept of troll covers the behavior of certain people who clearly have mental health or substance abuse issues and put them on display here on a daily basis. Often draconian measures have to be taken to deal with people because in their own minds they are just acting normal. Any appeals to them to modify their behave are rejected because in their minds it would then be abnormal behavior on their part and an uncomfortable deviation what they have been doing their entire life.
3/13/2020 04:45:57 pm
You would not believe the truth about this if you witnessed it. It is completely different from what many here think. And you have no idea at all who we are. That’s enough. If it’s necessary we’ll be back.
Shallow Hal
3/13/2020 05:07:08 pm
Relax Hal. Only the very idiotic and vulgar comments will be deleted. Since your comments are not vulgar and are only idiotic instead of very idiotic you should be okay posting here in the future most of the time.
3/13/2020 02:04:57 pm
For years "Joe" and "Kent" were permitted to run amok here with nothing more than the occasional slap on the wrist despite numerous complaints. Its hard to argue that things have degenerated given that there are plenty of archived threads here with content much worse than anything recent. The only difference is that there has been what looks to be a semi-organized uprising by people who are fed up and decided to fight fire with fire. Now all of a sudden Mr. Colavito has developed a strong interest in law and order. My how the worm has turned.
Joe Scales
3/13/2020 02:21:56 pm
I don't know about Kent, but I'm completely in favor of the changes and have never merited censor by Jason. You on the other hand. Well, good bye. Won't be seeing you 'round these parts anymore. So have your last shot... though I won't be back to read it. Nope. I'll wait for the changes.
Joe Scales ghost
3/13/2020 02:29:33 pm
Back from the dead getting ready to dazzle Jason’s minions with my imbecilic comments.
JP Gaspard
3/13/2020 02:36:52 pm
More like back from getting his ass kicked on Andy White's blog. Good luck with calling people imbeciles for disagreeing with you or proving you wrong here in the future Joey.
Kent’s Latin phrase generator
3/13/2020 02:54:01 pm
Acta est fabula, plaudite!
Joe Scales
3/13/2020 02:58:49 pm
You got it wrong. I kicked that punk-ass Andy White all over the place. That imbecile couldn’t excavate his ass or a hole in the ground. He calls himself an archaeologist but he’s an imposter.
3/13/2020 03:10:44 pm
At least Joe Scales Ghost has the decency to carve out his own name. I see a lot of new names getting used here today. Maybe by people who are worried about being tied to or tied down by their history? I dunno. Meanwhile, I'm apparently swirling around in the toilet in my parents' basement. Classy!
3/13/2020 03:17:13 pm
Your time is almost up
3/13/2020 03:23:03 pm
I find it more interesting (and disturbing at the same time) that you keep a detailed index of old comment sections and can reference them so quickly. What will you do when there are only two or three comments per day — a lost soul who’s lost his raison d’etre?
Sally Shibboleth
3/13/2020 03:44:28 pm
3/13/2020 03:58:04 pm
Ah! Yet another new name!
Inquiry about kent’s indexing system
3/13/2020 04:08:09 pm
So did you look under L for Lister or G for Gunn? And do you print out the comment sections and organize them in loose leaf notebooks?
Cedarville University Class of 2000
3/13/2020 04:15:57 pm
Sally; when I was in college there was a woman in my department who was tall and dumpy with medium length dirty brown hair and a recognizable walk. She wore tight blue jeans and a t-shirt every day. One year for Halloween she showed up at school wearing a gorilla mask. She was utterly bewildered as to why everyone knew who she was immediately even from a distance. A couple people even tried to explain to her why she wasn't fooling anyone just by hiding here face. She just didn't have the self-awareness to fully grasp things, unfortunately. Kent's weak attempts to deny his long record of using different names here and not recognizing why some people are calling BS on it reminds me of her.
3/13/2020 04:20:24 pm
Was her name Sarah?
3/13/2020 02:45:59 pm
Finally, I won’t have any of you retarded, horse faced, lying pony soldiers pretending to be me.
Joe Biden
3/13/2020 04:17:23 pm
You have plagiarized me you hog-nosed Brit.
Hugh Newman
3/13/2020 02:48:13 pm
I will miss my impersonator Hugh’s Poo. At least he was entertaining.
Willie Pee
3/13/2020 03:06:50 pm
It wouldn't surprise me if a little lighthearted banter from the likes of Hugh's Poo still shows up here. Telling people "fuck you," or words to that effect, calling people imbeciles and idiots for disagreeing with you, encouraging people with mental health problems to commit suicide, working discussions of homosexuality, male genitalia, bodily fluids, incest, pedophilia into every thread, not so much.
Hugh Newman
3/13/2020 03:11:29 pm
Hope so.
3/14/2020 02:27:54 am
"discussions of homosexuality, male genitalia, bodily fluids, incest, pedophilia"
Alec Baldwin
3/14/2020 02:09:16 pm
Your concept of bible discussions has gotten a number of scoutmasters prosecuted.
3/14/2020 02:55:03 pm
Hmm, Alec Baldwin. Isn't that the celebrity who goes around calling people "faggot" and punching people over parking spots? The one who said to his 12 year old daughter "You have insulted me for the last time …You’ve made feel like shit and you’ve made feel like a fool over and over again … I’m going to straighten your ass out … You are a rude, thoughtless little pig.”
Alec Baldwin
3/14/2020 03:09:56 pm
Its also a name found throughout the Anglophone world.
3/14/2020 03:46:33 pm
No, some Himmlers are unproductive wastrels and Democrats, or worse yet Republicans.
Alec Baldwin
3/14/2020 04:31:52 pm
And some Baldwins are the assistant manager of a grocery store and don't vote.
William Henry
3/13/2020 02:51:26 pm
No one really did a parody of me. I fear I was never all that important.
David Childress
3/13/2020 02:54:22 pm
I will not miss my herd of impersonators. They were some koind of mean.
3/13/2020 03:03:06 pm
All this because I wouldn’t let Jason suck me off.
3/13/2020 03:09:15 pm
True sadly.
Nick redfern
3/13/2020 03:18:06 pm
I’ll kick anybody’s ass who dares to impersonate me.
Pudgy fat Sarah
3/13/2020 03:25:06 pm
Be sure to listen to my podcast archyfantasies or something stupid like that. My bloated cohost Feder will certainly have something moronic to claim. America was discovered in 1492 and there was no one here till Sir Walter Discovered the Mississippi River. The stupid Indians got what they deserved.
Dick Leakey
3/13/2020 03:53:35 pm
I had no idea that Sarah and Feder were claiming that America wasn't discovered until 1492. I thought they agreed that America was discovered by people from Siberia over 15,000 years ago and that it was then discovered again by Vikings coming from the East about 1000AD. Could you post a link to the podcast where they were spouting this nonsense.
Fat pig sarah
3/13/2020 08:28:52 pm
We did say the stupid Indians got what they deserved. And the first Americans arrived with Columbus. When Sir Walter crossed the Mississippi he discovered the pacific and India. Therefore Indians. It’s my manifest destiny as a white fat archaeologist who has no job. Sorta like Jason. Septing he’s not a lesbian.
Deal a meal
3/13/2020 09:36:04 pm
Im not fat or an archaeologist so you will believe me when I say that the Minoans got here first and took 5 trillion tons of copper out of North America. Thats why the grand canyon was there when Sir Walter Raleigh crossed the Mississippi into kansas.
Dear deal a meal
3/13/2020 09:40:57 pm
Kansas! Wow. I learn sunthin new here ever day.
3/15/2020 06:53:18 am
Ah, so that explains the 5 trillion tons (sic) of copper in the Mediterranean.
Jason’s successes
3/13/2020 03:41:06 pm
Mr lister
3/13/2020 03:47:25 pm
This is the most entertaining comments section on this site—ever.
Joe Kent
3/13/2020 04:07:50 pm
It truly is. Jason Colavito is finally dropping the hammer on the few people here that everyone recognizes as the source or cause of 75 percent of the negativity here. Their fumbling efforts at denialism in the waning moments of their little regime is priceless.
Joe Scales
3/13/2020 04:30:02 pm
Starting Sunday the comments sections belong to me. I will dazzle the rabble, regale the retarded, and beguile the beguiled.
Philip coppens
3/13/2020 04:12:29 pm
Despite the fact I died years ago Jason occasionally makes horrible comments about me.
Erich von daniken
3/13/2020 04:39:10 pm
Same here. I’ve been attacked frequently after I died. Oh wait, I’m told I’m still alive. Never mind.
3/13/2020 04:38:03 pm
Jason--Here's a suggestion. Keep a file of the hate-trolls' comments and periodically publish them on this blog during a slow day. They might be funny.
Wild man of borneo
3/13/2020 05:01:40 pm
Orang=That has been done here from time to time in the past but not by JC. However, seeing their own words used against them sends the trolls into berserker mode and Colivito will have to spend an hour censoring their reactions to their old materials being re-posted. They have been given a lot of leeway in the past for reasons unknown to us and so it is safe to assume that they will still be given enough wiggle room to make spectacles of themselves and keep things lively. Just wait and see.
Don M
3/13/2020 04:45:54 pm
Turn out the light,
3/13/2020 04:52:15 pm
Hal has left the building,
Ignorant Christians
3/13/2020 04:58:13 pm
What fucking right does a Christian have to be a sceptic when the fucking bible is full of paranormal and supernatural busllshit
A good deed that will not go unpunished
3/13/2020 05:21:36 pm
There are plenty of Christians who can still do objective scientific research and produce work that passes muster in legitimate peer review by other non-believing scientists, including work involving evolution. Fringe researchers who have proven themselves capable of doing objective scientific researcher on their pet topics and having it pass muster in legitimate peer review are a much, much, much rarer bird.
Not Following ... ??
3/13/2020 07:45:22 pm
Those remarks were sheer contemptable rubbish because a fundamentalist Christian who debunks ancient aliens is no different to a believer in the Yeti debunking the Abominable Snowman. Also, an objective scientific researcher would agree with this statement.
Mr. Deeds
3/13/2020 08:30:27 pm
An objective scientific researcher would not be able to make head nor tails of what you just said. Try again.
Larry storch
3/13/2020 08:43:09 pm
Yeah, because of the thousands of years of batshit crazy religious idiocy forcibly imposed by organized hierarchies that actively fought against science and which has left a lasting residue of billions of bonkers believers — a few of whom might adapt their careers to the truth of the scientific method while also acting as apologist stooges for modern day religious insanity.
3/13/2020 08:50:40 pm
A Christian scholar can believe in snake handling but if they are fluent in ancient languages they can still effectively call bullshit on the fabricated translations of ancient aliens experts.
Terry Mellason is a churchgoer
3/13/2020 04:59:31 pm
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer
3/13/2020 05:23:45 pm
I remain 100 percent certain that the sword is Roman. Just saying...
Patrick Leary
3/13/2020 05:38:47 pm
The irony is that some of the same people calling out Pulitzer's boorish and irrational behavior or the behavior of Scott Wolter and his fans act in much the same manner here. Read through a random selection of Kent and Joe's posts here and put some serious thought into whether or not they are really an improvement over what is posted in the comments section of Scott Wolter Answers. Several others aren't too far behind.
My Real Actual Name
3/13/2020 06:26:43 pm
There will be new boogeymen.
Private Obvious
3/13/2020 08:32:49 pm
Think about what Colavito said. It doesn't matter how many new boogeymen show up.
Andy white
3/13/2020 05:46:08 pm
Joe Scales made defamatory and libelous comments about me above. Pulitzer has yet to produce his white paper and proof.
Joe Scales
3/13/2020 05:58:22 pm
Contact my homeowners insurance you fake archaeologist. You are a fruitcake.
The real joe scales
3/13/2020 08:53:17 pm
There is no such thing as an archaeology major so archaeologists don't exist.
3/13/2020 06:05:56 pm
Great decision Jason. It has been getting to the point where 99% of the comments were crap that had nothing to do with the blog post. Thanks.
Joe Scales
3/13/2020 06:15:42 pm
Bi guy Fred:
Big Bi guy fred
3/13/2020 08:26:04 pm
As a bisexual person, I have two “predilections” — as you call them. Which of the two causes Jason to be biased toward me?
3/15/2020 09:46:54 pm
Why did you put "guys" in quotation marks? And why do you assume people like Fred would be biased towards Jason?
Big gay fred
3/13/2020 07:36:44 pm
I agree with myself.
3/13/2020 07:43:42 pm
Jason, are you sure you want to stop this comic genius from continuing to post here?
3/13/2020 07:34:00 pm
3/13/2020 07:44:38 pm
It’s about karma. Jason’s hate and spite toward particular types of people will get returned to him one way or another. He can close it off here but it’ll find its way back to him no matter what. And it’ll increase the more he spews hate and the more he controls this so all he gets is praise. And the wheel of karma can get pretty heavy. His boiler and computer problems were a warning. Stay tuned.
Joe Scales
3/13/2020 07:50:56 pm
Why would poo comments be banned? What kind of shit is that?
Learn to read dumbass
3/13/2020 07:54:53 pm
Jason stated nothing about off-topic or religious posts. He made patently clear that his issue is with “inane” and “combative” posts — and your accusatory and non-sequitur filled screed is a great example of both of those characteristics. So just go away because your future comments will never make it through the new filter.
Orang's Inner Monologue
3/13/2020 07:56:48 pm
Big gay fred
3/13/2020 08:10:51 pm
Orangutan or whatever you are: if our leader was so fearless as you claim why does he have to delete comments he doesn’t like. That’s what it all boils down to. You have obviously been afflicted with extreme blockage.
Big Straight Bob
3/13/2020 08:35:25 pm
Fred, to answer your question:
Occultist crap artist
3/13/2020 07:51:54 pm
Those accusations of being an "Occultist crap artist" from AMHC are hilarious in the extreme because the Christians themselves were the originators of the celebration of the mass and the importance of something called the host that was the central aspect of the whole Christian religion.
And let's not forget this
3/13/2020 07:54:42 pm
Let's emphasise again the anti-Semitic undercurrents that exist on this Blog due to the input by fundamentalist Christians. Disturbing that such disgusting things exist in the 21st century but here it is - here lies the evidence for it.
Big gay fred
3/13/2020 08:19:09 pm
Sorry but I can only agree with me. And I concur.
3/13/2020 08:34:25 pm
Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette (1780-1849) refused to see any history in the Pentateuch, and had uncompromisingly declared that it is all legend and poetry (Beitrange sur Einleitung in das Alte Testament, Volume 2, 1807)
Ghosts of Timothy Leary & Terence McKenna
3/13/2020 08:15:18 pm
We both agree that drugs were responsible for the origin of human intelligence and the origin of civilization. If Microsoft scientists did not sharpen their minds to develop micro-chip technology using psychedelics society would still be only using landline telephones and online blogs such as this would not exist.
3/13/2020 10:28:17 pm
Ah yes, PREACH! I remember well the Microsoft Altair 8800, the Microsoft lines of 808x and 68000 chips, and the MIcrosoft WELL and well for something more recent who could forget when Microsoft partnered with IUD and Motorhead to produce the Microsoft PowerPC line of chips? Microsoft was microdosing before microdosing was even a thing and every device in the world depends in one way or another on a Microsoft chip! Bill Gates rules! And who could forget his work as frontman and lead singer of U2? The man is incredible!
Watch the above message get deleted
3/13/2020 08:18:30 pm
It offends certain people just what important roles psychedelics played in the evolution of the human mind, religions and civilization. The dogmatic belief in the catechism is so boring.
Not a burnout from the 60s
3/13/2020 08:59:03 pm
What offends is when people who have done way too many psychedelics and no real scientific research just won't STFU and are clueless about how ignorant they sound.
Oh no. Try these names
3/13/2020 09:20:01 pm
R.G. Wasson, Richard Evans Schultes, Albert Hofmann
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
3/13/2020 09:47:23 pm
I don't think that dropping names like Schultes accomplishes what you think that it does in this context.
Kent's 4th Alias
3/13/2020 08:40:21 pm
I'm not Kent I swear. If I was I would say that I denies the allegations and resents the allegators. Then I would throw in an irrelevant quote by an obscure author followed by a quip in a language that i don't really know. I would then close by saying JUNEBUG, VIVE LE QUEBEC LIBRE, GOD BLESS FIELD MARSHALL MONTGOMERY, REMEMBER THE LIBERTY!!!!!!
Kent here Again
3/13/2020 09:33:05 pm
I forgot to mention a few important items:
Nation of IHOP
3/13/2020 10:20:54 pm
Remember when the Nation of Islam gassed 5000 Kurdish civilians or slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Armenians, or tried to exterminate all the Coptic Christians? Me neither.
3/13/2020 10:42:29 pm
As far as I know the Nation of Islam has never cooperated with the FBI in the murder of a WHITE person. I find the members I've met to be fine congenial people. Don't quite know where you're getting this. Yes, Malcolm was high yellow, but murdering him could hardly be considered a racist act on the NOI's part.
Kent’s Post script
3/13/2020 10:55:12 pm
On any given day, my weird ideas on these subjects will change depending on different factors, but they’re mostly dependent upon which Ann Coulter book I’ve re-read most recently. You’re welcome to use my comprehensive indexing of past posts to compile a sort of anthology of the various versions of “Kent’s Komments.”
Not so fast my friend
3/13/2020 11:00:58 pm
Mister Tick Tock
3/13/2020 11:20:42 pm
I have it on good authority that Jason took this step in part because of an intensive Joe Kent Scales email campaign that consisted of daily whining, hectoring, and browbeating. However, our crazy friend was banking on a system where posters would have to be verified and not one with basically the sane setup but with Jason personally approving every comment. So it’s my understanding that the maniacal email campaign has resumed. Stay tuned for more changes.
Nation of IHOP
3/13/2020 11:32:34 pm
Operating in the "new normal" for Kent is a more painful prospect than a permanent ban. He indeed does hear the clock ticking which is why his posts in this thread have become longer and more frantic. On a related note,I took a long look at archived discussions here. I'm sure that it is mere coincidence that identical anti-semitic remarks have been posted here under the names Kent, American Negro and at least two other names in the last three or so years. Surely Kent cannot fault those who are less than confident in his assertion that he has not manipulated multiple aliases to create unnecessary drama.
3/13/2020 11:48:59 pm
3/14/2020 12:04:27 am
In one of the earlier comments, did Kent actually “fact check” a parody of himself? That’s a little like Gerald Ford complaining that Chevy Chase looked nothing like him. He’s actually that stupid!
3/14/2020 01:12:25 am
I know the order of the day is to use a newly made up name but I can't be bothered.
Mr. Smith
3/14/2020 01:28:58 am
Guy who has been repeatedly busted using different handles says what?
It’s almost over now
3/14/2020 01:53:16 am
Wow, I was just kidding about the boob keeping an index of past comment sections for easy reference so that he can quickly quote old arguments that include names that any normal person would have forgotten by now, but my comment evidently really got under his skin!
3/14/2020 02:20:42 am
No, it really is just using the search function. All I had to do was remember "Gunn" and "biker" and that Bezalel said "This is just the tip of this dick, so open wide bitch" on February 22nd of this year. Yeah I super-memorized something from less than a month ago.
Lying doesn’t help
3/14/2020 08:18:25 am
Not that I really “care,” but the “Gunn” and “biker” thing happened in March 2017. Using simple math, I’ve deduced that that was three years ago and not “less than a month ago.” Congrats on “super-memorizing” that petty squabble and reminding people about it. It must have been one of the highlights of your life, although I didn’t notice anyone named “Kent” commenting on that thread. Were you just a lurker then who was compiling an indexed chronicle of this blog?
3/14/2020 12:14:42 pm
Wow, you are just abysmally stupid. Bezalel's "tip of this dick" post was on February 22 of this year, so less than a month ago as I clearly said.
3/14/2020 12:55:52 pm
It’s over
3/14/2020 01:48:44 pm
I haven’t responded to anything about Belazel (I have no doubt that you mentioned him in one of the ten different arguments that you have going on here, but I’m not going through 150+ comments to find out), so you dishonestly shoehorned that into the same sentence with Gunn and bikers to hide the fact that you creepily remember obscure arguments from three years ago. You may want to go with the “notebooks piled around a filthy apartment” explanation. That actually would be less weird than the truth because you’re one sad dude. I’ll let Jim take over from here. Great job Jason!
Do you remember when
3/14/2020 02:06:46 pm
"Kent" wasn't posting here in 2017. At that time one of the chief offenders was AmericanNegro. AmericanNegro suddenly disappeared about a year ago and a short time later Kent showed up making posts and pursuing topics that are often identical to what AmericanNegro had been doing.
3/14/2020 02:19:03 pm
It’s Over, I have no intention of getting in another useless argument with Kent.
3/14/2020 03:08:56 pm
Jim. You're being aggressively stupid as usual. Jim.
Kent's Krawlspace
3/14/2020 03:26:56 pm
That search seems like a lot of effort just to find a single post to whine about and that pales in comparison to what pops up if one did a sophisticated search using Kent or AmericanNegro as key words.
3/14/2020 03:47:34 pm
There is no " Google option on this site's search feature" Kentypoo.
3/14/2020 03:51:31 pm
"That search seems like a lot of effort just to find a single post to whine about"
Mr. Short-term memory
3/14/2020 04:22:26 pm
Mr. kent joe america negro, homer, etc.
3/14/2020 04:34:20 pm
"You do understand that when you post something here it stays unless Colavito deletes it. Saying something and then acting like you didn't isnt working for you there, champ.
3/14/2020 04:48:25 pm
So you had a good lawyer? Thanks for setting the record straight.
Mr. Short-term memory loss
3/14/2020 05:01:52 pm
Kent sez
3/14/2020 05:10:45 pm
In defense of Kent he may have just been claiming that the posts he made under Kent as opposed to AmericanNegro and other aliases haven't been deleted and simply forgot that some posts by kent were deleted. But since he doesn't articulate his thoughts well and then wants to create arguments out of the ensuing confusion it would probably be best to just drop the matter.
3/14/2020 05:17:57 pm
Is it horrible that I take enjoyment out of watching an alcoholic go insane during his last crazy bender on the day before prohibition takes effect?
3/14/2020 05:26:39 pm
"What about all your posts that were deleted here
Carrie Nation
3/14/2020 05:42:07 pm
A voice from the past
3/14/2020 06:27:13 pm
3/14/2020 07:26:40 pm
Ah! Another new name! What would be your position on posts YOU made as American Negro?
Willie Peter
3/14/2020 07:44:40 pm
American negro says what?
3/14/2020 08:45:23 pm
Froggy from little rascals
3/14/2020 10:31:53 pm
Kent/AmericanNegro who lies about using aliases and has no credibility says what?
College young republicans never wear blackface at halloween
3/13/2020 10:02:47 pm
You forget to mention that Spiderman could kick Batman's ass in a fight and Buddhist nuns and child servants never get raped by other Buddhists.
Scott M Wolter
3/13/2020 08:43:12 pm
Ah, relief from being called a dumb ass, idiot, moron, imbecile. I can now spout my senseless drivel and no one can attack my idiotic cosmology. Templars Rule! (or is Cistercians?, wait, it was Norse, but then again, it is the Masons that rock) Oh, well, what an idiot I am, but no more personal attacks! Yay for Jason! Time to get back to finding those arsonists and vandals.......
Joe Biden
3/13/2020 09:04:22 pm
I’m not sure but something you wrote might have plagiarized me. You lying, horse faced, pony soldier. What? Huh? Oh sorry
Hunter Biden
3/13/2020 09:23:27 pm
I've been snorting cocaine in a strip club since 8am and am functionally illiterate. Can somebody give me a call on my cell phone and explain what is going on here?
New Blog Filter
3/13/2020 09:22:17 pm
Watch catechism-believers like Machala & AMHC take off.
Larry storch
3/13/2020 09:44:32 pm
They don’t directly attack individual posters so they aren’t technically trolling. They just post interminable, unreadable, nonsensical walls of text filled with continuous run-on sentences packed with erudite sounding jargon that they clearly don’t understand and that have no discernible points or internal logic.
Not Kent
3/13/2020 10:31:36 pm
Yawm al-Qiyāmah!!!
First Time In A Long Time
3/14/2020 12:02:39 am
Ironically, this is my first visit here in probably over a year. I was a regular during the America Unearthed days but fell away after the show was canceled. The comments were great when I first found this site but grew steadily more toxic. And I read these here on this article and probably 2/3 of them are infighting, irrelevant and indecipherable to anybody but those directly involved. No newcomer is going to latch on and become a regular to what is presented here. I’m sure the new comments will be far more relevant with all the garbage kept out. That being said, I was already thinking back when I was a regular that having people register was the most obvious fix. I don’t really understand why that has never even been experimented with, but it Jason’s choice.
We know it’s you Joe kent scales
3/14/2020 01:15:03 am
As Jason explained it, “I have tried IP blocking, but many posters simply generate a new IP address and continue on.”
3/14/2020 12:18:40 pm
Usually you have to pay extra to have your internet service provider NOT give you a new IP address from time to time, on their own whimsical schedule. New IP addresses aren't a "scam".
Thanks for the admission of guilt
3/14/2020 02:03:46 pm
I’ll defer to your superior knowledge regarding methods that sociopaths use to avoid being banned from websites so they can continue their deranged trolling of comment sections.
Is kent really that stupid
3/14/2020 02:56:53 pm
Uh, you can generate a new IP address by using a different computer. Do you really think that everyone carries a single IP address that shows up every time they get on a computer whether it be in Nebraska or Vermont.
3/14/2020 03:25:02 pm
Kent really is that stupid
3/14/2020 03:38:31 pm
Nothing you just said make you less dumb.
3/14/2020 03:54:36 pm
Jesus fucking Christ you incredibly stupid idiot. That was my point.
3/14/2020 04:10:00 pm
This is a silly argument. Someone who regularly depends on a single computer and account for all of their online communication is much easier to track down than someone who gets creative in a variety of ways to cover their tracks. How much they can get away with would depend on how creative and ambitious that they are. Not everyone utilizes a single computer and account and not everyone makes a hobby out of manipulating the IP system in various ways. That is why the topic of IP addresses was raised by Mr. Colavito in the first place. That is why moderating posts before they go public is a wise decision under the circumstances. A good one size fits all solution which renders the IP issue irrelevant unless one is fixated on arguing the irrelevant.
3/14/2020 04:36:14 pm
Changing your IP address is as simple as subscribing to a VPN service, of which many are free.
Kent really, really is that stupid
3/14/2020 04:39:39 pm
They don't do it on an hourly basis so my point stands. But one can change IP addresses in a very short time with a provider having zero to do with it. So that point stands as well.
Agent #4
3/14/2020 04:56:57 pm
"Jesus fucking Christ you incredibly stupid idiot."
3/14/2020 05:06:23 pm
Well I have had 20 or more ip addresses and not because I’m hiding my address. I travel and use an iPhone. Sometimes I use local wi fi sometimes just data. If I search my ip address it can show I’m all over the US and different countries
3/14/2020 05:17:37 pm
"But one can change IP addresses in a very short time with a provider having zero to do with it."
Sad, so sad
3/14/2020 05:31:05 pm
You don't have to "own" a pool of cars to be driving with a different license plate number or VIN number in a short time. I can generate a new social security number by stealing someone's identity. Your concept of change, generate, and provide seem to be very narrow and are selectively used to try to sustain an argument that you lost long ago.
I need a headache powder
3/14/2020 06:40:39 pm
So, if someone's car has AmericanNegro on the license plate one day and he suddenly shows up driving a car with Kent on the license plate the next day does that mean that.....uh, nevermind.
3/14/2020 07:23:09 pm
Sex workers call themselves providers, you get change from a cashier, and you are generating tedium. Please excuse me for dealing in facts and common sense.
3/14/2020 07:38:04 pm
Wives provide sex too and your buddy gives you change when you hand him a ten dollar bill to cover a 5 dollar football bet. You generated a new internet ID by typing in Kent instead of American Negro. Words generally have meanings beyond what you want them to mean, sorry.
3/14/2020 12:34:47 am
I've been here since 2015 reading comments on America Unearthed, Ancient Aliens and the like, and found this through looking for reviews on the Atlantis and Bigfoot debunkers, and a little of Ancient Aliens. I've never had an alias.
3/14/2020 12:23:29 pm
"my IT person can tell most of the comments are coming from the same few people"
Joe Scales
3/14/2020 01:52:07 pm
Brilliant comments Kent. My toilet seat told me.
Yessir Arafat
3/14/2020 02:29:04 pm
The concept of Palestinian is an invention. You can't kill all of something that doesn't really exist.
The good old days
3/14/2020 01:21:14 am
"the state of the comments section on my blog has degenerated"
3/14/2020 03:29:19 am
Nicene Creed & Catechism stuff and the likes of the Massacre of the Innocents being treated like real history because the Blogger is a dogmatic religious fundamentalist - it's all there in past Blogs.
Translated by Thomas Jefferson
3/14/2020 03:50:24 am
This puts Jerfferson firmly into the world of The Enlightenment, debunking the propaganda of Catherine Millard and David Barton (among other revisionists of American history)
3/14/2020 06:05:02 am
Best of luck in your endeavour.
3/14/2020 12:29:12 pm
What are you, some kind of index keeping freak?
3/14/2020 07:26:29 am
I for one am grateful. Used to love reading this blog and its comments, but since it became nothing but full of people calling other people idiots, insane or whathaveyou... I just haven’t been interested. For those of us *not* interested in reading bigoted statements about people, or using large swathes of people to denigrate others, I think this policy is probably for the best.
An Anonymous Nerd
3/14/2020 12:35:37 pm
The Fringe is very good at what it does. Sadly one of those is messing up Mr. Colavito's comments section. These folks apparently have a lot of time to spare and, for some reason, think that their favorite Fringe celebrities know and care about them.
3/14/2020 02:15:17 pm
Anonymous Nerd
3/14/2020 03:16:44 pm
How come we sell more books, do more conferences, and dominate tv networks if we aren’t good at what we do?
3/14/2020 05:47:11 pm
Dumbasses tend to spend more money on dumb things. That's why Graham Hancock and Jimmy Swaggart live in such nice houses.
Dr. Phil
3/14/2020 05:58:54 pm
People won't walk across the street to hear a physician give a free public presentation on vaccination but will drive across town and pay to hear an anti-vaxxer. That's Fringe Economics 101.
The Alchemycal Weddyng of Anthony Warryn and Hys Mysteryous Professyrs
3/14/2020 12:39:46 pm
"For I was yet scarcely fallen asleep, when I thought that I, together with an innumerable multitude of men, lay fettered with great chains in a dark dungeon, in which, without the least glimpse of light, we swarmed like bees one over another, and thus rendered each other's affliction more grievous. But although neither I nor any of the rest could see one jot, yet I continually heard one heaving himself above the other, when his chains and fetters had become ever so slightly lighter, though none of us had much reason to shove up above the other, since we were all captive wretches."
Kals IT Guy
3/14/2020 02:05:48 pm
Ha, just thought I would chime in. Not even going to say much. Moderation is the key. Ha. No, I don't have a secret list of all the trolls. What a waste of time that would be. These trolls do occasionally take it to the email addresses of posters, when they can find them, which is harassment. But up until now, this is not a moderated site. Kal never claimed he was the moderator. He doesn't even know Colavito.
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
3/14/2020 02:18:59 pm
I miss the days when people like Spookyparadigm and An Over-Educated Grunt would actually add to the blog post. Now we have... this middle-school idiocy. In these circumstances, I wouldn't blame Jason for getting rid of comments completely.
Titus pullo
3/14/2020 02:52:53 pm
Jason, it is ur blog. We are are allowed to post. The only suggestion is when u censor it should be on both irrelevant content and any personal threats. I do hope u keep dissenting respectful opinions. If not this just becomes an echo chamber.
3/14/2020 03:48:16 pm
3/14/2020 04:24:20 pm
It's spelled "P-A-L-E-S-T-I-N-I-A-N". Please use proper spelling in the future.
Last Days of the Third Reich
3/14/2020 06:17:09 pm
What future? Neither of these types of comments will be seeing the light of day in the future, Enjoy it while it lasts.
A-m-e-r-i-c-a-n n-e-g-r-o
3/14/2020 06:57:23 pm
"Jesus fucking Christ you incredibly stupid idiot."
We all hate kent
3/14/2020 08:20:07 pm
a-m-e-r-i-c-a-n n-e-g-r-o
3/14/2020 10:38:49 pm
If you meant "wringing?" then yes.
Jason Colavito
3/14/2020 07:40:50 pm
I have been moderating these comments since this morning. So far everything is fine. I want to thank everyone for their very thoughtful comments.
Up With People
3/14/2020 07:44:14 pm
Can we just stop this and finally get rid of Kent?
tom mellett
3/14/2020 08:00:06 pm
Today, March 14, 2020 is not only PI-Day, but it is also the birthday of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos who reaches the age of 42, a number understood to be the very meaning of life.
3/14/2020 08:16:24 pm
Fine but I’m still not going to let him suck my you know what.
I heart babies
3/14/2020 08:18:46 pm
Just don't loose sight of the main goal, getting rid of Joe Kent Scales.
Jason Colavito
3/14/2020 08:39:53 pm
Kent makes well thought out comments that usually have some important insight. It’s true that he can be a bit brutal when he sees less meaningful posts. I’m honored to have Kent here.
3/15/2020 04:50:24 am
I don't blame you. There are too many weirdos here to actually have a discussion. When I want to talk about your posts I link to them on a small subreddit where I can talk to my friends about them.
Dr Whodat
3/16/2020 04:44:58 am
Thank you Jason. I have left and returned a couple of times because of the comments of two or three folks who should get in the ring or get in bed together. They need to work that tension off somewhere besides here.
3/22/2020 10:22:57 am
I was one of the posters who stopped posting to this blog because of your blog becoming filled with nothing but people berating other posters and your failure to do anything about it. I do not know if you will post this comment and frankly I do not really care. I do not plan to post to this in the future as I feel that you have nothing new to say. Ancient Aliens is not the only one recycling content.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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February 2025