The second annual Contact in the Desert event just wrapped up yesterday, and judging by media accounts, the event was better attended than last year’s but just as wacky. According to media accounts, more than 2,000 people attended the event and organizers had to end registration early due to the volume of ticket requests coming from around the world, including Canada, Britain, Australia, and South Africa, in addition, of course, to the United States. According to the Desert Sun newspaper, the attendees came from all age groups, though no children were present. Event coordinator Paul Andrews told the San Bernadino County Sun that “All the people in the UFO community know who these people are and will pay to come see them.” Andrews accidentally gave away the raison d’être for the ancient astronaut theory: celebrity and money. It’s probably also worth noting that Andrews got the San Bernadino County Sun to describe conference presenters as “scholars,” a twist of the word if ever there was one. The event also required attendees to sign release forms absolving the event from liability in case of injury and preventing lawsuits against the event and its speakers. Ben Moore, 34, traveled from Ann Arbor, Michigan to attend the event and cited Ancient Aliens as a powerful influence in turning his mild interest in the supernatural into a growing belief in ancient astronauts and a willingness to spend money on its most famous figures, as he told the Sun: While he has always been curious about what is “out there,” Moore said his interest in UFOs and extraterrestrials has grown even more in the last three years with shows like “Ancient Aliens” and the work of David Wilcock. an author on the subject and recurring guest on “Ancient Aliens.” Wilcock, as we learned last week, recently went on Russian television to accuse the U.S. government of being in league with Jews (er, um, international financiers who all happen to be Jewish) in order to hoard gold, commit genocide, and hide the truth about ancient aliens. According to the Desert Sun, the audience clapped and cheered in the manner of a religious revival when celebrity ancient theorist Erich von Däniken told the crowd that the aliens would someday be returning to the earth in a Second Coming. According to the paper, in his presentation, von Däniken abandoned his usual claim to only be “asking questions” and instead made several direct assertions without the weasel words and qualifications he typically cites when confronted with his own claims. This time he asserted:
Isn’t that special? But to return to Paul Andrews’s point about how many people are willing to pay good money to see the leading lights of UFO scholarship, you’ll probably find of interest an interview in the Examiner with Andrew Colvin, author of The Mothman Speaks and its two sequels, The Mothman Shrieks and The Mothman Squeaks. He claims to be one of the founders of Contact in the Desert since he was involved with its predecessor gathering. Despite being a Fortean researcher, Colvin has soured on the UFO movement, accusing its leading lights of, essentially, being scam artists out to inflate their egos and their bank accounts. He singled out Steven Greer and David Wilcock as the most egregious, citing their “posses” of bodyguards and Greer’s claim that purchasing his products would lead to contact with the “Space Brothers.” Colvin calls out the ancient astronaut theorists and UFO celebrities for their profit motive: “It is just a bunch of blowhards, living double lives, talking about how great they are, scamming people for money.” And what are these double lives? Oh, right: Colvin is a conspiracy theorist who feels that the U.S. government is secretly employing ancient astronaut theorists to create a fake religion: All of these spook UFO researchers are claiming that the government is after them, trying to kill them for "speaking out," which is why they have to hire these thugs. But the fact is that this is complete whackadoodie. They all work for the government, or are paid somehow. They think that by acting like they are under attack, people won't realize that THEY are the enforcers, holding weak and vulnerable people under their ET spell, harassing anyone who tries to stop their fake religion. Colvin estimates that “90%” of UFO researchers are government agents. This apparently even includes Wilcock, who delivered anti-U.S. propaganda on Russian television. Despite the apparently he generous government paychecks, these UFO researchers somehow also need to scam everyday Americans for cash. Thus, Colvin disapproves of the profit-oriented UFO conferences, which are organized like a circus or a county fair: “Well, they have these fake UFO conventions all over the world. It’s pure spectacle—a theatre of the absurd. I assume they are all funded by ex-Nazi millionaires in South America.” Oh, how accidentally close to the truth he came! The truth is that fringe history is built atop a mountain of racism and is deeply intertwined with white nationalism and anti-Semitism. Wilcock, at several generations’ remove from the black heart of conspiracy culture, never quite seems aware that his claims about Jewish financiers and their alien allies descend from anti-Semitic literature, but there are many who do not hide their racist and anti-Semitic beliefs. Consider this: White nationalist John de Nugent specifically cites ancient astronauts as a reason to separate the white Aryan race, descended from Nordic aliens, from Jews and other non-Aryans (which he considers descendants of Neanderthals), who are in league with the evil Reptilians and Greys: What we now understand is that our race colonized this earth, but was long ago separated by a cataclysmic nuclear war from the home planets. The stories of the gods reflect actual visits to earth by actual, highly evolved relatives of ourselves. The ‘ancient aliens’ theory being promoted now non-stop on TV (by the Jews who own the TV networks) is partly valid, but the Jewish media refuses to highlight the huge role of the Exonordics, and focuses instead on the Grays and the Reptilian species, because the Jews themselves are allied with THEM. Earth is just one battlefield of an ongoing war in our entire Milky Way galaxy between the Exonordics and the Reptilians. De Nugent also believes that “blond” aliens gave the Maya and the Inca their cultures, and he cites the Destination America series Unsealed: Alien Files as evidence that the Nazis had special relationships with Nordic aliens to advance the human race. Like David Wilcock, he believes that the Jewish conspiracy and their Grey alien allies are planning to use the New World Order to commit mass extermination, but he differs from Wilcock in identifying the Aryan race as the potential victims. Wilcock does not specify who will die.
Oh, and he, too, would like you to send him money, specifically envelopes stuffed with cash, or, better still “valuable jewelry or gold coins.” I’ve occasionally asked for small donations to keep my website running, but asking for gold by mail? Wow. Apparently I am doing things the hard way. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, De Nugent had a close relationship with the Barnes Review, which you will remember because it is the same Holocaust-denying publication that publishes articles by Frank Joseph (a.k.a. Frank Collins), the onetime head of the American Nazi party, for whose offshoot, the National Alliance, De Nugent once worked. In that publication Joseph calls to the attention of its white nationalist readership the Templar claims of Scott F. Wolter, whose work Joseph also publishes in his capacity as editor of Ancient American magazine’s paperback anthologies. You can’t scratch the surface of fringe history without uncovering some dark ideas. Before I conclude, let me offer this word of disclosure: John de Nugent contacted me in 2010 to criticize my views on the Solutrean hypothesis, which he considers to be evidence of a white race of original Americans massacred by incoming Native Americans, and demanded to know if I were gay, liberal, Native American, or Jewish in order to “rebut” my “bias” against acknowledging “white genocide.” “Are you dating or married to a non-white?” he asked, “Yes, Jason, this is relevant. It shows your partiality.” I guess it’s comforting, at least, to know that the case for white nationalism is so weak that only ad hominem attacks can keep it alive. Well, that and the support of cable television shows about aliens and ancient white Americans that serve as convenient entry points for conspiracy culture.
8/12/2014 05:02:41 am
Just when you think that idiot can't get any lower... I assume he also blames NASA for his removal as "Junior Assistant Probationary CAD Technician II" at Boeing?
8/12/2014 07:39:45 am
Still better than accusing NASA of orchestrating fatal accidents to keep astronauts silent about the alleged Moon Landing Hoax.
8/12/2014 08:43:17 am
... please, *please* tell me he didn't make this claim.
8/12/2014 08:46:12 am
It was claimed (or, to be precise, strongly suggested) by a documentary shown on Fox a few years ago. It's pretty infamous, actually. (And I'm sure it's a relatively common claim among conspiracy theorists...)
8/12/2014 09:13:29 am
>>It was claimed (or, to be precise, strongly suggested) by a documentary shown on Fox a few years ago.
Paul C
8/13/2014 01:22:22 am
There aren't enough Buzz Aldrins. 8/13/2014 01:42:40 am
Mike Bara and Richard C. Hoagland both claim that NASA murdered the crew of Apollo one by causing an oxygen fire and burning them alive. They are on record of saying this in the Horrible book Dark Mission. Scum is a kind word.
Clint Knapp
8/12/2014 04:32:55 am
Oh, sweet irony... White aliens from space colonized the planet that was already inhabited by Neanderthal-Jews and presumably the Reptilians who evolved from the dinosaurs and inhabit the Hollow Earth.
8/12/2014 04:58:14 am
I'm waiting to hear about how the "Neanderthal-Jews" operated as an international cabal to control the supply of flint tools, thereby dictating who amongst the poor, indigent, Nordic-Alien immigrants were allowed to survive. Oh! And we should point out that it's not the fault of the Neanderthal-Jews per se... just the inherent corruption in Neanderthal-Judaism!
Clint Knapp
8/12/2014 06:26:25 am
It's almost enough to make one wish there really was a New World Order agenda to depopulate the earth, isn't it?
8/12/2014 06:33:32 am
8/12/2014 06:45:54 am
Sounds like *someone* had way too much fun at a rock'n'roll mystery rite last night...
8/12/2014 10:38:08 am
Gregor --- itz the auld FLINT and PYRITE mines on the California
8/12/2014 10:50:16 am
Lets take a MENSA level leap well past the scripting of the
8/12/2014 06:19:31 am
No, you got it all wrong. The orthodox Nazi Alien line is that the Aryan-Atlantean-Aldebaraneans were here first. They genetically engineered inferior races to be their slaves. This is why the coming war of the Antarctic Nazi saucer army against the Illuminati Jewish world order is just. (This isn't a joke, it's what Jan Van Helsing actually says.)
8/12/2014 06:40:27 am
Wait... they engineered slave races... they from the heavens came... the Aryan-Atlantean-Aldebaraneans are the Annunaki?! Oh god, it's just like Knowles said! Annunaki... Ah - nu - nah - ki.... Ah - nah - ki.... Nah - ki.... NAZI. I AM NOW COSMICALLY CERTAIN OF THIS TRUTH! 8/12/2014 05:15:17 am
So Ancient Astronaut Theory is just another religion, with its promoters seeking fame and fortune. Of course belief in the ancient Sumerian gods as ancient astronauts conflicts with Judaism, hence the animosity. In Judaism, human beings are created as ethical hominids with dominion over the Earth. We were not slaves created by some visiting alien race.
8/12/2014 05:40:23 am
> So Ancient Astronaut Theory is just another religion
8/12/2014 06:14:46 am
Scott Wolter himself spoke at the Barnes Review's "International Conference on Authentic History and the First Amendment" in 2002.
Only Me
8/12/2014 02:33:23 pm
8/12/2014 02:43:00 pm
Maybe I missed it, but has this particular tidbit ever been discussed on this blog? Jason discussed Frank Joseph's relationship with Scott Wolter here
Only Me
8/12/2014 02:51:52 pm
To quote The Miz, "Really? REALLY? Really?"
8/12/2014 03:21:29 pm
Only Me
8/12/2014 04:51:15 pm
Well, I checked out the links, including the Stormfront one. I need a bath, now...preferably in bleach.
8/12/2014 04:55:59 pm
It wouldn't make any more sense than promoting astrophysics at a NAMBLA convention. Unless you think that racial makeup of ancient Americans is relevant to Holocaust denialism. In which case you're certainly a racist yourself.
Only Me
8/12/2014 05:10:36 pm
The "you" is indefinite, right? :)
8/12/2014 05:30:36 pm
You are aware I wasn't BSing about "you", right? I mean, it's cool if you still think it's funny, I just want to make sure the joke's not on you... :P
Only Me
8/12/2014 06:01:41 pm
My apologies, you misinterpreted my humor. My first reply to you was in relation to:
8/12/2014 06:06:07 pm
Yeah, I got all that :) None of this is meant to be surprising. It's just that I was under the impression that this particular incident hasn't been discussed on this blog.
Only Me
8/12/2014 06:12:20 pm
No, it hasn't. It's not surprising, though. Jason went through the blog version of Hell Week when he looked into the whole racism-Nazism-fringe history trifecta before. He has admitted that the subject makes him uncomfortable. Thanks to the douchebaggery of some posters, I completely understand.
8/12/2014 06:22:00 pm
When was that?
8/12/2014 06:25:19 pm
luv --- if Senator Rand Paul was next to S.W from H2 that day...
Only Me
8/12/2014 07:35:21 pm
8/12/2014 07:47:52 pm
@ Only Me
Only Me
8/12/2014 07:56:21 pm
Just bear in mind that each time Jason goes a-lookin' into the ugly side of fringe, this forum lights up like the fourth of July. The crème de la crème is:
8/12/2014 07:58:12 pm
EP --- Rev Phil is not the problem and Gunn made some
8/12/2014 08:03:40 pm
the hour is late. we are being very honest.
Shane Sullivan
8/12/2014 06:28:52 am
So one of De Nugent's sources is a TV show, which is run by the Jews, who tell us the truth about Nazis and Nordic aliens, while also glorifying the evil Greys and Reptilians by telling us that they're raping us and stealing our unborn half-alien babies...
8/12/2014 06:35:58 am
... unless *you* are a Government Agent sent to try and discredit De Nugent's espousing of the Truth!
8/12/2014 06:54:24 am
"Andrew Colvin, author of The Mothman Speaks and its two sequels, The Mothman Shrieks and The Mothman Squeaks."
8/12/2014 08:35:36 am
Im holding out for the prequel about Mothman during puberty; "Mothman Mumbles Awkwardly in the Presence of Mothwoman"
8/12/2014 09:38:34 am
Seriously though... COLVIN is an optimist in my book,
8/12/2014 10:25:11 am
i just took the CITES link Jason provided into DeNugent's D-R
8/12/2014 10:32:47 am
Does anyone actually read .'s comments? Because I don't, for what it's worth. Jason is reluctant to ban people, but at this point .'s comments are effectively vandalizing the blog. They are also liable to turn away new readers since some might understandably not wish their comment drowned by chain-posted walls of incoherent text.
8/12/2014 11:22:40 am
I do read .'s comments, more often than not I find myself scratching my head and wondering what the hell I just read. I also find myself wondering if there is some kind of key or primer that would allow me to move the words around to get the secret message contained within. Maybe if i drink some more Ovaltine I can get the decoder ring.
8/12/2014 11:33:30 am
I try to give them a once-over... sometimes they're incoherent, other times they're interesting / playful. Honestly, not sure I'd be fit to comment anyways, given that I doubt many find my contributions helpful or informative.
8/12/2014 11:54:17 am
Well, Gregor, I doubt anyone ever hoped you stop posting forever, at least :)
8/12/2014 12:25:39 pm
>>Well, Gregor, I doubt anyone ever hoped you stop posting forever, at least :)
8/12/2014 12:29:16 pm
All part of the rich tapestry of life - one thing the human personality isn't - and that's generalised and predictable and stereotypical
8/12/2014 12:29:25 pm
Nah, I don't think you're even in the same league, so you'd have nothing to worry about :)
8/12/2014 12:30:14 pm
To be clear, I meant Gregor, not 666
8/12/2014 12:59:29 pm
Luv --- i wuz sorta hoping Triple6/KIP would own up
8/12/2014 04:46:20 pm
I don't bother to read them. Just too incoherent to be worth trying to parse. Although I must say I went back over a couple after I saw '.' brag of his Mensa level intellegence. Made me laugh. At least '.' isn't a nasty troll trying to pick fights like 666.
Clint Knapp
8/12/2014 05:18:13 pm
That "MENSA or near MENSA" comment aside (and let's be clear, MENSA is nothing but an organization people pay to tell them they're smart), "." (formerly J.A. Dickey), usually does have some sort of point if one wishes to spend ten to thirty minutes parsing it all.
8/12/2014 05:25:19 pm
@ Clint:
8/12/2014 06:06:13 pm
Clint Knapp
8/12/2014 06:08:21 pm
It seems irrelevant most of the time, yes, and it's entirely possible I simply read too far into the few posts I have given a minute to. Admittedly, I don't actually spend the time to parse it all down to core concepts, but most of his/her style appears to be built around using those name drops to describe a metaphor or draw a parallel to whatever situation or idea is being commented on instead of just commenting directly.
8/12/2014 06:16:08 pm
For all the effort his posts must require, the best thing anyone seems to be willing to say is "at least he's not actively trolling".
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
8/13/2014 03:45:57 am
I'm not sure the incoherence is deliberate. It could be, certainly, but a significant proportion of people who post online—I've seen a lot of them—just seem to be incapable of expressing themselves coherently.
Clint Knapp
8/12/2014 06:37:26 pm
I'm willing to go so far as to say I admire the desire and determination to establish a personal style. I just don't believe this is the place to do it when the host himself works so diligently to cut through the illogic and intentional obfuscation the topics and people he discusses bring to the table.
Clint Knapp
8/12/2014 06:40:05 pm
Dammit. Hit the wrong nested Reply button.
8/12/2014 06:45:30 pm
What you're saying (and maybe even your misplacement of your reply) related to what I meant by "effectively vandalizing the blog". Because of .'s verbal diarrhea it's actually difficult to keep track of what's happening in the thread.
8/12/2014 06:54:08 pm
Jason is trying to civilize the greater unwashed, the Hippie
Clint Knapp
8/12/2014 06:57:20 pm
Oh, I agree wholeheartedly it is a distraction and the tactic is really so much spam getting in the way of meaningful dialog.
8/12/2014 07:04:53 pm
to be more specific, have you heard of the cult of
8/12/2014 07:05:41 pm
I mean, yeah - . is also attempting (with variable success) to use English grammar. You don't think it should be acknowledged, do you? :)
8/12/2014 07:13:31 pm
8/12/2014 07:16:48 pm
Wolter's fanboys by definition are often way stupider
Clint Knapp
8/13/2014 02:06:48 am
Actually, EP, you bring up a good point and one we definitely should acknowledge. What could be less Dada than good grammar?
8/12/2014 10:41:02 pm
I'd call "." a schizophrenic. But out of respect for those afflicted with schizophrenia, I don't.
Mark L
8/13/2014 09:48:09 pm
I just skip past them. This site would be a great deal nicer if the comments section forced you to properly register, and you could block / ignore people.
8/12/2014 01:00:29 pm
In the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic "authorities" prevented Jews from entering any profession other than finance. So, obviously, the more ambitious Jews became financiers and some became wealthy. With emancipation, during the Age of Enlightenment, Jews could enter any profession, as could others. There is no conspiracy or cabal here. Judaism teaches universal freedom, justice, and peace. Judaism uplifts mankind; the AA theorists denigrate mankind--the aliens contributed to everything we have! So, again, that's the source of the animus.
8/12/2014 02:16:49 pm
> during the Age of Enlightenment, Jews could enter any profession
8/12/2014 02:32:48 pm
TripleSix is correct.
8/12/2014 02:16:05 pm
Mildly off topic... though it does deal with money, and one of the asshats attending "Contact in the Desert":
8/12/2014 02:29:34 pm
Meanwhile... are Time Team reruns even on TV? Anywhere?
8/12/2014 02:34:28 pm
...the lessons don't seem to have taken...
8/12/2014 02:36:09 pm
You mean acting? Or keeping it real? :)
8/12/2014 03:52:15 pm
Well, I suppose I meant "acting"... but I'll be honest, whenever I watch that show its equal parts yelling obscenities at Mike "I'm A Douchebag" Bara... and going strangely silent, usually in conjunction with the multiple, slow pan shots that just happen to focus directly on Maureen Elsberry's lovely, jean-clad ass.
8/12/2014 04:07:10 pm
Watch "Incident at Loch Ness" if you haven't already.
8/12/2014 06:02:27 pm
i may be half as Irish as JFK but i know i am equally
8/12/2014 07:42:21 pm
8/12/2014 07:49:04 pm
It is awesome! Someone should link it in the Loch Ness thread.
8/12/2014 02:39:05 pm
8/12/2014 02:45:44 pm
I meant the original Time Team, not Time Team America. Also, please check the second link and tell us when and where the next showing is :)
8/12/2014 03:27:40 pm
I am not in the U.K and when I click on the link
8/12/2014 03:40:49 pm
This episode is about the Tsunami that hit England 8000 years ago.
8/12/2014 03:43:00 pm
Time Team was canceled in 2013. But thanks for your help.
8/12/2014 03:53:07 pm
yes, i indeed think we both knew that as we both were
8/12/2014 04:10:14 pm
Sure, whatever you say
Only Me
8/12/2014 04:53:50 pm
Mein Name ist Brad!
8/12/2014 05:09:36 pm
dude!!!! well hello BRAD!
8/12/2014 05:14:30 pm
Only Me
8/12/2014 05:25:59 pm
Just a joke ".". You remember, the Rosetta Stone commercial where one fella is asking questions and the other only responds with "Meine name ist Brad!"?
8/12/2014 05:33:19 pm
stupid me. there is only one Rosetta of note, it was translated
8/12/2014 05:57:57 pm
i now went into Google. saw the Wiki page.
Only Me
8/12/2014 02:43:02 pm
"We all have some extraterrestrial genes in us.”
8/12/2014 04:54:54 pm
ETs are only the equivalent of Angels
8/12/2014 05:08:10 pm
some of the junk DNA has an epi-genome relevance...
Only Me
8/12/2014 05:18:40 pm
ETs play baseball?
8/12/2014 05:29:15 pm
i think TripleSix is referring to tall humanoids that are two
Only Me
8/12/2014 06:08:10 pm
8/12/2014 06:32:26 pm
And I'm sure that "." knows a lot more about "sadness and fail" than about humor.
8/12/2014 06:38:01 pm
i think we are trying to civilize TripleSix and i think TripleSix
8/12/2014 06:40:43 pm
I thought we were trying to get you to stop posting. 666's posts are easier to ignore than yours because they don't take up so much of my screen.
8/12/2014 06:41:06 pm
sadness and fail = lack of published manuscript
8/12/2014 06:47:29 pm
" I thought we were trying to get you to stop posting. 666's posts are easier to ignore than yours because they don't take up so much of my screen."
8/12/2014 06:51:19 pm
No, you two are about equally charming.
8/12/2014 06:55:30 pm
Not the Comte de Saint Germain
8/13/2014 03:50:40 am
For some reason I think that's the funniest post . has ever made.
8/12/2014 03:38:32 pm
Was Scott Wolter warned in advance about The Barnes Review and participate in their conference anyway?
8/12/2014 10:30:29 pm
After reading the article, I skipped the comments to make one of my own. I already had one in mind before I started reading the second paragraph, and that is: children weren't present because even they can see through all the bullshit.
8/13/2014 12:45:59 am
*Secondly, now that some conspiracy theorist's are criticizing other conspiracy theorist's it occurred to me that the "snake" (metaphorically speaking) has begun to consume it's own tail.
8/13/2014 12:50:11 am
dang hit the wrong reply button, this is supposed to be under BillUSA's post.
8/13/2014 06:57:28 am
They are attempting to draw all the whach jobs under one umbrella with something akin to "you believe my crap and I'll believe yours." Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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