Paranoia knows no bounds, and it shouldn’t surprise us that the internet is full of the paranoid. On Facebook, creationists have been sharing a “suppressed” photograph of an alleged biblical giant supposedly recovered in Loja, Ecuador. The photograph passing under this giant’s name is admitted by the photographer to be a “reconstruction,” based on alleged “giant” bone fragments that were uncovered long before. According to mystery-mongers, seven fragments were found, each seven times the size of a “normal” human bone. Somehow, despite claiming that many of the fragments were sent to the Smithsonian for analysis, they were also used to make this reconstruction under the supervision of Alex Putney, a true believer in all manner of bizarre material, from Sanskrit fundamentalism to Atlantis to ancient magic powers. Now let me say this carefully: The “reconstructed” skeleton of the “giant” is not located in Ecuador. It is not a real skeleton. Would you like to know what it is? It’s a fake giant skeleton made for Erich von Däniken’s Mystery Park ancient astronaut theme park in Interlaken, Switzerland. If you have the money to rent the now-closed theme park, you can see it even today. Here is a photo of von Däniken posing with the skull while it was under construction, along with video from the park, at the 5:45 mark: A photograph of the bone fragments on which this fake skeleton was based appears with testimony from Austrian mystery-monger Klaus Dona, where the Austrian asserts that the bones are “too old” to yield DNA. Honestly, they look like rocks to me, or perhaps the bones of a giant sloth or some other Pleistocene mammal. I note that no anatomist examined the bones, only creationists, Atlantis believers, and priests. But having disposed of the monster, let’s take this to the next level. Based on this fictional skeleton, internet users have turned it into a wide-ranging attack on elites, whom they accuse of hiding the truth about giants. In the comments on the Facebook posting, conspiracy-mongers accused both the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds of conspiring to suppress the giant. Elsewhere, creationists hailed fake von Däniken skeleton as proof that the Bible is true: “…modern archaeologists and scientists cannot afford to allow these remains to made public for they disprove evolution and prove the Bible account to be true; something they cannot allow to happen.” True believers even suggested that the “reconstruction” was a real skeleton and that the Smithsonian would invade Switzerland to seize it. But shall we kick this up one more level? Over at The Daily Paul, a libertarian discussion board dedicated to the ideas of Ron Paul, someone posted the von Däniken skeleton and claimed it as proof of the historicity of Genesis. Another asked where the “skeleton” came from and received this response yesterday: Just watch “America Unearthed.” The scientific community has been burrying odd and not so odd archeological finds (like evidence that the Mayans migrated to Georgia) for a while now. I don't know what the purpose is behind burrying certain finds. It doesn't make much sense to me. Doesn't mean this skeleton is legit though. Hard to tell by just clicking on internet links. =) What did I tell you about how audiences interpret insinuations of conspiracy on TV?
The common thread throughout the short, strange history of the von Däniken giant is anti-elite paranoia (often of the libertarian variety), with a good dose of religious fundamentalism. It is dumbfounding that the same “evidence”—nothing more than a few lumps of stone, or possibly Pleistocene mammal fossils—can be spun into an ancient astronaut genetic experiment, proof of Biblical creationism, and an anti-elite government conspiracy, all based on how the reader chooses to incorporate ambiguous ideas into a preexisting ideology. I smell an Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, and America’s Book of Secrets crossover event! Are you listening H2?
Only Me
9/5/2013 05:49:29 am
I followed some of the links contained on the sites you linked to, and a couple of things popped out.
10/25/2013 01:29:21 am
I am a creationist, and watched lots of pro evolutionist videos and a few things have me stumped. However over all.. I dunno how anyone can believe other wise. Anyways, about the granite it gets down to the flaws of the dating methods and there are extensive articles about that.
10/25/2013 03:07:06 am
You should stick to coloring books.
10/25/2013 09:49:27 am
After watching evolutionists trying to sell me evolution with coloring books, verses whats actually out there. I can not.
Only Me
10/26/2013 01:42:49 pm
I won't get into the dating method debate, as it seems some element of scientific inquiry disagrees with someone's faith.
8/8/2015 05:08:41 pm
Evolution remains a theory and one whose popularity is in decline. The reconstruction of a skeleton hardly dispels the belief the Giants once walked the earth. There is more than sufficient physical evidence and throughout the earth there are accounts, stories, and myths of giants. It's hardly logical that people on different continents would coincidentally concoct similar accounts if giant humans. Furthermore the exixtence of giants undercuts the theory of evolution which describes human evolution starting from a small insignificant life form into modern-day man. If that were true than giants are a problem who think we are the product of evolution. There is also the evidence of monolithic construction scattered in Russia, China, Peru, Malta, Egypt and elsewhere which could not have been raised by men.
Shane Sullivan
9/5/2013 06:12:26 am
If I may be semi-serious for a moment:
10/25/2013 01:35:15 am
The bones definitely need to be examined publicly.
7/12/2016 08:57:02 pm
What happened with these "bones" is that they were guarded by a priest for several decades. They were not found by an archaeologist. I don't know when they were released for viewing, or who actually did any analysis on them.
7/12/2016 09:29:59 pm
From this website:
Sol Saenz
5/15/2017 03:08:54 pm
I have visited the area where these remains were found, not too far from Changaimina you can find The Vilcabamba Valley known as the Longevity Valley and also The Perified Forest of Puyango.
terry the censor
5/15/2017 04:15:39 pm
> if we still can find giant vegetation around the world is there not the possibility of a past giant human population? 9/5/2013 10:47:33 am
Thanks for all the attention you are bring to Alexander Putney's site Human-Resonance(dot)org. Btw, Alex is not affiliated with Klaus Dona and does not work with him or his network of "friends".
9/5/2013 12:45:53 pm
The Bible not only talks about ancient giants but also that humans once spoke one language world-wide. Alexander Putney, the sculptor of the giant, (not "supervisor") has also published translations of Paleolithic Sanskrit based on Professor Schildmann's decipherment.
9/5/2013 01:19:01 pm
Oh, Paleolithic Sanskrit! Do tell. How is it that this marvel of linguistics has somehow escaped the notice of every professional linguist? Did the Neanderthals speak it as well, or were they not Indo-Ayrans?
Clint Knapp
9/5/2013 05:07:27 pm
More importantly... under what twist of logic can a Semitic language text possibly be used to justify the claim an Indo-Aryan proto-language was the original language when said Semitic text expounds at great length on the status of the Hebrew as the original man and language? At what point did the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve stop speaking their own language to pick up some Indian import? 9/5/2013 05:29:30 pm
@Clint: Remember though:
Clint Knapp
9/5/2013 06:07:36 pm
Ia! Ia!
The Other J.
9/7/2013 03:07:16 am
I wish I could thumbs-up these posts.
10/25/2013 09:18:36 am
I saw on a tv show on discovery the quest to find the common language
Christopher Randolph
9/5/2013 07:34:51 pm
"that humans once spoke one language world-wide"
9/5/2013 08:23:16 pm
...I dunno, the invention of language would be pretty impressive indeed. On a similar note, the first person to boil water was an effing genius.
The Other J.
9/7/2013 03:19:39 am
Alix, I hear what you're saying, but "language" is a pretty dicey term. Even if you define it down as a sign system of signifiers and referents, it's not solely in the domain of humanity. Many, many mammals -- not just primates -- display the capacity for language, and even inter-species communication without human intervention (documented between dolphins and whales). So the capacity for language was most likely something we brought with us in our mammalian brains some time back before we were even on the evolutionary path to human. (I got so hung up on that stuff for a while when I was in grad school that it derailed my original study.)
Christopher Randolph
9/5/2013 07:31:23 pm
I'm always amused by the 'proofs' brought to the table for holy texts. When I lived in the Gulf I had the usual attempts to convert me to Islam and ended up with quite the collection of (poorly) translated English-ish language materials that made some very amusing claims for the veracity of the Quran.
10/25/2013 10:15:34 am
He didnt miss out on that and its more a lack in your reasoning. Look up noahs ark in turkey the ship is sitting there plain as day fossilized apparrantly for milllions and millions of years old which is horse ca-ca
9/8/2013 03:14:38 am
So basically it's a fraud like piltdown man, nebraska man, Lucy, Haeckels Embryos, and 75 pct. of all dinosaur skeletons in the museums.
Only Me
9/8/2013 08:30:16 am
Yes. Your list of "frauds", however, isn't entirely accurate.
10/25/2013 01:21:04 am
You forgot to mention that with the new braska man they made a whole man outof that one tooth that they thought would help fit in with the missing link..... Evolutionist and their cartoons...sigh
If you look over the rest of the comments at the Ron Paul site on this, there does appear to be a bit more skepticism -- showing that their movement is a bit more varied than all be fundamentalist Christians ready to believe any conspiracy theory that supports the Bible.
titus pullo
9/10/2013 12:55:19 pm
Here is a new one..a friend who loves conspiracy theories told me that Tesla caused the famed Tunguska event...I had to look this up on the internet and yes..there are all sorts of sites on this subject...gets funnier and funnier..
9/10/2013 01:02:10 pm
Oh, yes, that one has been around for a while. You can thank David Childress for helping to spread the idea.
10/25/2013 10:17:34 am
The whole world is given over to conspiracy 9/10/2013 05:46:06 pm
Hi Jason,
9/10/2013 11:33:05 pm
Amazing, isn't it, that none of the anatomists thought this find worth writing up for the academic literature? And that none of the thirteen signatories thought to take pictures to share?
Micah E Giantology
9/11/2013 11:05:27 am
Well yes, exactly. Maybe there is a anatomical write-up somewhere, but if there is I sure haven't seen it! I mean, unless this 24 ft man was buried with a stone axe head that weighs 100 lbs, or giant funerary artifacts or some sort of signifier that this was a human burial, then I would be highly interested, but based on all I read this was found in a hill side not a burial mound, no context I am aware of that would make it human.
10/25/2013 10:20:05 am
From the legitimate pictures i have seen of giants everything disappears into private collection
titus pullo
9/11/2013 12:27:27 pm
I actually came across something that was interesting..apparently the first person to try and cross the Atlantic in a lighter than air craft was in an early dirable design called the "America" it crashed off Bermuda and the crew was rescued by a British Mail Carrier in 1910..the craft was first used in a exhibition to the North Pole that failed..never knew this..
Micah E Giantology
9/11/2013 02:43:16 pm
Jason, this might be of interest to you. It's a rather straightforward documentary on reports of real giant Indians in South America by explorers, the 6 to 7 feet tall now extinct Tehuelche who towered over the average 5 ft 5 inch Spaniards and other Native groups and wore huge fur robes and had very robust brow ridges and bone structure.
Only Me
9/11/2013 05:34:20 pm
You would be referring to the mapinguary, reputed to live in the Amazon rainforest, in what is now Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil.
Micah E Giantology
9/11/2013 11:33:01 pm
That's the one! Great link!
terry the censor
10/15/2013 09:15:40 pm
Kook science:
10/25/2013 10:29:14 am
1) we came from monkeys
Chaz Ing
11/17/2013 02:49:42 pm
Is it proper to use a few supposed forum creationists to make a broad title such as "Creationists Claim ..."?
8/29/2014 12:02:26 pm
Thanks I have read all the books and find everyone has a theory bit no proof. Please keep looking for proof. The world needs to get out of the box made of theory
6/22/2015 03:24:08 am
Alex Putney,not to defend him or whatever,has worked on Kurt Schildmann paleo sanskrit researchs,Schildmann was a regular scientific that pointed out some very old scriptures never deciphered,maybe antidiluvian ones,
7/12/2016 09:22:43 pm
I searched google for any info on Alex Putney. His current focus is on "human resonance", he even has a website devoted to it. I haven't found any information on his education. I doubt he has any in paleontology. If I find anything I will post it here.
11/22/2016 08:32:10 am
It's interesting to see the differences in attitudes between the creationist's comments and the atheist's. For the most part, one seems very much relaxed and interested in the conversation while the other seems annoyed, upset, prideful, and childish with their words... Just my observation.
3/20/2017 11:24:25 pm
Debunk THIS:
3/20/2017 11:27:43 pm
Debunk this one, too:
3/1/2019 10:48:32 am
The giant bone is a sculpture made by the guy in the hat as a display for his museum. he's never claimed it was a real bone.
I AM Lavanderlilly
3/30/2017 05:07:46 am
I noticed that most of this is from 2013, It's now 2017. Check out mudfossils on youtube. Giants are real people. Wake UP.
5/25/2017 05:08:04 am
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Jerome Muniz
5/3/2019 05:15:58 pm
Lies Lies vicious vicious lies
5/1/2020 09:40:30 pm
Even if these were real GIANT BONES, that doesn't give Christians, Jews or Muslims a monopoly on their religions having spoken of Giants in their the 'books'.
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