That’s why it’s so depressing to the see History continuously attempt to mainstream extremely bad ideas about history, exemplified by the claim we say this week on Oak Island (S06E06) that the Templars became pirates and that the Jolly Roger was their flag, representing John the Baptist’s severed head.
If this claim sounds familiar, it is. The same claim previously appeared on History’s Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar with Scott Wolter in 2015 and in the third season of History’s H2 show America Unearthed, also with Scott Wolter, also in 2015. It aired earlier this year on the History Channel’s Buried: Knights Templar and the Holy Grail. It’s a claim that History can’t get enough of. Even though it’s a fraud. In this week’s episode, the show marked the passing of Zena Halpern, whose recent book about Knights Templar at Oak Island was, basically, a historiographic disaster from beginning to end, but which narrator Peter Clotworthy praises for “exhaustive research.” With her death, the program has to find new ways to exploit imaginary conspiracies about Templar voyages to the New World in the Middle Ages, so it brings in Gretchen Cornwall, described with implied sexism as an “authoress,” who cowrote The Secret Dossier of a Knight Templar of the Sangreal (2016). Her writing partner John Temple claims to be a descendant of a Knight Templar, is a member of the “modern order” of Templars (whatever that means—I presume it’s either the Masons or one of the Templar fan clubs in Britain), and alleges that he possesses a secret document proving the survival of the Templars after the end of the order in the 1300s. Cornwall tells the Oak Island team that the Templars were too “young” and “healthy” to give up the ghost after the King of France and the Catholic Church suppressed their order. Therefore, they moved to Scotland and “took to the seas,” becoming pirates because they felt they had been wronged. She asserted that the Templars used the skull and crossbones as the symbol of John the Baptist and flew the symbol on their pirate flag. She asserts that Oak Island was a Templar hangout in America and that the Templars buried the secret treasures of the Holy Land on the island. The claim, ultimately, rests on the torture-induced testimony of Jean de Châlons that the Templars loaded treasure into eighteen “galleys” and disappeared with in. There is no evidence that the boats ever existed, let alone that they were oceangoing vessels capable of trans-Atlantic transport. The first time I heard this conspiracy was in David Childress’s book Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet (2003). While Childress is rarely an original writer, he did not indicate his sources very clearly. He references Michael Bradley, whose Grail Knights of North America (1998) seems to be the origin point for the claim. I discussed Childress’s version of the claim a few years ago, and I will adapt my discussion here to explain why Oak Island and Cornwall are almost certainly wrong. Childress follows Michael Bradley—an alternative author who believes many strange things, including that modern Jews are sexually frustrated Neanderthal hybrids—in asserting that the Templar fleet (these imaginary eighteen boats) carried the descendants of Jesus and/or the Ark of the Covenant to Scotland to avoid the Pope, where they adopted the Jolly Roger as their symbol and fell into the service of the Sinclair family! The logic here is that gravestones in northern Scotland were marked with a skull and crossbones; therefore, they must be Templar symbols and the origin of the pirate flag. Sadly, this explanation has infiltrated Wikipedia, but the earliest skull-and-crossbones flag cannot be dated before 1687, while pirate flags used a wide range of symbols, not just the skull and crossbones. Although the Templar-Jolly Roger claim is a widespread trope of conspiracy literature (literally hundreds of books discuss it), allegedly as a symbol of resurrection, in truth there is not a shred of evidence that any Templar ever used it. It’s apparently a modern myth, created as a Freemason legend during the period when the Masons tried to ties themselves back to the Templars. The fake story holds that three Templars exhumed fallen leader Jacques de Molay’s grave but found only his skull and femurs. However, this is an ex post facto story concocted to explain why the Masonic Knights Templar of the United States (not directly descended from the originals) used a skull and crossbones on their insignia, which originated in the adopting of a typical colonial gravestone decoration as a “memory” of the original Templars’ martyrdom. Notably, this symbol was not historically used outside the United States in Masonic devices, and at any rate it came centuries too late to have had anything to do with the original Knights Templar. Childress follows Bradley in assigning the Jolly Roger to what he calls “Jolly” King Roger of Palermo, a Templar who first flew the flag while raiding and pillaging and fighting the evil forces for Catholicism. So far as I can tell, Bradley simply made this up. The Norman ruler Roger II of Sicily (1095-1154), whom Bradley unlike Childress correctly calls by name, was not called “the jolly,” nor did he fly a Jolly Roger. He did fight against the Vatican, but not because he hated the Church but because (a) the patriarch of Jerusalem voided his mother’s marriage (her husband, King Baldwin I, was committing bigamy) and (b) the pope wanted to break Norman power and declared a crusade against Roger. It failed, and the next pope not only reconciled with Roger; he made him king. The popes and Roger fought off and on for a long time thereafter, but while Roger commanded the best fleet in all the Mediterranean, it was a navy, not a pirate fleet. He fought “Vatican vessels,” yes, but in a war, not for piracy. Far from being a Templar himself, Roger was against the Templars because they were allied to his enemy, Pope Innocent II, while Roger supported Antipope Anacletus II. Until 1150, the Templars received no royal support and had very limited activities in Roger’s lands. It was only in 1187—after Roger’s death—that the Norman nobility of Sicily started to back the Templars. In 1194, the new sovereign, Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI, crowned king of Sicily, finally began to offer royal and imperial recognition to the Order on the island. It was only after 1208 that the Templars began operating in Sicily and Southern Italy in earnest. Therefore, history tells us that Roger could not have been a Templar pirate. Why would anyone think he was? It appears it’s because Roger employed al-Idrisi, the Islamic geographer whose globe recorded a fabulous island in the Azores with “three cities of equal size, much peopled, the inhabitants of which were now all slain by civil wars.” This reference, intended to refer to the Azores, got roped into the Spanish myth of the Seven Cities where in 734 seven Christian bishops were alleged to have sailed with men and women to escape the Islamic invasion of Spain. Because Holy Bloodline authors think this records a Cistercian or Proto-Templar voyage to America, al-Idrisi and through him Roger II thus become part of the Templar conspiracy, despite the obvious evidence that Roger opposed the Templars. Childress is thus completely wrong to call Roger’s lands a “Templar kingdom” (p. 59), and he’s even more wrong to somehow think that “Jolly Roger” of Sicily was taking the Templar ships for a spin after the order dissolved, nearly two centuries after his death (p. 62), a claim not even his source, Michael Bradley, had made. Childress even misunderstands the alternative history he copies. OK, so that’s what I wrote a few years ago. Oak Island throws in a few shots of the skulls and crossbones on Scottish gravestones and basically lets the claim sit unchallenged, despite the many and varied problems with it. As with everything to do with Oak Island (the place) and Oak Island (the show), the claim is a bunch of speculation built on top of speculation, to the point that the fantasy becomes its own self-reinforcing black hole, distorting everything that crosses its event horizon before crushing truth into an infinitely dense ball of lies.
Joe Scales
12/20/2018 09:46:06 am
Well, you had to have a feeling the episode was going to veer of course when the teaser had them claiming a piece of lead with no archaeological context is the greatest historical find in North America. That Marty Lagina actually echoed this nonsense proves he's complicit in the fraud that continues for this age old hoax. Lies upon lies upon lies. That is now the Lagina brothers' legacy.
12/23/2018 05:17:34 pm
Tatiana, my Russian mail order bride, has informed me she watches the Curse of Oak Island because the relationship between the two brothers is very entertaining. Namely that one was the believer and one was the skeptic.
12/23/2018 07:39:04 pm
A Lot of Rubbish dude.
12/23/2018 08:00:14 pm
Don't dirty the cloth Geestring, your full of it.
Joe Scales
12/23/2018 08:31:47 pm
"Namely that one was the believer and one was the skeptic."
12/25/2018 08:51:56 pm
12/26/2018 08:06:18 pm
$1,000,000 BC - T i A = 33 - an NA of blue/yellow bulls - a row snapped - too god M I 4 - U - know on her - G
12/26/2018 08:40:05 pm
Ooh EAGLEFEATHER your so SEXY when your mad!!! :)
Dr. Philip
12/24/2018 03:31:44 pm
Why is Jason not discussing the new Roman artifact found on the show, maybe because it was CONFIRMED as authentic???
Joe Scales
12/25/2018 07:57:16 pm
The Roman Sword was also "100% confirmed. Philjaw… you imbecile.
12/25/2018 08:57:21 pm
There is so much information you are not obviously privy to, yet. This "Roman Pilum" is more BS.
Steven sinclair
2/16/2019 10:46:02 pm
The guys making reference to freemasonry being connected to the jolly roger are fact it is mentioned in some of my masonic library which is a collection of 5000 books and manuscripts passed down and placed on a cd/dvd I also have some knights templar books which link back to the same story. the skull is the skull of a patron saint as are the cross bones The cancer on oak island have uncovered a great deal of information not known to many which leads me to believe they have all become masons themselves during this adventure.
Frank smith
4/9/2019 05:43:18 pm
History and information change all the time, no one likes to believe today that several founding fathers were slave owners, that the Catholic Church removed many books of the Bible , but they did. It’s obvious you don’t like the channels you quote, and that’s fine. We believe what where taught, but if you can’t have an open mind your without hope of growth.
10/27/2019 09:09:10 am
Totally agree to that frank smith
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/20/2018 09:55:13 am
"The Curse of Oak Island reaches more than 1% of all Americans—and 3% of all TVs in use—every Tuesday night. Given the fragmentation of the American audience, and the hundreds of channels and dozens of streaming options to choose from, those numbers are astonishing. Assuming we can exclude babies and small children from the totals, the numbers mean that you are likely to encounter an Oak Island fan every day."
12/20/2018 11:00:15 am
Leaving aside, for the moment, the incredibly romantic but wholly fictitious tale of Knights Templar turning into pirates, all of the nonsensical speculation regarding the skull & crossbones aka the Jolly Roger being a Templar flag defies credibility.
12/20/2018 11:15:00 am
"Regarding Oak Island, I am amazed that they've milked this hole in the ground and waste of time for as long as they have...."
12/20/2018 05:12:48 pm
Yes! I've wondered this all along. The block and tackle over the money pit. Why would it be there?
Accumulated Wisdom
12/21/2018 01:23:55 am
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/21/2018 02:33:22 am
Accumulated Wisdom
12/21/2018 03:02:16 am
Joe Scales
12/21/2018 09:25:02 pm
Wasn't this the lunatic that said after lurking for four years he was finally driven to post something in rebuke of yours truly.
Accumulated Wisdom
12/23/2018 03:26:33 am
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/23/2018 07:25:40 am
"Thanks for providing the perfect example as to WHY people choose not to post. Peacefully walking away from a conversation without name calling is "leaving for good". Keep twisting that all you want dude.
Accumulated Wisdom
12/23/2018 07:27:06 pm
10/27/2019 09:13:26 am
No one ever claimed the tackleblock was put there by the ones that buried something.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/20/2018 06:30:26 pm
Privateers, buccaneers, and pirates are separate things.
Doc Rock
12/20/2018 08:50:17 pm
Actually the boundaries among those categories often ranged from very blurred to nonexistent, especially by the late 17th century. But since saying more will no doubt trigger a tantrum that plays out across double digit posts I will leave it at that since it would take way too many eggnog toddies to get in the mood to venture down that intellectual and linguistic rabbit hole.
12/20/2018 08:53:24 pm
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/21/2018 02:27:06 am
No tantrum here old man. You're not tantrum-worthy, let alone sponge-worthy. You run the risk of turning yourself into a one trick pony. If you don't know what a privateer is that's your lookout.
Joe Scales
12/21/2018 09:28:04 am
I find it rather humorous that Professor Bad Faith (aka Cap'n D)does more pure trolling here these days than his usual intellectually dishonest endeavors. I for one find it to be an improvement, as his journey is now complete.
Doc Rock
12/23/2018 09:59:49 am
Great to see that the kiddie table now shares Scott Wolters's definition of trolling. Make a very questionable statement then when someone does the obvious, get ticked off and say they are trolling. Now give each other another imaginary high five and get back over to the kiddie table Aunty Hattie is about to bring out the paw paw cobbler for dessert. There, now that's more like trolling, for your information. Consider this teachable moment your Xmas gift from me.
12/20/2018 11:19:00 am
That show just gets more and more fakey as it goes along, at least they didn't have a geologist call the lead cross silver !
Accumulated Wisdom
12/20/2018 11:22:40 am
I have no idea as to whom, or what time period the Skull and Cross Bones originates, however, I do see it as a combination of symbols. Symbols used for navigation. In a way...This is like a Heiroglyph. Actually, pretty cool.
Doc Rock
12/20/2018 11:41:50 am
I wouldn't get too upset over the ratings numbers. It's pretty much the ten percent of the "ten percent" that has existed throughout history. A thousand years ago they were paying their life savings for a splinter from the True Cross. Thirty years ago they were writing $1000 checks to Swaggart Ministries. Now they are tuning in religiously to Oak Island.
12/20/2018 01:18:29 pm
Things that support the Templar nonsense in this show are falling a bit too neatly into place for my liking. I am starting to suspect physical planting of objects or just fake data. It was good to see that once again, the ground penetrating seismic scans were over optimistically interpreted up front. It reminds me of the opening of Al Capone's vault failure.
12/20/2018 01:19:54 pm
All this Oak Island talk is well and good, but Scott Wolter put up a blog post 10 days ago talking about how a qualified geologist has now peer reviewed his KRS work!! When is that conversation going to get started around here?!!
12/20/2018 04:07:49 pm
B L do you mind posting link to wolters mess?
12/20/2018 04:59:56 pm
12/20/2018 05:11:14 pm
Here you go:
Joe Scales
12/21/2018 09:20:40 am
And of course this newly defined "peer review" doesn't quite go where Wolter thinks it goes. Basically, it seems to only confirm that Wolter knows how to describe a rock.
12/21/2018 06:35:12 pm
Joe,If you think that does not go anywhere, check out this link where you get to read some of Miur's book on Henry Sinclair:
America Cool "Disco" Dan
12/21/2018 08:33:54 pm
"when did Latin even become avaliable on google translate ?"
12/21/2018 09:35:12 pm
"Uh, since forever?"
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/21/2018 10:32:27 pm
It's right there. The languages are in alphabetical order and "Latin" is easy to find. Anyway thanks for the link. What a piece of poop. Henry's aunt is both his uncle and his father's sister. And most of the Cistercians were trained in Gotland? Not France?
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/21/2018 11:08:08 pm
And to answer your question, since March 28 2003 at the very latest.
12/22/2018 12:01:29 am
Show me !
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/22/2018 01:53:48 am
Nope, you're right, I misread something. It happens.
Accumulated Wisdom
12/22/2018 03:58:55 pm
Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/22/2018 04:28:23 pm
Priceless Defender who promised to leave:
Joe Scales
12/22/2018 07:10:24 pm
The whingers whose recent complaints dominated the site recently, who feel so threatened by having to simply keep on their toes... well, they could learn a thing or two here. Humility is beyond them however; them and their posturing.
Doc Rock
12/23/2018 09:47:36 am
Permit me to translate from the kiddie table-ese. Keeping people on their toes= fixating on minutiae and showing our asses at every opportunity then giving each other imaginary high gives like we actually accomplished something noteworthy. It appears that tweedle dum and tweedle dummer are now fastened at the hip, which might doesnt really help them that much. The dream team of Internet pirates, oops, I mean buccaneers. Argh, Mateys....
Amercan Cool "Disco" Dan
12/23/2018 02:27:57 pm
No one cares dude.
Doc Rock
12/23/2018 07:57:32 pm
Quite Obviously the kiddie table does.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/23/2018 09:19:50 pm
I'm not sure knowing more about child molesting is helping your cause. But to be fair, you were probably superfucking drunk.
Doc Rock
12/20/2018 08:20:14 pm
Oh boy. Which face is wolter wearing in that discussion. The guy who says peer review is worthless or the guy who now thinks that it is a priceless institution since he found somebody who may actually be in some agreement with him? Or do we go with what is behind door number three which is that "A" geologist taking a look at someone's work years after the fact is not peer review and Scotty remains willfully ignorant about a process that even the dimmer bulbss at the kiddie table can readily grasp? Someone will have to fill me in. Spending five minutes over at Scott Wolter Owned feels like an eternity and my happy hour wasn't sufficiently long enough today to put in the mood to mount up on that short bus.
Uncle Ron
12/20/2018 02:22:34 pm
Doing real science or real history or real archeology, etc. is hard work; not to mention, the results are often less than exciting. The vast majority of people are too ignorant to even vaguely understand the processes involved, and thereby accept the results as truth. Ergo: uncritical acceptance of Oak Island, Ancient Aliens, Templars, ad nauseum.
12/20/2018 08:48:05 pm
"Doing real science or real history or real archeology, etc. is hard work; not to mention, the results are often less than exciting."
12/20/2018 03:03:18 pm
A good thing is that the young folks are too engrossed in their cell phones to bother to pick up anything from the ill named HC. Appears that all you need to do to be an expert is to self publish and be into self-aggrandizement and fantasy Wolter, Halpern, now Cornwall and the forgotten others. I imagine Ruh and Muir are on the horizon, after all, HC has to fill another 20+ shows up for this season. Would be a grand trick to play on them to find an "expert" that leads them down the yellow-brick road to the Templars only to out them. That would be hilarious. As for this rest, all one can do is shake your head and wonder where do they come up with this fantasy. You scroll through Cornwall's FB posting and she seriously claims to have seen fairies. Trouble is, people eat this crap up. Imagine many of them believe the fake news, too. Have a good day!
12/20/2018 04:12:51 pm
I think that some comments here are unnecessary. If you know the history of the show you would know that Gretchens moment on the show was to present her "Theory". That does not mean the brothers are buying that crap. Although it was interesting to me. Do I think Nolans Cross is a key? It's a bit big for that... That being said it's just a show, viewers that I know question everything the fans aren't believing everything about the show and what is presented. We know it's a ton of bullshit going on. Give credit where credit is due.. we are not the walking dead of OI.
12/20/2018 05:12:40 pm
Totally agree with you, some people watch the show as poor entertainment.
12/20/2018 07:17:31 pm
Got those crappy documentaries "Ancient Aliens" and "Curse of Oak Island" on free channels in the UK now, with countless repeats of "Forbidden History".
12/20/2018 08:13:02 pm
Same here in Ecuador. The HC productions along with the rest of the Discovery/A&E offerings are a ubiquitious part of the cable television bundling. If you think theiy're bad in English, you should watch them in Spanish language broadcast !
Accumulated Wisdom
12/21/2018 02:45:05 am
12/20/2018 09:42:26 pm
The recent mystique surrounding the Templars has only served to overstate their impact and relative influence in modern history. I’ve tried to explain this countless times to fans of this dreadful show and more often than not the indoctrination of the fantasy is impossible to overcome.
12/20/2018 09:56:50 pm
C'mon,,,, everybody knows Al Capone went commando !
Accumulated Wisdom
12/21/2018 03:09:58 am
I wouldn't touch Capone's undies. I don't know if he went Commando, but, I do know he went blind. He went Sy with Philis.
Titus pullo
12/21/2018 09:14:25 am
Five years from now no one will be talking about this show. America unearthed is largely forgotten and it last ran in soring of 2015. Jason sometimes gets a lttle too wirked up with these “marketers” pushing theories lacking in any proof. Soet of like moon landing hoaxers. What we dont want to do is flush the bill of rights down the toilet which at times jason seems to be almost implying. The laginas are not calling for voilence on anyone, they can say whatever they like.
12/21/2018 10:53:58 pm
No one show (except, perhaps, "Ancient Aliens") is terribly important by itself, but the collective effect of dozens upon dozens of show repeating the same lies is the same as a propaganda campaign. I would never demand that the government censor cable TV; rather, I want the companies that exploit ignorance for cash to take responsibility for the consequences of their degradation of science, history, and truth.
12/22/2018 08:33:21 am
The problem with capitalism is there is only one god (moral), money. Therefore regulation is neccessary to avoid that companies do immoral actions in pursuit of (more) money.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/22/2018 11:32:20 am
So your suggestion is to force people to say what you want them to say. What could possibly go wrong?
2/3/2022 08:33:23 pm
So Jason what I can gather from you is that the skull and crossbones flag was not used by the knights templar on their ships. My question for you is whether the skull and crossbones symbol is a templar symbol at all?
Joe Scales
12/27/2018 11:17:51 am
Don't look now, but over on Wolter's blog Donald Ruh is laying legal claim to Halpern's garbage pile "bequeathed" to Rick Lagina. Kafka would be proud.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
12/27/2018 05:53:08 pm
Just finished reading it. It's bat-crazy, with a lot of planned and actual fakery admitted to. "Don, I need you to carve these symbols on this swagger stick, then we'll secrete that and other objects near Hunter Mountain. THEN we'll catch those P2 guys!"
12/27/2018 08:31:20 pm
OMG,,, Donald Ruh,,, Ya nah,,, that was from a different hoax,,,,
TJ Anonymous
12/28/2018 11:46:53 pm
Just found this site and have enjoyed reading all the posts and comments about various HC shows I watch such as Oak Island and Ancient Aliens. Some info on these shows is interesting and entertaining but most of it is speculative and fantastical garbage. I've started calling the "Alternate History Channel" by the term "fake news."
Joe Scales
1/1/2019 08:53:22 pm
Another gem from Wolter today o his blog in reply to an Oak Island skeptic:
American Cool "Disco" Dan
1/2/2019 10:55:05 am
"making a fiction-filled reality TV show is also not against the law"
Joe Scales
1/2/2019 01:16:01 pm
If only there could be a Trailer Park Boys/Curse of Oak Island crossover...
Horace T. Quagmire
1/20/2019 10:18:12 pm
I call it "Choke Island" because it is impossible to choke down the total lies they peddle.
Robert Strawser
3/27/2019 02:10:53 pm
But look at the entertainment value. Besides that, look at aqllthese people "talking" about it. In the business world, that's
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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