I had to laugh when I read Inverse magazine’s admission that in a 21-minute interview with Ancient Aliens star David Childress, Childress spoke for 21 straight minutes, barely letting the interviewer get a word in edgewise and making it impossible, as Inverse writer Jake Kleinman said, to create a “coherent” story from his verbal ramblings. Clearly, ancient mysteries are the type of pet topic that allows Childress to monologue in unbroken streams, regardless of whether his listeners are interested, and one might speculate as to the reasons for that, but I would never offer an armchair diagnosis. Instead, I think it serves as a fair warning to future interviewers to be less open-ended in questioning him. In the interview, Childress made a number of statements that lacked the usual qualifiers that the producers of Ancient Aliens routinely force their talking heads to include to provide legal and ethical fig leaves. (The complete text of the interview is not available, so far as I can tell. Inverse published excerpts that were not always clearly in context, which might affect the meaning of some statements. But when has context ever mattered to an ancient astronaut theorist?)
In the interview, Childress bluntly asserted that the U.S. government knows space aliens to be real and “they’re prepping us in a social way to think, we’re not alone in the universe,” he said. This is some remarkably subtle work from a government that can’t manage to convince more than 40% of the public to support the president and couldn’t convince Americans to adopt the metric system. Naturally, Childress supports his Ancient Aliens colleague David Wilcock in asserting that science fiction movies and TV series are carefully planned messages designed to manipulate human thought. Showing his age, his contemporary references are all twenty years old. “In my mind, Hollywood is part of it,” Childress said. “Star Trek, sci-fi movies, television shows, many of the films like Independence Day or Mars Attacks. The message is clear: Aliens are here, be afraid.” In fact, this message is so consistent that it becomes impossible to ignore. After all, it’s not like there are ever movies or TV shows about good aliens, like The Day the Earth Stood Still, Alf, 3rd Rock from the Sun, etc.—going back 60 years or more. What I can’t quite fathom, though, is how Childress can say this while working for a TV show broadcast on the History Channel, owned by A+E Networks, a joint venture half-owned by the Walt Disney Company, a leading purveyor of alien-themed propaganda entertainment, in his view. Apparently the only force more powerful than space aliens is the almighty dollar. Childress also attempted to weigh in on evolutionary biology, which he proceeds to completely misunderstand based on mid-twentieth-century creationist attacks on “Darwinism.” His argument surrounds the so-called “missing link” and his belief that Bigfoot is a space alien hybrid. “There’s allegedly this missing link and they say they can’t find it,” he told Inverse. “We’re related to the greater apes but there’s got to be some missing link between them and us. What would that be in my mind is Sasquatch or Bigfoot. […] We’re all descended from Bigfoot.” Just consider that bullshit for a moment. How does Childress think that australopithecines and Homo erectus and all the other hominins and hominids fit into the tree of life if Bigfoot both stands at the root and on the farthest branch? My mind boggles even to think of it, and the worst part is that Childress is clearly spouting half-formed bullshit without so much as considering how his proposal could be reconciled with physical evidence, let alone that the concept of the “missing link” is a holdover from Victorian science. It must be nice when you can wave off any problems with the magic words “aliens did it.” Without citing any evidence other than the claims of supposed alien abductees, Childress claims that aliens (a) run hospitals under the ocean and (b) have medicine to cure every disease but choose not to help most people. Perhaps most bizarrely, Childress more or less openly endorses the bonkers version of Atlantis given in the ersatz prophecies of Edgar Cayce, in the fake tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, and on the fringes of Theosophy rather than the standard form of the story given in Plato, the oldest source for the Atlantis myth. Plato said that Atlantis was destroyed in 9600 BCE and had existed for several centuries prior to that. Childress stretches this back to absurdity. “When did we get out of our caves and start doing stuff? That was only 9000 BC, but the story of Atlantis is from 20,000 years ago. We were doing stuff. We were making roads. Building Bridges building forts. What were people doing something in about 50,000 BC? Atlantis.” I guess we can give Childress this much credit: Theosophists said that Atlantis peaked spiritually 100,000 years ago and dates back one million years. His numbers are slightly more realistic. Oh, I take it back… Most bizarrely, Childress endorsed the hollow moon hypothesis (as he has done on Ancient Aliens more than once) that’s been going around for the past half-century, based on a piece of Russian propaganda from the 1960s aimed at Western audiences. Childress alleged that aliens created the moon by inflating an asteroid. Yes, really. “Like a glass blower blows glass, you go out into the asteroid belt, get yourself an asteroid, and with your alien technology you superheat that asteroid. Then you blow into it to make a giant space station,” he said. That seems like rather a lot of work to avoid showing yourself to the humans. Finally, I will point out that Childress, apparently unbidden, praised the Russians in the interview, which continues the strange undercurrent of Ancient Aliens stars sucking up to Russia that has led the series to do several episodes devoted to praising Putin and Russia’s state-controlled scientific and military apparatuses.
Joe Scales
11/27/2018 10:02:30 am
"This is some remarkably subtle work from a government that can’t manage to convince more than 40% of the public to support the president..."
11/27/2018 10:23:39 am
Someone has his head up Trump's ass. and far up, I would guess, since we can see only the feet dangling. See any upper colon polyps? And I hope they are cancerous, as we need to rid ourselves of this evil idiot; an idiot that does know what he thinks he knows. Trump is such a modest and temperate man!
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 12:11:24 pm
When was the plebiscite on the metric system? My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.
11/27/2018 12:57:37 pm
I hesitate to wade into this, but, here I go, I guess:
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 02:11:59 pm
Difficult to say without knowing the weighting methodology. KIM (keep in mind) that 538, once a partner of the NYTtimes is now owned by ABC News, employers of George "Your Christian faith" Stephanopolous. Nonetheless still a valuable resource.
An Anonymous Nerd
11/27/2018 11:16:23 pm
If anyone doesn't see what's really going on here: Mr. Colavito's point of course is to question the government's ability to carry out the conspiracy that Mr. Childress attributes to it. There was nothing partisan about it other than the fact that a celebrity for whom Mr. Scales has an affection happens to be President. (Not, I note, during the metric system thing, which also was mentioned by Mr. Colavito.)
11/27/2018 10:58:14 am
Jason, why is Mighty Joe Scales, or whatever his real name is, stalking you? Is he jealous because he craves, but cannot attract a following such as yours? Why does he feel that he needs to correct and criticize you? Or perhaps you, Jason, have intentionally arranged this, much like planting a stooge in the audience to make it more exciting? Joe is really so funny with his intelligent sarcasm!
11/27/2018 11:11:59 am
I simply cannot believe how truly far out there some of this stuff is. Surely these people don't really believe this shite do they? Bigfoot the Missing Link? Hollow moon? Are they all getting rich with this tripe?
Joe Scales
11/27/2018 11:56:20 am
"Speaking of Hard To Believe:"
11/27/2018 12:25:20 pm
I know, Joe, I know. You find the whole thing just so f-ing boring, don't you? Here we have a troop of baboons running the WH, the Russians are grabbing Crimea, and Peshkov just told Pompeo to go f--k himself because they know the Chief Baboon's balls are in Vlad's vice, but it's all just Bullshit. Bullshit you warned Jason would get out of hand.....
Joe Scales
11/27/2018 05:07:08 pm
You're a good sport Jocko. Politics and truth don't go hand in hand. Debunking and truth usually do. Or at least, should do. Mix debunking and politics and you've just injected bias and intellectual dishonesty in what should be an honorable endeavor.
11/28/2018 06:03:48 am
"Mix debunking and politics and you've just injected bias and intellectual dishonesty in what should be an honorable endeavor."
Joe Scales
11/28/2018 09:48:12 am
"They are already mixed, because fringe belief and right wing politics are much more closely tied than the fringes and the left wing."
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/28/2018 02:16:42 pm
"The right wing uses politics to sanction and enshrine their fringe religious beliefs."
E.P. Grondine
11/27/2018 11:22:37 am
I think that David is what you get when you have a very intelligent person with Attention Deficit Disorder.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 01:08:39 pm
Not "the Theosophists" but two Theosophists in particular. The Getty Archives which holds Plunger's papers takes a different view:
E.P. Grondine
11/27/2018 03:56:30 pm
@Shit for Brains -
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 04:20:20 pm
Okay, it's time to come to Jesus, in your case literally. I'm growing impatient with your bad language so listen up you stupid one-note Bic lighter sheath peddling no longer fucking obstreperous fuck:
E.P. Grondine
11/27/2018 08:59:23 pm
@Shit for Brains
American cool "disco" dan
11/27/2018 09:24:57 pm
PROVE THAT COCKSUCKER (speaking to you in your own language). The Plungers were nowhere near the founding of the Theosophical Society, and further, were nowhere near the founding of Theosophy.
E.P. Grondine
11/27/2018 09:42:38 pm
@Shit for Brains -
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 09:59:50 pm
No, fuck that NeverFuckAgainFuckWad fake Injun. I'm not interested in podcasts about Kissinger. Produce reasonably contemporaneous DOCUMENTS or just FUCK OFF.
E.P. Grondine
11/28/2018 11:19:42 am
@Shit for Brains
P.G. Grondine
11/28/2018 02:06:13 pm
Sick burn bro!
11/28/2018 02:40:16 pm
Hey, I tried to look it up...but no luck. Could you explain what "plunger" is? Thanks!
E.P. Grondine
11/28/2018 02:52:05 pm
11/28/2018 02:34:41 pm
"I think that David is what you get when you have a very intelligent person with Attention Deficit Disorder."
E.P. Grondine
11/28/2018 02:56:35 pm
V -
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/28/2018 03:28:24 pm
Joe Scales
11/28/2018 03:50:19 pm
Fake disease...
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/28/2018 04:37:03 pm
Yes, there's that, but I've found that saying it does no good. Fortunately scientists have discovered that SPEED HELPS YOU CONCENTRATE! Who knew?
11/27/2018 01:31:28 pm
Gallop is owned by the biased conservative to middle ground polling agencies, and can skew facts easily.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 01:58:33 pm
"Gallop is owned by the biased conservative to middle ground polling agencies, and can skew facts easily."
11/27/2018 02:34:42 pm
You know that any given poll is just a data point. Trump has hovered between the mid-thirties and mid-forties on average across various polls and across various times, moving in large part with the news cycle. Four in ten is around the average it works out to over the two years of his presidency.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 02:58:17 pm
See above about 538 (again, I don't know what their weighting methodology is, it might be the best in the world), then it might be elucidative to look at the numbers in this table: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_the_Donald_Trump_administration#2018
Doc Rock
11/27/2018 04:14:24 pm
First day of any 101 Intro college class: Sorry kiddies but Wikipedia is not considered to be a valid source.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 04:24:10 pm
Feel free to point out which numbers are wrong Cap'n. Until you do that, have a nice day in Christ. You think the Aspergers riddled Wikipedia editors wouldn't have taken care of that?
11/27/2018 03:35:08 pm
I would kindly request from those here that are not considered as being idiots to please tell me, from an historical basis, if in the USA of our past we have ever had so much talk and worries that a sitting president of our beautiful American democracy may lead us towards despotism? Are these worries just that, worries, and nothing more? I have heard that history repeats itself. Have we not had tyrants emerge from democracies before? Why we have been told this very thing by ancient sages, and to think that it could not happen to us too is sheer folly.
American Col "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 03:57:35 pm
First, enough with the "ancient sages" and "good and evil" non-sense.
E.P. Grondine
11/27/2018 04:05:55 pm
@Shit for Brains
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 04:29:28 pm
I only know what Madeleine Duncan Brown one of his mistresses said he told her the night before the assassination, "After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That's not a threat. That's a promise."
E.P. Grondine
11/27/2018 09:23:10 pm
While LBJ was an SOB, I am pretty sure that you are way of base with that.
11/27/2018 03:58:54 pm
Off topic note. Scott Wolter on the Fade to Black Radio show tomorrow at 10:30 Eastern.
E.P. Grondine
11/27/2018 04:01:04 pm
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been."
P.G. Grondine
11/27/2018 04:37:07 pm
11/27/2018 08:48:52 pm
"His argument surrounds the so-called “missing link” and his belief that Bigfoot is a space alien hybrid."
11/27/2018 09:39:30 pm
Jason, you criticize DCs contemporary references because they are 20 years old and then you reference TDTESS (1951], Alf (1986 to 1990), and Third Rock (1996 to 2001). Talk about showing your age....
11/27/2018 10:40:39 pm
I did that on purpose. It shows that Childress's claims weren't even true for the time he remembers.
11/27/2018 10:45:54 pm
C'mon man, other than being a little short, Alf fits Childress' description to a tee !
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/27/2018 11:10:39 pm
Let it be noted that Star Trek has never gone away.
Priceless Defender
11/28/2018 01:10:12 pm
It seems everyone has forgotten about the "Six Million Dollar Man". Steve Austin, astronaut, a man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability of building the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, Stronger, Faster.
E.P. Grondine
11/28/2018 03:04:39 pm
Since everyone here is interested in Trump and the Russians, here is a nice sumary:
Titus Pullo
11/28/2018 05:48:51 pm
the Hollow Moon theory..wow sounds similar to Keynsian Economics....both are based on irrational thinking where basic facts, logic, and yes math are ejected for ideology.
David Evans
11/30/2018 12:30:02 pm
I wonder if Childress has considered that we know the mass of the Moon very accurately, and if it was formed by inflating an asteroid (even one the size of Ceres) that asteroid would have to have been much denser than any known element.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 01:53:25 pm
I don't think you understand what density is. Elements in and of themselves are neither dense nor non-dense.
David Evans
11/30/2018 02:35:52 pm
Perhaps I should have specified the solid form of the element.
American Cool "Disco" Dan
11/30/2018 06:01:50 pm
David Evans
11/30/2018 06:23:55 pm
Perhaps you would care to explain. Why, when Googling "what is the density of (any solid element)" gives a definite answer, as does looking it up in any relevant reference book, do you say "Elements in and of themselves are neither dense nor non-dense."?
American Cool "disco" Dan
11/30/2018 10:19:55 pm
Show me the made-up reference that shows me the density of one atom of hydrogen.
David Evans
12/1/2018 04:19:02 am
The reference book I was referring to is Tables Of Physical And Chemical Constants by Kaye and Laby. You can find the physical book on Amazon or the online version here
Exaterressial Assonaut
12/2/2018 09:23:53 am
Childress has been watching too much Six Milkion Dolkar Man from the 70s.
12/2/2018 09:26:56 am
Six Million Dollar Man
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