David Wilcock and Corey Goode Hail Trump as Hero Purging Evil Satanic Freemason Liberal Democrats12/13/2016 Before we dive into David Wilcock’s bizarre claims about Atlantis and Antarctica (which have now spread to the mainstream tabloid media via repetition across the internet), I want to share something I read in the December 20 issue of Forbes magazine. In an interview with Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, the New York Observer publisher told the magazine that politicians recognize that particular television shows attract individuals with specific political opinions: Kushner’s crew was able to tap into the Republican National Committee’s data machine, and it hired targeting partners like Cambridge Analytica to map voter universes and identify which parts of the Trump platform mattered most: trade, immigration or change. Tools like Deep Root drove the scaled-back TV ad spending by identifying shows popular with specific voter blocks in specific regions--say, NCIS for anti-ObamaCare voters or The Walking Dead for people worried about immigration. Thus, entertainment and politics aren’t just linked but are inseparable. I imagine the Democrats had a similar system, which explains why Donald Trump advertised during post-apocalyptic horror while Hillary Clinton ran ads during Ancient Aliens, which paradoxically features the rantings of the now rabidly anti-Clinton conspiracy theorist David Wilcock. In his latest rambling screed, Wilcock built on his allegations that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are part of a cult of celebrity vampire lizards who use pizzas to sexually molest children. Just like Len Karsten, whom I discussed yesterday, Wilcock accepts virtually every conspiracy theory, positing a world of evil shape-shifting Reptilians who are supported by the Illuminati, liberal Democrats, and Freemasons, and an opposing force made up of Wilcock himself, fifteen U.S. intelligence agencies, the residents of the Hollow Earth, and ethereal beings that live in outer space. This is part of an odd trend, which we also see in Tom DeLonge’s Sekret Machines project, to fetishize U.S. intelligence agencies as cosmic defenders of true American values. It’s quite a change from the old days when ufologists considered the CIA and the FBI and the NSA to be evil! Wilcock alleges that under the terms of a truce (!) arranged between the intelligence agencies and the evil Freemason-lizard aliens in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, the lizards agreed to the following terms: 1. A formal, public disclosure of the MIC SSP. They have two large, cloaked orbital platforms, flying black triangle craft, and the ability to travel throughout our solar system. I need not point out the science fiction influences on these claims, nor the very close similarity Wilcock’s fantasies have to H. P. Lovecraft’s novella At the Mountains of Madness, where similar ancient ruins dating back tens of millions to hundreds of millions of years are discovered and explored in Antarctica. The idea that these ruins were those of Atlantis seems to be a touch of 1990s-era alternative archaeology (Rand Flem-Ath and Graham Hancock). The transparent aluminum seems to be from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, though I could only guess how Wilcock arrived at a date of 1.8 billion years. Wilcock, or perhaps Corey Goode, since it is never clear which author is writing which parts of the blog post, went on to say that the X-Files is actually a revelation of the lizard-people’s secret disclosure plans. According to Goode, in a section that is more clearly his, somehow this involves more than fifty alien groups, of whom some are actually human time travelers from the future who have evolved into Grey-like dwarves with bulbous eyes. But this isn’t all! Aliens with elongated skulls and pot bellies, looking like the Pharaoh Akhenaten, colonized Antarctica 65,000 years ago: “What we now see as Antarctica was the seemingly mythical ‘lost island’ of Atlantis. The earth shifted on its rotational axis, perhaps due to a nuclear war, and the water that inundated the continent quickly flash-froze into a gigantic ice shelf.” Oh, and of course these aliens are also the Pre-Adamites of Judeo-Christian and Islamic folklore. Did you ever wonder what happened to the Maya? No? Oh, that’s because you know that the Maya still live in Mexico and Central America. But if you are Goode and Wilcock, you are thinking in terms of the old claim that the Maya simply disappeared one day. Goode says he met them in outer space: The Mayan Break-Away group started out in Mesoamerica, and thanks to a successful ET contact, they were able to migrate off-planet. They have since become advanced enough to develop a unique technology that appears to be based on the use of stone and consciousness. They act as a healing group that have provided treatment to [Lt. Col.] Gonzales and many other survivors of SSP [Secret Space Program] enslavement and torture. There were now six of the Mayans in the room. Three of them were females. I had only seen a female on one occasion before with any degree of closeness. I am sorely tempted to make a joke here based on the last sentence, but instead I will point out that Goode has no problem making up false facts to fit his fantasies. He thinks that Pre-Adamite aliens with elongated skulls currently run the Catholic Church: “The elongated ‘miter’ hats everyone wears in the Vatican are one of the ways they have been able to conceal themselves while still operating amongst us.” Nobody wears miters day in and out. They are ceremonial, and are worn only by bishops and some abbots. Their use in the Catholic Church is defined by canon law, not that Goode knows or cares. According to Goode, he receives his information by being teleported to alien worlds after he falls asleep on his living room couch. Sometimes this involves buxom young women appearing to him after dozing off on his couch. Following his dreams, “I was taken to my living room where I again laid on the couch and fell asleep.” I think we can all see what’s going on here. Goode concludes that the FBI openly worked to help Donald Trump become president because they wanted a president who would help them prosecute pedophile space aliens who are masquerading as liberal Democrats and running secret sex slavery rings. “The FBI believed that if Trump won the election, they would finally have their opportunity to bring this evidence to an Attorney General who would actually prosecute.” Goode falsely alleges that pedophile Freemason Illuminati Democrats rigged the election in swing states to install Hillary Clinton as president but failed to anticipate the landslide support of Trump, which the rest of us would recognize if only we discounted all the rigged votes that made the contest seem closer than it was. (Yes, Goode accepts the false claim Trump made about millions of illegal votes being cast.) Wilcock and Goode then agree that Trump is the agent of Justice who has smashed the power of the evil Democratic alien sex predators and will inaugurate a Golden Age of “disclosure” now that Trump has destroyed all evil. In a conversation that the two had, Goode speculates that Ancient Aliens will report the new discoveries, while Wilcock – who is on the show and listed as a producer – asks Goode if Ancient Aliens will really do this. Does he not remember his own job? And lest you think that these two warriors for truth are selflessly trying to save the world, put your mind at ease. They conclude their “revelations” with a sales pitch: Your support of our grassroots efforts is vital to our success. You can find out much more about this insider world by subscribing to Gaia and watching our shows. And there you have it. The “good” aliens and the intelligence communities—people known to send “suitcases stuffed with cash” to bribe anyone and everyone—couldn’t spare a dime to keep Goode in the style to which he became accustomed, despite allegedly using him as their voice in the epic battle of Trump v. Evil.
Only Me
12/13/2016 09:07:19 am
Unlike Star Trek, the fees incurred for all that teleporting must be why Goode is broke. Maybe he could save a dime by having himself shipped by the *other* UPS...Universal Parcel Service.
12/15/2016 12:54:53 am
I just can't bring myself to believe they actually believe those things. I think they're flat-out liars, bullshitting one another with fantasy after fantasy.
Deep Thot
1/19/2018 11:06:21 am
If you read Jacques Vallee's seminal books, like "Messengers of Deception", or listen to a sampling of journalist Linda Moulton Howe's various audios etc (focus on her groundbreaking 1980 story regarding "cattle mutilations," in which which witnesses tried to explain to her that they saw animals getting "beamed" up into, or down from, cloaked airborn objects), you will quickly grasp how complex the UFO phenomena is. It is that way because the physics involved is of a higher order than our current paradigm (for example, assume mass is 3D and TIME is also 3D, and that mass and energy are reciprocal across that relationship...), and engineering it can create effects that seem "magical" from current accepted physics assumptions. So we often tend to deny or ignore the witness accounts, because they sound too far fetched (and some are, of course). Corey might be bullshitting, but read all of David's three recent books before you rule it all out "a priori". Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. I could go on for hours, but will cut it short here. Jason C is not much of a big picture thinker, he seems to be in a rut of creating fallacious "straw man" caricatures of other people's ideas for scorn, and I get a strong whiff of SCICOP-approved reality denialism (shoot the phenomenological messengers)... not that we all don't like to see a fake healing evangelist or other con artist outed once in a while ;-) 2/20/2019 04:40:33 pm
Maybe we should trust our government who can’t find 1 trillion dollars or the one who took down twin towers stay strong the Rothschildslive it lol
Martha E Grist
11/6/2020 07:56:23 am
I used to support these men, but have come to realize that they are the cult leaders of all time-sadly...
1/22/2017 10:31:01 pm
Do you think that everything that Wilcock/Goode said is not true.
Jared Saxon
2/17/2017 06:22:48 pm
Twisted article to make Wilcock and Goode look crazy. So easy to see through. They are running so scared now, end game for them, clinging onto the last drop of perceived power til the very last moment!
Deep Thot
1/19/2018 11:16:34 am
We have a winner!! Straw Man fallacy, put words in your opponent's mouth, makes it a lot easier to discredit them. Not that what these guys are saying isn't WAY out there. The only question is, taking it as they actually present it, could it possibly explain a broad cross section of the actual evidence - not the subset of evidence that is considered "admissible" within the current scientific paradigm, but a greatly expanded paradigm? "Big Picture" science has always been partly a political and ego-driven process; like Max Planck said: "...A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."
2/13/2018 02:28:39 pm
I've listened to Wilcock and Goode and none of what this guys is saying fits their personas. Corey Goode is an open feminist, who only preaches love & forgiveness - he would never support the hate of Trump. Same thing with David, I would hope. This guy Jason is creating ridiculous straw man arguments. Such a lazy, fallacious, and ridiculously unscientific piece of "journalism."
7/5/2018 10:46:05 pm
The stories are wild enough that you have to wonder why someone would resort to strawman arguments.
Caroline Geiser
7/19/2018 12:20:29 pm
I don't know if I buy into everything that Corey and David are saying but I do know this ... It is incredibly arrogant to think that we are the only living beings in existence anywhere. It is articles like this that do the human race a true disservice but I doubt the good of the human race is even considered when these types of manipulation tools are used. You only have to look at religion to see how easily the human race can be controlled and manipulated. Thanks to the likes of Corey and David, people are starting to see the connections. People are finally evolving spiritually and we are learning to think for ourselves, we ask questions, challenge old belief systems. We are no longer willing to have blind faith. This makes us hard to control and manipulate.
8/8/2019 10:34:28 pm
I know it is cliche and old but..... Putin is a brilliant KGB agent and he knows how to find esoteric groups with a huge baked in audience and start planting seeds of political bias. They've been saturating Youtube since Day 1. There is a cabal and there are pedophile rings but they are being controlled by the people WHO ARE ACTUALLY IN POWER! Not some behind the scenes socialist who lives on Mars. Now the misinformation campaign is moving into the spiritual realm. Look at Wikipedia and read about Baba Vanga..... According to her, Putin is going to save the world from nuclear war. Yea, it is a load of shit, she never said that in reality. Look on Youtube at videos of Nostradamus predictions, same thing, Russia saves the world. Russians are busy busy busy while the rest of us whining about bathrooms and abortions. I used to believe in Corey but he dropping hints that Trump was working with NASA and other high members of the military and people in the know to bring us Disclosure. Ok... there are so many things wrong with that sentence...... LOL! QAnon and Wikileaks both used to be respected truth telling outlets, gone to crap by the politics that fund them. Bottom line is, Corey and David are frauds. HEY ONLY ME... COREY LEFT A 6 FIGURE GOB FOR THIS VERY IMPORTANT IN DEPTH INFORMATION TO RAISE AWARENESS TO THE SEVERE CORRUPTION THAT'S GOING ON UNDERGROUND BEHIND SOCIETIES BACK WHICH IS ACTUALLY THE PLAN AND COMPLETE TAKE OVER OF ALL HUMANITIES FREEDOM, RESULTING IN THEIR ''NEW WORLD ORDER''. If a person hasn't done their own extensive research they'll never know what's actually truly going on. Most people haven't done the research because there're either too busy, don't have the interest, can't comprehend it, don't yet have ALL the pieces, or ALL of the above. RICKEY and JARED below are SPOT ON and have done their research. As Rickey (below) has stated, I too am glad I read this article. I TOO have researched extensively David Wilcock's and Corey Goode's information in great detail. Your article is more proof of the same kind of ''DISINFORMATION'' that is being used to confuse the public and to make both Wilcock and Goode look crazy. There are many individuals who have been literally placed to put out sites like this on the INTERNET to keep the N.W.O. hidden from the public. Clinging onto the last ''drop of power'' till the last moment. Your article is twisted information. Easy to see right through.
2/13/2018 08:56:10 am
You are exactly right ! Thank you.
2/13/2018 02:45:24 pm
Obviously Jason is right -- only a complete nutjob such as Corey Goode would spread a message of love and forgiveness (for all those who don't know, and actually believe this article, that is his central message). Corey is an open feminist who despises the sociopaths in power, including Trump, and has no political affiliation. He's never bashed the "liberal satanists." Unscientific straw man arguments are the best this guy can do.
12/13/2016 09:26:52 am
Memo to Corey Goode....Please describe buxom women who transport you to alien planets in more detail.
12/13/2016 10:03:05 am
What is he eating, drinking, smoking, or injecting before he falls asleep on his couch? When I fall asleep on my couch all I tend to do is drop my beer on the floor, which wakes me up rather quickly. Maybe that's my problem. I wake up before the buxom women can come and teleport me to an alien world.
12/13/2016 10:37:23 am
There already is a "crystalline transparent aluminum alloy" made by Corning. It is called Pyroceram and is clear aluminum oxide ceramic. We used it in the 1960's in inertial guidance components.
12/13/2016 03:25:54 pm
That stuff sounds pretty interesting. Does it have contemporary uses?
12/14/2016 11:44:31 am
Pyroceram is used for woodstoves with glass front doors. It takes heat well, but it cracks easily, especially if any kind of liquid comes into contact with the hot glass.
12/13/2016 11:34:29 am
At the Mountains of Madness?
Bob Jase
12/13/2016 12:02:04 pm
At least the Elder Things from TMoM aren't white European Pseudo-Christians
Shane Sullivan
12/13/2016 12:14:39 pm
It just wouldn't be a proper New Age paranormal rant without turning Native Americans into Magical Negroes with Healing Powers.
6/3/2017 05:26:39 pm
Hahahaha, truth.
12/13/2016 12:46:34 pm
Ahhhhhh you ask for donations too. Pot....kettle.....
A Buddhist
12/13/2016 12:53:27 pm
Well, Jason does not accuse people whom he does not like of being dishonest conspiracists or genocidal Satanists. Are not those accusations causing divisions?
2/17/2017 06:31:12 pm
Accusations that are true. Open your eyes and ignore articles like this one. Paid trolls to distort the truth, they are all over the net. Been studying Wilcocks work for years and never once has he said celebrity lizards come on! Pizza reference is to pizzagate, Google it, truth is out there and distorted articles like this one won't stop the massive disclosure that is taking place this year 12/13/2016 01:18:31 pm
I didn't criticize him for asking for donations. I criticized him for planning to reveal more of the "truth" only for cash payment and for claiming (almost certainly falsely) to be working with people who could easily cover his expenses out of petty cash and yet somehow have left their "voice" destitute.
2/13/2018 02:52:49 pm
Jason your article is full of straw man arguments, ad hominem attacks, and false charges of fallacy. Anyone who follows David and Corey knows that their central message is love and forgiveness of yourself and others -- what is so evil about that? Obviously they are correct in that there is something wrong in our society, and there are many higher agendas being hidden from the public.
2/13/2018 02:58:07 pm
I just got to add that you don't even get their beliefs correct. Absolutely no where does David EVER say anything about "celebrity lizard people." 99% of the stuff he spreads is positive-based, uplifting spirituality, based on contemporary, alternative science as well as wisdom traditions. Meanwhile this site seems to be spreading a whole lot of fear and hate. Congratulations.
2/13/2018 03:28:50 pm
One final note: It appears you didn't even read the article:
12/14/2016 11:52:08 am
The thing is they are asking for money from people to continue getting more information about their alleged "...insider world..." while Jason is asking for donations he is not excluding or blocking access to his website to those people who do not donate.
12/13/2016 03:37:48 pm
"his allegations that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are part of a cult of celebrity vampire lizards who use pizzas to sexually molest children." I read that and I thought my pointy little head would pop.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/13/2016 04:13:22 pm
Wilcock at least is a weather vane.
12/13/2016 04:36:06 pm
David Wilcock has always promoted pseudoscience, but politically he was left-of-centre up to ca. 2011. He is an exponent of the 'conspirituality' phenomenon, which is currently an object of academic study in the fields of theology and cultural studies.
Uncle Ron
12/13/2016 07:28:26 pm
Conspirituality sounds like an alternative to doing the hard work of academic endeavors and serious spiritual self-examination.
12/14/2016 11:04:32 am
<< Corey Goode boasted that he gave up a six-figure job in IT >>
12/13/2016 04:58:09 pm
Thanks guys. I have such difficulty understanding folk who think like this, any insight is helpful. I mean, how they willingly fill their minds with these mean-spirited falsehoods is incomprehensible, I'm baffled. Maybe my miter is on too tight
Shane Sullivan
12/13/2016 05:48:26 pm
I thought for sure "celebrity vampire lizards who use pizzas to sexually molest children" was going to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reference.
12/13/2016 11:29:51 pm
Cowabunga, dude!
mike jones
12/14/2016 08:20:09 am
Wonder how Wilcock now squares this with Trump being at odds with the intelligence community?
12/14/2016 12:19:41 pm
Clearly Trump has never been vaccinated which means he's never been subjected to the mind altering chemicals that are making so many people cowering little sheep unable to form a complete sentence, coherent thought, or to think critically about what they're being told from the news outlets and programs like AA, which are clearly in on the whole conspiracy with the reptilians. Trump is able to see the truth behind the lies put forth by the FBI, CIA, NSA, DoD, Democratic and Republican Parties (insert whatever group you want).
12/14/2016 01:13:15 pm
Question, what does Donald Trump have to do with intelligence?
2/23/2017 11:15:05 am
I think I am going to throw up. This psycho is writing abut democrats when the pedophiles are both parties and the elites yuu dumb failure.
June Cummings
3/27/2017 11:38:37 am
WOW....open your eyes people!! Just because you don't want to believe or accept what's going on with our planet and inhabitants, doesn't mean it isn't true. We are definitely not alone....we are being controlled and enslaved by negative extra-terrestrials and human beings who feel they're superior (Illuminati/Cabal/Elite...whatever you want to call them). Awakening is finally here and those of us who know the truth will fight to the end.
4/1/2017 04:05:02 am
Seek help. Seriously. This is disturbing thinking. You are conned into believing nonsense from professional hucksters.
8/16/2017 12:10:55 pm
How do you know you aren't just as conned into accepting a false reality?
5/16/2018 03:17:20 pm
Eli you are a smart man!!!!!
Joe I.T.
4/9/2017 02:34:46 pm
6/7/2017 12:53:53 am
It is obvious that both men are running a scam with a collection of bad science fiction stories. However, what people should upset about is that both men really think that people is that stupid.
6/9/2017 01:46:54 pm
All I've heard from CG's ultimate message is that humanity needs to be more loving and be more of service to others... It's hard to find fault in this type of message regardless of whether you believe the story he tells or not...
6/23/2017 03:27:04 am
It's a way to appeal to the people. Its a tactic. See through it
8/16/2017 12:13:35 pm
Just the same, I think it's better to be loving and service to others than to be hateful and exclusively service to self. And nothing fosters that more than accepting and parroting the manufactured divisive illusion of "left" vs "right." you're all brainwashed to smithereens.
6/21/2017 01:51:03 pm
Well, I found this article very good.
6/23/2017 03:25:05 am
I follow the UFO community. I am an experiencer and a contactee. I have had telepathic communication and other strange things happen. David Wilcock and Corey Goode are jokes in the UFO community and are in it for money and fame and someone is paying for their lifestyles. They are horrible people putting out fake stories and going against what the community is about and that is truth. Thank you.
Tracy H Carpenter
7/30/2017 02:29:25 am
Sir , I'm sorry but these two men are fighting for humanity. And yes they also believe I'm JESUS . Something bigger than them. Yes. Cory's story is incredible but I believe him, one I learned of Media, television, and for God's sake have you heard our music today ? The videos halftime shows MAGICK RITUAL'S !!!! You just have to open your eyes. In the name of Jesus I Bind any negative being that's trying to hurt David or Cory.
8/12/2017 02:09:59 pm
In September of 2015 during the height of internet buzz surrounding Corey Goode and disclosure of the secret space program I wrote an article entitled "Regarding the Secret Space Program" and posted it on our website and blog. Much of it referenced Corey and other SSP whistleblowers who were popping up such as William Tompkins. As part of that article I created an illustration from scratch of a hypothetical design for one of these SSP cylinder-shaped spacecraft, the "USSS Hillenkoetter". My illustration was based SOLELY upon the description of a photo of one of these crafts that Gary McKinnon gave during a video interview with Richard Gray of the "Educating Humanity" blog. Gary described the craft as a "dark gray cylinder shape with five geodesic domes situated at each end of the craft" My illustration depicted this arrangement, but everything else in the illustration (including windows and the docking bay) was purely speculative and straight out of my imagination. I'm a professional illustrator and graphic designer by trade, I have illustrated military concept aircraft for several major aerospace companies, so I have some experience with the design of military craft.
10/3/2017 11:35:33 pm
Thanks for the info AK. Im sure there is some truth to these alien agenda but people like Corey G. are discrediting it with all their fiction. We should all do our best to make this blog post go viral.
10/3/2017 11:22:54 pm
Some people think that these two know they're bullshiting, but I m not sure that's entirely the case. They may be dishonest about things here and there but I do feel that they are convinced that there is a reality to this. Just like a gullibe cristian or muslim or whatever, There is a moment in which you believe so fervently that you can even lie to yourself and believe yourself.
David G
12/10/2018 09:04:03 am
I agree that both Corey Goode and David Wilcox appear to be frauds - either totally delusional or in it just for the money. But what about COBRA? He seems to know a lot about something similar. What do you think of him? http://2012portal.blogspot.com/
Caryl Beaty
5/25/2019 10:27:00 pm
I've spent hours upon hours binge watching Cosmic Disclosure and after experiencing shock at first, followed by wow, became a tentative believer. Yes, it troubles me that David is stuck in the bible, treating it like history, but because Emery is open about his views on that which are like mine and Corey doesn't talk about it, I was able to lay that aside. Nobody is 100% right all the time,
James Williams
3/15/2020 10:36:34 pm
Sad to watch such bizarre criticism for someone who has worked so hard and risked his life to bring whistle blowers forward to inform the People of the United States of America, just like it says in Our Constitution -"an informed people" is necessary for Democracy to exist ... - We the People are so dumbed down by false media and institutions of falsehood we have lost critical thinking to "Conspiracy Theories" and baseless criticism ...
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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