David Wilcock Appears on Russian Conspiracy Program to Promote Aliens, Gold, and 9/11 Truth Claims8/8/2014 Regular viewers of Ancient Aliens will immediately remember David Wilcock. He’s the blond-haired spiritual ancient astronaut theorist who bears an uncanny resemblance to David Spade. He also has a penchant for saying some of the most fact-free and unsupportable assertions made on the H2 series. However, since the audience for Ancient Aliens peaked at around 2.5 million people in season two and has bottomed out at around 1 million currently, Wilcock has apparently felt compelled to expand his brand to a larger audience. As a result Wilcock agreed to appear in an anti-Western Russian propaganda program airing on a REN-TV, an independent Russian broadcaster controlled by a firm linked to a close friend of Russian president Vladimir Putin. The holding company that owns REN-TV is linked to Yury Kovalchuk, who is the target of ant-Russian sanctions put in place as a result of the Ukraine crisis. REN-TV, which was the last channel running programming not directly controlled by the Kremlin, came under fire earlier this month for canceling Russia’s last independent political program that was not towing the government line. Wilcock appeared recently on a program called Wars Between Worlds seen by 21 million Russians, and he wrote a companion article for his website expanding on his views. The program was about two and half hours in length, and frankly I do not have the time to sit through all of its hodgepodge of paranoid ranting. I watched about 90 minutes of the show, skimming through the sections on gold hoarding and international banking conspiracies. It was more than obvious, though, that the program reflected Russian anxieties about the West and used David Wilcock to give “Western” cover to their conspiracy claims about attempts by a shadow government within the U.S. to impose a global regime of population control, mass murder, and genocide. Wait, you might say, wasn’t that on America Unearthed? Indeed it was, but here it’s given the more paranoid, fearful interpretation possible. According to Wilcock, the program originated as an adaptation of a 2011 radio interview with Wilcock on a conspiracy program. War Between Worlds featured a new interview with Wilcock recorded just for the show. The show, following Wilcock’s claims, alleged that the New World Order was operating out of underground bunkers in the United States and involved an international alliance of Western powers. Wilcock also asserted that protective space aliens launched earthquake weapons to help destroy the New World Order’s underground bases. War Between the Worlds goes much farther than Wilcock and asserts that rockets were fired at the Fukishima nuclear plant in Japan in 2011 as part of a coordinated nuclear and earthquake attack on a Westernized Asian power. Wilcock believes that in 1989 he had a dream that predicted the space aliens’ use of earthquake weapons to take out the NWO underground bases, and that this dream came true in 2011 when an earthquake hit Washington, D.C. According to Wilcock, a shadow government has been using U.S. military aggression as cover for building up stockpiles of weapons and cash to take over the world. He claims that the “Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Apollo moon missions, the Cold War nuclear buildup, the two billion-dollar stealth fighter jets and much more” were “money-laundering schemes” to fund the New World Order. David Wilcock, in his companion article, asserted that: The shadow government, as some call it, had been trying -- and failing -- to get a massive social collapse to happen for quite some time. 9/11 was apparently well-known by this group in advance, and was hoped to create such a breakdown in our society. Let me repeat that: David Wilcock is a 9/11 Truther. And he is given air time on H2.
Is there no level too low for H2? Wilcock asserts in the program that the shadow government wishes to kill 6.5 billion people, taking his numbers from the 1979 Georgia Guidestones, like Scott Wolter before him on America Unearthed and Brad Meltzer before him on Decoded. The Guidestones have inscribed on them the claim that the world population should not exceed 500 million people, which some take to be orders for mass extermination. The Russian program makes quite plain that the “New World Order” is for them a proxy for all the evil that they project onto the United States, and Wilcock is happy to go along with it to sell 21 million Russians on his line of books, lectures, and assorted spiritual products. “It’s not a myth,” the narrator says, claiming that the Western-run shadow government is real. The program links the shadow government running the United States to fascism, as well as to a global financial conspiracy. They really go into financial conspiracies and gold hoarding, almost as much as Glenn Beck. They are especially concerned with Western banking interests, asserting that international financiers are part and parcel of a conspiracy to control the world and enact global genocide. John F. Kennedy, they say, was assassinated for opposing fiat currency and the Federal Reserve. The parallels between the paranoid conspiracy presented on War Between Worlds and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is striking, both because the Protocols was also a Russian propaganda effort (from the time of the Tsars) but also because they both posit an international conspiracy of Westernized foreigners who are somehow going to destroy the world through financial shenanigans. And of course, don’t you know, like the mythic Jews, the financiers are all about hoarding gold. Wilcock appears to support these claims, discussing the end of the gold standard in America as an effort to “hide” all the gold where only conspirators could access it, while everyday people had to content themselves with imaginary paper money. The program then chooses to tie this to the Rothschild family, because: Jews. Sorry, international financiers. The long and short of it is that the program blames the world’s (and Russia’s) problems on fiat currency, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and America hoarding all the world’s gold. The program also makes much of the aforementioned Georgia Guidestones, and in a propaganda coup manages to excuse the excesses of communism through an appeal to them. According to the show, the Khmer Rouge were the result of American manipulations of Cambodian politics, a punishment for the former regime enacting socialist reforms against American demands for “tribute” to the NWO. Pol Pot’s murderous rampage in Cambodia was a betrayal of the benefits of communism and undercut the glory of communism, but his murders occurred not due to communist ideology but because the New World Order demanded he enact their population reduction plan in order to avoid the NWO taking out his regime. It’s a clever bit of political manipulation, but disturbing nonetheless. The U.S. did indeed have a role in the Cambodian Civil War, but arranging for the rise of Pol Pot to punish the former regime wasn’t part of it. The show also claims that Dick Cheney is an NWO agent—not because he wants to be but because they are controlling his pacemaker to force him to enact an evil agenda. The show throws every possible conspiracy out there—that vaccines are causing mass sterilization, that the shadow government is behind every coup d’état, and that Wilcock’s own beloved aliens are really a secret cover for NWO population control efforts. In fact, that’s the most important part—the “aliens” are a Western cover story to hide their genocidal imperial ambitions. It’s probably important to recognize here that Russia is suffering a population decline, from 148.6 million people in 1991 to 143.5 million today. It doesn’t take much to read into this show a paranoid attempt to blame the population decline on a conspiracy of Western powers. That said, the CIA recently admitted that in the past they used UFO stories as cover for spying mission on the Soviet Union, so that part of the paranoia has at least a tenuous connection to historical facts. Wilcock, for his part, believes that the plot of the X-Files is real, and that the shadow government is in league with evil space aliens in a deal that exchanged political power for acquiescence to UFO abductions (and anal probes). “Good” aliens, on the other hand, are actively working on behalf of the average citizen to free us from the domination of the NOW/US government evildoers and the evil aliens. Wilcock has immunized himself against criticism by asserting that “Those in the ‘skeptic’ category typically try to find any tiny mistake or hole in the logic -- and then infer that this must mean the entire concept is bogus.” He calls attempts to criticize him “social media hatorade.” But it doesn’t take a “hater” to see that Wilcock has lent his dubious reputation, gained from Ancient Aliens, to anti-Western Russian propaganda. Paranoid claims that are made within the United States read as anti-government here at home, but in a Russian context they read as anti-Western, and specifically anti-American. Wilcock, though, says that he is “proud” of the Russians for producing this show.
8/8/2014 05:46:53 am
What a scumbag.
Duke of URL
8/10/2014 04:39:50 am
You are SO right!
8/8/2014 06:14:37 am
Warren Beatty is an Oscar winning often over-rated actor who
8/8/2014 07:00:35 am
This is genius
8/8/2014 07:17:22 am
I disagree with Cheney's politics almost across the board, but I always thought he was as pretty cool guy. Like, I wish I had an uncle like that... Does that make me weird?
8/8/2014 07:37:27 am
No - everyone needs a crazy uncle who miraculously avoids severe prison sentences. Preferably one who "served in 'Nam" and has all kinds of twitchy, PTSD-like habits.
8/8/2014 07:42:51 am
Maybe I'm just uninformed, but what crazy behaviors has he exhibited? I mean crazy, not politically wrong or morally objectionable.
8/8/2014 01:05:49 pm
Sorry EP, but I am quite happy to NOT have any relative even remotely like Mr. 5 Deferments Cheney.
8/8/2014 01:24:17 pm
Not wanting to go to war oneself isn't crazy. Hypocritical or even cowardly? Perhaps. But most people would do exactly the same thing in his shoes.
8/8/2014 03:55:39 pm
If I wrote a book where a character became vice-president,
8/8/2014 04:11:11 pm
So how many of these things is he personally involved in (other than the hunting accident, obviously)? And how many of those are cartoonishly evil?
8/8/2014 04:49:46 pm
8/8/2014 05:05:48 pm
@ Gregor
4/28/2015 04:27:06 am
"... all men are created equal"... AHAHAHAHAHAA!
8/8/2014 10:58:07 am
seriously... he could be a very distant relative of mine.
8/9/2014 09:51:37 am
Richard Cheney was an intern in the Nixon White House
8/8/2014 07:15:24 am
David Wilcock looks like a sleazy used car salesman in an early-1990s action comedy.
8/8/2014 07:45:08 am
Little known fact: Edgar Cayce, upon being born, cried out "No! Too soon! Where are the 90's action comedies?! Where's all the white-washed racism?? WHERE ARE THE NEW-AGER ASSHATS?! I'VE BEEN BORN TOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN"
Clint Knapp
8/8/2014 02:57:54 pm
Should be known fact; David Wilcock believes he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.
Clint Knapp
8/8/2014 03:28:47 pm
8/8/2014 03:35:23 pm
All you really needed was: "If the book's thesis is that you're the reincarnation of a famous person, and your name is on the byline, you're just an asshole."
8/8/2014 04:51:35 pm
8/8/2014 07:31:56 am
David Wilcock is a Commie.
8/8/2014 07:36:09 am
I don't know if I believe in 21 million viewers, though. It's what Wilcock claims REN-TV claims, and we should trust neither.
8/8/2014 07:38:10 am
In Federal Russia, TEE VEE VATCH YOO!
8/8/2014 08:10:35 am
Don't know about Teevee, but definitely the internets:
Shane Sullivan
8/8/2014 08:15:12 am
Fact: Yakov Smirnoff is an "international financier" who came to the United States to get his hands on the gold that the Clockwork Elves are hiding.
8/8/2014 08:19:25 am
Had to look up Clockwork Elves.
Shane Sullivan
8/8/2014 03:11:24 pm
Miraculously, Terence McKenna's original vision wasn't nearly as insane as where Alex Jones took it; at least McKenna, a latter-day Carlos Castaneda, had the good sense to wait until he was tripping balls to come up with his ideas.
8/8/2014 03:21:44 pm
I wonder if we can trick Alex Jones into claiming that the Underpants Gnomes are real?
8/8/2014 03:47:05 pm
EP, stop everything and watch this. It's a moral imperative
8/8/2014 03:50:45 pm
Admit it, you just want me to commit suicide so I stop posting, don't you? :)
8/8/2014 03:59:22 pm
It really is awesome, because you can watch the line between fiction and reality breakdown right in front of you.
8/8/2014 04:12:15 pm
If I wanted that, I'd take LSD.
8/9/2014 08:15:22 am
To be honest?
8/9/2014 08:25:38 am
Just improvise your lectures. It's what I do :)
8/9/2014 09:00:49 am
After my first year, my classes were somewhat more in hand. But we got a 3D scanner, and it has been good for my work and career, but it made it so that my time could be eaten alive.
8/9/2014 09:47:14 am
Which are what, if you don't mind me asking?
8/9/2014 09:59:24 am
One is an edited volume that is partially reflected by this
8/9/2014 10:52:09 am
You guys are incredibly lucky not to be living in a country relatively free of nationalistic pressures on your work. Ever heard of Arkaim?
8/9/2014 11:06:54 am
I hadn't before now, but the mention of the Harvard biologist at the wiki is interesting.
8/9/2014 11:13:00 am
Of course it wasn't. I guess the general point is that, in spite of all the problems, you are not really under any mainstream or official pressure to substantiate concrete (and false) claims about America's origins, age, or significance. (If anything, such pressure comes largely from groups with legitimate claims to having been wronged - even if the substance of their claims is usually misguided...)
8/9/2014 01:02:07 pm
We were discussing Vine Deloria the other day ...
8/9/2014 01:06:17 pm
That's an example of pressure from traditionally marginalized groups. Now imagine dealing with a Deloria (or a Martin Bernal) who has the power of a police state behind him... 8/8/2014 07:52:47 am
Reminds me of how hungry media neophytes will get positions at news channels like RT (Russia Today) which in recent geopolitical developments has clearly shown to be bald faced Putin propaganda. Wash Post reported last month on this dynamic, as well as some of the most egregious examples of pro-Putin, agenda-laden programming, “For young college graduates from English-speaking countries, RT offers an opportunity to get a well-paying first job and to get in front of a camera faster than they could ever hope to achieve at any conventional Western television operation. In the hierarchy of television operations funded by authoritarian states, RT is the lowest rung of the ladder: After a few years there, these young Americans and Brits might hope to step up to Chinese English-language broadcasting and eventually, perhaps, climb all the way to Al Jazeera… … This month, it [RT] ran a half-hour documentary that claimed the United States was an even worse place for gay people than Russia — and also homosexual relationships carry “risks of mental and physical health problems and other social pathologies.” And, of course, as far back as December, it was portraying the Ukrainian protest movement as pawns of the Europeans who wanted the country’s legitimate elected government overthrown.”
8/8/2014 08:03:22 am
There is a great deal of difference between influence through funding, access, or even manipulation ("the West") and influence through direct control, pervasive censorship and (often violent) repression of dissent. People who fail to see that the differences between the two are more important than the similarities usually never had to deal with the latter.
8/8/2014 08:05:45 am
"freedoms we enjoy (relatively speaking) in the West"
Mark L
8/8/2014 09:43:44 pm
Relative to our recent past, possibly? We are certainly a lot less free than we were on, say, September 10th 2001.
titus pullo
8/8/2014 09:33:54 am
Old FDR did the new world intellegensia rothchild nuts a huge service when he impounded citizens gold holdings. he did it to devalue the dollar (a crazy idea that his chief economist who thought that falling prices were the cause not the result of recession). it didn't do a thing economically (again the failure of our friend John Keynes and his "flat earth" General Theory but it sure gave ammunition to the nut jobs since.
8/8/2014 11:04:46 am
Rep. Ron Paul wanted to return the USA to the Gold Standard
8/8/2014 12:10:36 pm
"Once you go black, you never go back." -- David Wilcock (in the "companion article" Jason links to)
GAH! Ijust finished watching the video, and yes it belongs H2. It looks like they used format similar to A.A. only more so. The jump cuts and the talking heads got really annoying, and Wilcock's total screen time was probably only about 25 minutes.
8/8/2014 03:39:12 pm
I like their engery and editing more than AA's. On the other hand, they are brainwashing people and stoking their xenophobia in service of an immoral and irresponsible regime... So really it's a toss-up :)
8/8/2014 05:31:12 pm
And it's this guilt by affiliation for legit Conspiracies Theories like questioning 9/11 that convinces me that these crazy Alien type theories ar i n fact part of the Elite's plan.
Only Me
8/8/2014 06:50:25 pm
"for legit conspiracy theories like questioning 9/11..."
8/8/2014 07:15:00 pm
JaredMithrandir, ladies and gentlemen! He'll be here every Friday this month!
8/9/2014 02:55:58 pm
Incidentally, the idea that there is a war of the coalition of good humans (Aryans, or Slavs, or...) and good (i.e., white and beautiful) aliens against the Grey-Reptilian-NWO-Jewish coalition could itself have been stolen from the likes of John de Nugent, who merits his own Southern Poverty Law Center intelligence file:
Only Me
8/9/2014 03:39:29 pm
Jamie Eckles
8/10/2014 03:20:03 am
Even in the conspiracy community David "I can fly" Wilcock isn't taken seriously anymore. There's no funding to be had there so he's looking for new terrain. I'm not surprised at this at all.
1/3/2015 10:09:35 am
Is it true that the federal government holds a decapitated alien's rainbow corpse?
Tony Marino
4/16/2015 06:47:44 pm
I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories. I think these people take small kernels of the truth and inflate them into something unbelievable. These sorts of things are silly and ridiculous. Why do people like David Hancock do this sort of nonsense. If a Russian TV network came to me and wanted me to slander my own country,I'd tell them to take a hike. I wouldn't show up on a show like that no matter how much they wanted to pay me.
11/16/2016 01:52:01 pm
Hi. God loves You. Peace, man. Revealed; The Truth about
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