It’s been a couple of weeks since we last had Atlantis news—back when National Geographic turned the lost continent into a proto-Jewish paradise—so we are about due for more Atlantis claims. This week we have two of them. The first, and less bonkers of them, comes to us via Ancient Origins, where Phil Flambas tells us that he believes that Atlantis was located in the Caribbean, in the parts of the sea floor that were above water during the last Ice Age. We’ve heard this claim before, and there is really nothing new to it except that Flambas wants us to believe that he reached his conclusion by taking Plato literally. “I have spent six years researching all of Plato’s descriptions in the Timaeus and Critias as being true and precise.” That’s great, but Plato said that Atlantis had elephants in it, and the Caribbean, so far as I know, has no evidence of elephants, or even mammoths and mastodons, in it. I assume he would argue that we simply haven’t found them yet, or that Atlantis extended into the mammoths’ Mexican range, but it would be helpful for there to be some sort of evidence for a lost city in the area c. 9600 BCE. Flambas’s argument, though, is practically scientific compared to the bizarre cash grab that David Wilcock made this week and the Conscious Life Expo. On February 13, Wilcock presented a live event in which he detailed alleged evidence that the Atlantis was located in Antarctica, a claim that he says in a blog post this week that a benevolent conspiracy called the Alliance plans to reveal to the public soon. “We have been given an ‘assignment’ from certain Alliance factions to reveal as many details of this planned disclosure event in advance as possible,” he wrote in advanced of the event. Wilcock’s cosmic vision is Manichean, and it bears a very close resemblance to August Derleth’s revision of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. The “Alliance” are the “good” alien conspirators and their human allies, the equivalent of the Elder Gods in Derleth’s Mythos. They battle a “Cabal” of evil alien and human conspirators, the equivalent of Derleth’s Old Ones. Wilcock charged $144 for streaming access to three on-stage Antarctica speeches, and he also offered an optional $267 ticket for “premium” access. Nothing says that Wilcock is working hard to change the world and benefit all humanity like charging $267 to hear evidence that the rest of us will supposedly hear anyway in a few days. According to posts on Wilcock’s Facebook page, the Expo’s servers crashed due to the volume of viewers attempting to access the site during Wilcock’s speech. Wilcock said that “I understand not everyone can afford to participate,” so he promised to provide some additional free content after working on a few more money-making cash-grabs, including the Expo, his Gaia TV subscription streaming program, and Ancient Aliens tapings. On his webpage, Wilcock outlined very briefly some of what he planned to discuss in his speech and PowerPoint-style slideshow. “In this stunning talk we will trace the half-million-year history of the Pre-Adamites, see pictures of their ruins in our solar system, and learn how they crashed to Earth as the ‘Fallen Angels.’” I’m sure you see the close connection between this claim and the cosmic history offered by Theosophy, which similarly spoke of ancient entities from other worlds, vast cosmic timelines, and how the fallen angels were really remnants of lost pre-Adamite races. It’s Blavatsky warmed over. It’s the same material he has been spewing for a few months now about how the lost stone city of the Elder Things is being excavated by a coalition of world governments as part of a plot tied to the Nephilim and space aliens. I discussed this before, and it is no surprise that Wilcock continues to double down on his phony claims, even when they are demonstrably false. For example, he once alleged that Newt Gingrich traveled to the city on behalf of the Trump Administration. As a public figure, his whereabouts are known, and Antarctica was not on the agenda during the period in question. He makes much of then-Secretary of State John Kerry’s trip to Antarctica, which he wrongly said occurred on Election Day, and he neglects to note that Kerry was in public view and never near an ancient lost city. In his comments on his blog, Wilcock returned to his claim that the Pizzagate conspiracy is real, that Democratic politicians are in league with the Illuminati, Nephilim, and evil space aliens, and that Donald Trump is an agent of the good angels/aliens (though he is backing away from the angel claim now) in the quest to destroy the evil Democratic demons: There are hundreds of indications that the Alliance military faction is directly working with Trump. We were leaking this intel through[h]out all of 2016. […] One of the giveaways that the Cabal is in serious trouble is that the mainstream media has shed all pretenses of journalistic objectivity, and descended into stunningly blatant bias against the new administration. Never before have we seen such universally one-sided coverage. It is very obvious that the media is trying to anger the public directly into a Civil War level of unrest. I doubt it will actually work, but the plan is obvious. He then argues that the liberal / demon / alien Cabal are “sore losers” who are creating mass disaster events to get back at Trump for seizing their secret underground bases. He alleged that the potential failure of the Oroville Dam in California was instigated by the Cabal to damage Trump and the Alliance.
Scott David Hamilton
2/17/2017 11:18:31 am
The Cabal can't be that smart if they instigated a disaster in the state Trump has threatened to "defund" rather than one that contains more of Trump's base. Politics is hard, especially if you're a demon.
2/17/2017 11:41:22 am
Your last sentence made my skin crawl. It reminds me of the preacher who said that AIDS was God's punishment for homosexuality.
2/17/2017 11:51:44 am
So when a president from a new party wins the election, the aliens abandon their secret bases. That's no way to wage a war. Are all of the secret bases in America? Did the good aliens or bad aliens win Brexit? What about local elections?
2/17/2017 12:24:00 pm
Wilcock claims that the conspirators "botched" 9/11.
2/17/2017 02:07:18 pm
Jason I hope you will turn your attention to 911 at some point. Even if you buy the official story there was some botching, Flight 93 for example. And of course the delayed falling down of Tower 7.
Scott David Hamilton
2/17/2017 04:47:51 pm
Oh goody, a truther. So edgy.
2/17/2017 05:00:14 pm
So you deny the collapse of Building 7 and the crash of Flight 93?
2/18/2017 03:38:08 am
"The delayed falling down of Tower 7" was a matter of basic physics, dude. When you damage a structure in one place, it creates additional strain on the rest. Try standing up, then lifting one leg off the floor. The other leg will start to hurt fairly quickly, as well as you being rather unstable. But you're not falling over immediately, because you've still got SOME support. If you stand there long enough with one leg raised, you WILL start to fall, though. And the leg you've been standing on will hurt. A lot. You can do the same thing with a Lego house--build it on four pillars, several bricks high each. Then remove one pillar and step back. It won't fall immediately, but you can time it--it WILL fall eventually.
At Risk
2/17/2017 12:41:20 pm
I suggest that folks watch Fox News if they want something closer to the truth about our society's current unrest. Most of the other news outlets are still exhibiting bitter remorse that their crooked star went off-course. Even Hollywood suck-up's didn't stop the tide emerging behind Trump...and now they're pissy and groaning over their loss.
David Bradbury
2/17/2017 02:10:58 pm
"Why are the Tower's legs set at the cardinal points"
2/17/2017 02:21:41 pm
Fish, meet barrel. It's been sometime since we've heard nonsense from the Voylesich Manuscript originating on a planet where " 's " means "plural". The Kensington Runestone is a brilliant hoax based in Masonic lore and the Newport Tower is a windmill and in no way "fortified". Do you even understand what a fortified structure is? Here's a hint: it doesn't have freakin' legs and a hole for people to climb up into it.
2/17/2017 04:20:38 pm
Even if a small band of medieval Norse made their way to the upper Midwest it wouldn't change the broader historical narrative. There is no historical significance to the supposed visit if there were no obvious impacts from it. For example, it isn't like they introduced cattle, sheep, horses, and pigs with the consequences that were seen from when the Spanish did.
2/17/2017 06:37:59 pm
Each time you post At Risk you sound more and more like a lunatic. History truth isn't a thing. There is history and there is the truth about it, the there is the swill you write about.
2/18/2017 01:16:42 am
He'll get increasingly angry that nobody is buying his ideas, then leave. It's happened before. As I recall, last time he harassed Jason until all of his posts were deleted from the various pages he posted on. (That was as Gunn.)
2/19/2017 03:29:01 am
Why am I not surprised that you believe what you hear on Fox News? And how exactly can someone who lost the popular vote and got fewer electoral votes than most of his recent predecessors be said to have won an "impressive victory"? Is there nothing that is too outlandish for you to believe?
2/19/2017 03:49:00 pm
You are Not At Risk, we are! We are at risk with all your Not At Risk attitude. Now, the only explanation for someone who can write eloquently, but still sound like a gullible child, is that this child is out to make money, just as the two are, as pointed out here in this article by Jason on more Atlantis nonsense. And although Jason also makes money with his debunking of others nonsense, it goes a long way towards a round-about circle of sophism. This large circle of the mentally elite. Where we have illuminati on one side, and even more illuminate minds on the other, debunking dark things emanating from these bright sources! And in all these forum discussions, on Atlantis or otherwise, I note that Jason keeps persisting with wanting to see evidence of Elephants before he will, seriously, consider any crackpot hypothesis on Plato' Atlantis being seriously considered. Hey Jason, what goes with the elephants? Is not the mascot & symbol of the US GOP, a "motif" enough to believe in an American Atlantis? But you, Jason, like a real true-blue democrat, are an "ass" kicking machine.
2/19/2017 04:09:54 pm
Such, my friend, as I was saying, is the fair and glorious beginning out of which springs tyranny.
Clifford Waldon
6/6/2022 09:29:15 pm
From my intel the lost city of Atlantis . Is where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Caribbean
3/13/2017 06:35:15 pm
Fox News is by far the worse of a bad bunch. By far. For those that actually think Trump or Fox is good. Recently on a non political facebook group someone posted a fake image, that to my eyes was clearly faked, but then to my surprise, people started falling for it. In all 7 people that posted fell for it. Out of curiosity I looked at what the likes of the people stupid enough to fall for it were. 5 of the 7 people were in Donald Trump supporter groups. A 6th person had several pro-Fox news likes but I could not tell if they liked Trump. Only one of the 7 people showed no conservative or pro-Trump leanings. The clear parallel is that stupid, gullible people are far more likely to be a Trump supporter. I am not making any of these numbers up.
1/25/2019 04:28:28 pm
At Risk - and you think Fox News and Trump have anything to do with "the truth"? My, my you are a "blowfish"! Take the first bait that comes along, do ya?
2/17/2017 01:26:53 pm
I consider myself a moderate and as a moderate I can tell you that all cable news is BS. Itso not news it's business. Nobody wants to here that they are wrong. It's what happens when people have beliefs instead of ideas. People look for evidence that they are right and won't listen to evidence that they are wrong. That's true for audiences of all cable news networks. And people in general.
Only Me
2/17/2017 02:21:11 pm
I'm confused. I thought Wilcock was a divine messenger, sent to cure the world of its ills. Why would he play second fiddle to Trump?
2/17/2017 03:01:41 pm
Nowport Tower was built in the colonial 1600s as a mill, not a windmill, a mill. It is a colonial silo structure that is clearly from the period indicated at the park, off of Mill St. It is not ancient, and is old though.
2/17/2017 05:09:42 pm
"Nowport Tower was built in the colonial 1600s as a mill, not a windmill, a mill. It is a colonial silo structure that is clearly from the period indicated at the park, off of Mill St. It is not ancient, and is old though."
2/18/2017 03:07:55 am's a MILL. You know, like your PEPPER mill? For grinding stuff? Usually using two large stones and some gears; ones the size of a building are industrial. We do still have them today. It's not Kal's fault if you've never learned how you take grain and turn it into flour.
2/18/2017 04:23:48 am
Wow, don't be such a Summer's Eve, Lily.
2/17/2017 10:14:59 pm
Windows 10 only allows 8 clients to connect at once, that was likely why the "server crashed" due to being overloaded. Lol
2/18/2017 04:28:25 am
I suspect you may not understand what a client or a connection is. Just stop.
David Bradbury
2/18/2017 04:09:45 am
Governor Arnold, 17th-century owner of the building, described it in his will as "my stone built Wind-mill".
At Risk
2/20/2017 11:32:28 am
Governor Arnold was going by what others had been wrongly assuming, in his description. Any wind-mill of the era would not have had a fireplace built into the structure, such as is the case with the Newport Church Tower. Again, when the "experts" in Romanesque-era architecture (Grunt) finally get with the program, they will discover that that tower is not a wind-mill of any kind whatsoever...but it is in dozens of respects just like the Scandinavian round churches back in Europe.
2/17/2017 03:46:37 pm
Thiking about why Mr Flambas would want to locate Atlantis in the Caribbean, it occurs to me that this is close by the site of the Chicxulub event.
2/17/2017 08:23:28 pm
Possibly because novelist Clive Cussler relocated the Trojan war there in is 2003 novel 'Trojan Odyssey'....?
Bob Jase
2/17/2017 04:16:37 pm
"For example, he once alleged that Newt Gingrich traveled to the city on behalf of the Trump Administration."
who me
2/17/2017 06:48:18 pm
Mammoth remains were found in the Bahamas by Darwin.
2/17/2017 10:33:01 pm
Reading some of Wilcox's blog reminds me of Scientology.
Exaterressial Assonaut
2/19/2017 10:23:38 am
Please google David Wilcock Edgar Cayce. You will have all the necessary fodder to stop any interest in Wilcock's ravings. He believes he is Cayce reincarnated. Wow. I've eaten breakfast bars less nutty than that!
5/16/2020 12:43:35 pm
Have I stumbled into a vortex of insanity? Who cares what Dave Wilcox or any other nut job thinks?
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