Regular readers will remember that Ancient Aliens star David Wilcock revealed his self-described mental health issues in his most recent book, The Ascension Mysteries. (My review: • Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 •) Since then, he has remained mostly silent, but this week he delivered a bizarre and rambling blog post in which he alleged that in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, the formerly all-powerful global conspiracy of evil liberal alien monsters has collapsed and will try to use “disclosure” to distract the public from efforts to expose the evil Cabal. He suggested the disclosure path will take the form of At the Mountains of Madness, where the revelation of the ruins of an alien city in Antarctica will “be far more distracting than any 9/11-style catastrophe.” Take that for what it’s worth. “We have only just now been cleared to release this critical, time-sensitive data to the public,” Wilcock said, pretending that he is somehow privy to classified government data and has a security clearance. In reality, he’s repeating claims he heard secondhand from Corey Goode, who offers no reason not to believe that he is simply making things up by recycling science fiction and horror plots. As he moved into the meat of his post, Wilcock came out swinging against the Washington Post’s faulty reporting of alleged Russian propaganda sites and fake news purveyors, but he never once acknowledged that part of his outrage stems from the fact that he himself has participated in Russian propaganda programming aimed at delivering an anti-Western message. He is either disingenuous or such a patsy that he didn’t realize that the Russians used him to attack America. Wilcock then said that America needs to investigate the so-called Pizzagate scandal because it is “taking the internet by storm.” He alleged that a group opposed to Satanic Freemasons, the Alliance, have asked him to devote his time to investigating liberals and their use of pizza to have sex with children. The fabricated news story, promoted by a Trump transition official on Twitter after percolating among the white nationalist so-called alt-right, alleged that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring out of the non-existent basement of a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor. Because the Pizzagate conspiracy theory emerged from a wilful misreading of Democratic operative John Podesta’s emails, and Podesta is a known UFO fan who advocates for UFO disclosure, Wilcock believes that the Cabal will use disclosure as a way to distract the public from Pizzagate. Wilcock devoted thousands of words to defending the reality of the Democratic child sex ring, and he sees “proof” in corporate logos, where any swirl, triangle, or heart-shape (or, in one case, an ampersand he mistakes for a swirl) is a “secret code” for pedophile preferences. “The evidence in favor of a cover-up is overwhelmingly massive,” Wilcock wrote. Honestly, it isn’t even worth it to try to debunk Wilcock’s claims because they are what, in someone not paid handsomely to appear on the History Channel, we would say are the crank ideas of nut jobs: It all started in college when I was reading about "paranormal" subjects. I would look up at the clock and see repeating digits, like 3:33 or 11:11, on the clock. […] When I used my screen-capture program to photograph the BBC article as Pizzagate skyrocketed to number-one on the internet, I was shocked by what I saw. Not only was it the 666th image I had photographed, but the pixel size of the image I just took was 555 KB. That’s how he knew Pizzagate was real: The universe told him with magic numbers. Wilcock also explained his belief that Hillary Clinton is a criminal mastermind who orders the death of anyone who speaks out against her, and he expressed his hope that Steve Bannon, the chief strategist for Donald Trump and former editor of Breitbart News, would use the power of the White House to punish liberals for their alleged role in killing conservative raconteur Andrew Breitbart and staging his death to look natural.
Wilcock went on to allege that the Knights Templar were behind the whole thing because their pretended descendants, the Freemasons, control the Democratic Party, and Democrat Andrew Kline, a former federal prosecutor and counsel to the vice president, allegedly owns a pizza parlor whose logo contains an ampersand that looks like a backward, squished and slightly askew pedophile logo and which has an image of a skull and crossbones painted onto the sidewalk before the front door, the same skull and crossbones that the Knights Templar secretly used when they became the Pirates of the Caribbean. According to the records Wilcock provided, Kline is listed only as the agent for the trademark on the pizza parlor’s old name, in keeping with the fact that he is an intellectual property attorney. I previously explained why the skull and crossbones claim is a load of bunk. Wilcock further alleges that celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry use pizzas to signal their membership in the Cabal, a group he alleges is made up of Satanic pedophile Freemason liberal Democrats. (To be fair, he never explicitly links Democrats to the Cabal, but he only identifies Democrats and liberals as members, while hailing Republicans and conservatives for opposing the Cabal.) Eating pizza, he said, is a sign of membership in this diseased cult, and a love of pizza “is more common among ‘celebrities’ than you might think,” always signaling a lust for child sex. There is more. So much more. Wilcock dives into the lowest levels of conspiracy-mongering, reveling in the details of child sex abuse in order to promote the vilest rightwing conspiracy theories about Democratic politicians. I hesitate to even describe some of the nauseating things he and his fellow conspiracy theorist fantasize that Democratic politicians do to children. However, one thing is clear: This man, David Wilcock, is not fit to be on the History Channel, let alone to serve as a producer of Ancient Aliens or its third lead pundit. For his own sake, and for the sake of the public, David Wilcock must not be given a further platform to spread his vicious and vile lies, or to drag more people into his dark fantasies, inspired as they are by an inability to distinguish between fact and fiction and an uncritical acceptance of the worst that the internet vomits up from its most evil underbelly.
12/10/2016 09:33:08 am
I think I lost some brain cells to suicide just now attempting to follow the logic of this conspiracy.
12/9/2017 08:45:44 pm
As I write this, December 2017, Trump is exposing those very Satanic Hollywood Pedophiles that supposedly don't exist. Harvey Weinstein anyone???? The DC Pedophiles are next.
4/24/2018 10:47:09 am
Hmm, speaking from 2018, what on Earth are you babbling about? Looks like your little conspiracy is a fever dream.
Ellen Sypowicz
4/8/2020 10:08:48 am
actually it was Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey who began investigating claims of sexual misconduct against Harvey Weinstein, his name was still synonymous with power.
12/10/2016 10:09:22 am
Isn't Papa John a die-hard conservative? Unless he is trying to bring down the cabal from the inside with his bad pizza. . . It all makes sense now.
12/10/2016 10:18:06 am
I thought of Papa John's, too! Maybe conservative pizza is sex crime-free?
A Buddhist
12/10/2016 12:08:36 pm
Tinfoil hat on: And Pappajohn was a person accused of sexual assault in a Canadian case that went to the Supreme Court of Canada [Pappajohn v. The Queen, [1980] 2 SCR 120, 1980 CanLII 13 (SCC)]! It all makes sense! Homage to Manjushri, the gentle and glorious youth! O No! Youth = child = sex! That makes Baby Jesus Cry! O No, Baby = sex!...Tinfoil hat off.
12/10/2016 11:43:04 am
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles love pizza.... Liberal conspiracy!
Carolee Merrill
5/21/2017 05:38:58 pm
David Wilcock is very sane and is very aware of what is going on on this planet. I saw him speak just yesterday. You have exposed yourself as being brainwashed by what you have said. There is a huge amount of evidence of the pedophile ring, Pizzagate, in Washington, and of the world wide rings - Pedogate. Have you done any investigative research on Pizzagate at all? If you have not, you have no ground to stand on here.
Get Real
9/14/2017 01:43:16 pm
It's the republicans that are the owfophiles. How stupid do you have to be to go along with David Wilcock's narcissistic delusions. Ps. He's terminally I'll. He'll probably blame Kennedy.
Jami Simon
5/4/2018 06:40:35 pm
Facts are there. Thank you CAROLEE MERRILL
12/10/2016 12:04:25 pm
Mrs Clinton has been through this all before when Bill was Governor and then President. The supposed crimes change from time to time but there is always a hard core of insane people to make the accusations which some politically biased in the media publicise and "investigate."
12/10/2016 01:59:09 pm
Who gives a shit about these stories...
Shane Sullivan
12/10/2016 12:34:27 pm
"Eating pizza, he said, is a sign of membership in this diseased cult, and a love of pizza “is more common among ‘celebrities’ than you might think,” always signaling a lust for child sex."
12/11/2016 06:41:24 am
Thanks for asking! My shoulder is doing much better. I've regained most of my range of motion, but I still have to do more work to strengthen the tendon so I can lift more weight with that arm.
Shane Sullivan
12/11/2016 12:51:47 pm
Glad to hear it. Good luck with your continued recovery.
Brady Yoon
12/10/2016 01:43:08 pm
I'll give a ear to most conspiracy theories, but Pizzagate is just way too much. If it turns out to be true, I'll stop eating pizza for a year (to me, that's really, really hard).
12/10/2016 02:00:25 pm
Do you like reading all this crap?
12/10/2016 11:19:27 pm
Why are you HERE if you don't? Commenting on a story you didn't like repeatedly?
12/10/2016 01:58:55 pm
12/10/2016 02:01:44 pm
Jesus Christ loved Mary Magdalene so much it's turning Christians queer
Only Me
12/10/2016 02:08:17 pm
I guess this means a meat lover's with a stuffed crust is just too much for Wilcock's sensibilities.
12/10/2016 03:28:33 pm
I was eating pizza for lunch while I read this. Nothing weird. Just Paul Newman's finest.
12/1/2017 12:24:20 am
There are people who have genuinely researched the subjects mentioned in this piece, and then there are you people. Seriously, if all you can do is parrot an opinion someone else has fed you, or jump on the politically correct bandwagon to trash and invalidate those who take the time to discover the truth for themselves, then it is you who are the peddlers of fake news.
12/10/2016 05:46:32 pm
Since we're on the topic of amateur internet-sleuthing, here's my two cents: recently Wilcock attended a party in honour of Anne Rice, who's not only the writer of novels which the likes of Wilcock would, without doubt, label say-tanic, but also a huge supporter of Hillary Clinton and a staunch democrat.
Titus pullo
12/11/2016 08:30:10 am
Fake news has been around forever. Just read the newspapers during the election of 1800. Or for those a little younger who can forget nbc attaching pyrotechnics to GM cars in the 90s. The myth of journalistic objectivity seems to rise up whenever the media feels threatened. Get your news from several sources and always question authority...i gave up long ago hoping the media just reported facts, too many want to change the world as so many come from gender studies or some such SJW culture.
steve c winnicki
12/11/2016 10:15:55 am
Bill Birkeland
12/11/2016 09:10:59 pm
Out of curisosity I have been looking at the pizza gate subforum on VOAT and archived Reddit posts. Despite that proponents of pizza gate have been deleting and editing their posts out of concern for public relations, there is still a scary amount of anti-semitic terminology and sentiments to found in their comments. Although pizzagate, publically seems to concern largely Democrats in the messageboards Republicans also are accused and overall, "ruling elites," e.g. FBI, CIA, politicians in general, the entertainment industry, "mainstrean media," and tech company owners, are all involved in human trafficking and organized sordid sex crimes. Also, anyone, who disagrees with them, is automatically is presumed to be either a pay-for-post Correct The Record "shrill" or a participant in their imaginary conspiracy. David Wilcock might be silly, but these people, whom I call the "Pizzagate Warriors," have not only drunk the Kool-Aid but are snorting it. I have this bad feeling that there is the potential for actual vigilante violence after the next administration arrests nobody for pizzagate as they expect it to arrest hundreds of people as a result of their claims.
Bill Birkeland
12/11/2016 09:15:37 pm
Oops. I meant to say:
12/11/2016 10:04:14 pm
It worries me that people believe it. It worries me even more that people are prepared to go into a restaurant and fire a shot because they believe it.
12/19/2017 06:14:36 pm
It worries me when people don't.
12/12/2016 07:57:45 am
"The fabricated news story, promoted by a Trump transition official on Twitter after percolating among the white nationalist so-called alt-right, alleged that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring out of the non-existent basement of a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor. "
Nick Danger
12/12/2016 10:38:40 am
12/13/2016 01:33:07 am
That's just...wait, what? That's nutty, just flat-out insane. Are you rambling all of this or are you copying it from some mentally unstable YouTuber's reply?
Bill Birkeland
12/28/2016 05:29:07 pm
They are not crazy. The proponents of pizzagate are the normal people, who have become enmeshed in the "perfect storm" of human nature involving apophenia, conformation bias, and the politics of demonizing their opponents. Given that many of the proponents of it have been conditioned by their own pundits, religious and political, to see liberals, certain politicians, the so-called "Mainstream media (MSM), and religious beliefs, with whom they disagree as either corrupt, unnatural, or evil, it was only a matter of time that they suspect them of heinous and criminal conspiracies. It is revealing how the supporters of pizzagate, who argue for some caution and restraint in their so-called "investigation" are denounced as "shills" and "CTR" operatives. Any law enforcement officials, who do not take their complaints seriously are regarded as being part of the conspiracy along with anyone, who regards pizzagate as "fake news." Pizzagate is the expected result of the triumph of truthiness over truth.
Mike G
2/20/2017 10:01:23 pm
Bill, your citation has nothing to do with the facts being presented in the Pizzagate 'conspiracy', just labeling the people who are delving into the facts concerning such as having something wrong with them. This is a shallow debate tactic, isn't it - discrediting the provider of the facts without addressing the facts themselves.
Bill Birkeland
12/28/2016 05:40:50 pm
I forgot the citation to Fagan (2006). It is:
5/21/2017 05:42:19 pm
David Wilcock is very sane and is very aware of what is going on on this planet. I saw him speak just yesterday. You have exposed yourself as being brainwashed by what you have said. There is a huge amount of evidence of the pedophile ring, Pizzagate, in Washington, and of the world wide rings - Pedogate. Have you done any investigative research on Pizzagate at all? If you have not, you have no ground to stand on here. Try actually possessing cognitive discernment and a do the research.
11/15/2017 05:04:46 pm
if you are going to debunk,then make baseless claims claim those pedo symbols are something warped from wilcock when they are straight from the fbi...a willful misreading of podestas email? yeah are a lying sack of shit because you write hit pieces with no evidence purposely designed to mislead...why would you defend these people? i can only guess because you have similar interests
11/30/2017 05:47:02 pm
You might consider watching/listening to an interview with the cop who was the person who hacked into comet pingpong pizza only to find masses of child pornography.
12/19/2017 06:07:41 pm
Don't you just love it when someone mentions Pizzagate in a way that makes it seem like people are making a helluva stretch by insinuating it's a possibility? Where is the critical thinking?
David White
3/22/2019 04:21:57 am
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