Because Ancient Aliens is on later today, I am only going to make a brief post this morning. I wanted to say something about the attack on Donald Trump’s statement at his news conference this week with the president of Italy. In introducing the Italian president, Trump said that “the United States and Italy are bound together by a shared cultural and political heritage dating back dating back thousands of years to ancient Rome.” Liberal pundits attacked Trump’s statements—which were prepared remarks, not extemporaneous—because they believed Trump had claimed that the United States, founded in 1776, had had a relationship with Italy, founding in 1861, since the founding of Rome. Trump does enough bad stuff that we don’t need to make up things he didn’t say. Italy and the United States do indeed both draw on the Classical heritage of Rome, as every schoolchild was taught down to modern times. The U.S. government draws on Roman models, and Italy’s connection to Rome should be obvious. Trump was referring to the Roman influence on Western civilization, not a fictitious U.S.-Roman alliance. It’s fairly obvious. That he then went on to praise Columbus Day and reject efforts to rename it Indigenous People’s Day is another issue. That seems entirely in keeping with his frequent and unthinking repetition of whatever angry thing he heard on cable TV.
Newt the Gingrich
10/18/2019 11:05:14 am
I suspect that an historian in the future will write books about the stupid things Donald the Trump has said, twitted or did during his Presidential term of office. It will probably run to multi-volumes. I can only hope that either he gets impeached or defeated in the next round of the farce we in this country call a presidential election.
10/18/2019 11:17:41 am
Roy Blount, Jr. : "You know, someday that man's going to have a library!"
Mark mcdaniels
10/18/2019 12:22:31 pm
Despite this post clearly explaining that this statement was factual and historical, the hysterics reply that Trump has somehow misspoken. Read the post before you comment.
Sensible Susan
10/18/2019 01:22:03 pm
Your use of the word “ahistorical” must have been a Freudian slip.
10/18/2019 01:33:46 pm
Regarding misspeak: "...and he rarely does" Yikes!
Pastor Babbit
10/18/2019 01:34:03 pm
Don't forget all the souls that were saved by the Priests. Pretty much all those lucky Tainos got to go to heaven to be with Baby Jesus within a couple generations of Columbus's arrival.
10/19/2019 09:28:52 am
"Benign empires"? Seriously? What empire was ever built without force and the taking of other peoples' self-determination?
Phil dick
10/18/2019 11:45:54 am
Not saying, "I told you so", but yeah, I did.
Treasure force commander
10/18/2019 02:01:12 pm
Our beloved leader was obviously referring to the genuine Roman swords (the first was found near Oak Island) which have turned up in many countries — including Italy and the US. I’d say that qualifies as a “shared cultural and political heritage”!
10/18/2019 02:26:12 pm
" Trump said that “the United States and Italy are bound together by a shared cultural and political heritage dating back dating back thousands of years to ancient Rome.”
No one Cares
10/19/2019 06:15:25 am
Get back to us when you find a photo of Trump in blackface.
Karl Rove
10/19/2019 09:48:16 am
How about 100 photos of him in Orangeface?
John Boehner's Thought Balloon
10/19/2019 05:40:40 pm
It was cool when I did it.
10/19/2019 08:16:50 pm
"Get back to us when you find a photo of Trump in blackface."
No one cares
10/19/2019 09:33:20 pm
No, it's your Prime Minister in blackface.
10/20/2019 06:43:31 pm
I made it famous, and I was a dipshit conservative.
No One Cares
10/20/2019 08:53:01 pm
Blackface was already famous and Jolson campaigned for the murderous cripple FDR.
Jim Crow
10/23/2019 03:33:44 pm
Jolson has been described by multiple writers as a political and economic conservative who supported Harding and Coolidge. He did support FDR but since FDR won by a landslide in the election with the Depression complicating voting patterns it is a safe bet that Jolson wasn't the only conservative to vote Democrat.
10/18/2019 07:38:32 pm
We should have an Indigenous Peoples' Day. I propose...
William Fitzgerald
10/20/2019 08:55:33 pm
It's called Thanksgiving.
10/20/2019 11:26:49 pm
As I recall "Thanksgiving" was instituted by the anti-constitutional despot Lincoln, who like John Lennon was killed too late. Jefferson opposed it, and though he fucked a slave the slave was his wife's sister so it's all good. The murderous cripple Roosevelt moved it to the third Thursday in November. So no.
Miles Standish
10/21/2019 01:27:13 pm
Thanksgiving was instituted by joint action of George Washington and Congress. Later Presidents codified it into its more or less current form. But if it helps, Washington wrote naughty letters to a woman who wasn't his wife and helped rub out a goodly number of Frenchmen and Indians. I'm sure that some of the Congressmen who originally supported the holiday bumped uglies with slave girls. So its all good.
10/22/2019 05:49:48 am
Sorry dudebro, but you're wrong. Due to the Constitution there's no such thing as a joint action of the President and Congress. George Washington proclaimed Thanksgiving without Congress as November 26, 1789.
Miles Standish
10/22/2019 10:23:25 am
See original published proclamation here that specifically mentions the direct involvement of Congress.
10/18/2019 09:09:25 pm
Did Donald Trump Really Say America Had a Relationship with the Roman Empire?
10/19/2019 01:30:46 am
"In part, the more frequent usage of the name Columbia reflected a rising American neoclassicism, exemplified in the tendency to use Roman terms and symbols. The selection of the eagle as the national bird, the heraldric use of the eagle, the use of the term Senate to describe the upper house of Congress and the naming of Capitol Hill and the Capitol building were all conscious evocations of Roman precedents."
Gig young
10/19/2019 02:56:13 pm
Um Kent, I think that what the speechwriter had in mind when he referred to the “shared political and cultural heritage” was the fact that the American republican (note the small “r”) form of government was heavily influenced by the ideals and principles underlying those of the Roman Republic. Rome also formed an important basis for the entire Western tradition of literature, civil engineering, architecture, spectator sports, etc . . .
10/19/2019 04:42:19 pm
Um Gig, take it up with the source of the quote. Laughable my black behind. Yo mama so laughable they call her Tickle Me Elsie the Cow.
10/19/2019 05:29:13 pm
The quote is accurate — your use of it in this context shows you to be a moron. It’s especially funny because you’re always trumpeting the superiority of Western culture, but you’ve just displayed your own ignorance of it by essentially reducing it to a group of heraldic symbols and names of legislative bodies and hills.
10/19/2019 05:46:00 pm
"you’re always trumpeting the superiority of Western culture"
10/20/2019 06:46:38 pm
Gig, you’re one of my favorite actors from the golden age of TV.
10/19/2019 10:46:05 pm
So why isn’t that ding dong Joe Scales here to bitch and moan about Jason discrediting himself by inserting politics into his commentary?
10/20/2019 03:33:45 am
Jason actually didn't insert politics in this one. What is wrong with you? Should we call a wahhhhhhmbulance?
Why do I even bother?
10/20/2019 08:48:24 am
Taking a side regarding a political attack on a politician with respect to a political statement made during a political meeting between two politicians is not inserting politics? What the hell was it then?
Joe Scales
10/20/2019 09:38:57 am
Most of Jason's political asides are purely virtue signaling. In this case, he's sort of doing the same thing, but in an effort to convey fairness. He's actually saying something that's rather obvious, in that each and every thing a political opponent expresses these days is taken in its most negative light. That's the bullshit politics that pervades discourse and clouds truth; and why it shouldn't belong here.
At least you know what you are
10/20/2019 09:51:05 am
For an avowed “independent,” you sure like to use conservative buzzwords like “virtue signaling” quite often. I look forward to your next “non-partisan” speech that is nearly identical to the ones I hear everyday on conservative hot talk radio.
Joe Scales
10/20/2019 09:56:00 am
Case in point. Look at this imbecile's use of association fallacy. Thanks for your support!
Association non-fallacy
10/20/2019 10:09:27 am
Sorry about that pal, I forgot that someone’s assertion of “virtue signaling” can be considered “non-partisan” and has not been co-opted by the anti-PC police — thanks for correcting me. Are there any other non-applicable rhetorical devices you’d like to cite (and not explain)?
Ron Slater
10/20/2019 10:26:24 am
Take a bong hit every time Joe says imbecile. Take two bong hits every time he uses the word incorrectly. Be sure to order the Taco Bell Crunchy taco Supreme 12 pack in advance. You will need it, dude.
Joe Scales
10/20/2019 09:21:37 pm
"Are there any other non-applicable rhetorical devices you’d like to cite (and not explain)? "
Tell me again about virtue signaling
10/20/2019 09:49:38 pm
^ Meltdown in progress. Sorry I ruined your day, now I feel guilty.
10/21/2019 02:52:31 am
The good news is that Mr. Scales will be warm all winter because someone has serious wood for him. If it sounds like I'm calling you [insert gay-phobic slur here] it's because I am.
To joe’s fluffer
10/21/2019 09:40:59 am
You dudes remind me of the girl I used to know who would claim that every guy who fleetingly glanced at her was a “stalker.” I suppose it is a natural phenomenon among intellectually lazy people with insecure egos.
Joe Scales
10/21/2019 10:08:46 am
"Meltdown in progress. Sorry I ruined your day, now I feel guilty."
10/21/2019 10:11:07 am
I think it's totes adorbs that you think anyone buys "the girl I used to know".
Not that there’s anything wrong with that
10/21/2019 11:30:39 am
If there’s a gay love affair going on around here, it’s between you two love birds. You might want to look into joining a group known as the Log Cabin Republicans! Ha ha ha!
Joe Scales
10/21/2019 12:31:30 pm
Ah, the old rubber & glue fallback. Par for the course from this imbecile.
Ron Slater
10/21/2019 01:32:30 pm
Double bong hit. Once you get stoned enough for the paranoia to start creeping in you might start speculating on why Joe and Kent seem like Clark Kent and Superman. Always popping up in the exact same place at about the same time.
Joe Scales
10/21/2019 03:30:21 pm
Put your money where your mouth is imbecile. Jason settles the bet, and you donate a grand to his site when he confirms you are incorrect in your speculation. Or you can just go on being wrong. Again and again, over and over, for all time.
You’ve got me all wrong!
10/21/2019 04:46:55 pm
Although I certainly acknowledge your superior ability to come up with childish insults and taunts, my comment about your obvious love affair with Kent was meant as a compliment!
10/21/2019 07:05:50 pm
"Put your money where your mouth is imbecile. Jason settles the bet,"
10/21/2019 07:19:51 pm
This is the stuff of penny dreadfuls!
Joe American Negro Kent Scales
10/21/2019 08:40:51 pm
One of my friends once spent three years bedeviling a blog operated by a local evangelist who was taking a very strong stand on his blog against marijuana legalization. My friend used two main aliases based on the film reefer Madness and regularly posted from different IP addresses in different states on the same days. If Joe can't figure out how this can be done and thinks that making a bet based on the moderator's assessment then we may finally have a situation where the concept of imbecile can be used accurately.
Joe Kent Scales American Zambo
10/21/2019 08:47:09 pm
If Joe can't figure out why other people couldn't figure this out very quickly, that is.
Joe Scales
10/21/2019 09:55:22 pm
10/22/2019 10:32:23 am
Joe Kent Scales likes projecting ignorance on here.
Joe Scales
10/22/2019 04:09:10 pm
Who said anything about IP addresses Jimbecile? Jason knows Joe and I are different people.
Joe United Negro College Fund Scales Kent
10/22/2019 04:19:40 pm
Jason undoubtedly knows that a lot of different people are different people but that doesn't preclude people from playing games when it comes to the comments sections of blogs.
10/22/2019 05:27:08 pm
Oops, hahahaha:
10/22/2019 05:46:09 pm
Haha, you nailed it Jim! He finally screwed up!
You gave him enough rope
10/22/2019 08:53:00 pm
Joe Kent Scales outs himself as a sock-puppeting psychopath. It was only a matter of time before the bird-brain revealed himself! Ha ha ha!
10/23/2019 04:29:21 am
What is this "finally" bumbaclot? I've screwed up many times before. This isn't one of those times. Mr. Scales's self-reference is to paraphrase Ovid, carmen sed non error.
Joe Scales
10/23/2019 10:47:57 am
Poor sports are so easily manipulated; especially when they're imbeciles. Safe travels Kent.
10/23/2019 11:38:18 am
The Trump defense, I didn't do it, but here is the proof I did it.
Joe Scales
10/23/2019 12:06:30 pm
Jim... I must say... it's actually rather hard to type given the amount of chuckling that has overcome me this morning, witnessing the depths of your imbecility. Now if you were a good sport and could have a laugh, this might be one of those beautiful moments where you could let go of your angst, give us a smile and admit your goat was got. But no. You're simply too stupid to see the poetry in motion here, and instead will likely post yet another point by point dissertation in response, enumerating your continued, and now constant, imbecility.
Before you go
10/23/2019 12:18:49 pm
Would you indulge me a moment and try to explain what benefit and/or enjoyment you receive out of posting under two different names in a blog comment section? Is it related to a mental illness or are you just incredibly lonely?
10/23/2019 12:36:31 pm
This just gets better and better.
10/20/2019 06:40:47 pm
I’m already baked, I got a few in early. You know they’re coming!
Split Doody Break
10/22/2019 02:26:19 am
I don't know if if it's homophobia or homophilia but a lot of you guys seem to really enjoy talking about gay sex and seem to think that talking about gay sex is the king of all insults.
10/22/2019 07:51:16 am
This blog's favorite partisan ankle-nipper Scales Kent usually provides sufficient entertainment with his extraordinary lack of self awareness and ignorance I end up coming back periodically for amusement.
Joe Scales
10/22/2019 04:15:17 pm
The only thing you're slapping, you imbecile, is your own member at the next stop for your internet wanderings.
10/22/2019 05:35:21 pm
Joe says: "Jason knows Joe and I are different people."
10/22/2019 07:06:22 pm
He Mick Mulvaneyed himself.
10/22/2019 07:34:20 pm
Joe learned the technique at Trump University.
10/22/2019 08:15:23 pm
Everybody drink the bong water and break out the hot pockets!
Joe Scales
10/22/2019 09:21:09 pm
"Who exactly is the imbecile ? "
Lady Maude
10/26/2019 12:50:07 pm
They nicknamed him Joe Yoplait
10/22/2019 08:24:59 am
Ok, I know this probably makes me a tad immature, but this comment literally made me laugh at loud. Humor is indeed the best medicine!
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