The last time Scott Wolter dropped in to visit this blog was right after the airing of the episode S01E09 “Motive for Murder,” in which Wolter asserted that Thomas Jefferson had given Meriwether Lewis “secret instructions” to go in search of Welsh Indians, whose presence might pose a threat to the sovereignty of the United States. I asked Wolter to please provide copies of those presidential instructions as I was unable to find them in any Jefferson archives. Wolter never responded. At the time, I had searched the Jefferson papers at the Library of Congress and turned up nothing. Since then, I’ve also reviewed the archives of the Monticello Museum and the New York Historical Society, and I have read all of the existing correspondence to and from Meriwether Lewis about his expedition. After reviewing this material, I have a tentative reconstruction of what actually happened. The story starts with the Tudors who first made use of the legend of the Welsh Prince Madoc and his alleged voyage to America to help undermine Spain’s claims to North America. By the mid-1600s, Spain was no longer a direct threat to Britain’s North American territories, and the claim fell into abeyance. It was revived in the late 1700s by Welsh nationalists, including Edward Williams (Iolo Morganwg), whose fake Welsh runic alphabet ended up on the Brandenburg Stone seen in the episode. One of these, Morgan John Rhys, came to America to found a Welsh-language colony. He wanted to search for the descendants of Madoc in hopes of recovering evidence about the “pure” medieval Welsh. Rhys (who also spelled his name Rhees or Rees), in turn was very interested in the work of John Evans, a Welshman who got a commission from the Spanish government to search the Louisiana territory for, among other things, Welsh Indians. Yes, this is how much of a threat to sovereignty this story really was: the enemy government was happy to find out about them, too. Rhys wrote about this in 1795 (in excerpt): You have heard I expect before this time that John Evans is at length gone up the Missouri. I was the beginning of last May within about 300 miles of him … He has obtained from the Commandant passports in Spanish french & English to go on his journey… and whether he meets with the Welsh Madogians or not - he will receive on his return 2 or 3000 dollars from the Spanish government - I have heard many additional tales concerning what they call the Welsh Indians but as yet I have my doubts about them. I have conversed with the acting partner in the Missouri Co. He has been among more Indians than any other white man on this continent. He knows nothing of the Welsh language but by my conversing in Welsh - he could not recognize the words nor the idiom altogether among the Indians North of the Missouri - he thinks the Padoucas are out of the question. however I deliver'd him a Welsh Vocabulary & begg'd of him to give all the assistance he could to John Evans should he meet him. This man is to remain on the Missouri for 3 or 4 years to trade with the Indians. He has promised to write to me from time to time, and I do assure you it afforded me much pleasure to meet with a man of his disposition & information engaged in the Indian trade. (Note: In all excerpts in this post, the original spelling is preserved.) Now, as Jefferson and Lewis planned the expedition to explore Louisiana, neither made any mention of Welsh Indians. In fact, it is not until 1804, when the expedition was underway, that any mention of Welsh Indians occurs. And it does so because of Rhys. Jefferson wrote to Lewis on January 22, 1804 his only mention of Welsh Indians: In that of the 13th inst. I inclosed you the map of a Mr. Evans, a Welshman, employed by the Spanish government for that purpose, but whose original object I believe had been to go in search of the Welsh Indians, said to be up the Missouri. On this subject a Mr. Rees of the same nation, established in the Western parts of Pennsylvania, will write to you. Note that Jefferson is either uncertain or unconcerned whether Evans had been in search of Welsh Indians. Instead, his concern is to get Lewis a useful map that will help the expedition. It is reasonable to conclude from this letter that in order to obtain the map, Jefferson agreed to let Rhys write to Lewis about his pet subject, the Welsh Indians. However, Jefferson doesn’t seem at all interested in the subject, and is content to let Rhys write under his own name (i.e. unofficially) about any such inquiry. Sadly, Rhys’s letter does not exist, or else was never sent. He died suddenly in December of 1804. The subject, though, appears to have captured the fancy of Lewis and Clark. Here’s exactly how much of a state secret they considered it. The expedition wrote about finding Welsh Indians in their journals, in the entries below, but these were not written by Lewis. Both entries are by Joseph Whitehouse, who intended to publish the journal for a profit upon his return from the expedition (some secret!), but gave up on the idea after putting together a final draft and preface in 1806. These journals were not published until 1904. Thursday 5th Sept. 1805. That’s exactly how interesting anyone involved found Welsh Indians. Neither Lewis nor Clark felt the need to mention Welsh Indians, and Whitehouse appears to have mistaken Lewis taking a vocabulary list (as he did for all Native tribes encountered, as per Jefferson's orders) for a special effort to prove these were Welsh Indians. If there really were a secret conspiracy to find Welsh Indians, would they have spent less than a day with them?
3/21/2013 08:44:28 am
Thanks for digger deeper into this subject.
Greg Sexton
5/18/2013 04:04:53 am
I have just viewed 2 hours of this "show", Unearthing....
12/1/2013 12:15:28 am
presumptive conclusions make GREAT ENTERTAINMENT, If you watch a television show (an hr long one to boot) and expect earth shattering, paradigm shifting new facts being uncovered then perhaps your description of a "new low.." isn't the most reliable. That being said it would be nice to see proper methodology as well as a little restraint on the part of the "host" and the producers. I enjoy the fact that ArcheoPetrography and PaleoAstronomy are up and coming sciences and their usefulness in deciphering some mysteries.
The Other J.
3/21/2013 02:38:45 pm
Wait -- so Rhys' proof of Welsh Indians is that he's seen really well-dressed deer and buffalo skins? So he's assuming that even though he hasn't seen them, only natives of white descent could have skinned a deer or buffalo so well?
3/22/2013 03:54:41 am
Dude, seriously...get a life. The show is off the air and you are still writing reviews of the show? Do you not have a real job? A girlfriend/boyfriend? A life? Like most kids that went to college for a "creative writing" degree you probably still live at home and your parents still pay your bills while you wait to "hit it big." America Unearthed was a shit show. Really pathetic. And the people that watch that shit ain't looking for the truth. It's like that stupid LOST tv series. It just goes in circles, contradicts its on internal logic, and ultimately goes nowhere. It's sole goal is simply make everything seem mysterious to keep people watching in hopes that perhaps the next episode everything might make more sense. Maybe you think it makes you look smart to spend so much time and energy debunking this show but honestly, anyone with a brain knows this show is bunk. Even my wife who is a Graham Hancock fan says America Unearthed makes no fucking sense. Move on man, there's nothing more to see here...and please find something more interesting to write about. Reading your shit is as tedious as watching an episode of American Unearthed.
3/22/2013 04:01:02 am
Actually, I do have a job, which is why I have to repurpose content to fill the blog space. I'm working on compiling my reviews into an eBook because books make money and blogs don't, and as I revise them, I learn new things. I'm sharing those with my audience because, honestly, I don't have time to work a full time job, compile a new book, and write a blog all at once. So, unless you'd like to donate some money so I can take time off work, my blog will discuss what I'm working on.
3/22/2013 04:24:41 am
Keep on blogging on Jason. As long as you're getting traffic it's your business how you spend your time. That'd be true even if no one visited your blog, but clearly we do, even if it's just to be bored reading through your tedious material (talk about contradicting your own internal logic! ). 12/1/2013 12:01:42 am
Being an amateur history buff, I enjoy the possibilities being posited by the show, and I can hope that it gets more people interested in history. That being said, the facts of the cases are few and far between but the leaps and tenuous connections made are aplenty. At the end of the day you have to realize that this show is primarily for ENTERTAINMENT!
3/22/2013 10:08:02 am
Really? You hate the blog soooooo much you spent time writing a genuinely childish rant about it? If you don't like the blog you can move your happy ass along.
12/2/2013 02:19:16 pm
Dude, seriously avoid the ad hominem crap and fantasizing about people. Your hallucinations about Mr. Colavito also show that you did not read the stuff in the link marked About Jason. But then such reckless and irresponsible trolling is sadly common. If your bored and find the material tedious go elsewhere but leave the hallucinations and irresponsible fantasizing about people behind.
i like it
3/22/2013 05:43:04 am
really enjoy your blog Jason.
i like it
3/22/2013 05:49:05 am the way.. Jason, what is your favorite historic tale/detail you've come across so far?
3/22/2013 07:07:22 am
I've always been partial to the claim that the Cyclopes built the walls of Tiryns, or that Martin Luther was afraid of forks, but sadly neither story is actually true.
Cathleen Anderson
3/22/2013 05:55:49 am
We all learn new things. Thanks for continuing to share.
3/22/2013 06:08:55 am
12/1/2013 12:06:19 am
How about the hundreds of hours of programming "PROVING" that the DaVinci code was a fictional book, All you have to do is go to the library and look for it.. It's in the FICTION section, does not mean I don't enjoy the programming and even learn something from time to time
12/2/2013 02:24:04 pm
You do realize that Dan Brown said repeatedly that the basis of his book was true. I.E., the blood line of Jesus, nonsense about the Cathars, the priory of Sion etc., was true. 3/22/2013 02:58:25 pm
I see value in this blog as a useful tool to help develop critical spite of the hazards.
William Dashiell Hammett
3/24/2013 03:52:07 pm
Just found your blog trying to do some research of Scott, nice to know that I basically have a one-stop-shop.
3/25/2013 04:43:16 am
Jason, I love your blogs and thanks for investing the research time. I too find the show so outlandish in its claims that I cannot help soaking up material on how fabricated some of its claims are. (Although, I confess that I watch the show just to see what ridiculous idea is presented in the current episode...just what the History Channel is aimming for.)
3/27/2013 05:36:02 am
HAA...dribble=drivel, been watching too much basketball
4/4/2013 09:33:56 am
So, there were Welsh Indians but they just werent a big deal to anyone at the time. Isnt the fact that there were Welsh Indians in fact a big deal tho? Historically? Why couldnt they just make the show about that and leave out the stupid murder conspiracy ?
4/4/2013 10:00:02 am
There were no Welsh Indians. The Lewis and Clark team wondered if the weird language of the Flatheads was Welsh, but later studies determined it was not.
Chris Dunlap
10/5/2015 04:26:28 pm
I don't suppose any of you geniuses have been to the Falls of The Ohio Museum? It doesn't endorse the legends of Welsh Indians, but it does present many of historical anomalies found in that area. I've always been intrigued by the stories, since I have an ancestor who was listed on Cherokee/freedslave census' as well as one where she is listed as Welsh. We have her portrait and she is obviously of European decent. She came from a region now known as Land Between The Lakes, formerly known as Lande Between The Rivers, when they sent surveyors in to buy up the land to flood much of the region, they were astonished to find out that, with the exception of Revolutionary War vets, no one around there had any deeds to the land. No one knows how Europeans wound up there, but it's not far from Paducah, Ky, who they say is named after Chief Paducah who spoke Welsh, but there is no historical evidence that he ever existed. Many thing it's an indian pronunciation of Madoc, as in "Madoca".
1/24/2016 12:40:14 am
The Hudson Bay Company Brandon House reported an extremely large amount of their customers spoke Old Welsh( Brythonic) and claimed to be descendents of Prince Madog ap Owain Gwynedd who was buried at Pelican Pointe Peninsula Last Mountain Lake. They were definitely speaking to Lewis and Clarke and the HBC payed for an investigation into Madog using RC monastery writings in Wales. He was for real and was murdered by the Vatican's Mason Knights Templar by Dilke graveyard 10:69 Quatrain. May 7 the 1217. Nostradamus used the exact same monasteries writings the HBC did, Madog is in 3:91
1/24/2016 12:53:28 am
Scott Wolter's theories about the hooked X is 100% wrong. The Narrangansett are from Narraghmore by Dublin Ireland, sett means settlers, an and more have the same meaning. They were both former Roman Catholic clergy and Culdee monk settlers. It was friar Nicholas of Lynn who wrote the Kensington runestone and he was a Lollard and good friend of John Wycliffe who inserted the unicorn in Psalm 22:21, 29:6 and Psalm 92:10 for the narwhals 92:10 Long' at Nelson River mouth using King David's code for the Dog head Straight west of Stonehenge on the Big Arm Last Mountain Lake constructed by the Beaker Culture 3200BC. It is found in Rev.22:15 and marks 'west' Vinland and Valhalla and is the Stairway to Heaven as Stonehenge is a reincarnation temple which King David used Psalm 104:30 shows 'Face in the Ground. Ded: og: AVM =Madog Ved as they used the registered Keys to the Book of Revelation code on the runestone that Madog was in.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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