On Friday, Ancient Aliens suffered one its worst humiliations in years, falling below the one million viewer mark for a new episode for the first time since its ill-fated one-off Monday airing a while back. Friday’s episode brought in just 876,000 viewers. Its lead-out, The UnXplained, significantly outdrew it with 1.145 million viewers in a timeslot that traditionally sees lower viewer numbers. Both shows, however, had their asses handed to them by the 9 AM showing of preschool favorite Paw Patrol, which was the fourth highest rated show on all of cable that day. My son loves Paw Patrol. Ancient Aliens? Not so much. According to the Nielsen data, the weakness in Ancient Aliens viewership can be attributed to lower than average numbers of people under 34 tuning in to watch. The UnXplained did double the business in that age bracket that Ancient Aliens did. Who knew that William Shatner would be more of a draw for the younger set than Hugh Newman Today, however, I’d like to focus on a set of three articles [update: now four] that Nick Redfern posted to Mysterious Universe this weekend detailing evidence that at least some of the so-called Majestic-12 documents are the product of a Russian propaganda workshop. The articles are tied to Redfern’s new book Flying Saucers from the Kremlin, which looks at Russian propaganda efforts to use UFO stories to influence Western culture, something I’ve pointed to many times in the past. U.S. government agencies such as the CIA have documented it in its Cold War context, and as recently as the 2016 presidential election, UFO content was deliberately mixed into Russian Twitter bots’ postings according to independent analyses of their content. Kremlin outlets like Sputnik and RT make ancient astronaut and UFO conspiracies a regular part of their anti-American and anti-science coverage.
The Majestic-12 documents are several sets of purported U.S. government documents related to a council of scientists and military officials who were tasked in 1947 with studying recovered alien spacecraft and communicating with their occupants. The documents are widely recognized as hoaxes except among a subset of ufologists who speculate that they are either genuine or forgeries based on genuine documents. The first MJ-12 documents came to light in the 1980s, with additional sets surfacing in the 1990s and 2000s. Redfern’s first article discusses 47 pages of MJ-12 documents publicized by Heather Wade in 2017. These pages include a supposed 1947 interview with a space alien, who criticizes Western civilization, comparing the United States to Nazi Germany. When an American boasts about Western freedom, the alien retorts like any good Russian chauvinist, by likening Jim Crow to the Holocaust: “…tell that to the millions of Hebrews your western civilization has destroyed in the past decade, or the millions of Negro families whose sons died to stop the madman Hitler, but who do not have plumbing in their homes.” Aliens are rather specific in their criticisms. Redfern overstates the case for the documents being a 1980s Soviet hoax.Redfern couldn’t date the hoax, speculating that it occurred sometime between the 1980s and 2007, but we can be more specific. The hoax document makes a bizarre reference: “…in a remote part of the nation you call Yugoslavia, we visited and helped the people there to build a very advanced culture over seven thousand years ago.” This is a fairly transparent reference to the so-called Bosnian pyramids, natural formations that Semir Osmanagić has promoted since 2005 as the remains of a lost civilization known as the Illyrians, who lived in the region around 7,000 year ago. In 2017, he expanded his claim out to 34,000 years. Besides this obvious temporal signature, Redfern’s claim that the alien’s reference to Yugoslavia gives glory to communism isn’t a marker or Russian chauvinism since Yugoslavia broke with Moscow at the start of the Cold War and was at odds with much of the communist world down to the collapse of communism in 1989. In the second and third articles, Redfern states that two earlier batches of Majestic-12 documents are also the work of Russian propagandists, including the infamous first set from the 1980s that were investigated by the FBI and determined to be fake. The second set from the 1990s seemed to reflect Russian conspiracy theories that America had developed the AIDS virus as a bioweapon. Redfern doesn’t provide direct evidence that the documents were created by Russia, though he raises several important instances where the Majestic-12 documents reflect anti-American conspiracy theories. That said, while Russia may be the most likely source, there are plenty of others with anti-American views who might also have been responsible. It’s an interesting circumstantial case, and one worth reading, but I would have liked to see more direct evidence connecting the documents to Russia.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 09:41:08 am
Hey Jason
7/30/2019 11:43:15 pm
Talking of Russian; I was Russian in a hurry to find somewhere to evacuate my rear stool tank over-spill earlier & believe you and me, there was nothing 'Majestic' about it!
7/30/2019 09:53:02 am
Russia must have also fabricated the video in which then president Medvedev confesses the existence of aliens living among people in Russia. It must have also been done as part of anti-American and anti-science propaganda.
7/30/2019 01:27:17 pm
He was obviously joking. He called the Men in Black movies documentaries!
7/30/2019 01:30:55 pm
There is a Man in Black documentary in Russian. He was not referring to the Hollywood version which is not a documentary.
Corey Olomon
7/30/2019 05:15:43 pm
In the same interview he said he believed in the Russian equivalent of Santa Claus. He was and is well known for making dumb jokes.
7/31/2019 03:06:02 am
Can you provide a reference to this Santa Claus claim?
Corey Olomon
8/1/2019 07:09:20 pm
Joe Scales
7/30/2019 10:25:31 am
Russia did this, Russia did that. If someone is from Russia, does that make the entire country responsible for their actions? Seriously. It's like "Russia" has become this all-encompassing, nefarious entity with a life of its own, connotating ill-will with every mention. My lord, it's nearly the perverse mirror image of blaming Templars for every conspiracy under the sun. Yeah, Templars.
7/30/2019 09:42:51 pm
There's a Red under every bed! And you do NOT want to ask me about the woodpile.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 10:41:35 am
I'm not blaming everything on the Russian government and/or intelligence agencies. Although, they certainly have tried to manipulate the UFO scene for various (and sometimes very strange) reasons. There is no doubt about that. And I'm not saying this makes "the entire country responsible." I'm saying that at various times over the last 70 years or so, the Russians have used the UFO subject in relation to psychological warfare, disinformation, and espionage-based reasons. The reason why I think the MJ12 documents are the work of the Russians is simple: that's what the available data suggests. Doesn't prove it, but we're getting there.
Joe Scales
7/30/2019 12:37:16 pm
My comments were more general in nature. I just blurb over anything having to do with you as pure nonsense. No offense.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 12:48:57 pm
Nope, not nonsense, but a very strange Cold War episode...
7/30/2019 02:05:24 pm
Your inquiries and ideas on the MJ12 documents being part of the Soviet Union's ( now Russia's ) disinformation hoaxes perpetrated from the late 1950's to present day is metaphorically, the tip of the iceberg.
7/30/2019 11:46:19 pm
I tool too much acid years ago and I believe anything.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 04:31:25 pm
7/30/2019 05:06:39 pm
So we have conspiracy theories on top of hogwash. What is the concern, more make believe? All players spy on and influence other players. Nothing new under the Templar sun there. Think Redfern needs to find a day job, maybe at McDonald's, fits his IQ level.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 05:26:51 pm
Feel the need to slur people who work at McDonald's? Not got much else to do today?
7/30/2019 05:53:58 pm
Yeah, guess that is kind of a slur on McDonald's workers and quite a step up for you.
Richd Olan
7/30/2019 06:07:14 pm
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 06:14:15 pm
IQ's mean nothing to me. I work the hours I want, I get up when I want and I go to bed when I want. I have a job I enjoy. I wear what I want. There's no boss over my shoulder. No stuck in traffic every 8Am and 5PM Mon-Fri. I look after animals (cats and dogs), I travel the world, I have good fun, and I fuck a lot of women who like my books and we have a great time. IQs???? I honestly couldn't give a fuck about them, man.
7/30/2019 06:43:10 pm
Do you punch them in the mouth while you're having relations with them Mr. Pottymouth?
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 06:45:26 pm
No, of course not, but the fact that YOU bring up the matter of punching women is VERY disturbing...
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 06:48:56 pm
And, no-one should be making "jokes," at all, about punching women. Let's get that clear.
7/30/2019 07:07:11 pm
You're the guy who talks about punching people in the mouth. "Today Nick Redfern denied that he punches book groupies in the mouth while he has glorious relations with them."
Joe Scales
7/30/2019 09:59:36 pm
Two questions then.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 10:02:53 pm
That was actually pretty funny!
7/31/2019 04:02:46 am
Mouth punching music.
7/31/2019 04:21:46 pm
See, now if you had said Priest, Maiden, Motorhead, and AC/DC, you might have sounded cooler. And tougher. ;)
7/31/2019 04:39:14 pm
7/31/2019 05:00:40 pm
Shhhh. We don't want to make Rick "I fuck a lot of women who like my books" Redfern feel "less than" because he might try (and I emphasize "try") to punch someone in the mouth.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 06:28:06 pm
None of which has anything to do with my new book, "Flying Saucers from the Kremlin," which in part I wrote to demonstrate to people how dangerous the Russians were and still are, and to hope - in my own very small way - that I can make a bit of a dent and make sure the next president is a Democratic.
7/30/2019 07:01:43 pm
For the love of God, Montresor! That last word! You're right, it was insulting to McDonald's workers to compare you to them. Remember that time the Russians overthrew Mossadegh? Or the time they illegally invaded Syria? The time they firebombed Dresden? The time they recalled fighter jets launched from Aviano to aid the USS Liberty? The time they dropped that second atomic bomb on a second civilian target? And the time they dropped all those bombs on North Vietnam because of a boating incident that never happened? It's a safe bet those Russkies on the ISS are up to something. I don't trust 'em.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 07:20:00 pm
Kent: Again, making light of hitting women is low. Very, very low.
7/30/2019 08:22:35 pm
Jeez, you really are thick, aren't you? I was making light of your statement that "I fuck a lot of women who like my books" and your tough talk on the internet about punching people in the mouth.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 07:15:09 pm
Yep, I could definitely have worded that better (or, rather, worded it correctly), but as for IQs: again, as long as I'm having a good time that's what matters.
7/30/2019 08:27:14 pm
Yeah, having fun defrauding honest folk of their hard earned income. Fun instilling garbage theories for science in folk. Do you have one iota of physical proof of any of the garbage that you espouse? Any alien body parts, any monster bodies, any ufo parts? Theory of physics that allow whatever it is you are talking about? Thought not. In my opinion, you are just a common fraud stealing from hard working folk. There is no discussion or debate with you since all is make believe.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 08:38:40 pm
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 08:26:19 pm
Kent: No. U made a tasteless "joke" that involved hitting women. Don't try and get out of it. The damage is done.
7/30/2019 09:50:08 pm
Did I touch a nerve, Nick "I fuck a lot of women who like my books" Redfern? Or perhaps a gag order?
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 09:53:13 pm
No, there's no touching a nerve at all. It's actually very simple: I was very surprised you would make a "joke" that involved punching women. That really was my issue.
7/31/2019 02:41:49 am
You can't let that thing about you punching women go can you? Why are you obsessed with punching women? You've posted here multiple times about your desire and willingness to punch someone in the mouth. I'm guessing there's a judgement against you out there somewhere and you think you're getting on the right side of it.
T. Booth Pickens
7/31/2019 12:21:37 pm
Kent, don't put much credence in anything Nick Redfern says. He is all mouth. I am sure that he would run from any real fight with men, women, children, small dogs and house plants. I also suspect that at most only one or two women say they like his books and then he has to pay them to sleep with him.
7/31/2019 01:46:01 pm
I think it's interesting that you think punching a book groupie in the mouth while you're having relations with her is a joke.
Nick Redfern
7/30/2019 09:04:35 pm
A defrauder might support the MJ12 documents that are the subject of Jason's blog post of today. MJ12 and the Roswell connection are still big crowd-pullers (whether books or conferences etc).
Alien Bigfootdaughter
7/31/2019 12:54:20 am
Wait, Stanton Friedman researched the MJ-12 documents and came to a conclusion that SOME were genuine, did he not?
Nick Redfern
7/31/2019 08:27:10 am
Yeah, Stan did conclude that some of the MJ12 documents were real. But, me and Stan differed on that.
Res Ipsa
7/31/2019 08:51:37 am
"But, me and Stan differed on that."
8/1/2019 07:50:43 am
Bigfoot is a paranormal creature - check
Just Sayin'
8/1/2019 08:58:55 am
Bigfoot is a paranormal creature - check
Johnson & Johnson
8/1/2019 10:59:36 am
I am sure that Nick Redfern is heterosexual and that can be confirmed by the staff and patrons of his favorite bar...The Screaming Queen. 8/12/2019 09:34:59 am
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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