I want to call your attention today to a rather slick piece of propaganda coming out of the Nephilim research community. Apparently, there is an upcoming documentary from The Fourth Watch, a Biblical radio show hosted by Justen Faull, and to judge by the deleted scene posted to YouTube last week, it’s a slick production. From the professional graphics to the competent sound mixing and lighting, this is a clear step above the usual iPhone-to-DVD production values of many fringe productions. It even puts L. A. Marzulli’s Watchers series to shame just in terms of technical competence. But the content! The scene posted to YouTube features Christian minister Joseph Riverwind, a Native American who gleefully twists Native traditions to fit an awkward mix of ancient astronaut and biblical paradigms while maintaining (in apparent seriousness) that he is relaying genuine ancient Native accounts. In this interview, Riverwind states that Native peoples believe that the Nephilim / giants came to Earth from the Pleiades and Orion’s belt and that they were responsible for building the first and largest mounds and pyramids, of which Native people could only make small and crude imitations: The three pyramids in Egypt, two of those pyramids are copies of the oldest one, but they could not quite match the engineering, the architecture, the ley lines, all that—they couldn’t do it. So, yes, there are mounds that Native people have built, but they’re a far cry from these gigantic mound structures that the giants built. This alone isn’t really the disturbing part. It’s par for the course, though with the added layer of unease from a Native American insisting that Native Americans couldn’t have piled dirt into big piles because only giants could do it. But just a couple of days later, Faull went on his radio show to repeat the claim almost verbatim and to enhance it. (Faull claims, by the way, that his show was recently shut down for three weeks due to unspecified “spiritual warfare” conducted by his enemies.) On the radio, Faull opens by saying that “pop culture” insists that the Egyptian pyramids were the work of the Jews (an ancient claim debunked in the 1600s and which fell out of fashion in the 1800s), and he says he feels “passionate” about refuting claims that Jews could have built great structures. I am of two minds about this. On the one hand, Faull is right that the Jews did not build the pyramids, but on the other his reason for speaking with such passion about the issue seems to be that he’s not too keen on ascribing great works to Jews. On previous shows, he claimed to expose Jews as occultists with a Satanic bloodline who are “infiltrating” Christianity. Of course, like many evangelicals, he thinks that the Catholic Church is full of Satan-worshipers, too, so make of it what you will. Anyway, he sees the pyramids as the work of the Nephilim. Humans, he said, “just didn’t have the technology” to pile rocks one atop the other, nor to align buildings with (imaginary) “ley lines.” What’s bothersome here is that Riverwind has folded midcentury ancient astronaut material into his supposedly timeless oral traditions, and Faull then strips out the aliens and ascribes everything to fallen angels and Nephilim. The cross-pollination between ancient astronaut material and Nephilim material is a wonder to behold, with both sides using each other’s material for support, but rejecting each other’s explanations. Angels? Aliens? They report, you decide. So while I am on the subject of Nephilim, I thought I would share the weirdest Nephilim claim I’ve come across recently. This one is from 1908 and comes to us from the pen of John Todd Ferrier, a Christian vegetarian extremist and the founder of the Order of the Cross. Ferrier was a radical pacifist and animal rights advocate who believed that only vegetarians or vegans could be true Christians. In a wildly bizarre essay on “The Evolution of the Soul,” Ferrier explained that the Nephilim were actually woolly mammoths “which had been generated as the outcome of the intensified magnetic currents” and were destroyed when the Earth lost its magnetic field and could no longer attract Divine “magnetic rays” from the ecliptic. (Seriously.) I will quote his essay number 104 in full because it must be read to be believed. It involves dinosaurs and woolly mammoths battling each other, and the fallen angels conducting bizarre science experiments in vats of Nephilim-generating “fluid.” When the Christ-Souls beheld the terrible conflicts waged between the three Houses of Benjamin, Manasseh and Zebulun, after their various endeavours to rise out of the states into which the low Saurians and the Serpents had taken them, they decided to descend from the fluidic plane and assume forms more like the Soul’s true vehicle upon the outer plane. They thought that in this way they might be able to reach unto the three Houses so as to influence them to seek the nobler forms and thus help them to rise in spiritual state. They knew how degraded the Saurian forms were, for they had been captives within the first order of them. And they saw how these forms, though somewhat changed by the evolution of the wings, were still terribly evil, and that their effect upon the Soul had been to bring it even further down into the depths of evil. And they knew how degraded the Serpents were, and how evil and venomous they were, and saw how they had influenced the Souls of the House of Benjamin even though these latter sought to rise out of their captivity and find better spiritual conditions. They therefore knew that to enter these forms would be to seek captivity and loss of spiritual power; so they sought to find other means whereby to carry out their beautiful loving purpose. And it was in the endeavour to realise that purpose that the great Mammoths were generated. They were the Nephilim born from the Sons of God in the sense that they were generated by them upon the fluidic plane. They were the giant forms which stalked the land both on the fluidic plane and the outer plane. Upon the fluidic plane they were the Leviathans which disported themselves in the upper sea; and on the fixed plane they were the Monsters which Physical Science now knows through finding many remains of them where they had been dwelling when overwhelmed, and concerning which the various Eastern Mythologies have spoken. The Christ-Souls first generated out of magnetic fluids these stupendous forms, and then left them to gradually become more and more fixed in their nature until they had reached the fixed planes, when they entered them with a view to generating less and more adaptable forms from them suitable for the Souls of the three Houses. And thus it was that the Mammoths came into existence without apparent progenitors upon the physical planes. And thus also was it that the whole of the Christ-Souls became involved in the fearful catastrophe of the Deluge and were imprisoned for untold ages, and spiritually slept from sheer impoverishment of the magnetism essential to their Souls, of whom Greek Mythology spoke when the poets wrote of an age when even the Gods slept. So the Flood involved mammoths, magnets, and Greek mythology. Wow. This makes Faull’s rather formal and intolerant vision of the past seem positively boring by comparison.
Uncle Ron
5/3/2017 11:24:49 am
Trying . . . to . . . type . . . can't . . .stop . . . laughing.
Jonathan E. Feinstein
5/4/2017 02:19:18 pm
I gotta admit, I am impressed. I've written 58 SF and Fantasy novels ( if I counted correctly... I ran out of fingers and toes) but none of them are as creative as this mumbo-jumbo. But I do agree that even if I could have made it up I could never have repeated it with a straight face.
5/3/2017 12:34:22 pm
Explain to me again exactly how the great mammoths got from the outer plane to the fluidic plane? And can I get more information by studying this transformation under electro-magnetics or fluid dynamics?
5/3/2017 02:08:11 pm
Three words: big floppy ears. Take Dumbo for example (though I admit he isn't a mammoth or an actual living creature).
David Bradbury
5/3/2017 03:32:44 pm
That makes sense. Also, assuming that the Nephilim-mammoths built the Pyramids, the unusually large tusks acted as fork-lift tines.
Shane Sullivan
5/3/2017 06:06:44 pm
Robert E. Howard's Tower of the Elephant (published eight years before the release of Disney's Dumbo!) contains distant echoes of this cosmic truth. Yag-Kosha, the prisoner in the eponymous tower, is an elephantine extraterrestrial who could fly through outer space on mighty wings.
5/5/2017 09:35:19 pm
Just throwing this out there, but the name of Disney's best and most influential cartoonist, Ub Iwerks, sounds like it could be that of a Babylonian sky god.
5/3/2017 12:37:33 pm
It is always "nice" to read about intellectual "Uncle Toms" who sell out their own people by accepting condescending notions. In this case Riverwind's inability to accept that his ancestors could have built the mounds. Rather sad but sadly quite common.
5/3/2017 01:03:12 pm
Chief Joseph Riverwind is not legitimate. He is not a member of a federally recognized tribe nor is he authorized to speak for or tell stories of the Lakota, Dakota or Nakota. His organization is nothing more than a heritage club in Pennsylvania.
5/3/2017 05:06:14 pm
Well done! My first thought when seeing the photo was "Anyone who's got something weird about their face can grow their hair and call themselves an Indian." We have a fake Shawnee who comments here occasionally.
5/3/2017 06:09:51 pm
My face is weird, but I can't grow hair anymore, so I guess I'm out.
Shane Sullivan
5/3/2017 01:03:22 pm
I wish *I* could be a Magnet Fluid Leviathan Mammoth.
5/8/2017 12:45:48 am
Between the TMNT, Street Sharks, XTREME Dinosaurs, you have the pitch there for a 90s cartoon/toyline.
5/3/2017 01:32:52 pm
"The three pyramids in Egypt, two of those pyramids are copies of the oldest one..."
5/3/2017 02:25:03 pm
I read the essay three times and my head is still spinning (with magnetic fluid). Is there a trail of breadcrumbs that leads to Ferrier's bizarre confection? Who were his influences?
Jean Stone
5/3/2017 05:52:28 pm
I don't know who his influences were but as to what, perhaps magic mushrooms were involved?
5/3/2017 07:29:15 pm
Chemicals certainly could be involved. He was from Great Britain, so maybe he went to one of those schools where you sleep on icey stone floors and are tormented by your classmates. Look at what it did for the Royal Family.
5/3/2017 10:04:51 pm
British royal family? Saxe-Coburg und Gotha? Gotlanders? Kensington Runestone? It all falls together!
Mary Baker
5/3/2017 07:24:48 pm
Echoes of Emanuel Swedenborg.
5/5/2017 10:05:09 pm
And what an upsetting Uppsala alum he was.
Only Me
5/3/2017 07:38:17 pm
So, an ersatz Native American is mixing Christianity and Native American oral tradition with a splash of AAT and the Nephilim for...what, exactly? Is he auditioning for a spot on Ancient Aliens?
5/3/2017 10:07:45 pm
If you follow Mike's link above, it's clear 'Riverwind' is co-opting Christianity, Judaism and Native American stuff for the sole purpose of cashing in. He and his wife seem to be nothing more than evangelical fundamentalist Christians, with a little 'Native Americans are a lost Jewish tribe' thrown in. They're using that in order to raise money to keep evangelising as so-called tribal leaders. Best to visit the link to get the full idea, there's more info on their various activities and history.
5/8/2017 01:01:21 am
You know, something you said jarred a memory loose - if Riverwind is indeed his name (and not impossible, I admit) - but there is a character of this name in the old Dragonlance novels.
5/8/2017 05:35:03 am
His real name is Jose Arnaldo Rivera.
5/3/2017 10:05:22 pm
Oh, why can't it just be both! The idea of wooly mammoths constructing pyramids is just somehow too cute for words.
5/3/2017 11:01:20 pm
We should go to Siberia, dig up a few mammoths from the permafrost and clone some Nephelim. Then give them a pile of rocks and dirt and see what happens.
5/5/2017 10:12:30 pm
Wouldn't it be cheaper to simply hire Stanley Kubrick to film... oh wait...
Shane Sullivan
5/4/2017 01:32:10 am
That would explain these rare photographs:
5/4/2017 02:07:07 am
5/4/2017 06:18:10 pm
But the role of the wooly mammoth has been documented comprehensively in scientific literature at least once, cf
5/3/2017 10:12:03 pm
It's sort of interesting. The things people think are giant bones are often related to mammoths or other mega fauna so this wacko was at least tangentially onto something...
David Bradbury
5/4/2017 03:56:25 am
A short summary of conventional Victorian understanding, from 1863 ("Studies in Physiology and Medicine" by Robert James Graves, p243):
Bob Jase
5/4/2017 12:58:47 pm
Judging by essay 104 this guy must be one of Trump's speechwriters.
Nick Danger
4/17/2020 10:32:46 am
5/5/2017 12:56:27 am
(mouth agape in stupefied silence) I felt my IQ drop as I read that excerpt. Is there ANY way I can get easy access to the life savings of the idiotgencia that believes this stuff? Clearly the true believers are ripe for the picking...
Purple Wyrm
5/5/2017 06:35:47 am
Giant bones have been discovered!
5/5/2017 08:24:54 am
JTF: Three! Add Leviathans swimming in the fluidic plane.
5/8/2017 12:50:10 am
It´s really sad to hear how fragmented and twisted some native stories have become. And this even happens in some other religions too.
8/8/2023 02:47:48 pm
He is using the word “mammoths” to ecompass all dinosaurs and related species. He isn’t just referring to the wooly ones.
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