Today I am going to go out on a limb and do something that will cause many of the people who regularly criticize me to get the vapors. I am going to defend Scott Wolter. Why, you may ask? What did he do right? Earlier this season Scott Wolter correctly concluded that the rock wall of Rockwall, Texas is in fact a clastic sandstone dyke, a completely natural feature, and not the work of lost giants from the Bible. Now one disgruntled investigator of forbidden truths is on a multimedia quest to “expose” Scott Wolter. The force behind an all-out multimedia assault on Scott Wolter is Josh Reeves, Global Reality radio host and a competitor of Scott Wolter’s in the field of North American prehistoric mysteries, including Templars, holy bloodlines, Freemasons, and above all else the Rockwall rock wall, his prized research centerpiece. Reeves appeared last week on a radio show blasting Wolter for refusing to endorse his belief that the wall is the remnants of a lost race of biblical giants during the December episode on the rock wall. The woman he’s talking to, Erin Dakins of Truth Traveler, says she’s disgusted with Wolter and lost all respect for him for refusing to confirm the existence of the Nephilim in Texas. She describes his dismissal of evidence that “blew me away” as “blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” Reeves asserts that Wolter ignored the evidence of artificiality in favor of a false claim of natural creation, part of a conspiracy. Reeves says he believes that the stones tested on the show for their magnetic orientation were not part of the rock wall and were placed there as part of a History Channel hoax. Reeves is correct, though, that Wolter wasn’t entirely forthcoming about the rock wall, wrongly calling the whole thing limestone based on a few small stones claimed to have come from the wall. The majority of the rock wall is sandstone. I think this is probably a production error (cutting a longer explanation, perhaps) rather one made by Wolter. I’ll defend Wolter here: Although the producers spun the episode out into ridiculous territory to avoid the obvious for as long as possible, Wolter correctly understood the geology of the site and reported the findings fairly. All of the geological evidence points to a natural formation. However, this is a relatively sedate discussion compared to a previous video that Reeves made before the episode aired in December as part of a for-profit DVD called Lost Secrets of America, vol. 2. Let me remind you again: Josh Reeves is making money from the material you are about to see. The clip appears to rely heavily on my own blog postings on the subject. I had nothing to do with this, and I am deeply saddened that my work has been twisted in this way.
Reeves complains that the excavation conducted for H2 (mistakenly called the History channel) did nothing more than to pull dirt from the 1999 excavation conducted on the rock wall, and he correctly points to many of the “cheats” used in the production to make the show seem more grandiose and original than it was. Reeves, who apparently is jealous of Scott Wolter, accuses Wolter and the History Channel of creating a “whitewash” (his words) to suppress the truth found in his earlier mail-order DVD, Lost Secrets of Ancient America, vol. 1. According to Reeves, History and Wolter had no interest in the rock wall until his video was released. Reeves’s video rehashes material about the rock wall that was debunked as far back as the early twentieth century alongside more recent speculation; even the indefatigable Frank Joseph wrote about it in Ancient American before Reeves’s “exposé.” It’s all hilariously self-serving and self-promotional until it turns dark and disturbing. I am especially amused that Reeves rants about how Wolter failed to give him credit, all while reading from my blog post about Scott Wolter’s honorary master’s degree without giving me credit. Trust me, though, I don’t want anything to do with this DVD. Here is where I will step in again to defend Wolter: Reeves is wrong that Wolter’s credentials as a geologist are based on the non-existent honorary master’s degree. He is and remains a licensed geologist (at least until he has to renew the license later this year), and he has completed all the required education and training needed for such a position. Reeves fails to understand that which he tries to criticize. I will be looking forward to Steve St. Clair and Phil Gotsch taking Josh Reeves to task for the personal insults and invective he levels at Wolter’s character, across multiple media and for profit, including his claim that Wolter merely uses his geological credentials to make his fabricated conclusions seem credible. I expect both of them to shout until they are blue in the face about how Reeves is insulting and disparaging Scott Wolter in order to make money directly from these claims and raise his media profile. (Disclosure: I do sell a collection of my America Unearthed reviews as a paperback and eBook. I sell them at just above the breakeven point, and any profit goes directly toward maintaining this website.) Reeves seems to also be reading from my blog post about Wolter and Rock Wall, again without credit. He refers to information I gathered about Frank Joseph’s Lost Worlds of Ancient America (2012), in which Wolter’s work appears alongside an article on the rock wall, and how this undercuts Wolter’s claim to have never heard of the rock wall. In my later review, I claimed that Wolter had failed to review the books in which his own material is published; Reeves accused Wolter of outright lies and seems unaware that Joseph’s book was a collection of previously-published articles, not a work of newly-commissioned pieces. He therefore accuses Wolter of a level of dishonesty that the facts cannot support. Reeves does worse: He accuses Scott Wolter of causing his father’s death. This is as low a personal blow as I can imagine, and it is disgusting, not to mention irrelevant. Wolter has written that he felt grief and guilt when his father drowned while the two were scuba diving in Australia: “The details of why he died are unclear to me to this day, but the fact is a diver is responsible for his partner’s safety and I lost him.” Wolter implies that he wished he had done more or did things differently; he did not say he killed his father. To use this as a weapon to attack a geological finding is beyond the pale. He also accuses Wolter of “collaborating” with Frank Joseph, whom he describes as a “neo-Nazi” and “convicted child molester” (which he is). Wolter did not collaborate with Joseph. Joseph served as the editor of Lost Worlds, a collection of Ancient American articles published mostly after Joseph had retired from the magazine. The decision to entrust the collection to Joseph was almost certainly taken by Ancient American and not Scott Wolter. You can say what you want about me, but I have never accused Wolter or the H2 network of collaborating with Nazis, though I did criticize Wolter for his uncritical use of a pro-Nazi source in his latest book. Reeves then tries to see America Unearthed as a tool of a corporate media controlled by, and I am not making this up, white supremacist Freemasons. He accuses the Hearst Corporation, 50% owner of A+E Networks, the parent of H2, of being a front for Freemasonry and Nazism. Reeves assumes, wrongly, that History has embraced sensationalism on orders from Hearst, famous for its yellow journalism in the 1890s. Hearst was not a 50% owner of A+E Networks until NBC sold its stake in the company as part of the complex deal involved with the Comcast takeover of NBC Universal in 2012. A+E Networks, though owned by Hearst, ABC, and (in the past) NBC, Radio City Music Hall (the Rockefellers!), and Radio Corporation of America (which is how NBC got a chunk of it), has remained functionally independent of its part owners. Is America Unearthed yellow journalism? It’s sensationalism to be sure. But Reeves is an ignoramus of the first order. In the video he even confuses Erich von Däniken, ancient astronaut theorist, for the fictitious Erick Van Datiken, the parody of von Däniken who “writes” for the Weekly World News. Reeves seems to think von Däniken is a tabloid writer and that History employs him because of a Hearst-backed yellow journalism conspiracy. Reeves further asserts that Disney is run by Freemasons and tied to Nazism (which I guess is why they cleverly used to have a Jewish CEO). He accuses Disney of producing the National Treasure movies as “disinformation” and sees America Unearthed as an extension of the same, even though production documents make clear that the program emerged organically from producer Maria Awes’s professional relationship with Scott Wolter and both her and Wolter’s deep-seated belief in fringe history theories. I invite A+E Networks and Scott Wolter to have the courage of their convictions and take legal action against Reeves for using their material without permission and for libel. Surely this is a far graver legal issue than the concern over whether Scott Wolter owned the letter X when it has a hook on it, which prompted the network to threaten me with a lawsuit. Reeves is actively trying to make money by accusing Wolter and his corporate partners of Nazism and fraud. “Scott Wolter and America Unearthed are a disinformation vehicle,” Reeves says, “for high level Masonic interests and wish to keep these secrets from the public and keep the real truth of America’s history quietly buried under human progress.” I would pay to see Reeves and Wolter argue over which one of them is the truest believer and which is the biggest hero exposing the “truth.” Templars vs. Bible Giants: The ultimate fringe history showdown! Seriously, though: This is a classic conspiracy claim, that the incompetent investigator is actually a stooge intentionally making the truth look ridiculous so no one will believe it. Now I’d like someone to explain to me why my blog warrants legal action, coordinated attacks, and daily monitoring by Wolter supporters yet Reeves’s insane anti-Wolter rants, including outright lies and disgusting personal attacks—which he sells for a profit!—warrant nary a peep. The next time someone wants to accuse me of being too mean to Scott Wolter, remember Reeves’s video. That’s what being mean actually looks like.
Clint Knapp
2/18/2014 05:30:45 am
Reeves was on the February 8th Coast to Coast speaking in general about his new DVD. He started the night with Rockwall, and for the most part rambled off a repeating chain of key-phrases about the wall's length and composition, including claiming the stones were "buttered with a strange crystal material" and speculation about the piezoelectric response and a connection to UFOs that we hear repeated about just about every stone structure.
2/19/2014 08:01:08 pm
Uh I follow Josh and have been for years! This entire blog is pretty much slander him and his work. Scott was not even on his radar till the show was pitched.
2/20/2014 02:07:49 am
El Snarko
2/20/2014 06:59:30 am
Hi Jason!
2/18/2014 05:47:16 am
I was going to go to Josh Reeve's site and investigate further, but then I realized that would partly fulfill his probable agenda of provoking website hits.
2/19/2014 08:02:54 pm
He makes no money on his films. And i find your lack of not seeking knowledge just because this guy writes an article pretty ironic!
Sir Snarkalot
2/20/2014 07:06:31 am
I don't think you understand the meaning of ironic.
The Imperial Snark of the Invisible Empire
2/20/2014 07:19:08 am
Josh Reeves does in fact charge for his videos. Whether he makes a profit on them is irrelevant to this discussion.
Only Me
2/18/2014 06:42:35 am
This Reeves is the lowest of the low. Accusing Scott of killing his own father shows how loathsome of a maggot he truly is. Then to use your work as further ammunition, shows the depths he's willing to go to act on a perceived slight.
2/19/2014 08:04:43 pm
So I a fan a Josh have to defend him a little...he never said that. He said Scott feels remorseful!
Rev. Phil Gotsch
2/18/2014 07:21:33 am
I had never heard of that guy, Reeves, until this blog post (above) …
2/19/2014 08:05:53 pm
Ignore the facts as you will his does his research which you yourself can check.
Comrade Snarkovitch
2/20/2014 07:24:26 am
Jason Colavito did "check" as you recommend and determined that Josh copied his work
Nikola T.
4/12/2014 01:25:22 am
Hey Reverend, If you never heard of him, how would you know ? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
2/18/2014 07:42:09 am
Based on the youtube comments that follow his video, I would not be surprised if a bunch of complete wackos come in here to defend Reeves. And they won't just be a troll (Rev) or a gadfly (Steve) but they're going to be downright violently nasty.
2/18/2014 08:02:41 am
I was more upset that this Reeves fellow is using my material as ammunition for his outrageous ideas. I felt that warranted at least a notice that I have nothing to do with the person twisting my blog posts into something awful.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
2/18/2014 09:00:26 am
As my friend and colleague, Scott Wolter, knows very well by now, anyone who is *out*THERE*in*public* can and will be used by others for their own purposes ...
2/18/2014 11:42:47 am
2/19/2014 08:09:02 pm
He is not using your Ideas he has been making movies way before you came on the map Jason this entire post is an attack on Josh.
2/20/2014 07:29:39 am
Please defend the statement "he (Josh Reeves)has been making movies way before you (Jason Colavito)came on the map.
Martin R
2/18/2014 07:50:12 am
The stuff about SW's father is more than a little disconcerting. Other than that, I say let them fire conspiracy theories at 20 paces.
2/18/2014 08:19:34 am
I was expecting nothing less from you,Jason.We have the right to harshly criticize Scott Wolter,but we also have to be fair & honest.Accusing Scott Wolter of "causing his father’s death" is utterly disgusting.This type of accusation has no place in rational discussion.Josh Reeves is professional bottom feeder.
2/19/2014 08:07:36 pm
So this is trolls come to die! Josh did nothing of the sort and got the info on Scott for this sites as he references in his move.
The Snarkster
2/20/2014 07:15:19 am
I don't think you understand the word Troll.
2/18/2014 11:47:27 am
lol The owner of that channel from the first video is a racist dirtbag.This is just more proof to me that the people who believe in these garbage shows are racist themselves.
2/19/2014 08:11:56 pm
His work has nothing to do with race! Its about history I know the guy and am black.
2/20/2014 05:51:29 am
More like history distortion and delusions.There are blacks racist ,so your point?
2/20/2014 05:57:41 am
And they have massive cult followings and are putting out propaganda.I'm sure you're one of them.
2/18/2014 11:56:55 am
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/18/2014 12:15:15 pm
This rings false. Nothing specific that you said is wrong, but there's a difference between criticizing this guy and defending Wolter, and coming across as "Behold, I am wronged!" The entire thing would have been better off without chest-beating or references to how you hope Steve St. Clair or Phil Gotsch decide to jump down this guy's throat too, and the blog heading would have been much more effective without any of the words after "Scott Wolter." I've no use for either of those two, or this guy Reeves, but this post comes across less as criticism of him, and more a litany of your own injuries.
2/18/2014 12:19:30 pm
Well, yes, it serves more than one purpose. I am in fact tired of being repeatedly criticized as some obsessed lunatic while the people who produce truly vile material go on their merry way. If it encourages my critics to apply themselves with equal vigor to more appropriate venues, then it will serve its purpose.
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/18/2014 12:42:01 pm
Problem is, neither of the two you named would lift a finger on a cause you brought to their attention, because it's you. I personally think, for what little that's worth, that you do an admirable job most days with Kipling's line about having your words twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools. I also understand being frustrated with both the return fire you get, and the low quality of what you're working against. Just this one time I think the frustration bled through too much. 2/18/2014 12:46:36 pm
I am, alas, but only human and on occasion do have emotions and opinions unrelated to the facts of archaeology.
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/18/2014 12:53:19 pm
Of course. One of these days I may actually use the E-mail feature of your site, let my feelings about one of your critics out properly. I've actually discarded three or four replies to him today alone, and it's not even my blog. 2/18/2014 12:57:55 pm
The fact of the matter is that most days I have between 60 and 90 minutes to compose and post a blog entry. They aren't always my most considered work, and if I had more time I might say things differently or reconsider some of the material. I've been trying to work a bit ahead to give myself a little more time to review material before posting it, but it doesn't always work out that way. 2/18/2014 01:25:55 pm
An Over-Educated Grunt.
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/19/2014 02:05:27 am
Tara - 2/19/2014 03:53:24 am
An Over-Educated Grunt.
2/20/2014 05:23:12 am
I would consider Jason Colavito's commentaries on Wolter to be the product of a crank if he failed to produce any valid counter-evidence debunking SW's claims. In this respect, SW is often his own worst enemy.
4/12/2014 01:36:29 am
Two thumbs up to you Over-Educated Grunt. The attack mentality of this site totally discredits it.
Snarky Snarkerson
2/18/2014 01:01:41 pm
I listened to two videos of Josh Reeves put up on youtube by 777RealHistory777.
2/18/2014 03:51:30 pm
Oh, there it goes again: "Everyone's a heretic except me and thee, and sometimes I'm not so sure about THEE!"
Snarkmeister Snarkee
2/18/2014 04:25:50 pm
Exactly. He seems to believe that he has a loyal following who will support him him so he can continue to expose all the frauds in academia and alternative history/archaeology.
Clint Knapp
2/18/2014 04:02:34 pm
Maybe if he'd slowed down and taken time to administer just ONE well-argued story instead of rattling off as quickly as he could and repeating himself more than once more people might have paid attention. Might have helped if he had actually presented anything that wasn't seen in this season of AU or already covered by a dozen other guests this year alone.
The Snark-o-matic
2/18/2014 04:18:13 pm
In the same videos mentioned above Josh said that Rob Simone told him to slow down during the breaks. He expressed his anger at that suggestion and said that was his style.
Clint Knapp
2/18/2014 04:37:08 pm
Well, that makes sense. The faster one can ramble through something, the lower the chance of someone stopping stopping and calling you out on a detail.
2/19/2014 08:15:28 pm
Well you did not pay attention!
Snarkanoids from the Deep
2/20/2014 07:38:45 am
Jason you don't know that John B. Wells was fired (terminated for cause). He has stated that he left the show and didn't say why. Josh assumed he was fired.
2/18/2014 05:32:22 pm
I think you'll find that this guy won't get the same attention that you do for the same reason your AA blogs don't get as many comments and defenders as AU blogs. AA is "out there" while AU is a believable story, usually.
2/18/2014 09:16:39 pm
"Everyone here is so extremely politically-correct that I consider them racist in the opposite direction of normal racism, if that even makes any sense. This is just a very angry, hateful place where people still see race everywhere they look, and don't even realize there's something wrong with that."
2/19/2014 02:17:13 am
I shouldn't have used the word "everyone" and I apologize for lumping you, and others, in with that group. In reality, it's a small minority of people here who are like that, but they're also the ones who are the most ardent supporters of Jason.
2/19/2014 01:30:33 am
I thought about all that, to. You know, it just seem like how ever way to much baiting around race matters here. I mean ALWAYS! I'm think maybe next time, not so much. Then, POW!, more of some thing that whitey did bad in the past part of history.
2/19/2014 02:34:19 am
My problem isn't with pointing out examples of racism, where it clearly existed. We don't want to be doomed to repeating it. Everyone should be treated equally, and by everyone, not just by governments.
2/19/2014 03:01:10 am
I can't agree that it's race-baiting, but there is a lot of discussion about race here. However, given the nature of some of the claims, (like, an indigenous population was "given" their culture by outsiders from a different race) you can't really ignore the race angle. Especially given the racial tensions in the US right now. That we're talking about this is a GOOD thing. At least there is discussion. Of course there will be dissent and of course there will be extreme reactions on both sides.
Clint Knapp
2/19/2014 03:25:07 am
Is that the fault of the blog host and the commenters, though, or is it the fault of the show being criticized for purposely promoting outdated and often dis-proven ideas which frequently have strong racially-driven cores behind their creation?
2/19/2014 03:29:29 am
Gunn, are you posting under a 'new' name? The only person I've seen on this blog commenting on Jason's Italian heritage was Gunn...and now someone with a "G" in the middle of the pseudonym is also harping on Jason's Italian ancestry. I hope that Jason can clear this up.
2/19/2014 03:44:22 am
There's a difference between race baiting and context. In a lot of these cases, it just so happens that the context of many subjects is old documents that are race-based or clearly have a racial goal in mind.
2/19/2014 05:41:45 am
Laetitia, well this is a new name. Who are you? Sure, I know Gunn. He is in minnesota here with me, minding his own business. Sure, hi over there Gunn! I saw before how Jason got mad about being only half of the Italian. Why? Whats that problem about....some thing about irritating whitey. I don't know, go ask him. Maybe some thing about not being more related to that Chis.Columbo? Go ahead, you can laugh, to. ha!
2/19/2014 06:11:17 am
But, Amanda, AU doesn't intend to deal with race at all. I truly believe that the background information Jason provides about these theories is way more information than Scott and the show's producers were aware of when it was produced. You can say what you want about their ability to research and produce a documentary. 2/19/2014 06:14:14 am
It is the lack of awareness that's part of the problem, Walt. How can you critically evaluate an interpretation of history without knowing where it came from? Interpretation being subjective, the perspective and biases of the originator are important for evaluating it. It would be like trying to understand Eric Hobsbawm's view of history without realizing he was a Marxist.
2/19/2014 07:00:55 am
I agree their apparent lack of awareness is a problem. Ideally, they would've researched these things enough to address the issues during the show if they really didn't intend to be quietly supporting racist ideas. But, by them not addressing it, I see a lack of awareness rather than them quietly supporting racism, like others here see.
Jason D.
2/21/2014 02:56:41 pm
WellGWhiz, I too am "half of the Italian" maybe I'm the other half of Jason's Italian (we share the same first name) or maybe I'm half of another Italian. I don't know, nor do I understand how it's relevant. 2/19/2014 03:43:52 am
Walt,no need to apologize,no harm was done.In fact I do agree with you but you have to understand that some of Jason`s followers are natural born "Lefties",they are particularly incline to see racism everywhere;).I had such experience in the past with a couple of individuals (they called me antisemitic).This is precisely the reason why I refrain from talking politics.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
2/19/2014 07:13:36 am
Tara Jordan --
2/19/2014 07:15:50 am
Tara, I definitely didn't want to talk politics when I brought up "politically-correct". I'm probably left of left, politically, but that doesn't include sensitivity and seeing victims everywhere I guess.
2/19/2014 05:06:04 am
I don't find people here particularily "politically correct". But then complaining about "political correctness" has been "politically correct" for the last 20+ years. My eyes glaze over when I hear the phrase.
2/19/2014 08:46:01 am
“Political correctness” --- the term does deserve some reflection. In politics, what you do and say is “fair game” to be criticized and used against you in the court of world opinion. Politics is groups of people making decisions. If the collective communal society at large has evolved to vilify certain memes, some racial, in an attempt to right past injustices, the individual who adheres to those tired and often discriminatory modes of expression deserves the wrath of the new politic. Also, I’ve found people that cry foul at “political correctness” or decry its overuse are often lacking in curiosity about the world and its peoples to the point of lazily protecting obsolete paradigms of the past that the zeitgeist now declares repugnant. As Stephen Pinker has said, people used to cackle hilariously at the sight of a burning cat on a rope, it was simply entertainment. But now this act would be roundly condemned in modernity as senseless, cruel, amoral. It’s not politically correct anymore to burn cats with their tail tied to a rope. Being tone-deaf to gender, classist and racial power and privilege as its embedded in the language, memes and behavior of the past is also politically incorrect.
2/18/2014 10:38:49 pm
Jason, I don't see anything on Billy Meier in your work unless I missed it. Have you investigated this case and if so, where do you stand on it?
2/19/2014 06:41:53 am
His claims are rather modern, so they don't fall into my usual area. His photos, though, I am convinced are not of alien spaceships.
2/19/2014 11:45:44 am
Photographs have never been good evidence of UFOs, since photo manipulation goes all the way back to the earliest days of photography. Back then they presented photos of ghosts and fairies as "so explain THAT" proof; today we present Bigsuit, Blobsqatch, and flying Frisbees in the same spirit. I myself have a photo I took on vacation with an old Polaroid camera, of the Missouri State Capitol Building. Due to a flaw in the emulsion, there appears to be a vaguely saucer-shaped object hovering over the dome. On the original photo you can see the foreign object perfectly well, but when scanned and posted on the web (without alterations), it looks remarkably real. 2/18/2014 10:49:13 pm
I've never liked that Reeves guy. His attitude, and his own brand of yellow journalism was always a part of his playbook. He started out attacking Alex Jones, and produced low-budget YouTubes accusing him and others of secret Jesuitism and hidden Catholic menace. He correctly identified the threat of the dominionist faction of the far-right, however, but "appropriated" the previous research of others on the subject. - Paul and Philip Collins in particular.
2/19/2014 08:28:12 am
Terry Melanson---nice to see you here. Your excellent book on the Bavarian Illuminati was recommended to me by Mo Lodge of Research member, Aaron Shoemaker; and I enjoyed your thorough research and history. I agree with you about the data poachers, and although I'm not familiar with Reeves, after listening to some of the vids Jason posted, they strike me as highly derivative and focused on over-sensationalizing his criticism of Wolter, Jones, etc. in a self-serving way. Kind of like amateur porch talk denigrating what he views as "colleagues" in order to elevate his own work. Sadly, what is being offered as a substitute is worse is many cases. Hopefully, we'll quickly move past this post's topic.
2/19/2014 01:42:17 pm
Thanks much appreciated! I like your latest article on the masonic symbols of Washington. You're a very good writer. 2/19/2014 02:22:53 pm
Terry Melanson,Byron DeLear,Pacal.
Will B.
2/19/2014 08:01:15 pm
Data poachers! An excellent term. Like your work Terry. The real story usually is more intriguing than the myths...
2/19/2014 12:01:05 pm
Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Is this guy claiming that Alex Jones is part of the conspiracy? Boy, that's a hoot!
2/19/2014 01:48:13 pm
I've done serious research into the real Illuminati for at least ten years. You could spend a lifetime debunking all the theories. It would be an impossible task. Facts about them are harder to come by, especially in English. The real story also is just as interesting as some of the myths.
2/19/2014 03:34:07 pm
I did notice how much of the information on your site was still in German and being translated. I can read German, but not well enough to read academic texts or older works. About the Illuminati: apart from the mind-control thing (the Illuminati secretly control all popular entertainment, and slip subtle mind-control elements into movies, music videos, etc), I mostly run into the term when people make the Freemasonry/Illuminati equation. I do know a fair amount about the Freemasons, and all the conspiracy nonsense surrounding them would be amusing, if people didn't take it so seriously. I mean, when someone comes up to me and breathlessly insists that Freemasons built Washington DC, I'm about as impressed as if they told me that the Dutch Reformed built New York City.
Erik G
2/19/2014 05:49:06 am
To Tara...
2/19/2014 07:03:57 am
Erik G.
Erik G
2/19/2014 08:28:46 am
Tara... Je suis un veritable melange -- francais, italien, allemand, russe -- et culturellement anglais. Je pense en francais and swear in English. 2/19/2014 09:10:08 am
Erik G.
Titus pullo
2/19/2014 08:09:00 am
Jason's site welcomes those of all political sides as long as they have some logic and critical thinking. I'm a libertarian and have been treated well on this blog as well as seen very good thinking by those who claim to be liberal or conservative. I've learned more about history and the context of various theories here than anywhere else.
The Other J.
2/19/2014 10:39:17 am
With regard to how the production most likely cut some of Wolter's Rock Wall explanation, making it seem like Wolter was hiding information:
2/19/2014 08:28:29 pm
Well I can see I am glad I warned Josh about you Jason. You attack him in way that is not warranted. He never said Scott killed his father. Gives you credit in his full film. He make no money off his films as I and a few others are followers of him.
2/19/2014 10:46:06 pm
If he gives me credit in the full film, then I am doubly saddened because I don't want my name associated with his vile, disturbing ideas. There is no reason to "warn" Josh Reeves about me since I doubt I should ever had occasion to mention him again.
2/20/2014 04:46:58 am
I have the video he does not say the way you put. If Scott feels that he somehow cause his death on a diving trip stating that fact is not saying he killed him somehow on purpose. Feeling remorseful and guilty is a long way away from saying he killed him. 2/20/2014 05:05:49 am
Reeves states that Wolter's father "died in a diving accident that Wolter claims was his fault." Those are Reeves's exact words, and they unfairly distort Wolter's own. Reeves makes Wolter to say that he caused his own father's death. 2/20/2014 05:28:06 am
Jason. 2/20/2014 05:39:47 am
It's not for his sake; many readers won't click the YouTube video or watch the whole thing, so I put the quote out there for those who won't or can't watch.
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/20/2014 05:48:46 am
Jason's "followers?" "Sheep behavior?" Wow, why don't you just trot out Hitler while you're at it?
2/20/2014 06:16:18 am
@An Over-Educated Grunt 2/20/2014 06:21:40 am
Jason, the above article is specifically focused on Reeves's claims regarding Scott Wolter. As you say, the rest of the film has nothing to do with Wolter, so it is not relevant to my post. This is not a comprehensive debunking of everything Reeves says but rather a specific response to specific claims Reeves made vis-à-vis Scott Wolter, America Unearthed, and the H2 network.
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/20/2014 07:19:53 am
Call me a forum troll all you like, sweetheart, but I'm not the one who posted "Oh, I am done!" and then 45 minutes later decided on a Parthian shot. Since you're a paragon of the English language, I'm certain you're familiar with that concept, so I won't demean you explaining.
2/20/2014 05:45:09 am
Oh I am done! There is no need to argue any further. I have put money towards Josh's work and have a right to defend it. I am one of the few on his show the sent emails to C2CAM so he can get on to promote it. Josh has put in a lot of work other than the 10min in his 2hr film about H2 show and Mr. Wolter.
Only Me
2/20/2014 09:05:52 am
You're right; there is no need for you to argue any further, since you had nothing to argue about.
A Pig In Lipstick
3/3/2014 02:46:53 pm
To summarize:
3/3/2014 08:44:51 pm
"Josh Reeves - Independent "journalist" who points out the death of Scott Wolters father. Also sells his sells his and other people's information on his website, folding the funds back into his operation. Bad "
3/3/2014 10:28:26 pm
I have never discussed the death of Scott Wolter's father except here to point out Josh Reeves's disgusting reference to the same. I do not make money from this website. I take no advertising, and the rare donation goes toward the maintenance costs.
3/26/2014 06:09:43 pm
Get your facts right before you put your foot in your mouth Colavito..... you chump. The same goes for all the mind controlled liars you have incited here to defend your house of cards.
this chat room was created a few years back to document reeves and his lies. you can scroll back over the years and read how he has conned people out of money for his so called research. The only ones still supporting reeves have no clue what he has done over the years.
12/15/2019 03:25:33 am
Reeves is a total con. Sadly, I got burned by him. He lied to me and never delivered on his promise. I feel like a fool for giving that arrogant prick my hard earned money. His follows buy into his “cult-of-personality” but I no longer do. He flips out over every slightly critical comment made on his channel and yells and cusses at anyone who criticizes him. He is the lowest form of humanity.
7/25/2014 08:47:35 am
F*ck Josh Reeves...who cares, but anyone who cant figure out by now that this Wolter guy, Alex Jones, art bell/Norry...just to name a few are nothing but spooks and shills for the people they claim to be against is only fooling themselves.
12/15/2019 03:15:54 am
Josh Reeves is a fraud, read my comment. He lies to get money and doesn’t deliver on his promises.
12/15/2019 03:12:17 am
Josh Reeves is a liar, a fraud, and a lowlife. He constantly lies to his followers to get them to give him money. He cries for twenty minutes or more during every show that he doesn’t have any money, all the while lying about his “documentary” that will never come out. I was burned by him for a large donation sadly. I contacted him multiple times about claiming my perk, only to have him ignore me. He whines about not having money to finish his documentaries, then when his goals are met, he resets the meter and asks for more money. He is shameless, has no standards, morals, or ethics of any kind. He is total trash, do not give him one red cent of your hard earned money unless you enjoy getting ripped off!
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