Late last night I received a cryptic note from Pastor Doug Riggs containing three hyperlinks and signed only with the words “Proverbs 18:13.” I got out my Bible and looked up the passage to see what the good pastor was trying to tell me. “To answer before listening—that is folly and shame.” It appeared that I was being rebuked, but for what? To find the answer, I needed to check out Pastor Doug’s links. What I found was so very sad and so very disturbing. Yesterday we heard from Himmler’s Crusade author Christopher Hale that “there are consequences to ideas,” and today we see some of those consequences. The idea in question is—what else?—that the Nephilim have a plan to create genetic hybrids with human beings. Doug Riggs believes the Nephilim are the masterminds behind Satanic Ritual Abuse, a long-debunked scare from the 1980s that imagined satanic cults engaging in child molestation. There is no evidence whatsoever that any organized satanic cult ritually abused children. By contrast, one of the largest perpetrators of child abuse was the Catholic Church, which hid priestly sex abuse for decades. I had never heard of Pastor Doug Riggs before last night, even though he apparently practices his ministry in Syracuse, New York, near where I grew up. Riggs runs a ministry called Morning Star Testimony Church (the name refers to speaking out about Lucifer) dedicated to advocating an apocalyptic worldview preaching the imminent End Times and offering “therapy” for alleged survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse. According to fellow Nephilim researcher Doug Woodward, Riggs’ congregation is made up almost exclusively of those who believe themselves to be the victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and subsequent Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder) allegedly implants a Nephilim personality that can emerge to take control of the abused’s body. Although according to sources Riggs does not hold a license to practice mental health counseling, his title as pastor allows him to offer spiritual counseling. Many of those who have encountered his “therapy” have been scarred by what they saw. One survivor started a blog to discuss what the blog calls a “cult” around Riggs and offers deeply disturbing details of what went on behind church doors when Riggs preached in Oklahoma: I was involved in his church in Tulsa, Oklahoma during the 1990's. I was only a pre-teen at the time, but I still remember the screaming, the exorcisms, the hand-drawn diagrams showing how each one of the congregational families were linked to shadowy organizations that wanted to subject us to unspeakable horrors. I remember hours and hours of a charismatic, intelligent, physically imposing man filling my head with fear of the most absolute kind. Through his lessons, my world grew darker. My family isolated themselves from their relatives. These shadowy organizations are of course part and parcel of the conspiracy handbook, parallel to the Freemason-Illuminati-Templar conspiracies. Only this time, instead of receiving veneration for their secret knowledge the challenges Church teachings, the shadowy organizations are seen as in league with Satan for the same reason. In fact, according to Riggs, the Freemasons are in league with the Nephilim and are currently in charge of the United States government and its intelligence agencies. In turn, the Nephilim-Freemasons are masterminding a nationwide pattern of child sacrifices as part of a master plan to bring about the End Times. He is not alone in this, and a fellow researcher into “Satanic Ritual Abuse” named Russ Dizdar goes even further in casting all of the usual bogeymen of fringe history conspiracies as agents of a long-running project to abuse children in Satan’s name. Riggs wanted me to read a chapter from Doug Woodward’s book Power Quest Book Two that describes Woodward’s conspiracy theory that the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele was active in the United States. Woodward reported that he did not find Riggs to be a cult leader and that his congregation was not a cult, merely socially conservative and strictly adherent to biblical truth. I cannot speak to whether Riggs runs a true cult. Woodward and Riggs know one another (and L.A. Marzulli) and work together to promote conspiracy theories involving Satan, the Nephilim, and various secret organizations, so Woodward’s testimony is not unbiased. Both assert that Josef Mengele was responsible for the satanic abuse many of Riggs’ congregants claim to have experienced, and the congregants assert they remember working with Mengele from, in some cases, the age of 18 months. Riggs has “helped” his congregants realize that they are the unacknowledged children of European royalty, and that their abuse occurred because Satan intended to fulfill the prophecy of Psalm 2:2 that the kings of the earth should conspire against God. From all across America, but especially in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Syracuse, New York, the secret children of European royalty were deposited in American homes, princelings whom Satan, the Freemasons, and the Nazis want to convert to Satanism. Obviously, if this were true there should be some evidence in the form of royal pregnancies, DNA, travel records…anything, really. Riggs provided me with links to a five-hour documentary in which he interviews several of these “survivors,” who explain how they are the children of kings and queens of the “Germanic” royal bloodline of Europe. Four alone claim to be Windsors, and one believers her self the bastard daughter of the former Queen of Greece and an unidentified Jewish financier. Woodward, in turn, asserts that this secret, sacred bloodline—the same Holy Bloodline variously attributed in conspiracy literature to the secret children of Christ, survivors of Atlantis, or lizard people—has been the focus of Nephilim activity since the dawn of time, corrupted and controlled as part of a global cult dedicated to power: On the outward level, these royals may be Catholic, Protestant, or Marxist atheist; while behind the scenes, they are avowedly caught up in the cult of Lucifer. Luciferians, Rosicrucians, and the highest degree of Freemasonry (perhaps properly labeled the ‘illuminists’) all drink from the same tainted golden goblet. They quest for perfect knowledge and ultimate power. They seek to ‘manage humanity’ whether they see themselves leaning toward fascism or Marxism. I cannot begin to express how deeply sad Doug Riggs’ video makes me. The individuals depicted in that video are clearly suffering, but Riggs has convinced them that their suffering derives from secret powers beyond their control and that their modest American lives are frauds that removed them from the palaces and castles that were their birthright. He also told them, and Woodward concurs, that the parents they grew up with were all Satanists who abused them at the behest of the Illuminati. Doug Riggs, of course, has no evidence for any of this beyond psychologically-dubious “recovered” memories and his own unshakeable belief in global conspiracies. These people are suffering, and Riggs has convince them that their pain is not in vain, that their suffering is part of a battle against Satan, and that with his help they can fight on the side of the angels. L. A. Marzulli explained the “master plan” of the Nephilim, those tricky creatures for whom there is no evidence they ever existed outside the imagination of the writer of Genesis 6:1-4. They are an article of faith, not a conclusion from evidence. Here is how Marzulli expands Genesis 6:4 (in which the Sons of God mate with the daughters of men) into a global conflagration centered on the Nephilim having sex with random human women, those prepared for the task through Satanic Ritual Abuse, which makes them into incubators for demons (or Nephilim or whatever): Added to this was the startling information given to me by Doug Riggs in regard to Satanic Ritual abuse, where the Nephilim mothers are now non-blood lines. This duplicates the Genesis 6 paradigm exactly. I believe that the hybrids will be used to control and give orders to satanic super soldiers, those men and women whose personalities have been demonically split, as Russ Dizdar informs us in his book, Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers. Yes, “bloodlines.” As in the royal bloodlines of Europe. Riggs, apparently unable to plausibly maintain that everyone he meets is a child of European royalty, has now expanded the Nephilim’s reach beyond the European royal blood.
This is real harm that is preventing Riggs’ congregants and other believers from getting the real help they need to find the true source of their suffering, and it derives from the same mixture of fringe history, uncritical use of ancient texts, and paranoid conspiracies that animates so much at the outer limits of history—ancient astronautics, Bloodline-Templar conspiracies, UFO abductions, giantology, etc. Worse, fringe psychology—extreme, unscientific claims about multiple personalities—is folded into the conspiracy as a “scientific” support for the idea of satanic personality implants sitting within our brains. When I first heard about the “Nephilim theory” and L. A. Marzulli’s strange ideas, I thought it was just another flavor of fringe idiocy. Now I see that it is dangerous and is causing real and lasting harm to people whom these theorists have convinced in the name of Jesus that they are in thrall to Satan. And the media contribute to this every time they air a “documentary” that tells lies about ancient astronauts, Holy Bloodline conspiracies, and UFOs—all topics that seem silly to outsiders but which the faithful accept as a revelation of the secret conspiratorial forces that control their lives, absolve them from responsibility for their actions, and explain their sadness and suffering in terms that make their pain noble, part of a titanic struggle against Satan rather than a mundane encounter with the banality of evil.
Only Me
11/25/2013 06:08:17 am
Looks like Westboro Baptist Church has competition for most harmful, offensive and ludicrous. This is exactly the kind of example people point to when they talk about abuses of the church.
11/25/2013 08:32:02 am
Riggs is not a super common last name and is a shame that someone that has my last name, has such issues. Life is full of mysteries, and we all should be open minded. This is just Shamefull..
11/25/2013 10:50:40 am
These people, if I dare call them such, are beyond disgusting. They prey upon the helpless and sick for their own profits. They get away with the abuse they give out since they claim they are expressing religious beliefs.
2/1/2019 11:23:39 am
First of all, I feel it is fair to ask all of those who responded to this article.. HAVE YOU TAKEN THE TIME TO RESEARCH THESE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST OUR MILITARY, RELIGIOUS, AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS?? If not than you don't have the right to criticize.. There are many things recently being exposed by YHWH Elohim, the God of Israel, Issac, and Jacob.. And much of these things are about the one percent elite, or Shadow Government.. And secondly Pastor Riggs does not ask anyone for finances... NEVER.. I know this, because, I know him personally and he has never asked me for money.. Do you realize that he gets Nothing for the help he gives these individuals.. NOTHING.. What would possibly be his motive for spending a large portion of his life, attempting to help these individuals... THAT IS LOVE. its called laying down ( SACRIFICING )ones life to help another..i believe the ones such as your self who ignorantly accuse this man, based on nothing but your personal opinion.. ARE MOST LIKLEY INVOLVED IN THE VERY THINGS DOUG RIGGS AND THOSE WHO HELP HIM ARE SPEAKING OUT ABOUT.. Your evil is being brought into the light and what other option do you have, then to make him appear as a liar and a madman..
Dave Lewis
11/25/2013 02:02:31 pm
Russ Dizdar hosted the Satanic & Occult Crimes conference on November 15-16 in Canton Ohio. You can peruse his web pages here:
10/12/2016 06:33:36 pm
11/25/2013 02:10:55 pm
I was unaware of most of this and I find it very disturbing.
11/27/2013 12:42:58 pm
You mentioned the Ritual Abuse Scare of the 1980s-1990s. It is interesting to note that the Ritual Abuse Scare shared many features of the Witch Craze. Including but not limited to a vast Satanic cult / church engaged in subverting the order of things. Included in this was like the modern scare breeding babies for sacrifice and other such nonsense. Sexual abuse also figured into it.
Chad Scott
10/11/2020 10:53:04 pm
I haven’t studied much of this but if you are blind to the evidence of child abuse within the federal government I pray you will take some red pills
11/28/2013 07:59:05 am
The SRA myth is one that I've attempted to address and dispel in the past. The most frightening aspect of the SRA believers is the incredible Group Think attendant to the belief. I found myself quickly under the microscope of the SRA subculture for daring to question its legitimacy and reality, which ended in me being denounced as a part of the conspiracy by followers of Russ Dizdar. Thus it is that it is a self supporting delusion in that any critique of the notion automatically casts the one asking questions in the role of Satanic Conspirator.
12/14/2013 04:27:10 pm
Riggs isn't happy with me, either, as I don't support his modern nephilim ideas. I got the same Bible verse. Here's my own translation: "Oh, but for the grace of God, you'd agree with me and not be foolish." And I have a PhD in Hebrew Bible to boot!
2/8/2015 01:10:36 am
Thank you Mike Heiser. I value your research and the Mythbook "The Myth that is True" opened my eyes. I had a bad run with Doug Riggs. Lets just say that he does not value confidentiality. And yes his views are very distorted.
4/23/2016 11:24:14 am
And yet, Dr. Heiser, you believe that SRA is real despite having absolutely no physical evidence.
12/29/2013 11:51:02 pm
Many giant skeletons have been found on earth. Me thinks thou do protest too much.
11/29/2014 12:11:50 am
I'm close to someone who's been drawn into the Nephilim conspiracy theory. Thankfully, he hasn't stumbled into this Doug Riggs nonsense yet, but I worry that it's only a matter of time.
11/29/2014 10:21:46 am
There are a lot of Christian books that deal with Biblical interpretation, but I don't know of any that specifically debunk Nephilim conspiracies since most Christian denominations don't believe in fallen angel hybrid beings. Instead, most denominations prefer the Sethite version which claims that the Nephilim were nothing more than the children of the godly sons of Seth and the daughters of Cain (following from Genesis 4 and 5). If you follow that interpretation, then there is no reason to believe in hybrid supernatural monsters.
12/2/2014 01:14:00 pm
Check out Paradox Brown's in-depth research on the topic at stop alien abduction under the Debunkery tab
2/8/2015 07:41:56 pm
Thank you for this article. I am an ex-conspiracy theorist, and having watched "In Satan's Name," the documentary documenting the lie which is SRA, it helped me unravel my mind from the confines of these fantasies.
4/3/2015 06:41:55 am
I have seen more lives and people damaged by buying in to the Doug Riggs Gospel of lies I just wish more people would Identify the father of Lies handiwork.
4/3/2015 07:11:08 am
I fully agree.Doug Riggs should be called Doug Rigged.He caused extreme damage in my life via Skype.I am in South Africa.Doug "Rigged" is a control freak and deceiver.Any body that allows him and his Death Star Church into their lives will be deceived.Doug Riggs must not ever be trusted.Avoid Doug RiggeD!!Whenever i get the chance i expose this liar and destroyer.He enforces his view and his way.Even my emails to him was twisted around to suit his warped destructive views.I wish he would visit South Africa again.I will make sure i attend to expose him as nothing but a cult controller.
5/22/2021 09:47:58 pm
Please send me your email I want to talk to you... I also have a very bad impression of him through skype
8/10/2015 08:13:23 am
Also, there is absolutely no proof that the Nephalim do not exist. Mysteries hidden in symbols, camouflaged in words designed to mislead and confuse, just like masonry. Truth is, this battle is real, as old as mankind. It is also hidden away in half truths and full lies with secrets kept, hidden away from the masses. Yet we see the symbology, hear their blasphemy written in the cryptic lies of history. The past very well controls the future, the more they believe the prestige the easier to deceive. Its real, its happening today as well as before mans fall from grace, not only do your lives depend on illumination but so do your children's! Im no christian, muslim or jew. Only what christian kings called a heathen, godless pagan. They slaughtered my ancestors, the blood of the vikings, blood of my templar ancestors alike, stains their hands in an unholy contract. These people are sell outs, they have no honor or grace. Their only loyalties are death and trust only in destruction, they have compromised and infiltrated nearly every government on earth and their goal is to unite the world under one man, the corrupt one. He does not share power, a conspiracy so vast, so dark and so unbelievable no man could ever understand it. But believe my pagan ass when i tell you its real, your disbelief counts on it
Tonya Carpenter
9/19/2016 02:14:16 am
SRA is real, just because you don't believe it doesn't mean its not. If you are a christian, you need to pray and have the Lord give you discernment. Doug Riggs is telling the truth. I would do some extensive research before you believe its not.
Russ Dizdar is a Moron
10/12/2016 08:38:40 pm
Russ Dizdar is a delusional, moronic, fringe evangelical who gives Christianity a bad name.
Jerusha Myers Ssempeswa
1/15/2018 09:01:16 pm
My now ex-husband got hooked up with Riggs in 1981 and our marriage went downhill from then one. Finally when my marriage ended in1996, I got out of there with my 7 children. My ex served 16 years in prison for sexually abusing one of our children. I was there when the documentary "In Satan's Name" was filmed. The damage done by this so-called ministry is sickening.
Perry Lesh
8/29/2019 08:49:48 pm
The last memory I have of Riggs at Morning Star in Tulsa is him yelling at me, calling me a "snake" and "Rothchild" in front of everybody in the church! Then, when I was standing at the door, he came up behind me, reached his arm around me and yanked off my glasses, giving me a severe bloody nose. Blood was gushing everywhere! I'm not exaggerating!! Those who witnessed it, including his wife, then heard me ask the question, "Does anyone have a problem with this?" All of them just stood there silent, as though nothing wrong had happened! Then I ran into the kitchen to get a cloth to stop the bleeding. Nobody helped me. I could have brought charges against Doug for "assault and battery", but I was so devastated I went home, told my wife what happened, cried and decided to forgive and pray for him. You see, Doug and I had became friends when I met him in Seminary back in '79. He and his wife, Lori, befriended me and introduced me to some excellent Christian literature. When Morning Star started in '81, Doug being the Pastor, everything seemed OK. (But we were the result of a painful Church split, so pride had a foothold.) I was asked to lead the congregational singing (I had a degree in Music.). Also I did quite a bit of teaching. As time went by, not only did Doug do a lot of excellent verse-by-verse expository teaching, but also often taught topically. Eventually I became a Deacon and later an Elder. When an Administrative Educator and his wife came to a Prophecy Conference in Tulsa to share their insights as to how "the New Age Movement" (i.e. "Eastern Mysticism") had infiltrated the Public School System, I met them I we agreed it would be mutually beneficial to work together. So, the Church decided it was time to ordain me and send me off with their blessings to Maryland to minister together with this couple. My doctrine and character was tested and then there was an ordination ceremony and the "laying on of hands." (Keep this in mind, because if the truth was I was a victim of SRA as a child via my Lucifer-worshiping parents, and thus had MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), they had no business ordaining me! Whose "discernment was off? Then I believe tipping point, when Morning Star started a steep decline in deception, was when we started to study "Spiritual Warfare" It wasn't that it was in error, but rather out of balance and overemphasized. We started reading all sorts of literature on it and started to "practice" it. Satan and his minions shouldn't be underestimated, but they also shouldn't be overestimated! Stay with scripture!! Then a young man named Walter came to our Church, who for some reason seemed to be so spiritual. Everybody wanted to be around him! He was quiet but always seemed to have a word of wisdom. Before he came Doug did little if any "counseling". Then one day he said to Doug, "Your sheep are sick." Then the "counseling" began. I remember a counseling session that was very good! I had been sexually abused by some boys when I was in Grade School and was full of hatred for them! I needed to forgive them and pray for them and confess my sin of hatred. Then God forgave me and cleansed me with His blood!! But then one day a wife and mother named Dianna, who came from a very wealthy family, had a long "counseling session" with Doug, during which she supposedly had "memories" surface which placed her on the receiving end of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) as a child. Things went downhill from there. So-called "alters", different "personalities", began to "present" themselves.
5/22/2021 10:12:45 pm
I am so sorry for what you went through.
Jerusha Myers
1/22/2022 08:23:07 pm
Doug Riggs died on 1/5/2022 in Syracuse, NY from COVID.
1/26/2022 06:12:57 pm
Do you have a source for cause of death? How do you know it was COVID? Thanks.
Jerusha Myers Ssempeswa
1/7/2022 10:28:09 pm
Update: Doug Riggs died on 1/5/2022 of COVID/PNEUMONIA. My ex (a registered sex offender) reunited with this group a couple of years ago. It will be interesting to see what happens to this group now.
Jerusha Myers Ssempeswa
1/12/2022 12:40:04 am
Doug Riggs died on 1/5/2022 of COVID/pneumonia. My ex returned to that group a couple years ago.
Jerusha Myers-Ssempeswa
1/27/2022 10:34:13 am
People are asking me how I know that Doug Riggs died. We are in communication with one of his sons, plus another friend communicates with his wife. Also his wife posted on their website about his death. As I have said before, my ex had us in that group since 1981, I was able to escape in 1996. My ex rejoined them a couple of years ago. If you don't want to believe me, then fine. But it is the truth.
1/31/2022 11:02:37 am
Jerusha -
Jerusha Myers-Ssempeswa
2/1/2022 08:08:49 am
It is now posted on their website about Doug's death. Also another person called the hospital and they confirmed the information. Perry did find peace! He got treated for bi-polar disorder and was doing well. Got married, had 4 daughters & several grandchildren. Sadly it passed away a couple of years ago (not from COVID btw). I am still good friends with his widow.
Jerusha Myers Ssempeswa
3/6/2022 05:49:14 pm
Perry's last few years were wonderful! Good relationship with his wife & four daughters. I was able to attend his funeral & graveside service. Absent from the body and present with the Lord.
8/21/2022 03:36:30 am
3/12/2023 04:22:09 pm
can you please supply me with the link of the 5 hour documentary which you referred to? About the interviews with survivors. Thanks.
3/14/2023 11:16:58 am
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