On February 4, Chariots of the Gods author Erich von Däniken put out an official statement attacking me by name and disputing accusations that his history of using phrases like “failure” to describe the “Black race” constituted racism. The statement appears to be a reaction to tweets I made in response to a recent New Yorker article which interviewed von Däniken to comment on Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb’s claim that the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua was a piece of technology from an alien world. I noted at the time that von Däniken had a history of making statements that were racially insensitive or which expressed transphobic and homophobic views. That did not sit well with him. In a statement on his personal letterhead, von Däniken said the following: For decades there have been groups of people who believe that some of the contents of my book is racist. More recently, a pseudo-historian by the name of Jason Colavito had made himself important. Obviously, he has neither read nor understood my books. As should be obvious, everything von Däniken said here is untrue. My book review page contains reviews of only some of the books by von Däniken I have read since the mid-1990s. Each contains quoted excerpts demonstrating von Däniken’s unpleasant and often controversial views. A simple review of his own writing demonstrates the falseness of his denials. Here he is, writing in his book Signs of the Gods about the “failure” of the Black race: “Was the black race a failure and did the extraterrestrials change the genetic code by gene surgery and then programme a white or a yellow race?” Similarly, his views on the subjects favored by conservatives and reactionaries are clearly expressed. In Twilight of the Gods, he offers unpleasantly reactionary views on gender, claiming that the world should have ended long ago if we gave credence to an Islamic prophecy that the End Times would occur when “women act like men and the men act like women.” A recent book, War of the Gods, expresses racist ideas about the socially constructed concept of race being genetically determined, and he threw in an aside about gender essentialism that seems to be an attack on transgender people: “The basic characteristics of people in different parts of the world are known. We all remain people, but we are not the same. The genetic patterns are different. No ‘gender mainstreaming’ disputes this scientific fact.” His book The Gods Never Left Us contains several pages of complaints about feminists and transgender people: Within the framework of equality between men and women, some women demanded a program to implement gender equality. Meanwhile, gender has grown into a proper world strategy. “Gender mainstreaming” is even one of the goals of the European Union. But a few fundamentally correct thoughts have turned into a feminist world dictate. There are hardly any scientists left who have the moral courage to stand up against gender. […] There are only unisex people any longer. The biological sex no longer counts for anything. Boys should actually be ashamed to have been born with a penis. […] Anyone who does not adhere to “gender” is excluded from the community of reasonable people. His books are full of similar comments about a raft of conservative issues. I needn’t outline them here.
The majority of his statement attempts to excuse his political views by appealing to the Bible and alleging that he has done nothing more than replace God with space aliens but otherwise follows the same biblical narrative of creation and population as Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Along the way, he nonsensically accuses me of arguing that Flood narratives are racist because only “one group” survives. Of course, that is ridiculous. Earlier generations argued either that races emerged after the Flood or that the survivors represented different racial groups. I have no idea what he thought to gain with that barbed nonsense. While I could explain in detail why his claims are closer in spirit to the twisted theology Victorian writers employed to excuse colonialism, imperialism, and slavery, I will confine myself here to noting that I did not make the argument that von Däniken complains about in detail in my criticism of his New Yorker appearance. Two-thirds of his statement is a straw-man argument against a claim I did not bring forward in this context. My concern, in this context, is with his racist language, gender essentialism, and other instances of obviously biased and offensive statements. “Any kind of racism is completely foreign to me,” von Däniken wrote in his statement. “I never had and have anything in common with the ideas of the NAZI. I myself have friends all over the world in all cultures. We do not know any racism.” Chariots of the Gods, for what it was worth, was heavily rewritten by its editor-ghostwriter, who was a former Nazi propagandist. That said, I don’t believe von Däniken thinks of himself as a racist. But his written record firmly shows that he is blind to the consequences of his own ideas, both his so-called “analysis” of ancient texts and his own highly conservative politics. Von Däniken concluded his missive by claiming that I and other critics are in fact the true racists. “This because they consider themselves to be something special.” I have hard time considering “I know you are, but what am I?” to be a serious defense against more than five decades’ evidence of sustained racist and sexist commentary, but it certainly seems to be an appropriate example of the level of von Däniken’s reasoning and the intellectual achievement it represents.
Ralf Buelow
2/6/2021 03:21:55 am
Jason: I checked your source "Signs of the Gods ?", and indeed it has a whole chapter on genetics. But note that von Daeniken's knowledge was based on UNESCO's statement on "The Race Question" from 1950. He may have read it at school and mentions it in his book giving the year 1951. (It is clear that he thought of the 1950 text which UNESCO revised in 1951 after receiving much criticism.) Note also that the German edition of the "Signs" book - "Prophet der Vergangenheit" - came out in the late 1970s. In those days the main German news magazine SPIEGEL still used "Neger" for African-Americans.
2/6/2021 10:47:30 am
What term did they use for African-Germans?
2/16/2021 08:31:04 am
Ulrich: I won't say "too little" but I will say "too late". Nonetheless (the elf who was edited out of Lord of the Rings) thank you.
It would really be interesting to know when exactly Erich von Daeniken made which statements, and to check it against the cultural context of his home country. I am pretty sure that there is some racism, but maybe less than thought.
Kaiser Obvious
2/7/2021 12:27:13 am
The German language equivalents of Afro-German and Black German are among the terms used. There are hundreds of thousands of German citizens of African descent. Herr Franke is out of touch on yet another issue.
Kaiser Obvious, I never heard "Afro-Deutsche", no one says this.
Dieter from sprockets
2/7/2021 12:47:16 pm
2002 German film entitled Afro-Deutsch, see:
Dieter from Sprockets, I never heard of this. I am living in Germany, consuming German news almost every day. Maybe the term lives among a very small minority of leftist activists and in small university circles, but it never made its way into mass media.
Frau Obvious
2/9/2021 10:53:06 am
For use of Afrodeutsche in a popular German magazine see
Frau Obvious, thank you for these SPIEGEL articles. I stopped reading the SPIEGEL years ago when it turned more and more to the left. Once, the SPIEGEL had been "the" political magazine in Germany, the "Sturmgeschütz" (assault gun) of democracy and enlightenment. Tempi passati.
Graf Obvious
2/9/2021 03:28:59 pm
First you deny that the term Afrodeutsche or related terms are used in Germany. When that is proven wrong with multiple examples from film and literature you move the goal post to Afro-Deutsche not being found in mass media. When multiple examples of the term being used in a major mass media outlet are provided you try to move the goalpost again. You are like Martin Stower; deny the existence of something and then continue to argue in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Martin Stower
2/10/2021 08:23:00 am
Graf Obvious, I stay with my very first statement:
Lost in translation
2/10/2021 04:43:11 pm
Mr. Franke,
2/11/2021 01:21:55 pm
"This would be like calling whites "European-Americans..." No, it's not lost in translation. We differ in opinion. If there is an official definition of mass media defining The Atlantic Monthly with 425,000 copies per 330,000,000 US citizens a mass medium (and it is only per month), then this definition is wrong and useless and has to be rejected. And if there is something happening only in certain fringe parts of society, it does not happen in society as such. This is plainly clear.
Rupert the doll
2/11/2021 02:47:12 pm
Why are all of you arguing with someone who believes that Atlantis was a real place and that German colonialism in Africa wasn't all that bad? Do you really expect to see this silly discussion take a productive intelligent turn?
Martin Stower
2/11/2021 08:33:12 pm
Some here (naming no names) are semi-educated mediocrities, of the kind who put The Dictionary on a throne, through ignorance of what lexicographers actually do.
2/12/2021 08:56:28 am
With all due respect (do the math, ALL OF YOU) The Atlantic, with a circulation ≈ that of New York magazine and less than half the The New Yorker, is "media" but not "mass media". I personally don't care. It's of, by, and for WASP and uppity and aspirational SJW's (when will someone tweak to the "Jew" hidden in that acronym?).
Rupert the doll, be careful that you do not become impeached, you are just about to incite a mob with your words, don't you?
2/12/2021 11:08:15 am
T Franke:
2/12/2021 11:20:50 am
Kent and Franke
Jim, I am so happy that you politely asked: "is 425,000 a large number of people ?"
Hogans heroes
2/12/2021 07:53:36 pm
Franke is befuddled and flustered, doesnt know what he doesn't know, is immune to facts and logic, isnt taken seriously by anyone here, yet comes across as sincere in his ignorance. He is E.P. Gronidine trolling under another name.
2/12/2021 09:04:21 pm
" I am not a slave of definitions made by others."
I made a d in high school german
2/13/2021 04:48:24 am
When in doubt consult a current dictionary. The Collins German to English Dictionary lists Afrodeutsch. The Duden German Language Dictionary lists Afrodeutsch.
Jim, language is an important tool to manipulate others. Never heard of George Orwell's "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"? What if the Founding Fathers would have obeyed to all definitions in British law and dictionaries in 1776?!
2/13/2021 01:11:29 pm
Franke, this isn't a one off where you dispute the definition of one word to bolster your point of view, you are redefining words and phrases on a regular basis.
the prince of reason
2/13/2021 01:23:03 pm
"I never heard anyone using this term..."
2/13/2021 01:33:16 pm
"Why do you ignore my arguments: What is it now, with the many-million-followers youtube influencers? Are they mass media? Do they define a language which we all have to obey? Just asking politely."
Pragmatic proposal: When I personally hear the first German using the term I will come back to you ...... meanwhile you could meditate about all the nonsense arguments you have put forward. Your assumption, that I hear this term all the time, but pretend not to hear it, is wrong.
Ramstein fan
2/13/2021 05:09:41 pm
Bild, which is Germany's largest tabloid newspaper, and a conservative-leaning one at that, ran a story in 2018 with the title including: gesicht der afrodeutschen-bewegung. My German is not good but I read it as "leader (or face) of the Afro-German movement."
The thread that won't die
2/13/2021 07:09:27 pm
No one says this
2/13/2021 07:36:07 pm
"T Franke
Ramstein Fan has contributed a useful posting:
Hans und Franz
2/14/2021 12:18:45 pm
Franke claimed no one uses afrodeutsche but now admits that it has been used in reference to an actress on a mainstream german TV show. Who has been proven wrong here?
Hans and Franz, it were again just a few minor news! Not the broad mass media flooding across the nation. These minor news do not represent the common use of words in Germany. They slipped my attention, naturally.
2/15/2021 12:08:26 am
"The "no one" clearly refers to my own perception as a mass media consumer, here."
Ulrich Groff
2/15/2021 09:21:26 am
Colonel Klink
2/15/2021 07:30:59 pm
For the love of God, Ulrich if you are fluent in both German and English will you explain to this idiot Franke what is being discussed here.
I honestly described my experience as a German in Germany, and the result is, that I am called an "idiot", and that single media pieces are put forward as alleged "evidence" that the term "Afro"/"African"-German allegedly is in use everywhere and all the time in German "mass" media, so that you allegedly cannot avoid it.
Siggy Freud
2/16/2021 10:46:48 am
"My experience"
2/16/2021 10:49:35 am
"that the term "Afro"/"African"-German allegedly is in use everywhere and all the time in German "mass" media, so that you allegedly cannot avoid it."
2/16/2021 04:48:40 pm
Colonel Klink, my German is functional but not fluent. I am an American who was raised around a Grandmother who spoke only German and I have made several visits to Germany. American. I don't want to be involved in a nasty dispute. Therefore, I am limiting my participation to answering the original question based on my own experiences and knowledge.
Ah, you are moving the goal posts, don't you?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
2/16/2021 06:18:20 pm
Who said that Afrodeutsch is among the "generally used" terms? Several people simply stated the fact that Afrodeutsch is among the terms used. In English if someone says that something is among a group of other things it simply notes that it is present. It does not indicate frequency of occurence.
2/16/2021 06:40:34 pm
I'll take T. Franke doesn't like being wrong for $500 Alex.
Doc rock
2/6/2021 06:09:36 am
Am I following his logic correctly in that he is asserting that he is not a Nazi so therefore he cannot be racist or express racist sentiment?
It is true that Erich von Däniken exaggerated things so that he crossed the threshold of racism, and it would be pleasant to hear explanations / distancing him from, concerning certain words.
2/6/2021 10:09:55 am
" It is still legitimate in a free world to hold conservative views and to voice them."
Jim, you are not the Great Inquisitor and I am not in your hands to be interrogated. Would it be a problem for you to apply more sensibility when asking such questions?
2/6/2021 07:21:09 pm
Say what ????
Tomás de Torquemada
2/7/2021 01:37:42 pm
"it would be nice if you could make it to cite me correctly."
Tomás de Torquemada: "I cited you exactly as you posted, you know, copy/paste."
2/9/2021 08:53:06 am
"I am very sorry but you did not. You e.g. cut-off my words at a decisive point."
Jim: "I will leave you to rant"
2/9/2021 06:13:46 pm
"My impression is that it is rather you who is ranting? Why do you keep ducking and dodging "
2/10/2021 03:33:32 pm
Mr. Frank:
2/10/2021 04:31:21 pm
Why don't you fucking try harder and explain + admit what you mean instead of blurting out cryptic crap and pretending that everyone should know what your obscure or made up "in results" means, and quit being so butthurt when someone asks you explain your position.
2/6/2021 11:58:29 am
Racists don't usually think of themselves as racists, they think of themselves as "realists." It is extremely rare for a racist to use that term about themselves, as opposed to accusing their accusers of it.
Adam W.
2/6/2021 02:06:14 pm
Go easy on the poor guy, he's Just Asking Questions!
2/6/2021 03:41:27 pm
When the New Yorker published a comment from von Däniken, it raised an eyebrow. Why would anyone care what he thinks about anything? And we’re quite amused that Mr. Colavito seems to have gotten under the old charlatan’s skin.
Leiffranorden, reading your contribution I would like to know your thoughts on just a few questions, if you have some time, please ...:
2/8/2021 04:55:13 pm
Thank you, Leiffranorden, for answering.
Anthony G.
2/6/2021 05:53:23 pm
"More recently, a pseudo-historian by the name of Jason Colavito had made himself important."
Anthony G.
2/9/2021 10:06:27 am
I hope you took my advice to heart. EVD is extremely mental, and after publicly calling you out, his next step is to show up at your door. Hopefully you'll catch the encounter with a doorbell camera. I would watch that at least 10 times a day. Imagine the headline...
2/7/2021 10:48:05 am
It saddens me to see VonDaniken and Jason in a war of the words. I understand where and how Von Daniken got his ideas. he did serious scientific research-he just did not choose the same books, nor interpreted them in the same way as others. It comes down to choices; make up your mind about what you believe, then stand firm. No one understands this better than authors like VonDaniken and myself-who delve in to "fringe" areas of thinking. He believes that UFO's arrived long ago and have had a powerful influence on mankind. I will wager that a few airline and military pilots who witness :bogies" off in the distance have their alternate ideas too. If you really want to step in the doodoo, explore alternate religious explanations. Jesus died on the cross and rose the third day. OK.. We get that. But was that resurrection? Or resuscitation? And down the rabbit hole we go!!!! We'll meet on the far side.
2/7/2021 12:45:45 pm
Ms. Olsson: You have a history of including at least one wrong thing in each of your posts, the most recent being the "koalas are bears" debacle. I learned that's not true from Joan Embry on The Tonight Show.
2/8/2021 02:55:10 pm
Dear Kent....you said "I have a history of saying at least one wrong thing in each post" then start by referring me back to koala bears, which I already explained was an error written in haste- not a scientific fact that I adhere to...Then you continue with as much bashing and counter claims as you can muster. I am flattered sir! I'd say for an elderly blonde like me, you have paid me the highest honors! Why, thank you! I am flattered to know that senility hasn't overtake me fully yet! You have a great day.
2/9/2021 08:51:51 am
There's a technical term for that: 2/9/2021 11:55:44 am
Dear Kent, My you are priggish! 'Getting caught', as you call it, suggests deliberate attempts at lies and deceits ...which is not the case here..Geesh! .I feel sorry for your wife....
2/9/2021 04:04:30 pm
I'm not saying you're deliberately wrong just that you're wrong every time you post. This most recent post is yet another example. 2/10/2021 04:25:55 pm
Dear Kent, You seem relentless...Tis better that I leave Jason's site rather than engage in who gets last word, or how stupid and insignificant you wish to make me......You may have at it sir. I wish Jason all the best....and you too Kent (or whatever your name is).
Martin Stower
2/7/2021 01:24:03 pm
To be called a “pseudo-scientist” by Erich von Däniken is surely a badge of honour.
Jerry E Stephens
2/7/2021 01:57:02 pm
I'm surprised that Von Daniken is still alive.I've not rwad anything of his since the 1970s. I'm always astonished that anyone gives him credence at all.
2/11/2021 11:07:42 am
OK just to settle a few points.
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