As you probably read yesterday, Ancient Aliens pundit and entrepreneur Jason Martell threatened to sue me to prevent me from criticizing him. He also requested that his fans send me hate mail, which resulted in one death threat. I have forwarded Mr. Martell’s hate mail request to officials at History and H2, the networks that air Ancient Aliens, to ensure they are aware of his actions. Although H2 does not directly employ Mr. Martell (the show is produced by an outside production company, Prometheus Entertainment), I expect the network to categorically condemn any action by one of its personalities to engage in harassing behavior. Mr. Martell accused me of poor research, but he himself appears to have mistakenly claimed that I was responsible for Ancient Aliens Debunked, Chris White’s documentary film with which I am not affiliated in any way: “he only causes negative views with his ancient aliens debunked.” However, his meaning is not entirely clear since the poor grammar and capitalization makes the sentence ambiguous. So, I thought I’d share a few facts about Jason Martell, taken entirely from publicly documented sources. The following facts are derived entirely from Martell’s own statements in interviews he gave to the media and linked to on his personal website as well as statements from his several different web sites. Remember: Everything discussed below comes directly from Martell himself. Note first that on his website Martell erroneously describes a PR Newswire press release republished on Forbes magazine’s website (as they used to do with hundreds of press releases before their policies changed) as a write up in Forbes magazine proper. Forbes did not write the article and does not endorse republished wire content that circulated through its site. This was a press release produced by, one of Martell’s own companies, and submitted to PR Newswire.
“When people come to a site, they don't necessarily know why they’re coming. They don’t know what they're looking for,” Martel told CIO magazine in 2008, “so hold their hand. Tell them who’s checking them out and how to check other people out. […] The important thing is to keep experimenting with what we know about people and technology.” received tens of millions of dollars thanks to a hefty 2008 investment from GLG Partners, a London hedge fund, now part of Man Group. Media reports have put this investment at anywhere from $17 million to $30 million. According to Forbes, shortly after the investment GLG saw a decline of 40% in funds under management, leading to the hedge fund managers being placed on probation with $1 in pay. (The decline was due to the financial crisis of 2008, not, despite Wikipedia claims to the contrary.) GodTube’s user base and revenue declined after losing 75% of its users in just one year following the GLG investment. Interestingly,, founded by Martell, prohibits Martell’s own ancient astronaut claims from being reported on its website, as given in its original terms of service (since changed by Salem), which forbade any claim “contrary to the evangelization of Jesus Christ and His teachings, or constitutes blasphemy, or is otherwise offensive to our online Christian community.” Martell wrote that the “original source” of the Bible’s stories, like Noah’s Ark, was “Sumerian,” and that the Bible stories were really tales of the “Anunnaki,” whom he identified as extraterrestrials. He even asked readers to imagine if Jesus were “an Anunnaki” (plurals confuse him). also forbids members from engaging in online harassment and threatening behavior.
4/18/2013 07:18:34 am
Nice action, Jason. Now at least is "out there".
4/18/2013 07:58:04 am
Might want to notify the ISP of the person who threatened you, as well as notify the authorities.
6/18/2014 11:25:46 am
How does it define someone to own co own whatever a datn site prob got a lot people together n besides we live in a solar system wit many more systems n planets what u thinks out there wit that thank ancient aliens n all there panel if I had his job I get tired of teln people what they should know n ya I'm sure I flip out on morons
6/18/2014 11:39:30 am
N besides what did u do for him to feel he the need to contact lawyers I wish em all the best...humans all do stupid stuff....HUMANS
12/9/2016 04:47:42 pm
4/18/2013 08:18:45 am
I have to say, Jason, I feel you are doing yourself and the well-deserved legitimacy of your overall site a disservice by stooping to report his empty and baseless threats, and by further escalating this with your laundry-list of embarrassing profile factoids & utterances here.
4/18/2013 08:41:05 am
Pretty sure he did that due to the Death threat he received, seemingly from the urging of the person being talked about.
4/18/2013 08:53:40 am
What death threat? You mean he buried the lead? I see an indirect reference by a reader to a death threat in one of the comments, but I don't think I see Jason ever explicitly confirming this, nor publishing it (not that that is a good idea, I'm just saying I don't see the source for this).
Tara Jordan
4/18/2013 08:56:41 am
"I don't see why the content of your personal interactions with these characters needs to be our business....". I feel you are doing yourself and the well-deserved legitimacy of your overall logical argument,a disservice by stooping to comment on something for which you obviously don't feel concerned.....
4/18/2013 09:26:30 am
@Kristian. 2nd sentence: "He also requested that his fans send me hate mail, which resulted in one death threat." 4/18/2013 11:44:44 am
Part of the nature of studying alternative history is exploring the nature of why people choose to believe and how the "movement" acts and reacts. Mr. Martell is the latest case study in a very long list of pseudoscientists and pseudohistorians who engage in similar tactics. Helena Blavatsky is perhaps the classic case, but also too L. Ron Hubbard.
4/18/2013 01:12:19 pm
Colavito, I agree with others, must be a slow week for you. You really, out of "and I could hear it in your texts" exude rage on your part. I am glad to know that Martell has been so successful. But, you appear to be jealous or something strange like that. Get a life, and MOVE ON! Geez, can you say 6 years old again. 4/18/2013 01:32:42 pm
How do you react when threatened with a lawsuit? I think that's fairly good grounds for feeling at least a mild dyspepsia. Alan Butler and Chris Knight threatened me with a lawsuit in 2006, and that upset me, too. I trust you will allow me a human reaction.
Christopher Randolph
4/18/2013 06:40:58 pm
"Get a life..."
Tara Jordan
4/19/2013 02:35:32 am
Ben. Indeed, if you should join Jason Martell`s fans club (if you arent already one of his gibbering idiotic buttboys), You sound like the casual credulous dolt with an IQ below whale shit.
4/24/2013 06:24:37 am
Kristian, no offence, but I wish more people WOULD "go back to 6th grade" and report things. There's a whole lot of problems for people and society as a whole that would be less problematical if people didn't pretend it wasn't important, ranging from abuse to sexual assault to victim shaming to bigotry of all sorts.
Elian Gonzalez
11/28/2013 08:16:06 am
You know what, Kristian? It's his blog, he can do whatever he wants. So unless you're paying his bills, your foot stamping about what he writes about is tiring.
4/18/2013 08:27:56 am
@Kristian I have a feeling it's not because of the threat with lawyers...
Tara Jordan
4/18/2013 08:51:25 am
Jason.On many occasions I was quite harsh on you (I accused you of occasionally being soft on people) but I have to say,in spite of being a mild mannered man, you are persistent,you do not give up,even under threat or facing personal intimidation. Hats off to you Mr Colavito.
4/18/2013 09:34:16 am
Thanks Dave. Yeah I missed that.
Clint Knapp
4/18/2013 12:18:54 pm
Jason mentioned the death threat in a tweet (see the feed to the right of this page) a few minutes before I made my post. I was commenting on that.
4/18/2013 10:19:18 am
I agree with Kristian, the unpopular view.
Tara Jordan
4/18/2013 10:43:40 am
Gunn, This is not about "unpopular view", there comes a time when you have pick a side. Kristian doesn't have an opinion,he merely shows up around here with the sole intention of mocking Jason & urinating on his shoes.
4/18/2013 12:22:45 pm
Tara. Please. Do I really need to be broadly impugned because I find Jason's last several posts about Martell's "really, really mean emails" (my interpretation) to be a bit tiresome, and, as I clearly implied, beneath the normal quality of Jason's typical entries and not worthy of his finite attentions? This is a pretty wild extrapolation, even for you. 4/18/2013 12:29:06 pm
It is my usual policy not to publish harassing and/or threatening emails. I will, however, share that one of Martell's fans sent me a vulgar email accusing me of wearing glasses to look smarter than Martell. So, there is funny hate mail and then there is disturbing hate mail.
Tara Jordan
4/18/2013 06:11:14 pm
Kristian. You may be right about the "tempest-in-a-teapot scenario" but it is not for us to judge, because we are not the ones under pressure.As far as I know Jason,he is not a drama queen, he doesn't make things up & as I said before, he always behave in the most mild mannered fashion.I am not Jason`s sycophant & I have been publicly very critical of him from time to time,yet Jason never censured me or complained about my attitude. I personally feel that right now under these circumstances,I have to support him.Jason doesn't moderate comments on his own blog,he allows people to write exactly what they want,even when reactions are extremely critical.Considering the level of censorship & the limitation of freedom of expression around the blog-sphere,Jason`s blog is a haven for free speech & honest debate, & I am deeply respectful of that.
Christopher Randolph
4/18/2013 06:52:15 pm
Gunn - I'm not sure that you're referring to Jason here as the 'public figure,' but *at best* (and perhaps even not at that, IANAL) he'd seem to fit into the category of a "limited purpose public figure," which affects the burden of proof in defamation. I should think Martell is in this category as well. An outright 'public figure' status is reserved for your Kardashians, Clintons, Bushes, Jay Leno, bin Laden etc. - household names for better or worse.
4/18/2013 11:40:04 pm
Legally, I believe both of us are limited use public figures within the realm of alternative archaeology as we both publish publicly material meant to influence perceptions of a controversial issue.
4/18/2013 11:41:08 am
Jason is adept enough at safe-guarding his integrity, however he chooses to do it. It does become a matter of style, which I think Kristian said. Everyone has a style of communicating.
4/18/2013 12:35:32 pm
So that funny hate mail you mentioned, finished with "Next time I see you, I'm gonna bust you up, four-eyes!" Is that the death threat?
4/18/2013 12:50:49 pm
BTW Jason, I guess by implication then--you don't consider any of Martell's interaction with you to date to be "harassing" or "threatening"? Sine you did publish those...but yet you titled your post "Jason Martell Threatens to Sue Me". Maybe you will publish these types of emails as long as they are from verifiable Ancient Alien theorists? But perhaps not if from their acolytes? This is a totally confusing policy!
4/18/2013 01:00:13 pm
Emails from public figures are fair game because they have assumed a public role. I published my first angry messages from alternative theorists in 2005 when I reprinted emails from Giorgio Tsoukalos and John Anthony West in my "Cult of Alien Gods." Tsoukalos said I had "malevolent" intentions, and West felt I was trying to trap him. Tsoukalos later informed me that he was spreading the word among alternative theorists not to speak to me because I was so horribly nasty a person.
The Cimmerian
4/18/2013 06:33:26 pm
that isn't a death threat, but it is still a criminal threat.
4/18/2013 01:37:39 pm
Thanks for being so responsive, Jason. I am just a guest to your well-conceived site, so I am genuinely appreciative.
4/18/2013 01:44:56 pm
No, you have it wrong. I could give two figs about the privacy of people who make threats. The problem is that many, many people who write to me because they believe in aliens, ghosts, Jesus Bloodlines, etc. are deeply disturbed, in profoundly sad ways. Many have very obvious mental health issues, and it is a tragedy that there is viritually nothing that can be done to help. Acknowledging their communications publicly only encourages more of the same and contributes to the problem.
4/18/2013 02:00:14 pm
I only went that way because you began about how "public figures are fair game". So really it's more along the lines of why they don't show streakers on TV. Yet I would think acknowledging it and then allowing the discussion of it to get this frothy would be encouragement also, no?
4/18/2013 02:19:59 pm
I said it was a death threat, and it was. It isn't the first one I've ever received, and it won't be the last. It's hardly gratuitous to point out that Martell's fans sent me dozens upon dozens of hate-filled messages with various levels of bile.
4/18/2013 02:45:15 pm
Point taken. Looking forward to your next post that isn't about these jokers' lame intimidation tactics!
4/18/2013 02:01:10 pm
An important part of exposing frauds is to see how they react to criticism. Jason, keep doing what you are doing. You are showing the low character and lack of integrity of the pseudo-historians and the trolls who attack you on their behalf. People who are honest respond to criticism with supporting evidence, not childish threats and phoney outrage.
4/18/2013 02:54:17 pm
4/18/2013 07:14:41 pm
Fact is simple (regardless views/content): death threat made.
4/18/2013 07:46:30 pm
Hello Jason, news of this Ancient Aliens guy's campaign of harassment has brought me her to your blog for the very first time. So if it was Jason Martell's goal to increase your visibility and drive traffic to your site, he has succeeded handsomely.
4/18/2013 11:43:09 pm
It's one of the ironies that if Martell had acted with decorum, I would probably have never written about him again since he appears to have no original ideas to critique. It's also ironic that Martell, in his capacity as the owner and operator of several websites, prohibits exactly this kind of behavior as part of their terms of use.
3/19/2017 07:02:46 am
Well Mr Colavito, isn't it good to become famous by making yourself know attacking Mr Martell's theories? Isn't this a tremendous opportunistic way to take advantage of Mr Martell's beliefs? Why should anyone believe or trust you more than Mr Martell? 9/15/2016 05:09:40 am
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