After a long week of a heavy subjects, I thought that something lighter might be in order for Sunday. Today, let’s take a look at an article that’s been making the rounds of Flat Earth believers. Even ancient astronaut theorist Klaus Dona weighed in. It comes to us from the January 11, 1907 edition of the Hawaiian Gazette and alleges to be a map of the world made in Japan more than 1,000 years ago. But as critical readers will notice, the story has more than a few hints of the Zeno Map and Zena Halpern map stories. As with those maps, this one is also a redrawn modern copy of an allegedly ancient map unseen by anyone. Like the Zeno Map, the original was also allegedly rotten with age, explained by a mysterious ancient letter unseen by anyone else, and it also serves to glorify the geographic areas connected to its “discoverer.” In this case a Japanese resident of Hawaii found a map in Japan that was ignorant of Madagascar, Greenland, and Polynesia but somehow managed to include Hawaii front and center! There’s a pretty good indication that the journalist who wrote the piece knew it was a hoax: He compares it to James De Mille’s 1888 novel Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder, a satirical tale of an underground world. The most important thing about this map is that it’s more evidence for the kinds of hoaxes—like the Grand Canyon hoax of 1909 and the Atlantis hoax of 1912—that newspapers of the era routinely published. As we all know, fringe historians are only too happy to fall for old hoaxes anew when they support their efforts to recycle Victorian and Edwardian nonsense. What follows is a transcript of the original article: Was This World Map Made Ten Centuries Ago Stranger almost than the “Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder” is the copy of a map which came across seas to Honolulu from a Buddhist Temple in the mountains of central Japan. It is a map of the world made 1000 years ago. Dr. Kobayashi, the well-known Japanese physician and surgeon of Honolulu, has received a copy of the map, which he believes to have been made by Chinese priests ten centuries ago.
The map is drawn on the principle of the Mercator Projection showing the North Pole as the center of a circle in which arc the continents of North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. “The map was found by my brother in a Japanese temple in the mountains of Japan,” said Dr. Kobayashi. “It has been hidden from the Japanese government in1 modern times just as it was in ancient tunes, for in olden days such a map would have been destroyed by the authorities. According to a letter the original map was brought from China by a Buddhist priest and concealed in this temple. “Ten years ago my brother was a consumptive. Although I was a physician he did not wish to be treated with medicines. He decided to go into the mountains and attempt a cure by himself. For ten years he has remained there and used his will power to effect a cure. Today he is a well man. During his stay there he found this map. He evolved from it a theory of the flatness of the earth, despite all modern facts showing it to be a sphere. This theory has been his one aim in life. He is an artist and in order to demonstrate his theory he made beautiful drawings, picturesque and attractive to the eye, in which mechanical, astronomical and engineering methods are shown. “My brother goes back to the days of Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci who, he says, sailed for a new country believing that by sailing directly in one general direction they would ultimately come to the place. “We moderns know that a vessel sailing from a port and going generally in a continually easterly manner will arrive at the same place. The vessel, of course, goes around the globe. My brother’s theory is that one sails about a vast plane as one would sail around the edges of a bowl.” The illustrations accompanying the map are beautiful examples of Japanese art. No more attractive book of geography has ever been compiled. It is a mass of cherry blossoms, Fujiyamas, beautiful blue seas dotted with the sails of junks and sampans. There are landscapes and seascapes and bizarre pictures of Japanese women, designed along old-time styles. But in every sheet of such pictures the engineering lines are brought out in a way that does not mar the picture. With the text matter explaining each page, the geography should be easily understood. Dr. Kobayashi now has all the original sheets, scores of them, and these he will return to Japan to his brother, who intends to have them put in the hands of publishers. It will be one of the most novel publications of the period. The original map of which a copy drawn by Dr. Kobayashi’s brother, and of which the accompanying cut is a tracing, is worm-eaten and barely holds together. The above map with all the continents and even the Hawaiian Islands shown, was evidently not made by the priests who traced the original lines.
11/27/2016 10:22:28 am
If this world is a "bowl" then a similar map with the South Pole at its centre would also be a bowl, then the world has a top and bottom bowl,very much like a globe.
Bob Jase
11/27/2016 12:16:38 pm
But if the world isn't flat how come paper maps are?
Only Me
11/27/2016 12:36:47 pm
Obviously, the map isn't real. There are no dates, Templar symbols or sea serpents on the edges clearly indicating, "There be monsters here."
Shane Sullivan
11/27/2016 01:10:07 pm
"The above map with all the continents and even the Hawaiian Islands shown, was evidently not made by the priests who traced the original lines."
11/28/2016 11:36:33 am
The random continents around the later drawn central circle are just gibberish. The only way the central circle makes any sense is if it was done in modern times. It is a fake. That flat Earth nonsense continues in 21st century detail? It's not even a good fake. Like someone said, if you want to make it look it, where are all the old style writing and markings?
6/1/2017 01:32:26 am
This website exposes that the <a href=" "> flat earth </a> is flat this site discusses<a href=" "> Earth maps </a> in earth measured
7/25/2017 01:41:24 am
Dear Jason,
11/8/2017 03:50:12 pm
so how about admiral byrd story . where he declares that he find unseen land as big America's continent
James Draper
2/5/2018 12:52:27 pm
If you listen to that interview very carefully you'll hear Admiral Byrd state "beyond the South Pole" (1946, R. Byrd), that statement alone represents that the South Pole is more of a boundary rather than a Center point. For if it were Centerpoint, what would you see if you were to step to the other side? However, when viewed as a boundary what you would see is "a land mass as big as the United States" (id) Check out this source:
Big V
3/21/2018 09:57:02 am
Ive been telling ppl the same thing. and if you look at the supposed fake /altered map , there is a continent beyond the little america antarctic base the size of america just as admiral byrd said. if we are on a globe then we have been lied to about how much land is on it
8/17/2019 05:27:29 pm
Almirante Byrd disse no video "beyond South Pole, ON THE OTHER SIDE".... basta ouvir... Do OUTRO LADO... Se for um globo, não faz sentido ele disse do outro lado, pode ser qualquer lado... mas numa Borda de gelo num PLATÔ como ele diz outras vezes na entrevista, faz sentido... e ele diz uma terra do tamanho dos EUA "A PARTIR DA AMERICA CENTRAL" from middle america... só ouvir... Veja no MAPA acima... BATE a Informação! ESTA É A VERDADE! SÓ NÃO VE QUEM NÃO QUER... ABRAM OS OLHOS E SAIAM DAS MENTIRAS QUE TE CONTAM HÁ 500 ANOS!! Tá na Hora de acordar povo...
J Draper
12/17/2017 08:26:34 pm
Im inclined to believe that the article and the map are genuine being that mainstream media wasn't controlled in those times, or at least to the extent that it is now. Furthermore given the fact that our country was quite young in 1907 our government agencies that would in these times intercept information like that we're not so prevalent. It's high time the public is informed of the Flat Earth and dispel the Copernicus theories as physics do not support the global model in anyway.
1/3/2018 11:18:09 am
이 지도하나로 모든 것이 설명이 된다. 외계인은 남극 너머에서 온다. 외계인을 포함한 우리는 절대 하늘을 통과할 수 없다. 어떻게 열권을 통과한단 말인가?
1/19/2018 05:37:26 pm
This was not a transcript if the original article its a satirical rendition of the original . Great journalism. Must have gotten your creds from a box of cracker jacks . #clownreporter
Eric Karsch
7/25/2018 03:41:13 am
The article states no hoax. The entire map was traced from old paper, which probably had pieces missing, holes, so the retrace is missing some islands.
Eric Hebbeln
12/11/2019 07:08:20 am
NASA fan boys will never look at any evidence that refutes their religion . You dare DENY the masons of NAZA? I do
1/1/2020 04:21:16 pm
7/30/2020 04:32:14 pm
Is there a photo of the original ancient map? Is it in a book? With today's technology, they should be able to put it together using computer technology. If ancient Buddhist Temple priests made it, it could be real.
12/16/2021 07:30:47 pm
Read “Worlds beyond the Poles”. This map will make more sense. When map was published in Hawaiian newspaper in 1907, how in the heck did these monk draft a topographic map so detailed when planes weren’t buzzing around yet.
I researched this year's upon years ago. There were no mentions of a hoax then. Yes, the map I see on this page I'd surmise is a hoax. The map I recalled seeing did not have near as many continents. Been awhile but I can say it was no less than 6 additional continents and no more than 13 additional continents. Looks like someone's been doing some history erasing. They do it all the time. Why they just took down a Thomas Jefferson statue in New York. The map I saw had each continent separated by an ice sheet like Antarctica. Why did I even look up that map. Ask Admiral Byrd. Who I found out today has also been removed from the internet. At least the titles that I knew the videos by. Luckily wise ones renamed them. i saw the first continent on the map beyond the south pole had a clear distinction of being the closest continent from the south pole. There was no debate about it. That continent looked to be the size of CONUS, continental united States. Beware (s)he who denies you access to information, for in their heart they deem themselves your master.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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