Greek Archaeologist: Government Suppressing Truth, Destroying Evidence Europeans Evolved Separately2/20/2014 Fringe historians are claiming that the Greek government is conspiring to suppress the truth that white people evolved independently in Europe and are not descended from groups that evolved in Africa. Nephilim researchers have seized upon this as another example of an academic conspiracy to prevent the truth about human history from coming to light, which they are happy to provide you for a fee. The story goes that in 1959 a shepherd found a cave in northern Greece, near a place called Petralona. The next year a skull was found in the cave, and initial estimates put its age at 70,000 years. Ten years later Dr. Aris Poulianos, a Soviet-trained Greek archaeologist, began working at the site and declared that the skull was 700,000 years old, a distinct species, and the ancestor of Europeans, whom he believed did not evolve in Africa. By 1995, he had also begun claiming that a tibia found in the cave was from a Homo erectus, 11 million years old, and more evidence that humans evolved first in Greece. Mainstream anthropologists are uncertain whether the skull is a Homo erectus, a Neanderthal, or a very early Homo sapiens; the evolutionary history textbooks I consulted suggest that it is most likely a Homo hiedelbergensis. Electron spin resonance dating placed its age between 150,000 and 250,000 years ago. Poulianos asserts that stratigraphy places it at 700,000 years ago, while the Greek government favors a 300,000 BCE date. All fall within the known age range of Homo hiedelbergensis. Far from being “suppressed,” I found that the Petralona skull is well-represented in texts on the evolutionary history of human beings, where it is a frequently-cited representative of the Homo genus during the period of differentiation among Denisovians, Neanderthals, and anatomically modern humans. Poulianos is a controversial figure and has been from the time he earned his Ph.D. His dissertation claimed to prove based on skeletal measurements of Greek immigrants in the Soviet Union that Greeks as a people were not related to the Slavs, the traditional enemies of the Greeks since Byzantine times, but rather were an indigenous people who evolved in Greece itself. He asserted therefore that Greeks had been living in Greece in unbroken succession for at least 30,000 years and the only outside influence on them was the adoption of an Indo-European language in the Mycenaean period. This had very important political consequences in Greece, which had attempted to assert genetic continuity with the glories of ancient Greece and to minimize medieval and early modern occupations by Slavic and Turkish groups. (Greece was under Turkish occupation until independence in 1830.) According to Poulianos, the invaders left absolutely no legacy whatsoever despite more than a thousand years of interactions between peoples on the Balkan Peninsula. His research also “confirmed” that Albanians and Macedonians were similarly indigenous in their own countries, which conveniently supported Communist claims about nationalism. Somehow, amazingly, ancient peoples almost exactly conformed to modern political borders. In 1981, the Greek government gave a contract to Poulianos to excavate the cave. Poulianos became upset when in 1983 the Greek Ministry of Culture cancelled his contract to excavate in the cave at Petralona, and he has made increasingly bitter accusations that the Greek government is conspiring to suppress his discoveries. He took the government to court for the right to excavate, which was restored to him in 1998 before being revoked again in 2012. According to an article published last month on Ancient Origins, unnamed researchers assert that the skull contains “European” traits and demonstrates that the three major “races” (African, Asian, and European—or, less delicately, black, yellow, and white) were in existence as much as a million years ago. After Ancient Origins published its article, Poulianos cited it as evidence in a letter to the Greek government asserting that the “the continued destruction of anthropological evidence in archaeological excavations at more than 90%, has a negative impact internationally.” In other words, he asserts that the Greek government is actively destroying 90% of all anthropological evidence in order to preserve the Out-of-Africa paradigm. He also asserted that because a police officer harassed him while giving a speech at a high school, telling him he was not “permitted” to talk, that the government was actively trying to suppress his work. Dr. Poulianos has unusual ideas, but it seems as though his difficulties with the Greek government are related to interpersonal disputes rather than scientific disputes. As mentioned above, the Petralona skull can be found in standard texts on human evolution, like the recent Human Lineage by Matt Cartmill and Fred H. Smith (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) and the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory (Routledge, 2004), where it is admitted to be a fascinating and challenging fossil that may represent a transitional species. The area of rejection is where Poulianos uses the fossil to claim that Europeans were evolutionarily distinct from other humans as part of an essentialist philosophy that also held European nations to be genetically, rather than culturally, distinct. This, of course, escapes the attention of Nephilim researcher L. A. Marzulli, who yesterday published a blog post using Poulianos’s claims as evidence of a global conspiracy to suppress the existence of the Nephilim-giants of Genesis 6:4, whom he views a (sigh) red-headed cannibals based on alleged Native American oral traditions. He asserts that the U.S. government has systematically covered up or destroyed evidence of giants, which we have seen fringe historians assert over and again, and then he launches into the Paracas elongated skulls—which you’ll recall Brien Foerster had a Bigfoot researcher with ties to the Nephilim research community declare a non-human species!
This makes no sense at all, first because the hair wasn’t red in life but second because, even if it were, how would this challenge the Bering Strait crossing? At best it would merely suggest that those who crossing the Bering Strait were more genetically diverse, or that a mutation arose later. How does he think the Nephilim got to America? Down to the twentieth century fringe historians claimed that the Lost Tribes walked across Beringia; why should the Nephilim Atlantic travelers except for the influence of diffusionist fringe history, which turned to the Atlantic with Ignatius Donnelly?
Worse, Marzulli bases the claims of widespread Native American beliefs in red-haired giants from a confection of unrelated material, first and foremost an alleged oral history given by the Paiutes, which is no such thing. The original claim comes from an 1882 book by the Native American author Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins called Life among the Piutes (sic) where she describes having a dress with sewn-on locks of old red hair. There was a myth that explained this red hair, almost certainly derived from ignorance of the fact that old hair turns red or light brown with age, tied to a story of prehistoric genocide in response to cannibal attacks: “My people say that the tribe we exterminated had reddish hair. I have some of their hair, which has been handed down from father to son. I have a dress which has been in our family a great many years, trimmed with the reddish hair.” To this became tied what Adrienne Mayor described in Fossil Legends of the First Americans as roadside hucksters displaying fossil bones as those of “giants,” quite possibly mammoth bones from nearby deposits, in place of the genuine (normal-sized) human remains of Lovelock Cave, a major archaeological site that was first explored in 1911. The bones from Lovelock Cave were found with massive deposits of bat guano, which smells like burnt flesh, leading Mayor to suspect that this was the origin of the myth that that bodies in the cave were those of a cannibal race. She further reported that red hair is indeed found in Native myths but that this was due to the natural decay of darker pigments; when the Paiutes, for example, found the Lovelock Cave bodies, they saw the red hair and naturally assumed that prehistoric people were red-headed. From this Marzulli marries early twentieth century roadside attractions to Spanish accounts of races of giants, like this one made about Texas in a Spanish royal decree of 1521 on the authority of the Conquistador Alvarez de Pineda in 1519: “According to the Indians … somewhere in this land there are very tall people at ten or eleven palms in height,” about seven feet. It is a secondhand account of a myth, and one unrelated to the separate myth of the red-haired cannibals. To this we can add stories that Columbus recorded in his journals: that according to the Indians, there was a tribe “with dogs’ noses who were cannibals, and that when they captured an enemy, they beheaded him and drank his blood, and cut off his private parts” (4 Nov. 1492), or that in another place there were people “with one eye in their foreheads and others which they called Canibales, and spoke of them with many marks of fear; as soon as they saw the ships were taking that course they were struck with terror, and signified that the people went armed, and would devour them” (23 Nov. 1492), which I have previously shown to be a miscommunication related to interpreting half-understood Native stories through the prism of material Columbus read in Marco Polo since he thought he was in East Asia. (Columbus actually brought pictures of dog-headed people from medieval travelers’ tales in hopes of finding proof of the myths; he got told what he hoped to hear.) In short, the red-haired cannibal giants are a conflation of three separate tropes—red hair, giants, and cannibals—that occur frequently in Native mythology, and sometimes in various combinations, but almost never all together. And there is no conspiracy hiding any red-haired cannibal giants, red-haired long-skulled Nephilim, or super-ancient ur-Europeans. That is but a figment of the conspiratorial imagination.
2/20/2014 06:14:46 am
This "giants" trend in fringe history looks like an odd mix of "lost tribe" with creationist biblical myths
An Over-Educated Grunt
2/20/2014 07:38:29 am
Strangely, stories of dog-headed men continued at least until the 1940s, when American soldiers were commonly mistaken for them, and were called "dogfaces." This is perhaps a modern resuscitation of the myth caused by the mistaken identification of United States Marines as demonically-originated beast-men by the Germans.
2/20/2014 10:52:29 am
The existence of cannibalistic giants in Europe is also confirmed by the work of those highly respected scholars Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. According to their reports, Central Europe, some years before their own time, was inhabited by a considerable population of such giants, who were eventually exterminated by a secret society of giant-killers. (See their report entitled "Der Tapfere Schneiderlein" and others.) Could this secret society REALLY have been a sub-order of the Templars, sworn to rid the world of the Nephilim?
2/20/2014 11:34:50 am
On a more serious note, well sort of: the Russian Orthodox Church, notable for its sometimes peculiar idea of sainthood, has a minor saint who in English is called "Christopher the Dog-Faced". He is portrayed on his icon with an animal head of ambiguous design (donkey, horse, or something that would puzzle a zoologist).
This calls to mind the debates about attempts to syncretize religion with politics. If you take a English view of history as the dominant paradigm, then the Mediterranean countries may have been European but they were not considered white by all of European society. Hence the phrase, 'beyond the pale' referring to the boundaries that separated Western and Eastern European culture and the supposed racial differences between countries. No matter what anyone says, racial ideology still acts as a national stabilizer of culture and narratives about national and in some cases, religious identity. The idea of cultural diffusion in Greece and attempts to syncretize religion with Democracy are often met with competing origin claims and cultural aesthetics that spring from them. It's just a fact. I do appreciate hearing about how the hair of the deceased over time will always end up red. That crops up online frequently about Ramses the second and there are numerous youtube videos about the subject.
2/20/2014 08:41:02 am
Yeah I read the one about Ramses II that he had red hair.Someone looked at it,don't remember his name.and concluded that he had red hair when he was younger by looking at the hair roots.Of course people look at his mummy TODAY and think he really was a red head but the fact is he was freaking 90 years old when he died.His hair would have been completely white.His hair was dyed with henna to make him look younger.The Egyptians used henna for their hair and hands.but I wouldn't be surprised if he did have light hair when he was younger.It's not rare to see this in North Africans even today.Even today you can see Egyptians with light hair and eyes.And yes they do look like the ancient egyptien mummies and wall paintings contrary to what the fringe liars say with their garbage ideas trying to rob them as well.
2/20/2014 08:53:37 am
Yeah, I just went to You Tube and watched one of the videos on the subject that was purportedly defending the idea of white Egypt. I don't think the video made an air tight case, but the effect was to promote the idea of a racially diverse Egypt which makes greater sense to me. They showed a blonde Nubian child and while Egyptian civilization does not go ack as far as we might like to give more history to the idea of genetic diversity, I think it is safe to say that there was a mixed gene pool that may not correspond to any concept of race as it is currently understood. I also am thinking that the symbolic nature of Egyptian art may lead to misunderstanding on the part of the non scholarly public on Egyptian origins. I don't know enough about Egyptian civilization to know if they used symbolism like white and black to signify purity or some other such concept in their paintings but that may be putting too much emphasis on Egyptian religion in their artistic representations. Jason would know more since he has the archaeology background. I think there are scholarship issues about Egypt and Orientalism that comprise part of the Western Hermetic and Occult traditions that may place value on various interpretations of Egyptian history that get into racial and religious interpretations. I don't go there these days.
2/20/2014 08:50:11 am
The mummies of Yuya and Thuya ,kings Tut's grandparents, is a different case.Their "blonde hair" is from the embalming chemicals.No one has hair that blonde.I've read the their hair was stained yellow from the embalming process.Even Yuya's face is stained yellow so I don't understand why people can't see it.And yes I've see those videos on the egyptian mummies.I have a video where an anthropologist is looking at an elder female mummy and he states that the red hair was from the after death effect.Though some egyptians did and still do have blonde and red hair,though most had black and dark brown,as you can read from Egyptrologist Joanne Fletcher work on the mummies.Blonde hair seems to be a juvenile trait from what I have read.
2/20/2014 08:58:44 am
I will have to look her up on Amazon. Joanne Fletcher.
2/20/2014 12:02:43 pm
This is the first time I have heard that the phrase "beyond the pale" refers to a separation between western and eastern Europe.
2/20/2014 01:16:47 pm
You are correct. But I can see how the meaning can drift.
2/20/2014 01:42:34 pm
I think it goes back to an Orientalist understanding of European history that uncivilized and barbarian denoted unchristian Islam and the Balkans of Eastern Europe.
2/20/2014 11:35:24 pm
Actually, "the Pale" was the term given to the part of medieval Ireland in and around Dublin that the English controlled, and owed its name to the fact that part of its boundary was fenced. "Beyond the Pale" referred to the so-called "wild Irish" who resisted English rule and maintained their own customs.
2/20/2014 09:47:07 am
There is an episode of the Skeptoid podcast on Red-haired Giants:
2/20/2014 10:06:57 am
Yup I linked that episode on another of jason's blog post.
I had a question about racial pluralism come up in my health care administration class this week and the example was stereotypical of the ideal that pluralism is synonymous with diversity and negates race which to me in Western society, this is predominately the case when race is involved. How the idea is filtered and interpreted is what is important.
2/20/2014 11:49:18 am
10th paragraph, second sentence....I believe you mean red not read
2/20/2014 07:24:13 pm
Lol, the Petralona skull looks like the Troglodyte from 'Sinbad and the eye of the tiger'
titus pullo
2/21/2014 01:22:41 am
The whole notion of races in terms of modern humans is frought with political minefields. That said we do have different races if you define superficial features..Africian, Indo-European, and Oriental...these "races" developed and then intermixed for thousands of years (see the overlap areas in say southeast asia and north africa. Now if these "races" were linked to the expansion of modern behaviour man is I think still in debate. I tend to think the "out of africa" modern behaviour man theory is too simplistic..humans move not just in one direction and with all the other human species running around like Neantherdal and Denovisian, who knows the actual truth. We do know that humans did originally evolve in Africa...the various branches and their intermingling and expansion back and forth across Africa and EurAsia is still a very open question. But to say there are no races is silly. There are basic races of modern humans at one time..but through the expansion of our species..the intermixing, these superficial differences will be less defined. We are all humans in the end...I dislike govts catagorizing us by race a free society with free association, the govt doesn't need to know or track if you are "white" or "black" or whatever..
3/28/2018 05:46:44 pm
You seem to think all of poulanios work wads exaggerated and that he made absurd claims such as the authorites who attacked for giving a speech on his work. who would've sent those authorities the government because I'm sure Greece doesnt have hate speech laws. Communist claims on nationalism is asserting that Communisms goal was nationalism when in fact it was the opposite. Communist wanted to control people economically and sociallly. The USSR did not acknowlegde the nationalities of the territores it occupied in the caucasus and eastern Europe. You assert that the government was suppresing the Petrolona's skulls existence when it was actually suppressing it age and origin. The government even prevented further rexcavation asfter the discovery so why did they tell them to stop excavating that place if Poulosis claimed the skull was 700000 years old even when they revoked it in 1996 about 15 years after poulosis died. Poulosis also said that modern Greeks were decendent of Ancient Greeks who existed 2000 years ago. He didnt claim that greece was inhabited by ancient greeks 30000 years ago.
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