H2 Host Scott Wolter and Former American Nazi Leader Frank Joseph Speak at Fringe History Conference9/28/2014 Last night America Unearthed host Scott Wolter was scheduled to give a presentation to the Ancient Artifact Preservation Society at its annual fringe history conference at the Holiday Inn in Marquette, Michigan. This is the same conference where in 2011 Wolter and Frank Joseph, the former Nazi party leader turned fringe history writer, carpooled with diffusionist author Wayne May, who is also in attendance this year. Last night Wolter was to focus on discussing the impact of 3D microscopes on the study of allegedly anomalous pre-Columbian North American artifacts. Frank Joseph was also in attendance this year and was again a featured speaker on Friday, offering his views on Atlantis. The conference was sponsored by Ancient American magazine, owned by May, which continues to employ the magazine’s former editor, the ex-Nazi and convicted child predator Frank Joseph, as a special correspondent. According to the AAPS, Wolter made special requests of his producers to ensure that he could attend the conference after missing the last two due to America Unearthed duties. Jo Lorichon, the publicist for the AAPS, told The Mining Journal, “Our emphasis is on knowledge that has, hitherto, not been distributed in the mainstream regarding pre-Columbian America.” The AAPS, however, recognizes that this information takes many forms, including claims that are mutually contradictory, or outright ridiculous. AAPS president Glen Devlanminck said “We don’t publicly criticize any of our speakers, even if we don't agree with them. We honor the speaker, we honor the data.” He added that archaeologists have been dismissive toward hypotheses advanced at the AAPS’s conferences. Devlanminck did not address the issue of Joseph’s Nazi past, his former advocacy of Aryan supremacy theories, or his more recent writings for the Barnes Review, a Holocaust-denial publication. This must fall under the no-criticism rule. However, like any fringe group, the AAPS has its specific hobbyhorses. In this case, the primary purpose of the conferences has been to explore claims that Old World peoples mined copper in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and used it to fuel the Bronze Age in Europe. The claim was proposed by Ignatius Donnelly in 1882 and has recently been adopted by Gavin Menzies and Scott Wolter. This claim has been debunked time and again, yet true believers continue to maintain that 1.5 billion tons of copper are “missing” from Michigan and must therefore have been sent to Europe to make bronze, despite the non-appearance of bronze in Michigan. This number is derived from a series of faulty figures related to wild-guess estimates about every aspect of copper mining, combining assumption atop assumption. As Dr. Susan R. Martin explained two decades ago, “The figures are made up out of thin air and can be sneezed away. That’s because no one has a means to measure any of these variables accurately or with any precision. All of these figures are built on ill-constructed estimates.” Yet among the attendees of the AAPS meeting, estimates for the “missing” copper developed in the 1960s in support of speculation from the 1880s remains at the forefront of “current” research. Particularly telling was speaker Bob Wheeler’s view of an allegedly ancient petroglyph depicting what he says is a Minoan ship in Michigan: Some people have said it was drunken college students up there on a whim, cranking that out. But, it’s artwork. It’s detailed. It’s well-done, done by an artist. […] To me it’s old, but there’s no proof of that. This is a neat inversion of the ancient astronaut idea: Here the modern person is assumed to be too incompetent to draw a picture of a boat!
Other presentations included “evidence” for the Knights Templar on the Great Lakes and the life lessons Sasquatches have to teach us.
9/28/2014 02:32:45 am
it would have been neat if the main theme of the Fringe
Scott Hamilton
9/28/2014 02:59:53 am
The link to the Mining News is broken. (And do you mean The Mining Journal?)
9/28/2014 04:24:05 am
Sorry about the broken link. I've fixed it, as well as the name of the Mining Journal.
Only Me
9/28/2014 09:01:55 am
The Sasquatches were only there because the Knights Templar left behind caches of Oreos.
Steve in SoDak
9/28/2014 12:35:11 pm
speaking of not being seen, one of my favorites.
9/28/2014 05:34:37 am
I don't recall ever seeing Wolter use a 3D microscope on AU? And WTH does 3D microscopes bring to the field of identifying pre-Colombian artifacts anyway? Oh right... it's Wolter who's specialty is concrete. My bad.
Josef Karpinovic
9/28/2014 09:17:23 am
I've heard that Oreo cookies have been banned from all of the national parks because of the Sasquatch problem.
9/28/2014 09:19:34 am
That's racist :P
Only Me
9/28/2014 09:32:57 am
Messin' with Sasquatch :)
9/28/2014 11:40:15 am
"Even a Sasquatch could do it!"
Josef Karpinovic
9/28/2014 09:48:14 am
Oh, c'mon. You know how *THEY* are...
H. Gomez
9/28/2014 10:19:03 am
AAPS president Glen Devlanminck said “We don’t publicly criticize any of our speakers, even if we don't agree with them. We honor the speaker, we honor the data.”
H. Gomez
9/28/2014 10:31:21 am
Here is that link. Some where in there about worm and snake heads on the ens of the boat. That boat at Copper Harbor there talking about has snake heads and eyes on it. You can see it's a Viking kind of boat, for sure, not a ancient boat. See that picture if you can. They don't have the boat right. That boat shows Scandanavia people crossing by on Lake Superior, probly on the way to Runestone Hill! They got the boat wrong! Ha! Ha!
H. Gomez
9/28/2014 10:32:41 am
H. Gomez
9/28/2014 10:51:58 am
Here I found that boat.
9/28/2014 11:38:32 am
They once confused The Torah and the Upanishads... and in the same episode promoted the work of one of the most prominent Neo-Nazis alive today... while glorifying Nazi technology and calling Einstein a German scientist.
9/28/2014 12:27:27 pm
Disregard the above comment. I must have gotten confused about which thread I was in. Durrrrr...
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/28/2014 11:43:01 am
9/28/2014 11:49:06 am
Probably not... but how do you know? Have you seen his "Not a Nazi!" license?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/28/2014 11:55:03 am
9/28/2014 12:12:44 pm
For a non-Nazi Scott Wolter sure does knowingly deal with prominent Neo-Nazis quite frequently.
9/29/2014 03:40:22 am
Rev., I knew my uncle for 25 years yet just 3 days ago I learned he was a member of the Klan for the past 20 years, so just because you "know" some one for 25 plus years doesn't mean you "know" every thing about what they do behind closed doors.
9/30/2014 08:58:01 am
>>>>I have known Scott Wolter for 25+ years as both a personal friend and a professional colleague …
Jose Simental
10/2/2014 03:52:34 pm
Come on EP, he was granted the "Not a Nazi" license over a cup of coffee with one of his mentors.... :-)
9/28/2014 12:28:10 pm
Who wrote that he was? The title of this blog entry is "H2 Host Scott Wolter and Former American Nazi Leader Frank Joseph Speak at Fringe History Conference." No person reading that could interpret that to mean anything else.
Cathleen Anderson
9/28/2014 12:32:58 pm
I suspect that the good reverend really is no friend to Scott Wolter. If he really is a friend...well...with friends like him, who needs enemies.
12/28/2015 10:10:54 am
Yes, because that was in *no way* trying to tarnish Wolter's reputation by desperately associating the two in the headline. *Surely* it was there incidentally. Like Jason would try to do that.
Only Me
9/28/2014 12:35:19 pm
Defense through repetition...no matter how weak it is. Not surprisingly, Phil is attempting to reinterpret what was actually written, just like before.
9/28/2014 12:44:39 pm
Rev. Phil Gotsch won't rest until google starts suggesting 'Scott Wolter Nazi' :)
9/28/2014 10:49:01 pm
C'mon, you're not talking to a bunch of tin-hatters here. There is such a thing as guilt (for lack of a better term) by association. Scott Wolter is either so eager to get his name out there or he has a serious ethical deficit. In my opinion it's a mixture of both.
9/28/2014 01:29:45 pm
The way I see it,both sides are approaching this dilemma (Wolter associates with neo Nazis Vs Wolter is not a neo Nazi) from an emotional perspective,instead of a rational.I have no problem with the idea of interacting,debating with extremists from all shapes and forms,for the sake of intellectual purpose,researches,studies etc... I have done it myself.But there is a big difference in my opinion,Scott Wolter is sharing the stage with these individuals,in an effort to promote himself,reaching a larger audience,In lay man`s terms,he is doing it as self gratification,for financial/commercial purpose.This behaviour is unethical,especially since Wolter is a public figure & the host of popular TV show.If he was honest, he would publicly acknowledge what he does off the show.I may be wrong but I don't think that many among his "mainstream followers" are aware of the fact,that he is associating with neo Nazis and right wing extremists.
9/28/2014 01:45:01 pm
I'm sorry, what exactly is "emotional" about either position? I happen to believe both that Scott Wolter is not a Neo-Nazi and that he associates with them in an unethical way.
9/28/2014 02:12:17 pm
This is Sunday pissing contest?.
9/28/2014 04:15:40 pm
Not sure I understand your reply either. I wasn't talking about freedom of expression. I was merely confused about what you mean bu emotional. Even the Rev is not being emotional (just a broken record) and positions you mentioned aren't intrinsically emotional.
9/28/2014 10:56:48 pm
Tara -
9/29/2014 01:26:43 am
The man ranting about "Hollywood power homosexuals" encroaching on his right to be a bigot. Speaking of keeping his opinions to himself.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/28/2014 02:55:54 pm
Long long ago … as a high school senior … out of morbid curiosity … I attended a speech by George Lincoln Rockwell, who was the founder and then leader of the American Nazi Party …
9/28/2014 03:08:56 pm
The trouble, Phil, is that Wolter shares the stage with Nazis and racists. He went on Frank from Queens' radio show and *accepted and award from him* for service to the white race rather than call him out on his racism. In his book he explains why we should accept Nazi scientist and racist Jacques de Mahieu's work at face value--because the Nazis were super good at science! He isn't guilty by association; he is creating trouble for himself by purposely appropriating these people and ideas to support his own. He chose to use Nazi research in his book uncritically; he chose to appear on a racist's radio show and accept an award from them.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/28/2014 03:13:14 pm
IOW … You essentially concede that you are attempting a *smear* …
Only Me
9/28/2014 03:58:44 pm
Scott's had more experience as a defendant than as a witness, so I doubt he knows the requirements for a lawsuit anymore than he understands basic science. 9/28/2014 04:17:24 pm
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/28/2014 04:20:21 pm
It's not a smear if there is reasonable doubt whethet Wolter is willing to associate with the Neo-Nazis for the purpose of unscrupulously popularizing his views or satisfying his ego.
9/28/2014 04:24:22 pm
@ Only Me
Cathleen Anderson
9/28/2014 06:01:19 pm
You aren't helping your friend any Rev. What Joe McCarthy did is completely different than the comparisons happening here. The fact that Scott Wolter continues to engage in the behavior does look at the very least odd. 9/28/2014 11:35:33 pm
Seriously, Phil? You read that as a "smear" and claim that listing specific facts will invite a lawsuit? The point I was trying to make, Phil, is (as I explicitly say) this is not guilt by association. What you read as such is the inevitable result of Wolter's own choices. There is no way to honestly describe his activities with you seeing his own choices as a smear. The only way to avoid this is to intentionally leave out relevant information, which is unfair to the audience.
Only Me
9/28/2014 11:38:49 pm
For you, Dickey.
9/29/2014 01:04:09 am
Phil, by using the work of, and appearing on "scholarly" panels with, and on programs hosted by, Nazis and other racists, without criticizing their racist worldviews or the problematic elements of their supposed scholarship, Wolter is implying that he takes them seriously as scholars and that everyone else should take them seriously, too.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/28/2014 04:30:39 pm
Having been a personal friend and professional colleague of Scott Wolter for 25+ years, I know that he is NO "Nazi" -- of any stripe ...
Only Me
9/28/2014 05:11:40 pm
(Insert catchphrase), *scratch*, (insert catchphrase), *scratch*, (insert catchphrase), *scratch*...
9/28/2014 05:16:38 pm
If Scott Walter was a Nazi, how would you know, Rev?
9/29/2014 09:13:25 am
likewise, equally so... were Scott Wolter an ancient
Portland Dangler
9/28/2014 05:07:54 pm
Rev. Phil Gotsch, as a honorary DDS (University of the Bahamas), I would like to tell you that I endorse Scott Wolter's "America Unearthed" toothpaste and floss campaign.
9/28/2014 10:34:35 pm
The thing I find most troubling is that a convicted child predator was in attendance and there was no news of anyone making a scene.
9/29/2014 08:24:29 am
Fringe theorists probably consider that paedophilia is an alternative sexual orientation.I does make sense if you follow Jeffrey Dahmer`s rational "love takes many forms".
9/29/2014 05:26:32 am
Let's not forget about Wolter's participation in a Barnes Review-sponsored, Stormfront-advertised "Third International Conference On Authentic History And The First Amendment".
Matt Mc
9/29/2014 06:29:50 am
The kind of person that thinks he can sell a few books to some Nazis. Not to much different to the kind of person who will go to a Nazi speech because they are curious.
9/29/2014 08:51:44 am
Sometimes you wanna go 9/29/2014 08:32:01 am
You may say anything you want about Scott Wolter, but no one can deny that he is open to criticism.On this blog,he doesn't censor negative comments,and personally responds.
9/29/2014 08:54:56 am
Yeah, that's not true.
9/29/2014 09:23:51 am
What I posted yesterday proves it otherwise.Scoot Wolter has no sympathy for me but he never censored any of my comments.
9/29/2014 09:57:28 am
Last I checked, you weren't the only person posting there. :) 9/29/2014 10:39:20 am
You don't have to make it so personal.I am not trying to be egocentric.This is not about Tara Jordan,I have nothing to sell.Although when I express a particular opinion,I am doing it from my own personal perspective,therefore I speak as Tara Jordan.Last time I checked,anyone posting on this blog is doing the same thing (expressing a particular position associated with a name or alias).If that makes you uncomfortable,I could post anonymously or under a phony nickname?.
9/29/2014 10:53:06 am
Tara, I honestly don't get what you're saying. I merely pointed out that somethig you said (formulated as a general claim, the way you formulated) is incorrect. If you meant to speak of your personal experience only, you should have restricted your original claim appropriately. As it is, you are the only one to blame for being misunderstood.
9/29/2014 10:02:40 am
Your reverend friend here is clearly a troll out for attention. Do not feed it. Also there's not hate speech grounds here for a lawsuit. SW did indeed attend the conference and there was a known neo Nazi there. He didn't say that he liked his ideas.
9/29/2014 10:15:16 am
Someone's making laughably empty legal threats? On the Internet?
9/29/2014 05:58:44 pm
Phil - It's not really that complicated. Anyone should be ashamed and embarrassed to associate with anyone with an affiliation with the neo-Nazi party. I take it you do not feel that transitive property type shame. That is your choice, but you wear it nonetheless.
Matt Mc
9/30/2014 01:17:28 am
Phil is just curious about it all, I think that and his statements defending Wolter goes far to demonstrate his the great sense of ethics he has. Sad thing is that he is a preacher and has a congregation
9/30/2014 01:52:58 pm
Have you listened to his cermons? (I linked one in some recent thread, I think...)
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/30/2014 09:43:36 am
So …
Only Me
9/30/2014 11:09:07 am
Strawman argument. You said yourself, Phil, you attended a speech by the then leader of the American Nazi Party out of curiosity. What do you think the consequences would have been if you had attended as a reverend?
Matt Mc
9/30/2014 12:45:10 pm
Like Only Me said strawman argument.
9/30/2014 01:50:29 pm
I am sufficiently twisted that I can see myself saying "Hey, let's go check out the Nazi rally and have fun at the expense of the freaks!" However, I also know enough about the people who attend it to know that I'd find being there absolutely revolting.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/30/2014 02:42:50 pm
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa …
9/30/2014 02:58:03 pm
What the hell are you talking about?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
9/30/2014 03:32:07 pm
"Goddess" --
Only Me
9/30/2014 05:34:48 pm
Yes, indeed, Phil. Hello? Are you conscious?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/1/2014 02:57:59 am
"Only You" --
Only Me
10/1/2014 04:05:04 am
Thank you.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/1/2014 07:32:51 am
"Only You" --
Only Me
10/1/2014 04:08:27 pm
Wrong on both counts, Phil. That conspiracy mindset must be comforting to you, so you're welcome to it.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/1/2014 05:00:10 pm
"Only You" (whoever you are) --
Only Me
10/1/2014 05:21:38 pm
Name's Only Me, Phil. You tried that crap with Ge Ki, but it won't work here.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/1/2014 05:33:44 pm
"Only" (whoever you are) --
Only Me
10/1/2014 06:31:32 pm
There's nothing for me to "get over", so, LOL until you get over your whatever. Duh.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/2/2014 01:46:21 am
10/2/2014 02:27:31 am
Rev. Phil Gotsch said: "LOL … I'M not the one who sees "Nazis" hiding in plain sight everywhere ..."
Matt Mc
10/3/2014 02:28:05 am
He tried that name crap with me also in the past and used a Racial slur against me.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/3/2014 05:44:00 am
Matt Mc (whoever you are) --
10/3/2014 06:08:57 am
Hey Phil, attended any good Nazi rallies lately?
Matt Mc
10/3/2014 07:11:27 am
Hey I am not the one who used a racial slur in identifying someone.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/3/2014 09:31:27 am
"EP" & "Matt Mc" (whoever you are) --
10/3/2014 09:32:38 am
I'd make a gas chamber joke, but even I have boundaries :)
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/3/2014 03:49:00 pm
Only Me
10/3/2014 04:45:42 pm
@Matt MC
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/3/2014 05:22:37 pm
Oh … Wow ...
10/3/2014 06:13:07 pm
Is Rev. Phil Gotsch a racist? Does that have anything to do with his defense of Scott Wolter?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/3/2014 06:42:02 pm
No …
Only Me
10/3/2014 06:47:14 pm
Phil Gotsch, "Oh...Wow..."
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 03:33:27 am
10/4/2014 04:38:11 am
Are you *sure* you weren't being racist? Because between that and nonchalantly attending Nazi rallies we're beginning to see something like a pattern emerging...
Only Me
10/4/2014 05:02:18 am
No, Phil, just no.
Matt Mc
10/4/2014 06:15:31 am
Phil's denial speaks volumes and his actions are the same as most who are caught making racist statements. I am surprised he has not used the "I even have friends of different races and ethnic backgrounds" statement yet.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 06:06:13 am
10/4/2014 06:12:57 am
I don't know about anyone else, but so far you've surpassed my most optimistic expectations.
Matt Mc
10/4/2014 06:51:30 am
Agreed, EP, Agreed.
Only Me
10/4/2014 07:02:49 am
Actually, Phil, you've responded EXACTLY as I knew you would. You can't help it; it's in your nature. And that's what we've been addressing.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 09:35:07 am
There is a certain kind of personality that delights in making a hobby or even a career of searching out "offense" … to the extent that even if it isn't there, it gets ginned*up / invented … in order to have the experience of those voluptuously delicious feelings of self righteousness …
Matt Mc
10/4/2014 11:03:27 am
I telling yourself that makes you feel better Phil, keep doing so.
Only Me
10/4/2014 02:34:46 pm
THINK about what you said, Phil. That is a perfect description of your behavior on this blog, the only difference is, you're doing it on behalf of Scott Wolter.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 03:12:07 pm
Well … Okay …
Only Me
10/4/2014 03:43:42 pm
Oh, Phil, you ARE guilty of sordid ethical lapses, just like Scott. We continue to point them out, in response to your endlessly recycled catchphrases, because neither of you seems to have any lick of common sense. You want to do as you please, say what you please, and then feign innocence when your words and decisions are held accountable.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 04:15:02 pm
(1) Resisted bullying …
10/4/2014 04:19:27 pm
So Phil, what do you think about Scott Wolter repeatedly participating in Neo-Nazi-affiliated events?
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 04:30:56 pm
Have you stopped beating your spouse, children, and companion animals … ???
Only Me
10/4/2014 04:47:38 pm
So now Phil is accusing EP of domestic abuse and animal cruelty.
10/4/2014 04:53:14 pm
Scott Wolter's actions I was referring to are a matter of public record. Do you have any evidence of me acting in the way you are alleging? Because if you do not, i looks like we can add committing outright slander to your many foolish choices on this blog...
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 05:17:30 pm
"EP" (whoever you are) --
10/4/2014 05:39:05 pm
Look at Rev. Phil Gotsch acting like he's all "in control" and everything...
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/5/2014 05:41:25 am
EP (whoever you are) --
Matt Mc
10/5/2014 05:45:57 am
and in return I can say I do not recognize your presumed right to defend Wolter's associates no matter what you claim and I am sure others both active in the forums and readers will agree with that.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/5/2014 05:55:06 am
Matt Mc (whoever you are) --
Only Me
10/5/2014 06:07:11 am
One of the huge problems in this strange blog series is the virtually continual deliberate distortions and misrepresentations put forward by the Wolter worshipers...
Matt Mc
10/5/2014 06:37:39 am
10/5/2014 08:16:59 am
Lest we forget...
Only Me
10/4/2014 04:46:07 pm
1) Hypocrisy, near-racist comments and lies exposed
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 04:58:58 pm
I have known Scott Wolter as a personal friend and professional colleague for 25+ years …
Only Me
10/4/2014 05:17:31 pm
1) Hypocrisy, near-racist comments, lies and slander exposed
Matt Mc
10/5/2014 09:55:29 am
Funny thing is nowhere has anyone claimed that either you or Wolter is a Nazi or Neo-Nazi.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/5/2014 12:18:11 pm
Matt Mc (whoever you are) …
Matt Mc
10/5/2014 03:02:33 pm
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/5/2014 03:17:03 pm
Matt Mc (whoever you are) …
Matt Mc
10/5/2014 03:34:45 pm
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/5/2014 03:46:43 pm
Matt Mc (whoever you are) …
Matt Mc
10/5/2014 04:02:14 pm
So basically we are to take the word of a person who was shown and demonstrated a lack of respect and ethical decisions in dealing with people that Wolter is a good person.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/5/2014 04:10:39 pm
Matt Mc (whoever you are) --
Matt Mc
10/6/2014 03:35:28 am
Thanks for clearing that up so there is absolutely no reason anyone should take what you say has any real value or merit.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/4/2014 05:00:48 pm
I must say … this bunch is *interesting* ...
10/4/2014 05:40:03 pm
...unlike that Nazi rally you went to, right? ;)
Only Me
10/5/2014 05:35:47 pm
The World According to Phil Gotsch
10/5/2014 05:43:52 pm
Wait, ignoring Gunn is, like, never NOT to one's credit :)
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/5/2014 05:55:31 pm
"Only Me" (whoever you are) …
10/5/2014 05:59:11 pm
What about Dickey or JaredMithrandir?
Only Me
10/5/2014 06:48:18 pm
Stupid response is stupid.
Matt Mc
10/6/2014 01:40:34 am
I am beginning to think Phil has some reading comprehension problems, perhaps that is why his responses are so canned and generic and why he lacks basic respect.
Rev. Phil Gotsch
10/6/2014 02:55:00 am
Guys …
10/6/2014 05:27:07 am
All jokes aside, while I too am by no means convinced that Scott Wolter is a racist, I think it must be pointed out that we don't exactly have any evidence that he isn't one, either. (Other than the Rev double-pinkie swearing that he totally isn't one...)
Matt Mc
10/6/2014 05:44:24 am
agreed, but I do think he acting more on the trying to market himself to whatever audience that will listen to him, sadly the white power/diffusionist community seems to really eat it up. In Wolter's case it seems more a a ego and money thing that anything else.
10/6/2014 05:54:11 am
If I had to bet, I'd bet on what you're saying. But ask yourself this: (1) Does ego preclude one from being a racist? (2) If Wolter's behavior more indicative of someone who is at least sympathetic toward racism, or of someone who isn't?
Matt Mc
10/6/2014 06:02:46 am
and those are good questions to be asked and no clear answer can be given based on what knowledge is out there, however it is enough of a question that could lead one to speculate that he could be sympathetic to racist or certain racist groups beliefs.
10/6/2014 06:05:41 am
What do you mean "no clear answer"?! Surely you see that (1) is merely rhetorical! :)
Matt Mc
10/6/2014 06:10:11 am
Of course it is rhetorical, perhaps I should of emphasized that in my response. Its not like there are examples in history of racist leaders or historians who have large egos. It all is very speculative
10/6/2014 06:34:34 am
So we agree, then, that there is no good reason to deny that Scott Wolter is a racist?
Matt Mc
10/6/2014 06:56:00 am
I will only go as far to say, that I could understand how one could conclude that Wolter is a racist or is sympathetic to racist beliefs. This is wholly based on his theories and associations. Leave a Reply. |
AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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