Mondays are bad days for me. I’m flooded with work and have virtually no time for anything else. But I made a few minutes to share with you this bizarre image from an advertisement appearing in England for tours led by “Dr.” John Ward, the boon companion of Intrepid magazine owner Scotty Roberts and his partner in the History Trippers television pilot, currently under consideration by a major media conglomerate that really should know better. It’s one of the more bizarre things I’ve seen this week. Take a look at that picture—dressed like Indiana Jones, standing against an Egyptian backdrop, and dowsing! According to the promotional material put out by the College of Psychic Studies, Ward intends to explore whether the buildings of London were purposely built to channel psychic powers. “Our aim is to determine if these monuments and symbols are deliberate acts of inclusion in the landscape and if there is any direct metaphysical effect on the immediate environment and population.”
It’s worth noting that “Dr.” John Ward is not a Ph.D. His “doctorate” is, by his own admission, an honorary award from a Knights Templar fan club in Great Britain who are not accredited and do not have the standing to award academic degrees, honorary or otherwise. This makes his doctorate even less legitimate than Sean David Morton’s, which was a “Ph.D.-equivalency” degree purchased from a for-profit Canadian school. To use his Templar-awarded fictitious degree to ask for money (£130 per person!) to take people on a dowsing tour of the City of London on behalf of a psychic college is, frankly, deceptive. For the cheaper two hour, £14 workshop, Ward is not even present at his own event. He will be calling in from Egypt. If you are not able to attend either but still want to give Ward some money, he and Roberts are selling History Trippers calendars. Ward claims to be an archaeologist because he works in Egypt with Dr. Maria Nilsson, his self-described “partner,” who performs archaeological research. According to Ward’s CV, he serves as her photographer at Gebel el Silsila. According to the College of Psychic Studies, he is now claiming to also be an anthropologist, though on what grounds I can hardly imagine. The College of Psychic Studies was founded in 1884 during the heyday of the spiritualist movement and currently offers courses in various psychic powers and related parlor tricks from the Victorian era. It seems like a good fit for a man who clearly has a Victorian-steampunk aesthetic to go along with his Victorian occultism and nineteenth century sense of pseudo-history.
1/12/2015 10:04:21 am
Jason, I hate to always be the one to harp about these things (really, I do!), but what, exactly, is "steampunk" about that image? I mean, it can't just be the compass...
1/12/2015 10:50:29 am
The two men, in bold, adventurous poses in semi-profile, dressed in vaguely old-fashioned clothing, with a compass watermark....If it were in sharp black-and-white, or even color, I'd say it was a pulp adventure aesthetic, but with the false-sepia tone, I agree with Jason - it definitely looks steampunk-influenced.
1/12/2015 11:03:56 am
Whatever you want to call it, it is definitely a self conscious effort to affect a sort of Victorian to Indiana Jones-ish persona. They just come off as arrogant and like a Role Playing Game version of what an explorer should look like. Then again, those two ARE living out their own Role Playing Game.
1/12/2015 11:02:45 am
It's very much drawing on the Victorian-influenced iconography--the placement of the hand, the hats, the lack of smiles, and the sepia-toned stuff. The elaborate neck scarves. It's got a steampunk flavor to it. It's just very, very poorly done steampunk.
1/12/2015 11:14:59 am
I'll just leave these here for calibrating the ends of the meter between chap and steampunk
1/12/2015 11:17:45 am
How long have you been waiting for an excuse to post these? :)
1/12/2015 10:08:42 am
1/12/2015 10:12:38 am
Man, I hope Scottie Roberts shows up again!
Andy White
1/12/2015 10:17:08 am
Thanks for the laugh. Seriously.
Shane Sullivan
1/12/2015 10:25:33 am
I should be the one teaching that course.
1/12/2015 10:38:36 am
After that "sizzle reel", I cannot look at John Ward handling rods without giggling :)
Shane Sullivan
1/12/2015 10:43:22 am
Is it supposed to curve sharply to the side like that...?
1/12/2015 10:44:47 am
Only if Scotte is around,
1/12/2015 10:57:21 am
So along with fake degrees, fake claims, Nazi symbolism and racist theology we can add dowsing to the list of damning evidence.
1/12/2015 12:39:36 pm
Why do fringe guys always dress like Indianna Jones? Indy never went after the Ark/Stones/Grail because he believed in them, it was to stop the Nazis/Thugee/Nazis from getting their hands on artifacts that belonged to someone else.
Paul J.
1/12/2015 02:32:26 pm
"It’s worth noting that 'Dr.' John Ward is not a Ph.D. His 'doctorate' is, by his own admission, an honorary award from a Knights Templar fan club in Great Britain who are not accredited and do not have the standing to award academic degrees, honorary or otherwise."
1/12/2015 04:29:39 pm
"Dowsing" is really the most ridiculous of the many silly fringe "tests".
1/12/2015 04:57:59 pm
Add hats and scarves ...
Duke of URL
1/13/2015 03:30:06 am
Don't they have any laws in England against false advertising?
Ali Baba
1/13/2015 04:36:12 am
Come on, the Duke of Kent is a personal friend of Uri Geller.
1/13/2015 06:04:37 am
A company in the UK manufactured dowsing rods that were used by the Iraqi police to look for explosives. Eventually they got shut down and the owner went to prison, but still.
1/13/2015 04:10:18 am
Calendar? You only linked to the calendar?
1/13/2015 04:13:33 am
This needs to be a thong as well.
Only Me
1/13/2015 05:24:29 am
I can see Scotty Roberts dressed as Yogurt from Spaceballs:
1/13/2015 05:44:35 am
Don't forget your Official History Trippers Decoder Ring, complete with patented "Dr." John Ward Nazi SS symbols and Scotty Roberts Nephilim/Reptilian Hybrid Locator. 1/20/2015 04:07:33 pm
Hmmmm... "History Trippers the Lunch Box" ..... add a thermos for coffee and it just might sell. ;)
Only Me
1/20/2015 04:20:39 pm
Just don't include a History Trippers-The Flamethrower. The kids may love it, but it's a lawsuit waiting to happen. :)
1/13/2015 07:26:41 am
I like how they took pains to fit the word "rigorous" and then misspell "rules."
terry the censor
1/14/2015 02:16:44 pm
> To use his Templar-awarded fictitious degree to ask for money ... is, frankly, deceptive.
terry the censor
1/14/2015 02:41:01 pm
> It’s worth noting that “Dr.” John Ward is not a Ph.D.
Duke of URL
1/15/2015 02:58:28 am
1/15/2015 01:55:48 pm
And look at what Ward is into, here. Can you believe what this guy is into?
1/15/2015 01:59:14 pm
And this is atrocious. Ward is a piece of work.
1/16/2015 12:23:05 am
Cryptocad, aka Scotty Roberts comes to the defence of his business partner. What was that shite you said to me about hiding behind an assumed name, Roberts? lol
1/16/2015 12:28:09 am
Don't forget Ward is also into this..
1/17/2015 04:39:51 am
"CryptoCad," so far as I can see, has posted two links. I haven't seen bandwagon criticism coming from his/her position in the anonymous ether. Fairly innocuous stuff.
1/17/2015 04:42:21 am
And thank you, Father jack, for bringing this to my attention.
1/17/2015 05:15:09 am
Whenever Jack Ashcraft is mentioned, the first word that springs to mind is "integrity".
Only Me
1/17/2015 12:11:10 pm
Now, now, EP. I know you don't believe in exorcisms, but at least Father Jack isn't guilty of trying to perform one, even facetiously, over the Internet, unlike a certain reverend that loves to lurk on this site.
1/18/2015 11:27:54 am
I liked the priest fights the two of them would get into... :)
Alex Hamilton
1/17/2015 08:53:47 pm
Jason seems to expend a lot of time and effort blogging about Ward and Roberts. It seems like a waste of time given that neither of them are significant at anything they do.
I'm A Jeffersonian
1/18/2015 01:44:40 am
You speak truth. Roberts has a line of people he's befriended, some might even suggest "used" for whatever at the moment, and then just as quickly turned on when they confront him on certain things. You're right when you say that isnt well known but its getting out more and more. Roberts and Ward both have a bad rep. in the same circles they like to hawk their wares in. Some of us wont even return their calls anymore. My bet would be the Paradigm Symposium is on its last leg as a result.
1/18/2015 09:55:38 am
If you truly are a "Jeffersonian," then at least we are aligned politically. ;)
1/18/2015 03:23:48 am
"He obviously carries Ward's weight."
1/18/2015 09:39:21 am
You speak truth, Alex... neither Ward nor I are significant at all. We just enjoy doing what we're doing.
1/18/2015 11:23:53 am
Scotty Roberts, enjoying doing... whatever it is that he does in this thread... Mostly mixing lame attempts at self-promotion with calling people things like "Internet turd":
Alex Hamilton
1/18/2015 03:33:16 pm
It was a difficult realization for me that you are not who I believed you to be. I think that you are a good person and I generally wish you well but you have to be stark raving mad if you think you can hand out insincere apologies on a blog and honestly expect people to accept them.
I'm A Jeffersonian
1/18/2015 10:09:52 am
You have the reputation you do not because some just drift away but because you use people and then when their use is gone or they confront you about things- and I know you can list these things if you think about it- you turn on them. In fact you became worse after Ward entered the picture as many of us know. But this isnt a problem with Ward, its a problem with you. You burn people along with bridges. Its starting to come back on you again just like it always does. People are not so keen to be a part of the symposium, and you sense the problems if you're gonna be honest. Your apologies are empty Roberts. I hate to say it but your apology seems more like damage control than sincere. If you were sincere you would never burn people like you do. Think hard. You know what you've done to people. Your history is a known. Its starting to come back on you yet again. As I said, Paradigm Symposium wont last much longer and you have only yourself and your business partner to blame.
1/18/2015 11:29:52 am
I hope I'm not alone in wanting to see someone leak some juicy dirt on Scotty Roberts.
1/18/2015 01:10:00 pm
Because I find you amusing and because it could make the world a slightly better place. 1/18/2015 01:28:12 pm
1/18/2015 01:38:01 pm
I'm going to assume that you're either making threats or are too dumb to realize that that's exactly what it sounds like.
1/18/2015 02:00:56 pm
Scotty Roberts threatened EP. How very academic. 1/18/2015 01:19:38 pm
You obviously feel you are someone who has been "burned" by me. Since I do not know who you are, making an apology to a vague charge is a little difficult.
1/18/2015 01:27:43 pm
Looking forward to another awesome >300-comment thread.
I'm A Jeffersonian
1/18/2015 01:56:00 pm
I know more than you give me credit for, Roberts. You can pretend all is well with your symposium, but the truth is your long list of people are all no names. There are enough of us who wouldn't ever grace your symposium (some never again). You aren't making a profit. You know that. Its not the smashing success you want people to believe it is. Your bravado aside- you know things don't look as hot for the future of the symposium as you say.
Alex Hamilton
1/18/2015 03:18:31 pm
You are under the mistaken assumption that those who post here under the condition of anonymity do so because they lack courage, conviction or accountability. In fairness, who, besides you, really wants a petty exchange on the internet attributed to them in perpetuity?
1/18/2015 03:27:48 pm
"In fairness, who, besides you, really wants a petty exchange on the internet attributed to them in perpetuity?"
Scotty Roberts' Doppleganger
7/13/2016 02:33:16 pm
How very prophetic this statement turned out to be.
Alex Hamilton
1/18/2015 03:01:52 pm
It is neither my goal nor my job to assassinate the character of Ward or Roberts. I believe that is a task far better suited to a disinterested third party. I am biased in that I very, very much dislike Roberts. I have no real feelings regarding Ward apart from his lackluster radio performances, because I don't know him personally.
1/18/2015 03:31:17 pm
"His shortcomings and "juicy dirt" are easily accessible online if you're willing to look."
Alex Hamilton
1/18/2015 05:16:38 pm
He's really more of an opportunist than a narcissist.
1/19/2015 04:08:05 am
The two are not mutually exclusive, of course.
1/18/2015 09:11:38 pm
I don't know much about the fringe television shows. I know even less about archaeology, aliens and symbolism. I thus lay dormant while Scotty Robert's professional work is continually assailed here.
1/19/2015 02:43:41 am
Does his behavior on this blog give the people who feel insulted by him "license to attack his character"?
1/19/2015 03:05:06 am
I have seen plenty of posts and criticisms choosing only to respond to one that I believe is patently false.
1/19/2015 03:21:08 am
Which is what, exactly? I don't see you answering to any criticisms, just sticking up for your bestest buddy because you think someone's being a meanie to him.
1/19/2015 03:52:17 am
Come now, are you really going to decry me for sticking up for a friend? Is it not one of the most very basic tenets of friendship that we aid them when they are in need?
1/19/2015 04:07:45 am
So what is the criticism to which you are "choosing to respond", then?
1/19/2015 12:21:09 am
Looks to me like a few people who know him just as well as you (maybe better) think different "Brad". Maybe you need to take off the hero worship glasses and acknowledge the fact that Roberts has used people, as has been revealed here. I'll do some deeper digging like Alex Hamilton says. Apparently there's a dark undercurrent to be found other than the stuff already exposed on this blog.
1/19/2015 02:48:47 am
I've known Scotty for the better part of a decade and I've never witnessed any of what's been described here. Are you really suggesting that a couple of Internet blog posters know him better?
1/19/2015 03:21:51 am
Brad = Scotty Wolter's personal Rev. Phil Gotsch
1/19/2015 03:22:31 am
I mean "Scotty Roberts's personal Rev. Phil Gotsch".
1/19/2015 03:28:57 am
I don't know who Rev. Phil Gotsch so your comparison escapes me. I do believe that our discourse has been nothing but polite and to the point.
1/19/2015 04:10:28 am
You may want to look him up. While you're at it, look up discussions of Scotty's work on this blog, or at least Scotty's work itself. This way, people are going to be more likely to give a damn about your opinion.
1/19/2015 04:19:31 am
I have read every post about Scotty and each comment made. As I've said, I'm not here to defend Scotty's work nor am I well versed enough to do so.
1/19/2015 08:10:35 am
I have concluded that Scotty Wolter is a bad person largely on the basis of his own words. Jason's posts just convinced me that he is a run-of-the-mill fringe idiot.
1/19/2015 08:36:56 am
Scott Wolter or Scotty Roberts?
1/19/2015 08:51:21 am
Scotty Roberts.
I'm A Jeffersonian
1/19/2015 04:57:03 am
"Brad"- There are more people than the few of us posting here who have the opinion of Roberts that we do. Not everyone wants to post. Some fear retribution. I wonder what Lan Lamphere, Jason Hawes, and a few others might say about Roberts were they to be candid. Something tells me it wouldn't be pretty.
1/19/2015 05:06:47 am
"Thank you once again Scott Roberts and Nancy Planeta for attempting to ruin my life. You failed.. you miserable pieces of shit! I wish there was a God. I wish there was a hell. Without hesitation I would attempt to condemn you both to it."- Lan Lamphere
1/19/2015 05:39:40 am
Your attempts at character assassination are becoming silly. One-sided links do not present an entire picture.
1/19/2015 05:10:26 am
Lan Lamphere confronts Scotty Roberts on radio:
1/19/2015 05:15:16 am
TAPS magazine (Scotty Roberts as editor) complaint filed of money not paid:
1/19/2015 05:42:25 am
Again, you only post what suits your purpose. Do you know the other side to this? Probably not.
1/19/2015 05:17:01 am
"Scotty Roberts (the new editor) tried to make an effort to explain the situation (or one giant F-up as I like to call it now.) He was trying to be nice to us about it (to ensure we keep coming, I suppose,) but I feel like he was being kind of rude in a passive-aggressive way. You may not agree, but I've re-read some of his replies, and I don't get a good vibe. I also know he's kind of rude, because he found my review of TAPS Paramagazine (which is obviously a negative one) and projected the magazine's spelling and grammatical mistakes on my review."
1/19/2015 05:19:42 am
One comment at the above link stated, "Terence Herrera, United States
1/19/2015 05:45:26 am
Again, you post what this person said, not what my actual reply was to him, which was something like, "... you and 8000 other people. But I was just brought on board to try to fix the problems, so if you can hang in there with us as we reorganize company that almost went bankrupt, we may be able to take of you. However, if you would rather not wait it out over the next few months, please contact the publisher directly at..."
1/19/2015 05:50:23 am
None of that stuff after "you and 8000 other people" appears in the original post. You added that yourself. I just posted what the person said your response was. 1/19/2015 08:11:11 am
That was my point. You are simply posting incomplete information for... what purpose...?
I'm A Jeffersonian
1/19/2015 08:20:27 am
And we should accept your revision of the person's complaint why? You could easily have made that up right after you saw it posted here. Yet that complaint against you sat out there for years. Knowing what I do, I'd say the original complaintants quote was correct. 1/19/2015 05:09:06 pm
1/19/2015 05:26:42 am
Looks like this isnt the 1st time Scotty Roberts has made an attempt at TV fame.
1/19/2015 05:47:55 am
This is what is left of that original concept series. We were attempting to do an historical show on Native American sites in the upper midwest that included paranormal aspects.
1/19/2015 05:52:40 am
So basically your new attempt at tv is just a different spin on your paranormal crap. The only real difference is this time you have a fake archaeologist who uses Nazi symbols on his logo and does dowsing instead of a psychic next to you.
1/19/2015 05:44:07 am
I am aware of all of the stories posted here from Lan Lamphere all the way back to his days as the editor-in-chief of TAPS Paramag.
1/19/2015 08:31:28 am
1/19/2015 08:16:38 am
This thread delivers :D
1/19/2015 08:18:08 am
Ward claims here to be "intrumental" in some great archaeological discoveries at Karnak and Luxor. LOLOL
1/19/2015 04:05:41 pm
Did you listen to the interview, InquisitorX? Did you hear what Ward said about that statement?
1/19/2015 04:10:18 pm
InquisitorX said:
Only Me
1/19/2015 05:06:28 pm
At the risk of pissing you off, I don't think you have a valid criticism, Mr. Roberts.
1/19/2015 05:16:47 pm
More importantly, why should *we* think that?
1/19/2015 11:24:09 pm
Read the link Roberts. The quote is right there on the link. So much for reading. Too busy defending your cohort to bother with something pesky like that, 1/20/2015 03:39:55 am
InquisitorX, 1/20/2015 03:51:32 am
I'm A Jeffersonian
1/20/2015 04:43:58 am
Yes Only Me. His response can be encapsulated in just a few lines from his rant filled post. He said..
1/20/2015 04:00:40 am
Since you're too stupid to read the link, here's the exact quote.
1/20/2015 02:14:31 pm
I read the link and listened to the interview, long before you posted it here, InquisitorX.
1/19/2015 08:23:23 am
"'The craft of Dowsing is not an art it is a state of the body, mind and Spirit where you become oneness with the surrounding universe...'"- From "Dr." John Ward's dowsing video.
1/19/2015 08:25:20 am
More dowsing from "Dr." John Ward. Notice at the very beginning the video has the original Sirius Project logo complete with Nazi SS ring.
1/19/2015 08:27:25 am
And another with the Nazi logo.
1/19/2015 04:24:29 pm
You sure attempt to make a lot of hay out of nothing. You need to find a new bone to gnaw on.
1/19/2015 11:27:07 pm
My identity isn't at issue. It is the true "identity" of Scotty Roberts and "Dr." John Ward that is at issue. Are they what they claim to be, or are they actually uneducated fringe types taking advantage of the gullible? The answer is pretty obvious, which is why you hate these threads.
1/19/2015 09:28:00 am
From what i gather looking around online, the dig John Ward claims to be a archaeologist, anthropologist and Egyptologist on is sponsored by Lund University in Sweden.
1/19/2015 04:18:59 pm
Dr. Maria Nilsson is the chief archaeologist at Gebel el Silsila. John Ward, her husband-and-father-to-their-child (not "boyfriend" or "boy-pal" as InquisitorX states it), works alongside her as the Topographical Specialist. They have a team of fifteen members who are all listed on their Gebel el Silsila webpage.
1/19/2015 05:04:45 pm
1/19/2015 05:20:25 pm
By the way, Scotty, calling John Ward a "Topographical Specialist" doesn't make him sound impressive. It only makes you sound pompous. Even Maria Nilsson on the project's blog calls him a mere "topographer" (no caps).
1/19/2015 11:29:30 pm
And again, to emphasize what a joke that is...where is his degree from again? 1/20/2015 03:28:10 am
I keep forgetting, InquisitorX... he has no papered degree, so is a mental invalid. Got it.
1/20/2015 07:46:55 am
John Ward is a dowser. He may not be a literal mental invalid, but he does play one in real life.
1/19/2015 09:30:52 am
"Dr." John Ward's esoteric side.
1/21/2015 07:09:05 am
"Dr" John Ward posted a status: "Can the "Constructed Consciousness" truly exist outside of the Physical Biological Form? I believe so."
1/19/2015 05:11:47 pm
Maria Nilsson is both hot and has a real doctorate. What she sees in that glorified carnie is beyond me.
1/19/2015 11:32:45 pm
It would be worth contacting Lund University and sharing with them Ward's activities and asking if they actually want their money paying for that. I doubt they even know what he really does, or that he claims to be an archaeologist, anthropologist, Egyptologist all based on his presence on their project. hmmm...
1/20/2015 03:25:51 am
I think that would be an excellent idea, if for nothing else than to hear them call you an idiot in Swedish.
I'm A Jeffersonian
1/20/2015 04:36:34 am
That is the Scotty Roberts personality we're talking about. And yet we're not to believe you responded to the complain as the customer said you did.
1/20/2015 04:04:24 am
We'll see who they call idiot when they see his Nazi logo, his false claims, etc.
I'm A Jeffersonian
1/20/2015 04:47:51 am
I have to question the intelligence of someone who makes such challenges that could negatively impact their business partner. It demonstrates one thing for sure- your ego overrides your logical thinking skills, Roberts. Something some of us have long known.
1/20/2015 07:45:33 am
Scotty Roberts often sounds as though he is genuinely convinced that noting he says can make people love him any less than he loves himself.
1/20/2015 04:10:00 am
And this organization too.
1/20/2015 07:49:01 am
Scotty Roberts better get more friends/sockpuppets to this thread. "Brad" alone can't hide the fact that Scotty Roberts doesn't deserve to be universally beloved.
1/20/2015 11:59:24 am
1/20/2015 12:40:15 pm
This idiot actually compares a list of actors and business people (none of their fields requires a degree mind you) with Scotty Roberts and John Ward's fallacious claims to be historians, theologians, archaeologists, anthropologists and Egyptologists, all the while dowsing their way to tv fame and hoping to hide Roberts' philosophical connection to the racist Christian Identity theology and the use of the Nazi SS ring in Ward's logo.
1/20/2015 12:59:09 pm
Who unilaterally decided that one must have a degree to be a historian, archaeologist, theologian, anthropologist, or Egyptologist? Did you make this ruling with the sanction of the Internet Court of Public Opinion? 1/20/2015 01:01:28 pm
1/20/2015 01:08:24 pm
Roberts- You got your theories from Christian Identity racist sources, your mate used the Nazi SS ring as his logo (on purpose as you revealed in another thread after claiming he didn't do it), you claim Noah was "racially pure"...I've listened to interviews where you state this shit as FACT, nowhere giving a disclaimer that you don't believe it, and then you want people to believe you when you say you don't reallllly believe that.
1/20/2015 01:14:34 pm
Since you seem to be, in your words, "too bloody thick" to understand why I chose to list the people I did, I'll explain it.
1/20/2015 01:24:13 pm
Ward is a glorified flunky. He got his job because his girl put him there, he has no qualifications, no education, can barely string a sentence together, isn't an archaeologist, isn't an anthropologist, isn't an Egyptologist.
1/20/2015 01:50:33 pm
That's not what I'm saying and you know it. I'm saying that the human spirit and mind is able to grow and learn things through experience. I'm saying that the kid on the junior curator dig might just ignite with passion, come back day after day and eventually harbor enough knowledge and learn enough from other archaeologists to one day grow in that capacity himself.
1/20/2015 04:49:14 pm
Brad is awesome. He calls us "a bunch of internet trolls", then gives us exactly what "a bunch of internet trolls" would want :) 1/20/2015 01:06:38 pm
Sock puppets, EP? Please. I've moved on to marionettes.
1/20/2015 04:46:09 pm
The sad part is that you probably really believe that.
1/20/2015 05:07:55 pm
"Rachel Ray - Fake 30 minute meals.
1/20/2015 06:12:39 pm
I'm going to concede to you on this one.
1/20/2015 01:03:28 pm
The field of archaeology,anthropology and Egyptology has determined that over a lengthy history of the respective fields.
1/20/2015 01:10:30 pm
The above is for "Brad"- Roberts' very own Don Quixote.
1/20/2015 01:20:28 pm
I take exception to questionable truths. You're really likening open-heart surgery to the study of ancient cultures? Tell me, who dies if ancient history is skewed from time to time before we get it right? That's happened through the course of history. You're really reaching pal.
1/20/2015 01:29:52 pm
It isn't reaching at all. Who dies if some dumbass who isn't an archaeologist tries to rewrite history? Maybe nobody. Maybe a completely screwed up version of history propels a culture into genocide or war. But beyond that, the point I made demonstrates the fallacy of your position. If education isn't important, and we can just claim to be whatever we want to be just by proximity to the field, then someone can claim to be a surgeon and be as legit as Ward and Roberts. You can't have it both ways. Either your position is sound (and it isn't) or its as full of shit as you, Ward and Roberts. I think we can all see how stupid your position is.
1/20/2015 02:03:21 pm
I didn't claim education wasn't important. Rather, I correctly asserted that there is more than one way to obtain an education. For you to deny the incontrovertible truth that people can be capable without degrees is inane.
1/20/2015 04:59:00 pm
And John Ward has effectively failed in all of them.
1/20/2015 01:17:24 pm
For "Brad"'s benefit, who seems completely lost as to who says one needs a degree to be an archaeologist, anthropologist and Egyptologist. Read it and learn something.
1/20/2015 01:25:37 pm
Mind-blowing stuff Inquisitor. Yes, "typically" and "generally" degrees are required for this work. Is that what you're trying to establish, typicality and generality?
1/20/2015 01:31:30 pm
Apparently you missed the parts where they stated "requirements". Nice try though, moron.
1/20/2015 01:53:44 pm
Apparently you lack the fundamental understanding that requirements have been substituted for experience in almost every career path in human history, ever. Medicine excluded (for your benefit, since that seems to be your go-to argument).
1/20/2015 04:58:19 pm
Apparently *you* lack the fundamental understanding that John Ward's work (dowsing, etc.) is sufficient to establish his incompetence independently of his lack of any non-fake academic credentials.
1/20/2015 06:11:29 pm
I was addressing the requirement of a degree to work in certain fields. For the sake of this post it was archaeology, anthropology and Egyptology specifically. The fundamental understanding I was referring to is that most careers allow candidates, applicants or incumbents to off-set education with real world experience.
Only Me
1/20/2015 07:07:49 pm
I understand that the rules governing honorary degrees differ by institution and even country, but the general custom is that the recipient of an officially awarded and recognized honorary degree lists such as an award, not an educational achievement. It is also customary that the recipient only uses the title "Doctor" within an academic setting, but again, that varies.
1/20/2015 01:33:43 pm
By the way, we're going to find out what the University of Lund and the Council of Egyptian Antiquities think as well. Wanna bet money they don't buy into your stupid theory, "Brad"?
1/20/2015 01:59:43 pm
It's your argument, not mine and now you expect me to do the leg work for you too?
1/20/2015 03:36:58 pm
At Karnak Temple, John dowsed the great ramps out front. The results were accepted at the time, then exploited. They later returned and excavated on the basis, in part, of John’s dowsing. The results were verified and established.
1/20/2015 04:52:24 pm
Counterpoint: Dowsing isn't real and anyone who claims otherwise is an idiot and/or a crook. And anyone who defends such claims deserves to be publicly mocked and exposed in the most amusing ways available.
1/20/2015 06:12:07 pm
Scotty Roberts: "If a big oil company does something, it is no longer laughable or contemptible." 1/20/2015 06:49:58 pm
Parting p.p.s. for you, EP...
1/20/2015 07:26:31 pm
Scottie Roberts: "Someone out there defended dowsing. Therefore it's totally not retarded bullshit. After all, retarded bullshit is never defended by anyone ever. For more on that, see Paradigm Symposium." 1/20/2015 07:42:58 pm
You forgot to add the website, EP... 1/20/2015 03:40:46 pm
Well, pardon that last mish-mash of various posts that have already been posted here by me. I somehow copied and pasted them all from another window.
1/20/2015 04:53:57 pm
TL;DR: Scotty Roberts, attempting to get the hell out of dodge while representing himself as having some dignity to preserve thereby.
1/20/2015 05:59:03 pm
I wondered who'd be the first to say I was running away. You win.
Only Me
1/20/2015 04:57:30 pm
Huh. I made a joke referencing Spaceballs and asked a question. Now, I'm guilty of a whole list of sins.
1/20/2015 05:00:30 pm
"how you honestly feel" 1/20/2015 06:01:31 pm
P.S. Sorry, Only Me... you have been nothing but decent and fair. I appreciate that. Sorry I messed that up in the post above. Cheers.
Only Me
1/20/2015 06:52:08 pm
No problem, Mr. Roberts. 1/20/2015 07:06:44 pm
Only Me,
1/20/2015 04:56:33 pm
Anyone who brings word from Lund University or its affiliates regarding their involvement with a racially insensitive dowser "Dr", shall receive an Honorary MSc, to be bestowed by yours truly! (As well as +10 Internets.)
1/21/2015 01:24:12 am
Scotty Roberts isn't that far from Ward and his dowsing. Roberts is a Tarot Card reader. lolol
1/21/2015 04:55:52 am
OMG A Tarot reading of Micah Hanks by Scotty Roberts!
1/21/2015 08:13:55 am
That explains his defense of dowsing. haha
1/20/2015 11:23:40 pm
Working on it.
1/21/2015 06:58:32 am
John Ward, ladies and gentlemen:
1/21/2015 08:19:24 am
1/21/2015 08:22:38 am
4/23/2017 04:42:43 pm
Thank you so much for the info! It was evident just by watching him that he was a fake ! Too good.
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