One of the problems skeptics face in countering the insidious nonsense of the ancient astronaut theory is that skeptics treat the suggestion as though it were subject to the rules of science, and therefore they criticize it using physical evidence—radiocarbon dates, archaeological site reports, the laws of physics, etc. This approach is understandable since most skeptics tend to come from math and natural science backgrounds. But it isn’t effective outside the field of science. As anyone who has perused the pages of Skeptical Inquirer or Skeptic has undoubtedly noticed, most articles in those publications would not be out of place in Popular Mechanics or a medical journal. I love science as much as the next skeptic, but I feel that skepticism needs to be broader than science—it needs to embrace the humanities as well, and to speak to people in a language they can understand rather than the rarified jargon of the academy. The ancient astronaut theory is not science, and it does not believe in science in any real sense. Despite the lip service it pays to science, the theory uses scientific evidence only as decoration for a philosophy—an ideology—that is essentially a product of the humanities. No amount of scientific reasoning will change the minds of the true believers because they are immune to evidence. They cannot be reached, and there is no fact that will make them change their minds. Scientists and the science-literate, on the other hand, need no convincing to realize that the ancient astronaut theory contains no evidence and withstands no scrutiny. Skeptics do not need to preach to that choir because no persuasion is necessary.
The real battle, then, is for the hearts of those who are curious about the ancient astronaut theory, or merely intrigued by the Ancient Aliens documentary. Almost by definition, the majority of those in this group are not scientifically literate or they would already have rejected the theory. Reasoned appeals to scientific methodology, burdens of proof, and rules of evidence are simply meaningless in this context because the ancient astronaut theorists pay no attention to them, and it is simply not possible to rebut the ancient astronaut theory while simultaneously teaching the scientific method and inculcating an understanding of the history of science—all in the space of a few sentences or sound bites. There are genuinely people who believe that an unidentified “they” would never allow TV to broadcast statements that aren’t true, and these people, who take it on faith that the talking heads on TV are honest, will not see past the false equivalence of talking heads. They will not place greater faith in a “scientist” versus an “ancient astronaut theorist” so long as the media pretend such titles are equivalent, and therefore even-handed discussions of facts, evidence, Occam’s razor, and probability will do nothing to counter enthusiastic citations of “ancient texts.” The dispassionate recitation of a scientist reads as boring, while an advocate’s passion translates into an emotional connection with TV viewers. And this is where the humanities come in. First, too many science-based skeptics have conceded vast territory the ancient astronaut theorists (AATs) by allowing them to spew nonsense and lies about ancient literature. Understandably, most skeptics are more comfortable with the hard facts of natural science than the more subjective world of literary interpretation. But more than half of the “evidence” for the ancient astronaut theory comes from literary sources, and letting AATs defined the terms of the debate gives them far too much power. Second, countering AATs’ claims is not a case of simply presenting scientific evidence and conclusions and trusting the audience to come to the right conclusion. No, one must actually use the tools of rhetoric, criticism, and the whole panoply of the humanities to present an effective case, one marked by the same enthusiasm and passion as the AATs demonstrate for their fake theory. This is not a rejection of science but a recognition that once the scientific evidence is in, it requires strong communication skills to deliver the message effectively. One of the most effective tactics for countering AATs has nothing to do with science and everything to do with the art of rhetoric. My preferred method is to, for the sake of argument, presume all of the AATs claims about ancient texts are true and then, through remorseless logic, show how their own published or broadcast beliefs, which they cannot very well then deny holding, produce paradoxes and contradictions that undercut or demolish their own ideas. Many audiences don’t understand science, but they certainly understand when AATs tie themselves in knots trying to explain away their hypocrisy and contradictions. Understanding science is challenging; understanding when someone is making things up or lying is a lot easier. For example, I recently demonstrated how Ancient Aliens “theorist” Giorgio Tsoukalos’s claims about aliens and pyramids produced an impossible dilemma. In a tweet attempting to explain his position on pyramid-building, Tsoukalos made three claims: 1. The beings called the “gods” were actually extraterrestrial beings. 2. Pyramids (and by extension other ancient buildings) were not built by these aliens but were instead built with the intellectual aid of aliens. 3. Ancient texts, taken at face value, prove the first and second claims. Someone working from a natural science background would approach such claims by arguing about archaeological evidence, the probability of alien intervention, etc. But, as is obvious, the nebulous claim of “aid” makes it impossible to effectively refute these assertions based on physical evidence. (The aliens, for example, might merely have run a seminar on pyramid building, for example.) But working from a humanities perspective, it’s far easier to expose the lies at the heart of the ancient astronaut theory, presuming one has a good command of the relevant ancient texts. As I showed, the ancient Babylonian text, the Enuma Elish, taken at face value states that the “gods,” whom AATs identified as aliens, were responsible for the physical construction of the temples and great ziggurat of Babylon. They molded the bricks and stacked them into buildings. Now, AATs have a problem: Claim 3 cannot be correct since another “ancient text” offers a different view. Claim 2 is now contradicted as well by a plain reading of the text under the assumptions the AATs themselves agreed upon. If the AATs wish to keep their theory intact, they need to choose one of two paths: recant their belief that ancient texts are literally true (impossible) or admit stated claims are wrong and accept against facts that aliens built the ziggurat, which can demonstrably be shown to be the work of human beings. To be fair, we have not proved Claim 1 is wrong. But here we can apply scientific evidence, and not just as decoration. Is there any scientific evidence for extraterrestrial artifacts in Babylon? Of course not; and now the evidence is all the more convincing because it comes on the AATs’ own terms. This is why, pace C. P. Snow, the use of all the tools of the humanities is such an important complement to scientific facts when it comes to public communication. In the case described above, we are now in a much stronger position to ask Tsoukalos and the AATs whether they are ignorant, liars, or hypocrites—in short, are they just making things up out of whole cloth? Yes, this come close to an argumentum ad hominem, but the subject of the attack is not the personal character of the AATs but the intellectual underpinnings of their theory. And this line of attack—more than dry discussions of date, rocks, and probabilities—makes for an easy argument to follow and one that provides the requisite entertainment value needed to hold the attention of the media that put on such intellectual freak shows as Ancient Aliens.
4/26/2013 11:54:08 am
Please read:
4/26/2013 01:46:35 pm
A lot of people in the 1990s believed in aliens. I'm not sure what you're suggesting.
3/3/2014 04:14:16 am
How do you explain one the megaliths such as puma punku or the vimanas in ancient indian texts which explain flying machines in detail and how they work 3/3/2014 04:20:19 am
The vimana text you are referring to was published in the 1950s and was claimed to have been channeled from the spirit realm in the 1920s--after the advent of manned flight. Such technical descriptions do not appear in genuine ancient Sanskrit epics.
7/19/2014 03:40:03 am
I think, this blog post is very close minded to possibilities. In fact, Ancient Alien Theory has more evidences than any religion can present!
Brian Noble
11/17/2014 11:08:56 am
The criticism of the A.A.T is that it is unscientific. That it uses pseudo science to make its arguments. Well clearly Jason Colavito has not read 'The Third Explanation' on Amazon. An A.A.T book for the scientifically minded. If you are intelligent you should read it, whatever your current opinion, you will have a different one afterwards.
1/30/2015 07:01:13 pm
I have to say that you are wrong about 1 thing for certain in this article. You stated that:
marc d
6/12/2015 07:22:24 pm
Jason you said, "What of Puma Punku? Its rocks were carved with metal chisels and moved with human power." There is no way for you to prove that and actually the cuts in those stones most likely cannot have been made so precise (when looking at them under a microscrope) with a chisel.
Jae Thompson
7/19/2015 08:43:55 am
I will be writing a compare and contrast report and will be using this website as a NON RELIABLE source. You should feel honored!
9/13/2015 09:06:14 am
You must know that even the decades before the 1990s, there's a lot of people already believed that aliens exist. Our planet is not the only planet in the whole universe, in fact, we're even smaller than the grain of sand in the whole beach of stars and planets in the galaxy. Therefore a 99.9% of possibility that another life exist dwells in another planet. The problem with us earthlings, if we cannot detect life supporting elements such as air and water in another planet, we always assume that life is impossible to exist. What if the poisonous gas for us in Jupiter is the main life-supporting elements for those who dwells in their?
david young
9/13/2015 01:38:15 pm
I like to think I'm pretty open minded and a.a.t is an interesting one but regardless of what you believe it is very evident that at some point in history there had to have been a higher intelligence on this planet. The a.a.t does offer a better explanation for many things mainstream scientists continue to scratch their heads over but I remain skeptical and I encourage you people to do the same,,don't believe everything ancient aliens claims. Remain skeptical and form your own opinion
cullen nunyabeesknees
1/11/2016 07:47:35 pm
My only problem is you putting down us scientificaly intellegent people if we think the show MIGHT be possible.I mean, your just as bad as the people who persecuted Galileo Galelei for his idea of a heliocentric solar system, just cuz its not exactly what YOU believe.Its not that likely, I agree, but don't hate against the people who think it is.
2/8/2016 07:43:24 am
Bollox you served no evidence just your own belief ,,,,, and preach like your doing someone a favour talking this dribble ,,,, its no very clear to many people our history has been manipulated to suit the current leaders ,, and that has been for hundreds of years ,,,, people didnt jus get savvy in the last century ya know .
2/14/2016 02:55:51 pm
You mean not having a single physical shred of proof and a bunch of people basically making up a storyline about a bunch of figures carved intova rock isn't a slam dunk for you?????
4/9/2016 09:50:35 am
I love arrogant assholes who undertake not one not jot of serious research in order to show their stunted level of intellect.
7/21/2016 11:16:07 pm
I have stoned artifacts that r magnetized of aliens with angel wings. And they r dressed like an Egyptians.Please email at the above. Thanks
1/9/2017 06:24:36 am
Jim sends you an interesting Native American legend about the star people that used to come and visit them, stories they have preserved and passed down from generation to generation, and all you have to say is.. "a lot of people believed in aliens in the nineties"?? Really? How sincerely thoughtful of you. 🤔🙄
2/14/2017 08:15:25 am
ok prove there were no past alien visit. cause u havent proved anything. there is as much proof there was as theres proof there was not.. its kind of like GOD prove there is one. ok prove there isnt. but hey what do u expect the great men the thinkers the ones with the high IQs what have they done with there great minds cured cancer . poverty. hunger wars. developed a free energy source?? man in all his wisdom cant explain nothing. how did we get here what caused the big bang how does everything come from nothing??? ok give me some answers the biggest thing that gets me is there beaming signals into space and listening for alien contact WHY? cause they believe its out there so to believe they couldnt have visited in the past is the same denial they argued that the world was flat the great minds at that time
Mr Cabbage
11/23/2019 04:06:24 pm
Ha ha ha! Alien "theorists". The comments section only helps to demonstrate the point made in the article that you can't reach fruitcakes with logic or reason. The whole idea of "ancient aliens" doing all these things claimed by the fruitcakes are so ridiculous, and utterly lacking in evidence, that a sane person doesn't even know where to begin in "refuting" them. How does one go about "refuting" bullshit? If a child says they have an imaginary friend, does one "refute" it? No, of course not. That would be a waste of time. The only sensible responses are either to ignore the brat or laugh out loud at their ignorant innocence.
G Burgers
7/16/2014 03:02:58 am
There are many signs of extraterrestrial life, , they found tablets on the pyramids with designs of planes and spacecrafts, I think it is not something you can ignore and call stupid
J Hughes
10/13/2014 11:38:13 am
Actually do some research.. Any rep. Site explains it.. Your seeing a couple different overlapping symbols.
Emery Rapkay
2/1/2017 02:22:21 pm
I look at what is written and see that there are still some among us that are from the flat earth era. The Bible, The ancient structures, the texts ARE ALL PROOF that other worldly events happened on Earth in the distant past as humankind could not have built, written any of this on their own. It is not the AAT's that have this wrong, it is the old school dinosaurs that cannot accept the truth. Dismissing everything as hear say and innuendo instead of using their intelligence to put 2 and 2 together and see the facts for what they are.
11/28/2014 07:12:32 am
Hi, the basis of your article was that the alien theorists haven't been using science properly or at all to explain their theories. In your article you do not present any actual evidence to counteract their theory. Please do not refer to their scientific method being invalid if you will not present your own alternative. I respect any opinion but if you do not back it up with legitimate points then i can not take it as valid.
7/29/2015 04:41:28 pm
Exactly what I was thinking, short of using big words, no counter evidence is provided in this rant to undermine any of the theories proposed by the AAT, I'm not saying I am a believer but the fact of the matter is the show Ancient Aliens sparks one major lesson in my mind, a lesson I was taught by my high scool biology teacher. The lesson is " question everything" don't take what "experts" say as doctrine unless you research the theory yourself. And lastly, people have believed in religion on this planet for thousands of years without one recent shred of evidence or demonstration, yet even to this day people take the beliefs handed down from one generation to the next as "gospel" based solely on faith so what is so different for someone like me who feels more scientifically bound to take something like the AAT that ties physical evidence, explained with alternative theories that make more sense in my mind and heart as possible.
1/9/2017 06:32:13 am
Thank you Jake!!! My thoughts exactly!
Mr Cabbage
11/23/2019 04:03:30 pm
Ha ha ha! Alien "theorists". Comments like yours only help to demonstrate the point made in the article that you can't reach fruitcakes with logic or reason. The whole idea of "ancient aliens" doing all these things claimed by the fruitcakes are so ridiculous, and utterly lacking in evidence, that a sane person doesn't even know where to begin in "refuting" them. How does one go about "refuting" bullshit? If a child says they have an imaginary friend, does one "refute" it? No, of course not. That would be a waste of time. The only sensible responses are either to ignore the brat or laugh out loud at their ignorant innocence. 1/16/2015 07:36:12 pm
I see a lot of unfounded criticism here and personal opinion, nothing more. There is science in some Ancient discoveries, more than you have here to prove otherwise. Don't be afraid to learn something other than the whay your indoctrination has falsly lead you to believe. One of the most logical tthoughts of our beginning is from Space Aliens. Where is you science of God, aka Jesus? Evolution has science behind it and the missing linkmight just be Aliens. You are angry and have a very narrow view.
9/12/2015 07:18:01 pm
The missing link is aliens? Shows that you know nothing about evolution, at all. There are multiple missing links in any given tree, and just because it's there, doesn't mean "aliens did it". That's tantamount to the god of gaps fallacy, and is laughable.
mike Gaensslen
3/26/2016 02:23:43 pm
Right on GE, you put it where it is at! In addition, nothing has and still is causing more grief on this Earth then Religion! The AAT might just unite us more.
4/10/2015 06:19:33 pm
What do you think about perhaps the coming of God has been happening for centuries in a sense that ancient technology was not reinvented until the time that we really can grasp now. In years to come we might have to start all over again just like the past
7/29/2015 04:46:22 pm
Agreed, what if a plague hit that killed off 99% of our population, no internet, no electricity, no cell phone, no basics, no doctors, no farmers, no scientists would that 1% now how to rebuild all the technology we have today? Or would it plunge us into a dark age where people would have to slowly relearn everything we already know, it would take thousands of years to regenerate all the knowledge lost. I know I don't know how to do open heart surgery, do you?
6/17/2016 11:56:17 pm
Are ancient astronaut theorist suggestions all 100% reality? Ancient astronaut theorists say, "yes," have any of them been smoking to much weed provided to them by extra terrestrial terra formers, ancient human beings like me think so.
As a mechanical engineer with a fair amount of experience in R&D and physics, I can't watch those programs where every minor engineering marvel is explained as coming into being by an ancient astronaut. They might try to explain a singular such feat with their imaginations but everything!!! Ever since "The Forbidden Planet", I think that there have been people that think that reducing a living creature to light patterns and reassembling them at some distant location is possible. If there were intelligent beings living elseware in the universe, there simply hasn't been enough time since the Big Bang for these other creatures to have developed such technology. The odds of a tornado blowing through a junk yard and randomly creating a 747 is infinitely more probable than for a single living cell to occur at random. As the author of the lead article stated, it's impossible to reason with ancient alien theorists using the general theorems of pumutations and combinations.
3/16/2017 12:54:08 am
You mean to tell me 4+ billion years is not enough time to develope interstellar travel. And that's just going off the scientifically projected age of our Earth, which is relatively young compared to the rest of the celestial bodies in the known universe. The claim that AAT proponents have no real scientific knowledge is hog wash. As mentioned in previous comments, the earth was once believed to be flat, and at the center of the universe. We now know the Earth to be round, 1 of 8-9 planets( if you still include pluto) that actual orbit the sun in an arm of the milkyway galaxy which is no where near the center of the universe..... Maybe one day we will find the hard evidence you so desperately need to believe other worldy beings actually came to earth and helped our ancestors achieve greatness. Im sure you believe in some form of a higjer power with no scientific evidence to support your claim right? Based on your name and response ANU, I can see that you are upset. 3 billion years is insignificant when you consider how much time it takes for a planet to cool and stabalize. It's practically no time when you consider the time that it would take for a single cell organism to randomly form. I certainly didn't want to upset you nor did I wish for others to insult you. However, your reponse seems to have elicited both. Perhaps a concise study of the general theorems of probability and combinations and then a study of the Krebs cycle long enough to get the idea of what I was trying to get across in my post might help.
7/7/2017 11:08:10 am
If that is the best the AAT haters have, they need to come harder then that. To people that really understand the THEORY, there is much more evidence to suggest intervention.
diviine curtis
5/21/2013 04:13:04 am
you really have no clue what reality is your false perception and ignorance of your half working non purpose being of a self amuses me
mike gaensslen
3/26/2016 02:31:10 pm
And I'll bet, you feel like you are smart divine curtis? People like you make me sick and support the Churches! Rich's thoughts are right on the money and maybe it is time that 99% of us disappear forever, just hoping that the 1% won't be you oe the whole mess will repeat itself!
7/14/2013 08:02:55 am
wow I had no idea sheep could write articles.
See, I don't believe this crap. But for Christ's sake, I barley believe anything. I'm prettymuch a fucking Nihilist. The problem I have with the Ancient astranaught theorists (argue with my dad about this all the time sense he's a huge fan of the show), it is a cool theory, it does make sense AT TIMES with SOME things that they say. The BIG PROBLEM it gives me is, they don't sit there saying we THINK, or anything. They may, but that ends up crumpling away, and they begin going into "YES! YES! AND THEY DID THIS AND YES, YES AND THEY DID THAT! AND YES, THAT HAPPENED, THE HAD TO HAVE THIS!!!". The thing is, we don't even know everything about our planet. I mean, there could've, KEYWORD: COULD'VE, been a ancient civilization millions of years back that was extinct, NO ALIENS, just similar beings to us, or the exact same thing. And they had technology, likewise to how we have in modern day, and were able to create buildings like this with more ease than our history books will tell us. Hey! That's a theory! It's POSSIBLE, but is it WHAT HAPPENED? I really don't know. Is ancient aliens what happened? I don't know, and neither do you or the Ancient astranaught theorists or anyone else. No one can answer any of this, we can THINK, we can have OPINIONS and THEORIES. But we can't say ANY of it is WRONG or RIGHT unless there is PROOF. This is how it works in that thing most people forget about, reality. Idgaf if you're a scientist, or speaking scientifically, same goes for them. Scientists cannot put their theories down, unless they have evidence to put it down. If they don't, they can say "I don't know" or "Maybe" as anyone should, because no one has proof. HAH! It's such a fucking joke dudes!! These guys "we're right" those guys "no we're right". WTMF? Who cares, for one. For two, let's actually spend this money discovering things about Earth we don't know, like exploring under the ocean which we really barley know ANYTHING about when you look at how much we haven't even reached. Yet we're exploring space. Man we are a stupid species in so many factoring ways, that's one thing I can point to as fact, with PLENTY of evidence. HAHA! xD Back to seriousness... I just feel that there's no reason to say Ancient astranaught theorists are wrong, unless it can be proved without a shadow of a doubt they are. For instance, I know they like to say "that beam of light they talked about in this book(usually the holy bible or an ancient text) was actually a UFO being piloted by an intelligent-creature as ourselves. "Okay.. Now I personally don't think its correct. My opinion. but I will NOT go as far to say it's impossible, ever, unless PROVEN without the shadow of a doubt that it IS impossible for the theory presented to be incorrect. And in reality, we have no way to know most of these things because we can't trust history 100%, how much do you think has been lost, changed and destroyed by cultures over thousands of years? A lot, for places all over the world. So barley anyone knows a thing about history, and again, we weren't there for many of these historical events. So, we cannot look a world history, let it initiate us to make a theory and say it's true, or say it's false. It's *maybe*, and until proven or disproven, that's what it remains. *maybe*
alan hughes
2/12/2015 12:03:37 am
I would take more notice of you if you could spell.
7/29/2015 04:52:22 pm
When we landed on the moon or eventually when we land on Mars are we the aliens now? Instead MARTIANS we would be call Earthtians
6/18/2016 12:23:57 am
Me thinks that you have a good grasp on reality. I have a saying don't piss down my back and try to tell me it's raining. Ancient astronaut theorists have great imaginations, some of them suggest interesting maybes or might haves, but to blatantly state, yes this is how it is or must be, or to state some of these far fetched suggestions, are what happened, is preposterous to me. I'm 50 years old, back in the late 60s and 70a duck, up until a couple of years ago the three words Ancient, Alien, Theorists, didn't even exist together in that order, that was no such thing as an aat. Not in any dictionary. Just a bunch of the dumbest smart people, trying to put credence to something that really shouldn't matter or like you said, who fucking cares, get back down to earth, and explore more important tangible things here in the present so we might have a better understanding of the here and now so as to ensure a future human state of being, I'm sure future generations would tell aats to get a real job.
Christopher A Kastronis
9/24/2016 10:44:04 am
I love you. I am a believer in AAT. However i am because i realize that we know nothing for sure. Yes the show does try and make everything exact. But its a tv show and they neef to make it exciting and ground breaking for people to watch. Alot of what they say is false and they twists facts to make there point who doesnt do that. The fact is nobody knows for sure as you said and thats the beauty of it. Nothing we know is exact the earth was thought to be flat at one point and you were crazy to think otherwise. So really nothing is certain. However i do beleive in AAT because it interests me and i enjoy believing in it so am i wrong for that? Isnt that what religious people do and have done for years and killed for??? Same thing in my opinion except AAT arent waging wars over their beliefs.
12/16/2016 08:24:24 pm
Alex Jones
3/16/2017 01:10:10 pm
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
7/7/2017 11:24:13 am
This dude is a clown. He thinks so highly of himself he feels as if he is above explanation. He presents absolutley NO facts. EXPLAIN. Why did the Mayans dissapear? How did they aquire such precise astronomical knowledge? You imply that all of the ideas presented by AAT can easily be explained saying humans acted among, while also refuting the flood theory, so how/ when did we lose this technology? Gebleki has now totally destroyed mainstream archeology's human advancement timeline. There is no question about that. How did people right out of the Younger Driys period produce this? It cannot be explained by your logic. Your rational discounts the work of very intelligent people, by labeling them all as crazy. Graham Hancock has some of the best work that is backed up scientifically. Every civilization in history has stated in their ancient texts that the gods came from the SKY and taught them in various disciplines. You cannot refute that. Dummy.
7/29/2017 03:32:04 am
12/9/2017 03:21:28 pm
Hey Alex
8/5/2019 10:52:08 am
1/25/2015 12:03:39 pm
Mike Gancot
5/4/2019 04:24:28 pm
Be careful what you wish for!
8/7/2013 10:28:51 am
Please, keep in mind that their are still many, MANY unasnwered questions in regards to exactly why/when/HOW many of the world's megaliths were constructed.
6/18/2016 12:31:02 am
We build greater things in the here and now. Tunnels through mountains, who's to say that our technology hasn't been discovered throughout the past many times. From stoneage to modernity to ascension, or inhalation, then back to stoneage again repeating itself from the very beginning of human existence, whenever it might have began. Think on that shit, monoliths are child's play dude
8/7/2013 10:33:43 am
Additionally, please understand that many religions Holy Books ACTUALLY STATE that their "Gods" were PHYSICAL BEINGS, WHICH DESCENDED TO EARTH FROM THE HEAVENS amidst flames, great winds, and chaos (animals scaterring, land burning, trees be toppled instantly).
8/7/2013 11:42:59 am
Would that God be Yahweh? Psalm 18:10-11 says Yahweh flies on a "cherubim," and Ezekiel 10 and 11 describes the chariot/vehicle of God as a "cherubim." So it seems that Yahweh has a chariot after all. Or is his merely poetic while all others are literal?
Brian Manjuck
11/23/2013 04:59:53 am
I understand your arguments against AAT's But there is a lot of unexplained impossible buildings and the way they built with stone. Puma Punka for example there is no way that man could have done some of this stuff. I think you believe we are the only life in the universe! open ur mind Jason!
1/10/2014 10:51:27 am
all you did was give a bible verse. you didnt disprove the fact that God doesnt need a craft to move through a universe He created. also, a cherubim is an angel. thanks for playing though ;)
7/20/2014 02:56:54 am
I have nothing against the Bible, or any religious book.. but have you realized those were written by HUMANS too?? Like, thousands of years ago when "Aliens" and spacecrafts and "spaceship" are not yet in the vocabulary. Just give it a thought.
1/15/2015 01:21:22 pm
As a believer, the bible clearly states that God and his angels use vehicles. What that exactly means is as good as the imagination allows to extract these descriptions and draw oneself a mental picture of it. It does not necessarily mean a flying saucer. I have no problem with advance mankind doing any of what archeology has found over the years. I think it a bit arrogant to assume we are more advanced just because we carry around smart phones today. The ancients( mankind that is) were obviously very technologically advanced in structural practices. Ok, so they never created a video game console but that's a different kind of technology...not necessarily more advanced than a structural achievement like the pyramids. Biblically, I have to take a lot of it on faith. Even if I could prove the existence of God....which I can't, it would not be with natural science, since natural science would obviously not be equipped to deal with the could it possibly?
Joseph Stamdingbear
7/22/2015 07:19:41 pm
Jason, great post about science, but it sounds so mainstream. Science is never ending and evolves and is very to even state the obvious its fact of origins. you quoted scripture from The King James Bible which fails to gives a totality of truth. when you have the Sinaitic Codex out there spelling other sayings. IDK about Aliens, How come we cannot emulate the structures of acient times? Whatever technology they used to assist and increase human strength should have evolved thousands of years prior to our technology of robotics and technology of today. Or it has been harness and has been kept form the common people to make life much mor efficient. Ask me thi, What is C.E.R.N up to? And you know very well what I am talking about!
6/18/2016 12:48:55 am
Subjective, as interpretation of ancient biblical texts are often metaphorical. Rule one when reading the bible, it's the holy spirit that reveals the meaning to the reading believer.
1/21/2017 02:41:25 pm
Do you not think that in the rush to denounce AAT that you are actually stating things yourself that would need backing up.
John A
9/2/2017 06:36:32 am
Psalm 18 10-11 doesn't say that at all and Ezekiel 10:11 is in the context of "a vision". Psalms are poems, songs and prayers to Yahweh and have a great deal of figurative and literary devices. Ezekiel is prophetic and apocalyptic literature and it also uses a great deal of literary and figurative language especially in describing visions. It is important to approach the scriptures with the appropriate "lens" of its genre. Remember there are 4 senses of scripture and the literal meaning is but one.
Missile Man
1/30/2014 11:38:09 am
Actually, only the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) believe their god is the creator of the universe. All of the other religions of humanity, past or present, believed in pantheons of gods, one (or a very few) of whom created the earth and it's nearby environs. According to ancient texts from Sumeria, Akkad, Egypt, Assur, and Hattus (a.k.a., Hatti), these gods were apparently "accumulated" over the ages as various groups combined to create larger groups, with each elemental group donating their gods to the combined pantheon. Frequently, gods with similar characteristics where considered to be one-in-the same, and a conjunctive name was adopted (e.g., Amun-Re), or one or the other of the group's names was adopted by all groups (e.g., Sumerian's Anu and Enlil originated in the Mesopotamian area near ancient Uruk, but were adopted as the names for gods with similar characteristics across the entire ancient orient). As to vehicular travel, I'll cite several example of gods needing such to move about. Apollo had his golden chariot. Mercury had his winged shoes. Egyptian gods such as Osiris and Amun-Ra traveled in canoes or ships (depending upon the translation). The Babylonian Marduk traveled on a dragon.
J man
10/13/2014 11:48:52 am
Guess these aliens that built all these places could talk to us, tell us how to build shit. Give us all this knowledge but could not explain to the humans they where not gods and that was not a magic dragon but a STAR SHIP.. Dumb ass aliens..
Brian Noble
11/22/2014 03:24:12 am
Good - someone doing some research for a change.
3/16/2017 01:18:53 am
Jman, you wield greater power when you are perceived as divine, than a mere mortal. Look at the Incas Mayans and Aztecs. When the spanish conquistadors land in the americas they were perceived as the prophesied return of their gods. The never made any correction on the false assumption because the indigenous peoples were easier to control and eradicate when under the belief that they were in the presence of true gods.
mike Gaensslen
3/26/2016 02:43:59 pm
Boy, Erik, did you ever hit the nail on the head!
6/18/2016 12:45:03 am
Birds are physical beings that descend upon the earth from the heavens. People worship all kinds of God's, physical and non physical, hieroglyphs are ancient carvings that no longer relevant, although interesting, maybe we should look at them as beautiful works of art, instead of trying to decipher every little meaning, and appreciate the cultural elements of antiquities, and leave a little mystery something to the imagination, instead of over anylizing things until the case goes cold or filling in the blanks to try to make sense of simple things, that maybe we don't need the knowledge of perhaps try to explain which came first, the chicken or the egg and you'll get what I mean. More important things are in the here and now, though archeology would be a nice hobby, but most archeologists me thinks are nothing more than glorified treasure hunters.
7/29/2017 03:44:27 am
The chicken had to come first. The egg can't hatch without a chicken to incubate it.
8/9/2013 07:24:35 am
I was really hoping for a solid argument against the ancient astronaut theory. While I am currently leaning toward believing it, I am eager to find contradicting evidence. I read nothing here worthwhile. You argued that AA theorists are idiots and ignoring scientific evidence to the contrary of their beliefs while I'm sitting here looking for just that. You went on for paragraphs about the lack of scientific evidence for AA theory and promised you had evidence proving it wrong, but neglected to share it with me.
8/9/2013 07:27:37 am
I've written more than 200,000 words about the ancient astronaut theory on this website, and you complain that the "paragraphs" you read don't have enough information? You are welcome to start by going to the "Articles" tab and selecting "Ancient Astronaut Fraud" or "Ancient Aliens Reviews." All of the information is there, but don't expect me to rewrite 200,000 words of it because you chose not to read it. Come back after you've read all of that material.
1/10/2014 10:56:39 am
also 200,00 words doesnt mean anything. i can type 200,00 words in this comment and it could say absolutely nothing. and it took you 200,00 words to type one paragraph to try and disprove one tweet from an ancient astronaught theorist and i still dont think you did very good job.
4/12/2014 10:43:41 am
Jason your work is awesome and your grasp of logic and argument construction is very intellectual, I admire your approach as well as that of Chris White and Dr Heiser on this topic.
Ari Royce
4/12/2014 05:14:44 pm
Marco, you're idiot. Don't get sucked by this TG Jason (The Goat), and Chris White, and Heiser - they're all idiot. I also hope you don't subscribe to creationist and kindas - you're smell one - because it would make you completely super-idiot.
4/13/2014 05:52:00 am
Geez, first of all don't believe that I follow creationism based off your ignorant assumptions. I just follow logic based off of more believable evidence, it does jot have to be creationism. Not only that you're comment had nothing of any tangible substance in it, just a conglomeration of awful grammatical errors. For your info I am aware erik von danichen did not start aa theory and that started it. Both of who have no valuable experience in ancient history or summerian language but have an awful lot of experience in making up nonsense stories. I'll admit the prospect of aa is super interesting but I think believing it stems from a longing for something more or a greater understanding of our origins as humans. If you want to pursue that study look up useful information about homo erectus or a very interesting guy named Denis Dutton rather than subscribing to a bunch of fanciful stories that some money hungry individuals fabricated because they had no other valuable skills to offer. Just use logic please
4/13/2014 05:52:38 am
Geez Ari, first of all don't believe that I follow creationism based off your ignorant assumptions. I just follow logic based off of more believable evidence, it does jot have to be creationism. Not only that you're comment had nothing of any tangible substance in it, just a conglomeration of awful grammatical errors. For your info I am aware erik von danichen did not start aa theory and that started it. Both of who have no valuable experience in ancient history or summerian language but have an awful lot of experience in making up nonsense stories. I'll admit the prospect of aa is super interesting but I think believing it stems from a longing for something more or a greater understanding of our origins as humans. If you want to pursue that study look up useful information about homo erectus or a very interesting guy named Denis Dutton rather than subscribing to a bunch of fanciful stories that some money hungry individuals fabricated because they had no other valuable skills to offer. Just use logic please
4/13/2014 05:56:09 am
Ah sorry about the double post !
Ari Royce
4/13/2014 06:48:37 am
Marco!!! "You'll admit the prospect of aa is super interesting"??? Denis Dutton?? And then you're asking tangible substance??? Do you know what it is?? It's right in front of your balls: "THEORY STARTS FROM NO EVIDENCE" G.E.T I.T !!!??? Look up the dictionary - there may be a slot for you next to the "i"Word. Congratulation you just booked a sit in creationist place where no evidence is stretched as argument to lengthen the life of dark age teaching. Wow just reading about your "believing"... for you information : no-healthy-mind believes in something whatever it is like your statement. Feel sorry for you to just wandering in this kind of idiot blogs seeing idiots arguing their believing.
4/13/2014 07:39:02 am
You're a lost cause.
4/13/2014 07:43:22 am
Ah hopeless
4/13/2014 07:43:40 am
Ah hopeless
Ari Royce
4/13/2014 07:59:39 am
Giorgio Tsiokolas??? Really??? That's the name in your mind that you bring up to this discussion?? Is that the reason of why you claimed you've debunked the aa theory??? What's next in your mind?? Atlantis theory?? That stupid Baghdad's battery?? No wonder you're aaahh soo hopeless.
10/20/2014 03:23:59 am
sigh, no that is not what you've done. by outright saying that you've defeated AAT evidence, you've ruined your credibility. Because AAT does have a lot of strong evidence, even if it is (if only a little bit) ridiculous
1/15/2015 01:30:50 pm
"By the way: You can't prove a hypothesis is impossible, only that there is no evidence to support it. That is what I have done."
Missile Man
1/30/2014 11:47:13 am
I cannot argue against the entire AA concept. There are nuggets there that are difficult to refute. However, there are ideas and concepts that bear greater scrutiny or a simple application of science and logic. For example, AAT rationalizes, based upon Sitchin's theories, that extraterrestrials came to Earth to retrieve our valuable minerals such as gold, iron, copper, etc. However, the asteroid belt contains hundreds of times the amount of any given mineral found on Earth, and it would require much less work to get those minerals. For one thing, the ETs would not have to contend with entering or leaving Earth's gravity well, which represents the majority of the expense for human space programs. It would be much easier to mine and process materials from asteroids as only mass must be contended with, and not the difficulties that Earth's gravity adds to the equation. I don't propose to claim to think like ETs, but from a standpoint of pure logic, it would seem that mining asteroids would be the cheaper and easier course; a much, much better cost/benefit ratio.
2/17/2014 05:57:15 pm
unless you need a workforce
Brian Noble
11/22/2014 03:28:41 am
All of you should read The Third Explanation Amazon Kindle.
5/20/2014 06:41:14 am
I agree Anastasia. This article felt more like a whinny rant against the AAT verses a solid argument discrediting the AAT.
J man
10/13/2014 11:54:17 am
Go look up contradictions between Stitchins made up translations and actual cuniform translations.. 99% of them are off by miles.. The so called ancient texts don't even say what the AAT. Claim...
6/17/2016 05:53:29 am
Dear Ancient Astronaut Enthusiast:The intent of this letter is in the interest of research, not confrontation. In no way do I intend to impugn anyone'scharacter. What I ask is that you provide answers and data to support your theories. Here are my questions / requests.1.Can you please provide transcripts of Zecharia Sitchin's academic ancient language work? I would like to postthis information on my website, and would gladly do so.Zecharia Sitchin never claimed to have had an accademic scholarship, he was a self-taught linguist in akkadian andsumerian.
Brian Noble
11/22/2014 03:25:54 am
Anastasia. See The Third Explanation Amazon Kindle. Needs some editing, but all the facts are kosher.
I understand the grief that scientists have with programs like "Ancient Aliens" that are intended for entertainment purposes. Scientists are dedicating to finding the truth. Entertainers are dedicated to entertaining! And the "Ancient Aliens" series is definitely entertaining. It is full of wild theories, and frankly, plenty of baloney, in my opinion. The nice thing about entertaining people is you do not have to have any evidence whatsoever to pose a question like, "But what if it was really aliens....?" Of course it is possible that aliens have visited earth, and even interacted with mankind throughout history. But it is possible that there are other explanations for a lot of the questions that are posed on the series.
8/15/2013 07:43:20 pm
wow, just wow, i read it all. And you my friend are correct. I also noticed how you seemed to receive a lot of religious based hate. Wow. I landed on your sight because of some of ancient aliens facts, beliefs....theories....most are reasonable........but the science was always....ignorant. I don' t know if your religious. But I am not. I have my own theory. obtained it as a child. I'm sorry I'm ranting.....I'm saddened that now even basic science is becoming a religion.
Joe Tobia
11/4/2013 04:44:02 pm
I agree. They were just talking about Noah and Methusaleh and how they lived so long. They were not ancient aliens, and time measurments were not distorted. The fact seems to be that it had not rained since the beginning of time and so humans were shielded from the harmful rays of the sun. After the flood, human life gets shorter and mystery to me.
11/14/2013 01:39:02 pm
Joe- I am having trouble following your statement; "The fact seems to be that it had not rained since the beginning of time and so humans were shielded from the harmful rays of the sun." What do you base this comment on?
9/20/2013 03:27:09 am
theories are just that, and to me it means there could be other explanations or a more complete truth to be had as we learn more. Science doesnt know everything and is in fact a tool used to learn and gain information. just because something doesnt make sense to us here today doesnt mean it isnt real or true maybe only that we dont have the knowledge yet to completely understand it.
10/14/2013 04:30:09 pm
12/25/2013 04:54:37 pm
I agree
10/15/2013 03:16:56 am
Just watched 'ancient aliens' on H2 and thus doing a bit of online research came upon your blog, and it seems to me that AAT is believed in just like a religion were a leap of faith is needed, and thus it is impossible to argue with somebody who believes in AAT because just like God you can't prove it isn't true just as they can't prove it is true, no amount of reason or logic can open their mind to doubt what they believe to be true. Take the pyramids built around the world by different cultures that had no contact with each other, this is often cited as proof of aliens helping build these objects, when clearly a pyramid is the logical way to build an object when trying to reach it up as high as possible a 3 year old play with bricks they will build pyramids without the aid of aliens. It is possible aliens helped my 3 year old build that pyramid but I don't think they did.
10/31/2013 06:13:02 pm
I really want to believe that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited earth during prehistoric times and influenced the development of early humans. I do so because the ancient astronaut theory conveniently explains the gaps in the archeological records of ancient structures, buried cities, and sunken civilizations. Another reason I want to believe is because the AA theory offers a more reasonable explanation of our origins and development than the alternative, i.e., organized religion. To me the entire idea of creationism is ludicrous and represents man’s attempt to conveniently explain away natural phenomena and the unknown. It’s more convenient for me to believe in the AA theory, for the bible and the religion behind it is the result of early humans attempting to explain what their minds could not comprehend. Yes, I truly want to believe in AAs, but alas there is no physical evidence that earth was visited by AAs. If they were here, surely artifacts or pieces of their tech would have been left behind. Perhaps we have not unearthed such remnants. At the end of the day, both the AA theory and the Christian God are more or less an explanation of convenience.
2/17/2014 06:05:37 pm
its easy to say they left nothing behind but they never actually left how can you explain UFOs theyve been documented since long before man built the first plane suck on that for a while jason and spit something out son!!
11/20/2013 06:47:07 am
Wow. Just because there is seemingly no facts to some AAT theories, doesn't mean it is not true. One who believes that because we can't see the evidence, it must be wrong, is a fool. At one time, the Earth was not round and you could fall off. At one time, diseases were curses from God(s). At one time, well you see the point. People have believed incorrectly many times and because nobody could at the time offer evidence, should they have been as naive?
11/20/2013 06:56:22 am
Ancient astronaut theorists do not, as a rule, have Ph.D.s in the relevant areas. Giorgio Tsoukalos has on a B.S. in sports communication.
11/23/2013 05:25:43 am
Sorry Jason there is evidence open your eyes its all over the ancient world and in texts. people don't just make this stuff up. People wrote down what they saw and painted pictures too. that's proof.
2/17/2014 06:17:40 pm
are you an atheist Jason because if you open your eyes you'll see there is plenty of evidence that something incredible in our ancient past steered the course of humanity some call them gods or deities but nowadays we're finding out that a LOT of the past can be explained with modern technology or in other words it wasnt until we had this ourselves could we say "hey thats a GD space suit!"
5/12/2014 01:03:20 pm
So because someone did not spend 10's of thousands of dollars on a piece of paper (phd) they cannot do any research of their own. Google it...Plenty of people with degrees are not specialists in their field, and people without degrees can be specialists. I think I have a good understanding of the AA Theory and I do not have a degree in the way what are your qualifications to debunk these theories? Christianity and the theory is my favorite topic as I was raised Catholic, since I always had doubts. Jesus was not the first Virgin Birth story. The HARD evidence is you ignore is everywhere. You only have to look. We must start to doubt our traditional beliefs and question everything. I saw a UFO fly out of Lake Michigan as a kid. Thsts why I question everything. By the way I was with 3 friends, and 4 adults we all saw the same thing. The only flaw with the AA that it continues today. I could care less if you cant accept the simple truth...we are not alone, our "Gods" are flesh and blood and we were created in their image. It cant all be a coinicedence...There are hundreds of arrows pointing at the same answer...but you will continue to claim you can dissprove the greatest theory EVER...this theory can explain all of our unanswered questions. We have to continue to have the guts to ask these tough questions, rather than keeping our heads in the sand. Remember we are just asking questions...if you did Not find them a challenge why write 200,000 words to "debunk" them. Hmm
5/17/2014 07:15:57 am
Jason, when you say their is no evidence of aliens visiting the world. By definition what is an extra-terrestrial? "coming from or existing outside the planet Earth" So by that definition if you believe in any God, then you would admit the belief in extra- terrestrials...what is your understanding of our creation? and also, you claim there is no evidence, but what do you make of ancient hieroglyphs that depict our galaxyand the many others that we are just now discovering? How could ancient people have done this without some higher power?sorry if you have answered this before... please refer me to specific articles if you have. I am new here btw. interesting reading. 5/17/2014 07:34:33 am
We are referring to "extraterrestrial biological entities," which would exclude gods; however, ancient astronaut theorists have recently taken to proposing that the aliens are spiritual rather than material to avoid the pesky need for evidence.
10/20/2014 03:29:46 am
you dig your grave with horrible comparisons
11/21/2013 04:25:25 pm
Scientific theory is not permanent, but renew from time to time
12/3/2013 01:30:08 pm
Simply put. Your a fuckin idiot. You alone with im sure thousands more still want to push aside evidence and truth for your own ignornance.
12/3/2013 01:34:47 pm
And by the way just because the word alien is used it doent mean short little grey aliens all the time. Alien is used in contrast as in different then those of that civilization.
12/9/2013 07:26:14 am
Good article and discussion topic.
Steve Steele
12/16/2013 06:04:50 pm
None of you know for sure of any theory. Science just like religion is plagiarized and bastardized in order to perpetuate ones belief or theory. One thing is for sure we are biological and spiritual; therefore, we we have God and Science encoded in our DNA. I think the best thing we can do as humans is agree that we just don't know the answer. In that... we can rest and have peace.
12/25/2013 05:10:09 pm
You can believe or not in ancient aliens just look at the size of space and this should tell us something. That there must be more out there to be discovered.The history channel H2 would not put ancient aliens on t.v. if some of it were not true.
Kip Oliver
11/8/2015 12:55:11 pm
Yes H2 would put something on that's not true. It a theory. A theory is not a fact because you cannot prove or disprove it. I have seen no AA evidence to their theories that lead me to think they have fact.
1/11/2016 09:12:43 pm
"The history channel H2 would not put ancient aliens on t.v. if some of it were not true."
12/29/2013 04:20:33 am
In my opinion the AAT will be proven correct within the next three decades. I’m not buying all the connections presented on H2, some are silly, i.e. Bigfoot, but I think the underlying theory is sound and has enough evidence to support it. A big selling point to me is how the AAT neatly ties a bow around many of the major religions noting the similarities in their depiction of their God(s) and how they came to be. Also, anyone with an ounce of common sense can only come to one conclusion when looking at the remains of Puma Punku, the Ajanta Caves, or the Moai on the Easter Islands. These (any many others), could not have been constructed by man. While I’m sure there are many holes in the AAT, I applaud any theory that can logically explain our origins and potentially topple the blood thirsty, money hungry organized religions that have dominated our behaviors and thought processes and kept us at war for thousands of years.
Steve Steele
12/29/2013 06:02:47 am
To Steve: well said!!! I also agree that religion and governement has lied to us for ages and have kept us battling over ideas for the benifit of a few profitiers. For those who dont believe that ETs exist just remember this. Once man left or tiny little Earth to explore space... WE indeed became ETs. To not believe there are ETs is to not believe in your own existance. In "THE END" I feel that we will be amazed and perplexed as to how very simple the answer is to our existance. Once we see the simplicity we will cry and rejoice at the same time in utter relief.
Brian Noble
11/22/2014 03:32:38 am
Steve: Read The Third Explanation Amazon Kindle. Still needs some editing but all the facts are there!
Kip Oliver
11/8/2015 12:56:14 pm
A book that still needs editing is not factual.
M. Stephens
1/1/2014 02:54:00 am
Jason is misunderstanding the gulf between the lay believers and the scientists. He creates an argument that will lift his side, and yet contribute nothing to the actual mystery that is being addressed by AAT.
1/1/2014 03:06:46 am
You're right that the issue is whether one needs evidence to support speculation, but first one must demonstrate that there is a "mystery." How can you say there is an ancient astronaut mystery if that exists entirely through "faith" and "intuition" that you admit cannot be demonstrated to others in a way that can be demonstrated objectively?
M. Stephens
1/1/2014 05:17:27 am
Jason, 1/1/2014 05:30:36 am
The argument isn't circular; you are instead arguing the postmodern view that methodology is inherently limiting and that emotion should be given equal weight to reason. This is a philosophical position, but one that inherently is unable to provide testable evidence that others can trust and believe in. If I were to tell you that I intuited that you were really an alien in disguise and then declared that it was up to you to prove my intuition wrong, under your methodology, there would be no way to prove or disprove the point. That is the difference between speculation and documentation.
M. Stephens
1/1/2014 02:57:10 am
My apologies for the typos above. There is no edit function, and I must admit I was typing with too much enthusiasm.
Kip Oliver
11/8/2015 01:06:56 pm
Your modern argument about the poiceman and the layman sums up the issue perfectly. A layman offers theories only, and has no proof of his theories. He may know the husband was cheating, and the wife was jealous, and he can reach a theory about the murder. But you can't arrest a wife and charge her with murder based on a theory. You have to apply scientific methology to your theory to either proove it right or wrong. There have been many murder cases where the cops would bet solid money on their theory of The Wife Did It, but when scientific method is applied, the wife is cleared and a new murderer appears. The problem with AA theory is that it does not hold up to scientific method. To say that "monoliths were carved by aliens because there was no way they could be carved by man" Is like saying that "the wife shot the husband because nobody else wanted him dead." To say, "It can't be man so it must be aliens" is not scientific method. It's stating a theory as proof, and if there is proof, gained via the scientific method, then it is no longer a theory.
M. Stephens
1/1/2014 05:29:23 am
How to Argue With a Scientist
Kip Oliver
11/8/2015 01:14:22 pm
You seem to lack understanding on what truth is. You can see a painting or read a book. One does not need to apply scientific method to things that don't need proof. You don't need to prove a tree is there because you can see it with your own eyes. But you personally have never seen Richard the Lionheart, yet you would agree he was a real person. The fact that he lived and died is true, and held up to scientific method. A theory is something that starts off as an idea. Then you gather evidence to either prove or disprove it. AA has offered no proof that their theories are true. All they've done is say, "It couldn't be man, so it must be aliens." And when science proves it could be man, AA uses myths as proof. That's like saying Hogwarts is a real place because it was written in a book.
M. Stephens
1/1/2014 05:56:23 am
"It's just words."
1/1/2014 06:04:43 am
You are conflating two very different concepts. An abstract notion and art can have *value* without being true. Shakespeare's plays are not literally true but have value because they are art. But you can't go to Rome and try to dig up Titus Andronicus' cooking pot.
M. Stephens
1/1/2014 06:33:32 am
No. I am not conflating them, I am contrasting them. Without using a value as the currency, all arguments would be pointless. What I showed was that you place far too much value on the process. In your case, the scientific process. And, too little value the meaning of all these explanations. My analogy of the crime scene demonstrated that process is often irrelevant. "The wife did it" is what was important, not the collection of cigarette butts and shells. 1/1/2014 06:50:44 am
The problem is that ancient astronaut theorists aren't saying that they are developing a myth to nurture our souls. They are saying that they are proposing a scientific paradigm for understanding history, which can be tested through physical evidence. Since they have chosen that standard, that is the standard I judge them by. If you would prefer to be a Raelian and meditate on the mystical power of aliens and mythology, then you would safely be beyond scientific criticism. But if you want to use the language of science and appeal to its authority, then you have to provide actual evidence.
M. Stephens
1/1/2014 08:23:33 am
You win points by explaining their inappropriate use of a scientific model for their more mythical hypotheses. I grant you that. But let's not be too harsh. Intelligent people from all walks of life are confused over the rules of science. We know this from direct conversation. People get confused over theory, the null hypothesis and the arcane use of words by the science club. Too often, science then clubs them over the head for that error. I want to first, forgive that error as one of jargon and special nature.
1/1/2014 08:27:29 am
I wrote an entire book on the horror genre, so I am hardly immune to the power of literature. I have a new book coming out on the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, so as you can see I also value the power of myth. But these are different questions than whether aliens really came to earth in the past. Socrates' philosophy is useful whether Socrates existed or not; ancient astronaut theories tell us that they live or die by whether aliens really did come to earth. That's a question for science, not myth.
M. Stephens
1/1/2014 09:04:01 am
I can't accept your pithy summary of the AAT. That may be something being posited by an individual or a group, but I can't accept the idea it covers the entire genre. 1/1/2014 09:29:51 am
But AAT is NOT a philosophy; its practitioners--Zecharia Sitchin, Erich von Daniken, Robert Temple, David Childress, etc.--claim it is a science. What you are describing is Raelianism. And yes, AAT has a serious impact on the idea of human evolution (precluded by belief in ET genetic engineering), as well as archaeology.
9/18/2014 01:23:42 pm
Hi guys, a fine intelectual sparring match indeed. Jason, I think we can both agree that Mark has made his arguments coherently and dare I say dispassionately enough to command a respectful response, not that I think you have done anything less than that.
1/1/2014 08:54:11 am
Jason perhaps you should provide us with examples of misinterpreted text and fabricated physical evidence. I’m smart enough to figure out the physical piece, but being a lowly holder of a bachelor degree, and a bean counter by day, I’m not qualified to know whether the AAT is misrepresenting the ancient text of the various cultures they’ve examined.
1/1/2014 09:05:16 am
There are plenty of examples of both. In the articles section above, you can select "Alternative Authors' Quote Fraud" under "Ancient Alien Fraud" to see a list just of texts they have blatantly lied about or fabricated. This doesn't include material they take out of context.
1/17/2014 04:19:58 pm
My parents are seventy years old and cant stand watching the AA series on history channel, and they cant stand watching any ufo documentaries either. I know you cant teach an old dog new tricks, so I have to ask are you 70 years old or a paid shill? No evidence huh? I have only watched about 1/5 of the total episodes and have seen plenty of evidence. In fact there is so much evidence its hard to keep up. Oh no, it must all be hoaxes, blah, blah, blah. sure.
1/17/2014 05:03:47 pm
I really want to believe in AA and the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. Unfortunately there isn’t a shred of tangible, lay-your-hands-on physical evidence that Earth has been visited in the past by ETs. Surely, if they had been here, there would be remnants of their time spent on planet Earth, much like the trash left behind by human explorers. There’s physical evidence on the Lunar surface that humans have been there; likewise there’s evidence on Mars that it’s been visited by rovers and probes launched from Earth. The Voyager space probes are evidence that humanity is venturing out into interstellar space, leaving trails of our existence. Evidence of our existence is abundant throughout our solar system. But alas there isn’t any such evidence left behind by ETs. What is pitched on Ancient Aliens is pseudoscience consisting of speculation, conjecture, and dubious information. However, I still want to believe and keep an open mind to the possibility that we’re not alone. There’s no alien tech that has been found. Conspiracy theorists are quick to claim that governments have hidden what evidence has been recovered. That said, I do look forward to episodes of AA because I really do want to believe; it’s just that there’s no physical evidence to support the claims as reported by AA theorists. But hey, maybe the evidence will be unearthed in America.
1/18/2014 03:18:12 am
There is plenty of evidence available, but one needs to know what they are looking for and how to interpret said evidence. Every professional has their own bias depending on the enviroment they grew up with, some are religious fundamentalists and some are atheists. The scientific community in general tends to be atheist or at best agnostic dominated. The bias tends to get in the way of objective research too often. Look at the pyramids recently unearthed in bosnia and how the nwo wants to shut it down at any cost despite the natural tumulus formation that screams pyramid to most locals and visitors alike. Besides I heard you have to belong to a secret society to go on digs otherwise a)they wont let you dig and b)even if you manage to get funds to do the research mainstream science will ridicule you.
4/8/2015 05:54:18 am
So you want to say that there is not any evidence of ETs to be found.
1/19/2014 04:13:20 pm
Interesting entitled opinion but you do know it has the word "theory" at the back of all this. Something that may or may not exist. Your arguing over A THEORY. Not a real based opinion that wants to be a fact but a theory. I dont want to be so harsh or I dick but I dislike it when people try to state there own opinions like its a fact.
Will Hart
2/3/2014 09:18:37 am
Gee, I guess you consider Nobel Prize winner, Sir Francis Crick to be a purveyor of drivel, certainly beneath your intellectual pedigree, since he proposed the 'directed panspermia' theory way back in 1970. Scientist keep an open mind, you are obviously no scientist....
2/3/2014 09:19:58 am
Who's disagreeing that directed panspermia is possible? The question is whether there is evidence for the various flavors of ancient astronautics.
Karl K
2/3/2014 03:45:24 pm
Jason, you can't use "lack of definitive evidence" as evidence enough to completely dismiss what science cannot explain. If you cannot logically conclude that the AAT is absolutely impossible (which you obviously cant), then I'm willing to listen to any and every logical reason that can explain why it may actually be possible. My conclusion based on research and logic: It may actually be possible. Your conclusion: If there is no video footage of ancient times, it was impossible. Do you not see the fundamental problem with your argument?
2/3/2014 10:33:18 pm
You seem to want to ask all of humanity to humor you until your view could be proved incorrect. But that isn't how logic or science works. You also confuse the possible with the probable. Let me ask you this: Pausanias said that the Mycenaean ruins were built by a race of one-eyed giants. Should we accept this until we have dug up ever square inch of the earth and scoured all of space to see if we can find the remains of a single giant? Or do we accept that the Mycenaeans built the buildings because all of the artifacts ever found in them were Mycenaean and human-sized?
Karl K
2/4/2014 04:27:14 pm
Jason, Mary Shelley painted an even more realistic picture than Pausanias did, but it doesn't mean I'm going to start looking for Frankenstein. If 5000 years from now, someone digs up the story of Lincoln the Vampire Slayer, I don't expect that person to believe it was true even though Lincoln was a real man with legendary accomplishments.
4/8/2015 05:57:18 am
thumbs up on "Your conclusion: If there is no video footage of ancient times, it was impossible"
2/3/2014 09:13:14 pm
As an alien human hybrid I am unable to refrain from commenting in regard to Jason's skewed vision of human development on planet earth. My mother is a human. Her egg was fertilized with genetic material possessing the DNA of several beings of alien origin. These breeding projects are carried out with cooperation from human genetic scientists and hybrids, engineered to replicate the traits desired from non human species......The ability to alter one's resonating frequency is the prime objective of the program from which many others including myself have been genetically tailored to accomplish.......What many people might call different worlds or realms are simply dimensions existing at an infinite number of frequencies......As far as there being a creator or monotheistic entity, I am unaware of any such being.But of course many species are the result of another's creation. Intervention in the present state of man on earth has and is always evolving due to natural and otherworldly means. The more we learn merely opens up a set of expotentially
2/3/2014 10:19:07 pm
Jason....I don't know what happened but I had written a reply that is simply to exhausting to try to repeat and was just knocked off. Any explanation.There was nothing offensive,swear free and actually quite interesting to anyone who chanced to read it. Is there a way to recover it. Written just moments before this post
2/3/2014 10:30:00 pm
It was probably a glitch. I checked my log, but I don't see one submitted from you, so the problem happened somewhere between your computer and the server.
Karl K
2/4/2014 04:27:51 pm
Jason, Mary Shelley painted an even more realistic picture than Pausanias did, but it doesn't mean I'm going to start looking for Frankenstein. If 5000 years from now, someone digs up the story of Lincoln the Vampire Slayer, I don't expect that person to believe it was true even though Lincoln was a real man with legendary accomplishments. 2/4/2014 10:45:49 pm
Karl, who has ever said that ancient astronauts are impossible? In my book, "The Cult of Alien Gods," I take great pains to explain, as Carl Sagan had done, that the claims isn't prima facie impossible, only that its advocates have failed to put forward actual evidence in its favor. To your point about technology: You assume that all types of technology are remembered forever. But this isn't true. How many people today could hand-craft a clockwork automaton? It was a common ancient skill right down to the Industrial Revolution, but with mechanization, it vanished. Technology improved, and the obsolete technology disappeared. If our civilization were to collapse (as occurred frequently in ancient times), any memory of those older machines would utterly vanish with the last scholars who had studied them even though nearly everyone would remember computers.
Karl K
2/5/2014 08:32:36 am
I understand your point. However, deliberate transportation and geothermal fusion of monolithic granite is more than merely an ancient art or discipline. Im talking about a force that until recently could only be achieved by the sheer power of the core of the Earth and Im not even taking into consideration how they were even able to transport the stones. The stretch of the imagination comes in when you factor in the ancient story of how it was constructed. According to legend it was a giant bird that shot fire out of its beak. It sounds hard to believe, but if you believe in the AAT, it sounds more believable than trying to convince me that ancient man carried the 100 ton boulders and melted them with a simple flame. Its not proof, but its a story that makes sense after all "impossibilities" are considered and tied together.
2/5/2014 11:08:31 am
I have no idea what you are referring to when you talk about geothermal fusion of monolithic granite. Whose granite do you believe to be artificial? Why do you think it isn't natural?
Karl K
2/5/2014 03:22:23 pm
Sacsayhuaman... The same example of tangible evidence Ive been referring to over my last two posts. This not one of the Greek fairytales that you like to mock or an ancient science fiction haiku. This is a true ancient mystery that you can see, touch, and marvel at today. Simply put, the granite boulders - real granite boulders, not your kitchen countertop - are melted together to form the walls of an ancient civilization. They look like melted marshmallows - 100 ton melted marshmallows. No mortar. Shaped and pieced together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. 2/5/2014 10:32:52 pm
The stones are and remain natural. There is no evidence of melting anywhere. This is a claim made in "Ancient American" magazine but applied not to the entirety of the stones but only to quartz crystals within the stones, which were likely melted by natural forces long before the stones were quarried.
Karl K
2/6/2014 03:03:19 pm
The stones are not symmetrically shaped and none were cut equally to another. When you factor in the fact that there is no mortar, it leaves one to wonder how such a perfect structure was pieced together. The sheer size of these stones alone makes such a feat virtually impossible without some sort of advanced technology. Even perfectly cut bricks today require some sort of mortar to fit perfectly against each other.
Karl K
2/6/2014 03:22:46 pm
The fact remains that quartz found within these boulders proves without a doubt that extreme heat was applied to the stones at some point. To say that the quartz was created before it was quarried, is just as valid an argument as it is to say it was created while the stones were deliberately shaped in order to fit so perfectly together. When you see the walls up close it makes the theory of extremely advanced technology even more plausible. When you factor in this now plausible theory, the unbelievable and unexplained logistics of accomplishing such an engineering marvel suggest that the legend of Sacsayhuaman may in fact be true after all.
2/6/2014 10:37:55 pm
The appeal to ignorance and the appeal to incompetence is not a valid argument. The fact is that Sacsayhuaman's stones were pulled down by Inca peasants after the Conquest and reshaped into the blocks used to build structures nearby, all while the Spanish watched. This more than shows that the blocks could be and in fact were shaped and altered by human hands without any high technology.
Karl K
2/7/2014 06:09:22 pm
Facts according to whom? According to the first conquistadors who arrived in Peru, they were astonished at how the Incas built those walls. Juan Pizarro (brother of the conqueror Francisco Pizarro) was killed in 1536 in one of the doors at Sacsayhuaman from a blow with a stone when the Spaniards attacked the rebel forces of Manco Inca at the enclosure of Cusco. Francisco died in 1541. This structure was built before the conquistadors arrived. No one knew how it was built then, and no one knows how it was built today... Except you, apparently... And you make it sound so easy. 2/7/2014 10:37:40 pm
Do you deny that the Romans moved stones as large as the Egyptian obelisks? If not, what makes the Inca less capable than the Romans?
Karl K
2/12/2014 11:58:24 pm
No one can deny what history has documented. The Romans took credit for and even bragged about their architecture and engineering. Their masterful technique was no mystery.
2/13/2014 12:06:19 am
Against this you have Pausanias who reported that the Mycenaean ruins had been built by Cyclopes, sons of the gods. Few would claim them as alien ruins, and we know who built them. The fact is that civilizations collapse and without written records the successors centuries later don't know what came earlier.
karl k
2/18/2014 01:53:56 pm
Im not arguing what ET's or fairytale beings are capable of accomplishing. Superman could make the Earth rotate backwards (sci-fi) and any beings capable of intergalactic travel would surely have the technology to constuct anything that we can build here on Earth (AAT). Im questioning what HUMANS, namely ancient tribal people, were able to accomplish, especially with the technology of ancient times. You're adamant that ET's had nothing to do with ancient engineering mysteries, but not you, or anyone for that matter, can explain how humans ALONE could do it.
2/17/2014 07:09:08 pm
honestly i cant believe you have put this much time and energy trying to disprove and dissuade the AAT which is something you cannot do you cant prove or disprove the THEORY. youre worse than scott disick
2/27/2014 03:29:59 pm
If AAT is correct who created the aliens? something can not come from nothing. At some juncture we must know that the universe and us in it, is not a random event no matter the method of our origin. Fear not, have joy the possibilities are infinite.
Mondo Zappa
2/27/2014 09:35:49 pm
Nice article.
Ari Royce
3/2/2014 02:51:17 am
Mother fucker type of stupid people like you always make me sick. Open science book Dude, just then talk about science. Don't just rumble fantasy and science in your tiny neocortex shit. No, don't. You're actually just fucking god's pet is the fact that my cat can think better han you. Read Steve below - I just don't have patient like him to you.
Ari Royce
3/2/2014 03:03:20 am
True scientist, I can be sure would not talk to you. Reading one-two words from you make me feels like downgrading my IQ. So be sure you're just talking just to stupid same level as you shitty people. Don't generalize it to others. (If you understand what's this "generalize" means.)
3/1/2014 04:27:59 pm
Mondo the AAT’s welcome scientific evidence. What is frowned upon is mainstream science that can’t think outside the box and only offer generic explanations of how some of these incredible ancient ruins were constructed. Disappeared without a trace? Really dude? It’s carved in stone all across the globe sir. Now granted, the ancient folks had nothing better to do at night than to watch the stars and bang super hot women at will (ah the good ‘ol days), and over several centuries they probably got very good at it, watching the stars that is! But the incredible precision of the pyramids to only expose 8 sides on the summer equinox, and the Mayan calendar that is as accurate if not more than the atomic clock is freaky. On and on and on here man…
4/8/2015 06:10:09 am
Thumbs up on "bang super hot women at will".
Ari Royce
3/2/2014 02:57:15 am
What's up goat face??? You deleted my post. Well it's my honest thinking of you. It's much much better than you money famous driven HYPOCRITE monkey. Your logic is like my asshole logic - it's even smell better than yours.
3/2/2014 03:47:58 am
Your posts are in violation of my comments policy of 1/28/14, which bans offensive language. You are free to restate your views without offensive language to avoid deletion.
Ari Royce
3/2/2014 04:30:10 am
NOP. Your post is EXACTLY just like my post. The difference is you're hypocrite, hiding behind words, I'm not. You may just too idiot to realise, too ignorance, or simply your so called god's mindless pet. One for sure there's no scientific value nor spirit, at all, in your post. Its content is just as rude as mine and I'm making this point clear. SO if you delete my post, delete also your blog. 3/2/2014 04:32:54 am
My so-called God? And which one might that be? Zeus? Zagreus?
Ari Royce
3/2/2014 04:53:26 am
That is, you even cannot write the word god with lower capital. Remember in this context, we're discussing something that we haven't agreed yet. You cheat if you name it as if it's already agreed. One thing, you cannot name something that you cannot define. You can however assume it like some variable, but again you cannot write it in capital letter.
3/2/2014 05:11:20 am
Using a capital letter to distinguish a singular God from a multiplicity of gods is a literary convention. It signifies nothing else. In traditional orthography it is: God, a god, the gods. It's a style issue, not a philosophical one.
Ari Royce
3/2/2014 05:31:27 am
What a literary convention??? The literary convention is name is written using capital letter. Don't crap with such an exotic convention. "god" and "gods" is good enough to differentiate singular and multiplicity of god. 3/2/2014 01:34:27 pm
I'm sorry, but it appears that you and I are not communicating clearly about the same thing, or even the basic meaning of words and ideas. I wish you the best of luck, but I won't be able to have a discussion with you if you are not able to distinguish between argumentation and what is being argued.
Ari Royce
3/2/2014 04:53:37 am
That is, you even cannot write the word god with lower capital. Remember in this context, we're discussing something that we haven't agreed yet. You cheat if you name it as if it's already agreed. One thing, you cannot name something that you cannot define. You can however assume it like some variable, but again you cannot write it in capital letter.
3/6/2014 09:37:48 am
Actually scientists take relevant information and use it to determine theories that could possibly fit with the evidence that is available. A true scientist knows they never have the exact truth but are always looking. I know, just like anyone else, you are looking for the truth. To discredit a theory simply because it doesn't fit with your current paradigm is, in essence, the opposite of scientific. You are cheating yourself most of all. We would be in the dark ages if we didn't let go of our past expectations of how the world works. Fortunately, we are all in this together. Stop looking for enemies in people who only seek to understand.
Sonja Heunes
6/19/2014 08:45:45 pm
Alexandra. That is exactly the problem with the human race today. Everybody wants everything explained so that they can understand it and that is not necessary. All we need to know Is that God is the only creator and ruler of earth and Satan wants to destroy all of Gods creation. Satan uses AAT and people like them to do this.
Steve Steele
6/23/2014 09:47:46 am
The difference between science and religion is simple. When Science is proven wrong .. then science must change. Religion however, when pushed back by science, refuses to change. For instance the ancient writings that refer to Jesus having wife and child. Christians refuse to accept it even though it was written just like eveything in the Bible was written, The science of religion refuses to budge or adapt newly found concepts. that is why science wins everytime.
Sonja Heunes
6/19/2014 08:50:27 pm
Alexandra. That is exactly the problem with the human race today. Everybody wants everything explained so that they can understand it and that is not necessary. All we need to know Is that God is the only creator and ruler of earth and Satan wants to destroy all of Gods creation. Satan uses AAT and people like them to do this
3/13/2014 02:53:19 pm
Excellent job Alexandra! I think that pretty much puts a nail in the coffin. If you’re anywhere near the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex I’d love to buy you a drink. I know a place downtown that serves a mean 8-Sided Pyramid and Puma Punku Juice! If you don’t drink the hard stuff we could always meet for a beer at The Flying Saucer:-)
7/27/2015 06:03:19 am
for the sake of argument what if aliens have souls
3/25/2014 06:10:40 am
Jason, I just wanted to say something. You seem like a well educated man who's done the research & I respect that, a lot. I just have one little problem. You're not a credible source. I'm not credible. In fact, NOBODY ON EARTH is credible on this subject matter because nobody currently alive on planet earth lived in those times! All the science, all the speculation, all the blind faith on both sides....nobody really has a clue because we weren't there.
Ari Royce
3/25/2014 06:43:39 am
You're ABSOLUTELY right, this blogger is just ignorance crap, self logical delusional, and in desperate need for his dent in his miserable life.
3/25/2014 06:55:32 am
First, I don't use the word "paleobabble." That's Mike Heiser. Don't confuse us. I also don't use the word "debunked." That's Chris White. Don't confuse us either.
Ari Royce
3/25/2014 03:09:39 pm
OOoo Goat you did it again! Accepting theory without fact?? Tell me which theory that starts with obvious fact! And what do make you think Cody, and we, are not skeptics?? We're skeptics with open mind - that we don't need fucking arrogancy like you - concluding by ignorance on the main idea. By writing tens of "debunked" articles?? You think???You're no doubt just assholes try to lift your pants up.
Alien Guy
5/7/2014 01:11:12 am
Yea you know who I am. Aliens didn't just visit in the past.. They are still here around the solar system. They left clues of their existence in what appears to be Hints. They intended for mankind to search for them in the stars. They left a whole bunch of things around that ppl would find. It was intentionally for that purpose.
5/30/2014 12:36:07 pm
Here is my interpretation of the AA theory. All It takes is a little bit of research to debunk nearly every one of their theories and hypothesis. Ancient Aliens does a good job of raising curiosity on the subject and presenting it in a way that seems believable.
10/22/2014 09:22:42 pm
"The main problem I have with their theories in the 1st place is it takes away from humanity as a whole. That clearly we are not nor were ever intelligent enough to figure things out on our own. Humans by nature are curious animals. It is this reason we are set apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. That curiosity is what led us to discoveries of the wheel, fire, and later building planting and cultivating. The AA theory suggest we are all idiots and need an advanced civilization in order to learn these things."
4/8/2015 06:23:11 am
Have you read 'Technology of the Gods'. If you haven't read it.
6/6/2014 04:14:42 pm
Well there’s no concrete evidence that Jesus turned water into wine, or Sampson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of a donkey either. Yet billions of people pour their hearts, their souls and their money into the idea that it’s true. So why is it that when a theory comes along that makes perfect sense when viewed from a few miles up people shoot it down, debunk it or whatever you want to call it in favor of something that clearly makes no sense when taken literally?
Ari Royce
6/20/2014 05:50:38 am
You're my man!
Sonja Heunes
6/19/2014 08:32:38 pm
I do not have a degree or any other scientific knowledge but I do know that there is no such thing as an alien and all ancient astronaut theorists is talking bull. There is however demons who would like to mislead us and fools who would like to believe in everything that anybody tells them. I believe in God, creator and ruler of earth and Satan who wishes to destroy God and all of his creation and he can succeed through idiots like ancient astronaut theorists.
6/19/2014 09:00:36 pm
You should take one (scientific knowledge). Seriously.
Sonja Heunes
6/22/2014 07:06:45 pm
Wha haha. I feel sorry for you and everybody that believe the crap you believe in. My God is powerfule, even more than satan and I am the apple of His eye. 6/23/2014 04:18:25 am
Uuuuuhhhhh! religous people?! yes hunny, we know that Chritians are the only ones going to heaven, and that you are the only one who knows anything, and we know God only recognizes your religion. Ya'll leave this lady alone... she is tourtured enough as is. remeber religion is a mental disorder.
Steve Steele
6/23/2014 09:36:01 am
Sonja, How is it that you know for sure there is no ET life?
6/23/2014 12:53:29 pm
So let’s turn this around. Since Jesus said he is not from this world (extraterrestrial) in John 8:23, maybe it’s you Sonja that is the non-believer in Christ. Maybe it’s you committing the unforgivable sin by not taking him at his word. Read your Bible… he was not from this world.
Sonja Heunes
6/23/2014 09:05:15 pm
If you would like me to school you in the ways of God and the Bible I would do so gladly, but not to humor you foolishness. You are free to believe what you want, but I will believe what I want. I do have prove that there is eternal life and that there is a God and will not share this with fools. Psalms 14:1 and 53:1
Steve Steele
6/24/2014 04:41:55 am
Sonja, I cant speak for everyone on this blog. I never said there was no GOD. I spent 27 years being indoctrinated into the Christian nonsense. However, knowing what God actually is, is the mystery that you (Sonja) nor I know for sure. If you believe that God is some spooky guy floating above the clouds and I believe God is an actual being from another place in our universe, then, we both still believe in God. Its just a matter of your judgement on logical thinking people that separates us. I once was an unevolved Chritian like yourself who was brainwashed into thinking that the Bible was the ONLY source of knowledge. Someday you will wake up and realize there is an entire world of information at your fingertips. As a Christian you do yourself no justice by going to church and listening to the preacher give his view of what the Bible says. Never believe a preacher, their job is to keep you in their church so they can pilfer as much cash from you as possible. Jesus is named in several other ancient writings, such as the Quaran, Book of Magdalene, and several others. If you would like a lesson on who Jesus really was. I would be happy to help you out. I will start with, Jesus was liberal Jew which is far removed from what Christianity is today. Good Luck
6/29/2014 11:02:01 am
First time poster
Ari Royce
6/29/2014 04:58:42 pm
Just look-up to the sky, calculate the astronomical amount of stars, planets, and galaxies, then decide yourself what's more likely, are all of these just there to entertain our intelligence??
6/30/2014 08:07:34 am
There has to be alien life out there and most likely an advanced race out there. But the question if space travel is possible over the vast distances. Science says it's possible through theory scientists such as Einstein and Stephen Hawkins believe in the possibility. So the question would be if space travel is possible then there's a good chance that it will have been discovered by an alien race and used to visit earth. I would however like to imagine more physical proof that is not just mystery and speculation but love the alternative concept and feel it stands better grounds than religion
Ari Royce
6/30/2014 05:07:25 pm
Jamie, I don't think there would be a definitive answer until we meet them and they confess to us :) Even so, we may not get a “nice” answer from them. Stories such from Mahabharata and Bible suggested there’s war between themselves. We don’t know why, or if it really happened, but we may end up asking the wrong side, and that could be bad for us :)
7/9/2014 04:13:29 pm
Just because it can't be proven scientifically, doesn't mean it isn't true. I believe in evolution, but I also believe that DNA of primates was messed with a long time ago by extraterrestrials and human appeared. I don't think science will ever be able to prove or disprove this.
Steve Steele
7/19/2014 10:21:14 am
In time everyone will come to the realization that we are a part of a wonderful and scary cosmic family. Ancient writings are nothing but evidence of interaction with other people from other planets. I do believe they will visit again as the Bible and other religions teach us. Their planet passes the Earth every 2600 years. We will se them then. Some will claim it's the second coming of Jesus or whoever your religion says it will be and others will say they are extra terrestrials. We are talking about the same thing here people. The only difference is that religion lacks logic and therefore is disingenuous.
Kirk D
8/2/2014 11:47:41 am
I will never understand why these debates always get personal. They become attacks of ignorance claiming the other is more dumb.
8/6/2014 11:00:56 am
Man! I read all of your article with the hope that u present some kind of valid argument that coud contradict the AA theory, but all you say is that the AA does not support itself on scientific evidence.
8/7/2014 06:23:07 am
You're absolutely right. This goat is just trying to sell himself with idiotic arrogancy.
Well, technically him and the AAT are both stating their sides are correct. Both sides need to stop making assumptions, and leave it what it all is. A theory. Until proof is presented to make it FACT, or until proof is presented to make it DEBUNKED officially. If one of the two has yet to occur for the specific subject at hand, then it is a big fat *maybe*, people can discuss all they want just like God, but there is no proof. And even English-written text, from Jesus Christ could not be found and viewed as "yes! jesus was real! look he wrote this himself!". Okay, so? A guy named Jesus Christ wrote it, now you say that Jesus Christ,the son of God from the book The Holy Bible is true because you found some form of diary or auto bio from JC himself? Irdc, if YOU weren't THERE. YOU DON'T KNOW, NOR DOES ANYONE ELSE. (not directed to you guys, just ranting at the overall situation of this debate crap) Plz read my cmnt below, and understand I don't choose either side in this specific debate. To me, it's a maybe. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't. If it did, cool. It happened. And that's that. It wouldn't change my life to know it happened. It's what it is. But no proof, so. Looks like life will be the same afterall. LMAO XD jking
See, I don't believe this crap. But for Christ's sake, I barley believe anything. I'm prettymuch a fucking Nihilist. The problem I have with the Ancient astranaught theorists (argue with my dad about this all the time sense he's a huge fan of the show), it is a cool theory, it does make sense AT TIMES with SOME things that they say. The BIG PROBLEM it gives me is, they don't sit there saying we THINK, or anything. They may, but that ends up crumpling away, and they begin going into "YES! YES! AND THEY DID THIS AND YES, YES AND THEY DID THAT! AND YES, THAT HAPPENED, THE HAD TO HAVE THIS!!!". The thing is, we don't even know everything about our planet. I mean, there could've, KEYWORD: COULD'VE, been a ancient civilization millions of years back that was extinct, NO ALIENS, just similar beings to us, or the exact same thing. And they had technology, likewise to how we have in modern day, and were able to create buildings like this with more ease than our history books will tell us. Hey! That's a theory! It's POSSIBLE, but is it WHAT HAPPENED? I really don't know. Is ancient aliens what happened? I don't know, and neither do you or the Ancient astranaught theorists or anyone else. No one can answer any of this, we can THINK, we can have OPINIONS and THEORIES. But we can't say ANY of it is WRONG or RIGHT unless there is PROOF. This is how it works in that thing most people forget about, reality. Idgaf if you're a scientist, or speaking scientifically, same goes for them. Scientists cannot put their theories down, unless they have evidence to put it down. If they don't, they can say "I don't know" or "Maybe" as anyone should, because no one has proof. HAH! It's such a fucking joke dudes!! These guys "we're right" those guys "no we're right". WTMF? Who cares, for one. For two, let's actually spend this money discovering things about Earth we don't know, like exploring under the ocean which we really barley know ANYTHING about when you look at how much we haven't even reached. Yet we're exploring space. Man we are a stupid species in so many factoring ways, that's one thing I can point to as fact, with PLENTY of evidence. HAHA! xD Back to seriousness... I just feel that there's no reason to say Ancient astranaught theorists are wrong, unless it can be proved without a shadow of a doubt they are. For instance, I know they like to say "that beam of light they talked about in this book(usually the holy bible or an ancient text) was actually a UFO being piloted by an intelligent-creature as ourselves. "Okay.. Now I personally don't think its correct. My opinion. but I will NOT go as far to say it's impossible, ever, unless PROVEN without the shadow of a doubt that it IS impossible for the theory presented to be incorrect. And in reality, we have no way to know most of these things because we can't trust history 100%, how much do you think has been lost, changed and destroyed by cultures over thousands of years? A lot, for places all over the world. So barley anyone knows a thing about history, and again, we weren't there for many of these historical events. So, we cannot look a world history, let it initiate us to make a theory and say it's true, or say it's false. It's *maybe*, and until proven or disproven, that's what it remains. *maybe*
8/17/2014 03:57:30 am
Look, I have watched AA since the show first appeared. They clearly have discussed at all times "isn't this possible" or "couldn't this be" statements...and yes they say yes. Because that is AAT findings and their opinions. They even go as far to tell you other opinions scientific or not. As far as religion, many of you that dreadfully oppose AAT because you feel that it denounces your religion or they don't believe in a God or your God. I have actually heard Georgio actually talk about his God and what he believes. AATheorists are not saying they don't believe in God nor have I ever heard them say that. They just believe God may not be what you perceive God to be. Have you Jason or any of the rest of you who discount AAT to its core seen the answers to whether any religion, scientist or theoretical physicist, or any other revered notable theorist, have discovered all the true answers. Of course you have not. No one does. And, by the way, AAT has noted in even the title of their belief and "Theory". It is Theory not the exact fact. Do you discount Einstein? He has a lot of Theories. Do you discredit him? Some have been proven and some have not. I use Einstein as an example cause he is most noticed. A man with theories. They are theories. You should take that word for what it is. I have never once heard anyone around this community under AAT say they are right and everyone is wrong. They are working towards the truth and what they believe is what they are hoping the truth is. I really can't stand when people like you name call and make every attempt to discredit when you yourself have no proof or no clearly science does not have it either. I have also seen plenty of people on the blog name calling back at Jason and his followers. Why stoop to this level. They use this tactic out of ignorance. Jason, it's ok if you do not believe it or a little bit of it. But you truly have no proof against it. Your article is written short of a political speech. Says a lot that says nothing. Over time proof will unfold and you will believe the earth is flat while others will have theories it's not and eventually the answers we seek will unfold.
8/22/2014 12:27:24 am
MY theory is this: Some point in the near future, or even sometime in the recent past, humans discovered time travel. We use that for the exact thing many movies, books, blogs, etc. have depicted we end up using such a power for; we go see the dinosaurs. The pyramids. The creation period. From cause and effect, which is explained in all these movies, we have changed things dramatically. Humans were in spacetimes that they shouldn't have been in. Back in the future, we have destroyed humanity because we destroyed the spacetime continuum. But its okay. We are still in the time machine. It isn't destroyed yet. It works outside of reality(Explain it anyway you want, I'm just going with it.) So, using that, we go back to when we created the time machine. We lay down some rules. Rule one; don't be seen. Rule two; find the certain set of circumstances in human history that create the "perfect" reality/world/dimension that leads to eternal human existence. So with these new rules, our time machines(UFOs) may interfere, but not let on that our own race is responsible for all these dramatic events.
9/10/2014 05:56:16 am
How about the chips found implanted in humans, and hundreds of videos posted online and even on news stations?
10/2/2014 12:07:32 pm
Now I'm not saying its aliens..but its aliens.
I would like to ask a few questions to you JC;
Ari Royce
10/12/2014 04:48:31 pm
Yup, JC is a goat.
10/20/2014 03:18:08 am
Your arguing skills (which are more nitpicky than argue-y) < ancient astronaut theory tbh
10/20/2014 03:46:58 pm
@ Paul
10/22/2014 08:52:22 pm
I have a small problem here. You might have already answered this, but I'm not going to read through 160(+) comments to find it. My question is, how is Giorgio Tsoukalos wrong by saying this?
Ari Royce
11/22/2014 03:41:09 am
Are you kidding yourselves?? Are you trying to show off your little intellectual?? Back to the topic, moron.
6/3/2015 12:06:20 pm
For the love of god you can't even write properly and you want to be taken seriously?
julie g
10/31/2014 02:45:22 pm
How funny... r u twins with Jon colavito? If so, what an amazigly small world this is!
11/2/2014 12:23:44 pm
Hard to imagine people arguing over what is largely speculation. Does logic have more than one interpretation?
Ari Royce
11/22/2014 03:45:32 am
The moron here is just Jason. He tries to banish a theory by arguing the unknowns. Anw it's really fun actually, using the same argument such as his, I can safely say Jason is a goat because he didn't invent Relativity theory.
6/3/2015 12:09:22 pm
...invent relativity theory. What the fuck are you talking about? First off all what you mean is called general relativity . Second of all STOP USING WORDS THAT AREN'T EVEN WORDS! It has zero fucking bearing on anything. It makes you sound like a petty kid who doesnt know what those "BIG WORDS" actually mean.
4/24/2016 01:42:18 am
Ari, is the most annoying person on the blog.
William Young
11/21/2014 04:57:52 pm
In the book of Ezekiel (if I remember correctly) , it is written that "Chariots of fire decended from the sky, picked man up, and lifted him to the heavens ".
Ari Royce
11/22/2014 03:47:12 am
Hi Mr Goat, try to answer this one. Jason.
6/3/2015 12:10:56 pm
What's your fixation with goats? Did you mean sheep perhaps? What an incessant cretin...
4/24/2016 01:43:44 am
He means G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time)....That's why he keeps calling Jason a Goat. LOL!
11/24/2014 12:42:37 am
Was just having a look at this website to try and gain both perspectives on the ancient alien theory and everyone has very interesting points of view. although I am religious I'm deeply interested in archeology and history and fact but it is very tempting to believe in theory's such as ancient aliens when there are certain things that are unexplained or with no evidence to the contrary and it would also be very unintelligent to completely refuse to believe that there COULD be other life or life that we simply don't know about yet. my humble theory is that these unexplained things such as the pyramids around the world to hieroglyphs of lightbulbs and helicopters and ancient battery's are just leftovers of civilisations, tiny scraps of evidence of these people's life on earth and that at some point these or other civilisations of people were simply more intelligent than we are now and that for all that we have achieved as a race we simply cannot accept that somewhere someone may have done it first or better or whatever and that's the reason we can't explain it. I mean with all the technology, know how and evidence we have how could we fail to understand how a pyramid Was built unless we are just not as intelligent as the peoples who built it. However that is just another theory and know one can actually know the answer to any of it but we do as humans believe in things that are far more unbelievable that'll another race of beings(religion) being one of them but I think we have to accept that we are not going to know everything about everything and nor should we for all we know we may be merely repeating a cycle that has already been before.
Sasanka nath
12/16/2014 01:21:28 am
Hi friends im a new supporter of alien life in universe . Before dissmis the the AAT you need watch and research about modern UFOLOGY and contact with MUFON and the real people who become the victim by alien abduction. And finaly you should read " THE BLUE PLANET PROJCT"
1/5/2015 09:03:03 am
One thing is certain, "AAT's" are far more interesting and thought provoking than this article.
1/16/2015 06:21:11 pm
Why do we have to argue over other peoples beliefs? Can't we all just accept the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Who cares how narrow minded it may sound. No need for name calling.. who cares if people believe in aas or not. If you don't, good for you. If you do, awesome. Nothing is right or wrong here. It's kind of sad someone would spend so much time trying to debunk something rather than spending the time trying to prove something..
3/6/2015 01:45:32 pm
Why do we have to argue over people beliefs?
1/16/2015 07:59:31 pm
What are the all the physcial drwainings of what appear to be ancient travelers on this planet? Is it not evident that the idea came to different people planet wide from somewhere? How can we explain ancient maps that dipict with accuracy, our planet from a high altitude view? What about Biblical accounts, eye witness accounts? You have a narrow view and could use some speculation in your life. Boring! Listen If it looks like a duck, smellslike a duck, and quacks like a duck intuition tellsus it's a duck. get over it please. I suppose your a Jesus believer or better put, The creation Story that was 6 magical days of science huh? I've seen and heard enough to believe this theory over any other that's being offered out there. Stick with horror or baseball, you've no place being the judge of this topic, but entiteled to an oinion of which I disagree.
1/30/2015 12:49:03 am
Jason completely discredits himself with one simple line. When asked to explain the incredible ruins at Puma Punku, he responds: "What of Puma Punku? Its rocks were carved with metal chisels and moved with human power." There are two problems with just the first part of this response. First - the indigenous people of that area were just one step above nomadic. They had no written language or metal working abilities, so they had no metal tools or experience with using them. Second - For the sake of the argument however, let's say someone gave them metal tools. This brings up the second problem that Diurite stones are the second hardest material on earth, second only to Diamonds. Diurite stones have to be cut with diamond tools, metal hand tools do not work with Diurite.
4/24/2016 01:51:04 am
I don't think so. AAT/AAH/AAC. What the hell are you talking about?The idea that ancient astronauts actually existed is not taken seriously by academics, and has received little or no credible attention in peer reviewed studies. Ancient astronauts have been widely used as a "plot device" in science fiction. SERIOUSLY? LOL
Terran Grey
1/30/2015 07:46:05 am
"No amount of scientific reasoning will change the minds of the true believers because they are immune to evidence. They cannot be reached, and there is no fact that will make them change their minds"
3/6/2015 02:54:34 pm
Oh Terran!
4/8/2015 06:47:22 am
Now you prove yourself to be a complete punk in front of everyone by saying that nobody can be an AAT. Visit these websites :
Elrond Hubbard
2/3/2015 02:47:43 pm
I'm watching Ancient Aliens right now, it's very intriguing, but I totally gotta go w Jason; no real supporting evidence.
2/13/2015 04:41:29 am
To Elrond Hubbard and those who share his sentiment, if you really want to see some evidence that is concisely laid out and clearly articulated then I suggest you read Humanity: The Alien Project by Vincenzo J. Macrino. Macrino is a retired detective who approaches writing the book as if he were presenting evidence in a court room to a jury. He doesn't draw conclusions for you or bombard you with propaganda, he simply says here is the evidence, consider it for yourself. It is a must read for any AAT or anyone who wants to know what evidence there really is.
3/6/2015 02:35:16 pm
3/7/2015 01:45:33 am
Well Yvan, if they’re just out to make money they have a long way to go until they catch up with religion. If you were to compile all the net income from all the churches on the planet and compare it to the Ancient Alien series the score would be trillions to 1. Also, the AAT’s didn’t come up with the story of angels mating with humans. They’re just trying to get people with low IQ’s (like you) to try and look at what was written thousands of years ago from a different perspective.
3/7/2015 09:32:36 am
Oh Steve!
Steve S
3/7/2015 02:53:46 pm
Love it! Another religious person that doesn't even believe their own bull. Angels are spiritual so they aren't material. and how do you know this? So you says non material beings are not extra terrestrial. Why? Terrestrial means of the Planet Earth to us. Extra Terrestrial would make one not from the Planet Earth. So logic would tell us that either a material or non-material being not from this planet would be Extra Terrestrial. I do believe that there are both types of beings. But we all should leaves are minds open to whatever truth reveals itself. For any human with our very limited knowledge of what is outside of this prison planet we reside on, to make claim with definitive language that we know what exists and what doesn't really makes you sound small and limited in your thinking.
3/8/2015 04:59:31 am
AH Steve!
3/8/2015 09:32:26 am
3/8/2015 07:29:05 pm
You go Yvan!!!
3/25/2015 12:38:31 pm
AAT is interesting. Some of it really is great to watch and even stretch the imagination.
4/7/2015 02:33:51 am
Sam. If you don't know of which side the reality is, I recommend that you go to Youtube and look for "Ancient Aliens Debunked".
4/7/2015 02:25:45 pm
"Ancient Aliens Debunked" does nothing more than restate the century old beliefs of how man created the monoliths. They don't prove anything. If they want to prove it then gather as many men as you can, give them all copper chisels and ropes and build us another Puma Punku.
3/31/2015 05:27:26 am
Thank you Jason for your website. You have labelled it correctly. In the end, after the discussions have been made, the scientific and historic evidence unpackaged ... and the desire for people to STILL have allegiance to this alien theory is ... well, it's damn foolish. Embarrassingly foolish. In fact, I feel sorry for them that they are so misguided.
4/8/2015 06:55:33 am
Much of the talks about the 'Chariots of the Gods'
4/15/2015 03:01:57 am
Geeze people the problem here is some of you are just spiritually blind if you turn off the TV and get off the Internet and leave behind all the brain washing rhetoric from articles like this and TV shows and scientific non sense (which by the way science is constantly disproving it's previously accepted theories.. it's just today's version of organised religion and will one day be irrelevant.) you would be able to listen to your inner voice which will tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth by listening to others opinions your drowning out that inner truth I've known since I was a child what the deal was and was born with the innate ability to cut through the bullshit so we're all of you!! Think about it. Peace!
4/24/2015 05:28:13 pm
your all crazy
8/19/2016 02:32:12 pm
Is "your" like "you're"?
4/25/2015 08:08:23 pm
I read a number of your post, Mr. Jason, because I have a tendency of looking at both sides of an argument before judging facts from fictions and possibilities. Despite your dedication, your platform reasoning and backup evidences have so many flaws that even I can come up with a refute within 3 seconds for each point. It is just not logical, sadly. Also, some parts of the AA series are questionable, but still more probable in comparison with yours.
6/3/2015 12:18:05 pm
Which flaws? If you don't point it out I might just as well believe you just because you say so...and I won't.
5/22/2015 09:38:23 pm
Jason is the bomb! He refutes everything and the simpletons that support the dumb AA can't take it!
Clifford ingram
6/12/2015 10:01:42 am
I guess my last comment was lost in cyberspace. Our bible plainly states we were placed here. Plainly states there were angels among men . Plainly states we are in this world but not of this world. However ancient man laid on his back looking at the stars knowing deep inside that was where he came from he developed how to scale those dimensions. He developed an understanding of mathematics. He developed an an understanding of physics. We have lost what ancient man figured out due to our own development in technology. All we need and long for in the answers we seek is hidden in the night sky. Every bit of knowledge we have comes from above. God is not an alien...we are created in his image with his mind...we may be alien to where we are...but none of us are alien to our creator
cifford ingram
6/12/2015 10:49:19 am
I have no doubts in our God. Everything I know and everything I see comes from somewhere beyond my compresion. If there may be extratrrestial was created by my God. I have no doubts He exists and don't really understand how anyone else doesn't. Let trouble or disaster come....the very first words out of their mouths is Oh God orMy God...yeah every time. My God is all knowing all powerful master of all things that can befall humans. We are his greatest creation and He gave us the greatest gift in all the universe...our mind. There is no greater force in the universe than the human mind. I am an electrician 30 yrs + I know everything man knows is electrical in nature..whether by charge or force. Positive or Negative. Our brain is mass of jelly transmitting signals nonstop. No one can explain how. How do we feel . How do we know when our heart is broken by a lover How do we know anything !
George Abinader
6/19/2015 01:01:55 pm
This author is correct in many things but I am a strong believer that when you insert subjective opinions into your argument it becomes less than reputable. That being said, ancient astronaut theorist (aat) is a made up title. It does not require any kind of degree or certification or any formal education. A large portion of the arguments on this show are speculation and anyone can say these things and be on TV. This is a show and it is meant to be entertainment. It is not actual science and just the name ancient astronaut theorist should mark that to most, since in science a theory is something that has been tested and (until proven otherwise) is regarded as fact by scientists (theory of gravity, theory of electricity). This ancient astronaut idea is not a theory in the scientific definition of the word. It is only meant to trick people into thinking it is legit scientific fact. I think it should be a crime to run this show without a lengthy narrated disclaimer before the show and after the commercial breaks stating that these are only hypotheses presented by people not associated with the scientific community. It is a real shame that shows such as this shape public opinion.
6/19/2015 08:43:16 pm
It feels that you are confusing scientific theory with theory on the broader sense. Part of the definition of theory states that it is a system of ideas intended to explain something. It is borderline opinion and belief. They rarely appear to use science as a foothold in there explanations they just ask questions and support it with an alternative opinion. There are some beautiful and extraordinary places out there that can't be fully explained and the aat theory is an option for people. I find the show entertaining and don't see why you think the show needs a "disclaimer" shall we put disclaimers everywhere like outside churches or mosques, maybe even soap operas to say they are not real. People get worked up about the AAT either for religious or science standings but at the end there's no debunking an idea, belief or a theory. I feel that people need to stop looking back and living through religious texts and look forward.
Mike Gaensslen
3/18/2016 01:29:12 pm
".. I see comes from somewhere beyond my compression."
6/27/2015 05:03:10 am
Your argument makes no sense and is completely irrational. Talk about making things up?! Where/what are YOUR hard facts that disprove the AA theory? All you basically said in your argument was that AAT are making things up. That's the argument of an eight year old kid.
6/27/2015 05:27:27 am
What you describe in this article is basically a maladaptive desperate way of coping with the psychological dissonance that AAT creates in your feeble mind. Ironically YOU don't know how to argue or debate about the theory in a real scientific way so you suggest that others who share in your desperation, simply ignore or pretend as if the ideas should not be even taken seriously, and therefore don't deserve a real response. This is an obvious defense mechanism for defending YOUR irrational belief in an argument you don't know how to approach or win. Its like an alcoholic in denial. When one of your friends tries to tell you you have a problem you simple discredit them by responding as if the notion that you might have a problem is so ridiculous it does not even deserve a real response. This may be effective at keeping your delusion intact but is totally irrational and borderline psychotic.
7/3/2015 08:00:43 am
Awesome article Jason!
7/22/2015 01:33:24 pm
Hello, I have been trying to get this photo out, with study of it without any controversy. Not so easy to get someone to look at it with some person's knowledge, of what it can do to the history of who we are, so I have been looking for someone who can understand what I have, to change, what is a history changing photo. Please help me in finding someone who wants to change history as we know it. I hope I didn't scare you away from the truth, that you don't know yet. Steve
An Ancient Alien
7/28/2015 04:02:58 am
It pains me to read this blog post, which to me simply seeks to demonstrate the differences between approaching unhindered belief in an idea versus rational analysis, and then read JUST the first ten comments. I ...I can't. It hurts.
A More Ancient Alien
7/28/2015 04:10:36 am
Or the ones above this. I guess our minds are just too 'feeble'.
7/30/2015 08:48:47 pm
You are trying to say something but I dont understnad what you intended to say. You say that Ancient Aliens series say nonsens without any scientific base? Kindly come with proof.
7/31/2015 08:56:17 am
The posts to this particular blog prove there is NO way to engage in a constructive, scientific debate with a believer of Ancient Aliens. That should be the definition of futility.
7/31/2015 03:23:51 pm
All are wise are in their own eyes, so they feel whatever they know is ultimate and true. Each mindset is different . Those who support ancient aliens, and deny them are true in their own idea. I dont think I am a blind believer or a person without scientific knowledge. What I think is AA s are true, they visited with us, they mixed DNA and we are indebted to them. I have spend 17 years in theological studies as well and I 100% support AA s
Thomas Smith
8/16/2015 05:34:18 am
This was very difficult to read man. One paragraph one idea, and don't repeat ideas in separate paragraphs frequently. No offense, but as a writer I'd recommend you take course or consult fellow writers. This was tough to read, but you have potential to be alot better.
8/16/2015 06:41:46 am
Are you sure you're a writer? I hope you're not a teacher as well.
8/20/2015 03:27:57 am
Those who cannot do, teach, so I think he's a teacher.
9/7/2015 10:55:06 am
I like how science is all about evidence and their beliefs of mankind is evolution witch has no proof because it is only a theory. Truth is science can't explain how mankind came about. I guess it is up to our ancient ancestors to explain, and nearly every ancient society believes their "Gods," their "creators," came from the heavens. There is a pattern going on with ancient societies and no one can tell us better than our ancestors.
9/9/2015 08:42:29 am
There are far too many creation myths to see any pattern leading to a viable conclusion in the AA Theory, or for any god creator for that matter. If you want to use these myths from ancient peoples to live your life, that's fine, however you're only proving the point of this article.
10/1/2015 04:46:46 pm
Same can be said for you and your beliefs.
10/2/2015 07:38:22 am
You neither know me nor what I believe, so you have no foundation to make such a claim.
L Bow
9/8/2015 08:28:55 pm
I think Jason just wants to claim that he's somehow solved all these ancient mysteries, seeing his failed attempt as an archaeologist.
10/1/2015 10:52:39 am
AAT has evidence. The Egyptian Pharaoh Akenaten was said to have descended from the sky and have an elongated cranium. He resembled what we today know as the grey aliens. He also took the name of the Sun God Aten. Was he the actual God (alien) Aten come to Earth to rule over Egypt?
11/10/2015 11:28:39 am
Lol wow who let you off the space ship. His head was elongated due to head wrapping
4/23/2017 04:19:10 pm
You must be unaware of the ones that clearly aren not homo sapiens the oldest skulls from the Malta & Cuzco skull pits have no Sagittal suture & have a larger cranial capacity to human ones so arent the result of binding or boarding or wrapping
11/2/2015 10:10:08 am
Wow. The spelling, the inability to read closely or think critically ... these comments are pure comedy gold. I have paid good money for less absurdity.
Mike Gaensslen
3/18/2016 01:09:07 pm
You certainly are no Thomas Jefferson either. Why can't you just admit that there are some less and some better educated people in this world. But we are all people and have all the same rights. If you don't like the comments and the spelling, why don't you just not read them?
11/10/2015 11:23:36 am
Jason I think your right on target and I couldn't agree more. The biggest problem with AATs is they are not grounded not even in their own theories. They will always end with a ? that way when ever challenged or proven wrong they will simply reply " I'm just asking a question." Left unchallenged they are complete idiots.
3/18/2016 01:04:35 pm
I am sure happy you found yourself!
11/18/2015 06:43:55 pm
AAT is not science fact but truth be known mainstream science cannot prove it to be totally wrong, personally i think it is a theory worth consideration, don't forget history is wrote by the powers that be , and if you truly believe that these powers don't manipulate the truth your sadly wrong and definitely misinformed, look people what's the harm in looking at it with an open mind carry on digging for the most plausible explanation, something's I see on AA seem far fetched but some of it sounds very reasonable, like people who totally deny anything to do with AAT can be true, some people don't believe our governments would ever tell us lies, c,mon get real
1/11/2016 07:35:28 pm
Right there with ya
12/2/2015 04:43:36 am
this is by far the dumbest article i have ever read on the internet
1/11/2016 01:48:56 am
All of this and I still believe....... No one knows everything. I did enjoy the most of the debate. Thanks everyone !
1/11/2016 07:33:07 pm
I am 17 and I consider myself a AAT, it makes sense and there's factual evidence to back it up the ancient drew, wrote, and depicted what they saw and who guided them. Its funny though how "Scientist" try to not include the truth about what they ancients have provided us with. Science isn't always the way sometimes u have to look at things on a way that is factual.
4/24/2016 01:55:15 am
Sean, you're a 17 year old AAT/AAH/AAC? LOL!!! I hope the Aliens help you out if we ever lose our technology. The idea that ancient astronauts actually existed is not taken seriously by academics, and has received little or no credible attention in peer reviewed studies. Ancient astronauts have been widely used as a "plot device" in science fiction.
1/26/2016 06:53:00 am
Not a convincing article at all. Far from it.
Mike Gaensslen
3/18/2016 12:55:12 pm
You are right, because it is based on religion, one of the brainwash applied sciences of today!
Mike Gaensslen
3/15/2016 04:22:17 pm
Here I am just taking one of your paragraphs and contradict your claims:
Mike Gaensslen
3/15/2016 04:32:19 pm
I forgot! Why are you all trying so hard to prove us AAT's wrong? Is there any danger in believing in Ancient Astronauts?
3/23/2016 05:59:00 am
The intellectual tools you are grasping at are like mysterious talismans in your mind, once dangled in front of your face by other sad people who don't know what to do with all this emptiness except classify until all the contradictions force them to devise a new set of terms for a new generation
michael gaensslen
3/23/2016 08:47:10 am
Matthew, typical for you "university educated dipsticks", you just have to counter with "intellectual tools", "mysterious talismans", and so on. You just cannot replying just simple "workman's" language anyone can understand, can you? Maybe your "educated" ways have clogged your brain and make it impossible to see something more logical and interesting than "science". As I stated above, I have worked all my life ith hammers and nails and done REAL work, which makes me see things in a more colourful way and a more logical way, not polluted by "science". And, as I said, science is what got us into the troubles we are in now, as do the intellectuals of this world. Wars, killing, accidents (many not necessary), chemicals that kill us and nature, and do I need to go on? Don't tell me that your type s are the last word in this fake world of ours!
4/9/2016 10:01:58 am
It always amazes me that there still are people (loosely) that still "believe" in "religion" and "god"! All these words translate into I DO NOT KNOW but I "believe". How gullible can one get? Just because some ass (translate Pope) says it is so, it is not so. You asses have been brainwashed for Millennia and don't even realize it! The Ancient Astronaut theory might look, sound, and feel like bunk but it explains all these mysteries of religion much better than anything else stupid man can come up with, even though it might be uncomfortable for most.
4/24/2016 01:28:17 am
Good Article.
7/4/2016 11:29:25 am
:-( This is so sad. I just hope it is a vocal minority making these angry science-hating comments because if this represents the majority then we will never be worthy of joining those ancient aliens out in space. Science does not care whether the ancient alien thing is bollocks or not. Science cares about the truth (regardless of whether it is a painful truth or not).
7/6/2016 11:46:11 am
A debunking that debunks nothing? Who do I go to and get my time back?
7/10/2016 06:09:13 am
This article is a load of junk fueled by the mind of a quite biased party. For one to so easily refute the Ancient Astronaut Theory is no scientist at all.
7/19/2016 06:01:26 am
If you don't ask questions about the lies told by religions and goverments of the world and by people like you we wil remain stupid forever.
7/21/2016 01:51:37 am
so why does every statement in this show always come as a question. why can't anyone make a definitive statement and stand on it. oh yeah, its all subjective bullshit. nothing stated has to actually be substantiated by anything approaching empirical truth, or am i being close minded and obtuse. you can't fight stupid
7/28/2016 11:37:19 pm
Well folks, as an astronomer I know just how far away things are. How could the AAT think for one minute that aliens have visited this planet in the past or even in the future. Our sun is just an average star and is only 865,000 miles in diameter and from the VOYGER 1 SPACE CRAFT, ( which is now 20 billion miles from Earth) sent back pictures of our sun and it is just a little point of light. Jupiter is so small that you need a magnifying glass to see it. So how could any space traveller, if there are any, find our planet? Why would they want to land here in the first place. Earth is only a little over 7000 miles in diameter and from 20 billion miles away earth could not even be seen. AAT tries to tell you that aliens have landed here about 8000 years ago. Sure would like to know how they figure that one out. Earth in those days was a very quiet rock going around a yellow star and hidden in the hundreds of millions of other stars. I am sure finding Earth would be a very hard thing to do, just like trying to find a grain of sand painted red dropped on a beach 100 miles long. What would the chances be to find that red sand grain? Radio has been around now for about 100 years. Radio signals from earth is now reaching about 70 light years away from us. If alien space craft were actually out there, they may pick up our signals. S.E.T.I. if you know what that is, has been looking for alien radio signals now for many years and as of now heard nothing but background noise from deep space. SETI monitors thousands of frequencies and still nothing. Alien beings or other wise, could not live long enough to travel to other worlds even at the speed of light which is 186,262 miles per second. A light year is 5,877961691 to the twelfth miles. Even if there were a life form that lived say on a planet around a star say in the PLEADIES OPEN STAR CLUSTER, it would take 410 years at the speed of light to reach earth, think
7/29/2016 01:36:34 pm
I believe we are children of these star people,who will show life amount stars. Think about it they have the answer to life eternally.
7/30/2016 09:07:33 pm
Well David, I guess you are one of the gullible people I just mentioned.We are of this planet and not from some other place. Did you read the bit I put in about just how far things are? The only alien beeing that could survive the time travelled into deep space would be a robot, and they can:t produce anothe life form. Well maybe in your case they did.
7/30/2016 10:53:08 pm
Well Dave, I think you might want to consider a new career. As an astronomer you should know that we are just now beginning to discover new planets that might be capable of supporting life. I think we all grasp the vast distances between these systems, but with technologies yet to be discovered and even the possibility of worm hole travel it might not be as far fetched as you propose.
7/30/2016 11:25:07 pm
Wel Steve I think my career is pretty safe. I know there is a lot of speculation on tv there days but you have to consider that a lot of it is just hyposis and it is very hard to comprehend to most people. Star Wars and other space programs are great to watch but don;t count on it realy happening. There would not be anyone happier than me to speak to an alien from another world. It may be probable in the far off future that humans may travel to distant worlds but that is not going to happen very soon. We have only travelled to the moon in our solar system and that took a few days. Again, we as humans will never reach planets out of our solar system. Don;t let STAR TREK influence you that we will travel at warp speeds. A planet the size of earth,so far, has not been discovered. Not only the size of the planet but the atmosphere is the next thing we have to find out if be can breath it. Water is also very important and not all planets have water on it.So Steve, maybe you will discover a way to travel at warp speed for all of us in the near future. Good luck.
7/31/2016 09:41:02 am
Who said anything about Star Trek, Star Wars and warp speeds? I just find it odd to run across an astronomer that's not passionate about finding extraterrestrial life. I liken it to a preacher that's not passionate about God. Beam me up Scottie!
7/31/2016 10:44:13 am
Well Steve don't you think that looking for a suitable planet to move to if we had to would be more of a priority than beeing passionate about finding an alien lifeform from some where else. The chances are that we will not find extraterrestrials. I know people, and you are probably one of them, think there are other life forms and there should be somewhere in this universe. No astronomer ever cancels out the possability there is. If we find extraterrestials that would be a bonus. As I said SETI has been listening for signals for many years now and has heard nothing but background noise. Of course that dosen;t mean there is no other lifeform out these..There two distint types of astronomers,optical observation and radio. It is the radio telescope astronomers that look for extraterrestial life and the optical astronomers that look for a livable planet. So Steve, as I said don't beleive everything you see and hear on the AAT tv show. We are humans and we are intelligent. Have a great day.
8/4/2016 10:55:03 am
I am neutral when watching AA... i really enjoy the mysteries, geographic and archaeology theories , and i google it if i hear something i'm curious about. Not that it is important but i would like to add that i have a background in Engineering. Just in case if people were wondering whether i have a B.S degree in flipping burgers.
8/5/2016 11:01:54 pm
I read your blog Winston and it is good. Just wondered if you directed your comments to anyone in particular.
8/19/2016 02:13:26 pm
You must all lick the sweaty balls of the Annunaki and eat their poo poo NOW.
8/19/2016 02:22:21 pm
Jason sounds like a little boy who had a dream of getting it in the butt from Giorgio, but alas, Giorgio said no. This made little Jason mad so he is now on a jihad against him. I think that Jason also likes to spend his days dreaming about gargling Donald J Trump's saggy balls in his throat while getting nailed in the butt by Erik von Daniken. Poor little Jason....
Jason's Boyfriend
8/19/2016 02:43:10 pm
Stop it now. Jason does NOT dream about such things. Well, maybe he does, but he would NEVER do that sort of thing with anyone but ME. I can say with 100% confidence that my balls are the only balls that ever drop down his throat. Ok, sometimes I hire a hooker or two who get to nail him in his sloppy butthole, but only after church or a 3 day rave party. Gotta run now....he's calling me to the bedroom to take a dump on his face now. Ciao!
8/26/2016 12:27:32 pm
i find this program redundant in that the bible tells the story if its read right it tells how a traveler from other worlds a scientest came this part of the universe and created another planet and groups of planets this person we call God was a scientist who created us in his image as we now are doing ourselfs in clones and other things but he made us small gods !!!and if we would of fallowed his laws we to by now would be as him but its our nature al these other beliefs came after that some real and some conjuer by the human mind but if these guys studied the bible they could stop seaching for answers cause everyone of them is in the bible from giants to mermaids to creatures big and small and al the gifts given to man by this scientist we call God !!!BUT THE BIBLE IS THE ONLY AND OLDEST STORY OF MAN!!!but the future is ours and i love seeing al this history that has happened before and after the flood !!!i only wish i could talk to these people to share the things i know to be true !!!
Christopher A Kastronis
9/24/2016 10:27:08 am
You baffle me. You spent the entire first half of your writing saying nothing really except every 3 or 4 sentencing saying the ancient alien theory is wrong. Then you do something even more puzzling. You claim the AATs use text to back the theory of the pyramids building then go on to dispute that claim by saying it cant be true because this other texts suggests something different from what AATs suggest. Your doing exactly what AATs do you moron. So its just your opinion and youre using the same methods as AATs to show your point however you say that using texts in this way is insufficient. See how dumb you look? Prolly a bible thumper thats brain washed and will never accept the fact that things may have occurred differently then what you think. A lot of stuff the AATs suggest may be wrong it may not. Who fucking knows? People at one time though the world was flat and it was outlandish to think it was round. Nothing learned is set in stone. Math science physics???? The exploration of dark matter could throw everything we thought about those three subjects out of the window once more is learned. Im not saying it will but it could. So please dont tell me AAT is wrong because you dont know and nobody does. Its just ideas that make you think. And if you think eveything we know about history is set in stone and exact then youre even more of a lost cause and blinded by whatever motive you have. Stop being a simple narrow minded individual that falls in line with brainwashed conformity. Use your little brain and reread what you wrote because you show nothing compelling to dispute the AAT. Keep in mind i realize a lot of facts are twisted for tv to make things more believable and compelling. But there are many things that are indisputeable and physically puzzling when it comes to our history and what took place. Id debate with you for hours about this and i guarantee you would lose because all i need to say is how do you know for sure? Because nobody ever knows for sure about this topic.
2/12/2017 09:49:03 pm
While I believe in a greater power, I do not deem the "all-mighty-all-powerful-omnipotent-bearded man in the clouds" to be an explanation for our creation. For myself, I find it much easier to accept the possibility that we are instead, here as a direct result from a highly advanced civilization from somewhere that isn't here (whether they be extraterrestrials or inter-dimensional beings).
The problem most academics are having in these days of instant information from every corner of the Earth is that what used to take literally years to make it to study and scrutiny, takes minutes now. The education that families and student loans paid for and took years of time to earn and eventually acquire degrees stating qualifications is crumbling before our very eyes. AND, it is impossible for anyone with a degree to wander off in a different direction because it would destroy their standings within their peer groups. So all these academics have no choice but to tow the line and attempt to pass off anything different than what they were taught as bunk. Many people are finding that everything they studied and worked very hard for is beginning to look old and off base. I can't blame people like Jason Colavito for standing up for what he worked so hard to achieve and then finding holes all over the place in its integrity. What is worse for everyone that is trying very hard to protect that outdated information is that by fighting Ancient Aliens Theory gets in the way of real progress. Eventually the academia will crumble and they will have no choice but to give way to what is beginning to look far more real than all the other old BS taught in the classrooms around the World. There is room for both points of view, but first there is one side that has to realize that they aren't making as much sense as they once did. AND, they are loosing reputations and integrity and (for lack of better wording) looking stupid by being stubborn and not accepting that others are easily blowing holes in much of what they still tout. Time to wake up and smell the future Jason.
4/23/2017 04:16:44 pm
Mr.Colavito,you talk a lot but you are saying nothing.Clearly ancient texts & legends speak of flying machines,whether its Irish documents like the magic stone of Tara or Assyrian stuff,like the Hebrew...or Chinese,Japanese..they all speak of another race (& even of aircraft that can go into space)..but you think you know better..? It wouldnt be hard to crush you any argument..
I'm a mechanical engineer who graduated in the spring of 1982 from LSU. There are very few people who even know what mechanical engineering is. If you do a Google search for the hardest degree to get as an undergraduate, you should see mechanical engineering come up as number 1. The word mechanics in the Physics sense is related to force reactions, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, kinematics, thermodynamics etc. many civil engineers started out trying to become mechanical engineers. The starting salary difference is significant. I had a guaranteed entry into LSU's medical school provided that I graduate with an ME degree. My wife had enough of my schooling so I turned down the opportunity. Ive stayed fairly current in modern physics over the years subscribing to magazines like Scientific American and the bimonthly MIT Review. The Ancient astronaut tv program is right up there with the most ridiculous programs I've ever watched. In that program, everything is explained in terms of ancient astronauts. If you are at all familiar with Watson and Crick and their shared Noble Prize for discovering the double stranded nature of DNA, you might be interested in Watson's book. As I recall, sometime around 1970, James Watson said that the probability of a hurricane blowing through would assemble a jumbo jet before human evolution could take place. You should be able to find this with a little effort on google.
6/20/2017 07:43:16 pm
Your ignorance is exceeded only by your arrogance..
Cayo Hern
7/14/2017 06:29:52 pm
A lot of the AA ideas start with a seed of scientific fact, but then propose a hypothesis, and instead of testing the hypothesis, just accept it as fact. Two ideas they repeatedly use that are based on likely facts are: 1 Intelligent life may have evolved elsewhere in the universe.....It's a big universe that's existed for billions of years, so it's likely that intelligent life, propably life even more intelligent than we apes, does exist elsewhere. The problem is that it would be difficult for that intelligent life to find us....and even if they did, they would likely be too far away to ever be able to visit our planet. Interstellar travel or intergalactic travel is probably not possible for biologiic life forms.
Cayo Hern
7/14/2017 06:41:08 pm
I wish that I had read what I posted above before submitting it since there are plenty of spelling mistakes and a few phrases left out in some sentences......but I think my arguments are understandable to most believers in science.
1/19/2018 09:18:45 pm
I found the Debunking Documentary to be great viewing. The only "theories" that Von Daniken and his asshat cronies talk about spread misinformation if not outright bold face lies.How can Tseukelos, Childress, Wilcox and others sit infront of a camera on the show and not laugh at the drivel they come up with is beyond me.They make our ancestors look like idiots...peoples who weren't able to come up with "fictional" entertaining stories or metaphors to explain their religious beliefs. AAT take myths and legends to be the literal truth.So in a thousand years AAT from that time will see current fiction as "real"...that it had to exist because it was written down.
James Wellman
10/22/2018 04:26:45 pm
Well from my experience, science is never correct at first. Carbon dating is one of the techs we use and is not correct, there are underlying imperfections we have yet to figure into the results. To move forward into the truth we can not be narrow minded! And to think we are the first civilization to be here on earth is ludacrist
4/14/2019 06:09:00 am
You Need a loan..?
Mr Cabbage
11/23/2019 04:08:57 pm
Spam tosser.
Mr Cabbage
11/23/2019 04:08:25 pm
Ha ha ha ha! Alien "theorists". The comments section only helps to demonstrate the point made in the article that you can't reach fruitcakes with logic or reason. The whole idea of "ancient aliens" doing all these things claimed by the fruitcakes are so ridiculous, and utterly lacking in evidence, that a sane person doesn't even know where to begin in "refuting" them. How does one go about "refuting" bullshit? If a child says they have an imaginary friend, does one "refute" it? No, of course not. That would be a waste of time. The only sensible responses are either to ignore the brat or laugh out loud at their ignorant innocence.
Ancient astronaut believers are always talking about main stream scientists, as opposed to lunatic-fringe "scientists", I assume. I wonder if the so called theorists behind this nonesense actually belevie in it themselves or if they are just snake oil salesmen. If they do believe, then they are morons.
Scott Murphy
5/29/2021 08:59:54 am
These people are truly whacked. And that clown Giorgio Tsoukalos is leading the whack job hit parade.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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