Seeing as it is Memorial Day weekend and we are facing down the gauntlet of several months stacked with multiple fringe history and UFO TV shows airing each week, I am going to give myself a break today and spend the day correcting copyedited chapter pages instead. I need to get something done before trying to review America Unearthed, Ancient Aliens, and possibly that To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science show all in the same week. My publisher has suggested three possible titles for my Mound Builder book but remains open to suggestions. In the poll below, let me know which you prefer, and feel free to share your suggestions for a better title in comments below.
5/25/2019 08:44:27 am
I have unfortunately no suggestion to offer, but the first title reads better and feel more natural. It also introduce the subject first, then ask the question as if it was some quest, which is more compelling! Good luck with editing!
Wim Van der Straeten
5/26/2019 09:42:02 am
I also prefer the first title.
Bob Voyles
5/25/2019 10:00:34 am
"The True Mound Builders: Reflections on Native American Culture"
5/25/2019 10:50:36 am
" but a valid input to the subject nevertheless."
Victor Charles
5/25/2019 11:24:03 am
I agree with your suggestion, if this is a serious work about the Mound Builders and their culture, then it should concentrate on that and not become a rank about White Racism. One other point, yours is one of the few comments on this blog of late which seems well thought out and not someone expressing their own, usually warped view of whatever topic is being discussed.
5/25/2019 11:40:24 am
Nope, the book IS about the pseudo aspect of the Mound builders the fakery and the racism.
5/26/2019 02:54:24 am
Never heard of 1491 in relation to White Racism
5/26/2019 03:24:56 am
I voted for the first option, but did NOT do so in an effort to suggest that you ought not lead with white racism, the depth of which is very much on display in "alternative history" (and even in this comment section) and deserves your devastating analysis and critique.
E,P, Grondine
5/27/2019 09:09:10 am
Hi VC -
Cyberbully Qu'est-ce gue c'est
5/26/2019 09:44:41 am
You know who did build mounds?
5/25/2019 10:47:25 am
I go with the first one as well. Although I am not sure about the word "hunt", perhaps "the invention of", or "the creation of a “Lost White Race”.
Joe Scales
5/25/2019 11:42:47 am
How The Mound Builders Triggered My White Guilt; or how to empower racists by blaming everything on them...
“Disco” Danny Ford
5/25/2019 06:36:23 pm
I thought of a good title:
Joe Scales
5/25/2019 10:57:18 pm
That you could think of anything "good" would be an achievement over your general misunderstandings. Remotely funny however, remains out of reach.
David Duke
5/26/2019 12:02:43 am
Scale-ing the Mound of Willful Ignorance: Or, Let's Pretend the 19th Century Didn't Happen.
Joe Scales
5/26/2019 09:54:58 am
Random User Names; or spreading the imbecility with no distinction, insight or ingenuity.
The Welsh Did It!!
5/26/2019 08:15:36 pm
Mounds of Misunderstanding of the English Language: How Imbecility Doesn't Mean What Joe Thinks That It Means.
Joe Scales
5/27/2019 10:43:28 am
Doc Roc
5/25/2019 12:48:17 pm
Editors giving you multiple options is like a woman telling you that you can pick from one of three options for which restaurant to take her to eat at on date night. All three options will work given the topic and market. Let them pick.
Riley V
5/25/2019 02:52:38 pm
I like the first choice the best.
An Anonymous Nerd
5/25/2019 11:16:25 pm
Who's the audience? "Pseudoscience" may be too big a word, depending on the answer to that question.
5/26/2019 02:52:48 am
Pseudoscience also exists within mainstream scholarship
5/26/2019 12:06:51 am
I like the first one. I'm not fond of questions in titles. They remind me of newspaper headlines that ask provocative questions the answers to which are always no.
How to eradicte pseudo from mainstream
5/26/2019 02:56:23 am
Avoid historical vacuums,
5/26/2019 03:02:55 am
Mystery of the Mound Builders: What 'they' really don't want you to know about America's past.
5/28/2019 11:28:14 am
I suspect a title along the lines of "what they don't want you to know" would likely get some fringey people to buy it. You don't want to be just preach to the choir.
A Buddhist
5/26/2019 09:12:25 am
The Mound Builder Myth: How American Pseudoscience Turned Native American Mounds into Monuments of a Lost White Race
Title Too Short
5/26/2019 09:23:48 am
That title is way too short - it lacks at least 20 words
Joe Scales
5/26/2019 10:02:41 am
Let's be honest here...
5/26/2019 01:28:41 pm
I predict that more people will read the book than have had sex with Joe.
5/26/2019 02:30:06 pm
Paul Mooney, is that you?
Paul Mooney
5/26/2019 04:04:49 pm
Yes, it’s me. Nice to see that you’re still stalking me!
Edward the sixth
5/26/2019 07:20:45 pm
More people than have had sex with him, however once you count sheep, goats, frogs and his own hand your would be up to a grand total of four, none willingly
Paul Mooney's Cloaca, Yearning for IT
5/26/2019 08:12:57 pm
You do know that frogs don't fuck, right?
A Very Lonely Farmer
5/27/2019 10:34:56 pm
Neither do dead humans, dead deer, or watermelons but......
An Anonymous Nerd
5/26/2019 07:52:51 pm
The Fringe always seeks to discourage skeptics, critical thinking, research, and things of that nature.
Accumulated Wisdom
5/26/2019 08:40:04 pm
"The Fringe always seeks to discourage skeptics, critical thinking, research, and things of that nature."
An Anonymous Nerd
5/26/2019 09:11:50 pm
[Someone incapable of thinking outside the box. ]
Paul Mooney’s Arse Cheeks
5/26/2019 10:50:54 pm
“Thinking outside the box” has a completely different meaning for me!
Accumulated Wisdom
5/26/2019 10:55:02 pm
"To too many who post on this blog the "box" they want us to think outside of is the box of reason, evidence, and research.
Anthony Warren Bardsley
5/26/2019 11:17:25 pm
"The Fringe always seeks to discourage skeptics, critical thinking, research, and things of that nature."
Accumulated Wisdom
5/28/2019 11:22:20 am
"Case in point: Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Vanessa del Rio, Bo "10" Derek (what does 10 represent in the Kabbala?) and the Nanas for Mr. Biswas of Medjugorje, as well as the Doctor Mengele of India, "Mother Theresa" and all of Doctor Who's female Companions ARE ALL VENUS."
Anthony Warren Bardsley
5/28/2019 12:16:51 pm
Doc Rock
5/27/2019 07:03:42 pm
Let me translate the Kiddie Table-ese: "the book will sell very few copies compared to a best-selling piece of woo by graham Hancock or the latest bodice ripper romance novel by a major author."
An Anonymous Nerd
5/27/2019 08:16:59 pm
That's how I interpreted Mr. Scales's comment at first. Then I noticed his (presumably sarcastic) suggestion to Mr. Colavito for a title.
piece of woo
5/27/2019 08:18:22 pm
Bible is the all time best seller as piece of woo
Doc Rock
5/27/2019 09:21:52 pm
You will get no argument from me on that one. 5/28/2019 10:14:03 am
"Mr. Scales sees Mr. Colavito's work as a challenge to his ideology."
Rev. Hernandez
5/28/2019 06:48:22 am
Ohhh, come on!-- how many books have you published, Scales? :)
An Over-Educated Grunt
5/26/2019 05:54:58 pm
I'm curious, Joe. Given how far you've vanished up your own ass regarding how you hate everything Jason says or does, why are you still here?
Rocket Launcher
5/26/2019 07:56:52 pm
Have you caught up with Rights of Man and freedom of belief being superior to Christianity, you vulgar believer
Rod Bacchus
5/26/2019 08:00:05 pm
Nah, Grunt is still on kneepads to David Barton and Catherine Millard, and any other nerd who re-writes American History in favour of the docile
Me So Horny
5/26/2019 08:19:25 pm
Some Sergeant let Grunt down, didn't teach teach him the difference between over and under. It's usually about five bucks. As in five bucks goin' to town on you!
Joe Scales
5/29/2019 10:25:03 am
5/26/2019 09:18:51 pm
Unless you're trying to keep the title sedate and boring for an academic press, call it something that more clearly reflects the premise. How about something like:
5/26/2019 11:26:48 pm
I think that's a great title, but... fabrication of mythical white mound builders seems to have gone in parallel with, not being a justification for, native displacement and genocide.
5/27/2019 07:16:31 am
The last two sound like you're supporting the idea of a lost white race. Stick with the first, which makes your stance plain, unless you want to trap true believers into reading something they probably won't understand and certainly won't accept.
E.P. Grondine
5/27/2019 08:56:29 am
Since there were no "moundbuilders", go with
5/27/2019 10:27:57 am
Are there mounds ? ,,YES
Doc Rock
5/27/2019 09:58:37 pm
E.P. Grondine
5/28/2019 09:06:41 am
Jim -
5/28/2019 09:30:42 am
So, piling up dirt then.
5/28/2019 10:34:52 am
Custom Made Uggs
5/28/2019 10:54:59 am
Unlike Mark Twain's father, Mr. Grondine does not get smarter as I get older.
E.P. Grondine
5/29/2019 08:57:29 am
Jim -
Maryanne Webster
5/29/2019 09:57:46 am
"Competence" n. the belief that E.P. Grondine is fit to opine on anything Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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January 2025