Idaho Shooter Wanted to Ask Pres. Obama to Fight "Martians" in American and Israeli Governments3/9/2016 A former Marine whom police described as having a history of mental illness shot and wounded a pastor who had recently prayed at a Ted Cruz rally before the shooter flew to Washington in an attempt to deliver documents to the White House. According to news reports, Kyle Odom, 30, believed that prominent U.S. and Israeli officials are secretly Martians, and he demanded that Pres. Obama take stronger action against the Jewish-space alien forces that he felt ruined his life. Odom identified dozens of members of Congress and the entire Israeli government as space aliens, adding that there were “too many” Israeli Martians to list. There is of course a risk that discussing Odom’s beliefs could be seen as exploitative, given his apparent mental condition. However, he is not the first person to have made news while acting on delusional belief in aliens, and I feel that his beliefs provide some interesting information about how disturbed individuals make use of pop culture pseudo-history and pseudoscience to give shape to their delusions. In this case, the influence of ancient astronaut and ufology literature and media is painfully apparent, particularly in its David Icke and Jim Marrs forms, descended from Richard Shaver’s claims. According to a manifesto Odom prepared, which was made public by KHQ-TV, he had planned a killing spree to take out people he felt were Martians or were under Martian mind control. He believed that the pastor he shot was a reptilian alien, whose eyes were “huge and bulging, the eyelids were darker green, and the irises were yellow/brown with slit pupils.” In a caption to an accompanying drawing, Odom described the aliens as looking like “Muppets.” Here is how he depicted one: The image is notably similar to internet images of Reptilian aliens, as well as to images of Mesopotamian art reproduced in ancient astronaut books and websites, like this one: Odom claimed that the pastor he shot threatened him through Bible verses sent by text message, and he described hearing voices that he interpreted as telepathic messages from aliens, which escalated to heterosexual and homosexual alien-human sexual fantasies and what he believed to be uncontrollable psychic sexual stimulation of his body. These sexual experiences were paired with revelations from the aliens that humans are their genetic creation. Odom claimed that he experienced so much sexual abuse from the aliens that he attempted suicide.
Odom said he first made contact with trans-dimensional beings through meditation, just as Graham Hancock alleged that altered states of consciousness allowed him to interact with trans-dimensional beings, who also attacked him. In claims reminiscent of people suffering from paranoia, Odom said that he was being followed, that the aliens tried and failed to control his mind, and that his actions were being sabotaged. His claims about Martians were woven into a narrative of personal failure related to his inability to find work and the difficulties he experienced in college, graduate school, and pharmacy school. Although an outside observer would attribute these setbacks he described to mental illness, Odom placed blame outside himself, and beyond the Earth. In a letter Odom attempted to deliver to Pres. Obama last night, he told the president that he knew that Obama was in contact with a space alien who claimed to love Obama and he asked Obama why he let the aliens “humiliate” him instead of taking action against them. In his manifesto, Odom described himself as “100% sane, 0% crazy” before detailing his ancient astronaut theory, which involved amphibious humanoids similar to Oannes, the infamous fish-magician of Babylonian myth promoted as an amphibious space alien in ancient astronaut literature. Odom believes that Martians live within the Earth and the moon, have highly advanced technology, and use human beings as sex slaves and breeding stock. He describes them as “arrogant” and claims they have the ability to travel between dimensions. Odom’s version of Martians quite closely tracks stereotypes about gender. He identifies Martian males as hypersexual, hyper-aggressive, and obsessed with power and control. Oddly, he did not describe female Martians but did claim that the God of the Bible was a space alien. “Martians are responsible for the God myth,” he said, adding that we must resist the Martians to save the Earth from suffering the same catastrophic destruction that ruined the environment on Mars. All of these claims can be found in ancient astronaut literature, particularly the work of David Icke and Jim Marrs, and on the television shows Ancient Aliens and Unsealed: Alien Files. While we obviously cannot place blame at the hands of these media, and disturbed individuals will turn to whatever is at hand, the close mixture of ancient astronaut, anti-Semitic, and New Age claims in Odom’s delusions is unlikely to have arisen independently of the fringe media stew. It is testament to the pervasiveness of fringe ideas that they have become a substitute mythology that individuals weave into their personal narratives.
3/9/2016 12:41:38 pm
I always believed that one of the two Senators we have from the State of Utah is from an alien planet sent here to destroy the citizens of the United States. He claims to be from Pittsburgh, but I personally don't believe him.
3/9/2016 12:50:05 pm
What happens in Pittsburgh, seldom stays in Pittsburgh.
3/9/2016 03:33:48 pm
Especially our barely human politicians, I feel bad about Santorum spawning from here.
Only Me
3/9/2016 12:49:36 pm
Sadly, I think Odom was just another step in a line of thinking that begins with "It wouldn't be on TV/the Internet if it wasn't true."
3/10/2016 02:54:05 am
This is, where we have to step in, teach our children to be skeptic about the "facts" presented in a special manner. I somehow understand, that my father stil thinks, TV is reliable. He grew up with the first steps of television, and the earnest trustwothy (seeming) newsmen back then.
3/9/2016 01:08:58 pm
Odom hit it all. Jewish conspiracy. Government conspiracy. Religious conspiracy. Shape shifting aliens. Telepathic communications. Mind control. Following him and sabotaging his life. Inter dimensional beings.
3/9/2016 01:36:59 pm
Bernie Sander = Jewish Alien. Now it's all starting to make sense,
Donald B. Miller
3/9/2016 02:32:50 pm
Now you tell me, I voted for him! But, if true, why is he against GMO and GE products? You'd think aliens would be all over that.
3/11/2016 06:45:58 am
The aliens want us to go all organic so that we can start having mass famines again.
3/9/2016 01:48:43 pm
The sketch looks like the Grinch. Could be this guy had a bad nightmare seeing the Grinch as a child, and this is all in his head from there.
3/9/2016 01:50:35 pm
I am not advocating any form of violence or in making fun of this obviously distorted and demented person that should seek help.
Time Machine
3/9/2016 02:16:29 pm
>>>All of these claims can be found in ancient astronaut literature<<<
3/9/2016 02:25:08 pm
I'm pretty sure that many (millions) more people have been killed by bible (or koran) literalists than have been by ancient alien believers.
Time Machine
3/9/2016 02:38:01 pm
And I repeat --- Barack Obama undid all the military campaigns in Afghanistan against the Taleban and Al Qaeda by not stopping ISIL and the spread of Islamic fundamentalism.
3/9/2016 05:36:07 pm
Poor Bobo. Do you salivate when you think of Margaret Thatcher?
Time Machine
3/9/2016 07:23:57 pm
Poor tm
3/9/2016 08:19:46 pm
Echolalia: Meaningless repetition of another person's words as a symptom of psychiatric disorder.
Day Late and Dollar Short
3/10/2016 09:46:51 am
Dear Time Machine,
3/13/2016 11:38:24 am
not really. And YHWH gave warnings against dealing with the false gods and demons. most entheogens are to ennable such contact. screws with your natural shielding.
Time Machine
3/9/2016 07:43:50 pm
Uncle Ron
3/9/2016 07:53:49 pm
I knew that sounded far too lucid and intelligent to have come from you, Time Machine. You cut & pasted it from the dust jacket summary at Amazon. You probably haven't even read the book.
Time Machine
3/9/2016 07:59:27 pm
Uncle Ron,
Time Machine
3/9/2016 08:11:27 pm
The point is this: Anti-Semitism still exists today in normal everyday society. Synagogues still get vandalised in France in 2016.
3/9/2016 10:40:04 pm
So ... you're clarifying your plagiarized comments?
Time Machine
3/10/2016 01:48:15 am
Yawn tm,
Tiem Machine
3/10/2016 01:50:42 am
And Uncle Ron and rm,
3/10/2016 02:09:05 am
A primary school insult? You copy that from someplace too?
Time Machine
3/10/2016 03:09:12 am
Anti-Semitism ultimately originates from the New Testament, and that is fringe history that is not worth the paper it's written on -- it cannot even be traced back to the first century. Anyone who thinks that the New Testament is not fringe history has got to be joking, It does not take much to reach the conclusion that it's all contrived.
Time Machine
3/10/2016 03:35:54 am
Since neither Biblical scholars or Atheists/Humanists/Agnostics can be relied upon about giving information about the origin of Christianity, I'll consider putting together my own account of the subject matter on PDF for a next-to-nothing price on Amazon. The subject matter is not complicated, and can be easily explained and understood.
Clint Knapp
3/10/2016 08:15:28 am
Seriously? We don't need your half-baked description of what anti-semitism is just because you happened to cherry-pick the term out of the day's post.
An Over-Educated Grunt
3/10/2016 08:44:25 am
"Mainstream scholars cannot be trusted with Biblical history, I ALONE clearly understand the truth about it!"
Time Machine
3/10/2016 09:05:36 am
Over Educated Ignorant,
Time Machine
3/10/2016 09:19:52 am
English language historians won't mention openly that France is an atheistic country or about its links with the Grand Orient - also English language historians when referring to the French Revolution mention the abolition of the French monarchy but not the abolition of the Roman Catholic church in France that was also a part of the French Revolution.
An Over-Educated Grunt
3/10/2016 09:25:58 am
Good grief, you're tiresome.
Time Machine
3/10/2016 12:33:22 pm
>>> grade-school level<<<
Only Me
3/10/2016 02:55:00 pm
Your comment about the origin of anti-Semitism, which includes your opinion about Christianity's origin, is completely undermined by the following excerpts from one of your own previous statements:
Time Machine
3/10/2016 03:56:03 pm
>>>That's three separate claims for the origins of Christianity and Judaism.<<<
Only Me
3/10/2016 04:21:28 pm
You must understand that your separate statements could be confusing for readers that might not follow the commentary on every blog post. I was hoping you would clarify your thoughts, and you did.
Time Machine
3/10/2016 08:52:40 am
Clint Knapp,
Clint Knapp
3/10/2016 06:24:53 pm
Again; no one cares.
Time Machine
3/10/2016 07:53:28 pm
Clint Knapp,
Time Machine
3/10/2016 08:09:55 pm
Putting Clint Knapp into perspective
3/10/2016 11:22:35 am
I thought this was all about some terrorist guy who sketched a picture of a Grinch like reptilian, having nothing to do with any of that other stuff, before going on a tirade. It has nothing to do with whatever 'fallacious round robin pop science' the thread has turned into.
3/10/2016 01:05:46 pm
Tirade is a good word for what "Time Machine" has been doing. Tangential thinking, perseveration of ideation, and even the childish responses are typical of someone with serious problems. Its also a bad sign that neither ignoring it, confronting it, ir ridiculing it seems to have much of an impact. As annoying as his posts are to everyone else, I would also argue that allowing him to continue to threadjack only makes his own problems worse.
Time Machine
3/10/2016 07:51:09 pm
Here's a childish response --- yawn.
3/10/2016 10:41:33 pm
If only all your childish remarks were that brief... :D
3/10/2016 11:47:31 pm
Jeez Louise! Would everyone please ignore Time Machine.
3/13/2016 10:49:00 am
3/13/2016 10:52:46 am
glancing at his manifesto, haven't gotten far, I see his troubles started with meditation and out of body stuff. This is guaranteed to get you trouble sooner or later.
Exaterressial Assonaut
3/13/2016 11:30:02 am
Schizophrenia is a sad disease. This man is mentally ill, and it has nothing to do with any ancient conspiracy, anti-Semitism, or anti-Christian agenda. I hope he gets good care and no access to anything more dangerous than a plastic fork.
3/13/2016 12:22:52 pm
Thank you for your cogent insight into the addled mind of Kyle Odom. As a former Marine, and a wary student of fringe elements, I found his manifesto and actions to be deeply unsettling.
3/13/2016 02:30:38 pm
". But perhaps even more disconcerting is the conviction he - and others - cling to in the face of what is no doubt incredulous to a vast majority of the rest of us. Even the most ardent skeptic has to sit back and ask the preposterous: What if he was right?"
3/13/2016 04:06:58 pm
I don't think hygiene was a factor. Marines, if anything, are quite fastidious about their appearance. His perception of those constantly sniffing around him speaks more to paranoia and his mental degeneration, in my opinion.
3/13/2016 04:18:27 pm
Meditation is harmless and good for reliving stress. The only problems that occur is when people are convinced that they are delving for higher "truths" and hypnotize themselves into believing it. That's why it's abused by all religion whether it's counting beads or chanting or breathing, it's the same. When you start feeling good you attribute it to God or whatever it is they told you it was.
3/14/2016 04:05:24 pm
I think someone else beat me to this, but reptilian aliens in human form taking over is kinda the plot of V. I've only watched part of the newer series, but I remember at least the remake had a distinct gray area of some of the aliens siding with the humans. Of course, playing paranoid devil's advocate, how does Odom know that Obama wasn't also an alien?
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