I wonder how much of the time I spent watching Unexplored + Unexplained is just a complete waste since absolutely no one is watching it. According to the Nielsen ratings, just 348,000 people watched the Science Channel’s broadcast of the show’s search for the Ark of the Covenant on Sunday. Meanwhile, America Unearthed host Scott F. Wolter, whose show airs on Science’s corporate cousin the Travel Channel, appeared on the Earth Ancients podcast to promote his new book, Cryptic Code of the Templar in America. (My review: Part 1, Part 2). Honestly, it was more of the same. All his greatest hits were there—Templars, Holy Bloodline Da Vinci Code conspiracies (cited by name as Da Vinci Code ideas), the Kensington Rune Stone, and the Newport Tower. We’ve talked about all of them before, and there is nothing new to say there. Most of the interview was devoted to the imaginary “mysteries” of the Newport Tower, and the “pagan rituals” he pretends were performed there. Instead, I’d like to talk about some of the less repetitive parts of the interview.
First, the big news: Wolter claims to be a member of the Royal Family of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. He modestly says it is “not that big of a deal” because “millions” of people share the same heritage, but he also says that he has ties to the royalty of Scotland and to the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten—a claim that can only exist if you accept the bonkers idea promulgated among fringe types that Akhenaten was the founder of Jewish monotheism and/or was actually Moses. Finally, though, we have proof of what I have long suspected, that extremist views of history are highly personal.
In the interview, Wolter summarizes his book and reiterates his belief that the hoaxed Cremona Document and Sinclair Journals (which I discussed in my linked book review) are in fact genuine medieval texts. However, much more interesting was Wolter’s admission during the interview that even the Travel Channel found his speculative history and acceptance of questionable documents to be too extreme even for cable TV. According to Wolter, his production company, Committee Films, reined him in: “They wanted to stick to the stuff that the network really wanted us to get into with the idea that if things went well, then we can get into some of these things,” he said. In short, the network wanted a more mainstream aliens and conspiracies show rather than an extremist Templar-Bloodline superfan power hour. Basically, my intuition after watching the boring fourth season of America Unearthed on its new network turned out to be right: the network interfered to make the show more mainstream and less balls-out bonkers. Apparently, when you are on the Discovery Networks, there are some limits to how crazy you can get, whereas the History channel, whose various channel aired Wolter’s previous efforts, finds no claim to esoteric or ridiculous to air. Anyway, in the current interview, Wolter openly asserts that the “fugitive” Knights Templar openly called their American colony the “Free Templar State.” OK, prove it. I challenge him to find a single genuine medieval document making any reference to this fake name, particularly a medieval world where territories were not defined by the nation-state. Our word “state” for a political organization is medieval, from what the Online Etymological Dictionary says are “Latin phrases such as status rei publicæ” (the status of the Republic). While “state” could be used to refer to a territory from about 1300 onward, it wasn’t used as an official name of a political organization at that time. Wolter asserts that the Knights Templar were in charge of the Holy Land during the Crusades and “intentionally” gave up control of the Crusader kingdoms to the Muslims after stripping Jerusalem of “science, technology,” and ancient artifacts and texts. This is an astonishing claim, an a horrific one if you are arguing that the Templars are paragons of freedom and peaceful goddess worship. They sacrificed thousands of lives, created untold suffering, and imposed European rule over a foreign people for generations and did it because they couldn’t figure out how to visit Jerusalem quietly. Wolter says that he is “100%” certain that the Knights Templar (apparently in their tens of thousands) were members of Jesus’ extended family, the royal lineage of the Jews. At one point, Wolter declares that modern historiography is “more like faith than science” upheld by “institutions” that are obsessed with a “paradigm.” He also takes a swipe at (presumably) me and others for suggesting that Native American oral traditions are not fully faithful reproductions of history. He said that listeners should “slap” anyone who suggests that oral traditions are revised and change over time. “It’s an insult,” Wolter says, because it questions the sacred. But if you compare colonial and early ethnologists’ records of oral traditions with the versions told today, you can see how they change and adapt over time to reflect current events. Just for example, versions of myths about monsters told before and after the discovery of dinosaurs can be radically different, as Adrienne Mayor has shown. That’s not to say oral traditions don’t contain elements of historical truth, but that they can’t be used without confirmation and context due to the nature of oral reports. The bottom line seems to be that Wolter’s historiography is growing into a family origin story for himself and a personal mythology to justify his (Masonic) spirituality. That might explain why he pursues it with the zealotry of the faithful, to the point that even his own network is trying to tone it down.
Research Scientist
12/12/2019 09:52:17 am
Jason, how can you even remotely disbelieve what Scott Wolter says. He has absolute proof of his heritage. I have it on reliable authority that he had his DNA checked against the DNA of Jesus and Akhenaten and his was a perfect match to both!
12/12/2019 12:28:13 pm
There can be no "Jesus Bloodline" because the historical Christ was only first fabricated during the second century. There are no references to a flesh-and-blood Jesus Christ dating from the first century, where the figure was regarded as a phantom deity existing only in believers.
12/12/2019 12:30:14 pm
Of course, Jesus Christ only exists in believers today in 2019. He cannot be found anywhere else.
William Smith
12/15/2019 10:42:24 am
Long before DNA I ask where I came from and was told I was living proof the Indians had sex with the buffalo. After DNA now I can prove I am a direct descendent between my mother and Santa Clause and not the Indians or buffalo.
Joe Scales
12/12/2019 10:15:34 am
Oddly enough, I think I'd respect Wolter more if he was knowingly passing this garbage onto his dupes to defraud them. Over the years however, I simply can't escape the conclusion that he's really just dumb. Really, really, really dumb.
12/12/2019 11:23:23 am
He has the dim eyes of an adult cow. Not the bright inquisitive eyes of a calf. I like cows and don't mean to slander them. If only humans could build a machine to turn grass into meat! I concur with your assessment. He's stupider than me and that's saying something. The stupidity really shines when he answers questions on his blog.
12/12/2019 12:00:11 pm
I agree Joe. I’d actually understand if he was engaging in willful fraud. It still would make him a scumbag, but at least you could discern some kind of logical thought process behind it.
12/12/2019 10:32:43 am
I once asked Woltter on his blog if he believed he was in fact a Knight Templar, and if he worshiped the Goddess, his response was that it was none of my business.
12/12/2019 12:03:22 pm
“... I guess Wolter will believe anything that stokes his ego or fills his bank account”.
12/12/2019 11:04:54 am
So he's related to Jesus but not the Rothschilds? "NO! Not one of THOSE Jews!" Very selective he is.
12/12/2019 08:21:13 pm
I have replied to your message about the Ark of the Covenant
12/12/2019 09:34:33 pm
What did you say?
I said
12/13/2019 07:00:49 am
I said that the Ark was made by Bezalel - which doesn't mean anything since the book of Exodus does not date from the period of time it describes. Pseudo-historical stuff. Let me know when you find Mount Sinai and its location.
12/13/2019 01:55:57 pm
I didn't know it was missing.
12/12/2019 11:56:03 am
Does this mean that Wolter and Linda Moulton Howe are related?
12/12/2019 12:24:51 pm
More persistant delusional paranoia than Don Quixote.
12/12/2019 12:40:14 pm
"For a buck and a SASE you, too, can be the proud owner of a genealogy extending back to the period of the dinosaurs. Contact Lady Diana."
12/12/2019 03:17:03 pm
I'm sure he's related to Brad Pitt too. I mean, just look at me...er....him!
12/12/2019 03:24:37 pm
A quick Google search seems to disprove his claim. The name has always roundly been accepted as "Jesus H. Christ". Not a 'W' to be found in there anywhere.
You forget
12/12/2019 08:28:25 pm
You forget that Western Civilization was founded on the Bible
I Remember
12/13/2019 12:15:49 am
Yes, the Romans and the Greeks couldn't get enough of the Bible!
12/13/2019 09:23:13 am
Western civilization was founded on the Bible?
Caleb has forgotten
12/15/2019 06:04:27 am
It was mandatory to attend church services until the 19th century. The Spanish Inquisition and its systematic destruction of unbelievers.
Even today in 2019
12/15/2019 06:08:53 am
There is the compulsory requirement to believe that the Gospels date from the first century without admitting that is only a bad theory. Read most books of the 19th century about the New Testament and most of them will state that the Gospels date from the second century. From the 20th century New Testament scholarship was formed into a cartel.
I Remember
12/15/2019 09:45:02 pm
12/15/2019 11:25:45 pm
Caleb has forgotten
12/16/2019 12:41:54 am
In the UK - only a couple of years ago it was still compulsory to say prayers before local Government meetings. Local councillors who were atheists were forced to say prayers in the UK. That lasted until the 21st century.
12/16/2019 12:46:31 am
Say prayers at Council Meetings
12/16/2019 12:55:36 am
Then, later, subsequently, another new law was passed enabling those councillors who wanted to say prayers at local government meetings, were allowed to do so.
Prayers at Local Government Meetings 2012
12/16/2019 01:01:53 am
In 2012, the High Court ruled that the saying of prayers as part of the formal meeting of a Council was unlawful (under the Local Government Act 1972),
Section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972
12/16/2019 01:08:26 am
Like I stated elsewhere, politicians don't know much about Biblical criticism or Biblical scholarship, much less about Christian origins, and are simple minded believers
12/16/2019 11:16:38 am
Hey Caleb
12/16/2019 12:43:25 pm
The Vatican is in Rome, not in Jerusalem
12/16/2019 01:35:46 pm
Wow... you’re KIDDING!
Hey Caleb
12/16/2019 01:44:56 pm
Even atheists know that Western Civilization is based on the Bible. Give it up. You keep digging yourself into a deeper hole.
Vatican’s location is irrelevant
12/16/2019 01:49:57 pm
That's like saying the presence of a mother during the birth of her child is irrelevant.
12/16/2019 02:04:12 pm
Hey Caleb:
12/16/2019 02:17:06 pm
@Vatican’s location is irrelevant:
Hey Caleb
12/16/2019 02:56:19 pm
What about before Rome? What about before Prehistoric Man? Let's roll everything back to the dawn of life on this planet itself.
Read THIS - Caleb
12/16/2019 02:59:24 pm
There was something After Mithras. There was something After Sol Invictus. Something took over all that stuff and became the dominant power of what became the Western World.
12/16/2019 05:41:32 pm
Oy vey.
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/16/2019 06:03:43 pm
Caleb, let me save you the headache real quick, because he's been doing this same routine for years.
I remember
12/16/2019 07:10:55 pm
"There was something After Mithras. There was something After Sol Invictus. Something took over all that stuff and became the dominant power of what became the Western World.
12/17/2019 04:00:26 am
Even those historians who say the same thing as Caleb about Pre-Christianity conclude that Western Civilization was founded on Christianity and the Bible. Lots and lots of books by historians can be cited.
Over Educated Grunt read this
12/17/2019 04:05:28 am
Yep, Judeo-Christianity and The Bible is founded on a mind-expanding drug and Jesus Christ can be found throughout the pages of the Old Testament.
Over Educated Grunt is uneducated
12/17/2019 04:13:11 am
It will soon be time to repeat those Nativity Stories and people don't know that the two accounts are contradictory and cannot be harmonised. If one of those Nativity stories is wrong then both of them can be wrong. And if the Nativity stories are wrong then how much more bogus biographical material exists in those Gospels. Historical figures like Herod, Quirinius, Caiaphas, Simon of Cyrene and Pilate were thrown into the mix sloppily during the second century when that so-called historical Jesus Christ was first manufactured.
Is Caleb Jewish?
12/17/2019 04:20:09 am
That would partially explain his position.
12/17/2019 04:31:10 am
The 20th Century Biblical Scholarship invented the myth that the Gospels date from the first century and promote that like it was historical fact. Anyone who disagrees with that poor theory is considered an ignorant.
I Remember
12/17/2019 11:04:08 am
"Even those historians who say the same thing as Caleb about Pre-Christianity conclude that Western Civilization was founded on Christianity and the Bible. Lots and lots of books by historians can be cited."
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/17/2019 12:42:54 pm
Yeah, see, there are two problems with that. First, you STILL don't know what I believe, you're playing this on a big old projector in your head, and second, you've been saying all this for years without offering proof, just assertions. If it's so obvious, prove it.
When can we expect to see you do that?
12/17/2019 01:03:41 pm
You can do it for yourself by going to Googlebooks.
projector in your head
12/17/2019 01:07:13 pm
Can tell exactly what you believe from your disparaging remarks
I Remember
12/17/2019 01:27:09 pm
No. I'm not your researcher. You made the assertion, you back it up. Not my job.
difference between saying something and not saying
12/17/2019 01:41:17 pm
And I know what you are saying
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/17/2019 04:43:07 pm
"Go on Google books" isn't evidence. It barely rises to the level of assertion. It's followed by a series of statements that you disprove in your own remarks. The United States wasn't created in a vacuum, but you claim western civilization has biblical origins while saying the US was secular in origin. Try again. This time with citations.
I Remember
12/17/2019 05:02:42 pm
Now I'm confused about whether I do or do not have a birth certificate.
12/17/2019 08:59:16 pm
Is Caleb Jewish?
I Remember
12/17/2019 10:38:33 pm
Be cool my babee! When you flip out like that the dipshits win.
12/17/2019 11:03:56 pm
I Remember:
An Over-Educated Grunt
12/18/2019 08:05:14 am
Whoa there, hoss. You're confusing KIF/666/Time Machine/Edgelord McDumbass over there ranting about me with me.
12/18/2019 08:25:18 am
As ignored by pseudo-historians Catherine Millard and David Barton who claim American Independence was based on Christian values without ever citing the letters of George Washington who extolled and praised the Great Architect of the Universe (available online for everyone to see)
Joe Scales
12/18/2019 01:57:40 pm
The comedy gold here is that Caleb thinks his tormentor is a Christian fundamentalist. Can't type more... still laughing...
Changing my handle with every post only strengthens my argument!
12/18/2019 01:58:45 pm
That argument of course is "I'M A MORON AND A BIG PUSSY."
12/18/2019 02:21:59 pm
Caleb won't stop
12/18/2019 02:27:02 pm
The pre-Christian stuff is nothing because the Western World was based on the Bible and Christianity for longer than the existence of the Roman Empire
12/18/2019 03:10:56 pm
@Caleb Whoever:
This Blog
12/18/2019 03:58:20 pm
Forget about Hancock, Wolter and others
12/18/2019 04:04:10 pm
Queen Elizabeth II will soon be hallowing the Nativity story on Christmas Day. Not a word about Mithras. Sol Invictus and without a reference to the Cult of Isis. Her Majesty goes on Christian Prayers every single Christmas day to worship Jesus Christ and no other Deity.
Minoans & Athenians
12/18/2019 04:20:04 pm
To hell with the Minoans and the Athenians because the origin of Western Civilization ultimately originated with the Missing Link. Let's be scientific about this.
12/18/2019 05:15:18 pm
"Queen Elizabeth II will soon be hallowing the Nativity story on Christmas Day. Not a word about Mithras. Sol Invictus and without a reference to the Cult of Isis."
Minoans & Athenians
12/18/2019 10:51:22 pm
Minoans & Athenians RULE !!
Joe Scales
12/19/2019 10:45:01 am
And now Caleb thinks I'm talking to him rather than at him. My god what an imbecile. Has he ever gotten anything right?
12/19/2019 01:09:49 pm
"The labarum. The Vatican in Rome and not in Jerusalem. Little things like this are constantly overlooked or regarded as unimportant - and to be ignorant about such a basic fact that Western Civilization was based on the Bible."
If you go through a checklist of all the typical features of pseudo-science in ancient history, you had a "check" at each item.
12/13/2019 08:12:42 am
Secular history itself is untrustworthy never mind mythological history. Only a tiny minority of people in the ancient world were literate and the written word was beyond reproach to the illiterates.
12/13/2019 09:24:54 am
A tiny minority? Yep, your knowledge of ancient history clearly sucks.
12/13/2019 08:48:30 pm
At 1 hour 12 minutes Wolter urges listeners to slap people who disagree with them. At 1 hour and 27 minutes he goes nuts and says ALL of the "Founding Fathers" were Freemasons and Templars and were rebelling against the persecution of the colonists by the Catholic Church, because the Catholic Church ran the persecution racket in the English colonies. He doesn't mention the assistance of the largely Catholic French, y'know, Phillip the Fair's French.
12/14/2019 06:19:31 pm
As a person who became interested in your site's review of the book by Z. Halpern, "The Templar Mission to Oak Island and Beyond"- I noted in her book, page 187, it shows a pictures of a supposed anchoring rock--and she gives photo credit to Isaac Stewart and Danny Hennigar. Then, I read the next book on the subject that came out after Ms. Halpern died by Donald Ruh- "The Scrolls of Onteora-The Cremona Document"...in his book he greatly credits the many Scott Wolter photos, but oddly, does not credit the figures 29 and 30 in his book (2011)--but the photos seem similar to Halpern's book....then we come to Scott Wolter's book, "Cryptic Code of the Templars in America"...low and behold on page 199, two pictures of the same type show up. Wolters' caption on these, "These pictures were taken by Dr. William Jackson, in May of 1971, of what he and Donald Ruh believed was the same anchor stone on the shore of Prince Edward Island used by Sir Ralph de Sudeley and his party to secure a ship during their voyage to North America in 1178. Courtesy of Donald Ruh. Here was an avenue to research! It turns out that what Ms. Halpern wrote in her book, giving credit to Mr. Stewart and Mr. Hennigar was correct- plus these photos were all taken by Mr. Stewart!!!- not by Dr. Jackson. This lends one to wonder what else in the Wolter book- if one takes the time to research- shows this type of poor fact finding to meet needs?
12/14/2019 09:13:37 pm
First. "low and behold"?
Subject matter died few years ago
12/15/2019 06:15:30 am
Z. Halpern was told that before she died
Of course
12/15/2019 08:20:29 am
There's that reality show "Curse of Oak Island"
12/15/2019 09:28:07 am
Point of fact *without the 1-4*- The series of photos sent to Zena Halpern and all the photos you see in Ruh and Wolter books were all sent by Mr. Stewart via Mr. Hennigar. That is a fact. Research showed a series of photos taken- these are a few of the photos shown to exactness that Ruh and Wolter used, and the incorrect statement Wolter put in his book caption page 199. It is valuable to do research- fact checking it is called...
12/15/2019 09:56:19 am
But is the stuff in the photos authentic
12/15/2019 03:10:30 pm
"Low and behold"....
12/16/2019 10:07:20 am
"RESEARCHER" is claiming that both Ruh and Wolter have published pedigreed photos in their books, but have failed to give proper credit to the source of the photos.
12/16/2019 11:41:50 am
B L gets it-- the criticizer doesn't quite get that if one does the research- names given- you can have all the pictures. No one seems to take the time to read a book *even if they don't like the author* to find the author's obvious misleading. Whether you found Halpern's book informative or not- she did do it right, and one could research farther into it. She at the least, gave correct credit and didn't need to make up something for the pictures. I found it odd the other people who might have read all three books didn't pick up on that.
12/16/2019 12:35:35 pm
I'm not interested in buying 3 books I don't want to read to check your assertions. It's really that simple.
12/15/2019 11:44:31 am
When I am in a barnyard, I do not need to do research to know not to step in bullshit. Wolter and the rest? No research necessary. Take that as you will.
William Moisson Sr.
12/15/2019 02:10:38 pm
I strongly suspect Scott Wolter is an idiot masquerading as a geologist>historian>royalty>human and so on. Not worth our time or consideration.
Doc Rock
12/15/2019 06:37:58 pm
Thinking that oral tradition is unimpeachable history is really where you are dealing with faith. As usual Wolter got things bassakwards.
P.G. Grenadine
12/16/2019 02:44:30 pm
Anthropologists must:
Gram Bakedcock
12/16/2019 06:51:13 pm
The words of the ancients echo through time and will reveal their ancient secrets of all things if we but listen closely and partake long and deeply of the stickiest of the icky. The hidebound archaeologists will be toppled from their gilded thrones of closemindedness and elitism. The night sky will be aglow from the twin bonfires of their collective vanities and worthless degrees. Zahi Hawass will be stripped, flogged, forced to recant his rancid orthodoxy and then driven into the desert to waste away like the poisonous vines on the decaying ivory toward. Sir Wolter will ascend to his rightful place in the new intellectual world order. I have spoken.
Jr. Time Lord
12/19/2019 05:41:36 pm
"a claim that can only exist if you accept the bonkers idea promulgated among fringe types that Akhenaten was the founder of Jewish monotheism and/or was actually Moses."
No Moah Shoah
12/19/2019 09:43:03 pm
First, you don't "bump" a line of cocaine. A line IS a bump.
Dreaming of a White Xmas
12/20/2019 01:02:46 pm
Line and bump are generally considered to be d ifferent things. Bumping would involve chopping out lines then periodically taking a small bump off the end of each line until it is gone, then moving to the next line as opposed to snorting the whole lines at once. Not the best way to do it but to each head his own.
Jr. Time Lord
12/20/2019 02:19:50 pm
White Xmas
12/20/2019 02:27:30 pm
Kent/AmericanNegro tends to treat written comments like Rorschach; they mean what he wants them to mean.
12/27/2019 09:57:35 pm
If Jesus had descendants They would likely number in the tens if not hundreds of millions. Descendant's of the Pharaoh Akhenaten would likely number in hundreds of millions to the billions.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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