In New Interview, Scott Wolter Says "Nasty" Jason Colavito Knows How to "Manipulate the Internet"6/4/2015
“It’s a marketing campaign now.”
That’s how America Unearthed host Scott Wolter described his advocacy of fringe history in an interview broadcast on KFAI Radio in Minneapolis-St. Paul last night in the documentary Minnesota’s Runestone: Whose History Is It? Wolter told interviewer Brigitta Greene that he has stopped trying to work with “academics” because academics try to “baffle me with bullshit” and are closed to new facts. Instead, he said, he hopes to appeal directly to the public in order to foment widespread demand to hold academics accountable for explaining why they reject hyperdiffusionism and historical conspiracy theories.
Minnesota’s Runestone purports to be a program about the way various people use the Kensington Rune Stone, a hoax inscription purporting to tell of a Norse expedition from Vinland to Minnesota in 1362, to construct and re-construct the past, but it’s mostly a profile of Scott Wolter. The documentary is a little rough around the edges, and at times it can be a bit confusing if you don’t already know the details of the Kensington Rune Stone saga, particularly the involvement of the Ohman family and their relationship with Scott Wolter.
Wolter told Greene that one of his most important motivations for defending the Rune Stone was to “protect” the Ohman family, with whom he is close friends. He took a phone call from Darwin Ohman in the middle of his interview with Greene. Wolter delivers some of his usual bluster about how he’s ready to throw down with anyone who has evidence. “Put your cards on the table. I’ve got three books. Here they are. (Drops books.) Boom!” Later, he says that he’d like academics to tell him why he’s full of shit: “I don’t mind people saying, ‘You’re full of shit,’ but tell me why I’m full of shit.” If his position is somewhat incoherent—simultaneously lambasting and rejecting academics and demanding they engage with him on his terms—his views all revolve around his demand and desire for those he perceives as social elites to engage with him as equals. Both Scott Wolter and I appear in the documentary, though I was not aware of that fact when I gave Greene an interview about the Kensington Rune Stone in July 2014. I didn’t know that the program would eventually turn into a Wolter profile. Greene interviewed Wolter last fall at his home in St. Paul, which she described as looking like a cabin and housing two “yapping” little dogs. In an artistic choice I found questionable, Greene chose to ask Wolter about me before telling listeners anything about me. When Greene brought up my name as one of Wolter’s chief internet critics, it resulted in him calling me “nasty” and then saying: “The thing about Colavito is that he’s a debunker. His arguments aren’t sincere. He will not acknowledge a factual point that doesn’t support his arguments. But this is a guy who’s very savvy. He’s figured out how to manipulate the internet to control the discussions to a large degree.” This, as Greene later notes, came from a man who has a national television show he uses to try to influence the public. After this, Greene features some fuzzy clips from me—we spoke by phone, and it shows—discussing fringe history in general and explaining that far from having a vendetta against Wolter, I had very little knowledge of him before America Unearthed premiered. The only other person to appear in the program is Robert G. “Bob” Johnson, a Rune Stone speculator and author of The Last Kings of Norse America, who claims that a paper on the Norse empire in central North America that he submitted to an unspecified academic journal was rejected within two business days. Johnson calls this systematic bias against Rune Stone research and says that the editors rejected the paper because they told him that they “know” that the Rune Stone is a fake. (Johnson is best known as the co-discoverer of the hoax AVM Rune Stone.) But even Johnson recognizes that most Rune Stone claims are “not on track, let’s say, and they do make it difficult for people who think they have a real idea.” He singles out the History Channel (i.e. Scott Wolter) for poisoning the debate with outlandish ideas.
Scott Hamilton
6/4/2015 02:06:34 am
I have a terrible urge to read The Last Kings of Norse America, just to find out how you get to a Norse empire from the rune stone.
6/4/2015 02:24:43 am
I believe his claim is that it was more of a suzerainty over a trade empire, something akin to a Victorian protectorate rather than a full-fledged colony.
Duke of URL
6/5/2015 05:22:26 am
ISTR reading an SF novel on that theme; sadly, it was decades ago and I cannot recall the title. Any suggestions?
6/6/2015 01:04:29 pm
Sounds like this is a fantasy of a Norse Hudson Bay Company. Of course if that is the case we should expect to find all sorts of trade artifacts and it appears we don't.
6/7/2015 03:17:37 am
Here is my review on Goodreads;
6/4/2015 03:05:02 am
I thought that documentary was really good. It gave a decent summary of the situation from an uninvolved point of view, which isn't easy for the KRS. Most people either have an opinion or don't care at all.
6/4/2015 03:25:26 am
Just realized the comment section is displaying properly now. I haven't changed anything. I was running the latest Firefox 38.0.1 when it wasn't working and still am.
Ken Stone
6/4/2015 05:11:09 am
Please name one academic who takes Scott Wolter seriously.
6/4/2015 07:48:41 am
I can't name one academic of any sort.
6/4/2015 12:18:37 pm
I have many peer reviewed papers. If they rejected it that fast than it had to be completely off the wall. My guess is he starts by claiming the KRS is real without giving any new evidence - especially given the response he said he got. Either that or his reputation in the community is soo bad that no one believes anything this he says
6/4/2015 01:00:10 pm
I have a couple simple questions if you don't mind. Are you part of academia? Do you get a card to carry as a member? Is academia comprised of anyone holding a university or college teaching job or is it those who have published in peer journals?
6/5/2015 10:49:57 am
I am actually a DoD researcher. Though is have a PhD and ma published I am not considered an academic. Academia is usually viewed as anyone teaching or researching at an college or university. So pretty much any professor or researcher is an academic. Publishing is not required to be an academic but its one of the big measures of success. The number and quality of publications means a lot when you are competing for funding.
6/5/2015 12:14:31 pm
Thanks. That's probably what I would've assumed so it's nice to know for sure. I still believe academia makes logical decisions but it'd be nice to have someone provide actual details about some of these allegations from the fringe.
6/6/2015 11:24:31 am
Walt, it's awfully hard to provide "details about some of these allegations" when the people who are being accused don't even know they're being accused a great deal of the time, because they don't pay attention to people who are not actually part of their field and therefore don't actually have much basis for making any of the claims they make. I mean, I don't much take seriously the claims of those who don't have any art training when it comes to art, nor do I take particularly seriously claims of people who aren't educators about education, because both groups largely show their ignorance of the field within a few sentences. I largely react to any discussion on "standardized testing" with, "Oh, you're so cute and so ignorant, please stop talking before you realize how dumb you're being," for example. (I can explain why if you want, but that would be getting away from the point of the post right now.)
6/6/2015 12:48:43 pm
I've never seen Jason debunk the "academics are biased in their rejections" claim. In the last paragraph of this blog, Jason says a paper was rejected in 2 days without discussing it further. 6/6/2015 02:05:10 pm
I didn't say the paper was rejected in 2 days; I said that is what its author claimed. Without knowing the paper's contents and the journal in question, the claim is just a claim.
6/6/2015 02:32:41 pm
Sorry about that. I never intended to imply you were the one making that statement, but that's exactly what I wrote.
6/7/2015 03:54:56 am
Walt, I didn't realize that you wanted someone to specifically debunk the "academics are biased in their rejections" claim. Possibly because I thought it was self-evident in the details of what Jason does in debunking the rest of the claims--"this is the research, this is what you can find just with Google, this is what primary sources actually say." Generally speaking, that's rejection on the basis of research rather than bias.
6/7/2015 04:41:14 am
In this digital age, it's pretty stunning to me that there's not some record somewhere of what papers are rejected, by whom, and for what reasons. Keeping no records is usually indicative of non-professionals, to put it politely. 6/7/2015 08:14:03 am
Walt, why would you expect a journal to keep records of rejected papers? Do you realize that all kinds of people submit papers, often for the most frivolous of reasons and rational? They get inundated with lots of crap and to expect them to keep records of that is unreasonable.
6/7/2015 08:56:34 am
I just expect everyone to keep records of everything these days I guess since it's usually automated. I hadn't even considered that there wouldn't be any records. I'd assume even the crap has to be received and be made available to peers for their rejection. These days, there's normally an electronic trail of that happening.
Joe Scales
6/6/2015 04:00:37 am
Wolter's attack on "academia" is wholly without merit. It's like a grade school kick ball player demanding to be recognized by Major League Baseball; that's how out of sorts it is. Wolter's conclusions cannot withstand simple logic, let alone peer review. Confirmation Bias and Proof by Assertion are constants in his bag of tricks. With only a BS in geology, he attempts to rewrite history by delving into linguistics, archeology, history and other fields in which he has absolutely no expertise nor formal education. Even geologists have questioned his slipshod methodology, noting that his KRS work in this regard could only appeal to (and/or mislead) the layperson . There are some interesting discussions you can find online within geology forums where he is roundly dismissed. There are also articles and papers from those who used to work with him, that know his intellectual dishonesty all too well.
6/6/2015 09:44:21 am
Do you know any links where these discussions and papers by other Geologists can be found? I have been looking around and can't find any outside of the one done by Wolter's former colleague Richard Neilson.
Joe Scales
6/7/2015 05:54:04 am
The papers and reviews from the Swedish "academics", as well as criticism from Prof. Williams, you've already found on Nielson's site. Note that Wolter recently condemned the page on his blog, accusing (without direct evidence) Nielson of either editing the material or falsifying it. He also wrote that he'd never seen the Swedish academics' criticism of his work; which is strange because in their report they reference interactions with Wolter himself. But by picking a point or two where solely a premise was agreed to, Wolter boldly jumps to the conclusion that the Swedish academics basically agreed with him; yet another exercise of intellectual dishonesty from Wolter.
Only Me
6/7/2015 02:03:12 pm
Joe, thanks for the search suggestion. I'm still going through the entire discussion, but I found this excerpt to be on point:
6/7/2015 03:12:08 pm
@ Only Me
6/7/2015 03:17:03 pm
Edit: I should have given the detail that it was in an email that Wolter sent to the original person that posted the response.
Only Me
6/7/2015 06:57:44 pm
Thanks for the findings, John.
Joe Scales
6/8/2015 04:09:28 am
If Professor Weiblen ever supported Wolter's research, it didn't last long:
6/8/2015 07:19:43 am
And that conversation was back in 2006. Imagine what they would say now with Wolter going off the rails more than ever before.
Uncle Ron
6/4/2015 03:17:55 am
Congratulations Jason! You have learned how to manipulate the internet! You'll be rich!
Clint Knapp
6/4/2015 03:48:02 am
Dear Scott F. Wolter,
6/4/2015 04:29:24 am
Jason, you sure stepped in it when you questioned Scott Wolter about his bogus Masters Degree. He finally had to admit that it was on honorary degree given to him over a cup of coffee. We should all accept the fact that Scott Wolter is a voice crying in the wilderness, leading us away from accepted and verified facts, to the bright sunny land of truth as proclaimed by Scott Wolter, forensic geologist and examiner of concrete.
6/4/2015 04:42:33 am
Internet tough guy Jason? Not bad. I thought the interview was mostly alright. You were excellent despite the weird context your separate interview was placed in. It would have been nice if she had introduced you before letting Wolter lump you into the category of "nasty" which seems to imply you have something against the family that he is protecting, but she seemed to try for balance. However I got the impression she didn't buy into Wolter's ideas but being confronted by Wolter's mania in close quarters, in his own house, could be intimidating and limit the conversation, so aside from some editing/artistic choices it was okay.
Ken Stone
6/4/2015 05:08:25 am
Scott Wolter should not hold subjective beliefs in things that can be debunked.
6/4/2015 06:38:20 am
Apologies if this has already been mention, but the latest FireFox upgrade has fixed the commenting glitch on weebly and a few other social media sharing tools that also got screwy on the last update.
Shane Sullivan
6/4/2015 07:33:34 am
Manipulate the internet, huh? Do you do that with your Samsung Tablet of Destiny?
Only Me
6/4/2015 08:53:16 am
“The thing about Colavito is that he’s a debunker. His arguments aren’t sincere. He will not acknowledge a factual point that doesn’t support his arguments. But this is a guy who’s very savvy. He’s figured out how to manipulate the internet to control the discussions to a large degree.”
terry the censor
6/4/2015 09:03:09 am
Wolter: "The thing about Colavito is that he’s a debunker. His arguments aren’t sincere."
Kal Kat
6/4/2015 09:16:45 am
SW may have actually committed an illegal act or more broadcasting this program and cutting and pasting you to make you sound completely different. That would be slander and misrepresentation to defame and fraud. It is ironic since that is was SW does.
6/4/2015 09:20:57 am
If we exclude that Scott Wolter's words are exaggerated, then there is only one logical solution: Jason Colavito has a job at the NSA, just where Edwad Snowden once was sitting. True? :-)
David Bradbury
6/4/2015 09:48:31 am
Maybe it's just me being suspicious, but this blog post looks a lot like a case of Jason manipulating the internet. Nasty academic truthseeker- he should be exiled to the farthest reaches of cable TV, where he can do no damage.
Duke of URL
6/5/2015 05:25:37 am
David, you owe me a clean keyboard...
Dave Lewis
6/4/2015 02:15:40 pm
Being called nasty by Scott Wolter means Jason is really on track.
6/4/2015 06:58:30 pm
I could listen to you talk all day long about anything Jason.
6/5/2015 01:09:43 am
Whenever I debate Wolter on his blog, I always try to be polite and he responds in kind. If I persist long enough, I always end up with the last word, because Wolter stops responding.
6/5/2015 02:20:34 am
"Housing two 'yapping' little dogs"
6/5/2015 08:37:30 pm
Speaking of Wolter does anyone know if History will pick up his show again?
6/6/2015 04:15:44 am
I was wondering that also. It seems to me that if the show was going to be broadcast, they would be promoting it by now. All the other crap quasi-reality shows the History channel are going to show are being promoted.
6/6/2015 07:35:34 am
On twitter, Wolter posted that he's going to be back on tv in July, but he doesn't know the name of the show yet. I assume that means that the entity known as "America Unearthed" is over, but H2 is still going to use his many "talents" for some new creation.
Mike Morgan
6/6/2015 10:10:48 am
Under his blog:
6/8/2015 10:26:45 am
What I don't get is that it's already June and supposedly this show is coming out in July. There's only a little over a month left and the fact that there is no official announcement by History, let alone that there is no promotion for it what so ever is completely bizzare. Can someone explain how this works?
6/8/2015 03:52:34 pm
I'm no expert but me thinks it got canned before it aired even one episode. Or at lest I would hope so.
6/8/2015 04:19:59 pm
I'm not sure about that. People keep saying that Scott Wolter on his twitter keeps teasing about a new show coming in July that he just recently filmed.
6/7/2015 04:33:39 am
This program seemed to have no clear purpose and unfortunately, the Minnesota taxpayers have again paid money to listen to Scott Wolter rant. What a waste.
6/7/2015 10:33:11 am
If anyone wants to know about Wolter's thoughts on peer review here is a link to a discussion online back around 2006:
6/7/2015 11:00:45 am
The archive that I found this on:
6/7/2015 11:43:46 am!msg/sci.archaeology/aZNSwMR4UDk/HVlbzOgkd6EJ
Joe Scales
6/8/2015 05:22:46 am
And he does it again...
6/8/2015 08:10:02 am
Well Joe looks like Wolter got around to replying to your post on his blog:
6/8/2015 06:09:24 am
Did I hear him correctly? Did Scott not once but twice mention being a PhD? That must have been one hell of a coffee!
6/8/2015 08:41:26 am
Boy Scott is on a roll:
6/8/2015 08:49:06 am
For context, here is Weiblen's report on the KRS in 2001:
Joe Scales
6/8/2015 12:06:18 pm
More of the same from Wolter. He demands we accept his conclusions simply because he's right; as if Proof by Assertion isn't a fallacy. When he's caught saying certain experts support him and it's shown they don't, he'll deny the obvious and then resort to name calling.
6/8/2015 11:52:24 am
Wolter's latest episode on his blog:
6/8/2015 11:54:49 am
Hasn't this debate already happened? I thought that not one of the people that Wolter claimed to have reviewed his work has never been published or even read by anyone?
Joe Scales
6/8/2015 12:24:12 pm
Yes, the debate raged on until the Larsson Papers appeared, which is where anyone with any academic integrity got of the Good Ship Wolter. Rather than realize his claim to fame was an error riddled farce, Wolter instead chose to embrace the Masons as Templars fringe to discredit the Larsson Papers simply by pointing at them and shrieking "CONSPIRACY!!!" So rejected by academics, he was left with the likes of Alan Butler, a television network that cares not one bit for truth and now nothing is out of bounds. Dan Brown, Bat Cave stones... you name it.
6/8/2015 12:33:45 pm
Notice that in the link provided on the 2006 blog posting:
6/8/2015 01:06:25 pm
I'm pretty sure there is no higher up, since it is his company. And let's be honest no professional takes the guy seriously. Not the Rune stone Museum, not Professor Paul Weiblen, and I'm pretty sure Darwin Ohman doesn't take Scott seriously anymore. After Scott ordered the moulding of the KRS that left the black dis coloring on it from the iron sulfide (reported in Richard Neilson and Paul Weiblen's reports) I would be shocked if the Ohman family wanted anything to deal with him after his carelessness and lack of consideration for standard protocols.
Joe Scales
6/8/2015 02:05:19 pm
Should Wolter continue to testify in court as an expert within his field of expertise (concrete failure), he's left so much out there in fringe territory and utter mendacity that would be ripe for opposing counsel to use against him in voir dire simply to question his overall competency and veracity.
6/8/2015 02:36:27 pm
If anyone is smart enough to use his fringe theories and investigations against Wolter in an environment like that than he deserves it. Maybe it will finally show people of the charlatan that he is. But until that time, the History Channel can at least further embarrass themselves by having Wolter on it. Hopefully the day will come when the situation arrives and he has no choice but to admit fault so that his followers can finally see past the smoke and mirrors.
6/8/2015 12:12:36 pm
" Scott WolterJune 8, 2015 at 3:47 PM
6/8/2015 12:39:54 pm
I apologize to Jason for filling his blog up with links anybody can find. But this letter to his professors in regards to his review, which he will not allow anyone to see, is just hilarious. Well, at least to me anyway:
6/8/2015 03:01:36 pm
Oh. My. God:
6/8/2015 05:11:01 pm
Wow. In Scott Wolter's point of view, it is is now UNFORTUNATE to expose and discredit a former member of the American Nazi Party...WHO RAPED CHILDREN!!! If there is anybody that deserves that than it is Frank Josephs. That is an understatement to say that being a Neo-Nazi and child rapist is what Scott Wolter waves away as a "checkered past" and "personal failings". Especially when one of those failings beliefs used pseudoscientific theories, similar to the theories that Scott Wolter uses in his bullshit, as a means to justify the killing of millions of people just because they weren't white Europeans. That's an agenda if I have ever heard one. But, who cares about that -- it's the evil agenda of the Academics that we have to watch out for. Scott Wolter is a disgusting piece of shit for even defending Joseph's ass. But, you know...just a personal failing of Wolter. Whatever.
Shane Sullivan
6/9/2015 08:28:29 am
I interpreted Wolter's comment to mean that it was Joseph's "checkered past" that was "unfortunate", not the fact that people were attacking it.
6/9/2015 11:32:44 am
@ Shane 6/8/2015 04:25:25 pm
In the 10 years I spent on the usenet newsgroups from 95 to 05 as "DrPostman" I wore the label "debunker" with pride. Who the hell wants to support bunk? Wolter is one piss poor lousy piece of work who is just about useless when it comes to research.
12/15/2015 07:25:32 pm
For someone who like to boast that he anonymously kicked ass on an anonymous site... you are truly fucking horrible at actually doing the kicking of that ass.
12/16/2015 05:51:35 pm
So.... Shit for Brains!!
12/16/2015 06:00:19 pm
One final thought.... you arrogant little cocksucker.
12/16/2015 06:54:01 pm
That's nice, now go put some ass cream on all that butt hurt, grow some balls, and move on.
You Suck at This
12/17/2015 09:35:47 pm
You claim that you spent 10 years kicking ass as Dr. Postman, yet... you truly suck at making valid points or even defending your position.
So, now being a holocaust denying Nazi with an extensive collection of kiddie porn, not to mention the "small problem" of his predilection for raping small boys is considered having a checkered past? And it's unfortunate that debunkers try to discredit him?
6/8/2015 09:03:22 pm
A May 2011 open letter by Darwin Ohman:
Joe Scales
6/9/2015 04:13:15 am
"At this juncture, I believe it is by taking a stand against those who have demonstrated an intention to use the Rune Stone for personal agenda rather than seeking the truth"
Colavito Liesoften
6/11/2015 01:24:57 am
Still pretending to be credible, Jason??
Only Me
6/11/2015 07:45:08 am
Hi, S.M. Raen. Or should I say, Scott Reaney? Still mad, I see.
6/12/2015 11:23:35 pm
What, is this the same Scott Reaney who tried, and failed horribly, to insult EP based on EP's nationality a while back? The one who's friends with the shotgun toting farmer?
Only Me
6/13/2015 04:39:18 am
Yes. Apparently, his "I'll get my readers to send you hate mail!" campaign was unsuccessful.
6/13/2015 05:25:54 am
Go figure. Guess he is trying to use Jason as a means to get more people to read his junk again.
S.M. Raen
12/15/2015 02:20:15 pm
And.... who the f#*k are you??
12/15/2015 03:57:07 pm
"to put this into simple language for your simple mind....
12/15/2015 07:38:28 pm
I see that this is you being as courageous as you can be. Sad! 6/11/2015 11:03:38 am
And who do YOU think you are? I find Jason to be very credible and well researched. You come across as passionately credulous dick with a chip fixed permanently to your shoulder. You appear to be a nobody, with no comments to your pathetic blog. Have fun stewing in your butthurt.
12/15/2015 02:35:40 pm
Ah... another fucking idiot!
Jamie Eckles
12/15/2015 03:10:06 pm
Took you nearly 6 months to come up with that lame reply? Dream faster, kook.
12/15/2015 03:22:20 pm
Jamie Eckles
12/15/2015 04:13:31 pm
You need to believe that, don't you? Anyone who sets up a blog that hates on someone has to be one of the highest forms of loser on the net. Enjoy your butthurt.
12/15/2015 04:30:04 pm
How simple are you??
Jamie Eckles
12/15/2015 04:46:47 pm
It's a hate page, nothing more. He didn't take a damned thing from you. Get over yourself.
Oh.U.R. Good.haha
12/15/2015 05:02:05 pm
Spoken like a typical revisionist.
12/15/2015 06:34:19 pm
I ain't done kicking your ass, Poindexter!!
12/15/2015 07:15:26 pm
Are you still hiding??
Jamie Eckles
12/15/2015 10:14:01 pm
You are foaming at the mouth, aren't you? I don't give rat's ass about your blog O hate. It's not even on Jason's radar. It's not on anyone's radar. No one would know about it had you not posted it to Jason's blog. You are a bitter butthurt fool who has some very strong control issues, as is evidenced by this set of rants you posted. Took you 6 months to form a reply and now you want everyone to be at your beck and call. How high can you piss up a rope?
12/15/2015 11:17:38 pm
You amuse me, Poindexter!
12/15/2015 11:24:25 pm
Your conduct reminds me of when I was kicking the piss out of James Oberg. Oberg was getting destroyed.... so he logged out as Oberg, then logged back in under a different name. Oberg believed that this act would create the illusion that he had a following.... and that he was not just a lonely, pathetic fool.... sitting alone at the computer. You are THAT guy.
Jamie Eckles
12/16/2015 12:23:39 am
You are posting words on a screen, nothing more. No one is even reading you except me, and I'm going to bed. Rant on though, since that seems to be the only joy you have in life.
12/16/2015 08:43:15 am
Yeah. You sad fucking hero.
Jamie Eckles
12/16/2015 12:47:15 pm
No one mentioned heroes at all, unless you did in one of those long rants I skimmed through (who has time to read kookscreed?). You appear to be fighting some sort of war with me or Jason or who the fuck knows? No one else is in this fight but you, and that alone makes you look like the loser you are. Screed on kook, I don't even remember what it is you claim Jason stole from you, that's how effective your hate page is.
12/16/2015 01:50:13 pm
Aww.... Huckleberry...
12/16/2015 02:26:31 pm
" I don't even remember what it is you claim Jason stole from you"
Jamie Eckles
12/16/2015 11:55:10 pm
Ah, well, it really doesn't matter so much what he claims Jason did. I just enjoy watching him rant and rave and go on and on about some sort of victory over me. It's amazing what some obsessive people will try to ascribe to nothing more than words on a screen. I wonder how else he thinks he's "kicking ass" here on this comments section where now there are 3 people reading it and no one else ;) Cyber warriors are the most amusing to me.
12/17/2015 12:35:04 am
I'm just getting sick of his pointless comments, that have been flooding my email inbox.
Jamie Eckles
12/17/2015 01:50:26 am
Those are classic symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder. I think there's something very wrong with him. He feels defeated in real life so he has to pretend he's "kicking ass" on a comment board. That's pretty sad. I assume you've got him filtered out of your email.
12/17/2015 02:28:42 am
Short of clicking unsubscribe there's not much I know how to do on this topic. Hopefully he's gone now for another 6 months.
12/17/2015 08:54:42 am
You stayed up all night crying, Poindexter.??
Jamie Eckles
12/17/2015 08:40:22 pm
Save me from what? Laughing at you and your raging control issues? You're too stupid to see that you've accomplished nothing but getting 2 people to pay attention to you for a little while, that's all. Now go back to enjoying your butthurt over Jason, or continue to imagine you're kicking people's asses on a comment board. Either way you win nothing.
12/17/2015 09:19:12 pm
When the proctologist removes the various footwear that he finds embedded up your sphincter from the ass kickings you have been getting, I think that I lost my work boot.
12/17/2015 09:24:19 pm
12/17/2015 10:40:14 pm
Sorry Scott (If that even is your real name.), none of us could read your postings over the many shits we don't give. But do feel free to keep posting, every blog needs it's village idiot, and you got the job!
Jamie Eckles
12/17/2015 10:45:17 pm
I have no points to make with you. You are pointless. There is no ass to kick except your fevered imagination. I can see why you need to believe that though. Rage on, Sancho Panza.
Hewwo, Pee-Boy.Still Cryin'?
12/18/2015 09:42:10 am
Jamie Eckles
12/18/2015 07:51:45 pm
No one wants to read your perverted sexual fantasies. Actually, no one really is. It must really suck to be you, so desperately in search of an audience, or some sort of verbal victory you imagine you have had. You really can't see how no one cares, not even a tiny bit, about your rants and ravings and your hate page. I bet it doesn't even show up in a Google search until dozens of pages, if at all. I found Jason's blog doing a search on a subject, as many of his fans have. You can only dream of that happening to you, which is why you are so full of rage, and strange sexual fantasies. Pathetic
12/18/2015 08:07:29 pm
Scott, dude. You really need to get that sick obsession with butts looked at.
12/19/2015 09:55:30 am
......and..... you still fail to address the issue of your stupidity.
12/19/2015 10:55:49 am
Okay, Pee-Boy.... I am willing to let you off the hook.
12/19/2015 02:25:17 pm
Scott, Is it just you, are all giantologiests extreme deviant perverts?
Jamie Eckles
12/20/2015 02:12:14 pm
It looks like the loser is beginning to realize that no one gives a fuck about his perverted fantasies. What a sad and pathetic person.
Joe D.
6/12/2015 04:13:31 am
Reading your post was quite entertaining. But you do realize that many scholars knew the earth was round for hundreds of years before Columbus and that no current scholar believes Columbus was first to America?
6/12/2015 04:54:15 am
You are the first person to mention Columbus on this thread. Who are you replying to anyway? And for accuracy's sake it was Eratosthenes who calculated the circumference of the Earth in 240BC. Not hundreds, but more like over 1740 years previously.
Joe D.
6/12/2015 05:55:57 am
Replying to the link that the other person provided. His ranting blog against jason mentions odd claims of scholars believing in a flat earth prior to Columbus. He did not leave an opportunity to comment on his own blog and I thought his entire attack was not only ridiculous. But using his whole flat earth comparison made it comical 6/12/2015 05:37:46 pm
Thanks for clearing that up Joe. He's a butthurt kook who can't let go of how Jason handed his ass to him. He, and a few others, drop onto these posts every so often to remind us how the grudge they carry still burns. I wish this blog had a better way to attribute replies though.
Being Polite
12/15/2015 03:31:13 pm
And you are aware that Oxford University spent 300 years teaching that the earth was flat.... and actively working to undermine anyone who claimed otherwise.
Jamie Eckles
12/15/2015 04:12:03 pm
What is your source for Oxford teaching a flat Earth? Almost no one back then who had any education claimed the Earth was flat.
6/12/2015 05:03:38 am
Wow! There is very profitable career waiting for you at the Church of Scientology's premier publication, FREEDOM MAGAZINE. You have their tactics, style and mindset down pat.
7/2/2015 02:45:46 pm
Wolter has recently given an update on his twitter account:
12/20/2015 08:16:30 pm
Why is it stated as a fact that the KSR is a hoax? There is a good deal of evidence pointing to it being a genuine artifact. Too much discussion about Scott Wolter but what do you have on the KSR itself?
Politely. Agree
1/2/2016 10:30:59 pm
That appears to be the single, Valid Point, that anyone has made here concerning the issue.
A Final Thought to your Query
1/2/2016 10:36:40 pm
Not to be too pushy... but I did notice that you had posted your inquiry a couple weeks back.... and that none of these geniuses had an actual response to your VALID question.
Cort Lindahl
4/1/2016 11:32:36 am
I have two 8.5x 11 books both 400 page plus of reasons why Scott Wolter is entirely WRONG about all of this. I have the data. I would be happy to debate Scott or supply a list of questions he won't be able to answer. For starters why is the Kensington Stone located right on the border of Rupert's Land and French Louisiana. The Hudson's Bay Company laid boundary stones and so did the French. The octagonal form of the Newport Tower "points to" the K stone on the globe every day of the year not just on a contrived solstice event. Why is Douglas County where the stone is located named for a direct descendant of Benedict Arnold and not some Viking guy who left the stone? This whole thing is a giant historical scam perpetrated by the Cavaliers of early Virginia and their descendants who also built several other monuments like the K stone including a reproduction of Stonehenge in Washington State. Louis Buff Parry's sandstone pillar and another legend of an additional "stone" in Minot are all located on the border of Rupert's Land. No one listens to this stuff. Boom I have two four hundred page books slamming down on the table that involve geography to prove that navigation was used in all of this as a kind of a game. I am here any time Scott Wolter wold like to chat about this. I have spoken to him before, he invited me on his show and now he claims he never read anything I wrote............
7/16/2017 04:15:51 pm
they might take a decent site to make an information,thanks for sharing it to me
11/7/2018 03:08:10 am
And he tried, trying to get away from the city where it was. I do not know what to put you in the sadness is regret or angry anxiety! He continued on to the game and enjoyed it every single day
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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