In a new Mysterious Universe article, Nick Redfern offers the latest variation on an old story he’s been telling over and over again since his 2010 book Final Events. In fact, he’s told versions of this same story on Mysterious Universe itself in 2012 and again in 2014, and he is currently recycling it for his recently published book Secret History and a forthcoming book on “Women in Black.” Each time the story is the same: According to an Episcopal priest and former MUFON director named Ray Boeche, the U.S. government has concluded that space aliens are actually demons from hell, and that the UFO agenda is to bring about the End Times by seducing humanity into believing in space aliens instead of Satan’s minions. In 2012, for example, Redern (re-)quoted Boeche as having once said: As a pastor and someone who’s trained as a theologian, I can’t come to any other conclusion than there is some sort of spiritual deception going on here. In so many of these kinds of alien contacts, the entities involved make a denial of Christianity. Anytime the spiritual issues are addressed, there is always some sort of denial of the validity of Christianity and the validity of the Bible. Aliens are apparently a hybrid of Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher, but they seem less interested in debunking Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, etc. If this were all Boeche had to say, he’s be no different than the literally hundreds of clergy who have made statements over the decades to the effect that UFOs are Satanic and space aliens are really demons or fallen angels. Boeche, though, goes beyond the standard Nephilim conspiracy to argue that (a) the U.S. government is involved in investigating Satan’s dominion over the earth, and (b) he (Boeche) was recruited to work with the federal government to stop Satan. Boeche says that in 1991 a secretive group he calls the Collins Elite approached him to battle demons after Satan began attacking members of the group for probing too far: I found it interesting because they had contacted me at work; and I have no idea how they tracked me down there. But, they wanted to know if we could get together and have lunch to discuss something important. I met them for a brief period of time on that first meeting, and then they said: “We’d like to get together and have a longer conversation.” I arranged a time and it was quite a lengthy discussion, probably three and a half hours. And that’s how it all came about. Boeche would seem to be either a liar or fantasy-prone were we to judge him only on the lack of evidence to support his version of events. He made a series of extremely unlikely claims about his work with the Department of Defense. He claimed that not only has the DoD determined that space aliens are actually Satanic demons but that they are posing as beneficent beings in order to pass on tainted information and/or technology to destroy Christians’ souls. Boeche claims that DoD officials told him that one of their researchers had opened a portal to hell as part of an experiment to contact non-human intelligences. “I was never able to get an exact point of origin of these sorts of experiments, or of their involvement, and when they got started. But I did get the impression that because of what they knew and the information that they presented, they had been involved for at least several years, even if the project had gone on for much longer.”
What you may not know is that Boeche, the founder of a Fortean group, has been investigating UFO conspiracies for decades. In the 1980s, for example, he tried to enlist the aid of a U.S. senator to investigate the Rendlesham UFO event. In the 1970s, he investigated alleged sightings of the Men in Black, and in 2014 he told Redfern in True Stories of the Real Men in Black (which seems to be recycling material from Final Events, as Redfern himself indicates) that the Men in Black are also a demonic deception designed to lead humans away from Jesus. Worse, he also said that as a child he had befriended paranormal author Gray Barker—the first to report on (or invent) Men in Black and Mothman—and remained in close contact with him until his death in 1984. Even though Barker was himself a UFO skeptic who wrote, to be blunt, lies and hoaxes for cash, the young Boeche seems to have taken Barker at face value and incorporated his imaginary world of monsters as part of his own Christian fantasia. If Barker actively encouraged Boeche’s conspiratorial worldview, if only by omission, that is another stain on his record. (Also: Isn’t it interesting how all of the people involved in fringe claims are closely connected?) Not included in Redfern’s recent articles is Boeche’s claim given in Final Events that in 1988 the U.S. government’s Collins Elite alleged in an unspecified document that the only way to combat Satan’s flying saucers was “intense indoctrination of faith and values at planetary level to radically and rapidly alter current population mindset.” That indoctrination, in turn, is supposed to involve “Old Testament” strictness of belief. What a remarkable conclusion that just happens to further the priest’s own Christian agenda! Damn hippies, ruining everything and letting Satan in! Oh, and these demons—they aren’t just regular old demons. No, they draw clearly from the Nephilim tradition. The Nephilim were, in apocryphal literature, cannibals, so their ghosts—the demons—are now energy vampires who feed off of human souls and have masqueraded as pagan gods, fairies, and Djinn. It’s probably clear to most readers that Boeche’s 2010 claims seem very closely aligned to the political and cultural concerns of the preceding years, particularly Bush-era evangelical Christian fundamentalism, which prior to 2009 was found or suspected to operate at many levels of government and remained a controversial if unofficial component of the military even after. The “Old Testament” strictness the Collins Elite allegedly demanded can only be a coded reflection of evangelical fundamentalist belief. I should probably note that Redfern seems a bit confused about the Collins Elite. He claims not to know the group’s real name, and he refers to it sometimes as a unit of the Department of Defense, sometimes as part of the CIA, and other times as an independent think tank. The story, which is supported by no documentary evidence, is that the CIA funded the creation of a think tank for current and former defense officials in 1952, a few days before the infamous Washington, D.C. UFO flap of July 20 and 27, 1952. Thereafter the group “feuded” with various other agencies in a tug-of-war between UFO disclosure and harnessing the power of Satan. Oh, indeed, there must have been a government conspiracy at work to hide the true activities of Satan. It’s all spelled out in declassified CIA documents just like the ones of which Redfern is so fond. (In Final Events, for example, Redfern takes a 1969 government review of popular UFO literature for a statement about the nature of UFOs.) In 1949, a certain Ross C. Patton wrote to the Director of Central Intelligence to inform him that he was certain that science was a satanic hoax. He claimed that gravity was an illusion and that the “whole scientific profession” had somehow missed the signs, as well as the real reason it gets dark at night around a stationary earth. Patton concluded that the only reason we can no longer see God when we look up into the sky is that “Satan has blinded our eyes.” The Director of Central Intelligence, R. H. Hillenkoetter, replied that he read the letter with… “a great deal of interest.” It’s a conspiracy! Sadly, there is much more documentation of U.S. government involvement with Satan’s gravity deception than there is of the alleged demon-UFO summoning think tank.
Scott Hamilton
6/5/2015 05:19:57 am
I often wonder how much of this bilge Redfern believes. The fact that "The Collins Elite" don't seem to know what theology is, or that they'd recruit a random priest in Nebraska, would give most honest researchers pause.
Nick Redfern
6/7/2015 01:29:31 pm
Hamilton: You say: "I often wonder how much of this bilge Redfern believes."
Scott Hamilton
6/8/2015 04:27:37 am
Yes, the "bilge" I was referring to was the fact that Mr. Redfern thinks the Collins Elite exists at all. Apparently he does. (Like Only Me, I'd love to see any proof of that. Mr. Redfern has never offered any in any of his books on the subject I've read.)
Nick Redfern
6/8/2015 06:26:22 am
Hamilton: Ray Boeche was not the only person contacted by the CE. He was the only one who chose to go public and have his account published. I recommend you contact certain researchers (very well known) who have written on the alleged deceptive nature of the UFO phenomenon. You might be surprised by what you find, in terms of certain approaches made to them. You are 100 percent right, in that I have ZERO proof that the group exists. But the verbal testimony from multiple sources convinces me it does. If this was a hoax from Ray Boeche (which I do NOT think it was at all) or anyone else, why would the creator of the story not state that the group had proved their case about the demonic angle? Surely if someone wanted to create such a story to get a viewpoint/theory across, they would be very forthright that the theory was correct. All of the CE people who were interviewed admitted that their views (on the demonic angle and the "demons are eating our souls" theory) were 100 percent belief driven. That - to me - sounds believable and plausible: a think-tank that looked into something and came to a belief-driven conclusion. I would ave been very suspicious if someone said they had proof of all this - no-one in the CE ever did say that because by their own admission they had nothing beyond belief.
Nick Redfern
6/7/2015 03:02:23 pm
So what's your point? A few years back, a British Ministry of Defense report (that has come to be known as the "Condign Report") was declassified. The author (whose name is withheld from the declassified papers) concluded that genuinely anomalous UFOs are actually plasmas that can provoke bizarre UFO-like visions/hallucinations, and play a role in abduction/contact cases etc. As the Condign Report shows, even in Government/military etc people believe weird shit when it comes to UFOs. So the Collins Elite came to some seriously weird scenarios, such as the human soul being a form of energy that demons "eat." We are their herd, in other words. Do I believe that? No. Not at all. And just about every radio show on the book I ever did makes that very clear. People in government can become believers in highly controversial UFO-related issues as easy people in Ufology. None of that makes the CE correct in their beliefs. It makes them people who influenced enough people to give them a degree of funding to look into it and reach conclusions. To the best of my knowledge, that is all they did: form beliefs and theories and share them with like-minded people. Yes, I do think the Collins Elite cared about what was written in ancient books. But, again, just because they cared and studied doesn't mean they were on the right tracks.
Only Me
6/7/2015 07:10:56 pm
Here's something I'd like to know. Does the Collins Elite actually exist? A simple search showed nothing but fringe themed websites on the first page alone. If their existence is limited to the testimony of Ray Boeche, then that's a huge red flag for me.
10/12/2018 11:24:16 am
Nick, I read your book after an experience I had nearly two years ago. At that time I was an atheist who, without a shred of belief in God, was engaging in a great deal of sin. It was under these circumstances that strange things began to happen around me; so strange that I thought I had a ghost, except I didn’t believe in ghosts. This would turn out to be only the beginning.
Duke of URL
6/5/2015 05:20:49 am
Redfern & Boeche seem to be off their meds - I recommend Thorazine.
Nick Redfern
6/7/2015 01:31:18 pm
And I recommend you shut the fuck up
2/6/2022 11:33:03 pm
Is it possible the Collins group was a temporary name of a similiar group who pretended to be scared, but just needed information from an opposing group to further their agenda? I did not finish reading the book, it reaffirmed my ideas and fears though. My guess is it depends on the resonance of the location an entity is from whether it is good or evil. Your writing is gripping and the content freaked me out. I was in search to finish an article about the bigger picture to Roswell for my blog as all is on 33 degree parallel. I truly believe certain powers that be are trying to bring back the Antichrist, ex: Raiding Gilgamesh tomb, UN base on Mt. Hermon. I would be honored if you checked out
Juan ton Soop
8/20/2015 07:25:39 pm
And i recommend you go put some flowers on yo dead grandmother's grave bitch!
6/5/2015 05:24:24 am
Quickly, before reading beyond the title;
Bingo Bradbury
12/7/2015 07:55:21 pm
If you go to you will SEE proof that Obama is indwelt by demons. Obama also has a design on his scalp-of grey aliens!
2/8/2022 01:57:56 pm
Luis Elizondo, the ex-Pentagon insider and former Counter-Intelligence operative who was running the last Pentagon investigation into UAP, has said that Pentagon Top Brass told him they were shutting down his programme because they believed that what he was investigating was/is "a demonic presence"! Hence he resigned and formed a private group investigation into the phenomena.
David Bradbury
6/5/2015 06:20:16 am
Very very very tangentially linked giggle-
6/5/2015 06:57:36 am
I don't know why it is, but every time I see Nick Redfern on the tube, he reminds me of Danny Warbucks from the musical "Anne".
Nick Redfern
6/7/2015 03:08:28 pm
I had to Google this to see what it was all about. Turns out it's actually called "Annie." Which brings me to my reply: who the fuck watches musicals???? And why????
6/9/2015 04:11:31 am
Didn't watch it either, but, unlike you, I am aware of what is happening in the world and don't spend my days scratching my balls and looking stupid.
Nick Redfern
6/9/2015 05:20:08 am
Oh, I know exactly what's going on in the world. You have balls? Really? If that's the case, say what you think to my face.
Nick Redfern
6/9/2015 06:48:11 am
And hiding behind an alias, "Clete." Not good. Pretty pathetic. I mean, come on, really??? Self-respect, you know?
Don Frank
9/23/2019 10:54:51 pm
I actually really liked the book and the fresh approach to the mystery surround this phenomena. Some people hear "demon" and just go into lock-up. Either way, keep cranking out the work...good stuff. 2/6/2022 11:50:50 pm
In between leaving my first comment and this one I learned from a podcast that you were on that you have ideas on RH- blood type. I always new I was at least an empath but feel maybe starseed. My bloodtype is RH- is this correlated? But it confuses me as well because I knew from a young age I was a warrior for god so how can I be both? This is why I am so interested in the Ancient Astronaut theory as of lately. Sorry to bombard you its just that I just learned of you today and am excited about your combination of topics.
6/5/2015 10:45:07 am
I think I found the real evidence that Ancient Aliens visited us:
Bob Jase
6/5/2015 12:02:45 pm
Now if I was a Satanic demon who wanted to convince humanity that I was really a space alien I'd make an obvious army of alien spacecraft appear in all the world's major cities & forcefeed coverage of it to all the electronic media.
6/5/2015 05:14:11 pm
Jason: Off topic, but a question I've been meaning to ask you is have you ever read Mark Booth's Secret History of the World? Another one is have you ever heard of Nicholas De Vere?
Mark L
6/6/2015 08:13:44 pm
I've read Booth's book. I don't think my personal views on it are terribly useful, so I'll give the consensus of the 5-star reviews on Amazon about it - that it's essentially fiction, a fantasy about what the author wants history to be like.
Ray Boeche
6/10/2015 11:40:09 am
I'm somewhat concerned at the confused state of Jason Colavito's piece. I was not, nor have I ever claimed to have been "recruited" by the government to fight demons. I have simply reported -- in a very public way -- beginning on May 31, 1993 -- the account of the DOD researchers I spoke with. The first real public mention of this was posted on ParaNet International by my friend Bob Dunn on that date.
Mike Jones
6/16/2015 03:12:47 am
confused, confabulated concoction Colavito has created . Nice alliteration!
5/22/2016 01:27:02 am
What a gaggle of jealous little mean girls in the comments. The article is competent but biased, but the comment section is like an HS lunch table full of smug little cunts. I read FE, and Redfern covered the story perfectly competently, objectively and honestly. There's not one valid criticism in the ignorant lot, starting with "I wonder how much of this Redfern believes?"' which demonstrates directly he didn't even read the material he's "criticizing"....
6/2/2017 05:45:41 pm
I've considered these questions myself recently, after seeing UFOs in 2011 & 2013 Im left trying to make sense of it all, who or what are these Beings, where do they come from, why are they here, are they good or evil, are they demonic? I don't know what to think. I just know that what I saw could not have been of this World. are they from another planet or another Dimension?
Liam C
11/21/2018 06:28:09 am
Wow some people really lower the tone! Nick Redfern is a very thorough and knowledgeable journalist and author and everything that he has said is completely right. I'm very interested in this particular story as it completely fascinates me. I've listened to various podcasts and shows Nick has been on and he has explained the details of the story time and time again but I've noticed that some people only grasp parts of the story and when recalling what Nick has said they end up missing some things. For instance even the author of this site Jason Colavito states that Ray Boeche was contacted by members of the Collins Elite but that's not actually what was said, it was stated that another government group that was investigating the demonic angle contacted him not the C E! Anyway this just goes to show that people can get information within certain stories confused so before people start trying to be assholes about things they should get there facts right and maybe actually know what there trying to argue about otherwise you just seem foolish! I have a lot of respect for Nick Redfern as a researcher and author and it really saddens me that some people out there need to act like dick heads!
11/21/2018 06:30:37 am
2/6/2020 12:12:49 am
Jeremy, please contact me. Thank you
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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