I will start today with a short update about To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science and the so-called “alien” metamaterials that they have allegedly been examining. In an interview with MJ Banias of Mysterious Universe last weekend, To the Stars VP Hal Puthoff, who is also the head of Earth Tech, attempted to rebut criticism of the two companies’ agreement to work together to analyze the metals. Puthoff called it a “straightforward contractual relationship,” one that just happened to involve Puthoff at To the Stars generously agreeing to pay Puthoff at Earth Tech so that he would collect checks from both companies for his work on the metamaterials. More importantly, Puthoff told Banias that the metals that he has implied since January possessed unusual properties and that he heavily implied were extraterrestrial in origin haven’t actually been tested, despite his earlier heavily qualified statements: “Materials with interesting claimed histories have been provided, but technical evaluation of them is yet to be carried out, so it is too early to say.” This seems to contradict To the Stars boss Tom DeLonge’s claims to Joe Rogan last year (complete with video) about testing lumps of metal to determine that they had been “3-D printed,” formed in a zero-gravity environment, and float when exposed to electricity. There are ways to resolve the conundrum, but they don’t make To the Stars look good: They might be admitting that the metals they’ve tested aren’t extraterrestrial, or they could be conceding that their earlier claims were actually credulous repetition of someone else’s work without confirming it themselves. But it sounds like the company is getting ready to walk back some of DeLonge’s more exotic assertions. Let the backtracking begin! Meanwhile, Italy’s most prominent ancient astronaut theorist—a title that in previous decades might have been a laughable oddity—gave a speech recently in which he questioned the origins of the Holocaust and suggested that it was fair to ask whether the Jews had planned it themselves in order to justify the creation of the state of Israel. Speaking in Reggio Emilia on June 20 in a video recently uploaded to YouTube and transcribed online, Mauro Biglino alleged that he found suggestive evidence that the Jews planned the Holocaust before Hitler was even born as part of a world-historical grand master conspiracy to manipulate global politics. Here are a few excerpts from his speech. All translations are my own: I have repeatedly said in lectures that the discourse about the 6 million Jews who would die in the Shoah was known in the second half of the 1800s and was already being written about in Jewish magazines of the second half of the 1800s. It was also written about in the early 1900s in the most important North American—both U.S. and Canadian—newspapers, where they talked about how exactly 6 million Jews were dying or “had to die” in the south-east of Europe. […] Now, I’m not questioning the Holocaust: I’m just asking questions, which is perhaps even weightier. Because, you know, if it’s 6 million Jews or 5 million or 600,000, what really changes? I mean: if there’s a crime, it’s still a crime. The problem is to establish who really wanted it, the Shoah: Who decided it; who programmed it? Why is it always 6 million Jews? For example, the New York Times in 1919 and then in 1920 wrote: “In Ukraine, 6 million Jews are in danger.” And then: “Six million Jews in Ukraine in Poland have received the news that they are going to be completely exterminated.” But in 1919 Hitler had just finished running the relay of the First World War… I’m going to stop him here because it’s important to establish off the top that Biglino is manipulating the evidence, in large measure because he is speaking in Italian to an Italian audience that will never search the 1919 and 1920 records of the New York Times in English for the original source. The “quotations” he provides are his own poor paraphrases that misrepresent his sources. The 1920 article he references, published on May 3, 1920, is very different from his description of it: “The appeal for $7,500,000 to relieve appalling conditions of disease and distress among 6,000,000 people in Central and Eastern Europe was put before New Yorkers yesterday.” The article went on to describe the efforts of the Greater New York Fund for Jewish War Sufferers to help combat an outbreak of typhus in eastern Europe. While the focus of the charity appeal was to aid Eastern European Jews, there was no statement or implication that the six million who experienced distress—not, it should be noted, extermination or total annihilation—were all, or even primarily, Jews. The 1919 article is even less relevant. Published on October 19, it quoted the Jewish delegation to the Versailles peace conference as condemning Soviet forces for anti-Jewish pogroms that had resulted in “thousands” of casualties. Biglino misreads the delegation’s reference to “millions of oppressed Jews”—those then living under repressive Soviet control—as being the same as the “thousands” who died in the pogroms. The number “six million” does not appear. In short, Biglino (a) misrepresents the Times articles for propaganda purposes and (b) willfully recasts post-World War I concerns about actual outbreaks of violence and disease in Eastern Europe as a hypothetical plan for World War II-era genocide. The people of 1919 and 1920 weren’t planning a Holocaust--they were worried about actual deaths occurring in 1919 and 1920. Back to Biglino: Always 6 million! One has the right to ask the question why. Online, I have always been told outright that I do not have the right to cultivate my curiosity. I do not have the right, because it is a question that should not be explored. I collaborate with a person (whose name I will not mention for the sake of prudence) who is a law graduate and, at the moment, is examining about 5,000 documents of the last century. They come out of Jewish sites from rabbis, where it is written that it is already present in the Bible that 6 million Jews should die to allow the Jews to return to Israel. […] So I repeat: I am not denying the Holocaust, I certainly cannot be put on trial for denialism. The sources write that, in Leviticus, the word which means “you will return” lacks a letter, the “vav,” which has the numerical value of 6. And they say that, since this letter is missing, it means that 6 million Jews will not be able to return to Israel. A Bible code. Of course. There’s nothing actually in the Bible about a future Holocaust of six million Jews, just Bible code believers’ fantasies about what they wish the text would say, or post-hoc efforts to reimagine the Holocaust as part of God’s plan. It means that, based on this, someone decided even before Hitler was born that 6 million Jews had to die no matter what. These are questions which historians must answer, though certainly not me. But these things can help us to understand what kind of world we live in, if 6 million dead Jews were the “passport” to Israel. He concludes by stating that he is just asking questions, kind of like the way Erich von Däniken insisted he was just asking questions when he pondered whether the white race was the “chosen race” and the black race a “failed” experiment.
This kind of disgusting speech would be an oddity if it weren’t for the fact that Europe is currently experiencing a resurgence of hard-right extremism, including the return of Neo-Nazi and Nazi-inspired political parties. When Biglino speaks of a fancy way to shift the blame for the Holocaust from the Nazis to the Jews by suggesting that the Jews encoded it into the Bible and ruthlessly pushed for their own mass extermination, he isn’t just giving a reprehensible speech. He is giving aid and succor to the hard-right in European politics and dressing up extremist beliefs in the clown makeup of ufology and ancient astronautics, hiding its darkness from the general public while speaking to those with ears to hear.
8/7/2018 09:39:02 am
I’m wondering if an article about how the skeptic James Randi made sex calls to underage boys would tarnish all skeptics and the few supporters they have?
8/7/2018 12:11:43 pm
I'd certainly be interested in hearing about that, but the more interesting story might be how he was scammed by his long-time boyfriend.
8/7/2018 12:58:02 pm
Shouldn't you be looking for Noah's Ark.
An Anonymous Nerd
8/8/2018 06:57:01 pm
I can find only one reference to this, and that has this explanation by Randi:
8/7/2018 09:43:31 am
So much for "Italy’s most prominent ancient astronaut theorist": Biglino is almost unknown and the vast majority of Italians have never heard of him, his only claim to that title is the scarcity of ancient astronaut theorists here in Italy. As a matter of fact, I found out about him on this blog:
8/7/2018 10:00:25 am
Don't lie. I'm not even from Italy but I know few Italians who know this guy. Also he is quite popular in other european countries. On his lectures there are always amazing crowds and on YT his videos have more than 100.000 views despite the fact that there are more than 100 of his speeches. It's obvious he won't be as famous as top models, footballers or celebrities, because even Daniken isn't widely popular in Germany.
8/7/2018 11:50:47 am
I'm not lying at all, I'm merely stating the truth: Biglino is a perfect nobody, the Italian public doesn't know him and doesn't care at all neither for him nor for his ideas. By the way, you yourself admit that "few Italians know this guy"... how would you know about his popularity if you're not italian ?
8/7/2018 10:16:35 am
Few issues:
An Over-Educated Grunt
8/7/2018 01:30:41 pm
Summary of your involvement:
Machala - I Couldn't Have Said It Any Better
8/7/2018 01:47:26 pm
Bravo! Hai preso le parole dalla mia bocca.
An Anonymous Nerd
8/7/2018 06:27:56 pm
[there are respected scientists in one area of science who on the other hand have 'weird' claims about other stuff.]
Joe Scales
8/7/2018 10:42:32 am
"This kind of disgusting speech would be an oddity if it weren’t for the fact that Europe is currently experiencing a resurgence of hard-right extremism, including the return of Neo-Nazi and Nazi-inspired political parties."
8/7/2018 12:06:36 pm
Would this be a good time to point out that some think Jews and most Italians follow religions founded by the insane mortal god YHVH who kills babies?
A Buddhist
8/7/2018 08:32:36 pm
Believing, based upon Buddhist literature and the Bible, that YHVH is an insane hyper-advanced babykilling being whom some might call a god (which to me is merely a possibility rather than a certainty), seems little different from believing, based upon science fiction and the Bible, that YHVH is a benevolent hyper-advanced being whom some might call a god (which is what the Raelians believe). The key distinction is that one interpretation embraces the Judeo-Christian idea that YHVH is good, while the other applies Buddhist logical and ethical standards to YHVH to conclude that YHVH, if real, is evil and insane.
8/7/2018 10:52:16 pm
Your hateful, divisive, anti-semitic speech has been reported.
A Buddhist
8/8/2018 08:46:20 am
Americanegro: In what way is it anti-semitic to claim that YHVH, if he exist in any way similar to what the Bible says about him, kills babies or supports killing babies and is insane? Or is it the idea that YHVH is a hyper-advanced being whom some might call a god that you are claiming to be "hateful, divisive, anti-semitic"?
8/8/2018 02:19:42 pm
Sounds like you've not studied the Talmud. With all your talk about killing babies it's a good thing that no one here has ever had, been responsible for, performed, had, or avoided an abortion or known someone who has because otherwise your constant talk about killing babies might be harmful. Why must you engage in harmful speech?
A Buddhist
8/8/2018 02:58:16 pm
Americanegro: I have never had to talk about my admiration for the Jews before because non-one has accused me of anti-Semitism. I am not sure what to make of your reference to the Talmud - perhaps you are alluding to the claim, frequently repeated in anti-Semitic circles, that the Talmud is a collection of texts in which Jews reveal their violence, sexual immorality, dis-honesty, and contempt for non-Jews. I have not studied the Talmud because it is so long and complicated and deals with a religion that I do not follow and (unlike Christianity and Islam) is not directly affecting the world through various efforts by politicians (and fanatics) in multiple countries to make the laws more in line with their religious traditions. In any case, the Talmud is a complex collection of texts whose portions are easily taken out of context, often by anti-Semites.
8/8/2018 03:27:14 pm
With all your talk about killing babies it's a good thing that no one here has ever had, been responsible for, performed, had, or avoided an abortion or known someone who has because otherwise your constant talk about killing babies might be harmful. Why must you engage in harmful speech?
An Anonymous Nerd
8/7/2018 06:14:42 pm
[Yet in the U.S., this sort of thing would be compelling for the hard left these days. Funny how that is.]
Excellent analysis, Jason. You show the factual flaws in the argument, and you show the very questionable purpose of the argument itself, and you show the effects of such an argument in the contemporary context of rising extremism in Europe.
8/7/2018 02:01:24 pm
One of the many reasons I argued against the formation of the EU is. like the proverbial chickens, coming home to roost.
I agree and disagree with your last sentence. I agree that Germany forces the EU into a kind of frozen zone with more and more anger growing. -- On the other hand, you cannot overrule Germany and the Germans. Making others decide and consume, and Germany paying for all, is no solution.
8/7/2018 12:08:30 pm
Has anyone read a book “Germany must perish!” by Theodore Kaufman. Relevant again now that Germany is intentionally flooded with immigrants.
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