Last week I talked a bit about Josiah Priest, the author of American Antiquities (5 editions, 1833-1835), which was one of the first fringe history books in the modern style. By that, I mean that it’s a collection of random rumors, confusion, and lies, liberally spiced with plagiarism and recycled older work, enlivened by misspellings and a general lack of overall plan or coherent argument. It’s the common ancestor of the collected works of Erich von Däniken, Peter Kolosimo, Robert Charroux, and all the others of their ilk. The mischievous side of me has half a mind to gently rewrite it more contemporary English and see how many fringe publishers would snap it up. But I digress. I first read American Antiquities about fifteen years ago, but my memory of it is a bit thin. As I mentioned last week, because of the book’s importance as both precedent and research source for modern fringe writers, I’ve wanted to add it to my Library for a long time, but its 400 pages are more than I wanted to transcribe and proofread. However, since I have to reread it in order to write about it for the book on the mound builder myth that I am currently writing, I decided to double up tasks. I have a decent OCR transcription of the book, so I am both reading and proofreading the text. I am about two-thirds of the way through, and I must admit to having forgotten so many interesting things from the book. They aren’t interesting because Priest was right, of course. They’re interesting because of all the many ways he set the stage for modern liars. Pretty much everything we see today is already present in his book. We have Scandinavians, Greeks, Romans, and Phoenicians claimed as early colonists. We have discussion of the giant Nephilim as the mound builders, with reference to both double-teeth and six toes on each foot. He speaks of cadres of ancient Egyptian mummies supposedly buried in the western U.S. and of the Zeno Brothers’ alleged voyage to America. And more important still, we even have claims about Atlantis as the homeland of the lost white race of mound builders. In all of this, I was struck by how closely American Antiquities resembles Ignatius Donnelly’s Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, which similarly ascribed ancient works to white Nephilim from Atlantis. But the differences between Priest and later writers are also instructive. Modern writers, from Donnelly on down, are decidedly more secular, even when addressing religious subjects. Priest, however, puts all of his fringe history in the basket of Arkism, the bizarre fringe belief of the late 1700s and early 1800s that held that all religions around the world were corrupt remembrances of Noah’s Ark, on the theoretical grounding that all people descend from Noah’s three sons and therefore share in the memory of the Ark. Consider this passage in which Priest describes the Ark and Atlantis in an effort to prove that the first Americans were white but destroyed by evil Asiatic “Indians” (i.e. Native Americans) at a later date: But what is the distance from Mount Ararat by way of Bhering’s strait, to the middle of the United States, which is the region of the Missouri? It is something over ten thousand miles; nearly half the circuit of the globe. Here, in the region of the western states, we have, by the aid of Baron Humboldt, supposed the country of Aztalan was situated; where the great specimens of labor and ancient manners are most abundant. If this was the way the first peopIe came into America, it is very clear they could not, in the ordinary way of making a settlement here and there, have arrived soon enough to show signs of as great antiquity, in their works in America, as those of the same sort found in the north of Europe. Some other way, therefore, we are confident, the first inhabitants must have pursued, so that their works in America might compare, in character and antiquity, with those of other nations. From Ararat, in a westerly course, passing through Europe, by way of the countries now situated in Russia in Europe, to the Atlantic, the distance is scarcely 5000 miles; not half the distance the route of Bhering’s strait would have been. And if the Egyptian tradition be true respecting the island Atalantis, and the conjectures of naturalists about a union of Europe and America on the north, there was nothing to hinder their settling here, immediately after their dispersion. While much is made of Priest’s encyclopedic collection of Fortean archaeology—most of which is still repeated today—I am fascinated by his synthesis of various scientific, religious, and batshit crazy ideas about the peopling of the Americas to attempt to unify them into a comprehensive and complicated history of the world that places the United States dead center in history from Noah to today. None of it is original to him except the effort to throw everything into the blender to see if enough will come together to stick in the craw of mainstream science.
E.P. Grondine
4/3/2018 10:25:06 am
Hi Jason-
4/6/2018 05:11:21 pm
It would be nice to see that 17,000 figure documented.
I just realized that I had not noticed Priest as an author on Atlantis, yet. But he is so late with his ideas that he maybe plays no major role for this topic. He just (ab-)uses the topic of Atlantis as so many others.
4/3/2018 12:44:46 pm
No, Nephilim does not occur in the book. He talks about the Atlanteans being antediluvians and their kings being remembered as the giants of Genesis, which makes them by default Nephilim. Here is Donnelly rationalizing the Nephilim:
Thank you, this is indeed the usual parallelization of Bible and Atlantis story as can be found everywhere, today. 4/3/2018 01:33:24 pm
He identified the evangelizers from Atlantis as white, and there is little doubt he saw them as the ruling class.
I really have difficulties to come to terms with Donnelly's actual opinion about white men from Atlantis.
E.P. Grondine
4/4/2018 12:57:28 am
Hi T.
4/3/2018 02:22:04 pm
I would pay you 1000 $ if you are able to debunk claims made by Mauro Biglino and Barry Downing about ancient aliens in the Bible. You never dare to debunk these claims, but smartly choose Daniken and other publishers, which didn't based this theory on the Bible. So this is your chance - show that you are able to debunk claims made by Mauro Biglino (italian scholar who translated Bible and came to conclusion that this book tells story about interraction between Israelites and group of aliens called Elohim) and Barry Downing (who made very scientific study in his 2 books about alien technology from the Bible). Until now, nobody in Italy was able to debunk Mauro Biglino works so this is your chance Jason. You don't speak italian, so you should read one book that was translated into the english ( ; skip Sumerian staff and concrecate on Hebrew) or watch some of his lectures on youtube. 1000 $, easy money, what do you think about it? I'm pretty sure you can't debunk these claims about Yahweh, DNA combinations, UFOs, computers, ark of the covenant, Jesus, cloning etc.
4/3/2018 02:33:32 pm
Mauro Biglino is just too specific and concrete and I highly doubt that you could debunk his claims. He is top figure in Italy because of his claims and he clearly stated that Yahweh is an extraterrestrial, showing clear passages to him, angels and technology. Show us that you are able to debunk these claims if you are so smart, because until now nobody (theologians, priest, rabbies) was able to debunk Biglino. He sold multiple copies of his books abroad because there is clear resurrection to the ancient aliens idea in Europe, thanks to his works. This guy has incredible knowledge about Old Testament, but he is fairly not popular in United States because this is a country full of Christians and Jews who don't want to hear this stuff. So, do we have a deal and you are able to show us that Biglino isn't right? Or like always you would leave religion out of the equation of ancient aliens, despite that's the most compelling evidence in this theory? Just look on Biglino work about preparing food for gods from animal fat, what was written in Bible, Iliad and Odyssey, Sumerian texts, Popol Vuh, Indian texts etc., he pointed out that there are exactly the same religious practices, clear evidence that ancient people weren't stupid just like you say.
Huh? What?
4/3/2018 02:44:02 pm
Do you understand the word "non-falsifiable"?
4/3/2018 03:28:11 pm
Yes, I do. I was very sceptical about ancient aliens theory, but when I read books written by Mauro Biglino it all makes perfect sense and it's really amazing and logical. For example, this idea of preparing food for gods from animal fat is written in ancient texts made by cultures who never contacted with each other. Scientific approach to this question should be this one: either they in fact contact or they have written things which were true, just like Biglino says in his works, making his claims in scientific way with many quotes from scientists. It's all falsifable, just read these books. Yahweh is an extraterrestrial in spacesuit, is moving around in UFO and have extremely advanced artefacts and objects. All written in Hebrew, all pointed out by Biglino.
David Bradbury
4/3/2018 03:49:45 pm
Re animal fat offerings. What you need to focus on is not the fat, but what happens to the best cuts of meat from the slaughtered animals !
David Bradbury
4/3/2018 03:32:04 pm
"Mauro Biglino is just too specific and concrete"
Clint Knapp
4/3/2018 03:49:23 pm
If Biglino's only claim to fame is making assumptions based on his reading of the Bible, I have bad news for you: all it proves is that the Bible can be interpreted in as many ways as there are people who read it.
4/3/2018 05:59:53 pm
You didn't read any of his works, but immediately you are an 'expert' on topic. Funny thing is that both you and Jason Colavito are making this extremely annoying assumption: if someone in the past made similar claim, then it is a) debunked, b) not worth consideration because somebody earlier made that so it is just copying old staff. That's ridiculous. By this logic, it's not worth to write books about the same topics on anything, because somebody earlier did it.
Jack W
4/4/2018 01:30:21 pm
So, no Christians in Italy? You make it sound as if America has all the Christians there are. Also, Biglino is not popular because no one ever heard of him. No one would bother refuting Biglino's theory's, too much time and work spent on a crackpot.
4/3/2018 02:37:08 pm
Is Jason Colavito a coward, who smartly choose what to debunk and what leave behind, because he is not able to debunk some claims? He never debunked Barry Downing, only pointing out that his works are about aliens in the Bible, but he never read this or reviews, just like he does with Hancock or Daniken. If you want to have some credibility, then read books written by Biglino and Downing and then show where they are wrong.
David Bradbury
4/3/2018 02:48:02 pm
Jason's take on Downing was actually that his work was so derivative (and so little revised in the face of several decades of criticism by others, going back years before Jason was even born) that there was nothing much worth saying about it:
4/3/2018 03:24:12 pm
He never read his book, neither 1968 or 2017, never reviewed it like Graham Hancock's works, only written few words which is ridiculous. Barry Downing is extremely rational man, with scientific background and both of his books are really interesting. Colavito never writes anything about Mauro Biglino because he knows that he can't debunk his claims, so it's better to be silent, which is really acting of coward.
David Bradbury
4/3/2018 03:34:30 pm
I think perhaps you don't really understand the meaning of "non-falsifiable" as well as you think you do.
Huh? What?
4/3/2018 04:01:44 pm
Do you understand the word "non-falsifiable"?
An Anonymous Nerd
4/3/2018 07:20:04 pm
Some quick googling suggests a likely reason why Jason hasn't dealt with Barry Downing very much: He isn't all that important relative to other writers and what he says seems to be said by others, so when you debunk one you debunk the others along with them. (Though as others have pointed out, Jason's dealt with him some at any rate.)
4/3/2018 07:32:12 pm
I know Christian writer Michael Heiser (btw is 'sceptic' Jason Colavito also a christian?), but you shouldn't act like Barry Downing is just some kind of 'priest' or something. Downing holds a PhD in the relation between religion and science from the University of Edinburgh of Scotland. He also has a B.A in physics from Hartwick College, and a degree from Princeton Theological Seminary. Downing is important, because the most compelling evidence comes from the Bible. Other author who often quotes Bible is Erich von Daniken but Downing goes much deeper than Daniken, who delibaretaly leave Jesus topic aside. Also I think that it would be great idea to debate Mauro Biglino with Michael Heiser, although Heiser is Christian so he has an agenda to fight for. I think that Biglino provides too specific point on many subjects that Heiser would be able to debunk it.
A Buddhist
4/3/2018 09:04:10 pm
I would place great caution on relying on Heiser, because although he analyses the Bible and refutes Ancient Alien interpretations of it, he is a Christian and holds the Bible to be special as the guide to salvation. But gods and men, it is funny to see his writings about the Bible's teaching about a flat Earth, especially alongside comments by less reasonable Christians:
4/3/2018 11:01:01 pm
PLEASE IN THE NAME OF RAS TAFARI stop trying to teach your grandmother to suck eggs and raping everyone's eyeballs with your unschooled and incorrect presentations of Indian philosophy.
An Anonymous Nerd
4/4/2018 07:14:01 am
I picked Heiser for this purpose because this fellow posting might be more-likely to listen to someone else who uses the Bible (but uses it better), because Heiser seems like an awesome guy, because Heiser is credentialed well, and because Heiser has engaged Downing directly on occasion. (Granted their engagements seem mostly to not have been recorded and the recorded engagements mostly are just snippy, but still.)
A Buddhist
4/4/2018 05:49:40 pm
PLEASE IN THE NAME OF RAS TAFARI: What am I wrong about in your mind?
A Buddhist
4/7/2018 09:18:52 am
PLEASE IN THE NAME OF RAS TAFARI: Since you are not mentioning any non-heretical Buddhist movement that accepts souls, I take it that you agree with me that there are no non-heretical Buddhist movements that accept souls. I fail to see the contradiction between saying "simply because non-heretical Buddhism rejects the soul" and asking "Do you know about non-heretical Buddhist movements that accept souls?". The question was simply a polite way of asking whether you had any claim (as opposed to mere insult) that would contradict my claim that "non-heretical Buddhism rejects the soul". I could have insulted you about your contradiction of this claim (which apparently you agree with), but I chose to treat you with good faith and politeness (a courtesy that you have not extended to me). 4/3/2018 09:30:02 pm
There is an old saw that in comedy one punches up, never down. I have little to say about Downing because his work was not original even when it was new, and I have covered the same claims from the pens of older and more original authors.
4/3/2018 11:03:43 pm
Sounds like YOU know what "non-falsifiable" means.
An Anonymous Nerd
4/4/2018 07:15:01 am
Well-said as always.
Only Me
4/3/2018 09:06:18 pm
>>You didn't read any of his works, but immediately you are an 'expert' on topic.<<
4/5/2018 04:12:36 pm
Bonus points to you for using "≠" instead of the the bullshit "/=". What is wrong with people? This is one of my pet peeves, in fact I am a peeve rancher (free range) and volunteer at a shelter for rescue peeves.
4/3/2018 09:20:37 pm
I subscribe to the thought that fringe theories regarding god, ancient aliens, race and religion - especially the bad ones - are expanded, distorted, and copied or plagiarized and perpetuated by the delusional and disillusioned, ad nausea !
A Buddhist
4/7/2018 09:31:19 am
Jason Colavito: I am sorry to have to bring this to your attention, but the commentator PLEASE IN THE NAME OF RAS TAFARI, on 4/6/2018 05:19:39 pm, wrote to me: "You are a self-contradicting idiot. Have you considered honorably making suicide?"
4/9/2018 11:33:40 pm
You know I have lats of experience correcting OCR having done a couple thousand pages for my own book. I'd be happy to take a hundred pages to help.
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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