Kathleen McGowan's Legal Headaches; Plus: Aliens and Anti-Semitism at "Veterans Today" Magazine2/22/2015 Regular readers will remember Kathleen McGowan-Coppens, the widow of ancient astronaut theorist Philip Coppens and regular History Channel commentator who believes that she is a lineal descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. McGowan-Coppens (who also goes by the un-hyphenated name Kathleen McGowan for some purposes) made an official statement on her Facebook page yesterday afternoon claiming that a “delusional” author named Suzanne Olsson has been stalking her since 2006. Olsson accused McGowan-Coppens of plagiarism of her own work, which advocates the nineteenth century hoax that Jesus survived the crucifixion and traveled to India. (Given that Olsson’s work is inspired by Nicolas Notovich’s 1894 hoax, I’m not sure what was “plagiarized”!) Olsson has filed lawsuits against McGowan-Coppens, who claims Olsson files suits in faraway jurisdictions or when she is out of the country in the hope of winning a default judgment. Olsson claims that she won a default judgment against McGowan-Coppens in Los Angeles and is actively asking for help to find the author in order to serve her with papers so she can place a lien on McGowan-Coppens’s property. McGowan-Coppens denies that a judgment has occurred and claimed there is an organized group of haters who are conspiring to attack her: The final thing you should know is that there is a small, venomous, and prolific group of anti-McGowan zombies out there who stick together, And Ms Olsson is their leader in the war against me and my work. They are a sad little group, and the saddest part is that they are mostly women who are angry because I did not in some way approve, validate or acknowledge their research, their claim to be the true reincarnation of Mary Magdalene, the lost Queen of the Bloodline, the official Grail Child, the rebirth of Salome or would not endorse or promote their self published book or terrible tarot deck (which plagiarizes my work and not in a good way). McGowan-Coppens, of course, believes she receives special communiques from Mary Magdalene, her ancestress, so naturally I can only conclude that she must be the true Queen of the Bloodline! I have it on good authority from the One True Napoleon at the local loony bin, though the One True Cleopatra is not so sure. On her Facebook page, Olsson disputes McGowan-Coppens’s version of events, writing that she is not a stalker and has not engaged in the harassment McGowan-Coppens alleges: I never stalked KMG [Kathleen McGowan], nor harassed her in any way. I never contacted her publisher with death threats, although I did contact them about plagiarisms and KMG's allegations of threats made to them. In our court documents back and forth for the past 8-9 months, they have no records of me making threats, harassing anyone, or threatening anyone in any way. But this is not the only legal tangle involving McGowan-Coppens. Peter van Deursen and Anneke Koremans, a married couple from the Netherlands who were friends of the late Philip Coppens, accuse McGowan-Coppens of failing to pay money she owed them for running her Magdalene-Cathar-Holy Bloodline tours of southern France, where they now live and run a tour business. According Van Deursen and Koremans, Philip Coppens was paying his wife’s expenses from his own accounts before his death but did not finish paying for the last five tours before he died in December 2012. They say that they approached McGowan-Coppens, who refused payment. The pair have a GoFundMe page in which they are asking for €5,500 to help defray the costs of suing McGowan-Coppens for the €22,000 they say she failed to pay back after they covered the cost from their own funds. The two allege that McGowan-Coppens claimed she did not have the money to make good the debt, and they outline what they see as her extremely lucrative lifestyle, paid for by the fringe history industry, including the rich payout she received from her husband’s estate and the home she and Coppens shared, which they claim is worth $1.6 million. Van Deursen and Koremans say they will have to sell their house if they do not win the lawsuit and recover the money. But enough about McGowan-Coppens. I also want to share a wretched article I read in Veterans Today magazine. This publication presents itself as an independent journal focused on military affairs from a veterans’ perspective, but according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, it is actually a hate publication with anti-Israel claims about Israel masterminding 9/11 and anti-Semitic Holocaust denial claims. The SPLC describes the publication as “Israel-bashing mixed in with some bona fide anti-Semitism.” The journal is particularly deceptive because it cloaks its hate in the American flag and features genuine information of concern to veterans and links to veterans services, all the better to lure in the unsuspecting alongside the sympathetic. Does it surprise anyone that the magazine also ran an article tying Israel and international Jewry to ancient astronauts and the Reptilians? Preston James, who claims to hold a Ph.D. in psychology, used a recent article to discuss Stephen Greer’s Disclosure Project and the earlier claims about the so-called Majestic Twelve, and he moves from contemporary Reptilian (or “Draco”) claims to the ancient astronaut theory, positing that space aliens were in control of Babylon, infiltrated world Judaism, and through the Jews gained control of the global finance system. Just look at the number of paranoid conspiratorial bugaboos packed into just one paragraph of James’s article: The incredibly Evil Alien ET group with which these Rothschild Banksters have aligned themselves is alleged to be the much feared Dracos who have been reported to be Cosmic Negative Energy Parasites who feed off of painful human death and acute human illness with great suffering. These Dracos especially relish child sacrifice and any mass human sacrifice caused by plagues and or staged, engineered wars and love to make humans sick by poisoning them with toxic additives and strange stealth viruses added to vaccines. James claims that the aliens worship Satan and that Aleister Crowley was the first to learn that the Reptilians (Dracos) were in control of the Greys when he met a Grey inside a pyramid and named him Seth.
Oh, and as for these aliens in league with the Jews: They are analogous to the Watchers from the Book of Enoch, as evidenced from their propensity to mate with human women and produce offspring: “Some say even that top Dracos males have even bred with humans females to create incredibly evil, two-faced individuals who are then placed in high government positions with great authority, a good outward persona but filled with instinctive Draco evil.” James explicitly follows the so-called “Serpent Seed” theology and argues that the “Babylonian Talmudic Jews” (as opposed to the “good” Jews) are the descendants of Cain, whose father was Lucifer, not Adam, and therefore are soulless and inhuman. The remainder of his article descends into rank anti-Semitism drawn from centuries of European and American conspiracy theories. His views are strange hybrid of The Two Babylons, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and Twelfth Planet, wrapped up in the clothes of David Icke’s Biggest Secret. It’s pretty much the id of fringe history stripped of the pretense that the movement’s darker impulses aren’t drawn explicitly from anti-Semitic and racist conspiracy theories.
Only Me
2/22/2015 01:26:24 am
Not surprisingly, Preston James seems to have deep-seated issues. I guess it's a requirement in the woo counter-culture.
be nice...
2/22/2015 03:54:15 am
Streetfighter II is 2-D in its format and rather violent.
Only Me
2/22/2015 04:02:01 am
Let me help you out. Death Battle is a hypothetical match-up between different characters in popular culture, to see who would win. It's done by ScrewAttack! and can be found on YouTube. If you don't understand the joke, ask.
ascii is cool
2/22/2015 10:37:05 am
cooooool. it sounded
2/22/2015 02:21:50 am
Between the David Dees artwork and the content, it's like a condensed fortified version of five years of the Jeff Rense site.
Matt Mc
2/22/2015 03:41:51 am
I never read that Final Events stuff before, wow makes Ickes look kind of sane, hell it makes Alex Jones look sane.
2/22/2015 03:52:34 am
its a total sub-culture with a fringe that once was more
2/22/2015 04:01:02 am
In my opinion, the book isn't worth getting (I have purchased and read it). Go listen to Redfern's interviews on Binnall of America or the Paracast if you want to get the gist. He doesn't really provide much beyond the broader tradition I describe above (found in that VT article), certainly not anything particularly credible in terms of evidence (and he'll straight up say he can't, that he's telling what he says he's been told). Or you could just listen to archives of C2C and before that Long John Nebel (who himself ended up getting roped into this stuff with the whole Candy Jones business), where it shows up all the time.
2/22/2015 04:07:00 am
Alex Jones more or less believes something in this vein. He stresses that he doesn't necessarily believe the demonic angle, just that the globalists that will kill most of us and enslave the survivors believe in the demons as aliens (and the most common take I see these days, one reflected in Final Events and its discussion of the mythic PROJECT BLUE BEAM that is taken as gospel in conspiracy circles, is that indeed the entire UFO thing is being promoted as a face for such a take over in service to demons).
Only Me
2/22/2015 04:03:35 am
Does anything about this stuff explain the raging anti-Semitism?
2/22/2015 04:12:01 am
As Jason has extensively reported on here, pseudoarchaeology reaches back to the Victorian era for inspiration, and in doing so it preserves many of the flaws of protoscience from that period including a fixation on race (this has since become a major appeal of pseudoarchaeology, hence the revival of different versions of the Moundbuilder Myth)
Only Me
2/22/2015 04:24:24 am
So, another example of the endless recycling of bunk to empower the disenfranchised. Got it.
Byron DeLear
2/22/2015 07:07:49 am
Also, in the same way that fears of UFOs and alien invasion depicted in movies, etc. during the Cold War mirrored various red scares, the xenophobic perceptions of Jews and Jewish culture as somehow being alien and befuddlingly foreign plays into fringe theories which conflate different cultures with wild tales of reptilians, aliens, etc. It seems this kind of conflation easily occurs when stoking fears in the minds of the gullible. It confirms the fears and is reassuring as far as brain chemical rewards go. This morning Haley Barbour on Meet the Press said people questioning President Obama being Christian has nothing to do with racism. But questioning his citizenship or religion is exactly this sort of conflation driven by fear of the other which is illogical but rewards the conspiracist with emotionally satifying conclusions.
2/22/2015 05:51:10 am
Grail Child? More like Fail Child, am I right?
Only Me
2/22/2015 06:01:10 am
*In Paul Bearer voice* Ooooooohhhh, yeeeeeeessss!
2/22/2015 06:10:05 am
Maybe it's like The Chosen One or The Perfect Being. There is one for each age/generation :)
Titus pullo
2/22/2015 05:58:59 am
May e it's just about economics. This stuff tends to sell pretty well. Maybe some of the advocates really believe their theories but they all seem to have an I ate sense of cashing in. I get it. Most of us have jobs that sooner or later become dull, moronic, boring. Having a passion and being able to make a living off it, especially one where you are challenging all the do called experts in ares you were not gifted enough to become a professional in must be very attractive.
Only Me
2/22/2015 06:22:17 am
Maybe KMG *is* part Divine...
Shane Sullivan
2/22/2015 07:28:55 am
You have to appreciate that the James article makes perfectly clear which things we're supposed to be afraid of, by capitalizing them: "Evil Alien ET", "Rothschild Banksters", "Dracos", "Preston James"...
Only Me
2/22/2015 07:32:50 am
2/22/2015 08:11:44 am
You forgot the "Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) run by the City of London World Zionists (WZs) who use the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS), Israeli Likudist Cutouts, stateside “Israeli-first” Dual and Triple Citizen Traitors, and the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC)"!
Titus pullo
2/22/2015 10:29:47 am
Change Rothschild banisters to central bankers and you might be on to something ha ha
Shane Sullivan
2/22/2015 10:55:47 am
To quote a late friend of mine (who was Jewish), "If we have all the money, someone forgot to tell me!"
2/22/2015 11:07:59 am
"I must say I'm not sure how the anti semitism becomes part of some of these guys theories."
2/22/2015 08:00:59 am
There is a lot more serious scholarly work on these topics than spookyparadigm's comments may suggest (as I'm sure he is aware).
2/22/2015 08:06:35 am
Clarification: Stalinism and anti-Americanism are the two main sources of *contemporary* anti-Zionism. The debate over Zionism before the Holocaust and the establishment of the state of Israel was quite different in nature, though frequently just as nutty.
2/22/2015 08:30:19 am
Most of the antisemitism we're talking about here has little to do with anti-Zionism. Yes, the two get conflated, and if you go to places like Rense, you absolutely will see that. I would say that this is indeed one major element to broader conspiracy theory today, especially after 2001.
2/22/2015 08:40:44 am
You're right about "international bankers" and the Protocols predating Stalin, of course! However, I was speaking of their specifically anti-Zionist versions, which received strong impetus Stalinist (and generally early Cold War) propaganda after the founding of Israel.
Titus pullo
2/22/2015 10:43:05 am
The 1920s and 30s were a very strange time. Many american academic jews were stron supporters of the USSR and with many in the american left apologists for the soviets. Walter durant was one such person with his coverage. Once Stalin purged the jews from the politburo and tossed Trotsky out the jewish left started to abandon the knee jerk communist support. The American left went to ridiculous degrees when Hitler and Stalin signed their nonaggression pact to make excuses for hitler and scream for nonintervention until operation Barbarossa launched and the blitzkrieg rolled over the purged red army. for worse, jews got attached to communism by elements of the right and left which did play into hisorical european anti semitism. Now about secretary forrestal....and those crazy theories...
2/22/2015 11:09:52 am
"american academic jews"
Dave Lewis
2/22/2015 03:39:55 pm
thanks for posting the link to the interview.
2/22/2015 11:17:53 am
2/22/2015 11:19:16 am
"Olsson... advocates the nineteenth century hoax that Jesus survived the crucifixion and traveled to India... Olsson’s work is inspired by Nicolas Notovich’s 1894 hoax..."
2/22/2015 11:20:59 am
That's true - Olsson's take is not based on Notovich. As she keeps repeating.
2/22/2015 11:22:56 am
Olsson was inspired by the works of Gene D. Matlock - as Matlock has pointed out in one of his books.
2/22/2015 12:07:35 pm
Really? Which book is that? Also, Gene Matlock is a widely read and reliable author, whose words are to be taken seriously.
2/23/2015 02:18:38 am
One of my readers, a researcher named Suzanne Olsson, decided to go to Kashmir to find out whether I had written the truth. She intended to stay for just a few weeks but ended up staying years. Not only did she find Jesus' and Moses' graves, but she even found Mary's tomb in Muree, Pakistan, and the ruins of the home of Aaron, brother of Moses. She recounted her experiences in her fascinating book, Jesus in Kashmir, the Lost Tomb. (Gene D. Matlock, The Open Secret of India, Israel and Mexico-From Genesis to Revelations! pages 52-53, iUniverse, 2005)
2/23/2015 03:59:02 am
Yup. I believe every word this man says. 2/22/2015 02:06:53 pm
I know Notovich claimed Jesus was in India before the crucifixion, but if I recall he was the first to say Jesus went to India. All the later versions (combining elements of the Basilides heresy and/or Islamic view of the crucifixion) must therefore connect back. I guess though that her more direct inspiration would be Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who proposed that Jesus died in India after the Crucifixion back in 1899, just after the Notovich hoax.
2/22/2015 02:30:13 pm
Ahmad's version is explicitly and of necessity in disagreement with Notovich's. The former needed it to be compatible with the Islamic teachings concering Jesus (and establish relics and mythos for his cult), while the latter needed it to be compatible with Christianity (and promote the fusion of Eastern mysticism and Chirstianity).
2/23/2015 02:09:35 am
Olsson does not subscribes to Notovich, She repeats and believes in the claim that the remains of Yuz Asaf in the shrine of Roza Bal in Srinagar are those of Jesus of Nazareth. Because of these beliefs, held by Olsson and others, the shrine became closed to the public - an unpopular fact for the believers.
2/22/2015 01:05:07 pm
By the way, while Nicholas Notovich may or may not have influenced Olsson, he is certainly relevant to the topic of anti-Semitism. Aside from his Issa forgery, he produced another forgery: a lengthy Russian anti-Semitic treatise "The Truth about the Jews", which he claimed to have been based on a German original from the first half of the 19th century, which had allegedly become impossible to find because the Jews bought up and destroyed most copies.
2/26/2015 08:02:38 pm
As a research psychologist (Ph.D. in psychology, Indiana University) I have become more interested in the process of how these Ancient Alien nuts come to their extraordinary conclusions than debunking their conclusions. I mean, some of them are pretty smart and yet they spew out such unfounded, unsupported, intellectual garbage.
Tony Marino
2/27/2015 12:53:57 pm
I just read the "Veteran's Today" article and it has more bull in it than a cattle ranch. Much of this stuff is hardly believable. It's an idiotic mixture of anti-semitic garbage and stuff that looks like it was pulled from just about every sci-fi tv show,movie,novel,and comic on the planet.
3/2/2015 07:02:45 pm
I am Suzanne Olsson and I am responding to the article above that mentions me directly. I was Googling for something else when this came up in the search engine..Should I reply to you? Yes. I May as well. I was in constant touch via emails and forums with Laurence Gardner when he began assembling his research for his first book, "Bloodline of the Holy Grail." His web master lived in New Zealand, where I also lived at the time- and so we all became friends. It was Laurence Gardner who first told me that my family, the Des Marets (Merovingians according to him) were part of his bloodline theory- and his history. One of my ancestors was Godfrey, First King of Jerusalem, so that got his attention. And mine. history. He told Michael la Fosse the same thing..but Michael gave himself a bad name and brought shame to the entire desposyni-bloodline hypothesis. It soon became a laughing stock. In about 1995 through 1998 I also heard about an alleged grave for Jesus in India. I was retired, assisting the Red Cross, and free to go and so with encouragement from Laurence and others, I went to India with this long piece of paper with the entire genealogy written out. We all thought it was a good idea leading to a request to open the tomb and get DNA. No one had done anything quite like this before! Laurence Gardner was helping me in approaching National Geographic on my behalf asking for financing for me (in the form of Grant money). I never did get grant money. I could not afford all the travel and research plus the DNA tests so things floundered. But I had started out stating I was the 59th descendant in order to have a legitimate reason to open the grave for DNA. When I got to Kashmir and found other families made the same claims, I immediately dropped my claim and began promoting them for DNA studies. It just seemed safer for me under the circumstances there.. I did not want to draw attention to myself. Terrorism was just getting in to full swing in that region. Kathleen McGowan was on several Yahoo forums back then, including LG's Entropic forum. My work was discussed there and on my own forum. KMG knew that we were planning to release a book about the young beautiful Kashmir girl being a probable descendant of Jesus, real live Grail child. It would have opened the way to re-apply for the Nat Geo Grant money for DNA testing at the tomb. That's where and how the idea started and where Kathleen McGowan came up with the idea to announce herself the Grail child. I had published these ideas earlier in Thailand...I was warned to get the copyright date on my book as soon as possible. The first copyright was in 2002. But it was mostly a rough draft- not yet finished. A lot of angry letters got exchanged between me and Kathleen. She knew exactly what she had done. Before her sudden switch to Grail child, she was a hereditary Wiccan priestess and went to Egypt for translations of the Emerald Tablets (? or so she says ) she was involved with Linda Goodman and astrology- and that ended badly too.She claims her ideas were stolen and Linda decreed her the hereditary heiress to her astrology ideas..all arrived at through dreams about Linda...not based on facts. I only mention this to indicate how uncommitted KMG was to anything Magdalene until much later..until after she knew of me and Laurence. Now on to the tomb of Jesus issue. I did not know about Ahmaddis when I began. But I did know they were regarded as a cult in Sunni Islam. I could not make any progress if I was associated with them in any way. And so all the research had to stand on its own and be independent of anyone else's claims, including Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Notovich. I basically started with nothing from scratch to see if any historical evidence held up in support of the theory. I came away a believer, and that's what I wrote about in my book- the relics and scrolls that remain relatively unknown in Kashmir, plus a few family members there who believe Yuz Asaf is their ancestor.. This is why myself and those left in Kashmir felt deeply betrayed by Kathleen McGowan. They blamed me. I will now address something else written here- about the lawsuit I have against Kathleen McGowan. Yes, there is a very major serious lawsuit against her. I have already been awarded 2 million dollars from Kathleen McGowan and Simon & Schuster. The final judgement is still in the Courts- I am waiting for the final review from the Judge. Any one of you who can access Federal Court records through PACER can find the case. Kathleen McGowan made public statements that I made death threats and stalked her. She says Simon & Schuster had to cancel her book tours because of me. These are blatant lies. In the lawsuit I demanded proof from her or from Simon & Schuster. They had nothing to support her claims. She has also publicly accused Tim Wallace Murphy and William Henry (among others) of making death threats against her. It is the way her mind manufactures stor
3/2/2015 07:16:26 pm
Due to word limitations, I did not finish my post. but I covered most everything brought up by the others here..I apologize to Jason if I spoke too much. I just wanted to set the records straight on a few things directly related to me. If anyone has questions about anything I've written here, you are free to contact me by email or on Facebook..Gene Matlock has been very old, frail, ill, and blind. We never agreed on much, but we have remained dear friends all these years and I will miss him when he passes. Thanks Jason for your most interesting and stimulating blog...keep up the good work
Anneke Koremans on author Kathleen McGowan [Magdalene Series, The Book of Love, The Expected One...Unpaid Financial Judgment.
4/2/2016 10:04:26 pm
Anneke Koremens and her husband Peter Von Deursen won their lawsuit and Anneke posted the French judgement document to her Facebook. http://www.barinca-travel-and-tourism.info/DEMORIb.pdf ...sorry you'll have to get a translation--but suffice to say they were awarded a monetary judgement which McGowan refuses to pay and still denies to all her goddess minions & fellow Mag-heads that she owes or even lost. In one blog article: {http://www.legendsofthedivinefeminine.com/ } Kathleen says, quote: I "owe money to a business or businesses in France" - FALSE FALSE FALSE. My deceased husband's Dutch former business partners have attempted to exploit me and my grieving in-laws by demanding money in a way that, in my constitutionally protected opinion, can only be viewed as extortion. On the day of my husband's private memorial in France, two weeks following his death, they presented me with an invoice asking for money. They later submitted another invoice with his death date on it. Truly sick and sadistic stuff. Not only is none of this money owed, they have actually been overpaid by many thousands of dollars. They thought that by preying upon us when we were grieving we would simply pay them and not ask questions. Truly, these are the most despicable creatures imaginable, and now they spread the lie that I "am not honoring my husband's debts." This is a LIE. He owed them nothing, and there is plenty of proof of that, which will be played out appropriately in a court of law, and not on Facebook. If I had written them as fictional characters, no one would believe that anyone was this horrid. But... they are." end quote. Now..this is a comical Hillary Clinton-esque sidestep by saying her late husband didn't owe them any money...that is correct ..he didn't, he was paying her bills--which after his death when unpaid. The judge didn't buy it either--but good luck and best wishes to Anneke and Peter to recover their money...
Juan Valdez
4/2/2016 10:36:27 pm
Oh shut up Kathleen...The Courts ruled and you lost- , proving that you are a liar and a troublemaker..and this hasn't changed for 30 years. No one believes you anymore, not after years and years and years of these dramas with you....get therapy - get a real job selling designer handbags and shoes..That suits you better than pretending to be a real writer- script writer- historian, biblical expert- astrologer- "ordained" minister (an online certificate bought for ten dollars- we know who created it for you) Irish "terror survivor "and "editor" of the Irish Times ( which is nothing more than a one night bar schedule written in Los Angeles and printed on your computer at home) ..You need therapy and you need to leave nice people like Anneke and Peter alone- they are out of your class.
Casay DuHamel
4/10/2016 01:24:13 pm
I know Ms. Olsson. Her work is solid, she is published, and her theories regarding the Grail traditions are as valid an anyone else's. I know personally well known personalities within this genre, many appearing on the History Channel and Nat Geo. One thing these folks all agree on- Kathleen McGowan is a venomous liar, a victim of grandiose illusions, and a bit pathological. Thanks for the space. ;-)
12/30/2017 02:14:11 pm
This woman Kathleen Coppens is a total bitch. She thinks she is the only one who has ever written a book on controversial subjects. SHE IS NOT IN FACT A DESCENDANT OF JESUS AND MARY MAGDALENE BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD TREAT PEOPLE LIKE CRAP IF THEY WERE RELATED TO JESUS. SHE IS AS DELUSIONAL AS HER DEAD HUSBAND.
2/22/2018 11:17:02 am
I don't know anything about Ms.Coppens. Seen her on the show, Curse of Oak Island and maybe Acient Aliens. There is no way to prove that anyone is a descendant of Jesus Our Lord and St.Mary Magdelene.As far as we know Jesus was not married, and neither was his cousin St.John the Baptist. In fact the issue never even comes up in regards to the Baptist.Jesus was said to have brothers and sisters, and such are mentioned in the New Testament.St.James, His brother who was head of the Church in Jerusalem might have been married and also any other brothers and sisters Jesus had. In fact, somewhere, maybe in the Epsitles or Letters there was ir is mention of some roman ruler questioning these same relatives or their children. Or maybe it was in the writings of Josephus. 20/20 the tv show or Nightline did a show on the subject years ago., They spoke to the french gyspies which go to the Magdalen's shrine and who also worship there her handmaid, St.Sarah. Think it was Diane Sawyer who spoke to an elderly gypsy woman about the subject . This woman told Sawyer the whole thing was a pack of lies. Do I believe that gyspy woman ,yes. They have gone to the shrine for centuries and certainly would have their own story about this. Anyone can claim to be descended from anyone. I could claim to be the great granddaughter of Atilla the Hun. Now since my mother was a magyer as the hungarians call themselves, there might be some bit of truth to it.
7/27/2018 07:22:39 pm
...I am familiar with a few contributors from The History Channel during my time in the hi-desert So Ca 92252 area...back in the day...just say'n 'thank you all for your service and contributions...
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AuthorI am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. Bylines: New Republic, Esquire, Slate, etc. There's more about me in the About Jason tab. Newsletters
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